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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  February 19, 2016 9:00pm-10:00pm MST

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banned, is seven miles of unspoiled white sand, unspoiled houses, unspoiled ppl too, most of th when yocome across the brge, it's a whole different life. i an, yh, you just come across the bridge a it's like ah. >>t is. >>eporter: and re is whe shfound herlittle paradise too. came all the way from germany for it. sabine musil-buehler. and whether they called her sabina, as some did, sine, they all knew her her on e island. r than lifrson absolutel d the minute yomet her, you i mean, she was just one of those people at you wante to get to know better. >> reporter: andven now, loing back owhat happed to sabine othe awful mystery. it st doesn't seeossible, not here. >> i mean, nothing happens o this island > , i me, this islittle town. it's sweet wn we don't velike that ppn here. >> report: no, and certainly
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here, crazy thingshappy things. here at the '50s motel she bout and imagin along with to bhler, the man s mri within two wks of meeting, her partner at haley's motel. longtime friends nan ambrose d suzifox. >> it had always been her lifelong dream to have her own rer and hale's came on the market. and at the timet wapretty run down. and we were like, oh, now that's you've got yr hands full here. t -- >> she needed tom.>> we knew that tomld do an, if anybody could do it, the two of them could turn this around. >> reporter: , d they did. tom did the fixing, sabhad the ideas ey invited the wle town to thir quirky events, thr drs-uparties. >> helloe to motel. please joi me for a tour >> reporter: this is her with jacamoher ever-present parrot.
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promoonal videos for the hotel. >>well, iope you like ou omso far, wh alou actiities woffer y you won'spd too much time in er>> rerr:eighbor barbara hines. >> sabine never saw something at had a brok wing that she didn't try to fix. >> reporter: sabine was a rescuer. people, cats, gsturtles. whezi fox ok over tnna mariau- nestles are a very big eal here -- she asd r help. tom and sane were i th my fourth volunteers. and there's nine sectionsn this island one mile long. and thesaid they'd take as many aeeded toe them. >> watchehewith auge leatherback in the water. >porter: bonnerjoy owns the local newspaper "the islander" >> unfortunately, e atherback was missing a fler and heswamn les. so hpt cominthe beach.
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wiouao thoht. ans was up to here, tki to the turt'face, keheuld tell this 400-pound ture tourn around, you knooril himo. >> reporter: o you get the ea. >> e as just azing. i mean, e just was onof thospele that ar about evybdy reporter: like ncy ambrose, for exampe, when she wa battling cancer and nobody would give her a job becausef her demanding treatment schedule until the day she met sabine. >> you know, i explained what my situation was. she's like, gat. that's fine. on, on to work. an i wasike, reay? and i was -that wasne of th hast day of my lbecau here she was giving me a chanc >> reorter: so sine ha passions. anils, her motel, her white pontiac nvertible, and in 2008, a new passio-- campaigning for barack obama. an uhill batt on this predintly republican island
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ceainly up for a party. she'd arranged to meet nancy, in fact, in what they hoped wou iotory cbration. > e was sto eion. e w soxcited. she wantedba to win. >> reporter: strangthen that whenancy aivedshe couldn't find sabine. >> and thought she h alrea le because i the la>> repter: sabin husband tom h been erearlier, too,but withouher. still, nancy dn't worry. not then anyy. >> it wasn't until a coupleays late thai reized s was missing. missing. >> reprter how was it possible? the woman whooved to cebrate didn't. the womanwho lovedo talk calld none. the woman o lod her motel suddenly wasn't there. sabine w
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ubl, her car wh someonelse at the wheel. >>ags started gong o. >> who was this m dri >> she would have driven through ery rough area, and it ju to my hae sh was carjked. >> we dot even know the tth.don't even kw the truth. ba da ba ba come on! don't drop your phone, op younetwor brg your phone to cricket wiless we have more 4g lte ve natiwidehan mobi or sprint.
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...or inging, blisters, and pain oh fight it! with jublia! now that's a red carpet moment!
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vit ouwebsitfor savis on larger size. th >>the air was someho different otiny anna maria island tha november of 2008 not just beuse obama won the ection,ut usbi ml-ehler,hon and only, was not arounto celebrate.
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not with her pets. t at h motel. >>heould ner, er leave her animals. s would neverever not go to haley's to work. mean, at was hebaby. >> reporter: then, two days later, 2:30 in the morni, a seedy neighborhood acoss the bridge on the inland. a patrolman pulled over white pontiac contible with a burned-outtailligh as the c approachethe car, the iver ran. erwas a ldhase, but ty caught him. his namemewas robert corona. and he had astory, said detectives jeffrey bliss and jo kenney of the manatee county sheriff's oice. >> mr. cona's orinal story iswas doing crack cocaine with the owner ofhe car. >> and it wasn't reported stolen. >>eporter: did he sahe knew o the owner was? >> yes, d had permission to ha thcar. >> repter: but whe decves checked the registration, ey learned the convertible bonged
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>> he's a known stet inal i mean, he has a lgthy arrest history. >> reporter: and they learned from sabe's friends at there d to be something very wrong th a story that had her doing dru and drinking with aelon in a smoky bar a seedy par of town. >> she w never buying drug. i mea she wonoevenllow peoesmeunher. shwld n leoe oke at haley's motel ppey. >> reporter: really >> i mean, not even in the rooms, but on the property. i mean, she was -- >> reportr: she was kind of a heh fanat. >>he had a private -- a personal trainer. i anshwas very into health. >> reporter: so they arrested coron installed him in the county jail and ithe morning drove over to hal'sotel to talk to sabi's husband t. and? tom sa he hadn't seebine in a couple of days. headn't filed a msi persons rt but did after policcameroun what was he like? wh was your impression oth gu >> he was concern for her
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e wn't anerhephone. he dn't finr. >> re: and soelse. according to tom,ine never let anyorive h car. now there was a stol c, a missing woman a anown crimina not adding up to a good combination for sabine. >> flags started going off. and sho thft, detectives srted geing invold as a miing pe case >> rporter: but th it got worse. en detectives went over the car, they foulood drops the ba se. a patchf e rer seatad be t out. they spredminoarou, found more blood traces on the reareat. now, sabine's friends, like chris tlette, were horrified. >> sthen we thought, oh, my go, itwas him. hed her. must have killed r. >>reporter: so now itasa homicide investigation. detective jeffsscided to pay a visit to corona ijail. >> pu busess card dow on the table a slid it across, d weaid we'reomid
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th isn abo an ao tht. weeed t theth awe need tow now. 'ke, hey, i thing to do with any murders. andhenchanged his. reporr:orona's new story? ever met anydy named sabine. just fod her car rked behilace caed t gator unge, a not extly upscale wine. in a jailuse interv corona aimed it wajust crim pouny. >> youidn'tsee anybod gh, did >> i didn't see nody insid he car or arnd tcar. so th's wy i ded toake car. >> okay >> you know i go inside, see the keys. so i'm like oh [lp you know what i mean?>> mm-hmm. >> and joy ride, you know? >> so the vehicleas left, like, somebo wanted it stole so he just took the lerty of ealing thatar. repoer: was the second story any more true th the fit? the local paper jumped on al th, of coue. a bonner y hed a lot stoes.
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who speted that sabi mighte go to town to go to an obceioat was being held wn the ar that she would've driven through to goat pay is a very rough area and that just came toy nd that maybe she'd been carj >> reporter: certainly, someing very bad must have happened. somethig maybe that happened i hecar. so was corona their killer? r was he finally telling the truth that he stole her car outside at bar? but if that was tr, how did it gethere? and where was sabine? coming up -- could t be sabine haplans no one knewbout? this fre spiritply skippen? >>there were two women who were athe sarotairpt d they were sure that they saw r up aead in line, you kno get on to anirplane about a ologic...
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is is humira helpi toreeve my pain and prott my further damage. this is ming me rer more. doctorve been prcribing humira for morthanen yea humiorory ults it targe a helps to block a ecic source of inflmation that contributes rsytoms. mira can lower your ability fight infections, including tuberculosis. seriou sometimes fatal fections and cancers, cling lympma, have hned, as have blood,ernd nervous system problems, serious allerg rctions, and new or worsening t failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you'een to areas whercertain fual infections are common, and ou've had tb, patitis b, arerone to fections, or have flu-like sytoms or sores. don't start humira iyou ven infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. n ybody help u (eo) n't go it alone. (sding thrent's d event sears' eerts will help you save 40%
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and ve 20% or more on hot buys fromther tbrands. sears. housexperts for home owners. meet the piana the newest aitn to oli garden lunch duos menu ired with your choice of unlimid soup or lad starting at just $6.99 thk of it as a quesadia th sp fluent italian ole garden ,, wassup wassup? i'm hannibal i'm gonna ussamsunpay to get a katz's di pastmi sandwich. (katz's employees) he!! hey what's
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you me like apple pay? we don't got that. no like samsg y. kind of works everywhere. even on th janky old thing. hets to pa with his pne whadda ya want hanbal? i want to y withy phone. dot look at the cames mi. you ready? it doesn't wor watch me. boom! oh
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t it waa time on anna maa is what ppenedsabine? when they found her car there was ood in it. and the felon whd stolen it kept channg h story. so the logical conclusion was dark indeed. still, she cold have just gone bak to germany to see her family or something, right? >> righandhere was extensive les and invesgationo determe that >> reporter: in fact, apparently, sabine had beeneen ive and well at the local irport. her friend chris tollette heard the story. >> there were two women who were at the sarasota airport, and they were sure that they saw her up ahea line, y know, to get on to an airplane. >> reporter: but whe detectives
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>> her pasport wasn't used. that chking surveillan cameras at sasota bradenton airport, ampa airport m re that she dinot lea the couny or flt. report: a coupof weeks went by thay. lots of t. no verht. d theninal they got the a back on that bloodth car. >> we were able get r toothbrush and some other personal items for a dna comparison. >>epoer: yeah. >>nd we were able to match hauathas,n fa, he blo. >> rort: hehbandomtold a local ne reporter he w prar forhe wstrom th first morng when he was told about her car. >> the second i knew whethe police told me that they found her car without her in it and withe keys ithe car, i kne bine was no longer with u inew sethihad enor immediate. >> rorter: so, ok like this guy cora might be the hook for murder.
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well,vidence didn't exaly jump out at them. ut who else? had sabe maden enem when detectives started looking at her life, they had to cast a wide net for peop she associated with. after a, bi wase a magnet. everybody wanted to go to her vish parties. >> tre wawaitlist t get on her party list. >>xatly, exactly. >> rorter: she couldveitr pyittl aniand. >> e omoresual thins,ed se people that she knew from germany who painting.that, that ble that nudbody painting on anna marie island? you can't dthat here. >> reporter: but sabe diwhat hado bdone.t can be a tougbusins runng d oming aite ldotel. debts are fat, margins thin.
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sabine and tore in trle. neighbarbara ne-- the reaestate market had fo. i ow from sine, not from tom, hat ey were ghly, highly hhly leveaged. >> pase lle for yr reservation. >> reporter: and while sabine used her marketing skills to tr to keep the motel afloat, she tom couldn't do same for theire. af more thacade as huand andif they re that in name only. t whathey did notdo w divorcor divide up th siness. >> ty were always still good friends, very good friend i mean theyorked well together. porter: romance pt, the marriage part seemed to wh? >> the romance part kind of >> maybe roman changed. >> reporter: it certain did. as the detectivecouldn't help butcover, tom andbine had taken upith other people, both them. he with a woman he known quite ahile.
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worked at e motels a handymn. d then the was the matter of theife insurance. how much did he ta out bi's life, the cops ke $0,000 said tom. despite what was apparentl an amicable breakup, pele on ann maria iand uldn't hp but nd about tom. re than a f, saidabine's frie > l olehring spectg hiinayust beusth di't know. >> reporter: photoapr jack elka did promiol tills or the motel and bame good friendsithom and sabine. >> the was o evidce found. ere was nnothing. so eerything was spulative. who did it? 's a who did it. this is rdys prns. >> reporer: t s. er sab sh f the earth somebody set re t
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open ust goincan this get any more bizarre? >> reporter: whawas this all about? >> we just didn know. >>epter:dead or alive, whe was sabine? coming up -- sabine husband, that $100,000 policy wasn't theholetory. >> it ca up later it was $300,000. >> money a motivest maybeealousy? >> he had caught them ha sex in omhaley's motel. es yr caet ever el roughnd dirty? n't avd it relve it. our foula with apecial nditioningngdien soenurarpet with every use 's rol, soou know it cleans anfreshens. but alsften resoe. a caet tt welces y. and cleanet mses,
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hello my love! thame out. the fle is out tomorrow my attitude... ur mother... antonio.ntonio. que? the stove. it not working. campbell's microwavele soups made f real, real life. ,, use o fr use defr na36f is tre a cpromis therks inhe staoff beeen apand e fbi,.oveor del softwto ck t-phonesed byne of tan bero oors rtase ard wiome w guelines.thaey belve wi satis ale claimhat is vern overrch. stger and toght aten,...dona p has w plhimsf in
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ome ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the tohing of haley's mel he in na maa, flida,urned t to be as tractable a mystery t disappearance of sabine. what they did kw was it was no accident. this s arson. andt started in a uilding beside the main hotel structure, a building th once served as tom and sabe's living
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nobody wasurt,appily. but there wee questions. was it psonal? an attempt to destroyvidce or at?arod to speopwoed omomngo dth othediissed atjust plaonnse. photrapher jelka covered the fire for the isnder nepaper. >> that's when the myery reallystarteto, wow, another element of this zzle that -- epoer: yeah. whwoul somebody do that? kind of bizarre. >> reporter: sury, it had to havemething to do with atever hpened toabine. why would that placeurn down? somebody w trying totroy somevidence somethi >>it was aory. wen't suref sometng happeed there d then s burieomewhere just dn't know. >> rrter: mons nt by without a decent lead. though it was not for lack of tryingto one. specially where their insti were telling them sabine mit be buried.
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>> we, whenever we would have a break, we woul t here s very spot. we would stand here and review the case and nstorm the reporvegeant ney and his partner jeff organizing searcs on the beach.looking for any area whe ground or e whe sand beach ed disturbed. >> we tooker ds, walked themd do theeach weund-penetratin radar, checked various ts on the beach justrying to find skeletal remains. reporter: to no avail. and inovember 2009, thfirst annivery of whatevr it that happened, on the beach sabine loed they had a little memorial. hbanm tossed a flower wreath in the surf. >> there waso hope we knew. she w ge. she wano lonal >> reporter: but apparently th life insurance company wasn'to sure. and right around the time of
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beach, t went to c thfirst st tget that money wasn'it tomhoettioned the court declare her dead? >> ye reporterif s clared dead, he gets lot of insurance money. > >>eporer: get the ownership outright of th motel. >>orrect. >> reporter: yes, that. fny, tom hadd he detectives be he'd held a ,00 $100,00policy on se. t when he filed papers t cre her deit turneou there a second larg life insuice fort to menti >> it came up later it was $300,0.>> reporter: the revelation made thewspaps. rneys for thinrance company arguedhat under florida law sabine had to be missing leasve years bere s c be de and any insurance money paiou alt the hngeporters noiced an unusualup of
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oceedings. >> th whole back row sts s ken up by sherf's deputies. a if they weren't ierested in what tom had to saye e company, why werehethere? >> reorter: but tom was not successful. >> ey denied a death and tom was denied the insance. and i could see -- >> reporter: and that aig story. -- how ey io y a death certficat there s no body. orter: by then the poce new corona didn't kill sabine. a barmaid at the gator lounge was abltoonfirm the essentials of h stor he s convtedf ca theft, not murder. and dei kenney,ho as an island cop had known sabinand m for yea, deded hav anher trmuchlose to ho. he aked tom for any deil, no matter how small, that might take the investigaon beyond the conjecture and whispers of uspicion floated on the island breeze. >> and he weninto a whole backgrounirrtp, their marriage, and how it
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>> reporterhow did it disintegrate >> he told me that they just slowly, you know, like grew apart and that they stayed toge bause they were very good friends and they owned the business together. >>eporter: but -- and this ed unu hihey stayed married, they moved in with other people. remember,n the year before sabi went miing, tom start ting a new wom andabine took up wi a handsome younr mawho onceord at t mol.hine wabill. bill cuer. >>he man was very crismic, drop-dead gorgeous >> reporter: ten yearsyoger, in ft. sine was 49 billwas 39 and verdifferent rom tom. tom, anwhe, was still sabine's business partn thre things got a little ce one day tom found sabine in a room in their motelith her new
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>> he hadaught them having s inoo 11 at haley's motel. but he sad it wasn't a jlousy ing. it was a ckf spect tha you know, having sex wthis ife in the hotel room. >> reporter: not jealous? mabe. still, tetectives knew tt sot of thg could very well drive a person tdo terrible thgs. so tom and bil d one them hm sa they interviewed bill e rst time back when sabine's sten car was foun learned th in 2008 they started dating and eventually they moved into an apartm geth. sabineold fries she'd t the jackpotith bill. friends like joyce lathrop. >> she even had his pictin h wallet. a she w soroud that he was so handsome, and i can see where sh w heaor heels. mybe thiwagoing to be
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theywere going to ha a wonderful future together. >> reporter: the last time bis frie photographer acelka saher shwawith ll. jack h neret him befor >> she came over to me and ge me b ks and hug andyo know, how are you? and she troded th man to me anhe ook my hand. hey, jack. you ding, ma long time, n see. and i'm looking at this guy, inng le i don't really ow this guy. >> reporr: the question was, di anybody kw bi? >>cong up i ink t the world's missi somebody scial. emotion frobill, a a surprise from a strang. >> he saidyou have no idea what u've just done.
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a ilpi l mbld sugar.but it didn'get me to my al. i ask my do abouctoz aivioza wksdiffently thanills. d comes in pen. victoza is proven to lorood sugaana1it onca y, tim ct nowehts, buit melp yolosee ht.vioz wh blod suin ws: he sto, thver, pancrvo: vict is antableescriponedicine thatay improveod sugardults wiype 2 diabetes ensed with et andise. it is not recoded as t firstedn to t dia anould notusedle wi te 1 diabes orbetic ketoacidis. victozaas notn std th mime lin. via s nosu ot tviaf yovea pealfamiisto edry thyroid ca,
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whe > hen sabe disappeared from anna mia isld on econ nigh2008, dettis ok good look athe twoen closest to her. the esranged husband toand thboyfrie bill cuer, with om she ling the time. >> tycally in any missing
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>>porte bill gave etecv his story of what haened the night she dippeared. sabine le t place aund 10:00 p.m.he sdintending to go to that oma victy rty. and the next thing hknew, detectives were at his door lling him they'd funher car and there was blood inside. fedays fter that, bill told his sry again to a local tv porter. >i thinit tredy. think i thi the world's missed somebody -- somebody special. >> reporter: he told the reporter helamed himself, in a way, because sabine left after they argueabt his smoking. >> now feel responsible r her leaving, leavihere afar s wh happened after that, i have no idea. >> repoer: the detecvewere sy lookingt records and discovered that bill once spt
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t motel. d tom and sabi wt to see him prison, sent him money, wrote to him and herote back. >>and you kn, tom, i, just throwg them aw. but she stted writ him back and trying to help him. >> reporter: sabine and toms romance cooled, her letters t billheed up. bill was released onbation in 2008, sabine was wng for him. sabi friends, however, did not she r enthiasm for bill. >> ty didn't want him to be arou her. they pretty much said, if yore going to come, don't bring that guy. reporter: but it was just they saw something off about him? >> yes. that,ou know, she did not. >> reporter: no. sabine s a you, fit, tistic n whoust needed a break. bill as somhing an amateur artis though his sketches didn't em to amount tmuch.
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help bill jump-s h carr, to get his atwork soldnd maybtart uodwng business >>ad set him in a odshop, bout all his tool >> orter: and around town, they certain lked like lovebirds. still, two weeks after sabe vanhed, the detectives asked bill to come in anothe interview, and that's when he told them about the argument. >> we goin verl dispute nt -- she left. an i d't- honestly i had no control ov where she gs what she does. >> right. bu you guys we n ia physical alrcation? >> no. we nev had physil altercation. >> reporter: budid they push him? d thechallenge him? yes, ty did. >> where did you dum her a thisoman you love smuch sheeft i n't --what youean dump her i don'-- >> so you dped her. >> i don't got nothing to do wit --
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>> -- happened that ght. no. >> you h nothi to do with what happed to her after she left? >>o. >> reporter: buttry they might, bl cumber did not crack. so ey sent him he. t kept an eye on him. what mde you thi that he was e guy ho would ha killed her? me, they were going out togethe >> we kne that they had an gumenday at least one. >> porter: was therany other evidence at pointed toward himbesideshat? >> not uil he vated his apartment. >> reporterwithout sabinto pathe rent, bill was ected. and the detectives got per misson tget in there tout de suite. >> the fst time i entered the apartment, it was a heavyheavy scent on bleach. >> reporter: wait a mute, how long afr? >> rporter: and yet the smell of bleach was still strong at that point? >> yes went in and searched it. evidence with dna. >> reporter: whatid all of th s to u? somethinbad happened right there. rportr:utilld the detectives that ince
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be nccuhef reanth tey bils a onthdrs seat of sabine's car, but he told detectives sh let h drive it. >> we knew that no one, even her husband w not allowedo drive h car. >> reporter: but then ey looked at bils hand. >> he h an inry on hisd at was consistent wi a friction burn that myself had tten wh we were outere digging test holes. >> reporter: just from the shovel? getting it on the pf your hands >> yh. just from shoveling. >> repor: bill said he fe ff his bike. andhe more detectives looked at bill cumber, the worse it loed for him. the reason he d time in prison, for example? he was convicted of arson. >>e was alous girlfrien paramour. d -- >> they had a argument d he tri to burn the house down with her andhe ks in it. >> reporter: it turned out e haley's motel fire w intenonally started with accelerants.
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anhad traces of accelerants too, but that wasn't enoug to makease. so didhey arrest bill, charge him with murdering sabine? no, they not. no-body casewould be very tough, aid the prosecutors. e' proof the woman was en dead. so theetectives turned up the at. there's always somebody ocking at the or, i want to talk to you. i want to talk to you >> we had a legitimate safety concern other resints, esifhe, you know, wound up getng with another male. >> reporter: and bill couldn't take it. he left anna maria island, left the county. unfortunate for him, that was a probation violion. bere lg, bwaa whle tdectivep looking for sabine everywhere no trace.
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she disappeared, a man n ed mo w clearinbrush inront of h e on the island rig xtthe beach. >> and underneath a log there was a kindf a all purse. >> reporter:ookestolen, sa hehod it to deuty. > and his eyes g reallyig and he lood me, he said, you have no idea what you've just done >> reporter: it was sabine's rse. her driver's licenseonfirmed . >> both >> both of us were obsessed with thd know knowe did it. >> reporter thing kenn thadn't dit. remember, se people on the
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tom, but prately dettives had lng since cleared him. >> could tell that he didn' do it. but went rough the st and we alibied him and did, you know, everytng thaneedeto be toakre >> rerter: apparent, his attempt to cash out the insurace pies squickl w jusa tter ofinancial survival. >> i would never thought that tom had anything do with this. hat's why i felto brenhearted. >> reporter: so with tom in the clear, detectives consulted with other jurisdictions on how they handled no-body cases. up all the forensic and circ eidence and finlyhe prosecutold them ty were ready. in 2012, fo years after sine vanished, bill cumber was indicted for second degree murder, but it was notoing to be an easy case. >> obviously, edence that goes with body, you know, cause
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we di't havat. >> reporter: and whatould it take for ay to believe handsome ll was a killer? comip -- a nal clueeads deteives back to the bea a puts a trial hold. hd beryquitbit. twas t firste that i've evern him emotional.otional. they start. abdominal pain.iarrhe prescripis a newd eatmentthat hve iaheaandominain spts. anfaxaworkdifftly. arescn biicth as inn ege ot xanvea hi sensitito rifaxcin antibiic a or any components oftell youor right aif your rhea wor ile takiaxan, this gn of a serior even fatal condi.tell yorf yove liv
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e the y crea e amount of xixan in your body. ll your doctorf you are egna, pl on bemingreant,orre nursing. thmo commo de effectseandn ea in liv enzes. youhinkou have ibs th diaa, talk t doc abnew xin. for the 51 million of us who may need a differe kind of underwear, th is depend silhouettective fit. it's slim and smooth so weing it is no big deal. gea free sample of depen at underwareness.c are you powed by ptein? milk has 8 grams to lp give you energy to unleash your potential. t ery day with milk's prein and mi le. pet moments are beaul, unss youave alrgies. then yr eyesay st diffently. only flonase is provedo relieve both yourtchy wary e and congesti.
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which will be starting sn. he he days slid by rather more slly r billumber. back in prison on a parole violation and under indictment fomurder. but heidave visirs. detectves nnek and blis. both had mov on to oth cases, buthey still made time to pre bill toomclean. >> ed four or five im up where he wasin prison and tried to int him >> rter: would he say? >> say he had thing to with itor didn want to talk tos. >>reporter: of course, they didn't believe that. thdetecves were surel had kill sabine. and they had offer he couldn't refuse. >> we got the blessing of th state attney to oer him a deal. >>reporter: the deal? tell tecves where to find e by in echange for a leer sentence he makes a atent, i'll take my chances with jury. the hair on my necktands up
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ateme. annnocent man ll y i didnt dot. >>eporte bilwille taking his chans so. hitrial was just a month ay. so detectivespproached the one pers who maybe could psuad bill to take the deal. >> detee bliss actually took the dense attorney into property office anview all the evidence. >> reporter: the s sabis lood theouch, cumber' hand with those blis tecves bieved came from buryig her. d the evidecen her car, the cut uolstery with her blood and bill's dna. >> i think theyent to cumber d said, you kno we're going to have a tough time wih this >> reporter: ety soon prosecutoart brown got a call. >> i receid a feer from . cumber's dense attorney he mit be interested in an off, 2years in prison if he told us the lotion of sabine. >> reporter: what do yoknow? bill bi on october5th, 2015, a beaed
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to second degree murder. then heat down tonswer questions with a tape recorder rollg. what was that interview ke? >> ilin >> reporter: according to bill, the argument aut smoking was just part of it. e badart ard, h sai when abe told himhey re done. done. so sabine thinks shcan't on with this anyre. whatappened thapoint? i lo contrond i hiter inheead withy st.isa sgustintuion, ma. >> wt's her action toeing struc >> se gets scared and she covers her facwith her hands. >> okay. anwhat do youatha point >> ieached and grabbed r throat and startedhoking her. >> reporter: he choked her till she stoppemovi, he said. sh nev fought back. did he seem remorseful?>>what. i mean, he wasneary-eye he wjust kd of getti it is ch ildn't believe at
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stewn at h andll things -all kinds of tngs were running throughy mi. i dn't beeve hat i d done. >> reporter: hsa htook a sht f the d and rolled her up in it, waited about an ur, dragged her o to the car he hern e backseat where she ed on the place heut the upholsry and then he ove tohe beach to bury her. >did you bring a shol with u? >> ye >> repoer: on the way to bury her, he s a shov fro haley's mote and thener he buried her, hesaid, he ovegator loun, ft thkeys in e car hoping somebody would ste i. then he took bus back to the landna tll back home. >> thought he minimized certain aspects of his involvementn thmurder. >> reporterminimiwhat? >> he sthat it was just a split second moment of insanity. i thinthe wa aitt mo calculation than that. >> reporter: after the
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bill in his car a drove to the beach. th,cuffand g ons, hehuffled dowa lo path alace on the sand whe he often sat with sabine this where he brought her dy. >> a spot ey used to sit ou all the time, right down the roafrom hales motel, and that hburied her on the ach ther repter: rht here,here he andabine came to watch the sunset. >> right he? which wa did you put her in? >> heread was here. >> reporte detectivebliss mapp the area out wi tiny yellow flags. >> how dp as t hole? >> about four feet, four or fi feet. reporter: and then the dective gave bill an oppornity, whether he deserved it orot. >>ant to take nute? go ead. i tolhim if he wanted to say a prayer, hcould.
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teary-eyed and emoonal, and he apolo apologizedo her. i walked him bacto the car. and he just asked me let her family know thathe was a very good woman and she didn't deserve to die. and he was very rry for what he hadone. d he was verotion and crying quite it. that was the first timeny alings with him that i've everseen him emional about what he had done >> repter: once he left, a team odeecves a t medical examiner dug slowly, careflly. and by the of the day they had found what was left of was that like fou aer ho year of trying to nd someing and faing? >> were elated. me and my partners. it's a sense relief. closure. >> reporter: billumber was returned to jail ands now serving his 20-year sentence in
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>> lot of people probably aren't happy wh the 20 years he got, but you kn, they're not part of the faly that s o l with i ould he have goen lif absolutely.>>eportee sergeant kenney is retired now and detective till doing homide cases. tom buler, who lost both a aneoved andfor yes, good retaon, s tried toove on. he remarri now and is still running h boved and restore haley's motel. it's a busy plthis time of and in place of sabine's little promotional videos, here's tom. >> if you're coming to an mia island anif you want to e olflorida, you can either drive around anlook at it or you can stayere at hey's motel and experience it. >> reporter: and up d down t stres of anna maria island sabine's friends remember. >> m so blesd that she w in li ever th amount
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and i think it makes me really apprciate each and every day even more beuse it can be cut short. shor >> reporter: even he in this ttle r littleemnant of paradise. thatall for this editio of "dateline." we'll see you tomorrow at 8:00, 7:00 ceral r the "dateline" saurday nighmystery, then agai suny 7:00, 6:00 ntra i'm leer holt. "wre excited becse we li get o and go riding. and it just makes is nice extension that y get get out d get good miles in." aseather warms up we're gettinwo that a stretch lar sps kingnd bing trail will soon reon- news five breaking dn the planto folks back on the santa fe trail. first aler5
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colorado sprin,..newfive tangn indepth look at how many strains of medical marijuana are affected.. and what those who use the medicineeed to know. good eveninghanks for tching news five at ten. i'm rob quirk. and i'm maddiearrett. inor lisa tonit. w at t. an indendent arbitrator has rulethatolorado springs ci cocilwoman helen collins, ated the city's of hics. llowing up for you. colls was accused of engaging actionshat ma ve created, or cat t appearance of violating the city's ethical standards in regardto a real esta ansaction involving do bruc a week long evidentiary hearing was ld last month. today, hearing officer boyd boland ruled there waslear and convngvidence she violated the policy. boland ruled thenly punishment, is aorma reprimanby council. ds not rry the ability to fine oruspend her. also new aten---
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conditon of man hit by a car on south nevada tonight. is was near st el southgate rd. springs police say the man w ossing the street... when he nto trfic fr the mean. police say the driver is coopering with them... and s not intoxicaded. new at t one of the springs most popular trails.. could be reopeng soon.. a stretch of the santa fe trail has been closed since of last year when hghtened curity at the air foe.. combined with d dama.. closed off access to about six miles of the til.. lsey kennedy jois live tonit,.and certainly great news for trail users.. so many le a missing bei able to use the reh of trail.. that el pasoounty communy rvices tells me they've be meeting with the air force weekly.. making reoning this section of ail a prri.. walking ts "we're excited because we like to get o and go ring. and it just kes th nic tension that you get get out and get go miles in." "it's just a really good trni trail. i'm a coach, d i ach a
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ail a nice de place where ey can runs a group." elated tealevels os s mile sttch t nta fe trailhrough the air forcacademy in may.. freque trail users saoied ever since.. ually he stae, at least week. we vary between north monument vaey and woodmen valle we like to run north when we're able to, whi hasn't been for quite some time yet." "i've been kinda bummed thate couldn't, especially this wint because it's a nice flat trail, i was kinda bmed it was clos for the winter, b i'm ready foito be openeck up." but walkers.. runners.. riders.. rejoe.. the trail will reopen sotime inate spri oeay mm.. "can't wait. we're here today running south and can't it for the day we can go north, stn e rt and joy the open vista at the aifoe." the county's direcr of unity services showed me h they're menning with the air force to keethe base secure while civilians usehe trail.. theyr'e gettg to work onew signs with theumr foaf security will be posd ou ery mile..


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