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tv   Early Today  NBC  February 18, 2016 4:00am-4:30am MST

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u.s. president been to havana. esident obama and president castro m castro mhis summer p. he said he was interested in viting ca before his presidency ends but onlyf there was significant improvements in civil liberties. well, national embassies have reopened in washington d.c. and havana. this week u.s. and cuban officials signed an agreement restoring scheduled airline service between the naons. anedruz and marco rubio, both ofuban descent, vocalized oosition to the pridt'tr, ving never to visit the island.
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donald trump has spd to sond plac natiolly hind ted cru according to a new pol just out. th coming just twoay ahead of the south carolina primary. a gid cruz talked s hally jason. about t new foulead. >>t's tremendously encoaging -- that's how you win. yogot to g to fst pceo ihink this is a result of a couple of things. one -- >> and earliern they, cruz to on trump direct over a campaign ad attacking trump as pro-oice. atmsnbc tnhall, the noba t-backing wn tru seemed less forceful about pursuing tca. w rtainly t mebody hest and when he says he's not pro-life, you can't say th.
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key indorsent. south carolinaovernorki hay. >> we say tha every day i a great day in south carolina. ladies a ladies and gtlem, if we t marco o, every day will be areat day i america. and that indorsemt was g blowo bushhoarlier in the dayoldbc news that getting her indorsemt would mean he woulduote hav to w a lot harder. >> seizehe's a very good governor an should i win there's a roll for her. she's a great pe. i'm disappointeshe didn't indorse me. >> bu'sr aother, thopul i ste, acd out to hailey on jeb's beha. and bush trailingruo. d n to the democra andhe
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pollin swing aead he. both scrambling pull i tes. and hiary clinton is continuing her message as the succr to president obama' legacy, contrasting with vermont senator's statements.>>y opponent has been quite critical oth esiden he's cal him ak. m unappallunologetic. i will take it further. >> and she was introduced b genevaother ofandra bland, who died in police custodyfter a trafficstop. >> horrifying loss ofhoseoulove love to something so senseless. we owe it to the toorm poliactice to make sure that no oth young woman like sandra bland ir pulled o
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thrown into a jail where shes found dead. >> sanders, meanwhile held events a events at moreuse callagend saying the's a crack clinton's fi wall. and he's responng to killer ke. >> he said michael, are you qualified to be psz of the united states. you have to be -- you he t yha rlectef soci juic >> a campaign oicia ss senar sande dsn't bieve th genr should b the rn to vote for or against anyone. that's the pnt mike was making. and just 48 hours away om the caucus us
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exclusive intervie with vice est j tonight 8:00 p.m. eastern many pacquiao ce a big by nikethey just aounced they' cutting ties witpacquiao after he called peopl in home sexual relationships worse than ims. saying man is worse than animals because animals know how to distinguish male from male. hecuenunni forhe cotrssena. nike iue atatentha idn part. the form the former boxing champi tweeted an ology sayge was so hurting people. apple is defending its de desion to not help the fbi
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belonging to one othean bedinoshooters. anddmeanwh meil accdi t u.s.a. today, experts s it was just taken i anfternoon to cree eoftwar toreak to hones. and aordi tocumen exclusively auired by roiders, a a chemil went missing and they
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dead checal weapon. >> we're aware of the reports that the may be a lost or missing radioiddioradioactive source in iraq. we hen'teen any information it han acquire by dash or any of theerroristoups ie reon. sandra o'connor says president obama s a responsibility toam t reacemt r leusantonial. eme supre court juice says quote i think we need somebody there to d the job now and l's get on with it. justice sten bar wouldn't mmt on the battle to replace scalia but instead remembered him as aecent man. >> i'd like to have maybe 15 seconds of silent for jtice scalia who was a good friend and
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it goi to a grayer pce without him. >> mewhile the white house has announced that the president will ntten the funer and ind, the prent wl pay hirespts tomorroen he lies in rese in theurt' grea hall. vice pde joe biden is scled to attend scalia's funeral. and the florida winners have finally come forward. they are claiming a 1/3 of t january january th ennings andntil yesterday, they didn't tell anyone they won except for relatives anthr finan advisors >> the first day i aived le to work they allsuspected i won. i had to say i didn't rcha akend didn't li >> a t decided oen lump supayment of 327 million$327 milon.
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th each be snding in florida. and ice jams, this one formed in augusta, cng the rir to re about 13 feet. ize jams usuly occur in early spring , nbc meteorologist bil kans ire. noallyhattas inarly spng thame it'seeling out spring time in that part of may? it jus means we've been on a roller coast rs what it means. we h the warmth and the cold and the warmth and the rain there' there' anoth huge warm up on the way. and everything is on the wes coast. heavy snow to mountains in california and aas like salt lake city. and it's goi to be very windy. with recd ghtemperates, dry conditio, you have rlprinet up where wre
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fis and we ve red flag warn from mexico to missouri and amillo, texas could be 85 degreestoday. iss we gohrghriy to ay, 70snd 80s. minnealis doesn't get many february stretches ofhree days in a row near 50 grees. that's happeni friday throu your weekend. and eventually it will trye to the northea and a clos looktour day ahd. so, thers that record high, 86 d 80 in arillo. denver is unusuall at 73. and mid-60s all the way through montana. mid-60s in mtana inebruary and that's little unusual. >> in nework it's going to b close to 50s -
4:11 am
there you go. annow good nsor menakinostine tdsertunit ani' so im nnta ts portunity dt. thank yo we'll calu. evenin fm noir ok atmosere...'re aoungarand and e trw.milk it. e tris allbout izing opportunit does y does your keup removertake it all off? every kiss-proof,cry-proof, stay-proof look? na makp rever does. it erases 99% of yourmost stubborma with oneowelet need any more proothan that?
4:12 am
hello hello myove!the flame is out... the fle is out moy atde... mother. o.on.e? the stove. it's not worki.mpllrowavele soups made for real, real life. (basebal (baseball on tv inackground) with heart failure, dang is always on the rise.mptoms worsen becaus heart ist puinwe. at flingoo out ceof peodi og whimpering)
4:13 am
talk to your doctor abhearfailure trtmenons.because the moreou k reely u are... (dog whimperg) to kee pumping. poperais just wrapped up his si tour of mexico las ght. the pontiff visited 700inmates at a prisoin juarez. and and had mass with pilim and vitecast from texas. and darrenent is being charged with koupts ofcounts o murder. he allegedly kidnappedhe ctimed insideheir me ole their money,d and set their $3 million hse on fire. and 43-year-old had been
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oscar-winning actss i 2000. in court he testified thatis ce letrs wer to ask for forgiveness for previous actions. d this mans being calle a hero. ne said had a gun and demaed oxy con. >>ust did something to protect my rlfriend. >> west pinned down the suspect until police arrived. the ne $5lion yea testosterone supplement industry justot a li. a newly publhe study found that they rucepressive walking. >>and the world's cheapest
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you ready this? st $4. 8 gig inrnal memy and a inch hd touch scen. still ahead orts, a ccer super star comg tgh in alutch and arc ral csh onob row. that andnd soup and sandwich and mewhe go, and clean and real and nowhere to be, and warm and looking good, and sandwich andoup an inside jes d dan is back! od, cleafood pai well with anything. thclean pairingsenu. 500 caloriesr less. at panera. fo as it should be. nothing seems to work. your hair is sg. you may ve inactivicles. reacvate them th women's gaine foam. the only onca datreatment proven to regrow new hai uto 48% thker.
4:16 am
and save $10. th is joanne is is joanne. her long days a hair styst starts with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to adthe aly liefof 2 ave with leno give umy 2 a r 6 nol? nthanks
4:17 am
4:18 am
> this mning on oe"tod"," back to fute fans rejoice. s,heeans coming back. find out h y get yournds on andgebaetball's migh fall again. texas tech wit an set again la. ey sle the court in a 65-63 trmph and is the third raight w ove a ranked team. next to penn state managed to knoc off theourth ranked wa. 795. anoheos sried cch cle opnumber0 veus number >>erso blocked. and duke is go tosingoingo win the game.
4:19 am
arondo who end his supposed smp ahe scores the winning al in ahaions league match. final sce, 2-0. just ead, t kardashian anave another numr one to bragabou plus, t price wight y're oking to save money on your medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med em. see the day to get more outof life and medicare part d. ju stch to walgree f savgs that'll be the highlight your day. now priew the st of yo copay before youill.
4:20 am
nothing nothing seems to wor youris stihinnin may inaive foicles. activahem with wen's rogaine foam. the ly once a day treatment proven to reow new hairs up to 48thke revive your va-vvoom. ansave $10. does the smell of a frhly und presentation fiou with optimism? do you love your wireless keyboard morehan certain mily meers? is your suesdue ailing system only younderstand? does printg fromour tablet to your wiless prier give you a jolt of cfidence? o, you maye gearric. someone whknows that the right office gear lps u do gre ts. and there's one place at has it a. ofce depffem. foea coirl makes flawss as on "tr... thre new trublenerprs and ths d truble mak
4:21 am
usew truen h d onrfr ey aufucoirl. at hillshi at hillshire fm,ce is the spicof le. that's why craftsm season evsausage perfectly. so you can cx out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire rm. because it's wortdoing right. hillshire tre a reas olow roey tare seconds after carving, wnot onlyeal everslice, we ubleseal i the resus are someing savor.
4:22 am
time now forintertamptentertaient ws. news. kendall and kylie's app went mber one. it'sfff big sis kim's mobile . kate middleton can noweditor to to h title and she was raisingawareness for mtal health issues. the pri is right, a gues won an aston martin. and sten col kate huon g hudson got interesting responses in a game. >> o ishe bck gole asks did mean rejected trump campaign slogan
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sa didou meanhe 16 prentiallection?nivea in-shower body lotion. fit i wash... then i apply it to my wetkin. itoiurizes with no stky feel. i quickly rinsoff. and i'm rey to go. nivea in-shower body lotion -- in thbo lotion sl noing seems to wor ur hr isll thinning. u may havenactivfolls. vate thewi women's rogaine fm. the onlynce a day treatment proven to reowew hrs uto 48% icr.
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plus... thcolorado womanthcenter of a horrifying crimfaces her accuser in court.. wh she's sayabout e
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good morning, thanks for joining us on thursday morning... it's february 18th. i'm dy kn... in for ira today. ani'm shellene cockrell. first up tmorning... we gave you the first ert about today's red flag warni-- as dry conditions and strong winds-- have created dangerous fire weather in ourrea. today's weat- also brings sky iving along e terstate. news 5'soanna wise is live in colorado springs-- joanna-- gusty wind could bextrely dangerous r truck iver odning.. today isne of thday where you ght have to ho o ur steering wheel a little tighter. and manyruck drivers might have to pull over the wind s get too harsh. we spoke with a training instructor at the us school of uck driving just south o founta, and heays the number one danger is rollvers.
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experience strong winds as colodo... area. if that's e case, they're advised to wait itutntil its safe to start driving again. metimes, the interstate will ev shut down for high pril vehicles. if g hit by a sudden css nd and if you'reot ppared for it, it canoll you ov. 60 mile an hr nd wflip a tractor trailer over noblem whsoever. adsory signslong the interste will warnrivers out hi winds. truck drivs will als communicate wi eacother as to what conditions are looking like. we'll contueo trk the latest conditis and bring you anupdates on air and onlat koaa dot com. repoing live in colorado springs,oanna wisene 5. anks joanna... the trial resumes this morning for the colorado woman accused of cut a baby-- out of a longmont woman's womb. that mother-- testifieagnst


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