tv Early Today NBC March 1, 2016 4:00am-4:30am MST
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da toda, voterer in2 ste go tohe polll but can anyonstna trump or hillaryrylintnt fromunningawayayay w whe tion > and the light wasasit up during a processionor fallen police offifir. > and andrews on the tronovt sckellypack and more on a byy super tuesday. "early today" startsht now. good mornrn iar own. sur tpesdays here but will b donand trtrp' graest dayet? a romarco rubio pacac is slamming trump whilerump blbled t misst on a badar
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th 2012 nomineealle t t inteteiew w intervrvw squaliing. black lives protesters were escorted outnd a reporter fm theimim the time was taed. and the frontrunner continues t t nana indorsement. >> if the p pple thatike and watch nascar vote for donald trum theheance election rhtnow. no o canwin. nobody. the latatt cnn pollwedd the donald stroroly eaith 49%. cruz, meanwhe is pushingardd at homeor lar share of texas'sdelegates. he has 2700ololteersscross the stste, inclclg eight u.s.
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congressman, and 11 state setor nars.. >> tomorrow@ i b bieve we're @ going very well heren@ the state offtexas. our campaig is th only campaign that has beatenonald trp and that can beat donald trtrtr what i think is likely, c ce tomorrow night, is that dal trumumwill have a wholeunch of deles,`,`,t we will have a whole bch of degates and the wiwi be a big, b d d of dweeee us andeverybody elel in the fieldnd thatil narrow thihi fiel. ananwi support transcendd transcending even n zza,t'sn uphill battle foror the rest of the pack nit wll kw if anyone c take dow the frontrunne the democrats welhey also have 11 states in play.
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in the all imptant delele unt. sanders is hoping fo a a super change in fortrt he stressed need in support at 44poll i i10 months a aew this have anged. here in minnes youocan makeee thth change e en moror significant. minnesot can play a h -- re i i usehat word. we can win, no question here in minnesesa if we have aturnout.. . >ee pushed similar narrarave in massachusetts, iiploring pe toourn out and vo. hedesperely needs aig day stay compitive. sandnds leadsds clinton by f fe pots in oklamamathough i i falls in th margin of ror. hiary clinton beat t tn candidate, obama there i i 2008.
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annoced it took in moreehaha 5 mill yesteteayalone.e. and clinton@on t tthth han continuesso look aheado the neral election and her kely ponent opponent a notededis name. > donon think americacaas ever stop b bding great. >> ameriri never sdopped being great. neeee to make ameriri w wle agagag >> america never stopppp being greaea goto me americawholol >> ierernally bieve america isisis alwayssas been g gat. [ applpl we nee too trss makericaca whole again. > and toninht sande and tonight sanders will
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whilil kwlintninton wille in flflida. >ast nig moreha100 bbb cars were@ lighting up thesksks ass theyecortfficerer -----ey's body.and sal o oicers saluted a a thprocecsionassede by. officerr wenden's's funeralal will b b at noo with a viewiwi after the service. hamimion is beingeld without bail for the shooting. aaron a arews w wt inn open coururur ier in the day,he stoer - stified, tellingowe altered t peep hol on her door andnd f fd her. and now itt was andrews' turn. >> reporte aaron >> reporte aaronandnd still haualt haunted by thedeo.
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e eye andl her s sethe ststy. my ned body was on the pfrontage oththew y ykk post. g griend i calling mee@ telling me she w running nd new york cicycyhrowing coffee on a theaperecausese e felto baba >>8>eporter: just hours eaeaear, shsh left the ourtrtrtm as the stococr revealed h h he secrly tapepe r. andichael bararttxplaed how hlollowe herer her roro roo rool room and alteret the pee hole. her there paula, also described thee embrassssnt herer daughter ctinunu toface. >> it'sightmarerere that doesn't stop. we just kept telng her it's not y#ur fault. you've beeee asulted.
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it's so embabaassing. at wasydrivava. i never thought a helel would letomebody next to meititut telling me. >> that www morgan radfofo porting.g. > psident oba awarded the dal of nor i i what`we c cled a rare opportunityty toatchh a gmpsef one of the s kent warrrrrs. w w awawded the medal for % actionss ding 12 rescue rescue adoct. the point man ohe opepetiono went in firstnd was sho and later died. hehe enteredecond and quickly ot q killed two guards and - bled ahird in the room whwhe the doc wasng ld and heldn doctor, all the while subduing anonoer
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he has p pple hartszzrts, dn' accept the awardor himsf bfor entirs.e.a.l. community. > i issor brothererer hoolololo everythingt we have sacrificedince 9/11 in defense of ourcountry. eral jud i iew y yk city ss a fbiannot forcece apple to opethe ththew york the new yk jud says the governrnnt can't oer aptool unlock the phonene becse congngss alrea rejectete the bi t mak companie me data unun phonesvaille to law enforceeent.t. and`meanwhilil they'll hold a hearargg onecurit vsu
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and apple ceo is expxpted to teifyn >eorgeennedy hasp di, kennedy won ann aademy arars pa c c gang prisonene i1967's ool handn luke." and`hen hd win ahole new set f fns. >> you see these c cf@li eachchne has ain sized dart thatad knocks out y yr victim for 0 a couple of secondnds but d ds no ppalalamage. here,, let me testn . heasast angng se leslie nielsen in the slamm stick, "naked gun" series. and a chae of severe weathe ahead andnd nbc meteologisttss h he with your
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> everyone will see, bt wll b b btbtred. d overnight, oklahaa s%sing orms,nowowhey're pusngto@ arkansas andntually ty'll bebe inttheeee l ltle@ockarea. thth ali rkegion inggromkentucky, tennessee, nohern geoia a a isolate brief t tnados are possle. pinther super tueueaytatas, nnese,ama,gire the fououh that havavhe besdp chance off seeing ghe@sesesesese weatatr. wehehere all thehettatesoting today. there's going to be a winlter weatherevevt i verernt but 2it shou be aftetemi shshld be after midinatenightmidnight.. totoghgh headingds areaf( rthern orgia, oklahoma, arkaas and tetes, i wl b
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. ttle coole too. they b out orkansasarly today. cold in minne b b snow fe and bmark looking prereyood o. too. in juneauau thatat your nional weather, now a closer lookkt your day ahead. ,hrere all the ththdersrsha will be racing through the southeas teessee a we go throut your bereron and latee throu areaea of orgia. mulatingwknsin ananhmhmn to day. so ohe goodews is a decent size storm butt it'snly going to effect iefly, a halff hour or so. well, something happened at t t e e e eme court thata h hn't happenen in 10years. >> pus,,ftft almostt a year in sp sttel heaea hoho today your arer wawahing "eay
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pll (celphehris)s) ererare you?u? wewe t t squirrels are back the attic. mom?yoyo dad w#w cl an exrminator... can i call you bacac mom?? he says i 'ssosoll0isisiue. if you're a m, you call athworst me. 's w qt you do. ifou want to save fifteen percent or more onar i iurance, you switcho geico. it's w wt yoyodod where aryou? it v vy loudre.u taking a zumba s?s? pain from yourud canaunt you night, don'n'let it vil pm ges you the eealing sleep you needed lpininyou ll aeep and a aee soour body can heal ayou rest. adl pma healinnighs,eepf see me. don't starat m - see me. see me. seseme tk ow
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meththg that i have. i'm not contatious. see me t tknow at i won't stop. until i fi wt works. discentyx, a dierkindndmedicine fomodera to vere plaqis.., prpro help the mamari of pele findndle oralst clear skin. 8 out of 1peopopaw 7 7 skininleant 3 hs. while thmajotytytysasa9090clrance.e.e. doot usesef yoyoare allelele to cocontntnt before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. increased risk of inftitjtj and lowered ababity to fight them m m occur. llllououdoctor if y y have an inftion osympms... ...such asever sweats, chil, muscleleches or r ugh. or if you have receieid a vaccine or plan to. if you he crohs disease, ll your doctor as symptoms can worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see meme way. nd clearkin and a c,ear th forward. for a d fferent kind of medicine,
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. > welelck. there watragednn ohio ol yestery. a sdent hit studts. they're bothh in s s se ndition ininhe hospital.. two others were injured in the -yeasuspecectossed hiss handgdg ass hfled. he's beeeeaughgh a a chahae would fuloanious assault a a ng terristst thres.s. for the first time justice clarence thomassked 10 ququtions a a a federal gun law, w fellow jusce antin al ong, maybe he felt it was time to speak up. a an hour long chase of a hummer. the chase ended wit a stand off after theriver released his girlfriend and their kids, he
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as shotsere fired. policere still searching for the suspspt. and today is the day scott kelly will be returning to earth pter setting an american record for longe tim in spacac and let's get down to business. the houston livtock sho and rodeo begi todaynd will include peormances from mirand lambert and many morere th 20-day annua evevev is ne of theongest exhibitions and raised money for educational youth programs since 191:. and a pnger jha woul travel 11 miles per hour and it would alw to tra without sonic boom of a previousodel. starting today oprah is seing clothes right out of her clet.
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comedy. ande've got four aming nks for you. >> nadir, coming at you. sportsenter top 10 nominee. jabari >> coming off the back board it yo say nothing your teammate keeps coming. >> uh-oh. >> and fiy, this guy, billionaire ste balmer, what other owner does such a thing? and then there's this. it was the thrill of victory, or was it? they thought they had just arer the championshi but in premature celebratn, the ball was gbb and a timeout was
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thatet up a final play and quick tip in that ended the game with shocking 52-49. a reminder to not celebrate too soon. and selmaalma hayek is the e dea of her d d a t way he died was ocking.s shocking. you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children all over the world. en y g youvitans at waleens you help give life-changing vitamins to kids across the g gbe. get vivimins he. changegeives everywhere. walgens. at t e corner of hay ananalthy. chse your tch w onolorstst -i-icompmct. pertlyatched foundation an ncealele a a lelecomptehalast
4:21 am
neonorstay -i-icompact. ancement srm psetoe th ggofecade. ccio uto thr fee roads will be shut down indinitely. and scols are closed. campbell's soups go great with cold and nice red. made for rea real fefe a art tack dsn't ce if you runryday, or if you'rereoung or d. no matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. if you've had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. be sure talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. bar aspirin. is is where i matbas. do you think it's squishy in there or something, i don't know. choose your matc choose your match new reon colstay 2-in-1comp expertly-mated foundndion and coler vea flflfesscote t sts.
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owow for s se e eerererment news. a a a a a a k's neighbor fired an air rifle towards the dogog aftfrfr ndndinto h garage. ul justifififififi bututill l bebeentd to p2p2pcutoort rview p>>and a pugoadau, knownor hisls in the @d@d fa di ianuary. diedn january. the 88th the 88th academy awards 8% lower than lt year. the lowest since 2008 but it still had many great moments and check out this video from twitter. larsson hugging every single
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tuesday! 12 portant states - hundreds of delegates... and 7 caidates. all hoping to o ay in thth race.... we'l'hbreak wn allou n nd toto kn today.. bpforeou hd out to caucucucu us. r anothe-- senseless of vncnc.. officials a pushshg make pueblo safer... we'll show you how they plan to bring in more protecti... a.d how it will ct your wallet... this mornini is s ld enougfor r jackets and coats. mperre i ith20s an30s. th some ssg dsndhine, , is afternronl warm into the 50s and 60s. the igenededire e nger is t to come roaring back in tomorrow. i will have details coming up in athehe& trtrfic t 5's's good morning, anks for jning us o #thisisuper tuesd -- mah first. i'm ircronon. and i'm shellene cockrelel first up thih)rning... the biggest showowwn so far theheace for rhe white hohoe. tois super tuesday..... ananvotete in states are adinout to caucus! herecolorado, bo parties ararbusyreparing.n. with just hours until the caucuc bin.
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