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tv   News 5 at 6PM  NBC  March 1, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm MST

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turns ououey just have to r cacaa space or twovery few days... . d d ey cantata an r-v at amica beatifif ...likelhere as a hoho rathe than a fun dayayt the park. rk. "how's i i iinin near-b-ba ni van wndows blocked. one man side. other standing osi. his car ross the street.wdows a ao blockeke ou guys living d dheheuh, uh t tpoly. after wawas away. . e other doesn't want to talk abablililo on a public street at a blic park. "stiti your mic s une else's face. okay, , st asking. goode. it is lel for you be here? is it any of your business. yeye is. ey don't calalthe e lice tell thehehehe e ruruintototot all time. some p ppl's thehoice.e.the way they want t# live theiei lis." " sgt. scott wisler interts with the homele often. says ththe are some people suddenly helesusing`carsrs a temporary shelter.r. otake aife choice... e gegerally findatrns.
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odododceo to be. t gr thaco id ." more vehiclewiththovered windows on sawatch street. siness. . e person w w wvoided t t cameraraaking itleararhey know e law and thth kananank on publ streets. "it'not against the law to stn thvehicle, howevev every 72 hours th r-v's is 24 hours.....only the lter of the law doesot say how far they have to o ve. "i love being wntoto. that waslways the dream. always visn. a scho likthls that serves the entire regegn." the sawatch cars aretecross from severa bususesesincluding th colorado springsonservaty. the music hoololpolicy and budgets haha been imimcted.. " we have taken extra security measures with fences a a lights and curityzeze school founder linda wiese is also work with pololancityeaears hoping for change tha also helps thholessss " we can sit back and ju
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peopop c c pararon seets nextx a aark,hey n'beben a rk. . and if they'rearking o o o privive prpperty thecan be rob and a live looright now in colorado springs and pueo... cooler andustyay... les check in with lele recaster mike danielel cuent wind spepes acro our area... a red warnjnj tomorrow from 11am -7pm for high fire dger. a distururnce will pass to our north h d heo bring stroro we wind our area n rrow. gusttoto5 mpmpe ssible. partlyloudy tot th warmer t tn nonono tempertureses tomorrow will l ature a mix of cloudsdsnd sun
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velopi tonigigings fire chi chr rey... nounces his tirement. the city tells us chief rilele willlle leaving hihicaraererith h the city on iday. he's been n c corado springs since 20-13 folllting`7 yeyes as pueblo's fe chief.f. helso w/rked in california f decades.s. ief riley says it's been a honoto serve the city. the mayohas so thanked him fos seice.e. depututuhief tededollas---a veven-ilservas interehihihintil a pepeenacemis fnd xx w totoour ececon w wch itir supereruesday, the biggest t y of the presidentntl campaign season so far, , th re than a dozen states incating their preference tonight for the presidential nominee from each y.y. ws 5's zach thto liviv toniat coronado high scho, onof the democratac caus lations, with more on what w 7can expect tonight. by 8:000toni w wshououw o colodo demrats prefer among hillary clinton and bernie
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bubuwe won get any o o oial word on republicans' prefereree tonight causus a r rchchch enacted is y yr. causocations open at 70 tonight, bututarticipants are urgegeto getre alet a half hr fore then. for the democratat a preference & poll w wl conducteded to indicate e o locadems wt betwn@hillarclinton bernie sandersn delegas will also be csen to go tthe coun conveiono andd represt the eferencece t cacaus-goers. it's diffefent, thomgh, , r publicans -- there won't be any presidentialalrence po in cado caucusesonig, something th could have a g impactctn publan tut. . democrats arararpepeg cent rnout, consisiriri the stakesre higher.r. remind must be reststed aa a publican or democrat in der to caucus tonigh wehould d n toetidea of thetsomomimouou or before 8:00 tonht -stst with news 5 f f complete
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if you're not su of yo caucus prenct, w whave lks he ucus p patatnsn . velopi tonight: new troue tonight fo"sports thority." & e wawawatreet urnal portrt- thuld fa banknkptcz prororoioioas y asasonigig-- and could shut down n l of i itores if it c cnot find a buyer the enenewood-based retailer operates about 45050torearound the country. as f t ting rights on "sports authority field" i ) ) denver - -that unclear.t whhe compa's'sanci trtrbles surfaced last mont- the oncos said srts thory neve a paent.t. ose ghgh expire in 202 p cococouing our coverere e w onon e opalo bring hu marijuana event to pueblo cocoty. the e line has passed for organirs of the cannabis p, submit their final applicatatn to bring the ent to pueblo countyty orgazers arererying toov the populaevent fromdams county. anpplition was submitted previously... but eblo county officials say
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applicatioio orninirs had until five today submit anotheapplication. officis say thill a finadecicionprovinw the evenen march3. the e ate healtheptmenhas s confmed d o cases%ofofheika virus re i icolorado.. overseas.. and arnow fully recovered.. our kelsey kenne is ve now with mororone whhealth exrts sa cases are kely her. ece#themselves? peop tt trtrel to counie e zi is spreadg g e ststl ththmostt .. they need to do what they can to prevent w@ttg bit by a mosquito.. and doctorore st conceed out @ prprprnt womom contractingng vyvys becae can cse birth defects.. .& buere isood d ws.. ghghas havbeen confied here.. zika is not likelyo spread re.. "the o oy way ititould be transmitted here would be thugh sexu tnsmiion." boado patits h h recored frfr zik. aftecontractg it oututde of the untry.. it seaeang rly tugh central anansosoh america.a.
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carrrrd by t t spefic species of mosquo.. "n"nther of the species s js re in coririthe e stst our knowledge." gfx: map the cdc's divivifor vector rnf sees.. locad fortrcollin. . susus colorans.. e e rrect species ofosququosneedramithru fndn thshad a aas ofs s p.. still the statatheal departmeme warns we uld see more travel related cases here in colorado. "i mean we're suchchchbal society zow. we're traveling everywhere. at i idefififely whyhyhey're sasang we can expese more cases." just in titi forpring break.- ane susuervel sesese.. the e c ed aravel l rninfo eaeawhererzika is bebeg spread.... "if f pepeon comom back,n particular if they feel sick, theyeyhould followp with t tir ctct andru tir doctawe their trave story and get t t t ."t e marityf ople w ka willllever feel it's symptoms. "feverererlaise, g geral aches and papa, fatigu often times a sh. only 20 rcenof people that have zikvirus actually have symptoms."
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themsesees for a few weeks a aer they retn,hat t t a long way to prevevevedditional transmsmsion as we." perts say if you have plans to travel to zika affected countries you shld talk th yoyoocfifi. women that are pgnant or may become pregnanshould think twice abouout ing g all.. lisa? k-9 office are c cdited for pincatch a wanted fugitivi and susuected dangerouman... off the streets of colorado springs. li say it wawaaastolenenar atatedhem m suspect vincefefeandez.thm-9 unit w brought in beuse officers say he had a hiory of runnnng from polili. officersrsay they had been watching the suspectctor urs.6.6.waititg r the rfect time to act. whene was alone....o.oicer briakelly and his k-9 "broc" moved in. kelly says the suspect fros soons he saw thm. ===== brian kelly/y/loprings po depep t::41 1 ve him several k9k9k9ninis. toldldimf he didn't g%t ononhe
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he decidid to o ke r rht c cice and surrr kelly says therresplayay out perfect as possible.... addioto t f feanwas a,ready wanted for....hw chgeth aggravavededorehle the. xxxx per wee all hato feed thatat parking memer from time to time.. but in coloradadsprings... they've gosome parking meters at cld pby you!! the city andowntntn bunesses arworkg togeth to give shshpersome extra spendingoney if they f fd one of the luckyfrfrparking metete. news 5's a ay koen joins us downwn with details about this omotion. if you finonof the free mpters ... don't keepephat t cationon secret. take a sfie and share it with your fends and on the ci's cici mia sites ananyou'lle tered to win a ftfdrd tt's valid atat any t partitipatiti shops here downt
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that's free! "p w w wt pecting th, at's r re." we found plenty people e isis afternrnn susuriby t the meage ononirarking meter. "i"ias very surprpsed, it wawa very nice e t i di't belieie it." the city of colorado s sgs has rotated three of t tse "lucky" meters thru downwnwn- - - another e in o o colado ci -- for lasasthrer years. nats soundndnlocking trououe is, not enou people seem to knowowow t tm. "just pulled in, grabbbb aite to eat andomely forgot." ughs "just got lucky"pso, parking enforcement takg ings atp further -- angetting those mers to pay yoyo "what we'rdoing is, if you find one of f e frees and takeelfie e d d cebook it on e cici of rado sprprgs ite,e,ou'll be automaticallyststst t twin a $25 ft card for dowowown businesses that's right ... the city wan shoppers who fifi a a cky meter ... to sha the secrere thth hope e alal cot willll some citetete
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mpter. "you know, a lotf people find paying for parking a little bit frfrfrating a timim. so, this is waatou pull l in, find a parki metet, uo can not ly have to pay for it, but u can stay a alo as yoyo wawa." drawings wl heleaea month for the giftcard winners. but you ve pt thth selfie to & bebenterer to oi yocan tst t t t selfiet ther the city's facebooktwitter or instagram pagegege on a a threeeehey are atat risgov 'll ofofrse nk to o ose sitefor you at koaoacom andy koen nene 5. . coverageaheaat 6 60--lking at what's happing across the nationight. alal the broncos me a move today to ensururvon millertays on the tm for at least one moreear-rant meech breaks itit wn f f us in sports. mike-? i'm mi daniels. i'll have ur extended firs alt five forecast next a a
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, results fruper tuesday at it alans s ing fofoard.d. r ththpresidential candidadas ...
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ad lib.... a lo from caras across colorado.. y wewe in the current teteeratures all over southern colorado.... next weaer maker.r storm passss to our north tomorrrr, that will lp to bring strong west winds6 gusts to 45 mph ll b possible. hour by ur, sun will mix with high thtn clouds t t#trow and it will be dry over thehelainin nd speeds will gettronr from late morning ththugh sunset torrow. hihitomorrowowill l ach e 50's, , 's0' y forecaca for theprinin, hiomororw w . . . sun and ld thursday dry and warm friday. the weekenenwille really nice e undabeing the e rmest day the weend a few owows possible by tuesy. pueblo high tomomoow 74. a touch cooler thursda dry frid thrgh t t weekend wi warm temps. orm could pre uhower next tuesday with
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canon cityigh tomorrow 72. ththsday throughhe weeeend wi be dry and warm. a pattern change nt tuday with c cler air and d w shers. wowolandark high tomororw w w little cooler ththsday. contued mild friday througug the weweenenwith a aprprkle e possible friday. snowowossibltuesday with much
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, h one of america's most lothors "doctor se oill l v vititg cahos reaeatoid
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you' off to grt places! today is your dada atat o newewfive'sena howlanreadinto fir grade stents at vivela elememeary school today. she meth mrsrs ker and mrs. nnafious' hanae-fee-ou ' classes ininistrict 70. they'rcelebrating "read ro americ weeananinvited d us itoelp spread the pow of reading. the news five te will also be spreading o%t tomorrow tcal scols!s! y ers and actis a2at odds in bouldecounty----xtt si and weinlyearn what mama veveed t tone e the largest anandeadest t ndndes seeeeeeee
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police i ithe denver area ar archg for a suspect#invovoed in ahohoing g ererigslist ad forrugs. offifi i ilakewooo sayayhe victim anotheran wewe waiting in a parked car for the suted ug selrs w wn another vehicle pulled up. popocecece the victims w w prceded of the caca one wasas shot... and two suspects t tn took both h rs. . e shooti vicm is expected toecer. xxxx@ a high profi busess and thth--killedn a iing accidentn ste. it happened bear eeeelate last week. friends and familyay 39ear-old sasabealal knoxlle, tennessee was kilild.
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farm" a b xu hotel and resort in the great smokmountains. father is the founder of "ruby y esday" restaants all leaves behind d djfend vevehildren. a new report showshat the ssive e e slslin weses corata years ago may hav set off ba rastm. ththmassivide e olran.. was s ree miles longghuds ofoft dekilling ththe n who re in e area cheininon thr property. thu-s-g-sa ty ha found a instm thathiftedelng snowck caused e slid scntists s soil inhe arere istillnsanthe e contng tmoninir . rmers sd reside bou county areaving a lethy debate about w wrere-m- s,genecamodied crops,an be own. ers -ndalf hour ic hearingesterd or e county's picy of alling some g-m's ocoununu fafa osin oppition say the plandz dananus to huma al, land water and other s.hover,r,arrs s farard n'n' gegebyoliticndas cololo andur n nbong
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plactoe for tirement! accoing to bkrkre-dodoco mounin west ates picki upore ananan retireed coastastates are l lgigi behind th cdererecost oliving, taxelthcareaeaer a cre. wyomwas f und be the e state r retireme, soh hhhh kota came in sond, colo ishird and utah fourt homuch is vovoer reall worth?? @ the broncreakhe ban hi? that'somininup at 630 and it's the bigge night sr i& rfor ident--next at 60 ur completeovage this supe
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res t tonipit atat-- d newsws of s anas.. 're itinintotornore out thdeh a l animas ty sheffff depepy day. the ste patrolay eaeaoldeputy traras ruell wadrvrng squad car and d er across onewalav--.-ndititn empark car. it hned arnd 11: on stewall avue near prpect reetn trindad. the depu'sar eveually rolledver.russs ara at bu-- b lat dieat m ralhe wasduty bututot respondi to o ll. e laanasy coconer willllermine the o death. 'vso learn theolorad springfire chiefill beretirithend ofhis &week. the e annou t/d thaha ief chririy has chosen to lveheartmt. 's colhado spris
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pupulu fire ief.f. also work in caforniaordecade chief ley sat's an n notoerve cththt mayos alnkedim f serve. chihihiollas-s-s- 3030r veran-l se@e e inrifire c unt a peanent plt is fnd. lls op in n lls s in less tn 30 sutuesdahere colo. and,hin e ne0 minutes, wehould whoorad demos prbetwe h h hry clintoand be sananrs. news 5 zach thaxtoive one the cororo spng deatic cs los corodo high h ol. & zachcaucus-grsrserasd d .arririy 6:30 -- hos turnt lookokg far? seeing s sady ope coming to usor theiprefefd canda lesthan af hour, , , ey'lselele dat to elflaso tytyonventn and incate ty nt#t the democraticinee coloraas 7leteup for abs toght.uc-grs t tht w wvo in a pferell tindica how ma deleges each caate wiwiwieceiven each
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degas are en award to prefer gs bad eir oporti othe e@. in ordo rerethos degates, eh ndide must lea5-percof the w llototot@g ucus goers. 're exctct tknow fai quicwho amg clinn anan saers is pferredt bothhe locaand statide l%l.l. e've repted, i@a lo fferent for publican thououy'llcaucing nigh, the n't be a stw polling g d outcom n't haveny beari on th assimentntcolorara's 3 3 rfpublblan deleges. . bebee of tt,t,urut`tor blicanis exptetetoe lower an forrheheemrats. . asooas we arn n sult wel t t t ow. ve i ilorata sgs, 5 we tcora'c srerere ofteteayayayays t cainininur s4s and g 's in e. prhste uso haha primars and uld go poteially back be rado h prima befor ththbuet cris followowg 9/11pr returng to th& primarwould makes more rent a a aow us to h he mof ant t t seleofofh h rty's nomiies supepeesesy y t t d
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cratd reblans vo in 1ates. rent pol indice it's shapg up a awig dafor thontrunrs: decratapinto hillarclintod rere donaldrump. . eve haelsman thastory y oontiinelti@ch coveraasasts s s t t t@ me inj berniedersinning h mestat ver, was exexedes/sen. bernie srs identi can 4- :08 i good toe e me wiwi hilry clilion takg geora and iniaut eve thoughonald trump wa proj@ted ththnner igeoegia a and hammedis rals toy s/ dond trum/ pridentialdida 8-3 with rio i dededeith cruzheuys do know anying... havno clueuehatstsoi o`"co oubio ht tmp to near t in rginia toclose c cl c news projecd nats xas setotecruz ct his s s von a per tudath ororie for h en. ted d / prpridenti cdidi ::3438 "ancandidatwho ca t wis hotateas rea &prob" e pollshow cru with lead er donald ump.`. mos texas te:42-9 "iotot f tededz prqmararar becausdoant dodold trump holectctalotestes wewed to sp his momonl" tr..
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cod swee10 oe 11 ser esdadaates sgov.v.v. s chri / r new jeey :58-8-/pi n e xt twoeeksks hidespspatopnentll and anynyg to tryryear downmarcruo... tryingo hohohon two eks ththvoten n oridid ..d trumuneleltabl anandecrat hla clion slamump h hla c cnt d presidtiti candate :1m gogogotototie tope out ainst botry ere er see i hea abouit" like tmp, clinn couln ery sur tuesdastate t on audioutcuem stev (handndan, nbnews u can n unt on ns fifi tke you uaed awe g rough is s serue wewewehave upd a a and a koaa-dotom @ the are large nuererf pele livinin vehicleinin corado sings..d 're ing itn someery pu aces didome e veigading g day okin wheheer@r@'s s surval sed ta lolaw.w.& f fndars ans
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street",ext to amica the autifu rk....lso ne to ansed lumbereraronawawch s st. polili tell anyoncapa can publiceet fo s... and d s rs. thehave tmomo move th...but t t lawsn't how r.......omom me a w spac ==== "wgey fiattes. peleleilgea otmae e et outthat is a goodlala tto be. t gr thame iana."peop can sovernit on@n me in d stay peop can spghon stets ne to pabut t in ak. d ifre parn privattpropopop they n be astotoea. xx p e of coro rings' mt want criminana is e streetetonight. ( thks totthquick rk of 9 of.. vincennaez... was alady wa ofefenywawats...... policeay t t ttrackem do yesteteay a a hste ca ws'sg dirando s re on h hhehe o oic named "broroas crual to threst anw the mmmmitisis rereting te bist. ====
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h h t amentnt south ad neor...not t suprid. adley pez/wiess 14: me beinocto fi it heno. jce s thed been thingnandnd for hos....wng f the rht portuny when spe was one...nd no nocent stande wereround. theyot the wdow d move ith k-oc. briakelly/corado singsgs policeep t:t::41 ve himeveral warniis. & ld himf he dn'n'gehe grnd we ululrease th he dided tkerighoi surer s theal atio e thsuspecinto ging up..wiouha to yttng. . offififillit rfect... forroc @s bark ba ikto llcob lice soso 68 satisfacon of nding bad ys is rewardbubu'll go home all g bisis or bo. somethg liket. for arritself..its s a bione...00 sot::08 th aret w` foreas. 54 ododor ououououes w w0it...its aroup o indidus.
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of cs.. soy takiki them f stres itit withate.e. loz z ys..thth the kininofarsthe cnity w to e. ly peess s s ra h hihif reet themama body is arstst pr popo fl ofararua. but itasn'n'gh tchangege s ndboututovg. brleloz/witns t: 17: - 02 havingim gone, t to bso c c t , scsces us l. atat w when ce movwe tooit. coloro spris....i'd, n5 indditioto t felons feandez s alrewant fohehq nhhharg w wh avat motehicleleheft ntui o cw on e al t tg huge marijua evento pueo coun. the adlineas p pd for ornizersf the aiscup,p,subm theirinal applplion bringheve to pueo coun. orzersrs tryg to m the polar rpt omdbms coun an acati was smitted ioly. . bueblonty ofcials there re somissuesith th apicion. ororzers h untilive y submiotheapplatn.
6:35 pm
netonigh-- voltes the ebloice rtmeere honofor r sesee to heiruad bet. 40untefrom lueeingueo licoiz t tayay e jof ntp wday ay dentry. poce chains a neigorododch ctain we sosoecnized. asrt a a are t dad theyrere tmendndhelp fm totototocers oudispats, o suppo staff,hey asst us th all of t thi andnt isisla yr alone, thr volueers prod nely (rk for depenen whplano ch the informion ontaurt t tp put ohold i i iw yo---a-aadt 6:30
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30. a lookcaacro colodo... highs day we in th50's. currenentempures a over sosorn corado.. ne wtherer. a stpasso rt momoowat wl lpo
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spewill str lmornthrosuns mrrhighrrill h ththth, 's'snds.0 7 fofostorhe sprgsgs gh tom66 anldldhuy.dr fekenlle e ally wi sundabeg e warmt day the wkend. a few owerssibley tuesy. eb high morrow4. a touccoolerrsda drfridayhroughgh weend withthm temp ord prshnextuesdayith co@er air can n tyigh torrow 7 thsday tough t weeke ll banrm. . exda th c cleair anfeg shs.wolandk roro. le cresdsd. contd mi frithugh the wed wi a sprkle poible fday. sn possie tuy withuch
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& ,,,,,,,,,,, whwher themounun he meyp von prene's woh ilbrs & break k bankn him?anr ats
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eal da vonllng er t t tra hemmco &idanlolg al... bhehestsveereppo ge at whhese affons.e eb e on mr y. the fit day do so excle e for ermeth hcacanonngoat thththmsmsururg is . . . . . . the tag llllayayfoen pntntntntntlionon dollarararr ththth16 sson.n.n.n.n.n. ththbroncocohave uililul1515 toome to long rm deawith llllllr hehe millll o oill l me a fagagt t t n n season
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a play... placinit on maryiuthomas fore tning cp. w muchs von rth?? t him in comrison the oerop passushersn the ue. e nexteal wi likelexceed 10milliodollar.. kansasity ouli bke just houstignea necontra worth01 mill.. milln mon att this n deal r mill couou ve 5millioaran. one am frosouthe coloro iseft he 5--boys baetballracket. the ma reasofor th succe ourthletef the ek - matt pchard s more this iing be year. baskball ns gog to ce toge. mpit's bn brk-out ar fohertbasketll.. odfocus on wh w go do.: ....cing tir wayo the eet 16.. : ....d tte lorado eps ene onote.. mp: ..t hothey g the e n spsibluick ll ia amt. comietheas a tm, as it, ing uphat 21 record ju everying webeene accomish habeenat. mp: lven bshier cked u18
6:46 pm
ainst kewoodn the cond und. ----umberscreds to haord graci impd onju , maket mo effnt. ing ster, ster gg, veal jum rea eryt. mpand foach rris krapa, thadedicaon has turnednta tal weon for hite. neehim tocorewin. we'r'ring lea him t e, lin g, innc time wreoi to lo to hi gets ba if need it baskll ns mp: bualthou irorong his gaas potal, r user, 's whahe chaedffhe court at made est dience ihis ey. last yr i le u b it wa'tike th year. wa't as cal, iould l onhe courtut i wldn't ch. i thk becong a br leer s real helus. : , bruser wilwo leadinhis te to a ampionip....goal hand hicoh el, isithin ach. weantoake a ep run want make e best thatre cable omakingif 's t finalour,that's thste chamonipwhatev that iyes ry doae, if py our tentiaand pl like we're pposedo, reay come toer wa teamffort. i don'see whnot.
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huge gns on ll strt toy--whas behi the s at . and s--of corol. we'rfindinout mobouthy
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6:50 pm
cling be natat ---- ---- a ge ral on wa stree day. bdainver a mont was bsted bencouring newsor banrs auilder the doclimbe348 points..the sdaq w up 1,..d the and pgained 46 x in youconsumum watchproo tonit thatrescriion dr sts arskyrocting. a studrele by a- r-p finds e ere costor a o yearupply a preriptio drugouedn n stev arar.. more an 11-ousanddolls,.wchs out the- quarrs of e avere annu soal secity befi drugompani, the rvey show are rsing ps onortwo tis year isome ces..d are ineasing unaffdable r reties andany otr
6:51 pm
a pl in neyork cy to fe restrants at don post lt waings ocertainu ims has be placeon a tporary ld. the t of kinrule wld quire stauras to post wnings menu ems th argh isodium itas supsed too into effectoday, t a jue has pua holdn thosplans. thnation restaant assoatioked fothorr lak,fter audgeed the ty cou "ne restrants at donom with t rule. thasciion isppealiecisio od newfor e cruing with cnil. thcruiseine improv its onard berage pkage b addingricierrinks the prm. it ilus drin costi upo 50 dla evious, the ilg been ten ars.. leavg manyop- shf liqus bend rea. rnival eand "che" bevege ogram kes efct tod dona's is lling t a ne pr@otion wedecalled happgoggle with aittle rk, co@os n tranorm a ypmeox
6:52 pm
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6:53 pm
6:54 pm
6:55 pm
6:56 pm
guspspsp5 highghin the 50'0' 60' 70's. a little cooler thay with ypspieie it's the night that could she the race forresident. totoght on news five at t n--w-w contmtmt to trtrtrtrtrmingng on this super tuesdada-from all acrosshe nation apeople pick who theywant to present their pain thfit for the white house. and a news fivecia
6:57 pm
efefefn pueb pwhat pblo poce say is behinddidibingng tren--the mout i iorornt gs y cano to a becoming a victimj
6:58 pm
6:59 pm
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7:00 pm
closed in ejs.s. preef nhtnd& we can characterize both racesnn t dedecratatsisese 3p prpjecteddilla clinton winssn texas. on thehrepubcannn , w wrojectin&&& thruru w w w inihis h state. - ain@n for t t c p tonighgh atirgigi r re weeeeen watating for the last couple of hours, i w nip and tuck between ruriondnn p. trumum is e@innerrn virginia tonight. thererer tis o h%h%has n thiererer tuy. we c also upp whatilil clion has d d dtoght. r s sther firalll strategyming ld in acac t'ssoohuodd right now. chuck, whatre we seeing? >>e're s sin aig nigh fd trump. thth pre clear! and i tnk now we can colude it't' aad night f marar bio. o bibi nonf f e priuary statas. still a shot o o o those mininintata caucusus6 i' bee d d&some quicic math here. teteas a shot winnggimaries, oklahoma and texas. 's ondndndce


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