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tv   News 5 at 6PM  NBC  February 29, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm MST

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from the feferevel dn to the coty lev....and&thatat inclcles u.s. nate. t pulling evts off has bothth publicanand d mocrats scrambng tget evytng r..en ththdo things ve differently. annie schmitasasco cr party sot: 5:06 itbeenenrazy. at the epaso county democratic heheheararrs..... papaets are ready, locations a mapped out, and d ey're squeueing in some e st minute training. annie scitttel p po co democratic party sot: 10:04 e you guys ready forort all? ask me on weweesdawith two strong candidates.....dats arar exexctctg a decent tuout.t....a.a they ll picka wier. cldose one. so 10:35 i iis so hardo say. rmally you would say oh i'm hearing more for this or for that, but both candidates e pretty stronhere in el paso co but onhe republican si...they ll not b b picking a winner....which has ny thinking the cauc rea esn't matter. daniel cololel po co republan party sotot16:44 that's n true. the caucususs stilking placac
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delegates is sll, ththonly differencncis we'rereot@dodostrtw pole which why repubcans are worki@st a ahard..head of e big day. daniel cole/ pasasco republan par8 ththe e ones ring all y lolo with calls f fpeop the gogl foboth parties is ha the uses go smoooolylyly.and to avoioiththhistorically low turnouts. sot:t:t:08 the more people that particicite, e mo@e voices are hrd. dael cole/el paso publican party sot: 23:29 if you want totoe involved in presenti nomination d want have say befo have to get involved tomorrow. th that said...... e eryone e is cvinced is e best way to do it. sot:58 07 we'd get a lot more attentioi from prestiti canandadas s ot sidedeif we had regular primary instead of this convaluted caus process. its a dedete thacocoinues s me up out evy foururears. one key thing to pnt out about these the decisionen't binding. meing the delegates selected
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chanhe mind ananpick somemeel bebeuso& thawe won'tofallylyw w rado pipintilhe nna convtihihi summer.....althou gh the mocrcrwill be puttinout the winnnn of its straw tomorrow w ght. apl of the president caates keeping very sy on the c cpaign trail ahead ofof per tudadaand thatncludes lots of stops colororo. demoat bernie sandererhe a ge r at csu forcollins last nigig, 4his i videdefromnothth event. e universityays suppters lled moby arena nearly to capacity r thththllll--ase t lked about althe e d college cost. count on ns ve forour compte e eion verage---we'll hlive repopos thugh h`e eving tomorrow as ll a aatatat koaa-dot-com. turning now to your weweher--- a high fe danger day acrs the ate, pof here north east of denver. this gra fire okek out near east alameda and d dton late this after a spread quickly. lead fastetemike els--tracking hihi fifif dangerith us tay too.
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tonighghwhen cold front moveve in. . the frt will bring much cooler air on tuesdayb satellitpictures, the cold front t ll arrive tonight w th nd shifting to the e rth bringing in the colder air. tonight ies llecome clear down. sunny y morrrrornini with a few high thin n ouds moving in during dhe afternoon. temperaturesill beooler r ,, netonight -- public safety being put into question --fter anothehesenseless murder in pueblolover the weekend. toy -- the d said --nonoh is enough. news five'lenaowownd just oke with h h, shjos live athe policeen lele e d-a told m- 'stihihifoot down whwh it s protecng pueblo-- and is n
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x hike that could add as many as 5w poli offers. the puebeb comomty wants t r communitsafe and they nt i i safe now a 26-9ear-oldlman-- shototead vtside of a downtowowpueblo bar-5 early sunday. two othersounded. another act of violence -- hitting too close to home for many. we are concern enonoh about crime and we're concerneneabout the ndomature e e t and 'r'rconcerneouthe equencof it atometetngneeds to b bnene that's why district attorneyey@yjeff chostner p phing for chchge. he's hoping to pass a public safety tax this november... bufit, he's asking f the support of city counl. e fit sponsibilili of any govevemealrganization is pupuicisafety and we need th half cent sales tax itiati to pup m m mpolice officereron the reet and he says s at "rathhan paving the streets, , need to make thememafe" -first. chostn: quite frankly, youe not gog to have people in e rks and yoyore n n going to ha people traveling those new papad stres t ty don't feel ke t ty're in a sa unitit
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commmmity before rest t the anmenities come forwarweweook these concns to city council prididt eve nawroc -- nawrocki: we've heard the message anhe says --their annual retreat earlieiethisonth - councicicommitteto a aing 20 w police officers thehef is year.r. we're mong forward on at ether we have a a blic safy tax or nototou k there'e always throuttrition, we're ways losing officers so the goals to try to keep addg an addition 20,n other wos, build those 14 back up that were unfunded and then add somee on top of that, th's goal ask if he was reaea to put chostnerer public ty tn ballllll.... wroc: i ihink s sething we have to consider ananan a ao wa tget feedback from the community but the d-a belies pasng this taxax- which would clusivelylfund 30-50policecefficer pitions -- will maueblfer. ostn: castop a of sensescre, that's ue but thihi if you re police ononhe street, i think t e e ssage wille nt
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will be prosececed and i think thill drive crime down p ththd-d-d-ans to offially esent t`isax initiative to tytyouncil -- sotiti early next month. . cococil until e end august to decide whether or not to p thionheheallot. live in puebeb, lena howland, news fe. a court martial now underway for an a a foror academy cadetet accused of sexexl assault. cadet 2nd clcls "zacacry chu" is charged with one specificatioofofof 'rape' and two specifications of 'abusive sexual contt." the accusations stem froro incicint that alalgedly happened ininctober of 20-14. the trial was set folastst seseseser---but a military j jge continued itito toy. mondnde students choosing to come to u-c-c-s and d the studentodows so es campus. today a "16 m)llion dollar wenessenter addition"... createa rec c nterernvolving in newewind of studentelness centnt.
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at on-gog exexnsioio bill? n yeyeseago enroll was at around 75-hundd ststen y ysincncit's gone up. w it's over 11-tusand. hool leaders andnd udenen...s a big reason pitalizi on momentumumith neids.s. ch yudt enrollment es ut uccscs..locac c udents d a owing number from out of the area. i know it got a lot t my` fries attentn to s s how much the universitis growi. with all that growth comes more opportunity.student body vice prprent avisafoyis frorothe vail lley. opportunitit new ee..alampus whe studts a part ofhe growth. the new wellnessenter stararar withtudents who wanted expaed svices....and then to go to studes for added fefe. " we were able traqae the moy from the stutunt side to papafor r is facility.y. it combinenestududt health
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and nutrititn along with campupu red." all of these elents h lp the studen be e essful." the place where students4go playomomhos.r other activiviesor dsind their r art rate u.. is n the place for ovevell wellness. theyeyan see a doctor or nurse.....ment heat prpressial....also a nutritionist....who'll meeth students one on one...or use is classro with a kitchen. "this is very intentional it hands-on, it notote le ta aut how t teat@aly, we'r'rgoing to teach you ho do it.", "we'll open new redence ll for this fall l wl." " momentum is cocoinuing." new residence halls are also part othe e e e wewewe as pririte invtoto buiuiinin student housing t next to cacaus. campus enrollmengoinfrom@m close to 75-hured ten years ag growing totoveve11-t-tusand now.w. studies shues with health and welness negatively impac 15 t30% of sdents. oday's opening this llness cteis a n v reourcrcto c the issue.
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th the groroh ofarijuana busisisses in our state.... it's helping another industry gr as well pblblblb county wide suey sws that pueblo's real eseste industry s grgrby a a 40 0 rcent bymaana related d ildidis an prprts. and in unyncd rtoff the county... thatatumber earl65 percent. ininll.... thososnew ildings perms reportedly cost around 15 million dollars. according g a lal realtor... . this is the first commercial real estate boom in pueblo's' recent history. xxx itit timimto r re e e rails throh h e royagorge! theheh6 seas at t e royal gorgroute raroad kicke off this a aeron! the train will now makips 7- days a week from the "santa fe depot" in canon city. as we f r t told you---the tourist hot-spototad a recd breang 20-15---with 5-5-ousand guestst d d w-----he railroad isis of sean ssor t first t t ever!
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marron leap day---and brated the aer y,n thtrai == we'll have more information abt what's n n this year at the "royal rge railroad" " our webse...oaa dot m. xxx super the push ahead to super tuesday. in our contig electionatch covege--ahead at 6 60, which ndidates a poiseet ead d mr alsoso-a ny heroiv the dal of honor at the white houstoda his heroictory--comingp. i'm mike daniels i'll have your extended rst alererfive forecast next a
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tuday morning on news 5 toda...... we gototou covered as supe tuesesy get's s derway... we'll leyou know what t t ndiates ha on their plate... as well as detailslsn the
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lookrom m meacross colorado... highs todadain thes anan 70's. current mpur all over hernolorado.. next weather makerera coco front will be south ofere tomoowowsurface winds s t the southeast t om 10 to 15 mphp
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high thiclouds duringnthe e ternoon. hoho bhour, a coololututot cold dtartomorrow morng. mperatatesl reacthe e in m mt eas duringhe termn hourur highghghperarewill be c/olol tomorrowlw ill l cent for the fst day of march. 40's a a 50's in most s. 7 y forecast for theprings, high torrow 53. ndndand warmrm wedsday with high firirdangns. mperatures will top out in the 60'shursday thugh the wpekenen pueb high tomorrow 58. windy and much w wmer wednesdada dry y iethursdayough the weeeknknwith milair. canon city h hh tomoow6. wiwiy ananwarm with high fire e dangerednesday. y skies ththsday t tough t weend d ththillltempererures. wowoland park high tomorw 45 windy d wa wednesdsd. dry sksks ursday throuou nt t t monday wititwarmer than normal
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it's's very unique day today--l-lp day, and there are a few baba who wl o t to brate a bruara 29th birthday. .
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weweomom a new sonono their family today. ook and nick are theroudpas of lite "cisisis gabriel." doctors the healththbaby b was bobo early this momog g m and dad said they were expecting him last week-but he waited until t day totoome out! my family kekeoking and all that hehwas s ing to be le year by and idn't think so and the dayst passing and we hohost thought g gng into this ekd we woue induced on esdadaand we didnt' ' ink of the oprtunun it tbs a a"r- fetched option christian's parent say they will lerbrbte his birthday at thehe end febebary.... . because fefeuary 29th only comes oundndvery four yea. weind out t controversial move to bancncthe statbudget is legal--xt at sisi and more leade back peund designation n dozens of coloradmines.
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efforts--comininup. covering colorado tonight: we're learning more about tht memoal servi to eld for sheriff'puty shot d kikied last weekn parkounty. the li of 35-year-old corporal na carrigagawilllle e nored at faith biblchapel in arvada, on march 14th. rrigan was shot and killed@d last wedneay while servivi an evicti nototat a remotot mountiaj home near bailey. othededeties werso shot andnjureded. and both are recoverininthey were serving an ection ce when it happenene.. that suspe was silled in theheshootout. xxx a denver-areiver left in a frighting position this rning r a ason i-25 near alameda. denver fire says the truck somehow left t tdway and was ft dangling ecariolylyn the edge of the interstate.. the driver was ae to c cmb out on their ownwnnd wasn't badly hurtrt reters were then able to pull the tru babk up onto the adway. governor hkenlpepehas
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designation r dozens of mining sites in our state. this comes as a resultlast summer's m uve mine leakakak silvevton, accidentally igigred by the e-p during @ cleap. this superfund designati will allow w w federal help to clean up that mi and 48 x her sites. thp-a uld ovovsee e project, but has to ogrk with the support from the governor and leaders in the affected coties. x our ate'e'atrneyeyenerir is weighing in on a p pn to balan stste budget. governor hicnlooper wants to reclas a m%micaid-relate fee, that woulremove about 750-million dollars in state hospital paent fees from spdi lili u "tabor"ics inppitioy taxperare e titled t t refunds s iggereby those spending limits---t attornrn genal cynthina coffman sat t d be legal. au police ofojcers getelng creditoday for helping airl scout troupe get back some o their money y at wastolen. police sayhey y t a call
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taken fr a table outside a grocery store where thgirlrlrl wewe sellili cki. once word spspad, 20 officers pull their resources to donate and y additional boxes so o e girlscouts didn't leave pty handed. xx air force hockey is ploff bound....we're taking a look at w the team ig%tting ready, ter in sports. ananthe raceor president kicks up a notch ahead of super tuesy.
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yourlection tch covevege our p toghat six-30ecuring the reets s eb. this---fter anothedeadly shooting ozer the weekend. the latest--early sunday left one madeadadtgtgothers hurt at the irononorsear. . 's prompting t t district attorn to push for c cnge. news 5'sena howland... ju spoke with him about moving forward. na-----what t d he have to say? p he saihege had enoh of hearing about e dless ts of f violence in oucommunity.y.iswhy 's hg voters will fund a publicafetettax x this fall ----makeur city streqts, safer.
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saysis half-cent sales tax ulndndxclusivelyly0- nen lice o@ficereroritions. bufirsrs he'e'hoping to gain e support ity council. putting their priorities into questi -- he says that "raer th paving the streres,e need to m me them safe" -first. chostner: you can'n'st all acac o o onsnsess crim that's true but i think if you hava more polol t seeee k thsswi be sent that wbeaughou will be prosecuted and i think that will drive crime down the d-a tototoiciay preythis tnititiive toto city councnc - - sometitiarly next t nth.h. coununl hahatil lhe enenon gust to decide whethth kr not totout this on the november r llll. we also spokwith city y uncil prididevevnawrocki and he says -- at their annual retreat earlier this month - -coununl mmititd totodding 20 new police oicer the of t year.r.rlive in pueblo, lena howownd, news f fe.
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many areasasf our state--and in pu i is helpinanotr industryryas wl. a county w d dsurvey shows tha pueblo's r rl estatendus has grown by about 4pepeent fromomarijijna related buiuiings anprects. and uniorpopod parts of the county... thth nr is nearly 6565 percent. in. those new buildings and permits cost around 15 million dollars. acing to a localalea.. thisthe fifit commercial real estatatbo in pueblo cent history a court martial@now unrway for an air f fce acamy cadet accused of sexual asasultn cadet 2nd class "zachery cbb" is charged with one p specification 'rape' and two specificns of 'abusive xual contata thacacsatis stem from an incndent that alledly ppeneded octobererf 20-14. the trial l was sefor st september-bua military judge ntinind ttoday. $& topping your electiotc supepetuesday is tomorrow and bo local republicans and democrats y they're ready. to dememratic adqus they we squeezing in somlast
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phoneso ke sure people understa t pcece and where e g g they wayayhe ptiesesill n things tomrow simil, but t with one big difference. thdimomoatatwill pick k winner.....and the republicans won't, but they say its still rtant. sot: 135t isiso hard to sasa normally yououou say oh i'm ararmoreorhis thatbububoth cdates s e trg g g g n el po cocodanielelole/el paso coco republicic party t: 16:444tt's s t true. . ththca i istill taking place. core function of eleing delegagas is stillappeng, the only difference is we'reot doing raw pole keep in n nd.....the votes for thdeleletes s e not nding....meanini they c c change their mind as moves on to the stste a d national levelelover thepeext months we won't'tnow officiallyho corara p pked....unt the natial c cvention n is summe supe and d rioucampaigngng contues on a nional level, in aancesuper tuda democrat hry c cnton is looking at winnini ery state except senatororernisanders'
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e onon state where ted cz leads inhe polling over naldld trump. stevhandelsm continues o o ection watchovovage. teuz is cagning ate in t tas, the only s s tuesday state he figured he can wiwi and mustincr vows to take texas tomorrow then catch fire s/ sen. ted cruz / r presidential c cdidate :11-:15 5 "at th point it will becom ununntly clear that thisisisa two n race at the houston reo today ... the cowbwbs ararvided between trump mos - trump supporter r 9-1 "yououe a trump p ter ? - you bet t im in !" .&.and d uz mos - cruz support :22-:28 "he's more of a constitutional type, he's not a whiney yankee rker" donaldldrump was in virgrgia s/ donald trump / r esidential candidate :31-:33 "believe it or not we'e' going to ufy thiuntry" but he's being lleded racist nats: protestors s/ dond trump / presential c cdidada :38-:41 "a liv matwhooo " claiming he could not ar the questi, trump, sununy refused to cononmn the kkk marco rubio's added that to his trumumattacks s s/ sen. marco rubio / r presidenti candidate :50-: "hes unelectable now. .
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kluxuxlan"n"ut trump got support om ex w yorker frara vick s/ frank vick, trururuuppo :58- wh i was small donald p nanced our b ball team, helped us to stay off the reetet i know a a ttlee about donald trump, s not a racist " democrat hillary clili jumumd on the replicans s/lary clinton / d pridedtial candidate 1:12-20 "what we can'tetetappeis the scegting, the blamang, t finger pointing thth igoing on on the republican side" bernie sasaers wawain nnesota...besides vermont a ate hopes to win whililback in texas tetete is fightiust totoin h h meste. aua)outctc: : m m evev handnd, nbc ne, hoho te the e inin texas s cruru ninghe gapleading tr now by 10 points count ononews five for your co ection corage---we'll have livivreports through the
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it's b fn a dede... juststclararce thomas s ked tititiduringre couou oral argumentsod todahesked ten q qstions to a stice department attne who was defefeing a federal law tpat bans anyoneho s a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction from owng a gun. inearsast thomas h offerer several reasons fofonot ki questns f fm beh. in 2013 heheaid, "we h he a lilitime to go back in chambs and`to a aue with each otler"... ting that lawyers uslly only have 30 0 0 tes to prese thehe cases. the student body is constently gring at u-c-c and the campus continues to grow as well.todaa "16 million n llar weweness c cter addition.n creates a new ki of student recreaon c c cter. the students saw need fo better welness services....... and they help form the ide tu the rec center into a wellness center. me students sasainnovavion
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ashey came t tcampus. " i know it t a lot of my y friends s tention to seeow much t ursity is growing. with a a that growth comesopoprtunitit" university is growing. with all that growth comes oprtuny." the new center is unue becse it tes services typicay spread acrcrs campuses and brings phem one inviting bringing a healtlt clclic....and ment health counilg toithehewith whe students go to w wkout. 's time toide e ils through the royal gorge! the 20-16 season at the royal gorge route rararoadadickeoff th aftftnoon! the train will now make trips 7- a wk om "santa fe depot" bcanonocity. asase first to you---the tourist hot-ot had a record brbrking 20-15---with 115-thousand guests! and w--- the railroais feri season ssesesor the rstime er!!! wu spoke tone coup who got rried lp y---an todadaon t tin! cpris and an whan "roy gorge is suppose to be reallyretty, that's what i'm excited about, to sfe what we
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e too justpending the day with her!" we'll haveinfofoation about what's n thihiyear at the "royal rgedrailroad"`on ourbsite. koaa t com. the higiest t nor possible given to a deserving navy seal i iour nation's ca@itolol toto president obama awarded the mel of honoroto seni chief spececl warfare ereror edwars ers, j byers s skedis life to san american hgen gastan. he is the rslivivi, active-- membeof the nav reive thhonoin four dedesfpresidenama catodas ceremony a rare e portunity r americans lisepeal eed rior t tso o oen servesesn n e shadows. anototr enemy fighter appeared and with his bododed kept ieldinine stage. wiwi his be handnded pinned the fighter totoheall and held m tihis tematook& actionon :1 it wasver almomomos soso as it began. in jt m)nutes by going after thososguards ed saved the lis of seveval teammatesnd
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thhostste whbyers rescued "dr. dilip joseph" of colorado spring doctor jeprks for r orning star development," a non-prof basedn the spris. today---dr. joseph said heas extremely happy to hear ers received the medal of honor. saybyererand his teamam examples oc#urage,very, and heroro--and he's gteful l for r dedicatitin rescucng hi xxx applplng to lease some new products soon--we'll tell you when y can get the latest iphone--ahead at 6:30. firsrs let's check bk k with mike iththathehecenter. i'i'mikean. i'llave e ur extended first
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a look from cameras across colora... highs day ininhe 60'and 's. current temperatures all over southern colorado.... . xt weather maker, a a ld front will be south here tomorrow, , suacwinds out the uthehet 10 to 15 h. sune wilgi way to o w highn clouou during g e teteoon. hoho by hour, a coolututot coco start tomrow wnrnrng. teteeraturesesill l ach the 50's in most areas during the afternoon hours. highghemperaturus will be coer tomorrrr but sti dect for the e rst day of march. $ 40's'snd 50's in most ar 7 day forest for the springsgs high tomrow 53. ndy and wawaer wednesday with high fire danger. temperatures will p out in the6060 thursday throroh the weeken
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windndd mucharmer wednesday. dry skies thursdayayhrough the weeeknwith mild air. canon city high tomorrow 56.& windndand warm with h gh fire da wednesday. dry skiethururay through the weekend wi mild temperatures. woodland p pk gh tomorrow 45. windy anwarm wedneneay. . skies thursday throu next
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alalare on track aplf beh....b day's trade dead showed the team is dediteteto ming that a reali.... we're taking a look at the moves
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ces were shihied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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sket thiyend the falcons e cahingire at st theht time. win row athe emy d looking fofive against utahtetomorrow night. it won't be easy though..the falcons ha struggled against the aggieswith oy three wins against them out of 16 totalmahups between thewowi utah state beaeaair rce 74 to 60 earlier this year at home....but the falcons feel theye imed dratiy since that fir matchup and llse that me momentum to finish out theson strong ougugurexced wh how 're pling, feel odmentng in, we camove a couple spots u uwith a win or o,on't'tno'd py i thk 've ay som the p s ty welhe s dists,hereo's, t boise's, newico' so we're exeitedhere we're at. the matctcp will also be the final home gamfofozach moe....he's thlone senior for e says hehel be g gting the start and hopefully heroes sendoff from e falcon faithful. n-h-l traddeadline was today the alanche t ok full advantage.
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ararona mke .h bng edededffse, 3-goal us ter ki thelalas at all in 201s sh come as a reef to the avbiddddg r a t with thst m me mos. r foe hock ahahiing g intoheecond seas. the fas have a sndt ye plahecindella lea .and b dtheyha thenc own that roths wrappehiweenwi speeofiagaga on n road di teaat11-5 a .5.5wafr the amy. h frrratate told his team hkntotor weomomom sal, anit stow t(at threst of f f league is starting to takece rortorishw chchon dheyfdeservrvtbtb the leleue`empmpn. ivama5? you'of yr.ey'rth of ththyc e e sty&he yr inaguend(e(e(e doesnst
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course serratore uldn't help but brag about the falcony-e wewe f f the f fst und.d..choosing to breakakown tham'sext opopnent o othth scscdule insad o o o oing ead toheheuartrtfinana. ve beeeeeeeeeeeentntntt,t,t,e e e kiki arorod, i cfifi a athinabououthis t t t t t t t e.e.e. is t tm is o oioiolylylyerinin ththcoununy ililgally. theyeyeygoing totoe mingngo the academy, but i'll give youonononararare, bye has n nchanan agagnsnsnsnshis s ekenen tatataononhe releaea of plpls latete i-phone--next at 3030 and it only happens once ery four years--we'll tell you about
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cling bellllats t-ay selling forced stocks down for the d und nearly asededll of the gains fofoe mont at c cscngnghe d off 223 points, the s-and-p down 15 and the nasdaq lost 32 and a af. pping g g cononr watch: suay s s sit cusmers wl get a a -lonsub, wn th order one.& juhge grgrted d n l approval to a settltlof a asss
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to e eufe it's bread is a a eaea 12 inches long. the suit was filed after an australian teenager in 2013 post an image on facebook of s sandwich thahawas onlyly elevennches. lolo. . x x & slolaisave e e meats..." but now they have the vegegegegegeoo. ( itit odfdfdfg up theomomoy's first-ever meatlesmememe. ononide it's rular onenene the vegeriananenu isisisilab y only... anis essentialal arby's signgnure wiwiwiininp, m m m the meats.s. e is reportfdldlwewes awayay frfreleasing a new i- phone anani-papa ltiple sesayay new phone and tablft are s to be rereas o omamama21st. the ng-rumorededednch "i"ione s-s- is s s to have a fasasr ip t tn curreniphone models. the the new ipad pro... is said to be larg with some new w atures. ththcompany is reportey also leasing g w w rsrsrs of the apple watch tda
6:51 pm
ssouri senator clairir mccaskilililnts to outlaw so-calalhien rere f fs. ose are the non-optial fees hotels crge e r susu thingas the swimming pool, gym or even newspapers. mccailils s s s ededegegla would d rcls t reveal all resfees whehe veveing g om r re. e e ys hiddederesortee ckelelnd dimimconsumers s death..... ch l le the assignm and babafefe t t trlines chchch. it's february y y . a thth only cos aroundnd once every four years. and d todayayr birtrtay, icipating g zzzzzztitis s ll give you a free one-e-pping personal pan pizza wi your carry- outut buth're not thonon sinene o oering freebior leapay babies. hard rocfe will give y y fr entree off f special nu.... d get free cookie at mcalister's. sevel hotels andndravel compans are also oering leap day promotionsns there are someew leap y babies acrcrsouthehe lodo. one e lorado springs coupl welcomed aew s to th familyod brooooannick
6:52 pm
"christian gabriel." doctors say thhealy baby boy was born early this rninmom and dad said thereecting him last week... ==== my family kept jokand all thth he was going to b ba leap year baby and we didn't think so and the daysept passg anwe honestly tught goi into is weekend we would be induce tuesday and we didnt' think of the oppurtunities, it was a far- fetched option christian's parents say they will celerbrate his rthday at the end of f fruary. sifeuary 29tonly comes arnd ery four years--- he willfficlly turn 1-year-old
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withveveng w w ws ear tay a lolsonight in th20's and 30's. tuesesy will be oler witit highs in the 40's and 50'sosos areas. sunny sksks will give way to a
6:56 pm
it's sething likikpueblo county has`s`ser ex@erernced---a real estate boom! tonit on news five at t t, we're lolking into howijnas fuelin home sales--anwhat that ans for the community. and avalanches kill dozene in our state every yearbr but it could be ma m m we'll tata you behind the scenes to s the specialnining ih thhighghouru--elp tesh dogs fjnd peoplen aivesare ononhee.e. thanks for jng us for news 5 at 6.
6:57 pm
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6:59 pm
.ly it srtedinseo...lce toe vovk"
7:00 pm
...and.. [ cheering ..n emmy-yinning global pnon attracnghe greunscscerer sinin inhe count... d bibiestsartititiin the inlnry th them.@boom! nighgh e bld didions kiki off ananpic c th inni i." retu tour ceseschairsrs. lasgn's s avavrfrftivoice"haha grammy ard-winni leasinger marn adalevi. ap101psosoon thiow,, nspires me still totohiday is tt you have is awesoob that h h h heopl t tirirareers. p pttttstaggeriri.daly:-time wiincoacac withve20 nunuer-oneountry hits, super e shelton. blake: is so exciting g m seetqtqtqw gogogo havavavsvng t t radadnd t/ waito sese who xt one'sna be. daly: lendary od a a a atiti wit12 graawds,,, seasonon "v"ice" champioioararllilliams.


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