tv News 5 at 10PM NBC March 1, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST
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paso o unay have anan unakable repation a t t republan stronghghd in purple stabut tonit's caucuces certainly chahaenged that nion, wititoverow crowds energized sporortheiy'& presential candidates. vo#1 thehline wrapppp down one llway and ararndndo he windjng down a flight of sirir d inin 8 8lassssoms at coronado high school. throngs of el paso county moats likely breaking maximum occupancy fire e regulationonto caucus foththr prefefred ndidate. "when we walkein the d it --was ne t tt i ought was goin w a circle arouou thehelding." ernie! hahas raise " vo#2 this prenct representing colorado springs' west side, feeling the bere, suppor bernie sande by a 3-to-1(1 rgin in the ststpoll. "i doubt anydy's going to ange anybody's mindntonit, p but the other hand, i think ititl be gd to just understandh
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vo#3 pueblo democrats exceeding seating capacity, too, caucusing for theierd candidate pes oshe wille t e ne "eveif h hdodo auarter o ththings h hsays he wants do, i fe lili that would be a gd art." "is important that expre opion and this gives me an opportunity to do that." #4 the turnout,mpressive even to seasonon veters of t t process. 've t t tucuses eve year since 2000. already this lookokke one of the higher t ones tt i've s" #5 hundredsdshundreds takin their opoprtu^ity y partipate direly in thelecral process, wther for the first time otime and time agn. we evet one very elf wowon who didi'tananto go cara, but told us she'e'been caucusing for 72 years. she says no age or deteriorating phical ability wouldrevent hefrom being a part of this process.p.
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news 5. picking up our team coge of caucususight... wsive's maddiearrete atnded dne of the gop p ecct locations.. she joins s livivav noror middleleool in theheprings... maddie what was turn out like there? e republans did ve several zen people show to th@s & cacaus of severalcaoss o . but it wasn'thcrowdshe demoats saw.... simply bausesese sta's gop pay dedenot to da a raw poll this ye.... so cs goers s re only electi degatat tonig. re's a look inside... . you n see groups of f opop split upupy precincts... ea aroupuplectet two delega.. they're voti on several l ndidates... om stateteousend senate. tohe u-s cons and the presidcy. somethto n ne... these delegas are not bound d thcandndates... and ll g to repren candidates ihigher assemblies. but with no presidentiti straw poll... there won'be a clear winner
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tonot.t. which some votererink is the reason for lower tururut tonight on the gop side. hn logan :10 "oabsosotoly yeah h kind of feelli what'the point of going down tehre yould allylyike e have a inn the presidentilectctn, so abablutely i ihinkt makes an ct." but one thing thatididring t ofofoters out to caucus... their preferred lol candidatesfs. and tehre re severer of them at t gopcus precct tonight. e e e e tetechch tononon ll go on to o o prent causus goer the e etete niona reicananon... . erth will then c cthth votefor a preferre caidatat li in cos mg news fi. fit results lololly y me frueblo county. withth rare win b h hry inton ght.
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reg. in e epaounty-- - 's all ie s s srs. he lds cnton by about percrcpercentage poin witht55 p pcent eccts reporting. in fremont county: caucus-goers-- throwing their ppppt to "other" candidates.s.leaeang t t race over hlary clinton. bernie sanders-- shut out here. and in tellelecounty-- 10000 percenof precits reporlrng. caucus goers--ngngngh the uncoitted choice with 62%. hillary clcltowith 36 percent of votot. bernie sders-- also shut out t tler county. secretary ofte wayne williams, inin uin theheews s 5 stud.. totoalk night' uses.p ase of you know. coradose tve pri stem. rsesaucusesese ananwilliams says cod"o back to at, before the020 elections. ==== "colorado had a primy before thet csis following 9/11, obably retururng to t atat prary would makekes momo relent a a allow us have more of an i iact on the
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nominees." williams says there ar dufferencosts associated with lding primimy, -nd t tthe state wod needo find fundi to make e at chahae.e. x 's's bakdown of reres s from t democratic races. hillary clininn celebrating ctories ghdhdn ama, arkansas, gegia, massachussetts, tennesse texas and virginia. bernieders won his hestata of vermont, oklahoma, minnesota and e e ojected wiwiwi here in colo. on theepublican side: georgia, m msachusetts, tetetesee, and virgina. . .... within t t l lt 5 minue associatedress projected trump ll ao n rmt. tecruz won his htate of xahoma. marco o bio o n minnesot nonoeturns yetrom races in xxx our sur tuesday coverage cocoinueon koaa dodocom-- local returns will continue to come in overnigh and we'll an upda for you morrrr morning on news5
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oleremratures today...bud%we're e t inlear just yet. lead forececeer mike d diels tracking the fe danger in our arab.... what shoululbepapaor mike? a red flag warning tomrow from 11am -7pm for hihi fire danger. sturbance will ps s o noand help tbrininstng west wind to our arereagain tomorrow. sts to 45 mph wi be ssssle. . partly cloudtonighghwith warmer than noal lempepeures. morrill feature a x of ou and sun with rmer mps. ,, new tonight: in a special repore're uncoveri new insight into stolen cars across pueblo. the past year, the ea saw a
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car thefts. our news fe's lena hland is s taking a closer look behind the increase and what t u s@n do n o prevevthrom ppenininto y. . i i ght i mispit somemeererelse by chance but no, soon eugh was stolen it was rulay for valerie nchez. it w still dlight outside she caca in for a the hoho shifi&at the pueblo mall i august. whenhe came t her 1996 honda cic -- was gone. i s really sadadthat w my rst car and itas the first one i ever bought t self, t i just hadado roll witthth punches guess and this -- - sn thest tim... .it's beeeebrbr intbebebe. . ey s sley ststeoeoeoeobs beforend i iepleshshshha e withomething new and better and then e whe car gostololol graphic : her car isne of f 5 ststen p dblo -- last yeyr alolo. that's 30 peent t re tha&&2020. it couldldapto anyone anywhere sgt. eric gzales s of the plbo police department says this spike could be attributed to a per ofaor people are leaving their cars p
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in cold weather. we've got some pple going in there, gting into vehehles that are unlocke some people e ava&their keys in the car enenent hahaens and th just take tar f f a joyride and we end up findinit on the o oosite side of town ththmostommon car stolol??? a honla accord... second o othe e rgeted list? a honda civia with at leastwo cars stoton every single day last yeye... t. goales says -- tse crimes are often dr related. somebody goeout to commit a ime, they'llake car,o break into a hsethey'l'lusus at c!r agetaway car they're eaking into thhouse to get m mey for drugs the gool ns... isishat 90 perecent of t tse cars w we recovered. ncz's s r --eing o ef th.... founthree weeks later a desertrt allll w. itototpray paint blackcke window was toto oet, th ok my stereo of coursethey took t brand n n parar thai had on there, it was clutch, a new wbttererand the tire flooded with auto theft claims totord the e of f st yeaea
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foundhat the claims weret targeted to a certrtn happening everywhere. i would just tell you to be preped b b lerly it t can happen anywhere, it doesn't maererherereou a a and he says, he insnsancecside thgs... folkshould be . p prprctive. yoneedmeet with your agent least once a year, view yoyo c ceres, ke se th're e e ey nto b b ane otheg ispupuha comprehensnce d that's'shas rely goi t placyourar, should you be a victct of car theft nats in pueblo, lenhowland,ews s fiveve eblo police say in hopesf reducing these staggering numbers this year.... thth encouge dvers to ck eir doors, roll up your ndows and n't leave e spare seof ys in yo car. a c-s-p-d k-9 ofr helped brg g wnwnwnanted d inininoffirs cal the k-9 because the suspect "vincent fernande had a historyf tunninfrfr p pice.
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hours.iting r the perfec time to act. when he was alone, an officer ana.his k-k-k-rtrtr movevein. rnandez imdiatelelfroze as soon as s t tm. he was wantetefothree fefenies an nowowharged wh aggred mot/vicleheft. las a. cnteriff's deputy dd toy y n inrinidad.d. hneov 13030 onewall avenue near prospepe reet. the ste patrol s ss eaold deputy tras russell s drving his squad carar and veered acrthstre, hittg an empty parked caca before the c c rolleover. russell was weweing g seat lt----ut later died at mount rafaelelelta p w w on duty but n responding to a caca. eplas s imas countcoroner r detyty deaea. xx colorado sings fire chie ririley..... is retiring friday. the city made that annoucement toda riley hasabeenenhe c cef in lorado sprprgs for 3-years. @ fo that, he was thief of e pupulo fire department f f 7... and his career in refighting
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rileys " hruly beeeean honor and privilge servivi the city and community, ongside the outstandg me d n of theheoloradad springs fire departmtmt." deputytyhiefefolols will serve as interim f& a r prprecto replace water main in pueblo is about to throw a wrench into your wntown travel -- for five mont! news 5's jessi mitell joins us live from 4th re tononht- whathould ivererexpect? this downtn ththououfareas eno stranger to woones and d a ficiys recently. rererereg wh's beneath thehe surfrfe ll slow things down further -- but water officials spy it's's'ster to boactcte when youe dedeininwith a a cee this one. jeorhe lora of f ter works is getting g derway this week. . crers will start at greefed and 4tand move a ang designat p ph -- digging ua more than 100-yearld cast iron water main. the main we replacast year, avd it's continuatioiothis
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in 1 10, sit's serefd its useful purpose it's'simto rlacet. ere aril1111miof ron pipe cararg te below pueblo. that's 20-percent of the cy's total length of line, which has been mostltlswitchch to o v- likehis s eblo-made pipepe budgetstraints k kp p e ard frfreplacing it all at oncebut operations director matt trujillys they priorize the wor spots. looooat notnly the age of the wamain, but past history. have we had problems with the water main, and then potential r damage. to extend the lifef ese old pipes, theheoard of water rworks sprapeth clean and put a freseslayer w concre along the inside, , t at was 20 ars ago. trujillo says 's only a matter of t te befo that ars ofof before we did the cleaning a lining in the mimi1990s,s,e did havevewme e ilures and icacsed a lot of damame. there's a downtown aotf businees, flat are nowhere for the water totoet away. f the otherer00-p-ps les
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before it's alalreplaced -- if theheoard continues s s he s se papa. e biggest portion n the water main repcementg 4th strere here is sched to be mplete may 15tu -- the side streets bth end ofofuly. live in n ebeb, jesstcll, news a bibi alllowing people totore rain water in large rrets is closerpassing colorado. the state house gavevehe gen light to tpt rain babaell today.y. a 61 toto vot corado is the s ate in the country whwhe constion water in rain barrere is ilgal. this new bill... spear heed by pueblo reprentative dayayasgsg. . uld allow resides to store win up to two 55-gagaon barrels for uson garde and las.
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the bill now moves to the senate. last year mimir billllailed in theheast daysysf e legislur.. but the bill's sponsnss think thoverwhelmingi-i-rtrtan ort means it'll gegepassed this time arnd. insidedehe md of arorost. & still ahd... amladen's letters...just releleed to the publ. an v v... detected in colorara... what we'veovovov...& straraht a aad.
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ad lib.... o a woman caut inin tornado, she hidesehina soda chine and survies. p this sast tuesesy in losasa. a lookokokm cameraraacross cotmdo.... highs day y re ith50 entempmpat a a o or sohern col. . next weath maker. a steseso rtrt tomorrow, that will help to bring in strong w wt nds. guststto 45 5 h will be possible. houry ho, sun will mix [ith high h hn cloudsdsomrow and it be drer plas. nd speeds will getonger from late morning g rough h nset tomoow. highs tomorrow wilreh the 50, 60's and 70's.
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sun and milj thursday. y anwarmriy. e weekend wie rererereree with sunday beiei the warmest day o&& e weekend. a few showers possible by tuesda pueb high torrow4. a touccooler thursda dr friday through the wkend with warm tpsps a storm cocod produce shower next tuesdayayayh cooler air. canoty high torrow 72.2. thursday througheeke ll be y and warm a n change ntxtuesy with coor air and a few showers. odla parkrhigh tomomrow a little@eler thursdcocoinued mild friday throh the weekend with a sinkle possible friday. ow psiblbltuesdadawith much
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en manntunayghnow inoucalirnrn.f.f kidnaing spect.who led licecen a hours-longit. ce tled the n...holding hourraffic... fore he escapeon ot...wle he s oundedicics. liay toman a aer il save.anwe iy y neasedocumentsrittenby osama bin lad.inclu hill.personal tts.s.anwarn t t countries includg the u.s. the documents released by the fice of the ctor of tionononntelligence..... claimed to have 29 milliondollars... reesting that mof itite usedcontinuelobabajihad.thcumentrezeri a kill%dinen
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ste althicials sayotot peopopleleraveled to zika-afcted countrirs...and haveince recovered. no other i iormation is ing g releasedight now.w. zika is mostommonlspreadpequo at ds t live icodo.... people don'owoqoqsymp..ut the vusliedo h ct iayrefe pil l ll..n the fit beeeapple and the e b-i. e f-b-i or testifieded before a house judiciary committee...ying apple's encryption is so perful...only e coancan hulp hack@intohe iphohohof f e of the s rndino terros. buapplysysrys pracis at akek ytete$nederatgisttaed wite silar case i )ne york...rulininthere's noawaw rcrcapple to hack into a locked phone th ruling won't fects case...but shows the fight betwn apple anthe ventnt is farm ovov. xxxx netroubltonight for "sports auauority." the ll s seet journal ports-- the coany could le
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shut dn alof i i stos it cannot finduyuy. englewoobased retail operates about 450 stos around thcountry. vor the naming tsn "srts authority eld" in er -- that's "unclear. but when the cpapa's fincial troubl surfaced last month... e broncos said sportrt thner ssed pmththnamimi rs expipi i i 2021. xx supreme urt juicntonin scalliked driri it... waa stickler for prese language...and enjoyed goo laugh. those justst few of the memories sharetoday at a memorial for scacalili.... o passed ay last monthththnaturacauses. he served onhe supme court fofofoar0 yes. and at the. premurt... jujues took moment todod, to pay tribute... before issuing it's first opinion since eas dede presididt oba hahavowed to nominate a candidateteo take scaliaia seat.anmet with senate leaders today. but it's n clear what if
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nasa0astrorout "scott kelly" return to eartrtone hour ago aftetenely yr space! he landed inazakhstan...this evening at 9:26 this e ening. kekey has documented his journrn th breatattaking images including spacuit selfie. heas now snt more time i spny oer@ astroraut... key@wili je f o#t# outoow wrewego a edidalxe qq llil gitit
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a correctiti in r election watch coverara. oudata providede- transposed votes inremont and teller counties. in f fmomo county-- bernie nderwinninthatatace with 55 percent othe vote.... rlier we reportethatas pport for "o"oer" caates. in teller county-- bernie sders-- ao leadinin- th 62 percent of theheote. weepord-- it w
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dodot wowoy.... e broncos are going payon millerernde's nonono ing anywhere but thahamega dealhat is comomomhis way y takeke while to workrkut. e oncocoplaced the excsi ler today..... the fit datoodso. e exclusive tag for millermeans h hcan not negotiate th o oer teams during this time. the franche tag will pay von fourteen poioi one milon dollars r the 2016 sesn.... if hsigns the contract the brons ha until july 15th to ce toto long termeaeath llerr he wl come a f%f ent agagn.n.n p the bibiquestion f the anane ter r eir ss at ors field?? not cathey play outside ain. but can they bouncncbacknd stay in the wildcard hunt? avalanche re undone in the rst period ane... . jarome iginla gave them a one goal leaeathen ty ga it all back... three goals r the wild in the periodod.
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hook a a caln pickard cameme ter at. avs rallied in the second... chris bias with s firsnhnh al... avs s ly@til by one... they t td it at 3 atf the codycleod giging this one anxt boost intthnet. t t at was it... avs give up 3 goals in the third d lo 6---3. notiedith minnesota for that second wildcardrspot. air force d ut state totogh honoring their loa senior za moeronight - tryininto w their fifth h raight ahome. decent srt for t senr.....nied once... ts the rebound a ahne finishes.... he had 11 points in the game - hahatwo thre pointers in thgame - hs 6 11!! eck cj siples... air fofce e ot it well ith first lf - tiled by seveveatathe b bak. but they couot hang withth ahahte and their hot ooting - len moore 3.3.. hehead 23 points ithe e me.... air foe loses 78 - 65
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no banner 5---girls sweet xteen totot.n. ugh n ght foalthre soutptrn c corado ama- lston llll gettitihe better o o ohey 56---31.1.1. lakewoodopng rampart 65----- and horizon llied in t t fourth to end pine creek's seon 40---37 grt season all one -a boys team left in uthern col.. doherty's leading scoerer is a main reason for the artans success this s sson.. senior dalveushihi i eraging most 20 points a game for doherty. he worked hard on s leadship this off ssonlt took k ke of s basketball skills to keep the team winninini i rely irovemy jump shot - trie get moreeficient - gegestrong fasasr bigger - rtalalump, just realli everything. bne dalven brushier - doherty seseor - yourquafina loaf n jug
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