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tv   News 5 at Noon  NBC  February 29, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST

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w w yououelecon watchch- we're one day awaw from super esdada- whwhwhthe caucus w)wl be held d re icolorado. there e differences ininhe way reblblans andemocrats caucusere ipolorado... and ws 5 spokeith both parties to break it down for you. toegininherimary fctioio of theheaus is to elect legates totoo o each of several assemblies andnvnve on lfthe caucus goe. anyone in ur precinct can run be a lelete the night of f the caucus - y y yt too run, you'll raisipi ur hand when theaucuchair asas f f volunteerd say "i"i want to run for delelete and he's why." dedecratic caucus goers s ll rtipe in what's lled a inding preferencncll" before electing delegates. the preferce p pl dermines how ny delegeseqach candidite ... but t ose delegates arar't'tound to the
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"so u can go otuesday y d y i wawao be a delegate for hilly, andhehego tthe convention and d gege min reblican's use takaka "n- bibiing poll"... bubuthatat not the casasthis yearar ind, thehewill only be electingngelegates. "so there's nonogoing to be any resusus, that y 60centf people favor cz or favor trump. in thehen we hadheh straw po, we did he that kikif f formrmrmn ththght t caucuc, bubuit was t/tally meaningless." pridentiul candatedon't appear on youruprimary balloloinin lorara. so, super tuesy isis t onl oppopounity for coloradans to have ainfluence on the nominanaon f presidede. the e e us starts ataveven p-m. if you live el l so county, the clerk and recorder's office is rececmending you double check ur prenct t tion. and d per tutuday could maker
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toand trump.dona tru i ileadg g g y super tuesesy ate ceptptpt s... and his opnenes ararhitting hard: ted uz ileing in his home sta of texas - and isis ammimi trump for not coemning support -- from m formerd theu klux klan ononnn sunday.. while e e p did d nouce david duke on twitter frfray... and later sunday... ump isisaying -- he was having ouble heararg ththqutis in hihieaeapiece... and ---uuper tueueay'sooking gogo for hillary clinton. comimi i h hwiwiin south rona: clinton's leading sanderernearly 2- to-1 in key statas. but she coulfind h hself on fefee - the rest of her ememls are due to be releaseday. right now -- puebloice are asking for the blic's asstsncncin cating this woman... -y-yololariah vavaezs not en seesisie w vatdez i iido haveasasbeen
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drive,... located d pueo's s utide.e. is describededs being 5'2", 100 pods, browhairbrown esesith medium colored skin tone. vaezezayaye in neeof medication yoyo seeing or havg ininrmatn is askedcallpuevlo pici. court martial proceedings are scscduled to binor u uair r force academy cadet t cond class zachery l. chubbbb cadet chchb is charged with on specification of 'rape' and two & ecificion ofabusive sexual cocoact' in violatatn of article 20 of the uniform code of mplitaryustice. chububstands a aused osexusatiti a femama cadet in october of 2014... today'y'proceedings re supppped to gin last septptber... but t milita judge pususd the iaiaback. we'll l t you know what happpps @ atathe ademy tonight.... news fit 5 & 6. a fatal shoooot bar eblos undedeinvestigio. security foo of the satuay
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putbolice but no infmation about possible suspects h s been releed yey. . the shooting happened at the iron horse bar on main street. 26 year old devin n ark was shot d killed. twtwothers were shototururg the cideth remn stablf condiorinow. vare tjrs"s"who runsns ty fhe, t t $o werereecity ems and were trying stop the susuects. usually it's one, t we hadwo people working that night and unfortately they're nonopoli officers. they don't carry g gs, th don't have vests, and unfortunatelyltoo,o,hey put their lives at risk $& dlslsave beenelease abouat led u u u t t ootiti. if you know anythihi y y ye ked to call pocer crimestoppers. today..0 police say this won, t tcie bubuey, sehind barsrsafter she shotott her husbandung a fit. the victimold police burkey y fired at him as sf d dve away from t house. it h hpened sunday morning on cust drive, nearustin bluffs and north nevada.
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injuries froroshattered glass, but the buets missed him. burkey took ofafter the incident but wasasocat a s srt time later bpolili. she is facing hges s ted murder. agine a 5-year-old who is s already ybnk, or a athth grader defaulting on a mortgage. you might be surprised to learn thatathildreare e - titis mo likely to havavtheir identity stolen thanandults. as if redot have enough to worryrybout t tse dds, here's one me e ncern totodd to t t lt. ouldou put a areezez y#yr chils crededort to prevent enty tft news 5'sgrgr investigatat. well for t teves a kid ithe perfect tbrget--a clcln slat th's w staawmakers hav githe pas the ceo ze theieicritore crims gegehas on e rte keg ur kiden se?e? pkg th d'tavcred c cds o bank aountto raid....natat but a child d esn't have debt eieier. a vulnerabab target for crinals canpen n credit c c b a vecl appppor asonal loan.
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abououuntil they g gto college d suddenly can't quify for fififiial ai "i m m mtoo o ch moneyeyith h o jobs. they'll be like do you work here. i'm like i've f ver rked er " facx according to her record diedrmcknight had ulted on a atgage 12 years old.d. i we to gethe utilities turned on ananit turned oumy number wasaslready being used. all those old dts sbs and raom credit t rd offs now started to m me sense. deidre was a victim of identity theft longefore she knkn. .a rect study found that 1 in 10 kids had ththr social securityumber r rd to loans, mogagege cdit cardccounts and even vehicic registration. so how do yokeep your themem safe? colorado lawaw re psed a tha would make it t ssib tple a frfrze on your cld's credit..efore theyven have any. "the states can pass a law but you still have to wo through the cred bur a a you stillll have tprovovovdocuments provg you are little dilly's or m." but credit expert aiaicarnrnk s ys the complex procs full of paper-rk and timemes a waed efffft.. nat und ... "if your child doesn'tave a credit report than l lve it that way. for e most identitthef
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not a bad idea to sign ufor i-d theft monitotongng ititan help with pruventn and recove. . ifou d ddiscover your r ild has s en a victim, file a police report right then contact ch o oththree creded b beaus
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,,,,,,,,,brbrros,ews s igates. ming up --- thbig winners from last nits academy awawdsdsbut first your extended forecast with meteologjst jfssica van r.r. jessica? anotototday withthire danger concerns, but temperaturesre staying abe average e your r
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anher dry and windy wiwi mean another round@of fjre concns. we have red flag warnings fo areas of el paso, pueblo, and fremoncounties unt 6pm. very low h hidity and strong winds along i-25 w wl be a bad
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,,,,,,,,,, car r es to..... spotlili.. cheersrs the big nn at last night's academawarar... . was "spotlight"... taking h/h/hthe oscacafo"best t picture". anan"mad m fury roro" wins foror st awards ofofhe n... tang homom6 oscars... mostly tecicalwards. ininhn besesestor categoryry. leo finally got his osfo pirformance in "the e revent"! this is leonardo dicaprio's fit acemy award d n ter r minations! "the revenant" alswofor best reor...
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"room" and thehupsesese theheight w in theheupporting actor category as "markrkylancewon for "bridge of spies",eating out sylvesr stallone... mark ralo and chririian bale.@ a judge is schedululcocoid etr ororototdisms defafationonsuitga bill cosb thananor wt modeja dkinsonas toe d)isiscause e say she haven dienaccounts of her interactions th cos overhe yeaea. dickikson suedosby in n y over his deal of her claims that he drugd and raped r in lake p tahoe in 12 ururufsus today y& erin anew civil suit against stalker michl barretetetd the nashvillmarriott. rretetpleaded guiltytyo stalkiki in 20-10 -- afder recording andrews -- nude rough peephole at ththhotel ----nd poing ththimagag online. apdrews is s sking 75-5-llion dollars inamages for
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staff told barrett which room drews s staying g . ter the breaea-- from olive to canolalala and sulower grapeed! there's many oils you n cook th!
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althiest??e're taking a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in today's your althy fali.. ththe e a numb of erent cooking oivailablet ores tod and t tioan berwlmg.... aley hnandoke th a a diitian about e heth choices r u and ur fily. - g - olive! s sflowow! ! en acado smanananaicesesdiitn rixosa sgo oevse cand d or arin. t feeoil! t:hrison, etn nev want toook wi flaxseed o fact, you ally want to kp it refrerer to event it from being oxidizedshsays oxidid oils can cause stke and gh c cleleerol... sot: chr nixon, dietitia "it can lead to cardiovascular disease and incread d sk for
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t u have plenty of oions for oilshacan co at st[vetetetemperares betweeee 0-500 degrees... sot: chrisixonlndidiitian "if you're doinge of atir y or baking oothen e greseed or the evoo, peut o or canolalailld be good d tions." r hi temps, like sring or brningea r etian haone vorite... sot: chris n, etitian or cooking, i woulgo with thsunflor r l. got verlighghmouth feel so it dove a strong flavnd i is goa highlashpoint`so iw im safe i im m ing with sunflower oil." other thing to consider is whether r ur oil hashe unsaturated@fa likyou wawathad'k'kunfnower,tcano, e dngrapeseed d . the a4uratets a , what she calls "trical oils."
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ststck of your fect.thth2016 season hththe`eoyal& rge e utililad kicks off in just a a few nutes! e train will m mtrip7-days a week fm the "sanan fe depo in non ty... after r recoco breaking 2015... the railroad is offeri season passesor the first time ev. those are $199... and d versrsnlimitededidesesn "vistaome"... "club"... and "coach" class for the e ason. . we'll have more infofmation about what's newewews year at the "royoy goror rlroa on n our website. koaa dot com. we h he rereflagarnings s r arars of el papa, pueblo, and front counties until 6pm. very low humidity and strong wiwis along i-25 wl be a b b mbination for fififiotential highs today will be ne r0 with somcloud cor throhoho e day.
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state has lost a lot of moio and any chans r much needed d ecipitatatn ok sli eep
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>> aouncnc >> annnnncer: thththlling id preseatiofocize, brough you by beachbody. this is the end of exercise. >> get readydyo cize iup. [ beat drops ] [ [ oplelcheerirg are you ready to d dancece 5, 67, 8
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>> stop exercising, people. 's timto start dancici+ lcto ce.>>nnouer: ciall-new nce wowoouorogram thth's gna maklolongngei fud d sy.>>o leit's e eexerbecause i want tot >ouncereritimple dae,e,ave getwe resus. t's ju likicone g papay rns . it's so ememwering. >> i spentntany y ar rourous exerses. cize, 45 pounds down eas >> it'just fun. i think that t ts the key,# thth it doeses like rk. >> exercice is shing you ve tdo cize is sosething you'll want to do. you n't believe e days of cizwill do for u. >> i i il thlove >> it dodon't t tterow old you arar how much weight youe to lolo. 's the first xrogr for everyone. >> announcer: shaun chorewgrapap x utines,pand breaks them wn so you can got your own ce wle still gettingn ese workout. >> i'ma break it down for you by step. every movement in cici, you've done befe. he relateteevhi to


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