tv News 5 at 10PM NBC February 26, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST
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soutuv lookg ahead r you toni with a live look in c/loradoo spris d dveblo. lead forecaster mike daniels gave us the first alert on the potential for high f fe danger this w wkend... with a red flag aleralready posted for tomorrow... we wl e rm tememratures.s. t those strongnginds... xxx helllland thanks for joining us r news five e ten. m lisa lydyd. and i'm rob quirir fire danger is on the rise.. by tomorrow morning a red flag warninwill be e e eect.t. selseyeyennene is live tonikikiki th whahayou ne to ow to he firefigers prevent dangerors re ovethe weekend.. 've e ready hamultiple fir th week.. . without a reag warning ininffect.n. so when that warning kic in tomorrow.. firefifiters ac southern colorado wbe n sndby.z d they're e ki you to be respononble. and d t dodonyg at could aramam.. ok
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"the besdedense isust be aware and help us prevt these re."." "it won't take very much at all to start a fire. over thekend.. "it won't t fmuch at all to s srt a f fe. over the wkend a massivfirefortrtarson.. on thursy.. ames in p ebeb calhan.. and prose.. is mororng, a grass re sparkejebyby malfunctioning car.. "there were so firefighters parked at the end of our driveway when weweere pulling in. they saiaiwe were luckik" lucky th propertytytners in the area keasasaes s d yards mowed.. and diite the wind.. refighters werable to catch up to the firereuickly.. only damaging part oa e.. it camdangerously close to ts.. "firorry w we our animimim we have several dogs. 2 german sherds d three smald gs in the hous even witsnow o o day.. a rereflag warning a few ds later is no less dangerous.. the middle of winter.. january, febua.. anmah.. historically g gss fire season here in colorado "yayas cng torchch
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nonoal stuffno m mice or intent behind it, bubuyou gege mplacent thinknknkwe're in wintertimet t ere's a ason we don't often see evevday fireduring the winter.. "the second you stararto lose daylighthtnd t tt solar heating, your fe is going t considerably redt it's tensity d get t sier to catch. on red flag ys it's your responsibility nototo burn outside.. use tools s atld cause a arar. throw ur cigarette butts outut yo c`r window.. .@ anything that t tlspark a firi. "our crews w)wlwbe standing by in theiririldland fifiting gear many lococ fire departrts sharupdateonococl media.a. you staynforthere.. anby following koaa a a five on f febook twitte. li is, knene five. let's g%t a check now on coitions out there rigig now in southerercolorado. lead f fecaster mike danielslss herere
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ststass shshng hesstonas tht. uncomingethe light cale.... ... and y and coort one anananr. eaieietonight.. balloo were teased t thohor the lives of e three e opleled in yeerday's tragedy. shot andnjured xx investigators are still lookokg for bnsws surrrrnding e suspect cedric ford... acacsed of kililng three worked in hesstsn.n.n( we'vlearned thpolice chchf... is the one who s spped the gunman... and is being hailed as a hero. he put his life on theheine... charging in with no backup and reportrtly taking fire ahehe enenrn the buig. === "the hesston police chief inpaicar w wt in immedtelyly toddddss the sittion, rather than even waiton bacup, he nt rign and did heroic duty and service thtive is clr.bubuth shshiff sayshehepsct had
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stay afrom hx girlfriend... . hours bere t t rge. the e victims.. . shot and killed.. were identifielate tod... two men and onwoman... who's milili a ag the su loss thehe l l ones.s. xxxx this epasosoouy man facece severachges after a stdoff in fououaiaiai e sherififs office saydamon brimerarrided mself insi a home near colonial drive and colonial lane e fountain. they say he was wanted on a warrananfokidnapping, feny menacing and assault with delyeapon. depu wereventually ablblto get him to lea the home e wiououinry. we've got encouraginnews to share about a park coty sheriff's deputy critically injured in a shootiti in bailey earlier t isiseek. master patrorodeputy kolby martin has been upgred to fair condition. lakewowo shared this picture...of depu martin giving thumbs up. . r hancock
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sadly... cooral nate carrrran was lledn the e ooting...his funural l rangementstsre pendg. all three deputies w we all@shot ile serving an ection nonoce in bailey onlvednesday. e suspect s s ot and killed.( u.s. distct judge has town n t a wsuifile the famimikekeieing aicityty, pueblo police partme a a her@r rmer boyfrfrnd's familil kelsie was lt laststeeeein bruary of 201414n pueblo,...after siti her boyfrienendantheheucas e wrongful death lawsuit alleged that the pueblo police department cspirededith the lulus family to deroevidence and failed t tpursueue vestigative leads. thstrictourt judge upheld a lower court rurung lasds year...thahathereris no evidence to support thosesellegations. ( a delivery d dver's mimiake is coing some pueblo customs re than a few galls of@fas. they're left w wh an expensive@ ir bill afafr r @yot diesel fueueinstead of unleaded.d. it h hpeneneat the wester convennce e ation at prair
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that r resaspsps ey t tta corrd mie e e r fi customergot e wrong gas. and because ofur call, the state divisiononf oioid publ@ safety st an insor out t t check the fuel. "we have sent an insor that location to collect some@ gasolineamplesust to vifif that indd evythingngas been flusheout ectly y d thatat e prpruct beingnsoldldeet spec." itan ct anywhere fm 300 to 1,doars to f your car if you get esel in th. new tonight: it's beingubbed "dowown's nesouth h d"... bringi`an new businesses to expand theheowntown core ftherer south. the latest b biness opened todada.. ne fe's maddie garrett was there and joins us live i` studio... maie, what areowntowow leaders saying abo it? they're hopi to evenally connect two parts of central lorado sinin... .
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d.....tching to urn renel zones s souou neva. the l teususess topen... "bar-k.k.k s new apartmentstsshs an ststrain. ok r r nats the theme---- colorado cocktails... sot ken nn co-ownene e use local liquor local bee local prode locaegg whites in our gin fizzes." the atmospspre... sot ken "v"ry qed non-club atmosphere."." the purposev.. sot ken "we kind of downwnwnoving towa the s uthnd we wanted contribute to that, it't'a eat neighborhood and it has a loloof potential." popopoial thatar-k andndther businesses are t tping into. sot laurel pdhme, downwn partnershihi"we've k kof found atbthiarea of downtown i reallyp and coming, there's lot of coosinesseshat are @ attrac a lot ove fos in them d that's rely giving a newenon into what downtown has to fer. the colorado springs dowown n
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thatxpansion doesn't stoherere costilla... t lalael "w"wreing`to g g somrely good connectivivy y om thehe downto core into the old south nevada area a d in ivywiwi." e the urban nel zoneon south neneda h he been slow pick up... downtown leaders s a trend that's pri for growth. sosourel "peoplplarwanting to live in urbqn cores, thehehent places to go they wnt food they want inininhey nt enterinment, all within walking distance or biking distance, so we've seen&& is trendoming, we started seeing new buss comi a fefeyears ago and ght t w we'r'rstartingneo see a whwhe lot moregrth." the bl dpartments just ened iat area in januarar.. d the downtown partner says a new coffee shop is set to open there this spring lisa new and innovative bususesses also being recognized ghghgh t celebra tenology award the evenhonors startps, , entrepepnus and netechnology bunessesesn colorara sinin. fr innnnative mamactctin.. to da and analytics, cyber
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five business took home top honorsor t tir contributioiw to the community. and oulocacaeconomy. mike cvarro "i t tnk we're ell trying to foer an iniredib start up p community." bill miller "i think it's rely importa that w wcelebrate the e vivi that's going o ohereren n colorado springs, there'sctually@a lot t & of really cool things going on, a lot of young p pple getting involvededn some interesting ececec mayor hn suthers said tonight he feelslsike thentrepreurur commity has totorow inrececeears and d pes to conwinue e at w wh more incentivevefor bunesses organizers of the "canbis cup" have been giveuntil xt monday, h gedrmrmio too cocoty fmits. in a lr r "highimes plaing mmissn said e application s some holes it. anbecause e e initial permit icwas not submitted 75 days in advance, "hi times" s had to push the event back to apapl 22 through t t 24th, peininapproval of a permit. shehifaylor r s already exessed his concncns aut t even...which has a acted
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generated millions of f llararin previous yeaea, , en it was held nororern colorado. country music star colliye is coming to puebl tickets went on le t tay for a a beneficoncert in steer that will raise momofofoa local l arity. that chariri is called "dade to o drea -- it's run by sa espotond husus in canon city theyaise eoney to hehe terans andeoe with disabilities to receive seseice dogs. sandy said so many people help r get a dog when she lost her sight in college that her dream in life was to return thth far.. spe told collin raye aut i i.. on recent trip to branson and he agreed to helel ========= "i was complplely blown awaw. i mean, , ,just, i is one of those things thas nothing short of an swero o er and l l could wad thk yo" "like withandy, we need to be a mohpiece and thahas the way dio, t tme, supposed to b b heor the peoe, not just to ayaa bunch kf songs."
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budutiwill gust up t35 mph riririhe iftereronnd night a reflagagararng t torrow for strong wind, lowidity and drfuels. avoid buing, and report smoke if y y seeeet. sunny skies s ll ge wato a fefehigh thin clouds dururg the afternoon. high temperatures wie in the 60's, 70'snd 80's. day forerest for the sprgs, , gh tomorroro69 cooler and lmer sunday. wiand rm mondayathen a f f showers possible late monday night into tueay. ch colr aiaion t tsday. puebloigh h morrow 7 7 lmererut still a nice y on sundayayayaysunshinene a few uprinkles possibib l le mondnd night. windndand coolet tuesday with a high of 5555 baba into o e 60's wedneay rough fray with drsks. non city high tomorrow 7 cooler b still nice sunday. a few light showers possible late m mnighgh windy d lder tue. dry with warmer aiaistarng wednesday. woodlala park high tomrow 61. cocoer with lessind sund. snow showe possible late monday n nht into esdada morning. dry skies wedfesdadaththugh
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,,,,,,,,,,,, , c-dois gng aon fr the fer veo helpayor reirs along g sth of-7 ugenod c 2mile sasad damamad in aassive rock slide last week. the ney y s from the u.s. department of transportains ergency reliei. i-70hrough glenwoocanyon in back ope...but repairs continue,...ananyou caill expect slow going from time to time the next several weeks. firefighters hithe
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ping ton:t e irsa t compur brch m. isigger than first thought. the irs says the number of taxpayer. whs s fo mayayavento comtes.s s now 70000ousa.. that's mororan "doublee earaieesmatesf the s%nsive informrmion n be ed f f identity theft or to claim fraudunt tax refunds. e irsays it's immediel notifying taxpers feri ws to prote aga brch. xx majojotech companini are rallyingngehind apple in thehe fight against the goverment.
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of e co brief on halff appl the coy efefto hel f-i hack ian ihone one tan bebrdinohootots. to. . apple stkhkhrs s sng r ort thcoy' c-e- ey yavtim cookoktandin ovn at f ststkhs ing nce compy n s h tfbi.xx remeer this video from las septe]ber, british airways jebadldamamed refter qborlilg takeoff from t t vegas aprp tot,.r!rrs he fn de txhe n.jnjnud n n e eine.e.anaabk k to coroja,herebill b repainted before flying back to england. e ightto aabruptpt enen....hen one ofhe engineses ugpt f f f papapapars and crew mememes esespepedown evacuation slsl. xxxx ouououececececececec shocococ e eoresememt in thehehe rereblblbl race for e e house. "ameriri amemeca m mt t ve a ststng leaear agagn thatatan restore american jobs that can reste americ confidence and d donald trururus just the m m mo
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ris christie says "there is no ononon p. ananuncecece c ces j jt dadadabeforere mulstatatatpepe tuday imims.s. rnie sanders and hillary clton arsy g gtingeadydyfor thth weekend's souou carolinanama. . . today,ototfod ononfrican americ vots. xxxx good news for single beer brewers. from now o yon't have to be a "head of family" to brew. the e ate senate voted today to change the language in the bl l frfr "head of family" to "adult". e bi now gs to the governor's desk...he is pected to sign it. colorado home brewing law lays out who can brew beer and wine without a liquor license. "a-basin"... hosted firefighters from around colorado today for the 10th annualire hose relay! teams of five skied and snowboarded down a giant slal coue whe holding on to a 50 foot hose. the competition benefits childr's hospital!! and this
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the best thing about the red wings avavanche e valrlrwas th intensity. and en thougugthere was a big g time gap sincecehe peak of it... it's still just as good d` ng t t old faces in the umni game even the warm d d zzy ones for the rewingng sasac c adadg the avs back onto the ice as a player... rst time since he retired and was enshrined in the hockey hall of famam and the avs struck first... kaminsky hanng out in front of the goal... easy one timer finish... later inhe period... stevyzermawith the fir al for the red win... the rmer captaineatiah thel. then joeakic with the wrisis.. 2---1 s at thend of 1...
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glorious night against a hated rival avalanche beat the red wings 5---2 nothing fills the void of retiring except things like this, we all miss the game, so gotta thank theor puttg this togher they d a great job. all the good memies and the people in the stands, the wehehe i can't complain about anything. when you walk out in front of thousand people for anld timersrsame!? that's p ptty azin thmain guys will get on the ice tomorrow and with the mperatues expected... it could make some interesting play our therere the avalanche are aware that t ice wont be perfect but that's partf the fun of the event. with the sun coming downnd with how h it is todayou can't real expect the best ice conditions but but i know th nhl has a great team in ple e that they ahve done this so many times that they know whathey are doing and im sure with torrowor t game with nobo skat on itbefore rm up i iwill be good.
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the action on saturday right here on news five. wel be live outside coors field with pre and post game verage on newsive weekend air force hockey on a roll right now.. on theoad ainsniagara. r foe warelentless... eric baskin struck first... he had two glsn the nigh ben kuceratruck twice .. aiforce beats agar6-1 and clinchesome e he atlaic cfefence quatatfinals onch 113. ayf time in southern colora tonight. boys and girls hps going o alover - andnde get it going th the top t teams in 4---a girls baet. mesa ridididnd sand creek both on tomcourt....l start wjth the grizzlies. hoststg j-f-k high tonight.... 1. chlowelc we'see a loof her,r,ets the lo pass and the lay- in...mesa ridge up big earlrl 2. welch gets the feed agaiand puts i iupndndn.
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ball falls into her hands, off to t races, ananher two for lch. me ridge steamros j-f-k high school, 76 to 34. sand`dreek and stataley lake lockg horns totoght in thespris. 1. olna squ gets us going, the steal and pulls up for three, go..scorpiojuple. 2. then deja derrell from beyeyd e angs home the three.....and crcrcrputting aw the gators. 3. squires clns up,eeds liah daviwho lays it up and in. ptions get the big win, 72 to 51 over standley lake. eblo snd widefield at the fair event c cter t/t/ght. daz rodgers t-j davor the jumperwidefiholdin on. 2. marcel barbee feeds isiah
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lay-y-. . 3. isaiai thorpe the deep three r widefield. 4. marcel bbegets the s sal and e sl.... .....pblo south rides th ntmt to theh66 - 41 tidefiel matt t tnks... sierra was oso closeseo earning g state title berth in 4--a las that's the motivivion for them this time around. a a o seed in 4---a.a. the stallions hosting wheat ridge tonight. tight gage allllig.... on wingo with the e ceriri anane big g yuyuhehe. wpeat!tidgdgkept cliing ba inin. xavier drieling withth nice dre insidede thth cut i ito 4. but t j jnis s feelelg g from outside... mper fls for m... and thther.... p
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they'l'lplay mead d morrow at 7. 5---irlr t#ththt. dohehetocka a untain. nt much to sp aubrianna noti tonighghforthththnsns.. finishing ofpasasag g side.. d th d dh wn low e six ot jun.... she f nieditit toiois.& 10 rebnds... uy doublblbluble for her. dodododohos 4----fer r mounin ey ralon vley next cleaeaand t t cold d d d d lowo in thth and 30's. saturday will be windy and warm withign the e 's. 70's 80's. dry fuele,e,e,dity cocoininininh h rororoind will createh h h dananr. a red d agror@1010 7p burning g g rerertke.
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