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tv   News 5 at 5PM  NBC  February 23, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST

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painfustory. scott, she wasdly ind powhile cinthe street.. not only ihe vehicle daged, but she suffered phical injuries after tripping over a potho this pothole on csta road near cheyenne mounta high school mayook sml. but it had big repeussions for 78ear-old luci duke. "i was out for my afternoon walk, and i got to the middle of this street, cleared thtrfic--and the nextng i kw, i was face down, a my foot was in that pothole." she says she had to crawl to the sidewalk, then hop on one leg to the fire department for lp. racked my kneecap, broke all my ribs, my foot still has to be dealt wi, and crushed this arm, i've had three surgeries. crushed a tooth, too. so now i've goto deal with that." on top of the 55housand dollars she es for dical d dental expenses... she has to p for this - pothole mage to two tires on her car. du reported the potholes ... and wants the city to act. "i'm saying they need to step up and get th don" t now, the city has as ma as 1crews repairing pothol. but the weather is slowing them down. "wn the melted snow gets into these thes and the fre and thaw cycle starts again,t's only going maka bad situation ev worse." duke says she shoulde back to full heal aftesix weeks of thepy the streets sn get five years oit. today alone, two people have ntacted aboue
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call the citto geyour street on the rair list. live in the springs--scott harrison, krdo to full health aftesix weeks of therapy the streets will soon get five years of it. toy alone,
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potholes on this reet. remeer, to call the city to geur street on the repair list. ve in the spring-scott harris, krdo newschannel 13 if you see a pothole in your ighborhood... let us know! log on to krdo-dot-com and click on "pothoatunder e news jurors in der county have convicted dyl lane of tting a stranger'saby fromer womb. prosecutors say la convinced otrshe was expecting a baby... before luring michee wilkins to her home wh a crailistd fo maity othe she attack wilkins... beating and chokin her... before slicing en her abmen and stealing her daughter. e unborn baby ... aurora... dinot survive. after the veic... wi spoke of shocs experienced
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"there is nothing, eve in any she or form, that can motely prepare you r somethg like this. atas dominated rspeive nsistely is dielief,nd words arnot fficie to descbe it." the jury found lane guilty of attempted first-deee murder.. assaul.. and unlawful termination of a pregnancy in last year's attack. inour decision 201 coverage... vong in nevada's republan causets underway in about an hour.. and the latest polls show donald trump with another minant lead. trump has maintained aubig ge oveted cruz. the billnaire businessman has -percent support... cruz has 23. mao bio is rdith 19.. d johnasich has 9. ben carson is pollg 5 percent. trp w hampshirand soh rolina. and cruzon the iowa caucus. polls close tonight at 10. we'll bring yo an update on the results t
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at 10 ... and you can find all your decision 2016 corage on our weite... a massive holess services cpus colorado springis atep cler t realit this week, t city aounced it will spend two-point-five million dollars on the much- anticipated project. and as krdo newschannel 13's bonnie silkman shows us, it comes at a critical te. "when you're homeless lot of the me we' lost, we're nfused. we don't know which decon to go." jim has been ruggelinin colodo ringfor ght years. "it's not tting better. ere'noough transitional housi, there e places to go to stay wa for the nit, but no place to go iyou'rerying towork." t now... planr a massive make athe springs rescue missn are in full swing.
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currently a 60- bed seasonal elter, will beme 150 bed year-round shelter. and that's n all. nsion will ilude a homeless day center, showers, laundry faciliti and a large kitchen. and projec leaders say the upgre cos at aritical time. "we' got a shelter at's gng away at the end of this season. that's 1eds that are not gointo be avaibl ce the cold months." "and right when those winter warming winter warming shelters close, the pedestrian access act kiin, which prohits peopleitting and lyin dowown colorado springs. that change will force some of the homeless to fd a new place to go." "iwe're writing tiets and issuing fines and lling peop to move along, where are they going to go? tt' part of the urgency hind building this campus." a campus tha will hopefully point jim, and many oers, in ght direction. in.s. b.s.rdo nc 1" project organizersay construction i expected to begin in the next
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project, or have any questions, a meeting is scheduled for tuday night.. march 15th at 6 o'clock.. at cit hall. rn colorado could see thounds of new visitors.. ifhe cannabis cus to pueb. a permit has been filed with pueblo county to hthe marijuana trade show in april. e show could be hd in the same space as "bands in the backyard".. on the mesa.. southeast of the ty.. we td with neighbors who say, as long as there's trouble.. they wodn't mind having theowd. "i think people armostly use to cannabis being legal w since it been quite a few years since it has been legal." e coty torney say the permit has been "initially" approved peing a few final details. the nal desion will be de 30-days out from the event. a cora springs ci unlm is holdg meeting tonight...o hear from the pub aboumarijuana clubs. councilman don knight has prop n restctions... or anright ban...
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consum marijuana. he and seval experts ar holda public meeting tonight at 6 at city hal new information coming in tonight.. about the uber driver accused in a shooting spr. what his former friends are saying tonight about thgunman they thought s a go pso and vestigators think someone might be poisoning bald eagles. where it happening and what they've foun. is coming
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new formation tong.. about the ub driver accused of shooting and kig x people inichigan. hours before police say he ot and kled six people.. wle
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up pasngers.. son on boughtheav duty" jacket that could conceal a pistol. the store owner said dalton never gave him any reason to almed. investigators are ying to figu outhy a marrfather of two... with no crimin record... would carry out such cold-bloed massacre. "iwas an awful, awful feing to know that meone who you had once work with an had be latively cse to was capable of shing le at." dung aou hearing... police sadalt coesd to thshoong spre he's being held without bail. the latest in the political fight over the supreme court... senate majority leader mih mcconnell is warninghe president not th naming a nominee. the kentucky republican made his stest statent on thissue so fa.. saying the senate will not confirm th president's pick... matter who it may be. the white house is pushing republicans in congre to agree toold hearin and a vote. arguing at it's their
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urging republicans stick tohe party line. "and my view, and i can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody my conferceis at the nominati should be made by theresident the people elect in the election that undway righnow." until the senate confirms a reacement for thlate justice annin scalia..the supreme court will have lyeit justices. statand ra authities ar investigating the deaths of 13 bald eagles.. that may ha been poised. police in maryland say the eagles may have eaten isoned rodents.. or could have bn lled by a pesticide. ther dead animwere founinhe area. ld eagles are no longer an endangered sps. but are still fedey protected. it's illegal to kill them. "it's the largest numberf dead birds unin one location on a single d that i know of. wildlife groups are offering a ten-
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ward for information th leadto a conviction. 's going to be warmer tomorrow - i'll
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it's goingbe a chilly nightith ws dropping into theeens and single digits for st. tomorrow w notiably warmer, with highs getting into the 40s d 50 it is expected to stay dryn soutrn colora through the end of the work week
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springs ay focast shows a chance for showers beginning to pop back uon nday a tuesday. your pueblo 7da foreca shows a temperatures gettg back into e 60s friday through suay your canon city 7day forect sha mix of 50s and s rough next week. your teller county 7day forast shs a chan forains/snow begiing on
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technology is
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you can pay for items withust a quick pic. we'll tell you how a selfie could protec you from fud and new tonight at six... reited with his rescuers. a lorado boy re- encounters the heroeshat saved his fe seven years ago. hear his messagfor em.
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gettinsupport from onef the biggesnames in the ch world. inn intervie with the nancial times. bi gates says ple shld unlock the phone of the san bernardino shooter.
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cookent an email to employs -- writes -- " e is the data security of hundreds of millns olaw iding people. demonstrations are planned acss the tion i pport of ple. thprotesis being organized by a group called fight for the future e viinia- sed cholate maker "mars" has announced a recaits ucts in 55 countries. e recall incles millions of mar.. snickers... d milkway chocolate ba producedn the netherlands. so products have been found to conin pi of plastic... creating a choking hazard. the afct products he "best before dates fromun 19th, 16. to january h, 201 the compan said theecall is voluntary... and anyo with questions ould contact the nearest mars offic master-caris launching new technolo so you n use seies to appre online purchases. the entity eck app has take a sfi each time yo buy something online. the company says seles a
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scans are sar an typedpasswords.your face or ngerprint wi be scanned to prove it's you spendi the ney. but you wot be abl use e same picture over and ove mastercard makes you blink... to show that you are taking that pictu you shop. taking a look at the markets... thdow dropped 189 points naaqdown 67. and the s and fell 24. e uned states senate s passed a resotion rrown c ...the man accused of killing three people in the planned panthood shootings is due in courtwe'll have a preview. ll havyour comp forest startg
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states senate has passed resolution congratulating the denver oncos on their n in super bowl 50. the resolution was presented by sene majority lder mitch mcnnell. it was introduced colorado senators cory gardner and chael benn... and passed without an objections in
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a defensive sh" that fans will never forget ... and gardner sa the team made all of
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brein new comon the aitogh the state of emergency ts ho. ltipleornado reported ready. the devastating damage. we're on t sce. abt toowerig up e coast. 45 million in the path. so breaking, t new surveillance images of the alleged uber gunma wherhe was in thhours before the rampage. the race forhe wte hous and tonight, the showdown in nevad donald tru lashing out at ted cruz. and what trump said wh asked
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ruo. breaking news on the za outbakright here in the u. tonight. thorities now coore than a dozen n ces of the disease sexuallyransmitted. late detai coming in now. anthreporter on the field, thedancinwith the stars" favorite, tonig, suing a r hotel. did they allow an alleged stalker get the room next door to spy h? >>good ening. and it'sre to haveouit useron aueay night. d we begin wh the maive d deadly storm systeslamming the sout and about to move right up the east coast. several tornadoes striki already. and a state of emergency declared in multiple states, mississipp abama. d from liana tonight, thesimages coming a triple wat spouthere forming in lake pontchartrain. one of those reported tornadoes in prairievie, louiana, tearing up this shoppi district. that storm then on the move, heading uphe cst. heavy rain, windnd right behind it, sleetnd sno several macities in the path.
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ana travelightmare tomorrow. we are on it all tonight, and abs ie jis leads us off from louisiana tonight. linzie? >> reporter:av, we're here prairiee, where a reportedornadoippled apart th gold's gym. it tk off the roofthen knocked out is entire si wa. you can see the metal beam still hangg. is dame from o of multiple report tnado across the gulf coa. >> oh look, it's going dow rte funnel ou trng to toh do nnew new leans. >> a tornado warning in this area. take shelter now. extreme threat. >> reporter: severe weather spawninghis massive water spout on lake ntchartrai >> coming off to the sid >> reporter: w as two more form on the sis. ththreatrowing thrghout the day. now, a particurly dangerous situation. officials in four states telling sidents to be on extreme alert for large, long-tracking tornadoes. major ge to downtown
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incredibly, dozens of peop inside this gold's g, unharmed, as reported tornad ri through. >> i srtedscre ybod get down, erybody down, cov. >> repter: entirsi of the building sheared off. the storms started in the me of the night near san annio, with gol ball-sized hail. this car getting pummeled. heavy ra bringing accidents. e rsonured when this acr trler overturned and three carslammed intit. in houston, this school bus caked with mud. flipped onto its side, injuring t driver. no kids on board. davi tse storms are onhe move, headed east, and nightti is the mt dangerous time for tornads, so, ahoriti are asking everyone in theegioto be on alert. david? >>inzi thankou. ofours becau people en go to bed and you say this is not gointo weaken thugho thnit. >> rorter: no,he winds top to botm are suchhathings if anythg may strengthen. that's going to be extremely dangerous.


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