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tv   Early Today  NBC  February 19, 2016 4:00am-4:30am MST

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a person who only think about buildi walls wherever theyay be and not buildingridges is not christian, he told reporters. just hoursearlier, the ponti was praying ang the mexican si of that vy bord. but e the pope wouldn't s who catholics shoulote for, donald trueclared tha his holiness suld pray its m. if andhen tatican i attacked by isis, i can promiseio apromise you that the pope uld he only wished andraye tha donald trump would have been esident. >> repter: anoer day, anotr controversy but sll no ear break inisppt. >> i think he has to respond. the pe'somingt hi >> donald trumps a good christian ristia as is the pope. reporter: south carolina is known for its religis bloc
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teoupport the lashree r presidts. > andater a townall trump turned to favore target, the media. oh the pope is a wderf guy and he made thstatement and i think it was aittle bit cer than warepoed by you folked folks in the media and speaking of the sofr side o campaigning, ohio governor john kash had aan saying h f he in god, his iends and now kasich's candidy but had one request o the governor. >> and i'd reay preciate one those hugs youe be talking about. >> nevada voters got to see the democratic candidates up close and personal last night on msnbc. they hosted a tnl to allow bernie sde andillary clinton to interact with voters
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the top sue, immigration. the candidates were questned on their puzishzositions a how quickly the cou imelement thr proposals. >> i'm not a dictator here. it has t do with a lite bit of cooperation with t congress but it i aajor priority when you have 11 million people living in theshads, i think owe it tohem. >> we're going to introdu gislatn. i'm going to calleverybody on e committee -- >> within 100 days? >> yeah, i'm going tontroduce my priority listion andhis is at the top of that list. we both had a chanco vote onhe mprehensive immigration reform in 2012 and i voted for it and senator sanders voted against it. >> i voted for immigration reform i 2013 because it was a much better pie of legislation. you know, it's not a question o being perfect.
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that had particular egregious provisions in it. >> secretalinton continued point to her cnection to both president obama and intos administration. and this drew strong reacti. >> hs attackedresident obam he's calle him weak, disappoiing. maybe it is because he wasn't even the democrat until he decided toun for president. well, it's true. i look at ourast two demoat presidents. re they perfect? no, no person is but tell you what i would takeither of them over any republica anytime, any wear. >> is one of the two democratic candidatesho actuly r against barack ama, it wasn't me. second of all, i haveord very closely with president
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he is a frien of mine. overall, i think theresident has done an outstanding job and the idea that the can be a primary where differentas geloated adebated, i don't think that's terrible. >> t remai in a dead heap ininto morrow's showdown >> a a tr hicopr plgednto the wers near the uss ari at pearl harbor with five people on board and it was there that nearbyonokers sprang to a. >> reporter: witnesses cou tell something was g. the tai was smoke a itickl descend towardshe rocky shore linehen t momen of impa. with ahoer sinking, several good samaritans plunge under the te the water to rescue the trapped passengers.
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pulled tshore. lea one sfeng critical juries, al rushed to hospitals by ambulance. e navy says the helicopter is owned by genesis aviation, the same chopper seen here before the crash offer aial trs of the arina memori sce 1999. the investigatiointo whatent wrong is derway witnesses say it's a miracle evyone survived. miguel miel miguel, nbc news. todayhe by ofustice antonin scal will lie in repose in th great hall ahd of his funeral tomorrow. and senator cz said he wil w attend after previously yi he wouldkipit. rlier he blasted president obama for deciding t attend. d jeb bush bke with republican leaders on the issue of wther or no president
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court justic >>robably would. i' an article two guy. i think the presidency shod - we should be respeculf the constiti >> and vice pside joeiden sat do with chel maddow. >> you n>> you never say tohe president for cerin you won't donythin but i have no- lo at me n -- i have dere to sit in the supreme cour ne. it would be a great honor but i haveo desire anymore than orge mitchell di >> who do you think the president should pick? 'm -- i haven even had a chance to sitown with him yet to talk about theotential candidates. in theas we lay all the pele, go out and survey little bit andee who wehink
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think have chanc of med. >> ve ident biden w b tendingtice alia's fural yesterday. and you c see specialoverage on msnb a 10:00 eastern. pope artificial ntraceptesould besed to preventzika, which i rpant in his native southamera. thisdespit theg standg ban on mt form ofirth ntrol by the church. >> a they captedideo oa fire firenado. and officials say apark from prisonawn mow staed tt aze. inss dramatic de of guard boat geg rd byt waves.
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co. it lksike the perfect storm. >> bve andwon. >> want to bring in nbc meteorogist bi karins here wi your friday morning recast a- >> weend forecast. 'relrea watchg e mperaturesoaring early this morning inreas liket. louis and that's heang for t ohio valley. enjoy what should be great ay in the middle of the country. on satury, 63 drk.c., 56 and from dallas toittle roc back to northern portions of mg mississippand alabama but the warmth is pretty much coast to coast. that's your national weather, w a closer look at your day ahead. tod in san angelo. ou be onef the warst
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yesterdawe had recorhis in denvern the 70s. you know, usuly you h t wait a while forempetu but we' take , e of february. >> i'm so excedoea t temperures b it's a iday so that ulde bn ha itself. amtrak retns t alabama for the firstim sce huicanekatrina. > plus 24, the candidates w thele privacy dilemma ile ents raided." doou love your wireless keyboard morehan rtain mily member is youess due to fing stemu unders? es prig from your tablet to your wireless printer give you aolt of confidence? ifo, y maye gearcentric. someone who knows that the right office gear lps you dore things.
4:10 am
, what g what's going on? toasr's broken which meanno eggo waffles. soing ells delicio ! l'eggoy eggo brkfast ndwich. it sweet, it savory, 's iyo micwa. l'eggo meggo breakfastsandwich. does yr ke remertake it alofery kissof cry- stay-pro look? ro makp rever does.
4:11 am
neutge. (baseball on t in bkgrounth heart failu, nger i wa orise. symptoms worsen because your heart isn't pumping well. (watilng rm) about 50 percent of peopldie (dog whimpering) within 5 years of getting se but there's something you cado. lko doctor about heart failure treatment options. because the more y know, the more likely you are... (dog whimpering) to kp it pumping. > the fbi sead the foia he of a relative of san bernarno shooter, sterday. at relat has not been chd wi a crime. the fbi has been tryinto p togetherha happeneafter the ng that killed 14 in dece.
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apple t help fbi hackinto farook's hone. ticook i figing back sing priva ccesere saers and hillary clint oke he issue at then hall. f course, lawnfceme has evy rson w t get in o o akiller's cell phone. apple undy is worried about opening door,creating what ty c incrtion that wonoju hao field rstrom the ited states government from c russi government. >> i bievee can fht teorm witht unining our constitutnal rights. and ethan cou iset to apnourttoy. a ruling keepiim i jenile
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whheould beetre o nt prison >>an virgin gacc is debuting it' spaceship angenaoliendaris hilton armo tsehaav already bought a $250,000 ght. and an upset in the dvenven,
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you give them a case ofhe gig. tylenol cold helps relieve yo wst cd usyto... yocagivehem evything you'vgot. tynol soup and sandwich and someere go, and clean anreal and nowhere to b and warmth and looking go, and sandwich and sp and inside jokes, and dan back! good, cleafo pairs well with anything. the clean pairings menu.500 cari or less. at panera.
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4:16 am
thi >> thiss veo from mobile, alabama, where a cheering crowd welcomed the arrival ofhe first amtrak passenger plane sieurricaatrina mad therack in 2005. daking 14 stops alonghe way to new orleans. an nascar kicked o with the daytona 500 and there wer scary momes during the races. jaime mcmurray attended to block joson an thatenis c bouncing off of kurt sch'and a fiery wreck. d therive are ok. > tba i bac in action
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shutting down the chicago llit the fourt straigh cavs106106 106, chicago, 105. >>and tden gofers are 14 but no nger. >> andhat willo it. a stunning upset athe barn. 6-0. 0. the turks went down -63, this despite the golden efers shooti only 33%. andlly, aportf a whole erent kind. . that' a 14-year-ol from a al egyptian town who's traini his dy to jum hurdles. the yog man works daily with rihann and all with a dre that he will o day workith es and i canmagine he i ahann recording at n. just ahead,hat new film
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plus the wait is over.
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long awaited blade runner series.ries. hello hello love! the flame out.. thflam out, tomorrowy attitude... your motr... antonio. antonio. que? the stove. it's not working. campll's microwaveable soups. ma for rl, real life weive you lief from your co &lu. yogive them a case of t giggles. lenol cd helps relieve
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tylenol (cell one ngs) where are u? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad w't cl an termator...can i callou bom? heay's personal is time... if youe a mom, yocallt e rst time. it's what you . you want to save fieepercent orore on car iurance u switch to geic it's what you do. where are you? it'serlo there aryou king a zumba cls? time now for someenrten on this friday and theait for lot of
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>>and see thamazing true story ofrack and fie star owens. and he fesff against hitler'sianrian army of athletes. now, folwing the sucss of petepaanthe wiz, theve nouncethei nextig vision liveusical will be "hairsay"hairspray live" dec17.we have toait see w ty wi cast. that het to be announ and remembe the swanky yw home in "the big leki bowskiill bn to the blic in the tu and idernet aew
4:22 am
e 1972 itn sd for 5400. d always gd stuffcah "e catch "ellen." and she went on an interting ip tojaice. >>an iut se f? than >> itour uth. and chew on it. [ applause thi i sogood ths sogood >> it's reay good, acally i feel l a dee in fore. these are myese are dsstd op i f t dsenty-four seven. i am the butr. ese do shed likerazy.
4:23 am
i don't ow w do. (doorbel what'shis? swiffer sweeper and duster this is ce and easy boys. it really sticks to it. it fitin all theight space threally great. does t familiar to you? m no longer the tler, i am just one of the guys. at's gng on? toass br. ich mes no eggo waffles. something el delious. eggo! l'eggoy eggo brkfast sandwich. it's sweet's savory, it's in your microwave. l'eggo my eggo breakfandwich. wi yskin coboce ck likitus to? neronaydro ost war l. wi hyanic id lumps ells w tehydratios it i r sulekin. hydro boost.
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, coming uon coming up ns-5-today... strong winds leang aath of struction in souther colorado... we have a update on all t damage as nd connues t blow today... plus... fire crews recovering after busy day trsdaacross corado... battleinseral fires fued by the elements... we have the lest... we'rstill windy, and the wind is keeping the temperatus from going colder than 40and 50s. high elevaonare reportin30s. day will unseasonably warm again, bute are not ing to break moreecords as we did yesterday. the wiill gradually subside this morning. highs will be in the 60s and your look ahrough is weekend isoming up in weather & affic the 5's. good morning, than for joing us on thisriday morning... it's february 19th i'm ira cronin
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it a fst alert weathay--th strong winds-- howlg across sern colorado rig now. of wind this is whatt looked like outside our 7th avenue studios in puearound 2 this morning. is nevideo showinone of ouparking lot signs-- whipping innd. daylight will definily bring a new ok at thdamage the wind left behind. news 5's joanna wise is in colorado springs-- where ulity ewwork to restore power to one neigorho overnig. strong wds proved to be structive across t pes peak region and up ute pass. we found wind damage ang ghy 24... from toppl treesnd tr the wi also knocked out por spligs multiple intersection on the highy. the owner of the "wines of colorado" shop says he's been
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winds lihis. he belies one tremely rong gust shattered the slidinglass doors on t fro of s sh. "welit jt happened so quick. we just dn't know what ppen. i me it was ju boom, a of a sudden. gust of nd. i didn't see any rocks o anything that went through t windows or anything." a lot of sma shops had to put up signs saying they were closing early becausof power outages and wi damage. weant tonow what it looks like in your neighborhoo... send us your pictures. you capost them on our fabook pe-- koaa 5 or e tm to my-pics@koaa- docom. and course, we' continuto ack thlatest cditions and g youptes air and online at koaa-dot-com. reporting live icorado


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