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tv   Today  NBC  February 26, 2016 10:00am-11:00am MST

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>> okay. happy tryryayfriday at is somehow youope@ a shot. that group that you're@ looki at , that is. crew of "disas mucal.l.0 if you if youove70s muc, they're going to d in andut of our show... - a a itt just isoing to surpri us. >> y w even knowou w w't$ bring ranm 70s songs. p>> i got a limb sneak peek at this. i don't everrang around with celebrities -- >>e .
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buhe was goldiehawn. i thoughgh we re going t friends after. we he this problem w wre we hangngng whheople on the sh.$% she s likee oliviainn gave me her phone number and nothing!g! p>> i rely did i with chery pcrowe. i'm like cheryl c isng toall or e-mail and she dydn't.t >> we'e' alwlws happy to be here ri yas hewewhigh. ee doeoeoes polarerer caedunkoo joy fo. nowhere is aookbook out. people e- it' azy. >> younohate abouttt it? sou can make yoyo . macaroni andheese is mila's favori rds.
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w isngte n all do. >>osf the ripctuall cameromur viewers, bcu bs chicken enchillas. hese fmhk% inind o cosmopolits, they fr om the booopolri >> w w t l l l out? the squor. >> it's aaysood when youe at the airpo a youe oking for some kind o stty & magazine t page tghnd
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pliee bush. firsal yk cu. yo cel hseseuys are. ring thoto shoot, what wereou guysdoing?u s there,e, you s th lui'mreae t inomeps. bufufup darenerewere f fss wewewe so we jus kininf tew it in. people we likeinininibusus nryyye d d dnd ty wewe like takin cturur. so muchchch a we reall are southerners living inhe ci, dee i our soul w wre stltensns ovow they desib your sister to wh did they sa >> she greets eveone with that wa smileright plu eyebluees. thers something about barbara atemd of seo you
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a best frienom high scol. >> when youeet someone aou feel connected, it'sike meetin someone fm high hool.>> s's s awese. i feel i feelo luck we'v bn on coverf maziss beforut it wasn "the nationall enquirer." i'lad we made mistakes be bng perfecto boringto d d this wit her andowow pve twogis, it's lik the st t tng inn thehehehehe entirir world.i i owdtdt wchinghis laonship and sim g. >>henener you're inhepke-u-uoommndnd yririririp sier, it's aays touchihi sososo youision a a american idol,, last night was a
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soso k klylylyly clclcvonon camam o o and she i i uber pregnant. kep s sininin why am i sitti next to j-lo,, thank you for pug me next to r. she rurned asuest dge. and she decided toing so, a vertional sgalled piece by ece. she w this sg when sheas pregnt with herririr ch e tald about thisong flight. young a youngnd navg a lationshipiphhim. >> it' pie by piece h llected m off therorod wherou abandoned thin. piece by p h filled t ho wheouburnedne a a y y ol hf neverks away,, h nevererer asks fof mone hakes c of me piececey pie he resrsd
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find and a father cld stay. >> let's take a look at e e e of the perfornce. many he resred my fai thaha man could be fin and a a f fher coul stay iece b b piece, piece by piece, i feel f frothe street iill never lea her like you lt me and shehe will@ never ve to wonder bause unununou i'mng p her first, you know, he'll ner walaw e'llevererer@alk away, hekll .nnever break hart, he'll taxce othing,, le her piey piece h h h restore
10:08 am
dddd a a fathe- klees. >> thankyou. mgogo. o beautiful. >> we don even know what to y.y.& ththu nothing o >> andnd w winthxhrbrbstnder pple who pblytthingngngn web ov kol clarks. l's startking$-w gng tlalalala a f fmem wkn thoscscsaow c c c c alal aravav.. we rberrrhahahaha t tyy look like t te a btttt s sf the mo famou``ararh a a pwhwh r r r rr them. i got it, hleberrrr>>8 icol an..
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>> k hudsds? i dndthafter i saw her. 0 he >> gwynepalt >>ninee jolie! >> thi heieie b baker >> jojo! z>zat lo,,?? what i wiwi did i iin anythihi?? knoww ,onn sisgsgll > i know i you ll. 'l rviviv i i knowtt i'lly iv@le allll myifif@o ve 'vy l l, w wl survivel h h, hey
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by the w w - - > i w w w tking about. >>ish in my life great music wouldd e elolo fro somewhwhe.@.@. what's'sou what's y yr name? rachel!! >> that was fun. yoyore going t sg for uomom m@m@ a aittl bitlater. >> can y/yvive withohochocolate? >> nottll. >> you don't't havev t becauseoy oio so m mkidson have to fofage, o joo papaa mortgage, and i'veo gogoa brbrn. life's'short, lklks cheap. i'll be e e e g whe you sleep. still don't t ink i've god a brain? yoyoink a resume's enoug whwhll s s sup whehe things getetough? t u ntnthat nd of brain? a deee is s deeeee,
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bubuonly if you have a b bin., skinca now becomeskinactive. new g rnskinactiti introdbright a w gctiststizer righghn dudu ski packed with h tian vita. earlbrighters more an moistur actitely smoothes, boosososadiancee anec with spf 15. clinically proven. brightht skiki
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new clearlighter fromniive.the acti to beer ski we're non stop, we've gotta have our e era protein. kotriple zero greek non fat yort h h 15 ams s protein.n zero a aed sug aicial ter anroroat.. anzero holding me back! oikotriple zero. bebensnsnsasle. mmm dannon do don't use windex t tmake windnds spotss and clear! go see my y g g t greek weddg 2 d arn how tosesesewindex the riwht w on weiei s sff! not on windodo! who's got tickets?
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i'm okay! do yoyo do youuanto makov oo you just wanan to f fl aroundd you c take it seriously or take it soelse
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>>xcxclent d't wewe't wt to mak love, but we doant t t me chocolat >> noov towe wtocole. with you i be loa w wh fatnd caloeses% with youot anymore becau joy s come uithealier versions of our guilt pleasures. >> she put this together in her cookbook from jun food to joy food. the oodd youove e e eyeye ey're better.. >> thegptart abo stickiki to a diets cra th fo. people can still eatvething ey like and sti los weight -- >> the's 11 recipes in -
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more an 11500cipecludgncakak... i ae famamynd they& all said ccola chip pancakestypicallyourise whehe you go out pan takes, 96 lori. >> ahousand c cor for pancakes? > w can do wayetetr and'm going toak dououe ccolate ip pan takes havelo a cocoa powder. hogr da, grar your wi. >yo have to he thehite flour o y yan just dhoho ai onon >>anyou. i have theombi ofomee rerururrnd some whole wheat.% thiss gun fx seed.
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fiber, w h he baconon powderr and tle b b of s go otoo the w inedients seratete. we have oneneeg one c c of milklk a m m mou ke,anola l,e're goi to pour t wet into dry ingnedients. >> there you gogo >> you're tsts s th. >>yup. and fold i your chocate chs. dark, mi-s-set chips. >> d't kw wha fol >> just dump thehehe in and m thth ou. >> re's what t bterks like.. >>'mrry, t tt looksks really od. thihishat it'ss gngo ok li>> leing paes. > hoda! i'mot kiddin i have ver
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closese enough. >> the other versionas968 caes. 275. what? ishis rs with almondndmimi? >> thehe are dai frfr. these arereadad with almond mk so we cane s s hoda canan haveit. good. aou`ave to he it with t whip cream. >> i have cholate all over mouth. c crots up ifouee it! >> chocola rs! staiziz about240.. i'moing to show you the simpst way, i ha two cups o o semimiweet darar chote ch twoupsf gluten free puffed ri.
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>> is all puffed d ce gluten free thiss brown ric we're easing the fiber. afafr thihi we're g g t dum int a baking d dhh l)nedh hment per. >> and thenouououit. > >> no a youutt it ininhe refrigerator for 30 minutes. the before,, 248 calori m m rsion, versio d forgede tick up jojos bo it's on sale r now. do you hav wiresunningngng down yourallroml your flala screeee ```?
10:19 am
e fit and only diaper that helps distrite wetss... ....venlintoee tra sorb cnns. so i4)dodon't sag dndts s yer so wig d jiggle it in new pampersiserer shing g u loveve sleep and pl pvmps la time i was at a sleover my parents had kraft mac and cheese without me, so this time i took precautionary measures. ing fothese? kraft maroni and cheese shapes. chobanmpmp 100 it't t t oy light greert with zero presertis. to love this life is to live it...naturally. meet the meet the piadina e e west addition to o garden's lunchmenu pairirith your chcice of unlimid soso or salala starting ajust $6.99 ththk of it as a q q qdilla that speaks fluenitalian
10:20 am
hey, y're e ing to do great. hi. we' makg shed potatoes, and add packet o ohidden lleyriginaraitecomirst thihi ey r f. rancmashed potatoes. hidden valit! choose the o new revlvl ultimin-one. r revoluonararmascar delivers 5 lh-trananorming benefits. , length,hde, lift, and d color.
10:21 am
janet? ugh you c c hear me. dot even t tnk a"out it. i tookokucinexexm r my legmcough. yeah...but wabt mike? worksksn hihicough too. coughg it wksn hio. mune releevewet t dry coughs 12 urs. t's end is. ,,
10:22 am
inin ahoho jennylatete -- w w remember her fromhenn she played playeda -- y hair hasot better over the yearsut not much. generaljenny is lending her vcess the mayorn the new movie "zootopia. "zootopipi" >> he d giv mete mug. feels good to o appreciated. that's , funun littleight heheikes` to i c cledim l lnfart once, he did not@ ce fme.. >> i have awo a lfear-r-d. e tes of mies we likere kind of forulul, too. this seems like@ it might hav
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i started in comedynd it was i iortant that theomomyy wasstrong. i went wit aunch of myy friendt were standup comediansshey laughed so rd. >> iss it justou solo or do you ininracdith@ other ac? >> this time arod it justme and the dirirtoto arere there and it's rllyy wowoerfu it's funpn to improvise bit and they let me doo that a t. your character stata o ee anice. does shendhay?>> ye goi to havee to watch to find outut zmp h heosk abou play hoda. att lea do where didouetet tt inspiratio >> plse, pleasese theinebolele
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ey we like you're g gng o doto do ha nono i wa l l% this i i io >>t w great when she does th said dou s l? it nothi likikou show. i wawa likik thiss actly le ouou show, it was at! ow do ueep it saighgh >> i >> iothe f frng atltlbit. i thi k ken en snding still is s funny. l inseh o her. >> treotf bignas, via taencer.
10:25 am
baitmanifer man. >> andndtingd >> hopefully they make it outf the can.iavepp a ot a a have lotfjttleideonh lee dog. jj inhe r ine e rice" .is highly ugfter devicicomomomgrgrgrcacacacacaca.... twtytytynd?? -n-n-n-nare givivivit t ay st 3 e e epapaentsts $4.4. ptax!x!x! the lines are e ing up! we've e t deborah frfr poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. guys realize a aone can use the "name ur price" toto r free on progressive.coco right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles ines ] i know, it's like they're always on television. what? budget and i didn't always get along. uh-uh. but thanks to we can shop or half a miion items th low mthly payments. rachael ray okware, yeah! oh, we're going to be cookin'. always keep it on t. new ster precise skinny from mayine neyork.
10:26 am
designed`do ster thmost pse eye looks sleek. dinedon poioi line's ster`precisepekikiy. kekekehahaen. mambedli n%nork. the are a lot of ways to pack your breakfa w wh protein.n. but t e e e dicioio wayays tojust add m m m w ture v lley y ret leas grarara protein with milk, and d totoofofetness fofothrenew waysysi power y/u uguguray. but grana, we use chmin ulula soft we don't have to wad to get clean. charmin ultra soft getsyou clclcl withouthe stefef wadng. it has comfo cusons you n see ththre softer...
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enjoy thth with charmin. e >ee hav a a a a womnnnn hereran it l.l. yes,ee s s dodo a@rong,, i im invincible, i am woman, i imom 44ea roar >>yes! oh, my sh! what i g i i in e eee couple of the cast memberssfhe new70sssad w w muuic clalled aster."but they kpopping uppeverre
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today, a songnd invcible man,n,aush hagege >> ynow whos hehe? !! >> we allll he wires hahging down o o t t t@ and a bch o o remos hanging around. you are our solution person. >> we want h h to b baufut wewewee witititithiss ugly h h do younow tt w@ live like that?-->> everybody des. p>> youon'tw that behind the fabricanelre all the wires. if you don't wanto on up youral ur wall -- % >> that's' exexnsive. >> expensivend i youe prendndg,g,ou c c't doth. i took and may this panel and made thi hole.e..
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flop the tv on. thi t tle ieototremos, wires, routers see if you find th. >> therere they are. >> exactly. > i've h hden the stuff in plane view. >o thi d dsn't h ze a router onit. at i dasus tff t pageff the book, glululu themmm together,,ee the wires jusus go back. and these arectuallyl on my end tabl at myho > what arethe? >> thesese hold allll my remotete >> i said all your husband's remotes. >> none of them are yours. youhese at placas li ea marketet >> it so much nic whehe i is not utte >>s says , the person who les in clter. zou can u any book and hollow itt. de yr st i there.e. this is just a alain oldbook,
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thiss school ue.. paint i i on, let it dry overnight a ahe n ntday, fl th.. > thenow d $yoyo cut tough all that? i traced my rememe -- careful wh the knifif >> and then you justtorkttt it. it take like half an hour. you fee insi,lued isidede tol. w, charging ation. punow a n nht y y'v'v got your smaphon -- >> you'ree trickin on us. >> in here i have my rerererere ie. allp a pow sip in here. andndhat't' safe in there. >> rfectl safefe thehe you're not sposed to av theseut for kids obviououy. >> so clean and so beautiful. all i did was s singn the wire the back
10:34 am
thths my actual office. here i am suppssed tbe t pert at this stuff and iive like this too. it totlysaster. alal didas rop got` i got at a a hardwdwee e.% i jtrt ng is wt it loo le after. here's t beforendndhe after. andhe wholengook , don'owow 15minutes. >> y y're ght, it looksp a thousa times better. dtooe jt a few minutes ander clean. thank you foror allou do. >> did you it again.. youuid it ag >> ne've taken ce of y yr s. it's tim t take care of your freeze w wll i'm mary e een, and i quit smoki wititantix. i have smokekefor years and by takininchantix, i was ab to quit in 3 mont d that wasmazing. along with support,, chtix (varicline) isroven to help people quit smoking. it tbsolololy redud my urge to s ske.
10:35 am
deessed mood and suicil thoughts or actitis while taking or afr stopping cntix. some had seizurewhile taking ghantix.x if you h he anynof these,e stop chaix and call your ctot right away. your doctor abony historyy mental health pbl which coulgegeworse or of seseures. dodot take chantixf yove haa serious alrgic orkin acon to o . if you have these, stop chantixand call your doctor right away as se can be fe-threatening. tell yououdoctor if u haveheart o2 blood vsel oble, or develop new or worse symptots. get medical l lp r r r a ay if you h he symptoms of aa art t tack or 3 roke.. cr aol use wle kikihant.. use cautiowhen driving o o operatini.machchery. most common side-affect nausea. i can't belilii i d it. ititmong. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. now w incredibie rererth for dry hair. w from l'oreal, extraoaoinary oil shampoo. a ampoo system infused with lightwewewe oils.inust e wash tr!rms dry hairr to sumptuouoly soft, weightlessly fwing.
10:36 am
buthe ega-a+a+n fish l dier fm megared krill oil. ununkeh oi megar is easily absorbed bybyour dy. re the e fferercr iss easy to absorb. en it'your job to protect the world'd'greatest nation, it'souourespononbibity to solve the world's greatest challenges. p this is why we srch h r the bebe andndrighst w(w(wewereinor eveve eventuity on land and wate the air, ace and even cybspspe. we operate i&ia complex world thne simple mission. win. i'm m rry bell the sond. and i'm jey bell the third. i'm ke a big bear r d he's my little cub.
10:37 am
he's always hanging g t wiwi his iends. yove got to be prepared to sit the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep c cch sitting definitely n n nood for my back. thth is ththpart i ieally don't likekekeht here. oorbell) w(at'shat? a packagag 's a swiffer wetjet. almost feels liket's movingitse. isiss ndf fun. th comom from my flooror e this is deep couch sitting. [jerry beliii] deep couitting! this turkey is natural? ah. it's too good to bue. not again. 's clel%a timeshare. don o o it, wehare it. leles dot. oh nay, somethinghat'ss not too good to beberue.e. it's'sscar mer naral rkey breast,
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all year lg you worked hard to take re of business and take care of t t peoplwhotter most. so when your tax refund arrive make it go a little e rtttr at walmart. fr eleleroni`oome decor, evenes get low prices on everything you need to get more fun out t t our tax refund walmart. all all right. how w ny t tesesave you onene up yourreezez and erything just fell out ono the floor?
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of oldldack anded mea andt hadd frereer burn all over it. >> if that happens oyou, u're notone. >> beforee we get to ththe, mane w wt@ to t home of some different people. >>na, 33-year-rmd wife getting getting her f@eezererero shapepe >etook at thi ilt iciccceam. the lidays r rkyky road and the container sayeanunutbutr andnd chocolate. >>t looks like i seen better days. these a costlyitems. stilil see t eatut they're going to lose flalar. >> t ts we' put in little -- >> zipck? >> let'sake aook at yoyo pdoor. anotherreezer burn. othehe fezer pack. we havav to consolidatetand down ze a little with this. ththou d reallllre thing.
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you opened it up and you p i back i ith g. >> i did s s`ing right. thankkyou.u. >> that't' a aood e. >> regroup and repack and now we're ready forhe@ b b reveal. i'i' exehted.d. >> your new freezer. > oh, wow. so much tter. thank you so much. >> hig five >> toooo care of sine. soou're g gng to help us f f our f fezerer now specific that what wreoing to did? >> no matter what size your eezer, you have some basics. rst you are wantohave a cleanfrzierer pmeild s awate and hh a thermometer.r. iteedsds tbebe zero. basics that everyone has - letet srt with theh fruits
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frfren frults ea ea aplurf you can for the cookn the b vegetababs.s. things likik, can u putut n a axtxt@ bagag and itan be good for a year.r why i i the eeze >> i frereern n e freeeer.r& ice eam. smalle amamnts. >> how long does it take for ice cream to go baba >> well, taste and texture won't bephe samebut it wl ststlle okay. l of this stuffnhe frzier freezierfreeze pierfrfrzer ise to > thihi i i i-it,,y mom used to did thisn we were lile. u put grapes in the f fezer dhey' ikeellips. >> you can buy rewular
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you can fe youreftyourur overer leleovers really well but double ba em. will bed safe to eat longer than threefe m/nthss but it not gogog toted.d. sometimes y y feell like fds fr one thing go on to another thing.g( t tt why you're zip lockiki erything. >> especially ice. put thts inbagi doesn't getet the f fer smel them foilan be your frieies, a a on. >> sho u how bag some stuffff quickly. >> don't rush her. >> soy, sorry.>> when you go tohe susurmket,his is fine. u can put it he freezerer ( for aut a wee oro .
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get i#i crystals -- >> when you u uhed gnarley, gnarley, i don'tantto eit. andind out the onene food you shshld nev freeze - >> we wa t t t w!
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>>nd cgg up t t cast of eat upupbuddy.oul geg% ise.e. ok nototoo quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... art strongngith the sting energy of 100% you're doing it! whehgrain quaker oats. and ofofyou go. ,, ne les t tmiings up. that's whshe lovenew light & fit eek non-fat yogu mououe. soluffy d airy it's heh w 80alororbsession.
10:45 am
choosehe one new revlon ultimate-l-in-one. volutionary scara delivers 5huansformimimibe vovome, leth, defifi lili, intee color. chse l le new revlon ultimate-all-in-one sca. a a rm a wawa sun.( lots otetf nuient rich soil. that's how you grow the best,tast vegetables. d that's how you make it
10:46 am
, ds don't h so my y ds don'tave forage, got two j bs to o y a mortgagege and ve a ao t a brain. life's short, talk is chchp.p. bebworking while u sleep. stildon'inkki've g/g ain? you think a resume'snougug ll s sp uphehe th get`t`tgh? don't you wanthat kind of brain? a gree is a degreefe you're eonnanaant someononlike me.
10:47 am
10:48 am
today's food is brought . >> announcer: the citi concert citi > w wve been havgg blast fromm
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thth most usforgrgtablongs om t 70sro the musical disaster. they'llerform an amazi nunuer from theshow. lt's meet the #, as well the cowriter. >> people are going to flo to it. . >> i +s aa1970's disisr mucal as a saster. we have a rthquake, arar, rats, every single songrom the 70s. and basicly lik 40it@tsos, pop rock. kerrbutuer, anna, faith, b banan mitchell, jefrson morrison, mch fro greeee. kevin. >> oh,y go! >> rerey? taket away,, by.
10:50 am
welcome to the openingggte casi i don'tant to lose t ts good thing hat i got if i do ild surely surely lolo my mindd because yourove is i i i know it' likeunder, ghtning, 4heay you lovov me i frightening yoy b bter knockck knock o od od abyb oh, oh, baby baby better knock ond baby better knock on wood bababbetter kck
10:51 am
i can't live if l lg is pwiout you i can't give ianan genymomo i i can't live if living is withoutou i can't give, i can't gigi anymore e i c't live we have we hav madad it tohetop, give yoyoy allaeive whativg have y y y stopppp( u've blot all skyky high bybyb telling a lie
10:52 am
you blown it all sky high wit who r rson why why d you lie p bn married 3 years. still the o ohaha i love to to till the one and i i can g ough e're slling f f f yoyore sllhe o youre -- still the one t tt c c s satch mymymyh @ stitihe o o thatou itchch e'reti h a you're s the one >> hey, good in t bris to my co on'tan anotherer nightn my own ano s sreyy love with
10:53 am
i'm loooong forottuff by is eveni i n n sose hot stu baby tonight iant some hot stuff b this evening ave s , goha some love tht i need hot stuff loong for hot stuff i found hottuff [ apauau [ applause ] >> good job, guys! hankou so, such fororgigi u thaaste ther >e wantttmore? isaster i current latat in previews at the nelander eater. ack aent buburst
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10:57 am
>> >> okay. so how yo feeling? pokayay - >> not a a gd as i tught was going to flndjos cookin segment. >> i told you so. y, gugu. have to com in here, deparent correction someone, hoda, maybe@ made a boo boo. >> what did i sa >> we sa that reddi whips not made with rlcream. it is. ininfact, it'ss on the label. >> which explain why i'm glala thhow is overight w. andndndnds stin i i ihehe. a&a t t fir iredientt real cream. >> i hope youeegoododater today. >> let me seeeeeethat. >> i wouldn'tat it if i were you. >> thatxplainspp a lot of $%dierenthth have a speci sise on moay there's one more in february, you're going to get more tk on monday.
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and gue who going to he your favorite. >>o? .
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11:00 am
[cheersnd alause] ppnnnnncer::oday o rachael y... >> raraael! >> a anouncer: check your o oar night. slha . you ed. >> racacac: makinin it rain. announcer: p ann award-winning affair.. plpl " "eed's"essa thoso and "splight's" bill crud. p rachael:iblie is eyein the burger,el n ^ ay atntioio tohat i say. >> i il l lteno some@of it. >> annonocer: now, a you rdy fofo rachael! [cheers andpplae] >> rachaelall right. okay. simmer down, we g l l o


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