tv Today NBC March 1, 2016 10:00am-11:00am MST
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is "day"it khie e ge ford a hododkotb live from stud 1 1 i i rococfefler pl >> h h! da's forite day. now known as s snky tuesday. it's the first day of that's that's"bact ." and wreo excited jennir $%$% lolozilll be here wh h . >> if you've seen shasf blue, is e of hits o o nbnb whichchas been newewe ngratulations. she plays a c c c who dirty ki of. bu h h d dtyan. lo ever be. shs also on her last seaegn off "amemecan idol ander eveve hotas residincy. >> alao just extended byopular dema. >> and theseshe's a mother of o.
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t e, b twtw >> the firstt time she wil b ttinininownnn a a a long time. t newes boy band that ll gethe you girls hearts cing. thth were a lowe hodod p pk a wle back ahehewould be sinng pththr latest singng. plus ryam scsct is in the kitchen. >> with willie. >> conatatations o othe b b ba. >hqt kiki of canookies are they? broro b btetete saldashew d chocolatechip so go. we'll make it stepp to step. these are really good. >>nd i canave it a. >> todays est of march and alwaysysn easy day fore toto remember becau one o fafarieoplpl in th eire
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i wt to say happy 90th birthdhdht my son's godfher, stanley moore. ok at him. he looks like e at the d d mitt him 3 years ago. hehe s s s a beaeaiful ethical human i lovhe man. >> ie metim several t tes atturhous first l, he's so chh fu sharp as a tack. >> h h still playsys squash. enys a littlee vino once in a 4 while. i l l yo sosohis isomethingeve, too. shall be in our arm's forces comes back and isnitetewith their famil >> if you wted to finde love, ts i i i right re. soso 7-yeld,al, from rginia was reallyissing his dada he's beeee depyed inheheavy pfor 99 dada soomowananjust to cheer him up. take aookt what happened. >> i d't knowf you're ready to hear it. >> what? he's comomggg ?
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wh do youthk? >> wto yothinkastetete you? >>on't owow you don't know?? ifouhinknkff one surprise in the wholedd world, whatt would it be?? >> i'm coming hoho. >> >> addy hom>> o my gosh. ve seen it t tee times a at still ge to o . like getng like getting under the cufvf with twinki. >> m mdaddy was a chieie petty cer. d kno wt iove so
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he'sus -- h c cng for tak life. ju precious. >>autiful... >> s s wewll put youn aood . youn to bin -- that put me in a gd mo. ese a aears o j. okay. -- >> that was so beautiful. >> we're ruiningur makeup with j lo coming o do you member i t td you that m m arm w hurting i a a selele r. iant too know if anyone else is getting tennini e e w fming se if is igoi and i'motot kidddddd i had to go to thetor andnde said a aepead motion. he goe withephone, i wasas like, oh, my god, that lls me. so i wonder if anyone else is getting tennis eowro takin ies.
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>> t tt's wt i'm goio do.. but i betetheoung kid will have thumbmb probls and e e problems. >> and sociaia problems..>> anyway, joy to e wowod.d. l right. somememeg ol e's aung off a a lotot o o uff from her close on ebay. ando` you` c c buythin. w, i heard a wear wear as size 10 shoend i wear a 9 2. ddometimes i wear a 10, o. anyw all kinds of fro sale. th black g gn se6, iy fo alreadony y r $1200. and lolk at her 10 size l vuitto >> oh,, ose. pyoueedthose. look how -- h h come of her stuff is like scuffed up >he wore themrobably chbs.
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a s spm a blackckeraste band. >> and a theheroceoo to heheadershacademy in south afbfca.. >> y y go to your which wasas ther a a youe le i h hen't wowo ittniv yea and sobobo wldove e at.we suld do it, we should dodoit, tooo >> iike the i he like th >> hoda lovov the dress.s.rely l le those shoes. >> i've iterer h h these shoes for eight yrs and % th're highmy forite. >> and thiss the dressou wore in gas. >> my skrchltj. lordssss i'm wfaring it again. >> andnd it's time. >> time for the bacheher. >> youe q qte the superstata evevybody l/les you. d thehe lovov y yr updates. is a passssn. pso last night the show made bachelor history, ay?% th is impmptantntecause this isiswhy.
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unwritnul that wn the girls to say iove you to thth bael they're n n supposo spond, t tyg supposed to stay y gue a it's in thehuntil the fineha th c askskxpre their love. ben bke therule. ke a lk at d de with - urur. you. >> i've kno i'm in love wh yoyo for a while,s well. >> i love you. >> i lov you, too. >>hat's azy.y. >> okay. so supercute, butut t t arewo ototrls ftftftsoso h h on date ntayh jo-j-j knowing he told the other girl h h loved
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so let's look at herte >> i do love you, and that's weird thahai just idddhat bebeusee been so terrifi about sayin at. t wanttt think about what it would be like to los you. >> jojjo, ioveyoultoo. >> what? >> today >> today i the bestt day of my p i'm sosoappy. i'm rely happy. i don't know how you canan be . >> stiti oneo go?
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but one of those girs going ateded irn't like ben. rst time ever.r >> doeoeett america too hee him? >> a a jo-jo is the one wh the rs h, lovhe rs. >>hewill beat him up. >>id h say it ag is the hison? >> here is thehehird rl he didd hho. he gets in the cara buwhatat liked about her, she's l le wai mite, havee somequestis. d e got bacutututf the car an con h andayyou knoww this wholeime. becausehisps the fantasy spite knohahaen in thth f suiui > t he end-end?
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erer heays talks about h saying she ls m m beysel>> kdd ring fing. n' tha whatdid? >> pase don't day metelle y're paying that clo atteion. >> suddeyyause i d d't lik hi noko aerererid ie youwoir pave e u n@nnvttwht sas ti?? o i i t. ossisi i isssib >> i t t t i i lusus a athtititititititiut d d't thihi eeovovov >'v'v'veenn in lustt w two people p. >> lt is okay.. >> we haveo get here bececse is is bibirom the bronx to vegas, baby. jenniferowpez sitdown witus so my kids don't have to forage,got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is eap. i'll be working while you eep. stildon't thk i've got a brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things getou?
10:11 am
you're gonna want somee like me. buonly if you have a brain. fr thefrom the dairyryrmers s of faiaiififis is our r omise.wetartrtdedes, real milil at'shen ultrtrfiltered sfairlife h m me e ototnnn d and only half the sugar. and d r r tifiowowownes.s. at f frlif we belve in better. after ying brooksidi chocole, peopop talkkabout it online. lot first tast i i d liqueuy ititand bathe in i rse you,u,rororodede arioio plala haveveuceded. nefarious?are we still t tking out chcholate? brbrks
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(toile oilet flush) if you need an opioi m!mage your chronic c inin you u y be s so copateit feels likekeveryone can go ...eept yo opid-induced constipnt oic, ,diditytyooostst`````` h hahane a dienenenprprpr. loing foa ch have tversititwith ococr ab and ask abababprescriptiwi treatment options. > i if treas anyone who did no need a tnoduconons this lel woman here w whhh p...
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pcjry we c!u!ut upwiththehn h h h oigig aanan h hlywowo whihi was just exed tou december. >> ocourse it was. >> she's also busy judging the 15ththt(nd fin snff ererer id...>> af that's not enough, shsh alsnene stars and executiveeducerse n n pdrama shades of alookok >eed youo keep the cocmmentoue to meeee last night. >> i'm not dendididi w wniak any more. haha w wrtwirere i'l'ind o o o o i whahaher tsssob is or ifniakakeces not totoo it.. n'worry. i'll take h hllbowown. she'sng toakeenini down. ad of bluluis on jre>> t tyoyo sstun@o a litititdidi diy?y? >t i#. it iss fun.
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@we . by the w, , pbyhe way, raylele!iota h u b i l l le him. >>verybody asksnd i'll like he's intense.e. >> andso much fu t. >> hs aun g g. surprisi becse rprisiecause he's so intense. >ngbo t sho& anan you and he saide loved act opsi yo he said youave a great vibe. >> he said t tto me. , i loveying t%t%ts wiwi you.u.we g gack an forth, whaveve a tural acting chemtrtr i don't know.-pchchactersealljustork tolli well.. and what is coololut your chchacacrs, you undndstand - she start off kind of -- wants t do good for h hter and her life. but shetarts tiptoeing into l e dark .
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even when u have even wn you ve good s ss inntio youan make bad choices an you'r le how did i g g gthis positio but i think eoeoe know about harleeady is that shstrying.>> yeah >> aayrying to d theht g aometimes wev just don't. >> and with everythingou ate, when you@ foundndut this s picked up f a sececd season, which was reason t celebratex --(( >> o yay. t true i was ve excxced. because weweorked so hard on itit wewe developeded itor le 2 1 yes. and w wantedd -- we k it cod be something special. you know what i @mean? and when i comes together and that hapns -- but, yes, i'm'm ,utut it's a gogousus you put the work i n and you're like okay. >> look what hapaened. and o o off@ re days tha you n't havavanng to do, wh do you ? >> nothind(
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pajama top anduz sks % with hrts them e bun a theheheo o keup. and i d dlike -nddverybody masun o ikee to makeupup love to see the hananpart >> that' what i do. i d noing.g. my g#)likekeke beh t e ds more. - >> and your vegas residcy is craz it's tended, as w wl. i went on t opening night. >> you were s smumu funndy so much fun with you. >> cananw her dancingne more time? yoyo ds sit @ddn. i sitting nearusn bieber d i saidno,, i wanto s s ne toourmom. ok at her. >> now y knowhere i g it from she knows e eryryord totove ng. >> andot of choreography,,s we but she'sounnyny zec
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i'mind of deesd. and i'm like wh anddhe said becse i can't dancncnc way i u ud toto she's alwlw the life of@party andheaiai -- i said no, you were danng likeazy. andhe w like, ad thold ono the raing. >> h. >utnow what s mewhat you usese tot do, y do amore as you getolder. >> and you he t final s%s of idol. you have a full plate. andoingng to beith u uu f e mo segmenen u get to sit a aittleer. shades o o blue is thuhudays at @ 100,0,:0 central and you can bie tch. fs havevbeen weing pququtitis soonill s s arouououo answer help. >> and ao the five guys who hoho toecece americs newestst
10:19 am
plants mam have theieilimitsts agination...does with the right nourishnt... ...patience... day. ha yououeen your garde'll blossom. find low prices on the thin tt make st fun and delejious walmt. m m ris sh.en i ias sidelinin wh blood clots in my lung, was serious founately,y ct a ame plan. treatment withtharel y ysys hey, finally, somebodyan look up . .besides arnie xaxalto is s oven to treatt and hehe ruce the e e of d d and pe blood clots. xarelto is also pro touce the risk of ststke in people e th afib, not causus by a hearvalveproblem. for people wh afibib rreneny well managededn waraarin, there's lilited informatioji on how xarelto and waarin compare reducucg the rif stroke. you ow, i trtrd wawaar,
10:20 am
diet rerens... n't get me)startrt on that. i didn't have to. we srted on xarelto . nice pass. safefe firir. likekelllood t tnners, don't stopopakg xareo wiout talkinto y yr r ctor ashis y increaseour risk of alood clot or stroke.e. while taking, you y brbrse me easily and it may take longer for bldio o op. rereo ayayncreasyo risk of bleeding you take certain memecines. relto can cause serious, and rararcases, fal blding. lplpight away unexpected beding, usuabruising or tinglg. if y y yave haspinal anekthes while e xarelto , watcr back pain or any nerve or muscle relatat gns or sptomom do n t takxarelto if y ye artificia t t orbnmal blding. tell your doctor before all planne medical or d ntal prpredures. bebere starting xarelto , teleleour doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleedinprlems. kn xararto is the #1 1 crcrloodinner in i. at's b winin it is for me. with xarel the iso r%lalabloooo momotoring and nonono d fry restctions treatmtmt with xarelto .....
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comg ou ver soon calald etlos five. s. o yoow so gre will los fivev o oerhan t talent? ey'rokayay looking guys. ptheyeyre n evenn signed to a label yet. this is as freshshis gets >> we r intntuo mer e stete earlrl% wasayg th i hap thbi he time ththth shoh s off thehe ai let's get you a recoror >>escribe the kinin of music guys pl.
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the singi p pt, the suct inststments, t instrurunts,s, theglish,he spisis >>ny poll came mbers? >> i want to ask you guy turn around. ther j. lo werere nvous were nervous? >> now ware. >> t tyeed totallyine a minute. sti arounnd watch t rfojm. -they'rerovethe@rld. >>ow didou meetet? >> j.nd i metet cocorado. werergoing toival high `scscols. w dididt ruruntoo even0 othentil we wereh ina. i s inheater schchl, he wa in music schl where he m m two >> and i s >> a a id we should start in
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ththr new songngand 'll be out everyt evythihi kids touch during c cd and flseasam stks with em. make sure the germs they bring home don't stickckrounu. use e oroxox disinfecti product because no one kilil ger better u u t alys g g yoyonot always ghat you pay for. with excellee fromoml'oreal l u get morere no o morovovo mo.and d w ere's 5 s more coititner. pepechcharr r ch color and absolutely no grays. exceence f fm l'oreal/l/rcolorist paris gegeral millllis removing ararfifiallavors
10:29 am
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>> they're v vy od f f you. >> tried tooetid of them they put them back. >> a lot of lovely people want to ask yououuestions. u dodoave a a a s residency. you're o o hades o o blue everythtng been rewe nobodysp going toetout anythi, ever. u have "amereran i il." we're ithis comfy bed. >> look what we did. rey? > >> in c y ant to be cozy with r thahgs nini >> weird. >> so we have some questions e you ady? should i g up andoill? ay. hold on. >> what's ha >> usually spi a bottle? >> you're he y'r dieren hok doou stay so healthy andnd fit? at's the bes adviceou'd give? >>ow do i stay shealy an ft?
10:31 am
get tired wng out andhd try to eat rht. and sometimes do a a sometimim i don't. ando mbe>> and tdey -- eh t tng in vegas. >> >hat keeps mehis shshe. when i it, i lost likeeven podsdsetwn t -- madada g difference. when doesstart up aga >> may 2 2 get a little break.k. >> all right. here i ianother ques ipflip, flipipip. okok. >>ouver -- >> now, y do we sp it? >> whastionsnsht here. >> i don't wt getp and down.all right.@. sawas to kw you ever just yourair in mebun, wear pjd ng wah >o you didn'tee -- do dumb smashesll the time. ike doi ,nd t kids and everybody for somemeeason at one gotot lot attenon b bause i
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>> what shows y bin on? >> i b oomel" "blacklist," "game f thrones."" >> nothi y y can w wch with the kids at this int? >> , , no.they can't. no, thaftft t t t le okaz. matt a --roblyattt ue -- if j.l could h h gue aer l l gas shsh w w q would it be do o ng? probablyrunoars.>>h, yes. >> love bruno. ve told hihifoyears m like havto dsothin to. m mayt willapn. >>nd fron, if f u didn't have the career you u vewh yhink yououldav en?>> think stiti somhiti maybsome type ofist. i can'n'pat, but in my mind ke ioulda pater. yo know? can paint, t tt's prlem. a thqwhi i d wh d.
10:35 am
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fingerhut. [s: dodore st cli on erertotoingerhut toet t credit y y deser d d eastr your family. oh, nofinghut.t. mes arnot onondimensioiol. why aditional aerosols that are? w air wi room mistwith lififscen a m mtitiayerer fraraance, le scts in ale.lly, a ttotoifefragrance,or your vely homom air wick. homes in the air. eat up, buddy. you'll get it this te. yeah ok not too quick don't t go until i say so. i got you..... start strong with the lalaing energy of 101010 you're d dng it! e n n&akers. and ofyou u u so my ki don have to for my kids d d't'tavavto fage, t two jobs to paa mogaga,
10:37 am
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plusnlimited salad and breadscks. the bestour of italy is the o youree. at olive garden. alleie distracting you? when your symp sta.. ctorremmend tang ..on-droy clarit every day of your allergy season. claritin provides poweul, non-drowsy4 hour relief. for fewer interruptionfrom the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. clorox knows a family of 5 do a number on the toilet. clox toilet wand comes pre-loaded with cleaner, so you click, swish, and toss. no me icky toilet br i ve it. ofofrsepyododomom. d.sinfecting. your real life.. spoulders n'n'just carar p ps.ey c cry y yr fans' ssions, pes, drea- ananybe,e grgbessn.. ceuse e oulds s readfo tneses not ddruff
10:47 am
there t iinggetr th te smem cooki baking i t wewhave jus t f 4 thing to satfy yeet t t @th.h.h. iss a recipe that ces out pe e. de to showvv is r ndhef ryan sct. >> when ing to get a ngi've beeee o o eightes.% >> we'll he toork on atat noo prereure. w wrekkjnwo@week. s comep th a so. >> ok >> you'rot gng to d it.t p s might. >> this is my mom's repe adapted it a mea fun. not that m ckies are no my pne is goin off.dae,
10:48 am
brown andh@te gagagaga egegflfler, cas i myyy %%kier.andhocote chi a a bter.r. hthtight..- >>at forthe e ete li. u'll positiothis ss ird.d. owbububububu --isan liois.s...(ihihwewe ower. isisissupenutty y d d dedeoioipmymymyckckooing bro butter microwe theturrithhehehehe f lili on.(( donon e e get w is ingdd....check out t b bterer 's mted. microwe it fo a minute 1/2 to two mite srrit it's's perfendndnddodo. do@that me sense? yes.s. nowe do,e - by wa i'iotal rea f/f th segment by theheheway. >> i don't thi -- there it is. okay. b b ay, l l's's'sd. >et'stend thimxe ! thisiss ssea can plugnuu the p v%
10:49 am
you neeeeee extetsisicoco. ry a autut. >> y y yee h hmamama thaha los? andd then n u ta the@ bro . buer. our it in. so sad. >eeme wine. >> s sad. s it be looks nice and emulsified..seowowt' cr andhen one et meme tnn you foldlthemininn andn see how t ere m m m d t t dyoyoikeeehis and it los that. - youo a t tfl ca weet some audiee participation? >> aah! >> so go. ( o addededededakang sa a & nn flr andtksksik . hyid you a the chocolate chips and cashews? >> wait, what?use you w w w
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thisss s g gnt ire ib. rerweee so you dump. >^dnce youo d dpp itin youold it. >> folol it. >>ou f f..$ 'v'v'veaea sprpredis.- i supsese l? >> actuay, yououe t it o o s sopsososuave t@ mak sureou m it. the great thing about ts recipe, my mom neverrefrfreratatatatated t t " t eaea y y yakegoike is... i that the oing chchge i iid t t butte and dd salalalsws andhen i putalt in itndamed it >> h. >>oyo,now,w,n y . trtrne o o o? >>w y y'r'rotot .eating -
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ke a a loowhwh >> don want to d d thisshowowow gototo moree material, dodod wawa to do this show. w i i goingo go out there d sit in t velvet chair and ask him about his wife d kids d pre-ndf i ce. i don't4ca,o o oar ono cares. >> lovee him. but he'ss nonedo b b y belve llitit j. l? hd j. lo re. >> yes,edi t now let's make lucky viewers very happy. it's time to give it ay >>hiss amazing theumbe o
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>> the prize issunbelievable. > pllips smokelerill a slow cooker. it's available at william sonoma to to $479. it's a one poterroroamheim it-ststookingng whe're a come he to a biful hoho. >> arereat prizes.. 'll find out who the winners are. look at all these entries.almost 11,000. >> becausese it's spanky tuesy.his is josephine riddle fro bensalem. bebealem. >> a iavroro le.ndete. i' got aette i'vepeot annette bahan fr masshusetes.
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11:00 am
rachae >> announcer:he kgf organization is helng debah norville st or space. look insidid rah's cloz wet help from her bflly big. >> announce g g a viririr maove >> it's dresss weekfk >> rchael: st the door. >> announcer: and get jump on nnnnr. w, a you reaor chael!>> r rchael: allllri, guys. [cheersrsnd applause] >> racelwe have ajam-packeded show day, somethihi f f everyone. we'll sta out withurddy, our organizionanaiz peterer walsh. . [cheers and appppppe] >> r rhaelel petet isurppgo-to,o, we8sent h h out to helelel ersmanyti mees stuff h h innn a andhip to peqple >> le that is rmal..>> rachae h 'she best. i'vellowed him and i'm u u uht aboutypace ywn home kitcheno organizizverything
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