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tv   Early Today  NBC  March 2, 2016 4:00am-4:30am MST

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super super tuesdaysultsre in.. anddubio bags hisisirst stat we'll ve the cap scott kellys back on s grgrndfterlmttr tespace. >&and k350i9exciting update on j.j. rowellg's "fantast beast." beast." "early tod" startsighthtnono theers voters`havepoken and the big ser tueay wners arar donald drp and hilry clinton. trponon arkans, vermont, orgigi massachusetts, virginia and vermont. inlso won sen taking mamaachusetts,rkansas, tennsevirginin, texas.s. anernie sanders manana four victorors.
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state of texas, oklaho, and he juju added alaska for good asure. rco rubioling o o a ctoror in minnota. aa calmer and moro m msured rsn offond trump s already loooong aheado hillaryry inton. >>8>his h been an amazing period of . be amazing even from an educational@ standndint and honestly, we'veone sometetng that almok body thought could beon d i i very pud off it. i a a a unifier. i would love tee t repuican pty and erery get togherndnifyfy a wheha unififhere body, nobody a's going to beaea us. i beathilry in m my pollll p.. i don't tnk mao'ss going to be ae too beat her. i'm going to get alongreat with congress. paul ry, i d d't know im well
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ll a if we don't,e'soing pto have to p a big price ayay >> and hilla clinton tou og theerrisis in flt, michig and criticizing t >> t t yll somuch. what a sup tuday. i'mtetelo all of yho votefor. to t volunteers and orgazeze.% i know you'veorkedourrr heas out. wenow there are many ototr $% flinin out there. mmitits tt a a hurting and need help but wreeeeromee toooo fa thihiouryet turnback. we're g/wng t t b bld on progress that we've made.tpe rhor we're hearingngn thetheride has n ner lower. yingngng d didemecabetween andhem i i wronond w%wre not going too let it work. w this cam moveses fwa
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city and beyond. [ apause ] >> ted cru surpris some polilical w wcherssy takakg oklahoma a ofcourse, had an i irissssssss win in his hee stef texexex a welll as a late victory i. alaska. pitched himself a the trump alternative. >> for theublicans that don't wantt to s dononds the nomimie, i would welcome anana ur them.thy way too beat donald trump`s for u u t t stand totother united. if donald trump is the minee, i think we los theh senate, le to llary, lose the supme urt for a gegeration and the ll o ghts. 's my thatty wee comeme together andnd say stop t t# dness. not nominate a candite who will drivevehe p off a clifif >> >well,ruzzzas able pick up 171 delegates,rubio, 82 and
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bringing`gal to@ 29 clto seven to berni sanders's four. but t not t concned. >> you're going to sot o o ptisu ss come theses are i not ne tion it's notot winne take all. if you get52%, %, yououghly d up with theamamam amount of delegagas in@a stata. by the endndf tononht, we a gog to w w m hunsd of$% delegates. [ applause >> sanders picked up p 295 legate last nighthtle intonwon 461, bringing her
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eart eyeyanded j jt beforemidnight ern time.@ kelly and onedn on boaoaor cordrn reco numr of . a a hiswiwire taking part intud ayeye to learn about the e e result of space on the body. we oear from him l l r today.y. > president oba held ait down in theval office yesterdada with republicans o&or the vacancy i ithe supme court. the meeting which lastuddes mc mcnnelel dememtic senator, paick ley andnd vic presint jobiden. it's thest timehey m@m
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and theepeplicans r rrated their stancnc that theyeyon't ke uresidentbama nomination this ar. afafrwards, thewt senat aders essed the drastiy different points of ew. >> if the shoe was on the other ot, e democrara t t majoror woulddd b b b coirmi aeplican presesent's nominationn th last yearf his termrm of coursepnono >> w wjuju want themm t fulfill eirr constytututnal duty do theirrob and athis s age they ded not to do that. the going tot a a see whatatresi truru w wl doi gugus. > s s@ed aftft a imssssss the spend f resesf pthth tee tatatngng a a@ basketba. nbc'smfteorologist bill karins ishere with o wednesday forerest. >> we had severe storms yesterday. alamaaott hit.
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theenlnl problem spots are northern new england. we have a wintry mess. somereezg rain, others slee thth white is all sno and we havenow in wesrn and cleveld and pittsburgh, nurous s sww showers. we're watching aotfnow a ee mixturen mainin these arell wintereathth advisories latat tay. and this is whehe ty're going to get clrrrr. so, they love t t t they c c extxndheireasoso with auc a six 12 inches in in nthehn maine. it t ll be much k0e8dcolder w wn you go hee today.y. will be chill around are
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that's your national weataer now a kploer ercloser look att your day ahead. the t tperatures aredefinitely winter liken the great lalas,s, highsp oll in the 20s with breezy conditions. areas of the d dp south and colorado, no complaints in kakaas eier, highs ie 70s. on our friends i nohern new engld. their sprgs like ril. march d dsn'tcounun 8> thanks so much, bill. muchore on serer tsday just ahead, including ne detailsn ver turnout. ande he the dedeililofo osama bin den's ll. >> a a a hing oops momen inlva chinese ter.% yoyo watchin"early t tay."u're watching "ely today." neutrogena hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skiki toeeeeit... and hydrated... .d... ...aer day. th hydra hyaronic id which retains upo 1000 tim ititweightht. water. thisefreshing watetel... plumps skin cells wjth intense dratatn
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r sule, hydrated skin that bounces back. hydrdrboost. from neutrogena . see whatatatososble. ((( se me..sesese. dot stste at me. see me. see me. see me tow that psoriasis is juststst something that i have. i'm nonocontious. see e to o ow that i won't stop. until i find what works. ov cososdiffent kind omemecine
4:10 am
c c or alleleki out of 10 people saw 75% skin carananant 3 months. whe the joriri saw % clra notse if yoy#y#e allergico cosentyx. before starting, youhould testefor tubebeulosis. an increased rk of infecs anlowered abity fight them mayccur. tell ydoctor ifou h h an infection osympms....usasas, sweats, ls, muchchr h. or iu receivid a vava plalato. if y have crohn's sesease,`, tell your doctor as symptoms corsen. seris allergic actions s y ococr.see me. see me on myay. find clear skin and a clear paorwawa.. r a different nd of cineask k ur dermatogistt cont. >heome shocking n revetions fromeclassified
4:11 am
lan was kied. eethowe tteumed paranoid. anoth belied t t beis wiwi,he al qaeda lr beeathed $29lion t fund the had. andus o o oous attended the funeral o inn. she was kille on her first d d of h job. and vetoedd a ansgenen throomll itoue first to rui governorted eil aft h h rht campaign and th acluccledtt diriri. anaitlyn jenenen ao c cled on him to veto it. nd watch this toddler
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hen' nice his 2-yearld grdsonas missing. he eventuay reterned ana luckily atrange kept his grandsonsafe.#p dses, a dog - namedifieded o o doe't wha to make omakef th r-dog >, aheust from s tuesesy clclre@d, wank into exipoll dada@oundmtnger (( promising for republicanssllcrrh forordedecrat>> w can tell youryryrng sing on the rubnsi, t is what we've been
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of these competitive primaries, that was 2008 obama. virgin d 14%. vermt, down 13%. massachusetts,ownn 5,ia down. look, there's twoays t look at that. one is bernisanders, the entire message of h campaign ishis is a political revelatire revoluon revotion, it's going to bring all these new people to the process that have never participated before. if that was comingo fruition, they would be shattering rerds. 2008, there are democrats who say yes, it's tubling the turn out is up and the democratic turnout is down. but they would say 2008 is something we may ner see again. that race betweeilla clinn and baracacoba a the pe ofport that both of them motivated,he iq war,
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there were so many factors in the air in 200that it's a little unfairoompare the democrats o o 2008 to the decrats o a future. >> and we have the numbers right here as of 030 a.m. eastern, t per tsday turno has nely flippe fm 20.mething candates in both parties wile l#lking to play `into their favor.. and more emotional testimony from sports repo rin ashsh talks abo theuaahehe
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keretly ped d d naked. oo choose yr mah w revlon colstay 1mpt. exexrtly-mndndioioan concncncr vezea flawlesssscomple lolo that sts. chooooe rereon c corstay 2-i---- cococot. you can helplpreventness ndnourished children all over the woror. en y y g your tata at walgreens,you helpive life-c-cnging vitami to kids across the globe. gegevitamins here. change livesverywhere.
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4:17 am
> for f f second day, sports rerertrt, eriri andrews, testied in h h $ million civil triaia on tuesday, the defense got their chance to cross examine erinin andrews. she's suing hertocker and thehe hotel. she told the jury is araumaa she'sever recovered from. >> reportete another emotional day o the and.d. >> i know i'm n fine. >> reporter: erin andrews describes the dailyigmare of that s sretly tapedal deo. >> alw nd to talk to
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will alws be on the internet. p r rorte she was otionple. >> what happens when my kids when home t tchoolnd they psaid kids are sayg you're nakedn e internet rorter: sheay now hotel room. r case. >> reporter: i 'sowp to thee defense t heirset u forr reporter. the e tel's lal tm tg inceheju sev wom and five ment theotel shouldn't pay for aideo that sn't their f flt andn't dageeree ew argued sing work is hereca. >> i've been over c cpeatini in my life i feel if i c c d the top nfl
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then people wl forget. >>orr: butheayss nthe jury t remember. morgan radf nnews shvie. meanwhile, espnredud earlrlrruony tt bacork aft givi a sit-down intervw. j>jead,j.k.lili sxcing news for harry potter fans.s 's o oyyy 9 9milelefrommlorida meononononckck all ochchchchch .. y, h hyoyoseenenen tamazinghnology inininco's mobobe mobile app? ok.
4:20 am
p, mob!p workrklike a chageic expepe grereavavgs and a whole lot mo llo my le! e flame is out.... h.todathe e isut, moattude.. ururot annio.ntio. que?e?e? the e e w wkingcacabellll microwaoups.
4:21 am
juju l lthey forort ucucr randy, o a a aforgrgs s th ateast hno nsbae e b. ebllonv acacunwiwirt f flusalys on`ththri. sympms w w wn because ur apt isn'n'pumpwellll ater fil roo50 pcrnt ofeoeoe eog wthin 5 yrs o o ogeinindiagnosedd thers sosothyon do.o lk to your doctor about het ilure treaent t tiono. because e mome you knono thehemore likely yoyo.. (dogogmperg) to keep it pumping. ohohohok.... no awrwrkte creamm ino huhuhuhu anytytngngngpe neutrogege r ridrinklelrlrr works... onweek
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.evevedeeprinkles. ne thefele wowos!s!s! d ine reir. ananforodark sts, rid ne repr. neutna .hass >>eadidiheews nbcnm,wswswsrsdendrist reregn,lumemnt indorsement for supporting ump. ll, the new jersey governor i'teemmo care at l, ding rhtbehind thehegop fonununun jttouru after px new%jy newspapars called for him to re.n it brd t tee cherry hill courier posts called on a recell effort shouou christiti
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andn indorsent by former -clansman, davavavav.. dh thisse asgooters me eir wayo the pls superr tuesday nigh nd secret service to-pininstige incidentnh ime phphraer. dendhectionsns one ent w throw a a a a te gaga pgrapr tru rally and they admted thehere working totornhe e act circrcstancehat the indent. thector knono for his rpraya on aricagladtors has d atnlyyy9 y. j. rowling coirmeme t ttt "fansdeasts s d where to findthem" will be mad into fis.
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and theling stones are headinto hana therere conn march 25th $ ll bee the first conct in ba f the . firs of wan to g g s th ones 's going to be iredible. >> thattedd" woulde a greatevent. >> thanks for bng with usere todada this is "early today." allergss lergies diractg you? when yr sysyto start...
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...nononrowsy claritin every day of your allergy seas. claritit provides powerful, n-owh/h/ reliefefef'fewer inrrurons f2om e amazing ingk you doo evy day. i ctin clrnso yr mamaha rereololst 2c@aq -endatntanan ncle re6efllele, cococotetkt lasts.
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w rewmwc t. e results the reres ar... ancoloradoreaks a record super tuesday turn out... the caide thth camout
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results for you. plus... staggering report showr thieies are ing hardrd t tn ev in n puebeb! we're taking a l l lat what's caususg the increase of crime..... and what you c c do now -- to prevent thth froroppenininin you! teeratureso ststt our wednesday e ininhe 30s and 40s. today will be ndy y th hig fire d dr. ghs willlle in the 60s and 70s. deils on that fire risk and a ok aheadhrou t test of this weearmimi up in ather & af t's. od m mnini, thanks f joinini us othis wednesdorng... 2nd i'm ira cronin and i'm ne cococl. rst uphihimomomog.g.. mocrcricicdent ndidatatbtrnie sdeds(s(ss the colodo caucus. wiwi 9percenenof prencts poing-g-g-nder- has a ge ld ovov hilry cli. take a look... bern hds a 19-point lead overerlilion in cololodo we'lbe scrcrlihe latest returvs on the btom of t t en this m@ing fofou.u. and eaking d dn thsults


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