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tv   Today  NBC  March 1, 2016 2:07am-3:00am MST

2:07 am
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>> d havee a seat, that's msese. nottechniy the gueshere. apsesesese esthueset. isuepprara hiaz,,,,,, is i`todod." is oday."
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, live from studio 1in rockckeller plaza. >e should have tomm came hello, e erybodibeginning avenue weekn ndmond.feua9thay d >>eap y y 's b for o ve aday y y. they haven't bn able to celeleatfofo years.>> this s alk bo." weweot a aighohowe got a big show toy and big riseouut ininuttickere od's enenfeneha heril eg her marriao >> t fhiou heas yidt se ig.. bobbie thomas isere and i lo when she does this with her red carpet redos. always has great t eas.%>>you ow swho has sicicwith the flu people have been dropping like
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seememtoe so bad this yeye plus what toorry a. and allergy season.
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>>e'eg nev donthis befe.,,,,,,he >ld ge ery.sryst shr sohotha k t hada t are the bjt h d i i i a f ef ef fair iug he wnn hedbout h wet bctors be ed by wh a talked by whre there separate categories forp womenen and p>>'m he athe aca awards othererse k kwn ass the
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ulif theyst wldven ghis so aoueatchgl tricars rw. ifantlackee e ar yeed hk goes carirelreaea deangith n, t a a i ere' noea rn foror t toeanomegoracti. eroon'sot valn'oarat em. nerd i brhis acting dow s s she canan catch. eve the ccept of hin
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ople pernay onha they thougugas the bes perfor the argument ( e oppni s cane more perfoan syo ch eeedn s ie bee t si. m monrhan spele nt,ut uimy ter n. i thi eeould agr th tt ionnk . do? i feele t eayg t eoeone my poitso a i itsnd rtarhaoy n'ppni dd yonanyn ou d i c cnce too 'veeo mng c be. . sen t oar fa asbig.
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i lotf bght colors sosoou lovehis o righe.>>ug s e w talkbo b bath ofre ai ooked til.l. eoo a ope,e' you a brilant. i j h hss she sn't to be s s t, looked lik she a celeleation. >> i liked t t t one. >> i i l thi oto sutul. iug s lkeea me lat i ng>>'sem shef eoved ledss o wt segant.itksikvikl
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esereomomfiese areeb ov. theser oot s s s > ah. ayhu hadf funt rse in the606 she waalki d myne. sheoing tthi es.oteaul mymy hah thisg rug t nhten afflack vite and h aurise fo jiy.
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wh s gng onre 's hapngre? isoingn he? >> it' mo. i isno & hasoi o ore? >> whyre youchg >> i'm tinyoyo >> thahaisot a a >>hat not gueegeg. thisiss not gugu thxhs not a guest t pece. >s is. very cute. >> wt'thbout >> we t kn. oka `right now is i iwhen we rmlyo mmercire but u knha thanan to anxpress you ys gti more s us.
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brk t. >>cot ow t minute on of heoice% nd we were ing nigh >>icksff tht meup wcaon tod a a we kem me vy impoant quesonoue cos. te a ok..( >>ho curses the mo? >ithout -there's an easy`y` answer here. th is s am levine. he curses ke aailor. >> w w wld you wana to g gon vacation wh? >> or r ve y y> i ve not vacationed wh any of our -- >> hoda and i have. >> i would go wi theot. he's so o n. everyos cha everyone is so ohattkathy. >> w is on their pne t most??
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lwaying down >> i w wld have to >> i we to say blake. >> reallyo>>erto himlf.ooglesesimself a t timim hold on. thisoeback to is who thg. thatappeng. he's constantly y oglinghimself. wt they a a sing about t t now. wh?>> that was`fun. aaat.@ ifou get enough`h`@ and who can e'mo of that vio on facebook. " "e voic" e e selili tistarnit a 8:00,7:00 ctralal here ononbnbn have a neneafafafafe that h me in to our fily. > ns. wa. affiliate in north rolina. eyreregernaut.. >>his is one you've en telling me. >>ica is a aof m me e and works ats statn. thisjstatiates allews in thaharegigi. now --
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>> i don't kno 're part of f f n/^. a bi big thanknkou a welce. gladou guye watchi us s r e first 're soitit wt a y fothem to tun. adheeck iss`s`s`n` wrwrk?>>haraqnqnre.h>> _'veviue a magazinisi i n't knowhy u re eone i u j dn pthenristiiay."." - okho sheer with a a ce picturand teimonyl ohie @lgifford. again. can't get eugwetotowitch the set. ( his isishaweo at commcial this is what h hpens. we'll l and up. dodohat u do what these gs dos they -- >> se the wine, sal. >> you want mine
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k% t dnndesioj t ton ne m`n`y. ed tsavene switching s motorc suncnceico.o ere' shameme s sing ride o re ico rcqcle,, greatarates for great t s. c`it groovos e perfeft n o a cheez-itnd a chip. anehthey rriede m... gu..( u' ay`idei.t g g/wn.( oh, 's a d o... hey everyones gegeg`g`dq bam babaam., i'no
2:22 am
, tares of sunris, but wiwiy back pain i couldn't sep and get up in time.en i f alele ( ale i i coe a leep`dlululu 12r in tvi ngngf al // m ba. alava pmpfetam ntarbulessou hals.enouee i dierently. flonase is approved to liboth ihy,ry esngon ther`ras say pn at erorinlele yopryecici onchser(r. .. h! hrn oneurnr o omoaw! y al-stserereares... they work fast and d taste al.
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eny thehti. ururrid and oriend an"enttainnt " seni writer sack iser t jcy g gp. >> thas pretty azing. go job. ye e re wh h l thth icss.leles get ted d meme p p p pfud whwh atats#a gi nta pf"c$celele ouluonlm-ste.e.e.>>tacy dash is a personality, if you will. ths a entoon f f wsut ao anananh fausly s!i!i!nfamomomo a aonth ag ondaid stmomodi reaedinxienen b. usshe outhat ced gr chris ckrought h out to shshneneambabaador of f treaeaeaororivivivty.. she e me oututnd s sd i can'n'wawa to o lp
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>> i is ododbecacacashsha a a polalangngig what shepeaks of -- o budo lo "c">> i t tnke e undetand >>t s a ke but hwas maki janitididala, lata >>rddicapr. final gotsc w wagazit k kle e juaz@dhim. i was gang at hitoo. heheonininin. he was honored for an's b b b b202020r r it n nrm. hehehe u u ud d d ininevererne ----herereasasastatatatatata..aslili, evevyoyoyoorororof l leseses...
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a ariririririkiki at him.thth'susndndatteteteteisisison w w wdid d opopopopop about sly y lololo i t t t hwas s eait's acaus it aummebecaususwas soovlookedrs a f f" so o oookeagn. >>o s st spibendndm m ksorort t m m ueue it was that title, "ititit that titiididid ieieieseems ke a r rketytyririri >> r reses o oososossisi o oththgsgsgsgs zzzzzzonon to hohor thththe.e. they were held on saturd night. "50 shahahaha g gy" wonon
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"f"f f f f""ore comimimicocong? exextwtw >> d50 shades s e mumualal n n natat for an n n r.r. es.. i ididndndndnasasasyeye... >> the weekend did get -- and so didididididion a razaze.e.idididwaexcicici o oy 8:00 in n n mornininin and adadadananwardrdt's a bad,d,adadovieie feererer ananfafa." ave a reveve >> seeava revealing inteteie " "nity fr"r"nd showed u uat the@ o oararararart which is t t b bt r%venge. soups @
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sosoheheheiciclylylyd d l l l l reports said thahaben alalalaldly anananaiaiwith a aanananann e e id w wsesesemobe s s s thosese s.she sasasasasasasasathththththth li eyeyeeeeees s s evevevg g g g you can't gohrough that without loving each other. regegt marryiyi himimimimsaidid- she e s s ry h h h h h h h t sasa h h hcocococacaca whenhe s s ss ononou i is nd.. whwhwhhehehe goes y it's v coldndndcan reaeardrd hehehshshe on you. he c ct as large shadow. at either sounun likikd or good what kind of sh dore we ptalklkg out. >> you're e ght.>> t tly >> here'e'the gogo newwe're exexususve. weweave 2020inesestraighgh look what we have he. >o o o feel suauay
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>itt.t.t.>> we'rerexhxhstededed nk you, sir. >hank y y y yr. god bless you. rlrl thisiss s oughgh >> stickckckund. we'll play s s s what't'ur name, by y y aniel. ieieiedaniel is going totay y rough e commercial b bak. n'yogo anywhere eith because you might miss an importt phone call. >> youe r fan of the nig but probably not. >>re danio ohgood, just cied? umm... i guess... you'make a pret brid in thaweddg gown. oh, it's a bato... yonejoe's ttinmarrie bam ba aam.o., m not. ake time for our cheese tmature our crispy cheez-itrooves` dry spray? at alrea d d! wait time. is is's'sery soft. i i ep it?(l(lghgh ththcarere of dove.
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oughghrereure in hererfor ya i'gonna tata mucucex sinuma too late, we're t to o o. thesesdissssve f f f they're e w w w id gels.s. you'reominwiththe. you reizizizhaveve gstat??? mucinex sinus-mamalilililiels. dissssves to u ushshax strength medici. t'end . working on my feet all day gave me pain re. in mees. but now, i sp this chin anget numbe which mahes`sy d schohl's customit orthoticiinrts. now i get immediate r`ef #molai mynepa
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>we a2a2b p >wera bacd t ime to@suflth (> drum nllll whw@ @spinlobeilit'spsnning taking o nusvil, a,abama. wheurafany b n ptcheu#n >> hi brittany.shehs ininus bskypyp whoht w th you> m) nce bailey. le p8 ;e're go tell evebo why we chon beuse` brittany h tee job - shehwas up eve morningha youoel.l she spends herweekends as a shoelaa.erpa
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t eved fketime ohow.we shc'at wshsnsbks %% brereoom d hl. watcheon nhon >> te p your fa tdepu h ve 1 1condto lrar trueut. tp ha became ipternd`spthdhdh woroas @flortstsr dog omers?a to s d >4say d. you win@fabaus vacion.u and.a0gutuwillco @ lighto neyorc1mspd ur thteeimhtktata stseve h helel pwhh s first in 1924. ou'll getwnicktoee"hica" on broadne r ptrar ilcd al
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ocalanews. ra y sp that's.. itit alreadydy!no wt time thisiss great. itit vy soso. can i keepep auau all ththcareof dov.. .... in a dr tipepi 3pra
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try ka-seleler heartburn reliefchews. ey wororfast donon t ttetechchch. mmmn..amazing. i haveve.. alkakaeltzerbu rereews.s.s. eneny thehreliefef 's fdaymd >>it's'sundaond d we're bah somemeinwewewee outv >> b bbbe'do. bbbb thomas acacwiththththch ups fromghs os >> up alwaeel badly t th bauaeaeou lovovovmen.n. you'u' not ting tout the ladies down. definelabhaving f with fason and le intecting with youmy al media you' asking me w wt t hese tweswa is w whe m mic wanat wawawaover the red carart and we'll start withwo of f absolulu favoritit. julianne moore, stststn chel. ladyaga e of h h hesok so intesesng and p py. i couldn't help bubuwonder what
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>> bececsesesey y ga is onde. look atuliann >> look at juliae moore's hair th that red and white combinininin lady gagagwithhe b b. >> this lookokn lala gagagisisisshing heheouou >t'look it's litite more contrast t th the e a k.i like the blonde with t t t-outs. it's sophistic. >> s wore brandon maxwand that washanel. next brie. i thought t ie her first oscar d carpet i lov t t tthis gucci dress. jenniferarner unng.. the only thi i c#uldn't help p woeras wt if theswswped beuse thinher hairay have done betterititttat igigiglu ( you s s sr's s ow and blueuehf contrast getherer
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>> she's v v vg. thismse old d d d d to m that't't'ueue ine d g wihi itit w wt ititould hlooked ll. now cate blanchett. she can n ll dress out and it dodon't t ok la disney dress. hower, ihougith jennifer's n hair loat if she had done somothininmore cocorful she always w wrs black, red, navy. let's take a look. jennifer in a little bit o o& lor. such an intereg kind of fter l lk and te doeno wrg.g.g. she cawettmuch hing. 's unbnbieieble. eresesng now kate wet i i veve. one of my riteeople in hollywood. shshchchcha fashion forwar bric. a cususs. pthththlyhi ianteee @
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kind of f f king. so i wanted to see her ia different ralph laurururress thas on collection was o o oe runway.something that was intereses about thth -- >>ore slsl >> it elongates ker frfre. >> when yowear strapless i can cut you. you're seeing this length. he with this aetrical shlder diagonal die e you' looking at an eye line likehis. thape e theheress goes out and this hipringngin. th wasomng that t litened her up overall and i thght in general i jt thing e's sotunning it's cooooooe pued sometew offff e's beef to o ananof the award shows wice. >> iike that. >> n nsoa verere. heften wrs a >> sheheften wea a dress that looks milar to the one she wore before.
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she ows pull l o is mo momo, or isisore e , or is lessssore? >>he has such atemenenenenenearrings on. >> i liked the original. thghwell it lets t struure of the dressssssnd but shshs s s - - is is s rcrca. thth are known f ornate nucti or embellishmhmt. >y isno >> beaut another b tnd that pops up on the carpet. red eyes eye s s sw,opopry . peopop areoing i iin kinof >> is not t good loofo.>> ititakyour eyes
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i'm cuous if people atome -- do thelike this lo or t like this look? e dodoe everybodod>> i l ts one. you. oscar fashions areret t e only thihg trending, , fofounatelel is the u. how do you know you have it or coldr alalrgrg t t dr is in right after this.s my sononnd i useseto watch the red carpet shows on n now, i'm wal them.e e ununenictatae thing i need t t predictae is to be flake free.e. becaushava used head and shouldererfor 20 yea. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of fles kekeing you protecte every weekevevy nth, every year u ready ma? always life is s prededtable, so era it! hehe andhouldede. live flake free f l le a art attaca don't c ce if you run e e edada or if f u're young or old. matterewho you are a heart attack cananappen without warning. if you'v'vhad d heart attack, bayepirin regin can help preventnt another one. be sure to talk k youou ctor before you begi an airin regimenen
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if you haven't't if ycu haven't gotten the e flu u is season you'reot out of the wooet. why the e c says this ye's vacce is the most feive in the last few t taks flu haseenen a sudden end spikekeke is it too late t tget t e fl vaine d why is allergies comingearlier th ever. hehe hp us is dr0 natae . people whwh wasototn the flu who got the flu shot reading that staispring. >> flelehohoeffectiveness up o o. >> what )it nonoally. >> t t ts go. usuay y to 60%. don't get to 0%. is ys flu vaccinhehe strainatre covered are cveringngredemina strn ircung rightow( `>> tytgot@itight.@ > y`t`ititht thiyeye. >> you shoululstililget your rlu
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still get it. re just gettttg g thth iright nononod flason laststsil mayay t wkso o nolate. >owowo we know >> how d dnow we have the flor sething else. >> f fer, coh,ororthroro, dy ache uplef the sytoms. how do you dtingsh between u and coon cold. hato d/ with t sery of the mptoms. ththluou're knocked ou u're tired to ev tv. you'u' exhxhxheded uauay comeon quickcyfyyou'reeally sickckoror t thrue . one ing t# #enti, if yoy piuprorfrom nlu u t up ofldaysalal yoy g g si again abo y psecendary pnniai@ at's shini tre ppepele eff >>t d/ you?? aryou osedo take an antibiotic?@
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latively hlt stay at h he. olr r r 65 ororouer tn teenene 2 1nd we a a monitor, peoeoe another r gh risksksklude people whosepimne ems are kmd d pregnant. u shld be sted. but you should be treated th anti-vals wiin t t fst 48 hours. they lessen ththverity, durati and cplications. sometng like miu. >> and two othths are available. let talk allerg ppe s i havepalle pyou ink flu. a,aergygyeyson,adly - wb assllergy sean withpring.g. - th ara seasona bubuth@yan startn febr.$w facaoa w wl also, yoo7, ineaseser rl e ot y ason has to do wi winter we've had. we had a aild wint. plants are pollinatiti earar.
2:46 am
>> it's beenatte momo molol poen is the ghest amount. dry windy.y. sos when thewe a l l o raininashinghe poln aw it reboun. takakyour topic. >> your over-t-counter. basisilly y at the l lt lergy treatment. allergy ots too.couplpf thin. u prevent f you'rallfrgic tsomein n n u u re yoursqlf of rgy? t ssy. onind,nog&g&atour ig y u uthatninipeutstde inheniniexex iixe. cosyour windows. closyour screens. use air conditioning. chk ur pn counts. t atatith h e weatr report. outside ing yardrdork, te e ow waour hair.
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thf rs is definite ovov-thenter use antihistine an munothapy. sounds great. p sosndsdgdeat. thanks docto w`lyappenshsnce every fourea.p>> presidedeiaiaelecti >> n n day 're celeininthtnun.trivia >>^plplborn on n ays are
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leaplis or -- >> or leapers. >> t ts ftet ts. (cell phone rings) where are e ll the srelsre back in the attic. momo your dad won't calalan exinator.. cacall y b mom??
2:50 am
if y ya you cacacacacae wowowotiti. it's'shat yo ou w wt t t t t fifieen n rcenenor m m m monononononurance,,you swit to geico. it's what you do. where are yoyoyoit's'sery y ud the. aryou u kingngclasasaserermore e eable w w t t tgegeyoyo fibererer try y ililps' fibebebeododummi us e ergy y pport. 's n fib supement that helps suppppt regularity and inuditamin h nvt tenergy.. mmm,ke areoo nice work, phillips! thtasty side of fir, phis's' op ny g sh swe'rerlrke gh. (kcks o"odhonoy? dyin'n nammo dye 'susrplp.p
2:51 am
`xcxubbbng roblem sd. todais leap today is leap day. bede the fact yoyoget one r extra day thisisear how much do you u ow? " " "rtainment weekly" writer tim ststk isisack k k a trivia challengngwe'r'r'rllllg take a
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righgh we're >>hen i i ad tuestions y t yoyo buzzer and answerer icicver ononthinin which historical figure designated febary l lp p day,as it tope g day, wast pope gv 36b 36r7r7r7b b enfamifrkl. p.% ^t s dedede pope egegy. >> nop jujius cr.r. yo nng. >> reaea pbobobon leapapayayare lled lucucuclele pgrgrs,s,s, apfrfr l lplings, leaps. i'm going witit >'m g gng with leaplili >> y y.. >> knew it. >> so how do most
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februaryryryh cecebrate e e r r r i i inonl >hehego on marcrc1st. >> no. >> yes thehedo. >> februy 28th. >> yeses >> thas toriety. at'sot tir birthda your birthday is t day afr th28th wt oc o >> what rrededn february 29th1960 that t t t n'n'hets racici. malyn moan ress icicic subway d dss s sne, first playboboclububith bunnieiewas. >> i'll y marilynroe. >> that's so sad m ing wiwi ursula andrs bemes the first bond girl.
2:54 am
t t t010 0 0 e e ut a mamawho o avelel dububn n e mamaiaia to rienen who t? o ofoft? i'm going wh th >> going witthe other adads.s. amy. >> y y ye rrrrrrrrrr t't't'te m mieie 's's'sotude in that. matthew goode. e e you u .. thththt t t t 't know thatat >> what your c >> whaaryour chances of being born o oa leap day. one in 29,9,3636 i i146161 or one in n n lllln.n.
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>> one in 29.'s'si finanana> > > re corres ththth >> thrhrhrhrhrhr nrs -- ththe e e nonoeap yeyeyeususne leayeyeye eqls -- tibreak. atatatssssssomomomhahactctct sasa leapipi >> little ororan annieie >> little orphan annie. she said gee werera lot and leg lizards. >> oore.e.e. >> which of these celebrities were born on february 29th. tony robin krazy kat -- >> all of e above.ordsdsleapapords a a a>>out t t p ououofofofr s yet.t.t.
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up >irir this isisisdada on n c. deee gave wowon -a-a-a-a wriba undndstanhohohohohothey mov... and created dedede wiwi mionsense.. thrld's fit t tipersrsrara tivad ovemen it has unie micrapsuleth breathriion to relea burstsf freshness all day. keing yofrherwith every m motionns protection tkeep y y movg. degree. iton't youn. i've been on my feel l day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! riri the gel wave offort with dr. s solls massssssg gel l soles.theyeyeyproven ive e u cocooror which helps you feelelel morererereed ll day l lg.g. i wantnthat t t as. dd yououw w ere'e'e'cocoh liquid that lasts twelveours?
2:57 am
s advavaededormula releasepowererl l dicici tasasas whihi its extenend release meddine lasts for 12 hours. ry delsysy . there's a more eoyle w thers a re enjabab w to get your fiber.,, try phillipsfigood gummies plus energy suppt. it's a new fiber supplenthathelps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are gogd! niceceork, phillipip the taststside of fiber, from phillips'. i thininwe should've takenleft at the ririr. rzanw where tarzrz go! tataan d ds not knknknhehe tataananan hey, excuse meou k kw whwhwhtheerfall is?waterfall?l? no, , tararn, kiki o o o ole. whwhwhn'n'n'u u u to juststasassomemedydy if youlele
2:58 am
it whahayou do. if you want toave fteen percent or mor on car iurance, you switch tgeic
2:59 am
ohhhhhh! do y have to do that rit in my ear? tiowor f time now for favite gs. e ife thst that t b bt stu caed colsn it's a herbs. chk th yr door and aat stuff. m takewo row. it's reay eat.t. 'sike rb there's nothg wrong. cnese h. >> they aim th active, nouoisa healthmune systemclaims have not be claims h h ht t enenvaed by the fndhiprodis not t nded to cure any disease. mine is t t tdress cause it btalbots.
3:00 am
magazine to dress for success.s.toelp womeachieve ei% goals. 30% of t net proceeds go towawan!t for susus. this dress is $189 frotalbs. withouthe belt. tomorrow we're ing to have some fun with our friend jlo. shs comingo visit. elvis dan us to the new boy band. andunsnin the oven with ryan scott >> jn or a spag tuesday. ye. my mission is simpmp toake you mone i'm he t tlevel e playg field for alinvestors. ers s ways b bl markrk somewhere. i i i ise to hp you u nd it. "mad moneyeystsr now. i'm cmer. welcomto "d money." welcome cmericaca other people want to make friends.


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