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tv   Today  NBC  February 29, 2016 7:00am-12:19pm MST

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nene step? whwh wld y do? >>f they violatetthe pledge, ich possibly theve already ne, as y understandnd i will do somomhing thatt wou make em ununppy. i have millions of millions o follows. we had the endorsement yeste of senator j j j sessions, onene of thth most respected people in the sete. wettended an event that wassoo credible in alabama, wit ,000 pepepe. i don't know if you covoved --- everybyby`overed it,ut i n't know if you talked aboutt the numbe offpeoplp. 35,000 people in a big footbadl stadium. >> rght.t. >>e said he's never sn anhing like tt ande's beeee@ in politics 3 years.% . he's never seen an event like that,,ith that kinin of people we have tmendous suppppt. frankly, the replican party should get behind me. wewee opening up to t t publican partrt whenen won south carolina, we got far re votes than the democrats got. ifou look at our votesse thth mocrats,e got more votes.
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more votes thane got four ago. we're opening up the party. democrats are c in. >> let's c cose that -- >> it'sger rty.y. i' done a great svi for thth rerublin party. >> let's choose that as a good ace tot stst, mr. trp. pefully we'll getetet toalk t t you after sup tuesy. thank yoyo for yourime this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. let's bring in nicollele wadcendteve kornacki. good mning to you. s talk a aut whatr. trump sa. has he put i i to bed? >> your conversatioith him is extraordinary, in that it was the first time i heard himla the piece for- >> what'd you say?y? >> old campaign trick. prprs your e and eten you can' hear whatats r rhthtboutt what he sshathe republican party is trying to take steps towar him. - then heefusesp t disavow daviddduke. cudds u upun. says thingshat maket
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cessary for us to run t stepep back. >> theicle in e " jw yo tis" talng aboutut efforts over theast couple mons by the gop estaishmenen what wa e headline to > tnk it'sss t t failure. there's been concern for a few monthsmongepeplicanshatt trump could dothth. he c c c pulul away. i thinkhere's a question, coyehaveonnything i the fst place tto him? erslu in the te to get behind any other candidate.e.e. it ss l lbout the other candidatesrunning. c't getbehihd a aacuuuu exactly. >> the failulu was i itheage age anysis thahere were three nessnd each cononst was sfsfrate. ititas wrong. it's not likbasketball w %%%ppu have difififntacketsts theeight suld haveeenaken to the front ru. 's the failestraragy, that they hadoirstestrtr another. there was a a docratic primary o o saturday ninit. hillary clinn w wigger than a lot of ople expected. >> s s putp astonishingd numbs, spepeficallyyith
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rican-american voter iouth carolina. she did better with black voters on saturday night thannarack k ama did against hern thee same state eightht years agag ..clcle t % o& the bla votete >> shoen the campaign w wh thth victor i suspectcto, yes. steve, thank yououerermumu. nicolle, thank yo al has a checkf the weather. >>uptuesy, wther wil be aactor.totoe the, tonit,haveve ce stor frookhomato wichihihll stngnginininstdg-pong sizeil tuesday, ager aaro sysyania intoo uisiai this alsonvolves t super tuesday states. arkansas, teteessee, alabama, georgia andndviinia 22 million people a a risk. damaging win gusts and we nnotule out rns.we're really going to be
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comom omg in theext half hour, we have winter weather to talk out. mr. laueu? >> al,, thanknk ver much. > comingup, a aig day at e andrewewn c cil iaiaia e sport repepd h nvted stalker both expectedd to testify. eheli. >plpl,@ wouould youalllll f it?e e us did. on r rsesereports, thehehe new tri
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t,t,s s s y" o o o@ j jt aheaea a cluels apar.
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oscaca mos awkrdwe wonererer we wonere. a.$ here. and here. here.and here. uh, here. alsoson here ackckhe.. nd%he. even next to thesepepys. t t natioioios s rgest,t,independent study,y, roottricicjuju named ven number o o network r the fifth time in n ro here.
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there's only one, number one. and now wel pay up to $650o switcho the best netwo. thisis eigig herert twen me yeyeyeof this jo yikeke my kids sago f f i mom. be that womamawho does whwt she loves. knowwhat she w wts. "yeah, mom's'sonon g gfor !" except i d't havcl e to s srt. hey we hr you. th's w y aararcrealife imagageded itesigigd to help you findyour true passssn - personal vicecerom experts, acacs s d people l lu who argogor it. you d't thini"this s r r for wh y y tnknkarp, then`nou d't k kw 6ap"p" ge know a aarp.o.o/posbilitieses only k kftatural chemsm! has a touch of p pladelphia eaeese, so whahaver r makeke creamamr than e er.r. chchseour r tch new revlon colororay 2-in- compact. expertlyated foundation`and ncler
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deliver a flawlwss, , lele look thqt lalas.
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nevlolorstay -in-1 compmpt.t.,,,,,, ll o my le! the e isisut.... e flamamis out,, tomorrrr my attidede... ur mother... antoo.ntonon que? the stovov it's'sotorking. campbell's microveable soups made f real, real life. you cacahelp prevent bndnene ernourishechildrenllqover the world. when you get your vitamins at walgreens,,, you he give life-changinin vimins to kidacroro t globe.
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chchge livesvevewhwhe. lglgens.the corner o o ohappand aly. good mondadamo good mondamornini. at 7:26, i'm sheene cockrell wis toy show update... court rtial proceedings are scheduled begin for-s-air foe ademcasecond class chery l. chubb. chchb ands accused of sexually saulti a a female cadet in october of 2014... he's'sharged with 'rape' and two ununf f busive sexexl cocoaot.' we'll l t you u ow wh happens at ththacadady -- tonight onews fi a5 & 6. the 2016 seauon a the roy gorge roroe railroad k kks off this aftftno! parte ti the traiakips 7-days week f f fthe e antae d%pot"t" in canan cit fofothe eirst t@me ever.. e e ilro is offeriri s sson pass for $19.. and presidentiti candidates wi bebelazingampaigtrail toy... ononday ahead ofofuper tutuday... totorrow... voters in 11 states s ll head to the polls to pick the nominee for tir part....
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be sure ble check your precinct location. it could have changed when bobodari wren last year. r thlili of tionononhehe to o o w wsisi - k-o-a-a d d com - and search t t w w"caucus." " " ief morninmeteologis stn wers jnsnowia ok aour l l re..ephen. red flag w w i iin et for asuebl fremt cotiesrom nononontil 6 pmpmodayay hi clouds ararstrere overhe this mornrng thf cold fppppaching. en t cold fronve througheheinwiwiwincas thththnd will l lrelatively lm this morningngeforininupto 15-25 mph t ts afternn. the nd meaea tay is going to be warm. highs will be in the 6 with 40s anan50s the higotot the inwill warm throuo 30s and 40 anintotohe 50s b 10 am.pect 50s and 60s at noonon those 60this afteron m ira crinin. .
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oo ood to o live rightbout now
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go,good, good to be alive right about 7:30, monda momoing,eap y, februruy 299 2016. atre we goingoo with the exaay? escar carpet has been rolled up for another year. the stands are coming downt the dolby eateal and nat we thehe u tep earar w. >> the first h hr w w f fo watch. i don'n'know what happened after thtttt >> the 88th awards@nd with a surp with "spotlight" taking home the award for best picture. in@nhe acting catories, e onardo dicaprio got h f fst osrrfter several nominationon iha you all for t ts amazazg a a a night. leleles not takehi planet for anted. i do ot take tonight for grand.d.d. thy u sosomuchch >> brie larson won b btress for "room." we'll have more lataton. a day before supupesday,
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hf's ctizeddforot disavowing david duke durin a a inteteiehat rninin trumpadhis@o say. take a ok i'm sittingn a aaaounoridaith a v b bare t t t t thehe mem and y y coulardly heae e s saying. i@ heard wasarious groups.iion mind disavowing anybody, and i disavoweweweav d de and vovodim the b bore at a mororewew conference. mp a s s s s hee expect to do veryelelt t poll momoow. >> army staff sertssigned to the penengogo is facacac@r chges in ththth deaths o l his wife and virginia police office polile sayay 32-year ronal milton k kleddisise a a openen fire o popococo e fficer killeded 2828r-r- ashleyeyeygwdon w her firir y of patrol. onews it'll be another emotional day atri andrdrdr $75 million civiv trial ainit a man who s stly
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recorded herernd theotelel where ppened. mo radadadads at the #purthouse thismorning.g. od morning.g. >> savaah, goodd morng.g. exclosisive >> savannah, good morning. an exclosiveexplosiveay expectete i court.erin andrere s s takak the stand, making here as tohy e deserv $7$7$7$llion. she'll alsoearr from m e mana e sayss d dagedherer c ceer andnd left h h pcly liated. h h dman court a a a erin ananews a a t t t slker who t t t t video of her nam in her h arexpected to testify today.y. her mom likelyo take the stand afte jururpndrere ed to last week'k' --ememionananagut-t-enching imimy about howthe sport rqrqrt's life c ced after thecandalousotel video went vivil. >> she's not tunerso s was. she's mad.d. she'ss scared.. she's not t gl that we usese toow. >> reporter: w, she'll get to tell hereride oee sty.
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p>> it't' importa forrin andrewso testify to really look the jurors in the eyes and to e elala themmow harmful thisas to hoho setttdg. w mumu it h hnterfered wit he fe. >>teteichaelarrettho sent 0 mons in pririnn the c cme w w'te in the courtroom b is expectedo teteify byvivio. didirc fatheffftwow he was an executive with moneytroubl% wh, a#aor to o e defe he c ce up witthe schemem t t alterhe p pphphp andrews' hotete doo a a a u a cell phone to cch h hnaked. helanno selel the video. fiingo ke, h h postete it on t t ternet where experts@ sayy it'llllivever. >> many peoe have individidll copieses out the. i don't know ofny way -- i can't t t of any way sitting to get ioff. > repter:imimg negligence emotionana disstre and evasion o privacy, andrewsws uing for $75 million.
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faulululnd tha arre is reonsibleecause h h deceived,, nnnn andipulated the 44 reservation s stem to get room next@o andrews sopha hee d te that video.( >> i'm mad. i did nothing wrong. i think i i should be allowed to go liveyy li. but this isnsn over.& >> the l lttime w heard blicly from barre wasas w w he wasaspentencedebk i i 201010 wheh hee sobobd innpen court, ya one day,e hopophat erin andrews could forgive him. >> an, thank you. >> there'sew troubleor roqol carin. - for e second time inn a amonth, the anthehe otheeas has bee forced@tonn bk to portrt tamron hashe lest onn that. . good morning. thiss no loveetttor sure. earlier t ts month, the msive ship cruis into a vioiott storm in t t atlaic, btltl the cruise linin and ratating peopl on board. w, mor ereme weather a a outbreakakf norovirusas anotherroup of psengers on
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the ip desesrate to arrive ba o d d nd. >> reporter: it's been anything but smooth sailing for royal ribbeas a ahem of e seas. earlier t ts month, a major atlantictorm battering t t shipipithurricane-foror winds an waves as higig as 3 feet. the more thaha 6,000 passengers and crere onbobod, terrifiede hunkering down for hours with flying furniturend s serer asasust one d d after setetng sail. >> i thout, t@is is i. m g gg to die. >> reporter: o, another vacation is g wtingut short by weatatr. yaya carabbean announcncg on twitttr, the anthe of the seaea willeturn to porttin new jersey, quote, immeatel to oid a sevevstor the voyayaandg twowo days earlier, skikiingg rbados, meaning meanin a srtened honeymn. >> we hadxcursion plannedut we'd rher be home safe thqn % worry abooinghrough crazaz stormrrsomethin
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the crew t tdassengngng of a a pnrovivivi outbreakkn the shsh. ose on ss been allll handn deckk t increase sananation levs. >> everybody i irequired to w wh their hands. fore theheo to t, when t t t usus the restroom. . > r rorter: even with royal carabbbbn repeptingn average of 9 to 10 suspectss casas eac day, this couple said they'd do itllveve ain. >> they gave eryone free internet. gave u cret t tard a future crcrse. we wereelike's's f fure out what our next o o is g/ing to . >f i knew w w w inow#n then, i still wld havone roh wh >> ralaraysveryoy ooeen sickkassss responded t over the countntnt mecine. e ship is eted back at itsts meort o weesesy. wednesdanoomoon en es a the pplehahaare like,, ,ererayaynn fefeuary?itgseappararar ee up t clclk. geehoho.
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p>>hank y/u v vch. > let's head out to los angeles f a check of the weather from al who saysinter is comin advisososo, s s s wningssrom minnesota@ a the way to ( chigan and on uppnto .p. happpping. av aow p psse systete at'l be develelin it does,, weeor@the st to move intthe plai pressure. frommahanto chchaga7 aw%w% movento tomorrowowowets to detrort and a ao par of io. on i i ithth u.p.p. mi it'll be a a qck tter, sop
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inches from oo, iowa 8>t is >> tis y yr latest weather. matt >> , thank you very much. > oming, erringngngourdsook so thehe can selll things to your friends? w aboutut if yo wororla is the cars? we'll tell you about a ve, veryuccessssll scscu cookie sale. j ffff rosseseeee re.he has a new rososos r rts wawain f f >>oooo m m mng toyou. iti h happeneneo all of us. u're line and a scarymessageeops ,ayin h he irususn your compmper ca this n nber now too fix it. looks legit, but exrtsayay is f fe to ripou off. believev it or not,@, o o of "today sho hosts fel f it
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h ofou was nuts silky smooththark ocolate.
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,,,mom,m,ad. >>n. w at fex has lineneour e-commmmcece d helped us ow our biness, thinit's time we srt acting like siness. >>ay... he we go... >>oh, look at this.. ok, so n nber one. no persol items are permitititin the workplace. the wiwiwiwid`d`ome down. we'll be doing some mandndory testing. and d ere's s so a strict ndating picy.>>, but ney, , , , ,ed.. thatatoioio bebe proemem ow y yr businene with the onlinehipping ololololed... look at this swe face. so sweet.
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oey, fky, happy. tstrudel.,,(people think calornians live in oun realy. with our heads ithe clouds. like a bunch of spe cadets. hu what? i'ie d d a b bnk. wh'sne irecr]r]rese ybe we do lili i ia our own li be. just hangigi o! as if wewee nonocompletely dodoearth. but just a bunch of eamers no way! e e st like everyoyoyoyoe. you k.ow, e2agagjoes. start dreamingig at sitcifornininim eaupupbuy. y'll l t i thth time. ye !pok n too quick don't let t ntil i s got t u... start strong with the lag energy of 100% rerereng it! whole grgrn quakers.and off yogo.hi''m kristie. and i'm jess. and we are t t bugughicks. we'rera nanouses wiows reahelps usus get the wordrdut aut how awome bugs a kiki leaea to be brbvand curis and alkiki speak t lauagegef bug. "hey cortana,d my katydid video."
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oh! is is so good.d. yreiyto t tch a d aboupros juketch h on the scseen.. ..n' ach scscen on my mac, i'm m alous ofhat. put a bububu in a kids hands anchan their world vw.w. [ (toilet flh) if you need an opioid manar r roro yoyoy beo coted d` els s ke eryrye can go ...except opid-ind cononipatn, oic,c,s s different ty of constipipion, ich may need a different approach. longinfor r change? have the c grsrsn with your docabout oic,d ask abababprescripiponreaeaent options. > 'r'r we're back at 7:43. this uornininin n ossese reports," " e trick that hkers
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are ar using too get into your couter to put yououpersonal information at risk. t's easy to fa for. as a matter ofacac a ar ofour r am becamama victim today, jeff rossenhere with more.. thanksor setetng us up, jeff. we're all prittytymart p pple. if we if we canall for i yan too, at home. when youline, you get t pop-up ads all lheime.e. ing you sosoththg or click re to win. no theres anffffffl ininwawaing popping up saying y yr computer has virus. it's been blocked and&you shou call this number tfix it. uld you beliliit? w@to shut it town beforo youou loverything. youhink i'd n n clin ,re revng the "today" show show nost that just fell for it. >> reptete you'rrfing e web and ofowhere -- i iorta security messsse. >> reporter: -- this wning saysourusystem has been infe, hijacked andououou private and final is at ri. the only way to fix it? ca the number the seen. it looks legit.
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li icamemerom your own computer.bubu's actually a fake.. it's reaa pop-up ad. >> i iopoped t t t tr and lelesomebody into my compute >> ror it just happened to nataliwhile s e was onne. she papicked and called the number. theto me that they're a reretable company, that t rk with apple e d microsof pso they imdiately asked for access to computetethroroh me in 12 >> telme you didn't dot. >> you did it? you let them in? didt, jeff...know repororr:r:ncncinside, th anned der hardrdrivellll r she hasba vivis. bududu g gd , for $400,, ty'll >>t sorw o like the light bulb went off. wewe offering wasn't true. >> repororr: s surititexexrtrt sathese p/p-up adsdare mislsldi andangerous >> loooo like a warning, butut
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's not rere itos just a picicre telling you ( there's something wrong with yo computer. there's not somethinwronohwith uromter.r. >> we're going to trtrthisisor ourself. 're e ing call ononon thehehe companies that sds the pop-up p p warnings.nt to the store and b ught a brand-nemac book air. it's out oflthe book brought in oucomputer rt.. jimmmstickley here theyell usver the phone ere's a v vusn this, what does it mean? >> i i meaea they'rere trying to rip off,f, or mig try to put theieimalware e . i s aopp th said to callhinumber about a comput virus. can you hehe me? p y y y >> rorter: the t thniciaia immemeatelasked to tap io my couter. once he's in, wefatchimim pokee aroundn apapp ininealtime. that himngll tt. thin seconds, heasasad ns. ea may somomnenelse trying to acss your compututut >eporter:haharigh sayay onlyther virus o my mputer. body is trying to hack in. >> i'm'moing to cleaup t chini and kets mput brand-w computer.
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the y you boughththis compmper. >> reporter:emembe this couter is brbrd-new. then comes s ses pitch. >> wt does thisicost me toet fid? >> if f u go for thehone year contract, itil ct you 199.9 dolls. repororr: time for e big reveal. >> my name is jeff rosse i'i'the national investigative rrespondent t r nbnene and this is a new computer out of the e x. okay. i completely know your point. i'mot denying it. >> where's the virir? >> i'l'lshow you. >> you were yj t tsell us papaage t at o o comomter expepe says we didn't need. siri'not trying to s%ll u a package.. i'm offeng thnal assisiancm. juststive mminute. t me shoh you.u. >> reporter: aftfreveralal minutes, he still n't showows any vivis. then watch this. he srts suing thehweb. & >> you're typi yahoo!.com. ininoogle. ththk you veuch for your timeme >> doesn't mattetewhwhher you' smart, dumb, old orlyounun it's `onof those t tngs s ere when ( you're c cght off f f d, you
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>> repororr: urgent warnrng to protect from you boming viim. leaeaeaood on next time i in wt wod jeosn rn.n.>>lwlws good advdve,@,at.t these t chnicican e rsiste. no mter how offici the sod, we contted ple and crosof both of them telling nbc news theare not affilted with these e e anies who createtehe ads. best advice if y gethe pop-up, hit espe.natae, i know you'r'r ifrom l.a. w, you shouldave hit escape. >> i ow, i tried. but it w w just there frozen. so, the w y it thrhrtened that my informati could be compmised th, u know, , wagogog to be`hackck, ) ) an, it wasascary to me. i'm t only oneho has fallenenor it. hundredsdsf ototrsnd p pbably ousands of othtrs, iluding my f fher-ininaw, got the sa thing on h compur. natalie s se money io is but y had to bring your
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sure a vis 'tutit>> iooow t cpu ex to itadn'ally bmpmi ckck. >> goonews jeff, you got a necoutut. >> i iure d.d. i i d. i'm n t giving it back eher. thanksksoreiei a good sporor >> goooolesson... >>up next,lunder involving whoopi goldberg, oah and a tweet adininto an apology.ononsre,e't at story, comup.. is ibecomi a b b professoby b bng aore !rveous ent? is it one day givivi your daughter the oprtunity shdeserves?t`finally wiesll thearst wde of t t naturalld? whevev yfiti ofucss is,
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t-i-a-a. wantnt dfere wantnt different way to clclcle?e?,, try new w l-ininicellar water fr garnier the e celles a ara dirt lili a magnet. to 1. remove makeup 2.leanse
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no harshubbing, no r rsing. new w cecear wfrom garnier s snanaive. i'm going to s srereho o my eggo waff when its up. atatintesting honey e i'm goininto sharere a a oto of my eggo waffle when it pops l'go m meggo l'go my eggo (answerihine) heleavava message. , i know you're there,'cse i can see you. i'm cacainyou totoell you to'eggo e eo!o! anncr: some e ings sre delicious ro share. ld criy, warm and fl eggwaffles. l'eggo my eggo. ohehe woman in the d-90'3 s swspper... yore r rht. 's time to set t ts bird fre hot blooded, check it aee... got a fevererf 103. elin' hury w 'bt a donu iotlooded..i'm hot bldede whether it's 3.-years old 3 o, ax wilap in as ttle as 30 mes.
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and thenenour only concern willew to spend the caca. w dohey ke starbst tastsosouicy they u cked small xghtetets to shoot the juiness intoveryryryrburst. pilot it's abo to get icy. whooi feelelo iii.i. it takak guts. [ fema announcer ] starbubut.t.nexplainably juicy. >> we' rereack at7: ki of an embmbing mt t ofhe adedes las ni carson. t oscar alws make for a g night oal media. dhere wassne tweet that stoto t. u probably heard aut it. thepanyot b b by sted this p saying wad no idea
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rah was cattednd it waswhp whooppee goal bei goldberg even o oahah weiinging, oprand d dghterrg t beauaueditoror miste. we don't all lolo-ake. ok more tn a a half ho, but total beauty realid their error andposted,e'd like to apologizeeo everyone wve offend. it w oururrror and t tre are excuses. we're y. took a while t get there they gototo t. in few minutes, we goinin to be live on facebobo. it's'seapy. inonor o o o it, you'll get all e extra information -- the we go -- here at the "today" show. i'moing toooalk arounun and we'll g down tthe control room and t tk to thee chs. al thebehi the stuff coming to us on facebook. go to our cebook page, hit like a follow alonon i'll be your host for the nex hour. >> yououeetreaming hole show? >> 8:00 to 9:00. wow, bebendnd the scenes in everhingng avoid caon. >> go tthedressing roo and look for ange. he f fhionst t tscars after your l cal nene. >> annnnncer: this a, leap
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day means more. one m m day andnd a few more minutessf yr fafororor nbc shows. now eny #mome today s snsored
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from think wehould've t ten a left at ver. tarz kwhere tarzan go! taan does not kn w wre taano. hey,xcuse me, y y know where eewaterfalalis watel? no, mearzan, ki o ong. whwhdon't u u nt to justk somebody? you'ra uple, you ght directions. it's what you do. if y want toave fifteen percenenor more ar insance, you swit to gegeo.o. ohhhhhhithayou do. ohhhhhhhdo y have to do thth riinear?r? t 3030ofofevery es y ship in the caribbean but hurry, this offer won't last long comeeek e l carieaea boayt 1-800-royalcib.
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t.ats why she venew lit &t eek nofat yoyort moue. so fluffy y d airy it's her nene80 calorie obsession. light t fit feel free enjoi. are u ready? are yoad yoyove got to o ready.mean, really ready. e you rey to open? y to compete?ady to`oelcome? the floooo, mats, spotlese. the uniforms clean and crisp. do your people havthrighghghsafety gear? e they ptetete?? i'm ready!y!you think your custotorsrsan't tell t d dference between who's ready and who's not? ofourse they do. everybody was a pie of ready. an fororat than for watkoaa0 cong the topf the ho now,'m(uhellene rell with yoocal headlines... this morning.. a fatashootingt a bar in
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securitytytytage of the turday shoong has been handedver toto pueblo pe e t no informaon tuss scts releedetet the shshngapned d hehe h bn maineet. 26 year d vin clark was sh and kill. two ototrs were shototuring e incident, they remain in stable nditn right now. salvatore to", who runs e securityor thear, says the two men wereurity employs s d d rerying totop theheh spec. usuauay it's o, t we had two ople working that night unfounatelthey're not police officers. they don't carry guns, ty don't have vests, and unfortunaty too, they put eir lis at risk too. no d dailslsavbeeneneleasese abwhat lp to the crimesesppers. chiemomoing meteorologist -- stephen bowers joins us now with a look at our local foca.. ephen... red d ag war is effect foel po, pueblo,nd fremt counties from m on until pm today. highghlouds are streing
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ld froro aroaching. when the cd frfrmoves throroh, the wind wiwitincqee. the w ndl relativivy ca is morning b borpicking up 5-25 mph this afternn. e wind meansnsoday is gogog w wm.(( highs wille in thehe0s witit s an50s in theheigspots.s. thmorng g llllm uge e an40s d inheby0 am. . expect 50s and0s at noon witit those e s is afternono. chief morning meteorogist --
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talko me baby it' 8:00 on"today". ming up, red carpet royalty. >> saight ahd. >> whihi stars won the battle for r e btt dressed? wel he the fasonon hits andnd misses from hollywood's biggest night. us, r/rksteady. >> oherwise, it'ss n frhathe washis gnd d dn't get minad. 's aoot fai wil w pai $2 milwild,ilil west. >> host chr rock, the best moments from the big- >> did you see "theig shorl"? i did not. >> "spopoight"t >> no. >>"straight out compn."" >> i did see that. >> hell s. >> to the small. >> i wt y tbuy some of my dahter'r girl scoutokie lo at my babies up er o,adee30 llion. meon! > andnd - rdy tpartrt l doit.
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toring youbehi sces ptitsts oenit. night. >> al roker. >> d you hea that?the ondonlyly >> i got a aror. can't walk by him. >> oh, mygoshsh >>toy, momo, fruary 29th 2016. >> took me 28 yrs ton 7.$ happ leap day! >> it's my sweet 166 >>elrating h h 9bibi!>> hapea ar >> the w to n n york for the fir timeme goodmoing. 're from tenness! on our hononmoon nork city. i iavenenissed an episodede
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of t "toy" show in 25 yes. p re eac a 80000 n $su mrbing.. itst r99thhh day of fefeuary, 44 p. d ettxxptete pitivimeaea day2026 anyone cebrating a birthday?>>eayrr e. therne t .... . . plplpl m mla avanananananan ththe. 'lllalahy carn isn't't't he innsesend and n nalalre on n e wewe ast. had a a annovnceme. earlier thi h,e se' bebemimi playplay to aza foror ncnct. >> when are they cong? the b day will be mono, marc 14. thgranmy wners@ cingg oo t t super bl hftime ahow, gettitw ready f world tour. head to t or6pininrmatatnnnowviuan b%b phfrene
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exy. lensns soso@r - @meinlslssscolol >hanknknk v vmuch,(((lalar. iv streamingn facebook right now. this is always fun for it'slikemt dadsdsdsoseeerer anduttonedd u uhehehe ksksoo our s soror a arican n n n express. an extxtxtouououpproroiatete today godododododododod extraoooong segments. mo of theday"y"y"y"shsh but exnded. atat whatt we'rere y y wan to a a usssosothininininin do i on our facebkkpage. we'l'l ask a a a queson. in it on. what'apapap onur faceok p p p forhe nt ur. let't' hd overoro for check of the morning's top stor >> carson, thank you mu. > gdd rng,g,g, evererne. on t eve ofuper day, the race f f thehe repubcan nononanaon isominated yet ag by donald trump and controversy. rivals marco rubio and c pounced on trump aer h rerese in ancn intervieww t
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pudiate stant offf s spopo forlmeluaneaderdavid duke trump iteedid not kno ke. howeveveve did renounce him latete on social medidi > e elier on da mattsked trumppputthspect off the race. the war tauntg a personal insults bween him and marco bio. >> whenppouave o of the pele rning that gets pe, i alws believe in answinin back. answere back. willonnue to answer back. it hadn'n' helpe him in the polls becauseseis pollse gone down since he's dng it. he d it bause he'e' desperatatat p>> tmp alsls s sdhe@ republican establishsh should brace him because he'ss ingingillionsf f flowers to the part & illa conn aears to 4 ha super tuesday momentu o he side in the southern states.. a poll sho her ahehe o sasairs i i georgigine and xas. both d docratsre m appearanans today massachusetts.
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clinton's lead is m aller. > it took hours to bngng an elepha under control after i i went@ on a rampage during a religigisestival iouthern india. the elean started flinging vehicles around with itsts powe trunun two helpls riders werenn its ba. --ectors cldnly back a ay and give the eleant ace. in all o thth, none was hurt. and a p golfer in floda is caught with his pantsts f.f. what? woododnd strippeddowno his undidi sunday ding theonda classic. sann asks y. t sttand on the water'r'eo e lef o fairiry. he didn't want to get h outfit dirty, so he took off his soc and shoes and his whi nts. s shotananininhehe b bkeke bute manag tooarhole. >f had a a quaer for every time i've playedolf with carsos and he's taken his off, i wouldn' needhiss job.
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>> howanyuarters do weeed toto tethero see picture, carsrs? . ou undan it ou righ the guy h niceantson,he wates edge. >> that's the 199th hole when i at nonono you haveo doit. >> good of us tohow it one moretime. tamron,,,nk you so much. now to the debate over energy drinks. it's bacac in the spotlight. >> one n elandolle annoced pla to sp selling them o o campus. hoda hasas more o o that story. >> goo morning t you. middbury col i i i n nnin o o rbidding energy inks but theyon't be for le in campus stos a a d nin has. itas approd bythecicici pwhich includes@ faculty,y,taff and sudents. some are wonderingf it isis a radical cision. >> reporter: students nationwide often nd a little ext boost to helel fulul an all nighter stying. studentsts middlebury clege o u enetinks mht nee
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on a flierern vhe fe, the rector ofood s s sceays - e drinks are linked t problemati behavioj,uchh as alcohol abuse and high-ris sexualal actityny >> is n clearar i i this is a a cause andffecec relationship oran sociatioio is there somethingbout t ghlyaffeinated dris that is affffting peoe's abilitto say no to druru and alclcolnd high-riskexual situatio, or there sometetng in particular abt the cafafinated dris causing p pple to engage e& risky yfhavivis? >> reporter: not everyrye is on bobod. e student publicationaid of the oppositio f f students whohohought t t cisisi wouldld viote a student's ght totohoose what beverasy consum energy drinks a ahriving business. last ar, t t indusyrought in me than $ $ billion in th u.s. alone. >> go,go, . >> reporter:nntateme nbc news, red bulll ss its bevege is o8.8.luid
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ouncecaca containin t same amamnt of calfffeiei as cupp o o coffeeee and availablele inore than 160 countntes bause hehe ahoritieses across the world h conclud@d@ thaha red bull ey d is`afe t t consnse. accocoing to middleburyry they' done their research aopep thehe ve will@ontribututo a healthierampus environment. p>> manyf the caffeated energy dnks have a lot of sugar or ty don'trovide a real trition. it makes sense for a college camp t t t not wantotoer them in their cafeterib ishe goall@ toorovide nutritious a a althy als. >> thi should takak eectn march the 7th again, kids can go off campus and buy itf thehe want theye not goioioi t it on . someids are g, w wt es a anergy drink haveo do withexuaactivivy, ireased sexualactivity? udies say there is rrelationn >> morer prpre. thtnkyou. cing up, did you love? d you l lthe it?- wh ppl a sayayg abouohe newha youolol dg t r spee.
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d you get the jo? the storyrounding onef f e stranger moments in last night's oscara. > and your guide tohe most morable fashion choices at os. hihs, you u n help`prevent blindness in undernourhed children ovov the world. when you get your vitamins at walgreens,you u lp givlifi-chahaing vitamins to kids ross the globe.f.f get vitamins herer ange livesrywherer walgreens. a athe rn of happppaly.y. ooour tch nerevl colorstay 2-icompact. exrtchedoundconcear deliver a , , mplete look t tt las. choose love
8:03 am
this is anne this is joanan. her long day as s hair stylist 3tartrt with sulder pain when... yejoanne, want to trade the all y relief of 2 aleve wh 6 tytynol? givep 2 a ave for 6 tylel?l? no thanks. fofome... it's'sleve karl, dodot you havefrnds ming oveyeah, , ? ittinks here. you've got totoash this w w roomm a2e yoyokidding? wh ititlet's wash it with febreze. foall the e ingsgsou can't wash, usus.. ebreze fababc refresr@ wh hemrs.s.ebber hbles hey,t t t lslsice in her d try uggagae fefefee... coinuously eliminate odororfor... ...u.utoto5 days of freshness pluggable febreze e fabric refreshe.. ...[le + exhale onic]... ... , o moreays tothhappy sesemesee me.
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e me. see me. see to know thth p priasis is just somethg i he. i'm m t t agusus see memeknow that wonon stop. until i find what works. discovovovtyx, a different nd o odicine r dera to veplue priasis.. prov to he thehemamatypepele find c carr almost clear skin. 8 out t 10 people saw 75% skin clearance a a3 months. ililthe majoriti saw 90% clearanc not use if you are alrgic to sentyx. before starting, you shoul tested for tubercosis. i i iased risk infections d lowered abitto fight thememaycc. lloudodoor if you havean infection or symptoms... .#.such fever, sweats, ls, muscleches or cough. if f u u u recec a a ine plalato. if you he crn'disesee, llour doctor as sysytomsan worsen. s allergic reretiony occusee me.` e me. see me on my way. clear rkin and a earer path forwrrd. for r different kind of medicine,
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earnrng unlimited cash bacon purchasese that a win. but imagine earnrnit twice.
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it letyou rnrnash baba twtw onon when u bud again as you y. it's casasba then c ch back a'a. and that's a cash h h h in-win. the citiblcash card. the ly cth lets you earnsh back twice on evepurchase wiwiwi% when you buy andnd% asas you pay. th two ways to o ot os o-s . it'st pb&j.unless you makit right. ,then it bes a a ndwich as mighty it is humbl easisi i imakehan a mimie. ple as aunny day t ju as perfecec when yoy m me a &j with smucker's, that's the difference between ordinary everyday and exexisitely delicious in an everyday st of way.
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we'e' we' back a8:14. me for what's trending >> s i i would s s thehe b b b story of the dayays@heosrs. rit? >>yes. > letetx start with host` chris rock, gti mostly gogd reviews. should get better t bnostly good.d heheovov rig into the@ year's' divey controversy. herere s momen fm e opening momologu >>eople are@ like, chris, y ould boycott. you u ould quit.t. yu shshld quit. you know, how c ce it'ss only unempled p pple that t tu u to quiuisomething, huh? will was not ninated for oncususu"itit n naiai h hshisooddd andidid gnod. you're righ it's ao not fair tha w wlas id $20 milli for"wild, wilil west,"okay hollywoods sorityracastst it's's lili, w le you, rhonda, but yoy're not a kapp
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me people call it"creed i cll black roroy. rocky t plann a world erete aththths a as g g g g as b b athletes. rocky is a science fiction movie. >> there were ototot. head a goodght. >> hedid. it was fnny.y. he wasn't upp f f awards but shouldave wonather of f year aftet tson hisautet girou ng , he brororo tm out a aped them sell cookies to the stars. jennifer lrence was looki for abobo julianne moooe had her money out. is vidid was shahad from bastage by chris ck.h vice presisint biden donated $20 the cause. lalayear, ty raised $600. la ght, any guesses? >> $65,000. >> peoel had cash a juct handed it over? yeye.>> write out a check? >> probabay wrotete a check.paid in coin or someththg. >> mightavee sply prprlem. ther thinind y y know
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th kills mee but you wer right. the stars smed to say thanks but thanks to the new f fture at toscars. ring eechch,,hereas t t scroll at t bottom. pthey were s spose too havav thank us namesrere so he speech w w me hfelt anddouldtaundry list - of pple that nobodnono but thstar lotininin bw it o and rolledut the same list of nanas. i guess theoll did nwork. >> would you hav giviv the namesn advcece tthem? they did. p>> not gng to people still want to t bnk . hers. >> you have to - it wld seem ungracious. >> did you see your name go by? i thanked you. >> terrible. thought it hadd chance. you called it. >> you said i ias right. >> mar the day. it's a leap day,y,t's special.l.>> let's get to pop start. carson has more on ee oscsc and ments u didn't see on tv. >> instaamam shang the most liked moments fromscar nigh in thi place, chrissy teige and joh legend on the carpet..
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e alwa-popular couple ttinin more th 312,000000 kes. ru up,even hart. th h h fiananan 36000 likes. instagram's most led o oar photo, l ly gaga b biendnd onhe night of herional performance. the b bckndte p ptohare tis. and e rnion tha of "titanan have beenen waiting for. leeonardoho and ke winslet on dry landnd theyrrivedogether andosed for ehoto on the red rpnot msing atfter 200 ar someeh cared a a pto of the papa. en leo wisoscar, looked like nobody was happier for him 0 thanan kate. cu.. caon, thank you verymuch. let's go t lut inos geles for a checkthe weher. >> thank s so mumu. phey, want to look at ourur pick city fof the day.
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carona. ourrand-new stn, wral. we are happy to be joining t wral family.. you'veot sunny skies today,y, 6 6 6 degrees. showers and s srm morrow. ... wednesday, early morni showe and temture o o6 degrgrs. st of the country, we ar oking at a decent day. he in the east, shows movi in ler in the day.y. plenty of sunshine through the southeast. slighd ris of aftereoon thununrstormsaterhis afternoooo$ afteoon.
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anototr beaututul d in l.l., highghf 80>> that that is yr lest weatheh. savannah? >> al, thank you so much. the oscars red carpet wasas whitehot. we'l break down the fhion choice a moment.. >first,e o othe evenins most memorle and risky looks. >> reporter: one a aer the 0 r, pefter pose, the hollywood glier lit up the red caet. therwere tho wparkled and shsh. dd and then re were those who to t t plunge.
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feminine touchehe and then and then thereas off the shld he.. jewel to jewel toned cors made a stement this year. jujue m with classic yl thenhere were thosehoho took sososoas risks. and
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for a r carpet t t member. tyle expertrtune is her studud 1 1hme. and f fhion crespondent f f ne out i i ia. g@odornini to you.u. looking very well rested, considering we know s wasasas all nigh >>at p. p>> june, i'lltart with yo o wa your favorite last night? > cate blanchett. >> too. >> stunning. lady ga also wowed m. omi watts. i lovov the metalalcs and the jewel tone( it was shockin to seehe jewel tos going into the sprprg season. >> catblanchett,hat is a a a a osdress.s.s. i don'n'know where else youeaeaea that. >> i'mearing . >> chicicic asas my ririri you l cate, too. who else was a the top ofrr lili? >> the acelet, crle.. rooneyara wne of my top. shee lookeke beautiful.l. sheeall broro a h hh
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way that wasindd of gothic c t very idal, witeee amazing hair. it was inspired by the "star wa," wititthe three b bs and he severep. fantasasc lolo. she h the trend,hich i ve to agree witityou. she did the cut-out, the sleek look. andheorite. wedding bell wrss wereriing. >> l lked high fashioio ow do we feelbout olivia wilde? i loved this dres >> i an for e i i is stunng. i haha to agree. i lovev it from llback.. dididt lovhe pleats as muchch dt sot 360 but she pullhis off.% i loved itetr from theback i have to be ho. >> wn i saw the dress, i was like, i wish could wear a drs like that. d you like it? woooo rereli?? >> i love this ess.
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choker swappedtrom the ruruay ok, which#was le gold hrness,,ore this vintage neil neillain. was hot lastght. it was woolndhe managed n n to break sweat. >> i t thtt s a lht material. what d d yououhi oflili munn? >> the splicicy and the gran grandeur of thi was perfect. >> i loved i i t t. >> it was effortlele. s beggi forcolor. please, where is t t lor?r? isiseautul tangeri color i le her. >> t tre are no loss on the red carpet, w not thi showow if there was somebody you thought, it wasn't my favorite look,oes someby e to mi? >> amypoehler's dress great. she has aanng bo. i reallyish i wouou havav see mof it. she could havaveall g ge a littleleore oscarworthy.
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i likik that dress thouou. it's so pretty. what about you, june? who missed the mark, as far as you' concereed? is - what's herer nama? >> whichonon >> in t e lon armanio thth floor. >> arlotte? >>yes. >> not yr favorite. >> her it . >he dress stunning. >> she's gorgeous. >> stunning in person but you can'n'see all the beautiful - tail in the photo. ade ioo casuall and kin oflmt l leseoat i i a se anando seeittlore glamors. shshs a ma woman but no excuse not to be sexy. >> wt do you think a a a a the big trends wesaw? nene mentioned the jewel totos. e there others you felt ke, well, weaw a lotot off that? i saw lot oboob, to bebe nest. >> i think the embelshmemes. thisis ae, vander had the most beautiful dress onon itit had cstalalal allver it,
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ounds, appantly. one o my favorites ichririy!sy teen.. styl the bubu.. the runwayy week georgina made her a special dress to fitit thth gorgeous figurur she's n gogo also, emi bnt i i prpra. this isery simple silhouette,ut taking the jewels, i me jus nt lel.l. >>gorgeous so many good oks. always fun torereshit you guysys thank you solmuch. if you want more on the oscars, catch apeci edition of e nws tonht at 0000 easter we'lleep t crsatio going o o ourore "today" live streamam fafabook. going onight no carson shohoinit behind t t sceneses >> aoahdl insider reves at it t tessrs
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local news and weweher. go monday mo goododondadamorning. at 7:26, i'm sheene ckre with this today show update. cocot martial ocdidis are scscdutotoegin f u air forcrcady cat condndlass zachchl. chu. chubb stccused of sexualal asulti a fefefe cadetetetoctober of 20... he's chargedh ap andwo eots of 'abusive sexuaua acwe'lleleyou knowatappe at ac nions fi at & 6. the 2016 season at theal gorge route ilroad kic off this aftno! parture me is s s 0.the train wi make trips 7-daysys apwem the "santa fe det" anity... fothe first mever... the railad is offering sean passes for t199... today... one y ahead ofuper tuesy..... morrow... voters in 11 states will head to e po the nomineeor thehe papay... if yoy livivin el paso cy, be sure to double check prurinct location. it coeldldave e angewhen bobodaries wererredrn last
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ar. fofothe e st of locati- he our website - --o-aotom and sech the word d aucus." chiefemornrng memeorologist t ephehebowers joi u unow w th a okour local fofocasdsd. stephen... a red fl warning is in e eect elasue fremt cocotitiroronoon untntnt 6 t. hihiloloare stream overhes mornrn the ld d dnt approachihi. when thed moves throug the wind will increas the windill relatively calmlm is morning before picking to 125ph this afternoon. the wind means t tay is going to be warm. highwilllle in the 60s w 50s the high sps. thehmorning ll warm roh the 3030ans s s d inhe0sy 10 am. excx 5 5 5nd 60st noonith ose 60s this a aernoon i'm a cronin...
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go go big oro he it' 8:3030 nono i monday morning, 2 2th of bruaryry 2016. itseapy. tamron -- > dme a a favor, t t me if carson isanywhere. d d't woy. >> he'ssive stamininphello, rs. how are you this mni? >> niceo see you. duelg mia today. live >> live e reaming facebook? >> we ara@ liviv on facebo. toour facebook page. ini hon of leapday, a l ltle extraontete hapapning becse ofeap p >> likikthth. that a cute device. > ever go to the store and buy
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buy a coupl things, you come ba and you have aar filled withings? cocod be the sign a ave biggege problems. jenna bhh hagag witl takak us in theorld of a a compulsive shopper. can anyone i intify withhht here? > i don't know. love dessertss but hate p pparing them?? al thi wee we are learning the bsfbaking. we'll haveouou feeling like a o in no ti. i do have to acknowleded again, this cute boa fmur set 1 ew >> it m mch y y perfectly. >> t tt' not the firstte yove w wked a bo >> al i i outn los angel from the rsrs he has a check of the wather. go morng. thawa close. i'i' tell i was a little conrn there. as we look today, we ha a weak front stem p psing throh thth nonoheasas ow totgtgtg lookokor shohors ase getnto
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risk of s se strg stormer@ in the afternoon. snow in the nororerplains. sunny fm texas to o e southwest. om tomorrow, we're looking at more sunshine in n ee sohwest, butetterr weather into thth pacicic northwe with noww in thenner mountairegionon ndyynd snowyy in n e uppup great lakeke expanded r rk are stretching from louisnall t t w w into west virginia. some of tse are super tuesday states. 0 we're going to bebeboooong at that carefully.y. a few sttered shors down in >> that' >> that's your latt wfather.
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>>l, tnk y sch. > we lhing a n & we're e l l ititpellinin coululon. hat t t ens an ininlgence turns ian sessioor y yr hobby takeke over yououlife jenna sh hager is here to start us off. >> we caall indudue en impulse ys eve buys every nowndhen. t t t lts can be @ heartbreing. >> reporter:hen you hear the word shopaholo, the image th pcos to minis the womom t tt t wama famous in "confessions of a shopaholic."elt, vinta.bag, gucui. >> reportete in reality, whilele most cpulse shoppers are won, the obsbssion ino la matter. >> this whahamy closet looks like. which i#iorgagazed. >eporter:r:ebbie is a
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buy hahataken over her life.e. it start it starteds an insecure teen trying to t ananit coned to adulthoho >> i h three closets this size clothes and my husband had most no place r his cls.s. i had`cls under the clothes in a stora unit. it was out of ntrol. >> reporter: so t of conol, bbie beg lyiyi to r sbananabout heover t shopng spree2 >> i wouou think, you know, how am i going to get t t into th housuswithout him seseng it? in nhe mstf all th compulsiononu often beco somebobo that yore n. somebo somedy that i'm not is somebody that lies and hides things. >> whatbwas ththbreaking point? >> i noticed thahai haha problem. i knew@whahamy clolots were too full. i was s`endidi too much money. >> repter: but there is a psyclogil exexanation r whdebbie a a others lili her
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i was stressed, i wod shop. anxious,oulun't fefe well, a ese th.. these thgsgs there wawapthere was s an occasion. the shopping doesn't get rid o o the proble you escape fro for a period of time. >> reporter: for shopaholoics, opping cold tuey doesn't always work. >> t ty may be more vulnerable losanththe may be lapaps but ey but thave totoe vigilant the% re otheilives. >> rorte dr. april says they pneed t tseparate compulsion and asng by askingngix questions foreaking a purchase. why h he? how do i feel?l? do i nend is? whatf i wait? how ll i iayor it? where will i p it? bbieieieto s snd fr ho a y thin abobog. she esma c c cheabout $10000. you few w ars agaghe decided to cononont her behavior, , d d she e w shares her experieeses on blog..
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it. it was part of what helped me to see it was a problem. seeing t waste of it all. it does gigi ma loloof fulfililt, knowinghahany urney and sharininmyourneyey s s enble toelelother ople. ow much are u shopping now? >> i still probably, you know, shop every month. but i don't buy as much as i used to. i'm a lot moreard. >> s swould yosasayou'rere ppr r r >> i wou s s i'm happier than i wawa i still ve a ways to go withth that. i think my marriagis happier becae thereris more honesty in it.i'm a littleore present now beuse i'm noso engrossssssn the e oppi. >> debbi debbie says while she's not fullllllcoved, she's shopping far less.p shstarard a blog called rerevering shopaholol, which kes her accountablele she lievythi she buys s readers can say, you'ue getting g tter. 's a aard line. we've talked abouthis a lile bit duri the piece. evevybody likes to shop. a lot of p p le like to shop.
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>> b the internenehas made it easy`to sititityour cch and goboom, boom, take e at. >heaid she wasn't enjoying time with her r mily, witi her friends, because all sheantete to do o s shop. >> wow. it happens itike th mindldls lookin aternet, sling throit. %% >hankou v vy y ch priate it. tomorrow, we'll continue thihi pd lookt hoarding and its imimct on t only theoarderer but`also the family, theherien d the community. >>comi up next, "vanit fairis" man hetrshs s us what t tak to get star rey for e oscars. takes a village. rst,s s "toy" o onbnbnb o o os.
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rst,t,his is "today"nnnnbc.,,,,,,,,,,, > > 'r >>we'ee backt 8:39 we have momo oour specl oscars coverage with al and nataliout on the west coast. guys? >> a a r rht, matt. thank you. wee bebe seeing all morning stars sparkling from lt night. whwh does itak to get
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>e enlisted the helel of "v"vity y ir's man on street, derrick blassburg. he he went b bind the sso see how it all c ces tether. >> this year is e most c cents i had attete the oscs. >> there i ia general idea that as a stylist, there e chaos leading up to ththmomehen n these women go down the red carpet. >> i think w ededo elilinate what are theyoing ding g hair and makeueu drinking c cmpagcalling their friends, screaming at you the phone? >herere no screing at ppens, but they e relaxed. it does feel liki a ceation. >> you can walk mehrough each %%% woman, what t ey worhy they woand at it was like to puthose looks togeth. >>eese worth oe la
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nt i h h hoping with the d digner r osde la a.% ter had suggegegeing the skirt in thi neutrtrcolor. r t ted it , we decide it woulongeeere d to kee i the lavender wit the black accent >> this waa s s saw on kendala,jenner on ththruay, it was modifie a pi@ture ef kendall jenner weing the dreseshas already been@seen.n.. we wantedo modify yt sot felt specici for julianneend fefe one of a kind. >> right. >> there thajuliaiaeore s@ year as also c rightk >> yes. >> thatasspectacula how y hououjt takee to o gettthere?e? >> i can'temememxact but w alolo'sre, sheeore thiseautifulad dior down we wentthrough lot of different e emplelele off red and
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vibrant lipsckckolor. >> whaha w wt ppento you the moment thehewawa out t t doo doou fnt? drink what'seft the hotel room?%% >> yes, i drink all of their champagne d d ss out i ith bed. no, zou'r a littl anois, kindnd sng there,aiting for t tmo ararve.( yoching itn tvv when they were just with yoin pfrson. >> yes. >> it isis little surrealn>> do yoever t to sh thehe out of the comfort zone anando you think it's imporornt to see thememn a new light? >> definititit pweave to constantly ke it fres@#new.tilylyti,hey also have to el comftable. when ty feel good, theyook that much meebeautiful. >> that's a gd l le lesson, feeld, loooogood. >> yeah. >> i think thehedefinitely scored 100 right thererele across the board chchze a reese, thehere ways s unnin aot of the actresses changedetween the oscarbp and the after-party.
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f course. because it has to be a whole n look. >> wow. you hav two, three outfits youou yes. >> carson and i have been sittttg here to tamr anansavannah discuss what women do with their boobobwhen they're wearing g vealg g essesf >> m mt, you should k"ow. >> me? >> i'mearnrng tngs ou tapepe nevev knew. w c aamron had lot s. youave a ltape>> tuse a of pepe >> t backwarar des, you know. he no strapless bra that fits rightht >> they moved into hydrdrlics thth >>hoa. >> go to theararare e. >> forl. thanks, guys. >> nex baking basics to ha you#coong l le a a
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first, this s s today" on nbc.,,,,,,,,,,, > p>> 8:46 baba with today food. this goesackk tthe basicic when it comomobabang. our f fst less, okie pherere to teach y howowo corate likprpr oers off southern sugar ber in raleigh, norcarolina.laes, good morning. goo s!eu. >>oo to se u. >> yoy workein a school@ together,ght? we did.d. >> how didhiss haen? >> we rechl cououors and ararar c ckies as hohoy. it turnedd into somethingigger than w%w thoughtht it uld. >> we're going to makion- >> vanilla rolloutcookies. >> i will be eating the cookies. >> awawome.e. >> a a the ime whileeou a - maki them. who starts on theakgside? hat' >> soy in let's loo atednts. simp >> we have eg,butter,flour,
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p it in a mixing wl. >> wewll cream togetr the buer anbgar, and t tn start the mixer sosoerer thth weego. >> peect. hen we're going tdd the gs first. >> grea matt, wt t t add anything? >> i'm'm really goatching you do . i'm aut to eat the "today" show coo shsh cooe he. >> we'l$ add in the lemon zest. moacac and vanilla extracac >> we have tas dowlairsrs easiest j of theeast year. >> loving. >> we couldn't decide whichne toto launch intnt so we'e'at em all. >> look at your hair. >>ohohy gosh. then our flour. >> d't make mess. >hiis what we want t t end up with i erms of consistency. >> tsistencyill be like is. yout it tolililiplay-doh. >> kneaddough,h, sinkle
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flrnn theurfaceo dodostick. magically, i r rltsf, thihiewyoyo, youou kw is, and i knoworth carolina, pres it into e dough. ill come out. mine came o with. llll i do thihi a lo 's okay >> hon. therer w w go. >> the tak it --(( rfplace it onf l wax paper. >> howg does it k? >> 8 to0 minutes. >> let's m meen to o eci. >e dere susar, mengue powded andnd nillll whtha i ii powowred sugar. i'll turnt on tter. we'r' going todddd the meringueee powder. this stabilizes thecici a lows it to dry.0 then we vehe@lear vanillala extract.t. >> w not colored vanlala ext? >> persol erence. >> w w wt ibrightnd white. we'lldd the food cololin
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later and w wt ito bebe true to color. u'u' whip it up f a minute. fififiinutes to g it nic and if that wt'llikee . great. >ou've added theheoloring i some of this. >>e have. >> h hasy o o difficult it to actually ice t cookies? >> ea. >> you can do it. you'll be great. yououl rock thth. >> this is flooding icinin w wt ys downheeayer o o g. it'll l@ the consistency o shampoo or honey. what have ising icing. itsistcy of othpaste. >> rfect. >> y star >> howow do it. me peoplp tlinehecookie. we kp it all with the same color. i'i'tartrtt a corner. >matt, youan have@ this bottle. >> bring itttraight acss. then you `tline the shape. > shake it onn down. >>here you go. ro doing s od. i've gothetoothpaste nsistency icicg.
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north calina is my home sta. >> perfect. >> when you'r'r dodo, this is what it loooo liki. they'r ftataic. tamron and savannah love them. ladieses thanknk so mumumu thank you. >> again, our war wss t so peoe duth, sannah ookike a pagoda. >> that's compliment. - u know i leabe. shehe bititg your head off now. >> you're delicious. >>y thehe wby, m me baking to do on our me "today" livetream on facebo. p next natie andll hit
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this is "toy" on ,,,,,,,,,,,, smu > smuckck's crad "today" po br's. namike smucmes, i i hass to be good eac mont we are hel@lng le ring in milestonene of all kind with r special ker' celebrate "today" series.p on this leap day, what bter@ way to c cebrate thanith t t birthdayirlsls who showed up to our p pzaza today. laes, happp birthda tell us your names andndhere you're from. > deborah from virginia. >> na. >> it'ss youreap dada birthday. only comeses arounun o oe everyy four year both of you, it's ysweeee 16 today. >> sotelyyes. >> congratulatioio to mark the mileone.
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esheners, hat here. have a an orange@ soda becausese you're notegal torink yet.t. go luck on youou iver's censetest, too, by they,y, and happy rthdayay celebrateigbirlhdhds. a couple leap dayirirdays online. brother and sister istoph and kelsey. bth b bn on leap days,, four years apart. d alberta cecebrarang h h 21st. fifilly s canave a aohol iff shsh chooses. hay birthday to you guys. leles send i i to alnd natalie in l angeles. >> we had t a aess t tthee hoes spopon town. ke the "vanity fair party. >> it was an unfoettae night.
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>>irst te a a theltoh oscar v@ewipapay. >>et's'sooit i c c't wait. >> ,today"show. goodmorning. >> i hav >> i have a drink here,, please. >> come on. >> sry. geez! comeeon. >> a a aotomininito this. >> thiis it? >> i'm . >> 24 y yrs n n n you rsed over $5 mimiion. >t't'fantastic, what people have given us overhe years at ese events. we'reigiging thefifit. >> this is a itant evevt but also a night forun an sir eleln, youeerfoing
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oh, oh, benny and the >> >> off t tthe "vany fair" papay. >ou lookstunning. >> thank you. i'm gogng todrink. >> all right. >> it'll be fun. uh-h5h. >> it's probably going to be tequila. >> oh, it's al >> i thought you were saying it's -- oh, what?? >> t tre's al rokeke can'talkky him. >>elt go? >> you never@rknow you knono w i mean? you feel like it wentreat and en you'll read torrow, ohoh ididn't know i w wriblbl >>spkikipanish ]. ilingual blowwoff.f. >>hat's yourlist? >> finding burgers. >> in n out bubgers on theay out. >> i'll be doioi an irish goo night. i walk right i i and rightht back out. >> ihink our work heref is done.
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>> droro the mic moment, . ana w wre going to go part >>hat's itit >> interviews. ootimes. >> we'll hav men the next ur, all.. >> well do, anks f f w w thankn f f watching koaa. comi up on the top of the hour now, i'm sheheene cockrell witit your local headlines... this m mnino... a fatal shootit a bar in pueblo is under investigation. security footage of the saturdrd ooting has been hand over r pupvlo police t nononomation out possible suspepes hahabebe releededet. tpshooting happed at the iron horse bar on mama@str 26 yr old devin clark waot d kikied. two othersershot durg the incident, , , remain in stable condition right now. salvatore eorreses who runs the security f the barysyshetwmen n n itployees d wereryto sthe e suspects.
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people working that night and unrtaty th're nonopolicece ofof ey don't carry guns,s,hey don't ve vts, a&d unfortunateltoo, they put theieilives risk too. no dai have been released about whated up to the shshtiti. you know w anhingngou're asked to call poli or estoppers. chief morning meteorologist -- stephen bowers j j us s w with a look at our lolol forecast.. stephen... a red flag warning iin efft t for el pasas pueblo, and ememt cocoti frono unt 6 pm today. high cloude streaming overhead thihimomoing from the@ cold front approachihi. en the cd front moves through, thehwind will incase. the windill be relativivy y th morni bore picking upup 15- mphhiafteteoon.n.n. e wind means today is gog to bearh. ghs will be in the 60s with 40s and 50s in the high spot thmornrng will wararthrougug th30s and 40s and into the 50s by@10 am. expect 50s and 6 at noon with those s this aftetnoon. chf momoinmeteoroligt
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, t t >his morning on "today'
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the big winns,s,s,he big shockers and, of coursf, all thehe sh. plus, we take y insid t te ptieseseshere the stars let loose. and three words. caramell ale pie. all that and more c cing u xt annnc: fromnbnb todayodayake" withl@ roker, natal morales,illili ge tamron ll, liverom studio 1a in r rkefell plaza. >> welcome t "t"day". it's mondada morning, l lp y, februaua 29th, 2016. boy,re excedbouteap y herer i i i new yk city.. nicewd outsidid llie ang withhmron, who is back after a long time away. glado have you backn th >eeike i only saw you on tv f twoweeks. >> bushasing the republican and dememtic candates all over the untry. the m m you get here, a and natalie go to los angeles. >> andy g g g a a glamour gig.
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>> literally. >> because is leapday, does that meaea we actctlly g a whol dayacac of sleep? >> nono that'd bee . >> n like a time zone. >> i was hopin for 29rs of sleep or soing. it the weird extra day we get every four years. "n"n york timeme reports 0,000 pepeelebrati their first real birthday. somemeing to d d w wh the 28th, i think, on theff years. memdmdoarch 1st. t's be hoho, you're livinin in alack ho, aaralle universe, a day that doesn't really exist. >> i is so. had -- aister an brothehefour yeara a a art, both leap yeababies. at are thee oddsds 's all scscsc. >> getting weiei. pizza hut,re one-toppg
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hard rocca fayekkcafefffring aree entree entree, even ift' n your birthd. ally? >> i i think so. >> you canel mee there is freeeeis ofetti food and think i can crynith thth ref th show? >> anyoneenow i can g a fake id? @can getea a a across era. >>let's talkkboututhe rs. big winners. as eecd,d,eonardooicapo and b be larson forestt actortt and b actress. "spoight," but i thoht "the revent" was goioi to n. rock's openingngmologue, course, addressin the controversy and eveveththg thth's'seen stirring around cars in terms ofo nomins being people of@color. let'see how hetarted the ow. i'm here at the acamymy ards.
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hoe awards you realizezef the nomat hosts, i wldn'n' evenn gethis job. y'all be wating i&ggeiatrick harris right now. is holwood cist? you're damn righ hlywood is racist youovewn accustom to. hooo hohoywood is sorority racist weikeou rhrhda, but you'r not a ppa.we wantportunity. we w w w the blackctors toet the same opportuniti - - pl [ apauau >> w did put t ranna jokeken there,hi w m favovotetef the night. >> it t good one. >> not good for morning . what'd you think o o oow chris rock did, mron? >> was flyingk in from a shoot so iissed nothin is worsesehan aig ent happening on tv a you were able toollow on twi but you canee it. th rct was inedible.
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obousl intaneously. what'd you guys in >> iwasnteresting becn the room, it seemedd like it was inin or fairly well. then we werekingo peoplee the red carpetnd they were nd of mixed. i tnks the eveveng wen on -- - >> people rmedp to it. inknkwaike ric ai llike we neede at, maybyb it s a l ltle b hard. like som of the jokes.s. he me joke abo lynching. some people were like -- >> it wa tough. >> bubt the same time, after the fa, every w w like, you know, itjwas like a cleansing in wayd to be sasa. hehe d. heame ondha he needo do keelved thehewhe carpet, at thefterer y. >>he "vaty ir party, we 't thihi he' stst. >> he was like, alroker. need to go to a >> it's what hsaid. . . >> whattresse w%we you feelg in th mo? t pure to funn yo kwwhat ime? >> ye.
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>>dls f thee whwhev, l e funny. y ce brehe w. li >>ye. ngg o o w my er you ow >>hello, mrs ro. nio%mtyou.>>ogogo e d-famo>> wilil y >> w wl youlowff se e a aood e. >>ll >> get&i wthe laeses ni lrence r rig al led, . >> sl. >> s'svficeo . thnehi think erybody tunn wasve alloot winng supporting tor. >>hough rie of ies"s"s" and mark rcedeserved a awd. >> not taking ay anything from m. >> a career omazi perfores. >>he sentiment w there ststlone. >> treere surprises. wiie aouou id, ias so pp tha ig w e,ow, it dea with
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such an mptant issue. the sexbuse ithee catholic chursr. ch a great moment in journrlism. we we all happy to see thth. buttnk a lot oeopleere surprised. yo all had picke an wiie iickedight m wfingeicked righwi. . >> the yougo. i'll tell you what else, none o o ig acting awards but there was a 4 m metretch where "madmax's"ameas cled a lot. if you haven'teenhe momoe, it's a p pce t. onthoutout, adamay who won for he bshort." amsp with will ferrelel ep into theore s sus stuff a wins o oar last night. greaea story for adam.>>icool.-- we alsoalkedbout thefafaiotle bit.
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we liked. it liked.d.>> a syli.( w wt ygoto mgogo . wonderfuthinin re tityty tiijty - - chr bidaslikeye mama. bring it,ma blant, m mmomoer cald me abobobobobo whe iarmani dot jujujujutete t t t. nanana w wtss o o o o perernn on thelanehat could ful offs s ess. ilorededoo pepeectiti. dripnto it so beautiful. the werey vorites.willie, i knew you'd pick -- i saw this dress w wn i lded and i said this isillie geist's s dress. >> alicia vikander, cotulations to her, wonor sporting actrs. e wawaeari louieivuitn, accordg to taon knoww s s looked gon it.
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det t golden obobor teminute onlyeautiful but smart arming. stil we eyedbout being in hollywood axcited to be a the award ows. >> kind of went official with the relatnship with michael fassbender. the ks on camera. knew they were together, but they showed t world their love natalie, who was on youst? i was going to say alicia, people comparing her to belle from "beauty and the beast" in the gorgeousellow dres >> she looked bette thanbee. >> when she had tt oar in her hand, too. i love theimicity of saoirse ronan. ronan. love the color. and brie larson who won t oscar lastight and won so many hearts inhis awardason, she is adorable. that blue was snnin on her. she really sodut in this
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al had another o ot i loved. >> you know, there were two olivias. >> they both were hot. >> very t. olivia munn was in stella mccy. >>munn. >> it was gorgus. one of the britest colors on the carpet and lookedfantastic. >> love theff t shoulder. then olivia wilde hadhe risque -- >> ye, and jan ikis said he helped foldit. it was origamhere was careful folds around the ars. >>yes,re we. yo can tell we haven't slept. >> we like it thihi way. >> more funs way. , you mentioned sylvester. i s i was hehetbroken. i was shocked. neverthele nertheless, you got aelfie
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with him? >> that's right. he was bng interviewed. we interview him aoment rlier, and i thouout, i dididt take a selfie. i did that. then we intervied elton john and his husband. thataw fun. t tt's auallyy - s s elton don'wn a cell phone he recoects told us, s he doesn't do seies. we're like well, we ve t t get a . >> that's right. >> at the aftft party att "vavity fair," ryan seacrest was h hgi out and w took pture with him, a well. >> on the othth side of thee partition, guys, it was chris rock aeo chatting, which wasas cool. >> did hear anything? at were they talking about? >> think t tre high-fiving ea ototr. >> they were at a dtance from . >> we we dng w wtryrydy el doeseses takekeut their camer and pretendi to take picic o o themsesese bututeallllakgg a picture of leo andnd chris rock. . . i love that elton john doesn' h onermomo.
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d d't need aphone.eyou knono whe toind e geeoeoaround him with a phoo whys heeed e? >> h aually htelegrgrh. >> carrierer pigeons, actually. >> i like at et's take a look and hoho you what we have as far as our weher is concererd. my golly, weather mayay affect per perreses severe w wther todayrom wichita fallsls too chchch lsls o oahomaaayyyn thee rk ofeve weathe strong wind gusts t tgh tonight. ping-pong to golf ball sized hail morrow, the area expands out. look at the states that are under slight risis o oe weather. 22illion people at risk. damaging windgust isolated tornadoes. but the super tuesday states of arkansas, tennessee, alabama, georgia and virginia, a part of this.
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for tomorrow's primary. >> tt' >> that's your latest weather. willie? >> al, thanks. coming up, more o cis rocknd the controversy at the oscars. how he addressed it in hisp monologue and throughouthe show. plus, the g moments you missed you couldn't stay up
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only kraft natural cheese haa touch philadelphia eam cheese, so whatever you make, is creamier than ever. @ jane's always on the move. luckily her light & fiprotein smoothiean keeup with her. packedith 12grams of protein and no added sugar. so she can watch her calories and whe e's goin light & fit feel free to enjoy. evytng kids touch duri cold and flu season sticks with them. ma sure the germs they bring home don't sck around. @ ususclolox disinfecting products. beuse no one kills g gmsms betterhan orox. i'm jerry bell the second. and i'i'jey bell thehehi. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little gu non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. veot to be prepared d at the edge of your seat and be ready to g u there'n/deep couch s s ingng
9:07 am
this is the part i really don't like right here. rb what's tt? a package! it's a sffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itlf. this is nd of fun. th c fm m h or? ww ths ep c sitng [jerry bell iii] de couch sititngng geral millis removg artificial flavors and colors from our cereres. so y y can love real. again! t en you feea cold sore, abreva can heal it in as s w as twopand a halalys when usese the first sig outuit vus sprds from cell toelll only abreva neates dee and starts to work immmmiately
9:08 am
u could heal your cold sore, fast, asasas two and a hdays when used d the fign. arn how w reva starts to work immediely at don't tough it out / knock it out, fast. with abreva. when you think out succeswhat does it lk li? it becoming a better professoso by b bng a m#meadvdnturous s ent? isone dagigin' your daughter e oprtunity shdeseeseses ist nally witnessi all the arstic wonders of the natural world? whevevevovr definitiucce is, ing you rsue it, is ours. va- ve everybodydy get golden
9:09 am
od lking.r chroooonn t t rssues of tscss@kf raciversititit>> he w t tgest momts everybodyss talng about. if youer to describe one wordd eralaltee tar for >> ltleeee odd. e opepipi monologue w very ertainingng chs rococ d a a greatob tatascarar so whe a a% king everyone fe coe. but beyond th, after that once we g tthe s setch o the all ow,, i ft repetitivi, long,,sss the oscs always feel, but ao odd. there wen't very many srs acgg awards >> iwa intereing. gigin t ttthe oscarsss were lolo t -- >> crazy. e of f eeketctcssst riririackcinge l
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here's onenenepipiberggoldberg and jennifer lawrence gether. . >> maybebe t ty' mak a m about akinny whiteady, but the black girl has to ce cancer before ty get a a t movie. >> oh, my go >> i'm n mad. i know howo py t ga. >> he >> i'm thehe danish rl. thes danishes isgood, . naililit.>> i i iee th.. ihohohtt t t t so eat. >> snny. i think it smart b bause i was the idedef ier himsmuf i io th vivi..rirock, w w pblylylnn t t oaros w wve hn thee ten yeyeyeye u u t t t t wiwiellenen degenesesesas smart ave whpi join h o oahg th tra with tcy morgan.
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>> t tk abouthe girl scoetsts who scored big last night. >> t tydid. t t t a lolo. antn y yo m m dahter's girl scout cookies. lo at my babs up e.% are y gng to dede se 0 cookokoks?l gha y! ge thatmoney, gi. mat money.y.y" fey. arararththon, yes! you gethim. y yne $ mlln. ononon >>f furse,herorobly tarvinggoo le yes,ivee fiviv bos. &e' nowed to e arar actlly starving. i thohthtt wawa a fun bi kind o&o saw it two years agogogopwhenenllll did i a little better with the pizza.a. >>cey dash thing, wt s up with that? >>the oes thing ghgh pepele werenughi i thihi it wasooucf an inside . they werer@ makin fun othe facttt thtacey dashh had gon o o fox
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news news to say - are we watching th? we were jusus listening to littit of it. w wveve gonee on to they w% makingpnpn of the fact t t aceyash w w wn x newew sayi w w deedck ory montntntnt moststiewe d dt knowououso itasast funny. m m m mpl iee aududnc didn it >> a lot of people dt ow who s e s. >> actct and commentatar hasnsn b b b ain awhile. $&$& 7hy did she do it? gd questiti >> l lnardo, y#u owow finanay. . cceptance speuch, toto pwel hav look at. `>>nk y y allll forhi amazing award tonight. let us n take thislalat for granted. ii d not tak tonhtor grantednthuosososoy mumu. [ applause ] >> so ma ngmgmioiw a a finally getting his vvvv>> fomination i ac\c iihink peo`l`l were veryy excit about is.itas a a a a a big momt because
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larson andcici vikander e e alle smalalrs a a have bebe in smallele rformanc. this was a movie star, nally taking the oscar stage. i thi peoplplpl wante leooo n.n. ititashe mosos twewewewe momomomom ofofheightn n ery o.thehcars. momohan 4040400 tweee a% minunu fornardodicaprio- - >> ere, too. >> s uvestst staldlne,, w we youou shoc atth?? i tnknk thede droed the ball with their ubs.lololo0 y yrs a eing nononated for playinrockin the origi "rky."." thth wld be a hugug meback fofo m. would have b bn a b but %%peech. - what were theyyththking? >> when e doesss have chancecececeet qn award w? hohofullyyhehe will bebenothth for him but- >> this wa his moment. tnk aot ofwers weree okingwardrdoo horing lvtu stalllllllxced abt that... w w r r in e mdle o e ceremo w w a ary aboboitit gagagagaoululu soso. hat perfofoanceas
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pp bid intntducicihesong. theex aau svivavava s$vvovossomomomomomom onontmge a payayg tbubuto dy gaga. w does t tt losososos totohe "jam bond" anthemememhihiasn' a really g gd song,, to beonest with you?>> ah it's ununlievable 4 meere. thdnk you so chch >> thank youor having me. >> coming up, the celebritieses li youe never seennnnhemm forereettioothe r r rpetabndndnd the after rties.s. alndnd hhe town we'll bringpg youft fromomheairyfafaers fife, this iour promis
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we stata with licious,crcrmy, realalalal that's$shen trtrfilted so irirfe has more protein d anahon half the sugar. and never anartifigrgrth h h hnes. at fairlifif weebelieve in betetr. fortifyiyihe grarity-dedeing. adventurcollelti... iendonctor fofohe going-ps.s. of-the-r... day-ing... yo u're strong. and 'rhe thelpou stay that w new special k nourish. mui-grn fles withuinoa,pples, almondand rasprries.s. new w w w l k nourh. foy. i'riribosh. when wqdqd wh h oodcls in mlung, it w serus unely,y,ct hadgame plan.. tment th xarelel ..heheguys hehe fallyanlo...,.bie. xarerere is proven to tr and helplpepucthe risk of dvt a ae blooclotot relto s also p pn to reduce the r sk of stroke
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in peofowith afib, not causus by a heart valve problem. r people with afib currertly ll manag o o arin, ererlited d fofoatatn onow xarel anwaarininompare reducg the ri of stroke. you know,i trd g rfarar, but the blood sting and diar restriririnsns. don't t t me startrt on t atg i didn'tavav. we started on xarereo nice pass.s. safety first. ke all blood thinners, don'n'stop taking xarereo withtht t lking g youdoctor, as this mamamacrse your riskpk of a blooooolot or stroke. w(ile takingng yoyomay bruise more easily and it m m make long f bleeni to o op. rereo may increasyour risk of bleedidi y y take certain medicicis. xareo c cse serus anan rarcasese fatal bleeding. get help rigig away r expect bedg, unusuabruising, or tinglgl if you have had spin anesthesia while on xarelto , watcfor baain or a n or sc rel sis or symptoms.s. do not takxaoo you have artrticial heafvalve or abnmal bleeding. tell your doctot before l planand medicacaor d dtal procedures. beforeretarting xarelto , tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or b beding problems. you knknknarelel is t #1 prescribed bloodthinneints clala.
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it is for me wi xarel there o o r bld nitori and d knonoietata restrictns. trtrtment with xararto . .was the rht m me fous. ask k k toxa om coming upupatat a a i painted the townwrwr at some of hoywood' after parties.s. >> w whaha y yr all-accessass to the acac. llie, w wt'ss comingp from new rk >> we have hollywood glamour in new york city. hanging out the ben mckenzizi star of "g"gham." we'l tk abothehe joy of real-le babythe wa we'll show you thefe ecrust. we'reak aamel apple
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is tha my oukies,,, choose y choose your mahw reon corstay n- coact.t. pert-m-mchedoundadn anncrr r a awlele khat la
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more problems a cruise ship that was battere b a major atlantic storm eer this month. royal caribb anthem of the seas isded back to n rsey dueo yet another squl norovir outbak. the premature end comes just week after nthem o the seas" dheadlines f anothtoy cident. th ship wasamed a day after set sl on fruary 6 when it ecountered 30-ft wes and hurricane-force nds. if you f packed inn like sainevery time g a plane, helpay be on the y. new york senatorhuckchumer wants tore the faa to stitute minimum sea siz rules forrles. he says` leg rm o planes used to 35nche but itas now shru t a average of 31. humer say sts a getting rrrrer,too. the faa says tncy l rwardoreviing the proposal. b changmg cing disne theme parks whenomememo
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unchinin ssonal pricesor onday tiets. sitors willow pay mor on peak dayay bween 19 a sneyey disney hasrappled th hcw to manage crowd at t tes during holidays and spring break.k. itit tp selling tke becauseeoo manyyeoe in theparks. natat reveals breast gmentationas the mostt pulala c cnetic pcedure of 15. liposuctctn wasas second followede reshapinyed y and summy tuckck e fastesgrowin typef plastic sgeryas the buttock pl forhe fir time i ove 15 years, felelts s sed outut o the tope pformrm rgeries. > investors w wren buffet shared hishougopopop othe presintntln tot the iphone incididtithhe buffett sd ifhere was a
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evesle w wld hel the fbiunlocklne formatioio ffff ssis a azed b b what's hapneto ( blicanarar in thi aras pridenti c cpaigigignd idemt bernandede suzuki has aendency to "donize instions." > i's beenn three weekendsnd unting, "deadpool" once again number o at theox office. ththn reynolds flick ought inbout $31.5 ion. "gods egypt" was second with $1 milli a kung fu pda 3 s third. re's roker. we startff with wet weather in t earlyar of the ek in new england, sno through the plains,un thugh t g kes. wove into theidpart of the week we are going to be looking wet weatherxiting the east coast butt was still hangg out just a bit. sunshine through the gulf coast, e latter partf the week, wet weather inhe northwest. the plns,unshine returns to t noreast but
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mid-atlant statasooking a wet icy mi lookowar it is for the rly part ofhe ek. the colder airanked uthe in the plns. dweekeriod we see belolo rmal temperatures move into the east. latter part of the week it stays chilly here in the east but, boy, everybody out her in the west looking >> and that'our latest weweheh.h. well, we've been her hging
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out havg a blaststding with enteainment' list. >> weot up close and personal with y yr favorit sta. here's o he's our spot, t ts is it is is all we get. is is the rededed carpetet this is they don'tan to be botre by people like me, ty've got this. it's basly an ess la. esnt tscars, avoid avoidininnoyin peopleisuryidght blue tin. please d d't touch it >> i'm sorry but -- >> hey! >> in presenting, is there something you'll pull out thatat --- >> i beg youou pardon! >> i don mea in tt sense. >> > at my age it'w not worth pupuininut anymoror
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my pple! myoplele >> w w are you lookingorwa >> ito think i've m eryb >> you've met ebody. this is old hafor you? >> it mea sting, comedians doing with wt we do best, addressing the elephant in the room. . ugh. that was great. >> leseseshan 20 minutes to go to the start of f e oat. 's'soini to b%eally h r gettgta to cerorothe pres lane to our la i'i' going too my be. it's wha i do. hey, ti! titi, please, i'm begging. gaga gagaga iknow, , thank you, thaha you! gagaays he loves me. not enough to stop. but she loves me.
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thattorheed carpet. >> a red hot d deady to g papay? let's do it. 6% >>on johnscar vwi party. >> rocking it. >> will y d d d with me? >> would loveto. >> tre's noo sic. . >> this is h they used to danc when the were manners. . o!!!! charmi,. . . . . . "v!nity fair." "vanbir"r." t tdhthtoing w wt' you yt an?0 find hamburrs ffik donenow. thee awards , , ehole thththth jake breath. myyararbr --no not your career! i meanhe awards. >> i gotl i't w wkk b bm.m. >> h m .l > >ee him,li, socially
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elelehgo?>> y never know kekeou feelllll l i it gradede he youomorrr@ like,, i didn't t&ow i@sablele t tnknk our wk h he i ij nene > that's a drgp theic mom .. weengngogoo pay. >>t't' it. >> all night long. >> but i loveoi gt, it's so mumu fun.h h he a g o oti. sabababa sasaa baron connnn scknn ali g costumeme i his wife's handbag a a brorororo o dinininin rds remony. >> y asked him if he wa gng toreak anything out a thehehehehe hehedididi& hehehe pulled rabbit out of his hat,o,gh >e just`ikeou shoututg at > > > > 8at lyy gaga! h h h gotototwnwn schchastt night we re g g g for a re.o$- al, i dn't know.
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atinterestinin p>> t t lititit t t t you finin 4% earrerer o "t"t p >lwayay sometetng whehetttt `sasha barrere cocon.n. thahaman. ben mckenzi is here fro n &&york revealgecretsts o o biginifier.-afaf.lolo clot.@bbo my fa? my li'l l and whatthis hapned d ain? i was givevewarfrfinin $ $ hospill but if thth w t t t treatment for me. thth my ctor told me abt iquis. eliquitrtrtsvtvtnd pe bloodlots,anreces thththskth ppinagnj not only does eliquis treat dvt and pelots,, but eliquis so hadsiicdnlessjor bleeeengng an the standd treatmt. owiquiuiuih!d boththth turned around thinking. don't stop eliquis unlesurdodo t%l you to. iquican use seous a in rcasesefatatableedi.
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numbness, ore weakness.ile takingquis, you may uise more easily... it may take longer tn usual for eengngngstopopop sese immmmiate medicalare fo sudden oblbldidi linunual bruruininin s y y crcrour ding r youououou aiaiaines. yctctctboboll anned d dical dentaprocococ. eliquiuits t & pe blololots. us had ls mar bleedi. bosweliquighr r` ask yoyoyooctf it' right for you.u ere e a loofofays to pack yofastitititotein.n. buthththth delicioio way i ito ju a a milk.k. w w re vley ceres.t leasas1010rams ptein with milk, and a tohchc sweweness for ree new ways tpopor youh your day. i kekemymyentiststf toothbrususwas tolean b bterthan m ml.he@s@ssure...bon't'tget st any oget e e e ired by dedede wiwiwi rouou brd hea, go&wh oror-b-b
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d or-b divivs a clically p pvepepeor cleaeaveveus sonicardiamonlean m mth feelsuper cleanan al-b. . ow yououougegeing g supepeor cle!e. i'm never goinback mananl brush. quiet! !omomomomdachhad a headache! but .donononon excedrin i ifaststin f ft lilirts ju 15 5 nutes. excece noavlablineltabs. my kidsdson't hto f fage,e, t two jobso y y momogage,anlso o t a brain. 'shoho,`tatas cheap.ll b bworkinyoyosleep. stildoththt i've got a b?? yoyoina a susu'sugh?who'`ltep up when things g tough? don't t t wa thattki oain? degr is a eeyou'rena wtt0soe e uebubuonly iyohava a a
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w yon create your own urf italyl atatlive garden,starting at $12.99. ch 3 o i10avitesesto eoy on one plate. plvs u u uitededalad and d eaticks. t(e beououtaly is the o o youreate. o ove g gde4 4 ys agophph wasasdsinkingngabout dancinin was t tabhis jojots.. t he takin osoeo bi-f and ticing a real erence in his joint comfo e elininonigates in thth arararar readadadadbody..( toere, ininng hariolyigh vels of embarrassme in his hehewss workg by t tt ok ofect huhuliion on his fa you u u t/ dance, phil. soance. shows proved joint comfo i justst dtetelele,, madedtdtmove... e citi double e sh ard comes in very handndwith cash ba twice urchas. eaea once`when you buy,ananagai you pay.
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it'sasasck vu.thcicie e"araraa e onon card thatatets yoy) earn casasbackckce o o o oy puhaha 1% wh you buy and a ayoyopay. wi ways to earn, akes qf ototrdseememememem. %wrereree >>re iteded toe benen mckeie with us thi heurur o one aecadadago o t t troroububdn o. >> the teenana ang behindhim. >> ahio. >> iarraraededoo haveeea that he's deali withh diffffentrama detective f f `ononnn"gotham." when h hturns frfr rhe short time away,here is ae badad . ys a bad guy arororo he dooro toto >> something is pressinge o o case. what is??
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frozeher?p>> ah.told y it wasweird. come on. they'r waitior us ozenen >> a right.t. th stal of th seaean i se oth llns. >>. . >econd blf,rath o oe aiai. yeah >> wtodsshaha @? >> lots o b things. . frfr is on the scene,syou see. tim thisoerctctor r a the e of uary, when it s g gng to o be f fezinin colol in new yrk nononos 60 degegegoutsidid >> h do yoy gun thth mr f feze mri.i thas righhis chnologygy doe't woret, ying to perfect it. people get fzennd t tn ty melt.. w wkikiut the nks. whaveillas lore.. mrmrzeze hug sanho is expepementineo underneaea d gs come in@nd wse ppeleome includudgrs pinkettsmith, who will be c ck a t ef
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season. >hihihisgrea ah 's fufu >> whyhyalerer m. pinkett ith? d'n wanan to g hihi ffect. ^ rockid eugh of th. >> so m myfsre onn the batman show a a we had an image in our minfommissioio gordrd. defitelyot me. nouthe youn tectiveve gdon. >. >ow mhhhhtm's hisry ddore d d y y b bng to th characte >> illy s downxith jefff jojojo run d.c. coms, just asasas f help. whatato i need too re? at do eeo ow? hehehellyree and sa, we've nev snomionerr s a detective. 've never seens ptt of hislife y y reaeayy need t undetand is he' a rrior.hehe aliceman.hehe lawman. buttztztzho feeee f f to
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interpret thissn your owow at what i'vedo. - man, he's areat chact caus theor that he lives inin islawless,omplelyy amor,rere. but t t e wangim desce & into anununinci whwhee r rlis heas t to whwlwler it s to get things ne a to ghe b ys. - a grere journe >> it'rerereshow weealked about the ndnd. we're plansndtte yo congratulationon on theab . than. ank you. ou a a youou co-stata anynyminu. ly >> prepchchch yeahbh 4u have an alele button or sothinin what ppens?s? pdoes t bat thing com in n - sky? th babs ? >> i thougyou meant agle alhe'd learn about tby nernohesedays.. >> it's lik a pink bottltl or blue bottle thassow. w d dsst feel?great. %trifyfyg b b exciting. every d ieave the h and go to work and i sa no baby today.
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bytoday.y. wait for t weekend. le geteto o e ek >lan it on the week >>has t t p pn so i can ow, behere for 24 to 48 hours. migighat for yoyo the lilegirl. might l lk out for your shooting schedule. >> can try. >> appreree it. >> congtulas. "gm" returnrononon on fo >> upp ne thihi binie is intimida? yes, iii ilil weeehae're in tsn e recipe pcaramelpplepi i' ady titit the q qstn is,,, can weake we're going to f fd out tototo couple wonderingg atat good deallolololoko.... seriously? wel ve i6 fo mposition. ar wow,w,yat about ju pupuina fa, no hagglprice on t t window?
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somemebebeea are pretetla to sese all,dirt snuler! the dirt snunule gentlylylyovov dirt whwhe polishing thfloor at the same time. why would d u nt toreatatir"gently"? this isnsn cleaninin d polishing is it? no, bubuwe both kn what do. pine-sol. a real clean! no gimmicks. wasasg ho itust arts achchg and rts achihi like so deewithin thepeoothhat t i uldn'tandle it. i arteeati olike one side omyouthth folili wholeleonth was juststating onne omy m mth and theninally i was le, i cat dodohis. denti said d at i should e sensyne. life w whout hing to worry abt at'son ht my teeth
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if is gonnha ice in it.. life witututensitivity is`son one e ononofhe cl perk this acee is youan eat a amuch cereal as s u want.. it's like i'm gog totoork to get som alghty. weust like cererl.
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and now ic chocolate, ja jane'''ys o othe momo ckilher li& fit proteinsmoothie can keep up with r. packed with 12ams of ptein anno add sugar. sosohe can watch heralie anwhe shshs gogog. light & fit el free to e eoyoyoy ,hi.. skincare now becomeactiti new rninacve inucing cleay br. neacveoist torighdull s sn. packed w wh antioxidan tac, e end l. earlbrhtmorethanoiurize, actively smoothth,, bots radiance and protts w wspf 15
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clclically proven. e briger skiki just e e ek. new clrly brighter from g g scte.$p the ac w wo ttkin.. when youcold m mes you w wh.h. stay. alalday... oueed r of... theraflu erere eraflu expressmax. e r to feel bebeer. > >ackko b bing bic w pl e. eho o "let eat cake" ishere. >> she'll shoss o of her favovote ps and perfect douou 4 that willlbecome yrgoo pepe any pipi go to o you.u.u. >> goodd morng. >> tis life changi u kno howan timem i wted to go to a p pnd say, m methis you can d d it. . >>ou'll s us.
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>> co,co,d er. youon'tan it t melt becacae yoy w w to be able to see t t b b b once youene. >>llllghgh ioo itn -- i am goingo do it- is all righ pp we c pretend.( - i p pseyry iredients together, whichre flr,lt sugar.r. >> wt' the d drenc in puing and lettingngt go? t thispoint, not much, alal. guoyo get the cloud o flo anan you're like, . co, co, cdbutter. f fthth fer ldld >> fm thf f eezezeld. you n'tant i the melt the reasons, peopl have real trble whierust bebause it getp toh. okay. >> ts is wha y end upp with. >> people l at i and , doesn't look like dough yet.t. iholdssogethe when y y pincit, it's od. he tk, youan just &&llt etetrhere. it'soldi togher . too m mh water makest toh.
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too muchater in? >> t tndd a ltle moreflour. you wan te theiecesf buer. you want toolltt t,he ttomruruintoton 11nc roun diviheough intwo. perfecoror a uble-tru pi whi isyfavorite. an i f fe itf i n't e it >haw it beferer y rol i o itl b too@ i blind bakeotm cst so p's n soy. i de e ybottoms.s.>> i d ei. >>ake a like seyr and tu tiever soake it up avheieha shrinks. upside down graty wllake surehe dou doe'tink and it'lbe rrrfect.% ck the apples befor i put themie crus e reas, it cre a camel.l. also you'tetheheap tweenhe crustnd t perfec
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>>lgh >>lso caly, which likeke >> we have sds le.. the rips on can y y oututow y y the >adadf d d -- jususs t tm o on top othe pie.
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>>e'lllle ck. this is "toda onnbc.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >>lo ok how beautifulhat pieis. w'dou thep,ea quick? >ut outittle arts. nce the btoms bakak t cmp t t ges. iiike i too l l l pr..
9:49 am
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j j gatherhemm a is% - iss "today." withlee gind hoda `tb, live f fm studio 1a ckeller aza. >>ehould have tommy onn camera. helllleverybody. bebenning avenue week. ndaymo. 29t. happyyeapday. eap dayay is big for people who airthday today.they haven't been able to celebr fr`years. >>hihi called "rkbottom."." gotot a bighow and big surprise to telel y abo in mitete tim sacksksseritss bubu andnifeararar en her silence aboutut e eing her marriage tl ben.& >> thion you didn'tee last night.
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