tv News 5 at Noon NBC February 26, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST
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st from kansas... --- pkg ---- nats / /ewser rkers side ruralalansas plandescbed a chaotic scene. p so/ no id "everybody was running, peop screaming, pelee ying, we just didn'tat to do." sot / nono "and more people running and aldld of a suddedepop pop pop, i stard running too. when it was er four pepelele we killed. cludinthe nuhn, 14ther und.ivivitically. witnesees sasathe suect.. dricaroror.. who o s an employee thehe industries plant..was s memememe an assault t e on and a handgun. . popoce say fjrd d sohot d wounded threrepeople he enuntered on the wo thth plant before he went inside and opened fire. s/ sheriff. walton harvey countyans "he was randomlylyhog people."." the firsr to arr imdiatatadengad e gunman and single handi tk hi wn. s/ sheriff t. walt - -vey y unty kan :4- :50 "thihiman wat going to stop shshtingngngng ththonly reason he stopped
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li say ford s served with a prprtion fm abusorder le his girlfriene e st hos re the shooting... s/ s sriff t. on - harveuntyansasa "3:30 he gets serveded 5 5 clololololet the first sh/ / rah plake / / vewton, kaas- 1:12 "officlslsay this ininstigation willontinue for que some time but as onow this communitytys starting to mourn for the tragic loss of life here in rural kans. newton, sarah plakekeor nbc ws." heret home -- people acrosthe inuern d dth o"par unty" deputy corporal l te caigan. who was lled in the line of duty on wednesday in bailey. weweill let you know as s on as we have his funeral rangngents.. pa county depupu "lby martin"... remains in sious condition the third deputy irecovering at home... all thrererepuesesere e ototot whilservinan eviction notice yesterery.... at a aews conferenceceesterday ons fi at noon\her ul w wenerererthe death of corpalalale carrrran.. will be felt for aong time. "he meant a loloto our counity. hu was tonsummate law enenrcement professional. nate's death will be hard on our
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fofoa long time." the sheriff alal sd... a similar evtitiics been served at the suspes home in 2014, and ite to a peaceful resolution. . he says they cerinly didn't exngs to turviolent. suspectdin n gunbtle withuties... detailof t shoototg will be nt tthe e a's officeceor review -- which is standndd. firereeather watch gs into effect torrow. somerews have already been tackling grassrethis week. fi crews in fremont coty monirerererehfire's's's f fm the e ene last night.t. fyfyters s ibued a aut twtwres in a r mote e ea near nrose. no homes or ructctesesere threatened... anher fire sparked earlierer that aftnoonon near calhan. crews from fr diffferent companies responded and had it undmt control within an hourur we we're told it burd arnd 30 a. th a a tt ininind - le g you over to meteorologist t
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a fire weather watch is in fect for saturday am until for el paso, eblo, fremont, otere, crowley, erfafa, , d las s imim counties. a fire weathth watct means weathehecocoititns are forable for fifito start q qckly a a spruad errrrically. outdoor burng shld b postponed. remember to nener throw cigarette butts outside. the west is largely void of any major weather disturbances a ade from atormtem along the pacinohwcoasreure keeng quiet for us for now. e storm syem othe st coast will roundndhe northern edge of the high pressure anan slide south into area torr. ththililinea the d dnslope wind for our aa. the stro downslope wind will
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continuing coverage the pp to move a major m mijuana wnslope wind for o o area. the strong downslope wind will rm and dry. ntininng our coveragagon t t plan to moveveveajororarijuana celebrto p pblo -- t shiff now sakakg t wiwiwi coerns earlier ththeewe told you thath)h) times" mamanineet its sights on loloountntfor s annu "cannabis cup" after adads coty denied its permrm. shiff kirk taylor says c-dotot hasoied a permit for t pueblo county prn -- becacae ititould ourlolo highway 50 at t@sasasaenue a "bands in the backyard". he says e concert series is a different scario bse enforcing marijuana consumption among ousands s attendees
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you get to consume alcohol on those ounds. the's provisions in the mamajuana laws, in v4 or otherwise, for open puic consution of marijuan it doesn exest. one he main concerns citit by adams cnty s out-of-s growers sellllmarijuana y adethe pueb countapication is stilbeininconsiderededbutu could beenind becacae it camin less than 75 daysysefore the evt. taor says he will appeal if ththpermrms approvov. suspectedrunununivereraces several charges in pblo today... aflice say ye erhed to multiple objects on d off the e e et. it happened of"peakvw" drive beformidnight police sayhe driver of a aull size phit tr, fire hyant, at least the cars.. before finally hitng a hou. officers t tl new fivehe@ driveras heavily inticed when they y ntted him. he arrested d-u-i and a numb of otr r gfsd
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investigation. in today's election wawah. juju foudaysefsuper r r esda repuicanresisintntl candndatatululut all the sts to halt naldrump's momentum. and d w atatoon -- we've l lrned governor chrhr chrtie e s dorsed t tmp. ring dt t ght's g-o-p dedete in hououon... marcr%bibibid d d cruz gangfd up on trp. rubio in particulary takg aiai at truru's incnctatas which e cucuently beininaudited. "... he can relebse past year's tax returns. he can do it tomorrow. he doesn't want to do itit cause presumably tre's's mememeg in there... . trump:otni cruz: ... thth is bad. if there' thing,elease them totorrow. . trumpm nhi, nonoin cr: they're alalady prepared. ththonly reason he's not releasasg them... . trump: you -- yoyodon't... cruz: . is because hs afraidid trump argues he can't release hihitax returns to the public c becacae of the audit the neneepepcan dedete i i hed for next thursday in deoi meanwhwhe... moaticicandidates bernin sanders and hillary inton are preparing fofothis weeke's
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both candidas are focusi on appealing to african ameririn voters. sanders ininarticular i wowking tra a a o o in momomomm after losing to clinton in the nedadaaucuse the uth carolinarimary takes place on saturdada suorters of demoatic pridenal canda " "rnie sanders' connue to rally here in southern cocococo. last night ipueblo... dozens gathed for the national nurses united's "bernie bus". the s is toung the country to talk abououhealthnsurance p anansandnd proposed polici moting coloradoce. and this@s@seekend.. anothehebig g ent for bebeie suppororor a aosting a "el the " " i cook-ovfn cocora springs on sasarday. still aheaeaon news five at noonon -- we' introroce you to the newest bulef joy at the pueblblzoo. but`first yourxtend f#recast wi metrologist carlee hoffman. warmer still f f the weeke with the risk for fe dananr
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condndions are favorable for fires totart quickly and read erratically. tdoor burning should be postpod. membero o ver r row cigarette butts outside. e west i ilargely void of any y major weatatr disturbances aside from a storm system along the pacific northwest coast. highghresssse is keeping t tngs quiet for us for now. e storm system on the wewe will rouhehe nortrtrn edge of t high pressure and s sdeth into o our area tomoow. that will increasehe downslope wind for our area. the
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and dry. hihhs s mperatatesoday will be the a 6 6. . neathta susuy sky, w wwarm quickly this morning through the 20s and 30s and almost to 50 by 10 am. noon wl be in the lower and middle 5 5 5round d lorado springs and monument. eblo and caa city ll be clos to 60. pect0s0snd 6 6 thrgh the afternoon,n,hen we will be cooling ththh thth50s and d s and into the upper 30s and lor 40by
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how the populaafterfoon hangout t seadidi posivity e chilat time. mebobo cininupnd offerin drs and alcohol to yououand asking you, come and let's go t high. a converertion abo maturity. and at the recevind? elementata and mdle school students -- alalst all of whom say theye famiar wit marijuana,a,eroin n n gangng this wasn't always an act for 14-yr-old es torres. he joined a locaeblo gang when he was 12 -- following in e otstepiswn f fr. i remindedhehehe my dad, and dadad prereg. he was an og, so once i haard that, ybe i ululul jususlike him. s father died oferoin oversq w wn es was just t last year mark salazar, a former gang member-turned-cerfied adction counselor, intervened in esai's s fe. we'r'rreaching to them aa ve g e ying to prevent t thososthat are exposed to o ngs frfr getting invold ininangs. you cafafind salazar at the lucero libraveve afternoon,
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account of the gang lifestyle d its netivevempmpts. he learned the hard way after reveringrom 5 bullet wnds and spending morthan 8 years inrison. but he's not the o onew peon the library brout t board. tobias martinez just joined the staff as a commuty resource speciist, a social worker-te rolele he came to pueo to make a difference aftft gbowip in denverervg famy and friends who were in ngs.s. hihihihi changed aft a cousin in pson n ote him an eye-openininletter. e's a @ot of thi warned me about that was not good, and he was like 'you need get yououeducation because ucation goingo take you foard.& the first isamamy to graduate from m llege, nowlwmainezopes to impart his on theids . eing peoe geshot in the commity that you know,nd thth you go to their fununal. ey're six feet u. seseng those tnis really makes
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look and say 'i ed to change my life.' the library staff tell me they've seen significantly fewer gang members flauing thr rsaround t youngngs ththe days. and salazar is helping kids like es useseheir talents f gd. asasormer muscle for theheang, the 14-year-old now asasres t/ be a prorossnal m-m-a ghr ---a-a salazar takes him to classes at ts gym a few w ocks from his east sidee.e. it kee me e t of the stree. like i'll there from 6 to 9. ter r that i go home and jusus rerex d i'm titid. the ebst majajity of the kid th are here are good k ks, so i thininlot of theare a a t smartethan we may ink. tacking e e st side gang problem isist an overnht project. the library still ememoys a pueblo p pice officer, and is in the prococof developinan educational prraabt
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we have a news 5 alert for you right now. the falc fe department is respding to a grgrs fire. here a new picture of the fire into our newsroo the fireepartment says it's s burning g ar theheicinof the oregog wagag trail. h he a crew on tht way and are e rking g get more informatioio we wililbrininyou updates asase e get them boton-air and online at koaa-t-coco oday's your hehlthy family.. ere's new w zhzhmer's disease e researar that could lead to o new diaostic brain sc. right now researchers are enrollg patients who are at rbara morse-silva has more.. --- pkg --- sot: j reph murphy, brother r "she's a aery wa lovwoman"n" seph muralng about s sisi maureen drio. so jeph h rphy, brr "for her to be in the siatioio
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independence, she's lost all care of herself." her deine begaarago when maureenenen just 51. sot: ashley memena, ugmtmtmt "sheasasitab and notox herself.f. maururn's dahterhleyeyand r brother josese took her in for testing it turned out shhad zheimer's. sot: ashley medina, daughter "it progress vererquickly" maeew 57 is near dth a a enroedn udy y on't help her but promises to help mimiions of others. sot: d d stephen salloway / dirtor, butltl hospitas memori and aging program "whai'm m moved about i ithe volunteerism." as part of the study, maureen had a brain scan a week ago and after she's gone, she will undedeo an autopsy eaier research showewelink betwewn a buildup of the protetete amyld and alaleimer's disease. now, thehey'reookingngo confirm prominent.t. sot: hen owayay d dececr,r, bubuospitatas memomo a a agingrogram "we think that amyid protein is@building upirst but not
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e tau protein builds up and staro spsp in the brain is en the memory lossssssrts to occuc5" and e they can see t t tau protein on pet sca n w, thth u.s. od a a drug admimistratiti requires it be confirmed through autopsy. so vololteers have a scan before death and an autopsy afterward. t: d d ststhen salloway / director, butler hospitalas memery aging program t's s r pepele who a terminally i who have less anthto le. ththandementiar not. theyouave canc causysg theiterminalalllss w wh totatly normal memory" that way they caprove the tau protein is in the alzheimer's brain and not the normalabraib,
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dodogo away- carlee hahaon we have a news 5 we have a newsws alert for youright no the falcon fdepartment is rereonding to a grass ``rere here's a new picture of e fire intotour newsroom. tht firereararent sa it's burng nehe vicity of the oregon wagon trail we have crew on the way and are working to get more rmation.
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get themoth on-a and online atoaa-m. ghtempepaturur today will be in the 50snd 6. beneata sunny sky, we warm quickly this morng through th20s and 30s and almost to 50 by 1am. noon will be in the lower and middle 50s around colorado springs anmonununt. pueblo and caon city will le closer to 60. pepe 50s0snd 60s throu the afternn, then@ wl beooing ugugthe 50s and 40 and to the e e r 30s and lower 40s0by
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[ mama a aou ] the following is a paidresentationnfofonutrisys [ amandada beg a a le worki m m the bibiest allenge e notrunning through the fastood because we're rushg from point "a" to point "b". i don't wanttoto up ke mm, and t want t tenup ke mgranarents who struggle with weighalthr lili. and i don't want my life to be about weight. i thought th i wld have a y like this. i s always proud ofy flat belly. so whei uldn't suck it ininnymore, i was veve ash omymymy but oal -- be heththr my girls i'm a person. i wawa to eat re fd! i want it to tte gd. i'm just ready. i'm m ady y , uh -- toake thin hapapn for me. [ record scratches ] [ male announcer ] e you ready? stay tuneded to s amazingngransrmations in just 90 days.s.
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