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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  February 22, 2016 1:05am-2:05am MST

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l,nds teth ect > an hernncar the ad a cseunde shroud. rates throu thegyercastthen, thed clringmuy o sd an d away from ehole word, for their nts as ifyldand innt oheceor tfaurki out ther in the rk. what a way to beg aove ory, the hot air balloons the ma soloved. thclesnhi
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dier their own special place, rest ltonrk, atlanta, orgia. >> i knewm bh verwell. they werd atascth l sco tha gogl >> both of our son were cub scouts. >> with kids, boys especially, they were naturals. >> stacey was a bl o er.fullf ids, wld literally ag us to things the -getter. >> and wlsoalled h ma speeecau everything thathe ho be laidut in seadsheet. nene shewas. >> scouting isow bill fanning got to know tm too. ichard was goomotivated
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- motivator, and i saw how much fun was having and got involved my e. >>heas den ad. >> sas pretty goodith the kids to yh,he was. she and richard worked well ther >>s they did with her three sons. greg was surprised,e tto himlocally kids we. tughere chilen becau i looked like that. >>he waye treated them. >>oh, ye. >>o when richard offiall optedhe yngwo othe three boys,ousinonni was thrill my hrted.iehas t b in e w topt t ki, because h loved those chilen, and those cldn lodm. >> rhardimsecho the beat of h own drum. >> broth was always a big kid.
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suit a tieyp peon. he oout and about. a very gd athlete. >> kind of lik a pdip this e. he would rleskate with ,r thr aallith us, . our cool uncle. >> no wonder. not many uncleake tir niece an nhew for a re in a hot air balloon. >> i could bel see ove the edge,t w just cool seein just ski andloudsll aroun >> pam martin was o his oon bdies >> people would figr him, could have richard today. he was just the best crew person. we liked to be ound him cae h was very eccentric and funny. >> stey. >> she was friend, nice, i ked her. >> a happi blended mily.
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a matenance manner but remained the main caregiver for the ds two of them together were, people noticed. >> they alws gav eh other kisses, hu, so ty smed wondful together. >> a of which may explain why on valentine's night 2010, richard and stays eeidednday t spealla here in the woods. >> wha happened was shking course understatement h county 9, at theess. , m god. please, need help right >>he voicen t11all was ey's, vicf wharhahere w herhud,rid. had aiv there firstand when s ghe ter,e ing ok gro
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name i scey schoeck. he' bnat ee shot he is dead. >> the hall cysherif gasvae't, akdiad ver. t'se of nowh s that creates spia dark t you c't priatentil the. >> detective i anxpernc man, and this tssone. >> oneth very fewases t more i dughe lsense i ma. othing made sse about this. aurde souddend sbrutal, w a rbery gone d? th igation wastbenninwhen w come bac -irecks hatond to
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>> ss impressions pasver tse thass back overichard's. at ls us t er be ard. >>tad be theil the deo ride a se money.o sa ney wi himotorcyc insurance geicothere's no shame in savg de on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, grt rates for great rides. ,, oh my go stephanie, we're li so gh. (knos on door) ney? i'm dying myair mom. ha dye? it's just pule.
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kill 99.9% of germs d destrogrime. with scrubng bubbl 100% problem solved. living well yo iune system works hard to keepou on top of your ge. you can support it byating healthy, drinking fluids, and getting some rest. and you can combine these simple remed with airborne. no other leading immunity bra gives you more vitamin c. plus it s a speciay crafteblend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. so when you nt tsupport your immune system, take airrne, and y ving wl. is clean was le, pow! it added this other leveof clean to it. it just kinda ke wipeeverythi clean. my teeth are glowing. th are so white. i actually really ke thewoteps. everime i e th gethert lt like leaving the dentist's offi.
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i would swch to creshd over what i was using bore. don' dot use windex to ke windows spotless andlear!go see my big t greek wedding 2 and w se wiexhe w onei sff not indows! who's got ticket i'okay! think we shod've taken aleft at thriver. tarzan knoere rz go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey,xcuse me do you know erthewaterf wateno, mearn, ki of jule. y dot you wanto st ask sody? if you'ra le yofight over dti ithat you . ift toe fifteen rcent or more
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yoswitch to geo. oh ohhhh itt yo.hhdoou hav do thatriinr? f >f t ah rfhis be i motegod.t's pre cled. oun'tw loo fo y wit >> theas just ad on the
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>>toingn1: p.m.n feua 1 2015, when deteive franklin fouhe ace.>> sis thentrance to thekhereicas niopliup crimee,dedd. gott l u like it's chriime. bufigs wer't u couldteeou hand in fr ofou . >> itik tthatight? ng>> lng dead bese his trucives, thrbo i celay o his bac nearpe fis uck. pyreyy cscreen tftappene t m. itasartirl some. >> what i say tuight aw. >> overki. especially with th placement o the shots.
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gegoasotro t ticrd h h jelrha hed e watch tte d osoeruunsthe truckitself w sti re, ripe for the taking, running and on and e door was open. >> somhi t detecti uld f b thent tou h body heust havn o kndpprodev shot>>n sceyou richar his truckasruin the ofo a peon w shim. it wli, somhi atio w it did apoach? wht s,ge rive s not m g on
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ai his lhts onhe clear om thede,ust aleic snl emged. y of tire tcks iludi that d notel to ric or stac's ou cld sichard presonass overnd pas ba ochard's.. >>hatet tveeas b rgo her a the likely lt after heas deade tllcomoe h in whoever ts having seewh he coul dective franeaded ba to theff's staonme staceyecord her statement. it was after midnighby tn. >> this feels unreal. >> rorr: stacey explained it was her weekend to care for her grandparents, d richard planned to come bysunday, valentine's day, to cook dinner. he arrived about 50. >> and i hady ntstuff for him sitting on the desk when he walked inor. he was like, "oh well,ine are out in the truck, t i thought
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ez a bridge pa on the way home toee tir ds. >> hwas like, ome et me at the rk. you know, it allecluded," and, you know, "it'll be --" i mean, "we'll ehange our valentines." anwhen he gave me ss, he was like, "and maybeven make out a little." nig, she sa they bonew thy inte. we've ridden by that rk gaziions of t i don't know, lots, lotsf times. even when we were dating, woulgo and find little, obscure places and make out like enagers. >> reporr: so after dinn richle f tark firs shsaid, and shfolled a b later when a night nurrrived to l lk after the grandpen. ihink i probly pulled outta the driveway at about 9:20 or so. i called richard a it went to voicemail ani di'tnow why.
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ani left. >>eporter: and when shgot there? >> i knew something was wrong. i could see -- saw his truck immediely ause the ligs were on, and spulled down and head right towards his trk. but as soon as i -- my -- i could see him. i could e him ying on theporteif erodknowen'tlws ht wea other thes howeverwe inveigats stas tal . she knew they'd ferr out her secret sooner or ler. so right away she came can. >> i w having -- i've en having an affair for several -- yokn, si sev ms. >> repr:n ir hiname was juan reyes. word in stay's offi in a job she had gott for him. >>ounow, ain -i'm in deep with an. knowhat.
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certaiy was. stacey and richard owned the house res liveith his faly. she met juan f sext an apartmt steyented for the purpose. shpaid for theruck he drove, paidonlls. and,dmit ht tahito vasd sgses workrip. >> did juan know that you supposed to meet richard at e park up here? >> he did.>>ow did he know tha >>e -- i mean, i had told i hatold him. i had probably tuesday night -- it -- it w either tuesdaor thursday. eporter: wcey sa juan may have been the killer? >> no, no, i c't im i me -i guess i've seen enou tv to kn that strange thing, you know, things happen t i can't -- can't igine him doing that. >> reporr: but detectives certaiy a swe s get some din he this unknown
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d ne have to as ourselve is it jua 'cau hs looking real good, hapot. reptee too d havea lehath . juan reyes. en if as 40 inhe >>upenoor whil getth or
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>> repor >> rorter:ichard schoeck, 46 yearsld, had en eorted suddenly from this life as he waited for his wife in a secluded georgia park. on valentine's day. there was an outside chance, of course, th it would turn out toe simplease of murdeby mistakendentity. maybe richard showed up at the
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or maybe he witnessed something he wt supposed tsee. whentaceld t s aair this y juaneyes, thcopsne we ento aote otimes geetn. e d up at house that very nit.>> we knockefor awhile. we kcked owindows.we wked nd thesend vecod anody he .>>heyoy u knat e or, ju wt poly? >> no, no, no. law- banan bang?>>nfcement bangin'n an thatd of r: hade ed? run away? later that morning, the detectives wentoisorkplace to sf he'd show thidll.bu--is appearae d anged from t iormation tt we had -- froent ce that showed that he had a beard. reporte wdrow tas chief of dettives at the te and rk the caswi fran. and in fact when he shed uat rk that morning, hs beardls.or aleas hre
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to anppearancaltering goatee. so now juan found himsf at the sheriff's station. he agreed to talk without a lawyer. heat ithe inteogation ro for more than fo hours with sevel deteives having go at him, including franklin and tripp. now, it's my understanding that you and stay are rontically involved. >>ea yeah, yeah. >> repter: he spilled all of that the affairthe love nest, the extrgoodies stacey showed on him.y caim o g.adolth de tt informed ann tusiy ay t y nigh inda >> when did she tellou that? >> she td me fri friday after work. >> and would you find if i told yhat she's made a statement that told you earlier than friday? >>o, i no, i-- i mean, i remember
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if she mentioned ibefore that, i woul't-- i wasn't thinking it or didn't pay attenon to it. >> bhere's- i'm forgetful sometimes. >> reporter: was h foetful...orase hiding something? >> okay. well, let me ask you this. did u have anying do with wh's happened to richard? no, not at all. do you know who did? >>o. >> reporter:nd so they asked him where s he before and afdinner on valentines day. >> me and my son wt t blockbusr. >> we ate dinn -- wanna say about 7:. >> and by 10:30 i was in bed. i dot sleep muchso three/fourrsat i uining.r:minute: ifp turn d ot hcops banginon his door? >> i don't kw what to tell yoan. i was iny bed. >> we werehere. weang thdoor bl, like,
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15 minutes. >> all right, well, i didn't ar you. do slp with fs on, said priorbout fans. i did take tylenol pm, as i stated to you. >> but then you so said that you're a light sleeper, you tossed aurned last night, and maybe got three, four hours, and-- and that's it. >> rht. i was upbout 4:00,ossing and turning. i lookedt the clock agaiat 00. e were there. >> i didn't hear you. i don't knowhat to tell yo >> reporter: juan reyes was like a brick wa about the murr. didn'to . didn't knowho did. ly thh - idmeieof dves iptold dit sty. >> the polraph results indid he not teing e uth, or heas beintrhfo those relevaestions sed him about the homicide. >> rorter: questio sh as did you oot chd hok? do y knor re of an
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were yrent when chd schowas ? >> you know here richard's gonnbe. 's affr wi sy, nhome at 3:00 - 4:00n the mointhght ofthe murd. he sho up the next morning hiappean so wn you puall of tt togetheryeah, there's a lo rinnghere. rorter: cing up bells willll ju'sac byhe wd to towim r thebus,hat was the opportunity. s had t opportunity i'm dying haimom. hair d? no, not in my bathom. relax mom. honey, just let men. no! tiffan no tiffany!!! it's just purple. teenage daughter? t scrubbg bules. kill 99.9% of germd destroyndrime you only need scbbing bubbles disinfecnt cleaners for 100% problem solved.
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sc johnson a family company. h l ogas. t the oma-bue a- in errom
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unlike fish l, megared isasilso by yr bomegad. thfferens easyabso don' n'use windex to make windowotless andlear! go see my bifat grk ing 2 ann u windexheight w ff not on winws! who'got tiet do! m okay! l onwhere are yo wellhe squirrels are bac inhe attic. mom? yo dadon't call an exterminator... can call you back, mom? he says pso th time... if you're a mom, you call at the worstime. it's whau do. if you want toave fieen rcorore on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
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are u taking a zumba class? >> repor >>eporter:here can be w things in life as shockias dienas theud
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cially one so afna endea, ay y. tfuws camwihe'murder' attached... >> iouldn't think of a soul at would wt to ht the man. couldnhinkf anne.epter: rnd his outi buddy bl g spt theng er the nibefo r kille d ill the caacey aths ntine'da >> he id"wing an to get togetup near her grandma's." becau she wasyi up she >> she was looking after her grdmother >> so wahe hap about tt? >> he-hehoht that's great. >> rorter: aeek later, he was hard's memor memorirganiz by stey stacey a b givlogy. >> ionheos diffult thin i've ever done was get up and lkboutt. i, i, i meerng down at thrary pallbre erall scouts. there was noa dry eyther >> rter:e servic everybodyte meages to charon bon and leed them into the air.
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nephew ban >> erydy hadir own rsonal littlst "ricrd helpeme t, you know, my f knots in my tent "richard helped me build my first re. you could ll t cub scos he was working with, that h touched their ves like he had nd mer's rorr:nwthharrpartnt wog onheirnly lead we were fus' prtyard on juan in theery beginning. >> repter: jn reyes, the borien >> though we thought that he was thshooter, at thsame time he seedor us to vifhis story. >> reporter: rember here's where juan said he was le in the day february 14. >>and went o blockbuster. we ateinner out, i wanna say about 7:30 and by 10: i wbed. >> reporter: the werys to
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they talketo juan yes's wife, exifactuly, she s ving withi aeffo ncil>>stng tt told s thatn d been havi a wstey for some t she wasn't happybout that. >>eporter: no she 't. but listen to this, thwo scord, still confirmed his alibi. >> he had gone to blockbluster while i was coing so between 6 and 7. he h tak, 6 an7:30 then he came he. he ate dinner in the room. la dn and we went bed. >> wt ti was that? >> i know we were watcng the 10:30 news, the 10, i think was e , the last time i lookedtht was li >>shnted to hi under that was thtime o ? >> she hpptuni. >> she didn' take it. >> so maybee wasn't your g after all? >> correct even though he failed tonswer the do. even though e lygrh lt wanot in hisavor. juan rast. idn' i wel wreid tt lee yo
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>>epr: a casthat besonafoctivfrankl. he ft like hknew richa. ke hwas mourning him, somehow. >> i wou sit at the e, stan t sce, reec and just kin sre and y too er tin m head. and,ndryo guto >> rept uld abt alanklin had to o is pre otire tra leftn the sooil he cleari. cohe use this to find his killenosoasy. didn't evennow the make of re. >>ed on the inrnet t we'rcon'p empty.entoar dearsps. wti hmweld pl ex c li kif ti on 'e >> a you wn' them? >> no. and od anybodyhawe ta to, wlookedt th s,to rorter:one day,
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d w goodyear integry.>> repter: well. at whittd it down. couldn't be me than, whatmillns cars witgoodyear intrity tire ju abo theimfranins ntplg little m... >>ot a phone call fr an i.t. tenici athe delb medicer. d this was-ust like of ? yes. repte tt's the ofceast stacey m thguy'job e s,n pa, clng the jk fr ploy emailccs. >>nd htiattay's bor , saand adeecompletely clnet.>>epurio w the f e muer. hthought enou to give us a call. >> reporter: w stace mamma spreadsheet, the cubs scout leerng somidusntal h toomes?ur, ose deles
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4000 es in allqusk rorr: and a w spam cepttw-mls em, ll, they stood o, rees fr scetoer bank ansf mon out of mein ed a "stat account>> a feweeefthmuwas rst tran. $802 co tfeth ide the rder on feuary 12tof 2010. and thatne's f100. >>epr:oth times, t mowent inte coof somebo named lynitra ross. o tuedut tbe stas friend aork cogue,nd, tenant she was renting a hoe from stacey. so they we to ha a twi lynitr h did she rea ery lmve cool. idn't seem to be hiding edat ok '.juve collecso, askeabt
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cog tnt>> mont, orat'enit wasndn >>ousand? 90 didta giver hundred dollars >>shtransferred some money to me for the rairs andtuff. sheaithat they had rene throof. the, the interioof t hse ca for kinth ortehe $1,100, stle pair >> but t storye ns >> it made snd she was coative poersimple busins transact detecte klin was rht back tere he staed. >>eah, it, it getso wherreyore s knlookoraytotoforwar e to a mth s trd it seemed to be going e. tdo now?
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>> amp whon therk, t>>, kil al ph keig mistake. >>y way thng, i he sittg theredd call when "dateline" continues.techlogy ineico's mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadsideervice, i can en submit a claim. wow... yep,ei'sobile app workli a ic exctin d whe lot re shlddon't justrys. thry your ns' ions,hopes, and dams
1:40 am
th say when mr they sayhen mr. ean w all the different things his new smt phondo... .it reminded himf hismagic eras. it's not jt for marks wls.. it's tough on kitchen grease... and baroom grime too. he's your. ...all aund-tough-cleaner,mr. clean. y, you fort the milk! that'sactaid that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose so youan drink all you want...
1:41 am
exac here,.. mm it real milk. see?elicus. hoof bumoh. right rel, bm lactaid 100% real milk. no discomfort and for a eamy a delicio treat, t lactaid i cream ugdo yr ca evefeel ugh and diy? don't avoid . relve it. ounermula not only cleansand eshe buso softens youcarpet so 's always inting.
1:42 am
do don't uswindexmake windows otless andareet greek wedding 2 arse ex theight w on wei sff! not windows who's got tickets? do! i'ok! he in the city paing isd toind. seemlike eone ives.those who hould switch tgeico cause you could save ndds on car insurance. ah, perfect. hello! rehe keys. an uh, geasy on my rid mate. hm, wouldn't mind some othatbeef wellington... toow much yocould san car insuranc
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>> repor >> reporter: one mth inthis investigion of the murder of richard scho, detect stu ithe wes. iouitn y rvis and i sd, " i'ieouthas" and he w tell , "jusha there." that it'll tis ay l ece of informati t eak thhi lseeporter:engh dyou , thdeivphll >>h, durincrime, wheit happencar s missing. >> reporte theler was stacey's couie. she'd en troubd by somethin t tective. >> it tooke a eeeekscoemplatin y kw,hod call repr: afterac s keis nn.but there just somhing wrong. li thetrgeusiness about hegraren20 impal sy s supped tll it for tm becather having pblthey needed money for medil bills. >> reporter: b after stacey
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it t theoi where e id that shld ir $16,0. >> reporter: and yet stay neveproduced theon. ts wpetecad so final wreik "yoow, it -it likelat i was used d t -- let'find this thing. >> reporr: so they ran thein numband und the r. stac hadd en >>anbehold, 's got od integritys th poi, wa nfent that i'd fou t car that richa wasilfrom. >>te which wasreat. except who was in it? no detee anin was still uck, so he took a long sho hesked for something called a wer du. rmatiodump, is, fm is cell toweon a fm near crime scene. >> i subpoenaeall caat neted om the towhat ices belton gek fo e ni the mder om ab p.m a 9 epor tl 9:, e at wrred a
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whstart looking at 7:00 p.m.? it was aprentme tt gu lit for richar d soway tnking s if luarpl onna sit idth bellonlld no idea. >> reporter: ithe ki called anye, it shou show up on the t's record of outgoing cell call four major carris on tt tower. thousands of calls. wh shoul for? why no hd d alal >> stacey'involv sehow. you have this thcl e yohave overkill with the -- with the w richa died. so bed on all ose ings, a murder hirstts crossin ur min reporter: fralin'idea was to compare the numbers frothe wemp tthphe mbs ces rsonal conct list. the best source of information lt iad w stacey's ctactt. it was 25nt, i thin so ifou cou find y
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contst wou giv a big leup yes, sir.i -- tt would -- thawould gi me so dection. >> reporr: a lot onumbers to compare. the got lu ry lucky. maybe 150 numbers into his searchtherit was. a match.said"reg" rorr: theed:4 >> and it a econd rha l dpar abo 15. bo a 1mite dri omndrent house e . >>lde t the ound 8:30 huld haveot t a 8:. and f wasled as as he stepped outf his uc sooue log d some rht aund 8:o 8:. hs a ca frestey cta lis40.m. on the night of the muer. rorteut w w re? >> under reggis mpany me it said, ". results.teo klex , y i splgoled, ul and the first link was mr. results personal training.
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a persal trainer and former se-professionabor. anhe held workut sessions at stey's off then detective franklin looked at theber ie cled. >> i shoulhave alrea recoized it,ecse i alrea d imy notes.use it was litraoss. >> reporte lynitra roshe woman o claid shreceed 0 om scey for houspairinee w e muer now the trail was warm. very warm. he pulled phone records foal three, reggie, lynitra and mbhrouundr cs. un-- >> ainreinquce emerfr repeqon at 6:4egca tr 65 lynitredy. at 68 nia edeggi ck>> in my min reggie ca lya sast this
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stacey crm "yes, hs re. llhim hek." and th lit cli rege back saying, "yes, g the." orte ahat,o mo cls uil0 m. regg'sal lyn wcaptur by tor near crime en 8:4 niss rgilling her sang, "it's done." >> reporr: and then, get this, at:00 p.m.nitrsent acey a text. "hpy valentine d" itd. >> is that a code? it was. >> reporter: code for it'sone.he d l, hneededo nd mon l proveurr r hire. bank coise. it was e sameiousk theell oncord >>eporr: anduess what? that $10,000 that stacey anerppos aour me on $1,800 ntnto th. thst went ynitra for
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r $7.>> all withireeks of the murder. tt's the whole ing.itad ce getherthat pot. regg my ig my mide person is lynitrss. >> reporr: andhe masrmind?stey.remo after the vains y rder o d schoeck. you're chargewith malice muer. >> i read you that -- make you arthe argeand it's malice murder. >> reporter: rgie leman and staceychoeck were arrest and d m buth>>old stey"wn fight this >> repter: a sprise wa coming. check that. rprise more than e. stacey had to c
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fo, i sevo l hpen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, repor >> reporter: three months af stac schck found her hus llerbo belton brar she and heled nfederates were der arrest, for muer.itas jt crazy. didn'take sense. a ther of ree,ub ns sit to, hi othaed.frt.>> sai all out. hesitate. sh't me.she to macathe an. >> reporter:hen, f murder r la surpre, had plan. >> istac, "ilrea hwodefehis e me stight i e, witutesation, a said, "no, the gigup what d wro no more es."
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confess. took a while to aan it, t, seven mthafter th murder, with the recorde rug, cfess she did >> i'm not going to keep lying. i'm donei'done, you kn >> reporte a srted overch with lytr" id stacey. when she told her frnd s wish herusba was dd. and nifed rves er sometimfrnd, reggie. >> i was likreggie, really?" and she said"yeah, that's wh he did." that'st he ds. that how he suppmenthis income. heoes jobs.>> reporte ","aistacey. "lit aand foththe of tm toee and reie agrd toill richard. >> so, and then i was like, "well, how much cash." he was like,well," youw, "i washinkg arou $10,000." d i s like, kay." >>eporter: that wath 0,000 staceyransrredo lynia she ve the money t
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her grandparen' 2009a. thala. and the house lynitra wa nting om her. a week later, all three went to scout e crime scen >> he was like, h, ts is a perfect ace." and he even made a comme that, knowi might have to use this place morten. >>eporter: "t the ght of the muer said stacey, "rege botched the plan." >> " was supposed to be a bbery." that's wt he had sai "iwas suosedo onehot to the head," i said. don'wantim to suffer. i t wa to e anhing. >> rorteut wouldhe poss want toe richar killed? to tt estiontacey offered th story. thingstard clking in my brain of what was happening th my kids and amily. and i was nvinced that mkids were being harmed.
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>> she said she bievedichard was molestinger >> y d't k what happens, what he dso me whenou're not reth kd of -yoknow, that my r sure epter: ther, trejune sion. >> i didn't nt the pe. i didn'tant a divorce. de>>o ison aceyd she molestch reated and she knew wt it was like. >> havg lived through thati was never going to let it happ to mkids. >>id you ask- did you ask the boys? >> not dirtly enough. not then. i have since.>> reporte iwa arrest, her sons askeder why? what would make you want to hurt m? d explained. people toucd me in a bad way wh i was a kid and i reacted in cer ws, and sometimes yourehaviors made me y that you were getting
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>> reporr: and the son who made tt ier statemto er responded vaat. >> hid, "no." he said, "i'm sorr exagted, and i'm sorry i said those things, i -- -- i blewngroio mom," you kn >>eptey s wrg. ths a. >>ow thas hardhingo de wh e as>>te buts the ti os a rel thd? the wod be aansw.just notui yet. we asked for an inrview with stacey, but prison res woul'towt. so attne s or beha. s undds cplel at s did. she des s t richard schoeck is dead. she doesn't have exces. >> reporter: stacey schoeck pleaded guiltyo murder. reggie coleman did the same. lynitra ss stood trial and was
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l reenteed to feon witar the cased.e nvics for tective who pod roug amof pne nrs and iffeout a muer hir ynohen your g tel u in s wi it. and t masens the th that' that' oblyat. >> prey obviouifskou e isitou i yoatalog oca>> the -e --here'll -- ner benotherne le i'tyure. i hopeot repr: n fin. a ysft stacewas sent aw, richd's sier, caro wesee her. glared at stey through the ass partition. she didn't buy stacey's sty abhereon filling >> i sd, "okay, ey, this i"
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>>epter: there was long pae. then >> she s "usy tionck a bause he ias livin l i knewcodn't riar 'cse if divo richardheve a chance get custody kids whhead apted legally.and coul thapp. d justke her ani said, you." ani ng up thphon >> reporter: but, if the answer sasfd some need to know, the pain w and is no difrent. charis dead.
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spdevoono e boy scts, l go a thin as called richard fire snkeup g ig as hesnd f icrd f fe t toe.ent g b aing up, we all talk about richard. >> thas a for no l thks joining us. > this th sunda morning, anoth big win for donald trump, now the undisputed republican ront-run sgler it's ou it's naty it' eautiful. b repuicns belie i a thee-man race as mar ru nd tedruz vi tohe f trump challenr. >> and the 21st ntury conseative veme t son
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>>anw,he busnasty s anffia end. >> tonight, i amuspending campaign. >> trump, rubio a cruz al join methis mor. >>plus, hilla clinton gets the win s so desperelnedednev. somemay have dbted us, but wenever doubted each other. >> whe b sanders loses in the firstta th a verse ecra. oue going t seehe resul of of the great liltsin y of e ed sta ande mak his cas this morning. joining me for inght and nalys radio talk show ht hugh hewitt, mnsb's joy-ann red.awalteok potic reort andjo lston, dn thadlical pss cornd nalysuck r, cruz and sands, welcome to sunday a
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this eehe ktd." >> ni g eturdad because wlcon azin sun w eve ms a b c or ly tweaes shak sahanks tuthcain n e now havehe th-way repubated nave docratic fror inhe nyn. stwi bl. dold m it cle t heblicn ontru scor b win iut caroli winning% o vo. al degates a stake.e d, dandkly, wnd for affa a cogi ontpo b kaic tey fish wbehi nd be the ght was er eb bush was offici out of the race. here atrump,ubio and cruz as t night unlded >> there's nothing easy about running for presiden can tell you. it's tough.
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is vicious it's beauful. en you win, it's beautiful. andre going start- we are going to start winngngning for our country. >> now the children of the reagan revolution are ready to assume the mantle of leadersh. >> tonit, despite milons d llions of dollars fase and nast attacks, despite e tity of the politic establishmen comingethe gainus, souolingiv ueremaable rul >>y the y, repca hasevonouth cara and wa orewpshireru haoioine mition. eic hll n wihe nd to unt tersom nt be sae53 fialttn nambiguous victory after the nail biting
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here are the resultsn nevada became cle. tens of tousands of men and women with t e, bil tpand dreams that w't die, thiss your campaign. >> i believe tt when democr assembl in pha i t contn, agoing eelts one othe eat ptil s the sty of the itedst t mg a pckw. ' gng thear from donald trump, marrubio, cruz and bandsthis rnin bu going ton e reicfronr, naldruos le frab,floda. mor dcoaon g mointhank yo nkou vy c>> tt withd wther three-wa ce. belhe omion's ae-we? or do yobeieve this yn your wo tting the nomination?
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and h cple thed the ha vee. i thi that'sogo beyou, it ging tbe otadvo eing l's hmble of yousni tadric we ganges, siongen yur staar. wsday ped tha, frayyo h.onsardou s paoodierula deit lyt t deeoe rt ockha e you --esoualieort thngheat are tc a weo makef all tis is ek? >>el on the ndat ifou look atthe nde, we h a siatn whe we weern , o's te b


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