tv Today NBC February 25, 2016 10:00am-10:43am MST
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emcipation proclamation, wch eed the slaves. an17% weren't sure. >> they're n sure, yeah. >> was ts in the context of ey wen sur o makg execute aio or anxetive der. >> whe i really read into this, the way the poll was concted was dishost because ty we talking -- the questions bore were talking about executive orders orxecutive aio sayi do you believe in them, would you want them. and en itollowe up with well - it listed a whole bunch of thing that included slavery. the people tt don't bie in execive ordersere sayin -r executi action. anthen it followed up and slav was j mix in there so they -- it was tricky in the way itasword. third oftrums supporters beevjapase internment camps were a good idea.
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>> howohey feel about feeding chriss to thelions. i feel like i'm in the li's den some days, joy. >> one of pls was conducted by the pcicy poll whichoes agn with the democrs and people have thought that they've been biad in the past. a lot of people are asking themselves do we want a litici who has n busines acumen o do weant a businessman that has no forgn policy experice. he picked up a couple of endorsementsyesterday. >> before you do th, i want t talk about this pol because, you know, it's meaningful, and it tal -- yesterd hke howla w to talk to the dereducated folks. it kind ofothe me, you know, th this is -- tts at hsayin is a good thing. maybe it was tricky, maybe it was de by folk but it doesn't change the fact that
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with the kind of rhetori that we've aut black people and immigrants and stuf >>ou had peoeenslaved, right? okay, we fought a war over that. the nortwon the war. so it wasn't just executive action. it was also a wato free slavery, to eliminate slavy. m just sanghese pple don'tnow what they're talking about. >> from mopion, can't wrap my mind aroun -- i can't belie tha there areeople thattill think that's okay so let me make tha ear. i'm not trying to defend donald ump. was just talking about the poll. i don't get it. whaabout the 17% that have no clue? th'reike -- they're undecided. >> tt fakede -- >> the rest of tm think lioln was a car. tt's my pot. i think it w a tricky po. ink pple reay didn't understand what they were being asd, that's what my point is. >> there's somor in our
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ignorant pe out there. >> it's tricky. it kind of faked me out. but youound that voters -- >> it'sot .racist let's me thi clr. gnorance aprejudice. les put them togeth. >> they generly run hand hand. it's not always the se thin >> to those of us w seet and o livetve y, it prey much republics justuns just like this. you cannot separate em. because in this world now, you n't pretend that we should be enslaved or that we don't matter thaexican fol shouldn't here. this is still -- >> i'malking about racism you don't have to be stupid to be a raci the are plenty of smart people who are racists. look at wha they did t esident obama for the pas 8 years. th're notstid. >> a a thing, it's iorance t begi with >> yes, yes. you can be very highly ucated person and be a t. >> inow quite a few of those
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t anyway, you found that more voters who opene up to -- help me. anonymously sharing tir thghts on the ele on thi blog a there called eleion confsions that i found rlly using. >> electio confessions. >> s. so one psond i vote so i can post a sel withhe "ivote sticker. i don't even kw the name of all th candidates. or a n understood how hitler rose to wer unti this year watching trump. [ appl ] andhen oson wrote, i tell people tha ilways vote but in reality i never voted. i don't even know wher my lling place is. >>hat happens somes. what ar your ecti coessions. >> one other oneays i don't like him b ion't thinkump will do the worst job a presid en we first said trump there was one person in e audiee who started clain a her
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feel like the trumsupporrs that ieken with are almost sayi they' gngoe for somebody else. >> are they embarrassed? >> i don'tnow that they're embarrassedut they don't want to b connected to it >> tnk they don't want to be paind with the bigotry sign bee so many things tt he's saidave rubbed people the wrong way and probably not a whole bunf people, if w believe everying that weread, but tnk a lotfeople just ha to really think about what it is there suprtin wn they say the support him because' v tricky, ith>> hic couple of key ngressional endorsements yesty and one of them sai he has the guts a t fortit to return natio jobs stoleny chin someone saidwe d'teed a policy onk, we ne leader. >> here'shat's inresting. chinidt steal our jobs. we took them over there. we took them. >> yeah. theyidn't com ithe night
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we id hey, we d want to pay a norl wa. come on, let's take our stuff over there. this was not -- you know, nobody atched anything thateidn't ve llingly. we gave our stuff away. [ applause ] >> joy, you were saying. >> . go ahd. moveon. >> we said i oscar seon so today's bck history fyi pa tribute to hattie mcdaniel, o in 1940, bece the very ack oscar nner, ing upporting acs as mammy in "gone with the wind." it would take anhe24 years second black oscar wner, wiing best act for "lilies field and i n mine 5 yeerz years -- iecame the second black woman years later. [ cheers and alause ] >> 25th anniversary? >> yes. i got my fitomation with
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for host" whichas -- thank you. which was- which is actuay years ago. i know, right?l back thore "hot tics." >> announc: desne babies. chrissy teigen rev hhe chose the sex her unborn child. do the ladiethink this is aying god? momoves giving me aice. e even gives me ad... ..bout my othpte and moash. t she's a deist so...i kind of ve to listen. she said "jeo pro wi crt prhealth advanced." advance to heahier gums. ...and stronger teeth from day t hpasd mohwasmas my... ..hole mouth feel awomand ee aretronr to crest-pro health advanced...
10:08 am e 5 areas dentists check. heck up? so go go pro witcrest o-health advced. m's right...again! m lucky to get through a shiwit a dister. my bargain dergent, it couldn't keep up i switched to tide ds. they're sur concenat... so iet a bter cln. vote2016 pct othe year. it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. whatthwar way to look relapsing multiple sclosis this is cfidera. tecfidera isot an jectio a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut rses in half.
10:09 am
with fewer relaps. idera may cause rious side effects, chs ic rions, ch ia inion that usuallyeadso deat or severe dility, and decreas your white blood cells. the most common sideffects are flushi and sch probms. tell your doctor about anlow white blood ll counts, inctions, any othedical condio, oryoare egna or plan to become pregnant, breastfeeding or plan to bastfd. len more about the most escribed pill for relapsinms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecf and take anoer look relapsing ms. our next item is a genui "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after devicefr progressive can be yours for... twty grand? -no!e are giving it away for just 3 easy payments $4.99lus tax! the lines e blowing ! 'vgot deborah from poughepsie. flo: yeah, no, 's flo. you guys realize anyone caus th"name yo price" tool for free on, right?
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[ pickles wh ] i know, it 're alwa on television what? urrt l o-3s.bue oma-fi di fro megared krill oil. keh oi meged isasily absorbed byour dy. garether ieao abrb. ohhe comes nanwow,he sure making a splash inhat degner dress! and with thicker more fabulouformula, she's not splashin you can we anything and pour bleach. and her wher whites, just dazing. cloroxplh-le ble
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>>nnouncerlar,he sizzli hugh jackman and taron egerton. plus, none does thei'do like ravedoes, but nd out howshs leavg her hairn the hands twers [ eers and applause ] so know, we g little off track. you had a electiononfession you wanted to ma? >> yeah my confession forslen is if any replican gets minated i'm goi to move to canadaan my entire fy. is tt bad? >> are you read >> i alrdy hav my tiet >> reay? i literally bgh m ticket, i swear. you're not a citizen, u kn, of canada?
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she can help me. >> you can be a canadian rrespondent. you n a vis stu to work there and everhing. >> what about your husbandrom russia? >> hey playe in canada. >> you got to think that plan out. >> there's time,he's time. >> we're in politics,o stday appareny ashleigh banfieldho is on cnn didn't have such nice thingso say aboutelania trump. some wer nice. someere nice >> kin of not sure. but you'll figure out. an s felt that some of melaa's modelli pictus could cause truome trouble gettg in t whi hse.take aook. >> there'so question menia knaus trump isery bri man, she spes sev langges. she's articula she's loly.
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pretty racy pto sprds in e past. i mean maximum magazine styled spreads. 's hard to get your mind around the first lady with those racy photographs out ere. >> should this be an issue? >> i'm tryin to fure barba rush wita spread in maxim. >>y issue is if you bome first lady don do lendar >> i she's doing good and honorable and chatable things no -- >>ou can't hol it againster ymore than you'r gng to holdill clinton against hiarclinto >> but he was the presidentf the united states. >> but he isn't anor >> and he wasndas bn in politics. >> she was model. she w amodel. >> but i'm jus saying,hat domodels do,hey pose, t? agai her. >> i don't think she was ke y. >> wasn't she naked, no. >> don't act like youaven't
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>> i'm sure the pictures that she was in aren't as crazy as the ones that we s every day walking down the streetrom any ofhese programs that are bng with that. >> we'veever seen it bere. jackie kennedy went froam a lot to trip a lot. it's like we have never seen this befe thiscotry. educatn eleanor rooselt, lania trump. it's a big differce. we're a little bit i sck from it. >> did you strip lot? >> fm camelot to sip a t. whpi to answer your qution, is it fair maybe for ashleigh to go there. i think as a journist you have to ask questions tt otr people are asking and she did eface it. shwas kind. e sai she's a wl educated woman and sometimesou have to k those uncomfortable ques i'm sure a lot o people woer i her on my other show that i had on hln.
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couple pieces. she's very, very sweet, very ni and really,eally beautiful. >> just s we're clear, that wasn't me asking that qution, that w -- >> ashleigh banfield. >> ye cause you kd of -- >> no i was saying tonsr the estion of whethr not it was fair fashleigh. you know folks lik to wri you and text you stuff. don't do it, i don'tcare. she spes threelanguages, that's t more than sah palin. [ cheers and applause ] >> that wawrong. bad rl. some of her comments don't sill ll. >>otngo say except we'll be rht back. announcerllahead, what's the number one thing reg your marage? than may sure you. i've been coring since i was 19. my hair showed it. thin introducing neand improvedarni olia... thonly haircolor powered by oils,ze aoni vehat, with olia. ir gets better every me i uset.
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all i see is shiny,brilliant color. and rorays. it feels so soft and healt. it'sheest experience i havever d colong my hair. neier olia. brilliant colo visibly healier hair. real cespoeple don eat pastzed, procesd chee food. it's only quired to coain 51 percent real cheese. with sgento natural cheese slices, you ways get 100 pernt real. sargento.
10:18 am
hi. listenp! i'm hereo t the lady of the hoe back on her feet. angive her the strength and energyo stay healthy. who's m yay! the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ens with 9 g of ot and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in!(vew tcaightight4-in ghts ms right. attacks ree stro lter box odors, pl locks clumps tight. ... d now it's light. y hoevcat. ere's a ti cats r that. (crowd cheering) abdonal pain urge diarrhea.
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now there's prescription xifaxan. xifaxan a new ibs-d eatment th helps relieve ur diaa and abdominal pain sptom do u xifanyo have history of sensitivi to rifaximin, rifacin antibiotic agents, or any componts of xaxan. tell your doctor right away your diarrh wor e ng xan, ashis be a sn of seriou orven l condition. tell your doctor if you have liver disease or are taking other mecations, because these may inease thamou of xin youbo llouct iyou are egna, plan on coming pregnant, orre nursing. the most common de eects are naus and an increase iniver zymes.
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t. nuts. silky oo dark ch revel in the pleasure ofew dove fruit and nut. n't use windmake windowspotle a car! go see my big fat eek weing 2 d how to use windex theight w on weird stuff! not on windows o'got tickets? do! i'm okay andon inks besfood is hn in aar. th's because our ingredients come from... faercoitteonurce.. blended with ingredientslike c eggs. mmm. hve real ingredients. that how we're workinto
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cheersndpp >> so welme back. chrissy teigen aitted that befor she did in vitro fertilization,he said she loved the tht t h husband, john legend, having a daughter i guess pple got very faked out becau s had several embryos and shehose gir embryo becausehey know, they ca tel now beushat's whaience has ne, b some peoplere concerned because they feel the next step is choosing --
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designer babies that's what everybody is aaid tha everydy is goi t pickolor thaty like, people are gng to pick blonde babies with blue eyes and every kid isoing to look like village othe damned. have you ever seen thatvie? >> iemember hearing about designer babies a little wle ago in e early2000s. and i reathoughabit. know i have diabe i m faly a breast cancer. ifou know you have these illnses, a a mother, that i'm not, wld>> they have getic sting. th he at already. i understand like diabetes, yeah >> she's talking abo something else. >> they don't want me to talk, go ahead. >> please finish ould desig the embryo to where i can g that gene out, if c help that child in any kindf way, i would do at. i wouldn't really mess wit t eyes , you know, mess with the hair color ornythin of that ecause don kno at's going to hpen andou
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of iut i'm going to t my best to prevent tho illnesses the bes we can. >> that's good intention but i think when you sta -- you talk about a sery slo and where do you dra the line between whatol eyes do they ve, i think that rthere, that' a nobl- that's definity a good reason to do -- >> wen they aborting all the girls in china f several generations? >>hey sol em. you h - they wldt know what they had, but i do know that the wouldbaon themn the side of the road wch they've outlawed nay. yo know, i just --eoe have their nee forheireasons and whateve reasons they have for the childhathey want. now i don't thverybos going to make on-haire blue-eyed babi because, yo , n't thini would.
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>> there's aot of asian folks, there's a lot of black people d i d tnk w woul >> is a sadtement but -- >> i don'think it' truthf. >> when you rea all these studies aut how beautiful people do bet in life and beautiful people in this country e -- >> a lot o peoe are beauful. we' working on . look at e magazines. >> rememberhe big boom of evybody bng orae because everybody wanted say tans they wand to dye their hair -- oh, it was ge. >> where havebe? lete tbe orange >> that's hilarious. pepray tans weet out ocontro >> i see. >> everybody was orange, especially i lirnia. anyw i fike it doesn't rtray tl wre eeing a beauty. people want a little bit more rkerkin and difha. you're sing i morend re. there's a change. and also, beauty is ie
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wh is beautiful in a magazine not necessarily beautiful toothereople. but i also -- go ead, baby. >> just to g backo your pot, ias blessedo be able to conceive chilen. i didn have a problem to have that, so i understandhat's hu struggle for many women that can't ando to fdn vibut i 't find sex abies for a of them becausi think tt' one the la rlly big surpse left inef andanted to be surprised. but even to your point that u're making, i didn't even want any of the genetic testing because if i knew the was probm,asoingo haybaby in any case. >> you were young though. iold that cision today though too. >> but the oer you ahey mostequi yo i kn wit m las i was 37 and they askf i wand genetic ing. >> but i'm sayin the poi is feelhat god gives life and no matter t circumsnces you ul pro bare for ab no matr how they're born, no matter what handicaps they have.
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as long as you can afford it. and that's really important to ep in mind, you know, bec people doorble things just -- hrible stuff,nd so we wt to give eve baby t best starte can. but we also want thearentsf th to alsoave the best that they can and be, y knowrt righ anyway, chrissie, ngratulaons, ye hang baby. >> yeah, you look so pretty. >> she looksawesome. >> even i she put on 9,000 pounds, she would look so that's a good thing. we'lbe rig bk. the "ew" would like to thank apple and efor providin our studio audience with a bote of their 100% pure
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onthg i edo be predictable is to be flake fe. beuse i have used ad and oulders for 20ears. used rarlyit remov o 100%flak keepg you otted every week, every moevery ar u ready ma? always li is unprble, ra i head and shoulders. ve fkefr f lifeakent? two wo iheal with heat. unlike creams anrubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat ces th petteeep incase ion accerate healing. let's reew: heat, plus relief, ps healg, equals ialis. payless for ste. after ng brocrunchy uste, @clybeyar tweeted: at this point,
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well, i am sorry, carly... it'something you earn. ooid ta abo delicious. en your ld makes you wis.. ...y cou stay. n all day. .. neethe therlu expressma new theraflu expmax. the power to feel be. (rebecca) ve struggled th depression. i thght i ededcigarettes to co. i was able to quit smoki. and th i started runng. w, i feel a lot better. (announcer)you can quit.
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bought them a dbleravete andhe's remarri with kids and mayto be ried be h crent husban howould you handle this? >> i wouldait u the in-laws pass away and thent.but kids n w want to be buried next to my hus and ds i ey t and g i'm gone. >> i think there's oy one luatio i age. cration,nd sea mysh er. [ applause ] i want cremation. >> they spent a lot o money thgh. >>o crate? no. theynt aot of money on the thing. i thin shehould eino the fol say tha youo ch, you know, a give tm the mey back and see maybe ey want to go on vacion or something. >> ohere is person's family member that could be, you ow, if he has aister that
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member >> maybe they want to be next to i thit's -- you kn, i always get -- >> i big cision. >> it is auge decisi. iay put me in microve and leme go. that's what i do. >> tun in to consent on campuswhicnightlin ent apparently tightt 12:35 eastern r he o abc for an eye-opening look abot's oin cge mpusesightow. yeah. >> there a lotoin on colleg campuses. >> it'ind ofcrazi'm n confused. >> go ahead. ut you kn you think th one of the things that makes relationships really -- when you know it'sdo is th yo rlly liked up.
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>> you jt have contetor that person. is that wh you know it's really over? >> it's like quietlyathe rson. yes. it's more-rs oren arguing in way because there's still heat but there's li this qui tred. it's wor tha resentment cae resentmen cui aen he cmpt and tn it's just over. >> why -- wait.enou g -- when you get resentment, l fester into coempt? >> tt' tquestion. >>t's's a swbu >>'m so quick to s goobye as soon as i'm any. n married, dot ha kidsnd i kw divorce is expeive. >> the rentment buil. >> kids know. i've h situations where my friends were like, i wish m parent wou g divorced alrey. don'always blame it thayou' syi a sad situation. yo need help us ou too. >> i don't agree withhat at all.
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u miserabl an be divorce, ey do. i think they would rather you be icidalha get a vorce. th hate it hate. hate it. did it. you didn't do it. yore . >> did it the first time >> i sayor growing that r. 'll be rigk. nnouncer: 're twof hollywood's most wanted men. hugh j and taronrton hi uny k o clots, ruiniherever. sweaetch into muuus. and piedardigans become pets.
10:36 am
pryour c fmstre, fa, and . .with downy fabric nditner... it not only soens and freshens, it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. your favorite cthes stay ur favhe downy fabr conditioner. wa in the wo my bt s alwayssecond-guessing me'duyfffoe faly fingerhut. fingerhut. fingerhut. finghut. [sfxak at fgerhut.come got approved to shop with low monthly payments. over hf a million items from brands li samsung, d raaeray. just click oov to to get the credit you deserve and grt stuf for yo family. ohng i t at at a garage sale.
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lookg fothese? krt caro and cheese shape it'sutimthtaco...camet oftshell unthe por dough. give ia po (politely) wait, wait, wait! youcan't put it ilike that... ... u have to rinse it first. that's baked- on alfro. baked-on? it's never gonna work. isss? usyourishwashe withcade platim. pers... ...through... your toughest stuck-on food.
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cascade. (vo) new tidy cats lightweight4- ghts mess rit. attacks three stro litter box odors, plus lockslumps tigh ... and now it light. evhome, evercat. there's a dy cfor that. e smalpark county counity baey is mourning the death of a puty killed in a shootout yesterday. we'll update the conditions of the o otr detiho and a sorn colodo teenager battling a rar ain mois honored as a soldier for a da at fort caon ll havyour comple fo a high scho are ing th
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[ cheers a applause ] the n film "die the eagle," taron egerton plays an likely olympic hopeful looking for any way tope and hug jkman pys a coa who doesn't play by the rules. take lk, y. >> perfect. >> 11, rht? >> okay. >> it' a lost and found, man. some guyroed ten bks on the street and yickedt ,wod thate >> yeah. t i dtwt wa 'd giv thaty or someing. >> eddi y are a charity. >>hat about you? >> me m justtealing ese.
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eersndus >> i ha y,his t s is slu t u tw ea gorgeous guys come on and we geto kiss them who's better than us? [ apause ] >>heilm bas 0on a true or of eddie the eagle, aki jumper in the 1988 calgary olympi. taro wasn'tven borutt do you remember about it? i rememr wching . ody in this audience remeer eddie t gl austral he'ro. iin oresud he was having a bit of a pnk b he took it
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as y see in thmot's nd funny but it'sring use itis fm heas five. it's a great story about ingn derdog igeneral. tan, i wanto ask u,eople know y best foour part in the british spy mie ingsman." i think we have photo his. [ applau ] >> yes, quite the physica specen. >> ts calleicto si i d't know if yowere tang manyictoryipslayi eddie. at w quite the transformation for yo our dirto sd t me very early on sai so, do youant meo train for thisnd he said flabby. i w like let me at the pastri. it takes a lot of dedicatn to t tmapastries, something you wn't know very much about. >> we're looking at you on social media where we have lots
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continly. of you worngout. w let me ask you someing. if you were not prepang for a sequel to wolverine, wld you be wngutfuously? >> no. by way, this isne a took abo 6 million photogras a just eeked th t. >> you brought changes of costume and everhing, didn't >>exactly. i would d something le te or swim. i love sport but to be ho, the g is kind of boring. >> it's a drag. >>t's painful and boring.
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