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tv   News 5 at 6PM  NBC  February 26, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm MST

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systen clclned out. ok r r diesel fueueednto the ununaded tanks at this w wtern coennce statioring a live thuday y rning. ate regulators ..... ivveststating as rest ofofur tip ... told us the company quickly realized the error andndollod procururto ety out the tanks and elh the linene they're onlyware of abfifi stomers who filledwith the wrg gaga stilll the divisioof oil sent outh inspector to test the fuel today as a safe g grd. e will have those e mples sent to our labilllhaveveesul for those someteme nt weekek nat sound: mechancis auto mechanics say, if y filled uwith diesel ... you'd kn it t pretty quick "if i runs a, which may may not, depeononhe car, but it runs it's probabab going smoke a make a lot of noise" darren dodd of autmith says it ouldn't use any long term damage t tthe e gine. but pairs could cost anyer from three hundrdr to a thousand dollars depending ononhat type of carajt t .
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take it to a arofessnal mechanic they'llllnow to dinthta obvusly athat point they have to flush the nkutnd en fill wititgasolili a st p pgehat diesel out." the division of oil and public safety regulates all gas stations and they encourage nsumer to contt them whenever thesuspececsomethin wrong. @ ur staff aut there the are ensusungngt ey g whaha eyay be e e n nd those stickers trereith h h telephone number i icase they ha issues that w thecould call our office and we wilil vestigate,t ke we did when you c cled.d. both the s s s regulators and d customer who got the wrong gas here told us`t sed payseepaiaibi you can find cct infnftion r thdision o oand @ blicafeteton t tir scker whicicare postedeverers
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rising fire danger--but rgeous temperatur o there. adorececteke das-ckg it f $& winds will be gusty tomorrow ternrnn,h,h,ts t mph i i some s. a red fl wararng from 10 am m@ mn windlow humidity and dryls will create dangerous fire conditio. thstor out west and will move verererickly into colorad morrow with gusty nd snow for the m mntns. c.ear and mild donig. eresilil q morrow wh that warar
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the reag w wning adds to fire dger evident witheveral s thisiseek. the lalasthihiafternrnn....n.r th of fafaon i ithe e ral latigo lls neiborhood. with continuinincovege bi folsom's s eangn the risk and warnings. bill our fire dangmr isurrently's'sot just warning....we' seen the fires add in red flag coitions tomo[row....and it's'seasofor ncn. fi in eastern elelaso county....blowinihtoward homes. " first t y were o anims..... have seveval do a neigor called lesleyelel at work. ruing home she could tellllheire e s close to her home. and en she reached the proper.i$ waevenenenlolor than s reaeazed. " there were some fififighters parked at the end of our dreway when i was s llg in. they said we were lucky. and when i gotn i didn't reale it had actually come the property." " the cause ofhe fire s accidental from a vehicle
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tpush the fire t of control. falc firquickly got assist from six other agencies. a large reonse because fire dangef is s gh. they a ao got help fm m m m m homeowowhoadone wo to lower fifi risk arndndneir ho "sny people mowed their pasturur, d theilawn, anan thr grasses, around the house. wo when the fire camthrough it basically st d dpped dowfrom wever high., it wawawarning to gpound levelel "january, brbrry, march are aditinallyur h hhehe grara fire monthth" thctiven by el pascounty fire managers.confi ed with multipleleebruary fires. the falcon fire......a day earlier a spark from a blow h s artetethe wildfireututx ne falcon....thereas also3 the fire in penrose.e....and last weekend the m msive fire e fort cson. oplelewee in wininr , we h snow a eo o agore danger l l but the e posite is actutuly trtrtr in this area the timimbetween a snow day...a a high fire day is often short. ou getet or three days of snsn, th you get two or three daofofour, you'rright backck
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when snow melts soaks the ground......t ile e rmanan asses get t in the roots...but nonothe tops....and that's's$adries and bus. bill f fsom, news fifi. ails in our area were busy today and will likely be e en sier toughhe warweekend. ny peopldodorealth groups like rocky mountafield institute spend most of the year rkinin m main trails. they say, th time of yea tr are more susceptie to damage because snow melt creates wet d muddy ots. "it's amazing what can happen here starting oujust as a littlele of dadage. . with t t erodible soils that we have in th regn it can jt really compound and all of a suddenoue got big mudd mess on your hands." it mayequi walking through some mud, trail l perts ask pepele o o on trails to avoid wawaing g the sid t tils caususg damagegto vevetataon.
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district couou judge has thrn t a lat filed byhe family of kelsie shein against the city o opueblo, pulo pelpartmemendnder formereroyiend's'samil kelsie w last laststeen in february o o141i1i1i pupulo,.r visitingnger boyfriend d"heheucas. thwronul deathsuit leheheueblpo depamentntonirid witthe lucas family to desty evidence anfailed to ue investigative lead the distririourt judge uphel a a r cocot rulingngast year...that there is no e&idididid to support those allegations. xxxx new informatn toght -- about bringing more jobs to pueblo... the city's ecocoeoc devepment corporatioiohas rerealed an dd 500s by t e endndf f is year. ne five's lena h hlanb metth the " predent t t t -- and lena,a,hat did he tell you? heetlslse -- t ts is the firir time they've publiliy releed their gos. and he says, revealing this plan is aing a w layer of transpspenez tprocess th's be knos seseetive e r
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ok rq setting thbar gh.. wenk the 500 number is very realistiti i thinknkt would a gogo shoin t tra for the community. using your taxpayer dollars from theheity's half-cent sales tatafund... o president jeff shaw says he's hoping ththttransparenc will help embrace the community. peo, throughghd(the years has always been criticized ove secret versusucofoenal, so we t tught it wavery impmptant and we think i is v@ry important for e communitto underand and kn and partner with usus how we go about getting mpanies to eitjtr relocate or expa into the pupa cmunity sh says theyeyilofr ceives pacge to ne bububusses... and inead of targeting just one empler wh the potent of hiring 1000mploloes -- theyey an to go aittltlsmaller, by targeting coanies with closer to 100 employees. and it's notust the b#dy count, it'not just the number,r, itithe t te of jobs we'r tryingo bring in, 're e yi toet t t bas f f a higher pay, higher slltrying u- to get there -- pedco is taeting four main clusters of manufacturing businesses.
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aerospacutdoor rreatn, and thhempmpndustr wewewegoing to put, not just just embrace the indtry, b ant pueblo t tbe l lder he natio tsay is is ere we're e into gfor hemp manufacturing on the outdoor recreation side of thi-- they're h hing g capitali on things in our own backckrdrdlike lake pueblo. that's anyththg from bike manufacturers to fly fishing poles to tent mamafaturers, it's a big g dustry that weaven't chased hard in t past, but this year, we'rg g g g to put t of marketi resouesit xxxx in ordrder to find thehe jobob-- pedco is aing for your hel withthinding n n lea. they'll ld coctititig g is tranananency throughouthe e ar by puttitititi quauaerly updes with a "scscecar on how they're doing g th this goal. we'll be sure to keep you updated. live in pupulo, lena howland, neive. ornizers othe "cannanas cup" have beeeegin until ne
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march get information to t t pueblo county for permrmsn inin letter to "high tim", the counlanbing mmissionaid the application has some holes in iand because e e initial permit application was nobmitted 75 days in adnce,e,gi times" has had to push the evenenback to april 22 throroh the 24th, nding approvalf a permit. iff f rkrkaylor has already y expressed his concerns about t t event,...w.w.w has attraraed thousands of people, and generated millions of dollars previois yeaea, when it was held inorthern colorara. an el paso c cntmamafaces rous charges sonig after a a andoff in fountain. we first told u abouthth brbrkrng storyryn nenene today. thel paso coty sherrifif office says "damon brime barriced himself iide a home near colonial drive and colonial lane in n@untain. ey s he was wanted on a waant for kiapping.. felol_ meneninand assault with a deadlylyeapon. de werentuallylyble to get him to leave the he and take him intntcustody withouinjury. funeral arrangngenen arereending for park county deputy, cooral
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he was k kled in theheine ofof dutyt_edneneay in iley. but some encouraging news on the condition of the o oer deputy, critlly ynjured in the shoongng deputy kolby martin n s en gradedo fa st antntny hospstal inininewood d shareds picture with our newswsom.. deputy martin n ving a ahumbs up! third deputy is recovering at he. all threrewere shoile servinan&iction notice in bailey wnesd. the suspect shotnd killed. xxxx following thatatorrible evevt is weein bailey... d many oerereround the country.y. includudg lala night in kansas.... huds are eected to gat in colorado o is weekend... to sw support for our law enforcemenofficers law enforcememt t ecectionay will be isisunday. it was created to not only help recogne the e n n d d d d o their lives on the lininea day... but the event also as to bridge t t gapapweenaw enenrcemenanthe community. ron maclachlhl host of law e rcememt t appreciaiaon dayayit seeeeo be more pitically corctme arars be anti-policicicead of prorororoand that's not a a mumuthatouldldver be althy for r r chchdren or our
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on that." e event is fe. it's this sunday at 3 p-m at the uglalacountyafrgrods in cacaleock. there will blive music, guest ea alenty of fd. na tmpeis s surpriri emt t y- we'llhahaheates yr elti watcveragege and starof tast back o o the ice. who'playing in tonht's big hockey game at coors fld, mingngp. i'm mike daniels. ll have your extended first
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a look from cameras across colorado. highs today in the 5s and 60. current temperatures all over soututrn colorado.o. xt weather maker, a downslop ow p phingowe mountain ll keep temps really warm tomoow. t winds gup to 35 m during the afteron and nig a red flag warning tomorrow for strong win low humidy and dry fuels. avoid burning, a report smoke if you see it. sunny skies will give way to a few high thihiclouds during the afternoon. high temperatures will be in the 60's, 70's and 80's. 7 day forecast forhe springs, high tomorrow 69. cooler and calmer sunday. windy and warm monday then a few
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late monday night into tuesday. much colder air on tuesday. pueblo high tomorrow 76. calm but still a nice day on sunday with sunshine. a few sprinkles possible late monday night. windy and oler tuesd with a hi of 55. back into the 60's wednesday through friday with dry skies. canon city high tomorrow 74. coolereruttill ne sunday. a few light showers possible late monday night. ndy and coller@r tuesday. dry with warmer air starting wednesday. woodla park high tomorrow 61. coer with less wind nday. ow showers pble late@ monday night`tnto tuesday morning. drdrskiewednesy thugh iday.
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,,,,,,,,,,,, antime there's trouble on the roads--count on news five to keep u update check our live interactive f traffips at koaaot-c. haening right now in denver-a night fho who've been colorado avalanche fans sincehe tm came tw
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as wveinu we-c f hastrorin an e t allow r seral tdoohock ga toghgh t a a ai ga... games. nighis t ai ga. it wreununalanche pls rm the pasca.. udinin patrick roy... joe sakic... adam fte.. peter forsberg and mor then, morrowig t avswi te onngngng the wilbe rhtere ne 5 a7. xx whercoloradochl bu iverrrested -natix anpocsivinmeollege stents a chance tokip mites!
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coveriri c corninit:t:t: chchchrc schoolsls vv t iody is we on suspicion of drunk d i@d abab& a espeononon thehehehels says a staff memr repoed smelling alcohol on chchl l hohos.s. thisiseek justststererhad fininied a bus route.... op ofo 3 3 3 3 s s s s studentststt the arahah county sheriff' ofofof iceptedm,...aad him performadside sobetininhenene
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hobbs told police heas also on dication, the resusus of a blood test are pending. health concernin ourururte& isk---a-a-ore mumus caca ararbeg`repo. . as we e rst toldou, the e e e alth depisisis a wawawag isiseeee.. telling ople to o on the okfor sysy of mps. thth i iefefacac, , muscle aches and swoen glands. casesesaeen rted in denvnvnvnv d d r#t personononh re, cameifrororo...... se e eesesould b nnted to a mum obrea we learnrnrnrnt jujual zen cases of disse nsided an ououea. becaus'secececso rare. rougugyear for r workers conitnues---as another rorod o& u u uacacacacmpyeeseses ff in grand jujuti thihihi ek. mpansayspshis week's omememter a yef furlrlghfofoworkerer union cific won't say how many people lt eijobs but s s 's'sue tsluggigi ergq iniy, e q qiall dudud al shihiejts. .
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the cacch is--theyee te "selfie"---to provovthey're ucing inead!ouou2-hured studenen a a duled takake e am at t the samemeime e add caucuses tuesday night. the emistry partment chair says cancececeg g g g scheduling the e e wouou b b blogistical nitmar anynynyho wano take pathe ucuses c c talk to theiofessors g gn excucud absesee----as s sd as they@yave a seseie!!! p an u u ual lawnvolving home brbr ruleseschanged d our ate. frfrfr on ururon't h he toto be " "ad of torew. the e senate voted to changehe launguage in the bill from "head of famamamamam "adult"t it's head w totoovovno desk ae'e'exted to sigig colorado'some brewinininin tas who o n brew beer or
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cong uat - the red wingsgs are back in n wn!! see how the old timers are doing toninit up inverer that's later r sports! d wewewewedencf dadaofofuf exexemfifi danger--and it't't'ly going to get worse. what neeeeeo k k kexat
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there is a red flag warning foro mostf southe coladisis week-- anwe wnoer gss!r sparday.. nenene 34 res burned out in falconon. the fire department sayst arked nene "ororon wagon trail" ts afteteoon. thfaon fire e partnt sayay a hicle malfunction started the fire---andndt has bebeel accide. fire crewswsay tay's fe serves as a great reminder this weekd to be extremely cautious enpeing timemede asike lat us kno earlier--there will be a red flag w wning in effefeomorrow as t temperatures climb.b. and that fire in falcon just the latest bitf evidence about how w y y was. yesterday afternn a& accccent with blow torch started the wifire out nea cacacathere waalso t firi yesrday in pepeose......and last weekend d thmassive fire on fo cararn. inhe last cole of wewes wewee also seesn. it is wintnt...whichire mamagers sayayanreatata false peeptiti abourufire danger. we'll get widays. we'll det warmer temperatures, drair. ople think owewewewenter timewe had snoa co of f daysgo, , regeis loooo
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true. . and when iwarms up more people head outside.... and it's even more important to be mindful o owhat you're dog that could spapa a fire. count onhe firststle t tm to tracacnditons rougut the weekend-d-nd keep you update hererend at t aa-dot- com. new information tonight:a u.s. strict couudge has thrn out a lawsuifid d t mimi of kelsie shelling against thcity of pueblo,...pueblo p lice department and h h former boyfyfendns bmily keie was last last s sn in febrry of 2014 in n n pueblo,...ter visiting her boyfriend d ntheheucas. ththwrongful d dth lawsuit alleged ththhe pueblo police departmtmt t nsnsrewith the e cas mily to destroy evidence and failed to pursue investigative e districtctourt juduf upheld a lower r urruling last year...that t@ere e no evidence totouppopo tse allegatatbt. mistake by a delivererdriver yeyeerday y ft s se customer at p pblo o s statiowith costly repair bill---after they
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unleaded. thth happefd athe wesr r convnvience station rarara and thatcher. we c ctata the s agenc eges g pumumthe tell us s e ion ickl tookion to oor thf mistakak after five customers g g twrgas. d bebeuse of our cl,the e state division of oil and puic safety senan inspector out to check test the fuel. "we haent an i ipect out to t tt location to llelelsome galine samples jto verify y at i ieed d d ythihi has b bn flflhed d t correctlandhat thoducbeing so meet spec." he way,...itanos ywhere from 300 to 1,000 dollars to fix your car if youoget t esel in the tank. the search for a awers cwnwnnues in kansa.. after yesterdays ddly shting. a man is accused of killing 3 cocoers a&d injujung 1 others... at a p p&p i ihesstoto.. bustigators sa i could have b bn muchorse.. if n for t quickctioof
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and killed the gunman the gornor... calling him hero. papaone w th m me tonight. ========= na: investigators at scene as invtiga try to fi out why woert thth l l l equipment t ory ened fire. killing thththand inri4 thay. they'r'ralso leaing re abo -h-h- the attacknfolded. gornor samamrownback ss the rapid respon of policecehat sad d ves.s. s/ gov. sam brnbk / r r kaas :17 - : "t"t heson polici#chief in paicular went immediately to address the situation, rather than evewaiting back up, wentntight i iand did heroro duty andererce." police officererenininhe buding a cedriford. hehe cororwed forand shot and killll h h. sheriff's deputies served ford with an order to stay away from his girlfriend hours before the mpage. sheff t. walton - harary county kansas :4- :49 "he didn't display anythg that was outrageous. he was just upset that hwas getting this order." thth police say fofo, armed th p a e ana handguho
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viviimim stole a car. and came to excel indies. soso/ no id "and more people runningngnd all audden popopop p p i starard runnnng o. wiwiin m ments, thehshootiti w .vand fordas dead. s/ sheriff. ltlt - /ary coty ks 1:06 1:12 "thiman was not gogog to stop shooting.. the only reason he stoed shting was becauau that officer shot the shooter."ats: officer th crime tape e as this smalalcommunity mourns those lost, we're starting to learn morerebo teo ken in this mass shohoing.$& according g fammemb o hoho kila a named josh higige. two othefamimies are feeling the e me pai ris pollone, nbc new hessn,ansas. today president ama called the mayor of hessto offer conoolences to theheheilies ofof thoskillllnd wounded.... and to thank the first rereononrsrsho rked ththr ves to save o hersrs xxx & some encouragingngews... deputy kolby martin... in crititil condition afr that shooting in bailil wedsday.. is now in fair condition. st anthony h hpital lakewood shared this picture with our newsroom.. dety martin ng a ahumbs up as he talks with his surgeon. he was one of thredeputies
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noce ibaey.. dly...& al natcarrigan was spfuarrangements are pendndg. xxxx following that hrible event thiseeinailey... and ny oths around t country.. inudininlnst night in kansas.... hundreds are expecteto gadher r weekend.d. fororoenenoffirs. ( law forcement appreciatiti day will be this sunday. it wasreededo not only help regnize the men anwomen who o y... but to help bridge the gap some perceive between lawnforcement anthmmit ==== ron maclhlan hostf law enforcemt appreciaon "ititeems to be mo political correct in areas to be anti-policicinstd pro-policicananthat'sot a sssse e could ever behealthy for our chdren or our commmnities and we havto work h on that." the event is free. itit this suay at 3 p-m athe douglas county fairgrounun in castle rock. there will be lifi music, gugut t speakersrsnd p pnty ofood. a big susurise today in the rara r president. jersey governor, chris christie, who had argued that
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priden eord dona trump and wewe to campaignalalalidthe first-time ndidate. sthandelsman has the latest in ourlectioiowatch from sou carolina,...the site of the democratat primary, tomorrow. nong! chrichstiend donaldldldmp j jt shshsh u ther in ft wth. govov chris christie/ r new jersey :08-:17 "america america must have a rong leader agn that can reste amamicanajoboboban storamerican confidence e d donald trump is just the man to do it!wooo!! " and trump can beatatilla clinton, christie sasa onald trtrp / r prpridtial caidate :20-:24 hihat s e one endorsqment that ielt veryry strongly ybout a d wanteto ge" b re he dropped out, christieieadadattled trump now the e ghis for sup tueueay. s/ g g. ( chris christie / 2 w w w ey 0-:33 "i want texas to be trump territoty on tuesday." last nit's texas debate was fiery s/ donaltrump / thursdsd :35-:37 "this guy's a che artist, and this guy's a aiar." for ted cruz,p7pnning atatome, on esday in texas, is a mt ted eruz / /ashville :42-:45 f donaldldrururus our nonee then@nillary will be very
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rcrcrebio o o n per tuesday y atta-trump mode marcoubio / / llas :49-:46 he c cs up. this is a con job trump is mocking rubio as melting downats/ trump :59-1:02 "t"tt's rubibi" laug democratbtbtlary clinton hah ped for today'y'otlilit s/ hillala cnton 1:05-1:08 "i need d d vote tomorr inouth carolin where the democrs' primary is torrow.... clininhas the support afafcacaamericans ...t key to a win natsthanks for coming bernie sanders seen by many acks in south rolina as unproven i'm eve e ndelsman, nbc newsws coluia, south calina. and if y u're thinking chrisis may be a potenen rununng mate for trump... christ saiaiai pla totremain new jersey's goveor until his term ends in 2018 weweavannside lolo t tight atatow pueblo'ecomic deveent corporioplans toadd 0 jobs to the steel city by the end of the year.r" they will l rget four main clustete of manufacting g businisses. this includes the rail indndtry, aeroace, outdoor
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instead looking at juststne ployer with ththpotentof hiring 1000 0 ploys -- the plan to go a littltlsmaller, by y rgeting companiewiwi closer to 100 employees. o president jeje shaw says hopg this tnsparency will help embrbre the communityt pe thrhrghout the yes has ways ove cret vs idalsoweugt s ita d wenk it's ry iortant for the commununy to uerstand` and know and partner with us in w outtincoies to eherelocate into e lo community pedco says they'll be offeriri an incnctive packaka to lure new emplers,.andill share e quararar updatesitthpublic let e ee knknhe ing. r nizersf th"cananbis have been given until xt nd, mah ..toto infoion heblcounty peit in a letteto "high tim", the county planng commission said the application has some holes in it. and because the initial rmitit applioiowas suted days in vaes
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a 2throh e 24th, nding approval oa permit. eriff rk tlor has alalady expressed his cocoernsnsbouthe event,...which hasasttracted thousands of people, and generated millions of doars in evious years, when it s held in northern colorado. thousandof carseats are beininh recalled. par need to know ead 6:3 t.chck in wiwie e theheeatherenter. i'm mimi d diels. i'll he yoyo extended fifst
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a look from cameras acro colorado. highs today in the 50'and 's. current t mpererures allllve southern coloro... next weather maker, a downope flowhing down e motain will keep temps really warm tomorrow. but winds will gust up to 35 mph during the afternoon anannight a red flag warning tomorrow for strong wind, low humidity and dry fuels. avoid burning, and report smoke if you see it. sunny skies will give way to a few high thin clouds during the afternoon. highempetures will be in the 60's, 70'snd 80's. 7 day forecast for the springs, high tomorrow 69. cooler and calmer sunday. windy and warm monday then a few owers possible late monday night into tuesday.
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pueblo high morrow 76. calmerut still a nice day on sunday with sunshine. a few sprinkles possible late monday night. windy and oler tuesday with a high of 55. back into the 60's wednesday through friday with dry sks. canon ty high tomorrow w4. cooler but still nice sunday. a few light showers possible late monday night. windy ancolder tuesday. dry wi wmer air starting weday. woodla papaphigh tomorrow 61. coooererith less wind d nday. snow showers pep ndnd nigig intnttutuda rning. y skies wednesththh
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beat ououoor hockey. the avare taking iall in
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vavay ntwawa e atmopshereup tomomrois elecetricnd we e hahat evenenroededheuck for saturday. the avatcnnt waito getetet the ice f thehe firsr outdoor r r n n n toto. toto.. e team finally ghanctoto tice on uhuhuhfor@r@r@ first timeutside since the announcement. hardened professionalss ththe ys a...... theylangututde on n n n the ice. all t tk a minu t in thehe of orfifid on ice. ther fre ahehe susuight.... you u gegeto l l lararnd andpdee the mountains and uh i iwas coollili i saithice got tttt ecause of t t suvu toverallt was a lot of fun. hard to imagine it withtftftf ououou peoeoe w)th a lot wf y seats t t ere bubuut i i will be neneonight to seseseafafvni wl jrjrnd howow ny peoe are ininto be heree ouslslenenthe mememehhseenh]h]keks play y titi f f a a aebgagaut i i meme going oe ice@e@e@e@ally dient it is mething w
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s s s sgainin tuayorningefe the game gets underway enhe and`d avangogoon t f icicin thth lala s0.. it w w muse tv. momsnsads.s.s. kidsdsndmas taking sidis s & in the battle and evenftftft5 years.s.itittill bubub wititthes gu.. anto s t tm alalget the ice again... brings back a t ofories.s. even thearm ana fuzzy es for ththred wings. jof sakic leading ththavs backonto t t tces a ay... . fififine sininine retired and was shrined in theockey ll famemem varieieimimj... adamofte... . pak h.... sasaia olilih. and the avs ststckirir... kaminskyangingutn fron the goal... syneneerinin...( thththy who ed theirstgoal in avalanane historordoeses the same in thoutdoogame. lalar in the perd..... e erth tirst or t red wings... thththrm c c cininininin wah heheoal.l.
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wrister... 2---1 avs athe of 1... 3-1 inhe second from milan --1 avs at@tndf 1.1.1. 3--- the s sononfromanhe llecapapon a a10 of course e u can catch al hereren nene f f f f we'll be live outuide coors s field with prerendndost game
6:48 pm
lls.. and d heads up for s-s-housusus o ocacaeats beg recall.
6:50 pm
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ts closing bell a mixed bag on wall street t t end the day... t it wraps up p irtrong week of gains. the dow was down 57 7 int thclosg... the & p also dn out 3- and-a-haha. but ththnasdaqlod up. . xxx x evenflling thousandsds combinationooster seaea.
6:51 pm
acacss t t teaeas adjuster button and l lsen the harness. the recall involves eveno's sitions -1 combijion osr ses manufactured fefe janry 29t eveno sasa the proroem oy y affectthe seats wh they'ze used forward-facing g osters. p injnjies have been reported. walmararhas been hit witlawsuit over its "grgrt value"-brand grated parmesan cheese. in the lawsuit, aintiff aimsmse boughtreatalue- brand's "1000perce gtete parmesan cheese"t a premium ice becausheelied it was 0 pereent parmesan cheese. but acrdrdg the cplai, the product contaievev to ten percent ceulose which is a filler anti-clumpipi agent. the lawsuit t cuses s e retailbrand ofecectiti busins practice a lmart spszesman says the company willlleviee alleletions. xxxx and you'rlog for a fafaly v vicle wh chea inininnce, hda's minivanan might r it. insure-dot-com's annual rankingsof theheost and least expense
6:52 pm
e honda odyssey y y as t chst... costing drivs an avera of 1111ndred dollars a year. they fouou the most expensive insure ie dodge g-t t vipepe--averaging momo than 4- thousand every year! dunkin' donuts is fighting to win back breakfast. faced with d dldniales as mcdonald'sll-d breakst menu gains ipopuularary.. dunknk' donuts ikiki a aoint l l people kn it al rvev brestptllay dunkin revamping its menu u boardst its countersrsnd ive-thru's to ing g tention tots coffee and its own
6:54 pm
6:55 pm
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cleaeaand d t as cold tonight, lows in the 20's and 30's. saturd will bebeindydynd warm with highs ithe 60's. . 70's andnds. dry fuels and low humimity combedh strong wind willcreate high fife dgege a flag warning fm 10 am untiti7pm.
6:56 pm
our weather thththeekend, nice for u# to enjoy, but it's going to binfire crews on their toes. tonight on news five at ten.. how t ey a a getting readydyor ththrising firirdangng, u n do your part and a hugele desesucti rocklisde cled part -70 for a week, caused mlilis in damage and cleananan tonight---we'll tell yououboct someancial relief for r e rereir project. thanks for joining us for news 5 at 6.
6:57 pm
6:58 pm
6:59 pm
[rococsic] wawain.. - wh- totot's show m ininease youou.... raisn.n. [muffled crara] and induce m men uer pic. - hey, that's my windshield! - recommended do.. - ow! one full hour... - fromhat point on, it`tas just t aos. [craing]g] - ststtingng. - - my god! - now.w [screaming] this is aught on cer" [chehes and apause] - welclce to "caught on c mera.a. i'm ck c cnon, mingt you from univerl citywalk in hollywood. make some noisis people! [cheers and applause] atat what i'talking abouright there. w totoght, get ready for some of e most jaw-dropping videos s t there. ananyou'll heafrom`mheheeoplplplw ved talabout it. let's get to it.
7:00 pm
en everything goes right.. bubuwhen it gogo wrong, well,,i hopeomomom fed the cat. skstudent chstophehejos flying avevehe lwn uer about totoake hithird jumpf thday. ininructor sheldononarlane, a jumpmaster with 26 years of experience, is recording t f dive on his helmet cae- - he was looking calm andndollected, um... all the way up taltitude.. - at 1 10000christopher t kes the plunge. hoososng] shdon motions for christopher to t 360-degree tu. staed hn relyl,now? ! j jt takes a biof s he s srted turning ananthen jususop he started gng i io a fetal posision and his kes camemeown, h h hd went down, and heold over towarar his back and started spiing.g. chchchopopr ,0,0 feet... and fag fa i reizedede wasn't doing anything. he wt reading his altitu,, wasn'n'reononon. hen'n'ing anytng to rrect hihisituation.


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