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tv   News 5 at Noon  NBC  March 1, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST

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to do well. if not wetet probobly going to be struggng." hillary clinton isis0 pointss ahahd in o o new nbc-survry monkey natiol ll. shuds headedo flflida to watch results there tonigh grhics/mapav-------in/ouou ----------------------:27/7/5 stas chchse candidates today:0 whererboth parti ete... plus the democrats in colorado... d republicans in alaska. grgrhicscs-------------- ----------------------- texatoday's largest - a st- win for ted@cruz. he and mar rubio are fighting to finish stro tod... then takon donalaltrump in "wner-ke- florida latat thth mon. in wngton this morning.. a stro rebuke fromhe house speake.. on trump failing to denonoce the k: sot house speaker p p pryan / r r wiscsin n 6-1: "if a a rsonants to bebehe nominenee of the r rublican n rty,, there can beevasion and no games, they must r rect any y grgr c cse that is bui on n bigotry." but trump's still gaining suppppt - now at 40 p%rcrc- a nehigh - in our new poll. --reporter live --
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on- neneher rubio nor cruz could d at t tmp. today could d termhow w ch longhey get a chance ttry. trieotts, koaa newfive. (( here icolorado,@th p pties are busy.. with jujt hohoununl th caucuses beginin the a total of 240 prprincts in epa county. and democrats think they might have a a aher turn o... simply becauau they will hold straw polls at theirirrecincnc tonight... while e publics willot. hehe's how it work.. if you go o a democc y y cauc, you' be part of f pollll wherererererer ves for their preferred pridenenal candidate... based on that vote, delegates arosen... ey an'bo t candidide they're e osen foror. but b%cause of the straw p pl... there will a aeato be a winner r ththmocrs. colorado republins d away with t str poll this year.... ou'll ly be tingng delegates a replican caucus.. and those delegates arenen bound to a candidate either...
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coululimpact turnout f them... veveus democrara ht fact that we doave two strwngdites and th are really working hard to me su popleut t tcaucuss we so that i think is what bringing uphe numbers allll "i think republican candidates ara not visitg colorado on account of our caucus system, it is not going to be clear tomorrow who w on the e e blblan side." if y y'rt t ready registered as a d mocrat or republblan y cte tot. but you can attend a caucus to observe. they begin at seven. 8 ofhe 13 cocorado rublicans hopingngo unat decrcric s sator michael bennnn laiout theiplatforms last night... ead d super tuesday. ininoloradspri the el paso oounty r rubcan rty hosted a g-o-p candidates forum for members of the e y y portant bubunessss initiative. the rity o&othe discussion centntedn busisiss and the
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ucucd on foreign policy,y, immigration, natatnal cerity anmestic s sial issues. for votersrsit was a chance e t t know candidides` beforehe caucus d primary today. "they y ve t own s sengths anananaknesses obviously, but they can c ctainlyake on sen. bebeet and put himway." raof t canans vovo to go lhrough the ucus and assembly process, others will opt to try to petition tiriray onon the pri balt. let's t our first chececof the focan this sup tutu withetrologist jessica van meter..... jessica?a? noas wdy for ytuesday, buw a not out of the e odod firi dr concer. we'll stayoday with more n udud mperaturililil c cler, but still stst touou above averere, withthtghghin the`e0's. more clouds move in by later this evening with a diststbance thatill allolowindndto pick yet again.
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w at noon -- stathealth officials have
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vis in corado this yeyr -- peotraveled to countries afafafed by yhe rapiy reininfection. the colorado department of publ heah and enenronment paysys- e cases were repte last wk and th both patienen h-ve recoveved. and at more cacas e lilily... officials declined to release more specific inrmation about cases,ncludingre the infected people are from ananwhere they were treated. zizi has been swiftly circulatinrough h e caribbean n and south america duriri thehqast sevel momohs. the virus s s s en l lketo ris birtrtdefects in ildren bn to infnfted egnantomen. dotown colorado rings could ok a little dierent in the neneneew yeaea. with a remodeled and expanded ca. "y" leleers say theyeye giing to plan a major project that c cld t te over an evtirerelock, east of a ac rk. it's stiti ithe very early stages... with n &soliliplans or estimed cost... but aders sathth not only want to update the 40-year-old existing buildg...
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with desiganteteeaeafar seniors s d teens.s. "it is ariwrity, it't't'en talked about f/r a ahbut we e real b bieie we've gototo start puttinina stnger emphasis othe e eds of thehe cocounity thinkiut 1 40 years down the roro which really meansnse relylyave to ok ahow those neededare needed in the community." a ure e the downtown rtnersrsp webse shows a lti-story buililng with glass windows... and describibia a ate he art fafality with h remodeled uatics area ananrooftop spor field. developing this afternoon... the pueblo county districtattotoey i ishininfor a a sales tax hike f f public ty... this comes after the city's lateststeadly shootingto ababt t sterda "jeff chostner" ysis halfent sales tax wod fund up to 50 nolice officece sitions. t first, he's hoping to gain e support of city counci chostner: you can't stop all acts of sensesescrime, that's but i ihink if you ve mo police on t streed, i think ththmessagwi be se
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that will drive crime down ththd-wisent thihitax itiaticity council next month. they havavunl augugu to decide it t ll be putpon the november balt.t. plplpl osnsn in the momotain this year...s a lot of p-ople going whwhe it's deep to play.y. even with advances in safety techlogy, avlanche dogs rein essential tewidededets towar countetete theheisthe prpr abrbride... o so part t a statewidede respspse team.m.. totk o o bl foom ang.. to see what t o. = liopopup. while across the hill...a willing victims slides down in to bebelancncncncriririthththo o ll s sn a aurgeetinininininin i i i i ........ s p pttttg lotstsf f f thehehetainininininininnshahatt\\medodo and getete.e. rjghkekekeeaea." talals a $. dodog g th h h o o okikiass.
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dededeift. t, rcue nono rescpe atatotmtaiaibi her to be a repcpg daall of teltaleigns. higiototion, hh driv" ftiding dog enjoying the view looki foruirrels......also weinona iformaed with h whqtcrs. "as soon as youopet eir vest y knowheir job and life has ged they go from the pet role right ie professional wking dog."" tali's partner, hunter mortensen is the avalanche technician at brecnridge. it's fascinating. it's science, it's weather, it's human chacteteststs." hihipepepee e lplpkeepep avavavave e e er o osisi ececnres. alalale e e a a an n n a a auauau.......... e e e rtrtrtrtrtevevtiti m m mveveveququkly y heheheheheheheheerededrararaarch the only avalanche exrienenenhe d ds have had on skhi. dl the caaroro's atate eid dvbnan
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t tre's an nvanan anywhere in vhat wl t t o e t ceified g t thererere helicopterfasfa as cac." dogo with a n/se end dve for searching. and the aining to wait. whe the practice victied ininructions. "t"t nototo leleler get away ens of happy excxcited noises." inse the cavenot for the elaustrophobic. ernce showing the challenges o oan avalanchesearch. "when yore inside the snow icocomp s baier. yoarhem ey can't hear you." so a victim's crys d.d. oone will he y a appealalcle vivi run ofha.r..but stududud alanes showsre sti r movement. and rises tt e suace. "and that scfrom y is going up to try to get ouxo o e air ere the ai cde from a h hdred yards a ay dogs scent.... ready search." and target a victimsmsocation. "they'ood at this ealy enough b bauseasan sme and w wsmell bad a
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when their nose, knows......e gs start working harder. "hone a start digging." a eak se aings the g waomer the sw..... cause the like whathey yo during prpctice,hey also search w wn n 's dangerous and time counts. in breckdge ll fm ne do ao bass foavanchchatio eir rs s ty're alysskedbout t dogs,plnd especial wityoung pele they use it t t n opportunity to teach ababt thdaers iing obounds ththmamajujua instry is being credited -- for a construction bo in n eblo count bigig. ondevepe calli n rush"!asasars entrepreneurs spent morerehan 1u-million dollars on ne builijngs in pueblo unty -- and made u u u than halff commerci blding rert tsidid theity. coissioner "sal ce" notes thththhile pblo county only reesentstsbout 4-percent of the stste's marijuana sales, it has beme o of thlargt
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climand thlow costdo . pupu's ecomymy been in rely b shaha for a number of yes. i don't think we he e libebey to reject legal, gd- yingobs in o o comomty prusly empty warehousein places like pueblo west are flying o o ohehearket at top dollar cosioner pace hese stmentllp wihe ngevy ofhendustry if the plalt is legalized in othehehe ststesesalong with the research institute in the works at c-s-u pueb. afr brea memeorolisisjessssa van n te has an extxtd ok at yoyo forecast.. jessica? cool andot a#awindndtoday, but we aren'out of the woods forecerni'etnow wh red fla
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rernincomi up r not as wdydydy your tuesday, but were not out of the wowds for fireanger r ncerns yet. . wewel st dry tod with more than clouds. eratures will be cooler,ut still just a touch above aperage, witi highininhe 50'0' re clo ibyatatis e ening with h dislurbabae that will allow winds to picicup yet again. lows f fl totound freezing. windy, warm, and`dtill dry foror wednesday whicwill mean another round ofofof flag warnings. wis s be e sting to 40+mph withthig back in the 60's. calmer winds by thursday and coitions stay y y through the e end th highs stata welet ove erage in the 60's. somemeassing clouds and brbrzy at tes, bub still no mucuc
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after the break k we're taking clor look at an incrse in the number of young ople suffefeng strok.
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rise????hat's inay todod'sour healaly milyly. doctors y there is an increase in tber ofoung people sufring strokes. is is a wa up ll for anyone bebweenenhe ageof 18 4 ... and stre may be a faor. priscilla torres has the story. --- g --- at 32 years old... fred sauerhaa stroke in ththmiddle o oa gy t: fred saunders, , tient "aulanceceame tooke toto hospitit a sd i had a strokethere weren't any warning signs. and d*d*fafalyidn'n hava any medidil condndioio...( ed was e e eright and wowog out regugurly... he admit he eever thought his health was in danger... sot: fred saunderspatient "i thoug i a aost fellnd i thought i needed to ta a n because i was tired d i i just g gting ready to o a tnesu coetion so i just ththght i was tire" medical expertrtsay younger people donon know what's wrong withhem....
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or a pain that will go away. sot: dr.patrtria sququstrorororogram dito "it is a aan phenonona to ve syoung patientsts stri wh stroke, but u u haveo understandhe n nure of ke. . it's based oan accumulation ofof@ events t tt wccur d that cananana cause a stroke." patieits a ayoung g 18. hethy.y. active. & and no signs osymptoms. sot:t:r. tric squires, strore program coconator nfortunaly a strokokis not prejudude. it'll hit anody, at an popot... stss can cause vessels to cotrict and if youavavthe tiniest blood clot it can stop thatimpede that flow, just a as it takimpe t ow." that blolo is s at canand to astke. red admits... he w w really pushing himsf at the me it him. sot:t:red saunders, tien "whei had my stroke, i hadad three jobs and i wasrying to train for a competition ju probably notetting enoug re you're t getting g ough sleep wr eating ght, you c be increasing your chances o o suffering roke. .
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facial drooping. problems wityour sech... ngling in your arms or legs... or numess onnenenee of your bobo. . knowing yoptoms can make all thdifference. sot: d d patricic squques, stro program coornator "as as you can n t in we cacachececyou out and seseif you alififand we can get that medicine intyoit can bust up atlot t d immediaty retuirculation to the brainin don't go awaqa-- one lasascheck ofofour forecast aftft the
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stay t wmoresun th clo teerereres wbe coor, but still juju a touch aboveve eragag with his inhe 5 5s. more clos move in byater this evening with h diststnce e
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thanks fpendndg partf your afternoon with us.
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day when you're not wahing annou >> annouer: ththfolllling is a pa advertisement for i chchg, brought to u by beachbod >> w, , y, look the peop!! they l le you! cheers a applausus]anu! ititegjo a ie e e big news for you. ifchespains, and poor balae are slowowg you down, keepepatchchg this show because we're gonna tete you about a credibleleewrogram thahas gonna fix everything. pcheeeeeend a alause e yeah! >> a aouncer: the facts s e
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t ofof people ov 6fallll each year, resulting inexpepeive hospspal s4sysss of independencnc orowoe. >> i brokekey hip. "oh, m m m m to do now?" >> announcer: thehehjor ca---- acacs anpains, which lead to immobilitytynd p pr balance. >> i am really afraid of falling agn. >>nnouncer: bufallg and losing your independen doesn't have to be a f ft ofife. did you know medicalalxper ararnd t torld havbeen recommenng gentle exercises li tai f fearsrso o lp reduce aches and painsnd to imovlance and mobilityty the problem is, most amens find it difficult to learn -- until now.trododing i cheng, t t breaktoughew p pgram ecialldesigned so o yone a any age or fitnessevel canan master@rhe m mfundamentall i chi moves, p ps amazing al-boosting routines rightht in their own home, step by step, in j jt 90 days. these ntle movements will help


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