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tv   News 5 at 10PM  NBC  February 29, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST

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hilllly c inton isooking at thy wninivery statatxcepeprn sanders' home ste of ferm theheepcan side l l re otexas,s.the onlh state w t t trtz in thels o&o&odonald trump theatest pololhowsru leleing all etetors a widearararacross t cry we s your r tionatch rage with li t verage. dd gartt with a wn frfr bh rtits before thelodo obut beg wh h h haon thxhlololook at a gaerin to... of theepubcan cacaatesfou.s. sat za? ? t was a chchce to hear om most of tolorad republicans aiming to ke on senatar miaebennmnt this novembmb. it wasotpen n he public -- only to members of the so-called "vy important t siness inittive," ov-i-b -- so the majority othe discussion economy. vo#1 morehan people owd into publican headquarters in thspngs eaom 8 o
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seato decided november 8th, each voter eager to hear specifics pertaining to thei particular intereses. sot - sandy foote - 05:27-:32 'm hopinto hear whathey're going to do in terms of business regulation." sot - william mutch - 05:0:0:11 "t of the lili would be nataonalecurity, especiclly y with the whole iran issue." vo#2 each of the candidates answered six policy questions d two yes-or-n-n in addition to opening and closing statements. lorado sings businessm robebe bha, roit rya frier,mer r do ersi athtic direor ck graham,l paso cnty mmissioner peg littleton, formerertate r presentatqve jon keyser, ste senar tim nevelle, retiredir force mast sergeant chchlie ehr, d el paso coty c cmissioner darryr gle ld out ththr policies and agegeas in hopes of securing eugh h pport to unseat michael bennet and give cololodo a reblican sweep in n e u-s senate. alththhe econo yas t primarcufor is g gupsine grn,or py,nd domeic social issu also
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"ty have thehe own strengths and akaksses obviouslybut thth can c ctain take sen. bennetnd pack him ."." #3 e of the first major steps, on the eve of caucus, t determining g o the republicic nominee will be comehis fall. whihe of tonight's candidates said they will go through the caucus and assembly process, others willllikely petition their way onto thth ot. livecolorado springs, zt, 5 coinuingng teave. pti a eusy epar with just hours untipepe tuesdaand e colorado caucuses. news five's maddie garrett joins us live now f om a d docraticaucus locatiwns i i ilorado springs. with a closer look at the elecec p pcess. ddie? colora does not hold primary elections... justaucuses... which cacabe confusing for som voters the arar2428preccts inl sontanmoats th mhtha higheut simply becse they wi hold stw polls at their prerincts
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whilrepublicans wiwiot. here's'sowt wos....... if y y go to democratitiparty cauc, you'll be part of a poll where everyone votes for their preferred pridenenal candndate... based on that votedeleletete are chosen... they aund to the candndate ey're chosen f... but because of the straw poll... ere will appto be e winner for demomoats. lora b@p@pcaca awawa with tl ar... so youl lye ng f delegates at rublican caucus... ananthoslegates aren't bounto a candidate eher... local republicanthk this cod impact turnout for them... rsus demts. "the fact that w wdo have two strwng c cdidadas and they are rerely working hard make evre pele get out to caucus as ll that i think is what bringing up the numbers as well." "i think the r rublican candidate are not visiting colodo oacunt t ourcaucus stem,t isotoing to be cltomorrow who won othpuicid
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democrat or republican you cann vottoow.. but you can attendnd c ccus to observe. e caucus m m mngs beben atat seven pm. you might want to go early because voter registrations ll be chked. remember... if you wt to have a say in who iscteds your par's ididti candidateu'u' t t towp morrli in cos mg news s . we have your comomete election corage with li repor tomorrrow and continuous updates on koaa dot com. a li look now in coloradad spspngs and pueblo from our studios. lead forecaster mike daniels is tracking c ces in the days ahd. leles eck wh m now for yourir alert five forecast. mike? earltot ad onve. frwinguch co aion da teitpict, co front willllrrive e night with wind shifting tthe rth brging
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tonight skiewi become clear overnight and the wind will didown. sunnnntomorrowoworning with w high thihicloudsoving in dudy the afternoon. mperatures silllbe cooler togh-- we' gng n infoion abououe impapaf the maridustry on e ecinueblcounty. . atisw large number of fasye newewuiing its e re tiedftorijuana. ne's's'ssi mitell joinsnus& lili from our pblolotudi th more onhestruioio bobo. and look athe numbers. ss last year marijuana entrres t rehaha illi drsrsrsne budings pueun reretors and develerersay y
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like t gold ru bacin848, wethe greerush today anpt description. we' rted, milons dolllls ses t revenue from mijna arengngith commity ojects aollege sclarships in pueblo county. bubuthat's nothe only ngible benefit. lastr thunty rorts aos-pntnew builngs s relatedo abis iustrtr-- that nunu jumps to nearly 65-percrnt when you@ta out the city of pueblo. haveveo say that the boom at we're seeing has excxcded pectations, and we're creaeang lot t jobs for a lot of folks in pupulo county. commissioner salalace notes thatat whililpueblo countytlylyly represents ubobo 4-percent of @ the ste's marijusales, it has become one of the largest cultivatn ces duto d thlow to o busisisi. behend t t desofan a tewenhoes throhout the county is contractorou s sra, , o also builds hom for theeoe who workhere. the guys a businens pepele,
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literally millions of dollars, and they're not getting any y llars at all from addition to the new buildings, he says previously empty warehoes iplacac like pueblo wesare flying off therket at t p doll. there are the dowa to see marnae centnt pueblo's ecomy, t pa says the real estatatmarket and the amount ojobsei created through construction andivation are proof that the plis the answer to many of the area's problems. pueblo's economy has been in r-ally bad shape for a nber of years. i don't thinwe have the liberty to reject legal,l,ood- paying jojs in o community. & commsioner pace says these investments llelp the ngity of t indtry ifhe plt isisedn her statatatonwith the resrc instutin t t wks at c-s-u pueblo. live in pueblol jesstchell, news 5. downtown coloradspris could
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with a remodeled and expanded ym. "y" leaders they're beginning to plan a majojo oject that couou take over an enti block, east of acacia park. it's still in the very early stag. th no sod plans stimiu st. bus sathth not wa tda 4ye-ong bldg... but add ono it awell... with desanted areas for seniors and teens. ==== "it is a priority,y,t's been talkedbout forhile bute really believe we've got to start t tting a stroer emphis on the needs ofhe community and thinkiki out 30, 40 years dowowthe road which really means we really have to road which reallmeans w% really have to look h those needs are needed in the counit" a picture on the down partrship website shows multi-storilding with glass windows... andndebes a ste of a h a modele uarooftop fid. xx e c-caus ctinues grow alongith it's s sdent body today the university unveiled a new wellness c cter. udents on campus saw a nd
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creation center into a wellness center. the new addition is unique, because itakes servivivili a health clinic d meal health unsesengnghgt artyxycally spread a aoss mp and comb iunr ro for sy aess. colora wl soon hnedrdr licses ananother rm ofdentificatio the corado-m will begin lling out t e new i-d'd'd' tomorr at e ttleton location, as part ofofilot ogram. the i-d's have black white otos to xent facl feates. sahere i n a n-d y fof tica y doavis goounl i4'sexpitiat xx a memorial thek untyepututllthththne of ty is anr march th. ate carrigan" be nod at bible chal arvada. rr w st aned week neley. o r detitialalsh i a c\yreri thseg evictn noticen it hapned. thsuect s kikieda a shoo.
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torney is now in for a s tahi forli sae lala dy . eftnsays his -cent sasas wo upo 50ewe fir tis. f)f)t,hoho to ppt ofitcoun chtner: yostopopll ts onsels crim that' ueueut ihihave re policon t see ink thmessage wie sentn that wl be cght, and you wiwi be prosuted and i thinkthatatill drive crime wn the a will present this x itiatiti to citiouncil nex month. they have until gust to cide ift will be put on the november ballot. on this leap day... we welcome some nele ones to t wor..he ltle ande les nene borat0 0 afrnoriaspit. his pants sahe was actually due xt wee.. but hope his "leap day birththy" means good lk, after they edicted his early ararval! ==== "at our baby shower we did a pool to see who could guess what day he wou be born on, i ihoho am and he chose pm of the 29th,
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cky baby." ototr rado sings cple welclcbund ojoeay morning oud pareoke d nick. we e etlhrti iet ek. congts to all the new parents!! xxx plenty o osnow in the mountas thear...means a lot of people going whehere i is deep to play. even with advances in safety technology, avlanche dogs remain essential to ststewide efforts toward the pros at breckenrid... who are alsosoart of a stade respse team.. tour bl fols a t thththth hop. whe across the hill... willing victims slides down into a on to be alalanche scenio. thtwo wi soon haven urgent meet ski patrol....with a skial geing f looks the mounta a a questions "that lileog now tcome
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tali's a d with her own ski pass. and ability to calaly gegeononndddeif a pe rescue .. ues op. "hadot itioof f aining her r be a rescue d, t she had all of/t teltale sig. highotivation,igh drive." a lift ridindog enjong the view looking for squirrel...also wearing a a uniformarkededith a white oss. "a"asoon as you petetheir vest onhey know their job and life s s ged d theyo from the pet role right in th professional workinghdog."." ta's partner, nt ]ortensen is thevalanche technician at brkenridge. itit fciciting. it's scieneniteaeaerit's's human aracacrists." " s expertishelps keep avavanche danger outreckriribobodaries. the avavanche dogs are an exa precaution.... the resortextensive prevtion measures m mn e caveve..quickly on the way to covered practice search the only avalanchch exexriejce t t dogs have had on a ski hill.
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calls parof colado's ewe rad avalanch ploymeme group.p ifre'e aavavche anywhen n stweill get e closescecedog am t tre viaopopopasas fast as we can." searching. and thtrainingngo wait. ipstructions. "try nototo let r geaw. then ls of happy excited nois." inside the cave is not for the claustrophic. an experience showing the chchlenges of an a alanche search. hen you're insnse the snow cave i ibecomes a complete sound barrrrier.r. you can't hear t tm theyan't hu you s sctgm crys for r no good. "nooneilar y." a trpeavalanche e ctim runs ououou..but ththe sty of avalanes s sws there's s aimentnt and it risis to the surfac "a that scent from you is going up to try to g o into the air where the air is c cde om hununed yards ay dogs li talalcan lockckn onhe scen. "somebodydneeds your hp. lets go find them. rerey sear."." and d rget vtimsocation. "they'red at this easily ough bause we as hums.
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e dogs know hoho find that." when their nose, dogsgstart wororng h hder. one e" and start d dging." a break thugh....becau se traing gets the g a a ward ndnd the`enono...... because the likehat they do during practic they also search when it's dangeroro a time cnts. in breckenridgdgbill folsom n% the dogs are also o bassadors for avalane ucation. thr handlers say they' always asked about the dog and espeally with yog peop they u u it as an opportuny to teach about e dangers of skut of unun. a navy seal reives thehe miliry's highest honor... afpupuing his life on the line to save aosta...from corara sprinksks his heroic story...cinup. . an the gornmening to technol itheir fifit against isis.
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,, tuesdamorning`on n n5 to..we got y coveredsuper@ esdadat's rw.n. we'll leyou know w(at the ndtes haveeir platen as well asailse
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de/akiff in nwswwneatatnanapa. rom car... ghs today in the 60's d 's currentemperaturesll over fnt ll buth of herow rface sohe 15
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cold stata tomorrow morning. wreth m mt ngheafhours. high temperatures willll mo but tiray of march. . '3'3 50'in m m marars.7 day y y y st for springs, gh t t trow w windy and warmer wednesday with high fire danger tetempmpaturililt in thethththayayhr t t teekeke. . ebeb h hh toto wiwiy ch w wmer dadadrdrsks s uroughghgh wewewewewiwiwiwiwiair.r.r.ciciciigh totototototo windy and warm with hi fire danger wedneneay. drdrsdayayayayghhe weenwiwiwiilililmpmpatur. wolala pgh tomorrow w . windy ananwawa wededsdsd. drdrsks s ursdayayhrhrhr n nt
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roro t state,...d rtast of denvnv....yet another grasasire ignited.d. it broke out near ea alameda avenue andndayn this afternoon. it bned two and a half acres...befo firefightergo it under control a firefighter was injured inhe word yet on his condition or t cause of th fire they're ealingearts... and retuing teis balls... more on the dogs...who took
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heheht..en mch...... asashe red dumtrucslslslinin& 6p6p i tht fection.we e @ & llid w wotamgly. four people suffered only mino -jurirs---triver says h d d d# know he lostst s mitaasauaunch agssivi cyber caai aga . thththal i prehe ta group from using the ternet and social media to cocoununate e d djststbububububu opopanananimimatatat uits. defense secrcrcry ypcarteree sayahe cerertackckulu fofoe to ololw chnonogie ererer nter. a yororkrk h h r redhahaththjujujue e pbment cannototoror apple to provide the b-i with acess t tlockckededi-phe.e.
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i ibrooooyn....utututut%b%b%b itital in n n cacat plplplplisolold ininith f- overer a as s ` c cl l l l ngngngto terererererer lalalalalaa a a a strardered ale to create softwarto help the f-b-b-ck into the i-i-hone o o o on n nohohoho. apple has s kekefor r e or be t t t tt. navyvyeaeaeao o lplplplplpe a a hohohoe in afgfgnistananan received the nation's highest miltary h h h ef ed brs.s. wawaawawded the medal of honor-fter taking part in sky y y y v v o sava a a a a t t talalal. ththrsrsrsving, , tive duty memr r t t navavav receivivive nor r f fr r r dede it's a r r r r r r b brsrsrss he d not earnrnlone, , , , esesot@t@t@t belolo solim ========ththrtananththi wantnto here is everytng we do is as a tea t sn't f fhaha ulul't't'tstandi h h hday.y. the e e e e bybys rereueueis dododo "josese" " " cololodo o o ogsgs
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teamamamamxaxales s courage, bravery and heism. he is so grateful for eir in rereuing himimim q q q tame ofofchch meet t "ball dththd brazil o en n urururntntntnt ese e elter dogs retrieve balls d d dg the mamah,h, but me a an't t t ed t t give the balls back. a lol shelter there hopes ng t t tshshcacacaheir sksklsn the e urwill helelel them find hohos. air fofoe hohohohohoflyiyi high h h force hockey i ifl h hh heed i ithe ayofof ..theciciererlatoryryha
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10:29 pm inin the ndererg" season doest scare air foe hoey. the falcons took that tlanan ran wi seated nd t t plas,s,ith bye e the first t und.d..not too shabby f r a groupf underclassmen. the team btled throuinjuries early on, a slow stt and e rest of thr ague doubngirirbilitiesll seon l lg. but w, no onis qstioningthat thecons areheea al, finig the year at 18-11-d cung hom for the quarterfinals.
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is pparing well and regning at theky is the e timit if theplay their game. wee going to take at next ststnd whoer is going to come i ihere we'reoing t prepararr thqt teaand shsh great spect for that timimlike& wee shown great spect to all the teams thth year.r. again, lookiki fororrd to seeing just how much this team can acmpli. the falcons will have the firsrs round d watch and wait, then host a quarterfina matchupn n juju aeweeks....unon ne-5ports to track their progress oe thplof get ing. of crse the falcons aren't just xeatingngp he ice, air fofoeobaskball also ng somemeav late e the yea the falcon_ hava won four straight at the academy and will look f f a f fth tomorrow night, hosting ut stata. itl be a challenge thouou....the aggies have bested the e lcs 13 outf 16 matchups....and d ready have a
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o saysysfter restructuringt(eir r@me-plan....he feels eycaat anydy on any gin n gh talked about bounding beer, icicwe hav ttked about pling th grt pa a a moremotion d having fununani l`ink we that evengagas wewee lolo. think we've been reay loos annot aad wayut ia od. tomorrow night will also be zachch ore'e'final me gamam...he's e ne eenior for r falcons, tip-off is at 7:00 from ady. to the pronononouggets hostingng e grizzlies i` dver tonight. nungs looked goolo the h....drell arthuthe dedethreef...83-81ver. 2. keeth ris e steal...eeds gary rris f the in.nuggets holdi tha le. 3. but it wouldldt last....harrismissing this time....farierebods anb p ps it b bk up and traiai. 4. emmanuel m miast dch
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the ggggs woes continuel thehe lose 103 to 96 windy th evening wh nds calming down early tuesdaym. lolo tonht in the 20'snd 30. tuesdadawill be coolol with highs in t 4s and 50's mosos areas. sunny skies will givivway to a few hi thiclouds during the ternoon. thanks for wching news at :0:0 tomorr morng joiira,
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