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tv   News 5 at 10PM  NBC  February 20, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm MST

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me athatire onor carson. thildfe sparked near the intersection of wright and dooliton monument's southwest side. is view fromhe north shows the oke that was visible throughout the tri-lakes region. fortunately, firefights were le to get control of the flames within minutes. there are no reports of injuries or damage to homes. up ute pass, an early-morning fire destroyed a home along hiway 24 near cascade. itappened arnd 5:3this morng. the home was fully engulfed when firefighters got there. firefighters were le to get it under control, but not before guttinthe three-ory home. no injuries were rted and firefighters are still trying to figure out what used it. new tonight... a disturbing mauling case out of stern el paso cnty. the elaso county sheriff office says four chiren were mauled tonht bthree great das tonit at a prorty in rush. we're told a woman took her five kids to her ss' property to check on the propertowners' horses and great danes. here's wt ties say
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"i know thathe did go into the ba to chk on some of the dogs, the children we out of h sightand when s cam out of the barn, she heard the reaming and saw four of her five children ing mauled by ree great nes." we're told three of the children were injured badly enough to require suery. the sheriff's office iworking with the pikes peak humane society to determine whether any charges wi be leand what will ultimately happen tthe dogs. so new tonight-- the fin gitive who cut off his ankle monitor earlier thisonth is w back behind bars. 36-year-old "dennis simonton" was arrested this afternoon in denv witho incident. the d-o-c says simonton an31- year-old "sl jones" are mbs the 2-elen ew, a whe supremacispr gan jones is aeady back in custody. now to youection watch a the south carolina blican pmary and nevada demoatic caucus. the wiers tonight -- hillaryinn in nevada, donald trump in south carolina.
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jeb bush. n-b-c's "steveandelsman" hasthe laterom columbiasouth carolina. nats: trump in 's the secd victory row for the tional repubcan frontrunne... donald trump'sirst in the south. s/ donald trump r presidential cdidate - : "when you n s beautiful and were gna startinning for our untry / but,theyast their ballots, mainstream repubcans flocked.... to marcoubio, powering the 44 year old'somebk fr 5tinew hampshire s/ mcoubio / r presidential candidate : -40 "tight here in south carola, the message is pretty clear. this couny is ready for a new generationf conservatives to guide us into the 21st cenry." ted cr kept his spot in th top tier of three s/ed cruz / r presidential candidate :44 - :52 "we're the only campaign that has beat and can beat do trump." jeb bush finished far down in
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with a parting shot s/ jeb bush / r former presideial candidate :57 - 10 "we p frd detailed, innovative, conservative plans to address the mounting challenges that we face because despitehat you might have heardideas matter, policy matters." inevada ... llary clinton lost her once-big lead inhe polls but still s/ hillary clinton / d presidential candidate1:15 - 1:28 "i am soso thrilled and grateful to all ofy supporters out there. some may have doteus but we nevedoubted each oer." union leaders pued a big democratic caucus turnt... which lped nulfy bernie sanders' late surge. clinton cos here for the demoats' primary next saturday, the presum favorite. as republicans leaveere head to nevada for what's sure b a fierce fight beten cruz and ruo ... and tr m steve haelsman i lumbia, south caroli. now ..back to you.
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rm ohi supporters ts evening in pueblo -- thent just wpped upbout ahourgo. our kelseyennedy is there now. lsey, you spoke to supporters there tonight -- what were they most excited to hear aut? a lot of them arlooking forward to sing thdemocratic party unit.. they think thinkillary can do that.. and then work with republicans to get things done in thwhite house. unit.. they think tnk hillary can do that.. and then work with rlicans to get things done in the whit house.. a li o the door to get int the pueblo convention center to hear presintlinton speak.. heli the c.. comiff of lls win in nevada today.. enuraging colodans to caucus on march f. president cln talked abo
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number of iues facing our country right now. calling her the best change maker he's ever known. no verbatim other popular topics included hillary's plans for immigration reform.. creating jobs and clean energy.. rerm there wasn't much the former president didn't speak about.. the sse that really hit home for manyonight was americans ed to stt growg togeth. president clinton is in southern
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hel be campaigning forilry tomorrow aloollege in coprgs. in pueblo, kelsey kennedy news 5 thounds turned out today to bid rewello supreme court juste "antonin slia," who died this weekage 79 drapedn an amecaflag, the casket of justicscalia was tan into t "basilicaf the national shrine of the immaculate conception" in washington. more than 33-hundred politicians, fen, and family came to pay their respects, including his fellowupre cot justes. vice president j ben cam to president obamwas not ere, but id tbute to the justice at the supreme court yesrday. scalia son, the reverend "paul scia" delivethe mily. sot: rev. paul sca jusce scaa's n :43 - :48 od bssed dad, as is well known,ith love for his country. scalia, who died last weekend at a tes nch,pent nearly the decades the natios
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e reins unr fire ithe wa of thsan rnardino attack, refusing af-b-i request r helpecrypting the i- phone of shooter "syed farook the balance between cuty and privacis at the core of the spute.yestery, bore giving ale oppounitto rndo eir ial motionfedera prosors fileother on, arguing a judge should force apto cog fa'sin response,pple called the order predent that c the ivacy m the governments now attacking apple's motives, saying the refusal appears to be based on its concern r its business model and public marketing strategy. wel continue to follow this case f you following up tonht... a teessejuvenile inmate ught on video utally attackina detention officer has been found dd afte llg mself. -year-old "jeph frchused the porcelain lid from a toilet tank to beat the 60ea old guard bore stealing a gunndointg at
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thisappened last night. thofficer sustained some major cuts and bruises, but was released frothhospital this morning, french was fnd dead in some nrby woods, havinghot himselin t head.he been in and out o junile detention at leasfour times prior. a housfire near kansas city is now the ene ofomide investigion after four bodies were found in the rubb of investigars call suspicious. the fire burnethe hoe to the ground. investigators say they found the bodies of two women, but that the bodies of anher adt and a by cannot be identified at this time. the fire was repted la last nighwhen neighbors reportedl hed explosions. a reminder oe again that police in pueblondolorado springs are warning about i-r-s tax scammers. we've be flowi this story for you abt claiming ith the i-r-s inrder to extort mey. those who receivthe calls are threatened with jail time an lawsuits for unpaid taxes. we had dozens of calls into our
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the i-r-s rns - they wl never contact you likehis. if you get a call email that seems suspicious, the irs toerify whetr or not is a sc. leads in pueblo met todaon their weekend to mulover seraprects in the city. ty council memrsald out a wide range of topi, inuding the ise of trash in the streets. at's a story we've covered extensively for you here at news 5. alsoiscussed, e proposed x cefranchise agreement th wille put to voteron in pueblo today, a neighborhood mting for people who live in the mile-wide smelter superfund study area. neighbors we invited to meet and talk about the future of the southside neighborhood aft contaminatedards are caned up. ilto come... the battle on blake. faet their first-ever taste of outdoor college hockey as d d-u faceff at coors field. we'll hear from the fans and
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that's right we have been dealing with dangerous fire conditions all week with low midity a gty winds now seeing a little reliefs we head overnight re moisture in the air and winds
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calmed down a t tempatures will be a few degrees cooler overnight than we have seein the past week clear skies will allow for quick cooling. low's night will be in the 's and 3s. a cold fro wl be opping through the region sunday and bringing changes to r ea.this will be a drier front not rely bnginthe ance r rain or snow b highs will be coiderablly cooler than the
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40's and 5s ahead of the front. a secondary cold front will drop rough the region on moay evening. wamring again ahead of tront the 50's but g changes after itov through.monday evening we will see a rain snow mix across the regn starting in t late eveing. accumulations at this time are ct to be 1/10h to a qrter oan inch. sn cou continue through tuday th hhs oy inhe 'snd 30' tart warming a dryg out
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could see a return of 60-70
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w informatn tonight in that huge rock slide in glenwood canyon. c-dot said tonight that i-70 in the cany could stay closed throh e weekend -- and possibly longer. crews are working toepair the damaged roadway while also bringing down oer dangers rocks fromhe hillside. baweatr has been hampering their efforts. damage fm monday's slideould hit 5-million dolls. detours around the slide take sevel hours to complete. the "btle on bke" took over coors field toni the usl baseballield turned into a hockey rink as colorado college and d-u duked it out ifront of more than 30- sand f crowds pked in to get their chance at seeing outdoor hockey live and in-person, with the
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caughup wh so tiger fans who s they just couldn' stay ay fr t outdo valrgame oh yeait'sreatit awome. weamout early to g a g lo at the ice. 've been wonderi all wee how theyuilt it,t's imprsi. 's awesome, i'm cited fo it. 'rmaking history so m ad cc andu are thfit es, even before the avalanche!o it's kinof a proud moment for us. fans certain enjoyed it,ut how did the ayers handlehe outdoor ice? we'll have more from them coming up latern sports... grant? t code hir madeht but cwoulhaikto b the rit deit...
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we wrahe battle on blake sure the spectac sure the sctac of playing outdoors is cool... but in the fro othe cc players minds... they gotta beat denver and snap th ling re. the very fir outdoor college hoey game colorado histy... ors field lookin every b t
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deer got it gog rs.. passcross e crease.. cc cole caill trs to cle it t spsaschli nema and thatthe rtst goals othe nigh.. take send look. less thatwo nus lar. pi's sikagain... collintaub collects e pa hindhe net... sneaks it past neha and its twnothing thened of the first period. conderio.. rsd ne.. mt. maccaskill dring to the net... he fires thione past the deer kper. 2---1 en.. and e ers vee atheend theerio d riodid tm fs foback gam deercoretwo als les an two mutes. ain. denver win 4-- in e bale blake.. tough loss for c---c... their fth in row.. matt prichard joins is from coorfield with a wrap up of hothe tigers lt tonit.
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to call this one a battle. d-u hathis in hand all night long, but that didn't ta ay from a once in lifete experice on e ice. take pkg itertalyasn't wh t ttige h imind.
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it's methg ecial. the big questions, what now for the ? femeft in an overall disappointin se says, they htoh stng he foures lt to get ready for that playoff and we're going to go on the road and two ome. 've to ge back to g the way we kw w to play. take le thgers will t e chance to do just tt, nt weeken the road at ami university. diing nighut let me tell you, sta lot of fut here....can't wait to at the n-h-l brings to thistage next weekend. at crs field, matt prichard news 5 spos.> avalanche will be on thae neatren newsin edmonton right tied at 1 in the second peod... look at e passing... matt ductyson barr t in f. 2 nothat thendf 2. third od andrie
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3---in t third still going...stiladin r foe ho iidtonit nst ro mor falcare onire now...hnny--boe wihe first goal forhe falco... thcond oe thir s la er baslights lamp fo r force leg two nothina the struck two mtimes before t nigas over.lcwin 4--1 ove morris.. lock up a tournament spot in the at hockey tourney tough season for air force basketball so far... good news... they are playing their best ba the season right now falcons going for a fourin in a r at today.. trying to avenge an ugly road loss to new mexico earer in the season lobos with tons ofnside presence. give a go to 32 r the dunk... and then auge three to put them up nine.. eilaest lead of the game. the second half waall abt haydenraham...
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jacob van .. st t tip of the ice be.... hit the triple from the wing... dn score aine inin the rshalf.. s onire in the second... new mexicoouldgo awa.. elijah brown for three in the rner. bos 3.. he finished th 32 ints. but an etional gram would not be stopp... heost s grd mother fday night and ayed on to... scored all of his 21 points in e secondal air force win 76---72... urth straight win at he yoknow tyhey read it every day anthey s w lost ve weve lost six they see thatnd they were putti toouch pressu on themsels and we had to relieve that pressure and talk abt someer things and theyve been resilient and came back and worked thru. you know weve bben prettgood in the monthf february, right?! maybe we should start in february? taps desk n we work that out? taps des c--s--u hostinwyomin the od... and this wasifou are a m fan - csu 14 at
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jo ams for 3 for wyong... he finished th 37 points to ad allcorers.. sh libman added another omin.. csu made iclosater... bueyad npunch. wyominwins 84-6... thwbs 5th raig border war n. state wrestling wrpingp tonit... pueblo countare champions toni.. e 4-a own wento the hornets thr first in schl histy... ning goingway 203 ints. cheyne moun... mesaidge and puebleastll roundi out theop five in 4- discy canyon s turner nohes s third sttitle... ing t a sior in style. tkoaaot com for more info on tight von miller is everhere right now... ta ima mater texas am against kentu wen overtime and last seconbuzz beater aggielanvot help but celte..
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ttemperatures will ba fe degrs coolervernight than we have seen in the past week clear skies ll allow for quick coing. low's nighwill be in the 20's and 3s. a co fntill droppg through the regi sunday and
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hundredsf people a dozens of brewers rned out for th12th annual fiin rendezvous at ywild this afternoo bristol brewing hosts the annual evenand it grows eve ye it's aioto benefit the colorado brewers guild. the cast conditioning of beer is a tradiobrith e ofreng twas born from tse w led above tir
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,on the fox business network,t's the sixth repuan debate. [ cheers and applause ] hello, and welcome ba. i'm fox business rock star
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>> a i'm mar bartiro. a minder -- we've lost a few compitors sie thla dete, withnly vejoing us tonight, so remember, candidates, if at any time nit yo poll numbers drop below 3%, u wi hear a loud gong then be escorted off e stage li showtime at t ollo at which poi you'll take a seat ithe auce nexto that sweet rose the rolinas, senar lindsey gr the xt queion isor our front nner, dold trump. >>hank you, maria tony romo. >> mr. trump, since the last debated uz has pulled ahead of you in iowa. it trueou've started tacking m because you see him as a threat? >> frankly, maria, i gladeveryone is talking about good friend, rafael edwardo cr. people a coming o me a
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he can't be president. his mpaignillegal." their words, not mine. >> donald, this debate abo natural born citizship ijust political nonsense. clearly i'm not canaan canadians are well-liked. i am not cadis are rugged and outdoorsy, where i, self, am mostly made of pudding. cadians are genuine anwarm whereas when i smi, it looks like i'm peeing. >> a right, govern christie, if i ask you a question, do you promisnot to turn your answer into a tirade nst prenobama? i pmise >> how would yhange thx k a is wor president in histo! and when cis cistie is president, the first thing we will do is kick yo rr en out of the white house, buddy! >> well, whoever is elected president, obama will be
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itil thendhi >> uh, yeah, 'cause m nna nd him packing, so... e'll already have packed and left because his term will be over. >> yeah, well... [ cckles this xt qstiois f b. >> it is? wait, i'm sor. no, i'm wrong. it says ted. d cruz. >>wwww. >> mr. cz, you sgested mr. trump embodiesework lues cod you explain what you mn byhat? i tnk most people kw exacy what n york valueses are. anfrankly, they are not the f the country's values. instead of celebrating christmas, new yorkers celebte a pagan holiday called festivu instead of watching erican foll, they challenge eac other to masturbatn contes. in new yor people don't say hi to their neighbors. they say, ello, newman." >> sounds like youe ri


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