tv News 5 at 10PM NBC March 2, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm MST
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and: a dangerous discovery landa pet the e-r. nee uncovers t stete you can take to avoioi scary y tutun. right now-- lanes of platte avenue a2e closed-- becausof a seris roll-ovevecras thappeneabout an hr ago pows evard. is is a live pturef th scenem- whwhe a a r is on s side. westbound d attetes osed... as sththsouthbound ramp om rs to westd platte. wororon injuries but policesay to avoid t t area. heheo and thanks for joining us for news five e ten. i'm rob quirk. d i'i'lisa lyden. 122-thousand. that's theumber of democra whturned out for c ccuses in colorado lght --a w rdbesting rnout fror 08 b2-thousand t the rnout and eneniasmsm during last night's s ucuses
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with tcucusystememn our parts.s. news 5's zach axton n s been partrttotoy. za, why e they so set? itit not j jt party ads that are upset -- it's voterstoo. consid a n-scienfic po taken by our denver r ster station last night -- a a opping 97- percent said they y ef a primary to a caus,nd now both partiti are askskto return to the prary system. vo#1 the turnrnt was incredib -- o2 at least so it seemed -- caucus-g-grs waiti in ng lines anoverfifiing clooms to rae e eir hand for their prujerred presidentialal candiditit t ereieilies part of thehe prororor accng gpartrt aders. e had a signgnicict o vovovo whohoere that they for presididt." "i w wld say it's t eaeaea i mean, itorks to some extent, t i think desif is bit archc.vo#2 es h hpen all l oncnc----00n a ngleuesd nigig.
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vote hence,he @ @uge crow forhehma-it-t-s-itl. e e o prary, with h bamailed outhree bebebe elelelen night, giving to take e e . . le. atisticay, more people votot ininhe priries thahathey do in vo#3 that's parofofhyears froro bobo pares arengngor colorado to retu to primaries, which were scrappein 2 2 because of t higigcost of running the e e tions. "i've e couraged them to cct thr gislators and see if we e can craft t giation that wouldld crcr a proper prary." "we've been seeing aot of resoons toe to a primary state." vo#4 the caucuses also leave out colorado's$singllargestsvoting bloc - -housand unaffiliated vovors. boartiti sayoters and the canbidateseshemsmsves cod benefit greatlfromom return presidenenal primary f rhe 2020lection. "peoplplneed a carer path h h a momo dirert link bebween the vote and the candidada t t tre
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back to thth record turnout t r r democrats -- 122-thoand. as huge ashehewfs werere at's still only 14-perce turnout. decrcrcrsay if t tnout`tere e any higherththprprprsimply wouldndn be ab to hanale the rush of people. lisa...? continuingouelecec watch coverage now. . repuicansintial l candate ben carsono. signaling that he coulu,be about t tend his campaignafter poor finish in e supur tuesy praries. carson says s sees "no path forwara" to the nomition a th he will not atbend tomorrow's g-o-p debate in michigan. xxx . time, frontrunner dodold celebr d7"7"7"er tuday victorieieie ted cruz won his homestatef texa plulutwo m/re... marco o won minnesota.a. and is urging rubio to op t.. ==== "heaeato head our campaign beats trump resoundingly!! yay on t t democrarac c de, lly inton took seven states laststight and seems to je on a
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beieiean won foustat cluding colora, t t eds peenof t delatesesm here on out to w. xxxx firefighghrs were sy spding tgrassfir ross s sthehststn colorado on this red flag warning day. two fororcarson stsrted day ago but flarededp again. there e relso fifis sn l junta,a, control burn n at got out of control,...the othehea property owner burng a tra pi thth could resul criminal charge anothegrass n the easi of colodo springs burnedne acre. the rgesesburned 100 acres south h avondalin easternrn eblo untnt...after wind sts blewewown power lines,s,ndnd sparkeit. those strong winds that fanned the flames are tapering ofno as we he into the overerert hours. lead forecaster mike dananls has en keepipi close eye on conditions all dayg.g& jnss s ve now. mike? < a look a4acurrrrrrwind speed andh& huty isouthern colorado... here is whatgoing , a disturbance is movg over the area creating those stororest winds.. nds will decreaee lalar
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a d d ag warng until wpm forgh fire danger. clear skietoninit th clly mpatur. tomomoow will l mostly wi graal wararng teteatures. . right now-- firefighghrs ntinin to o rk on ususfire nuar a andale-- burnfor 11 hours no news 5's jessi mitcheljoins us live from outside our pueblo studio with the conditions firefighters areacing toght. jejei? e wind is stl bling
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lofromarli t tay. at played a big role in the faving fire, *ut faster on froroe crs ed get away from nearby y meme 92-y-yr-old her harry vold is condering h hself lucky nigit. was town n d i didn't'tno ananhing abobo it.pi i i i the e llomg this way and i iould see s ske. rehan 1010acres in and arou his property li blacned bybyire. vestigators blame thwind for knknking down a poweline re evererhi is vevevd, and the forecast was`s5-2020ph winds th g gts up to 45, so it been pretty windy day. & the weathemade for a tough to county crews un in th teteooto getet hane e the@ perimetet. they didanage to kp thre mostly contained to the huerfano
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trees there sl tm m . theiworkrklso dedeardede thhaere are dranann thar, so had d hwate truck. tomorr a crew fromuniper lleys s@heduled to arrive toto provove e reistance putttttttt out t e hot sps. voldayayhe's just thanul the damage wasn't worse. had this fire been able to jump the road, , atounty road thaha goes east of u then it would hpve b bn 5050ilest could haveve gone. even thouoh the downed power lili means he's spspdinghe night without electricity, vold credits dililint work by the fire crews for proteteing his homend his livestock. thth'v'vall just bailed d ght t to stop this fire. it wasasonderful, wonderful. crews are keing a b re watat on his and other homes in ththar o ornighthtust inase the wind s sfts, which coulu beme a threat.& th e expect toave the fire completely o torrow, butre prprared to continue t tirr
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live ieblolojessi mitchell, nenene. wge ju learnededhat two people were killed when this small plple c ashed in n nththn paso county. thsingle enginbilala w ot t downwn thihihirnrnrnon t t sosohside oflamer la and$& spspkea s all grgrs fire rereghters were able to keep to about a quarter of an acre. one wiess says thehewere drivinwhen thehesathe plane e nearing the disappeared and they saw black smoke. inveigators have notereasese the e ctims me...becauau thee coroner r wking to identify them. thcais@still uer investigatioioio as many 70 people e be imimcted b bauau of downsizi at the evraz steel m ml in pulo. thcompany is indefinitely shuttingown it's seamless pipe unit atheill becaususof a aurge in impmpted d eel and owdown in n s and oil drillili. raz tells news 5 ty wiwi coiderereopening the lin if f market conditions imimime.e. xx man n cuseof stag his girlfrie's former teacher has pleaded "notuilty by ason of insanity."
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faces charges includin atmpted murder. s cuseof helping h gifrndndndurtneyla re t teaer from his paxiome. prosecutors y the o stabd ananbeatathe teacher who evevtuallyototway. overstreet's attorney says his client sufufred headrauma in a acaash that he clclms cocoributed to his mentata impairemene. an air forcececademy cet is under arrest, accused of xually assaultg womalast year in boul bodepolice say 21-year-o "jack warmolts" " s arrested at e ademy y d is being held in boulder. police say the reported assasat hahaened l lt april ininhe university hill ighborhood. they havnot leasas m m details thehease t police@e@e y d-d--a edenccollected du t t tnvnvtigaon, matches warmrmtsts heas n n been n ally pard. the acemynis cperang wh boulder r lice. nationwide, pet owners h he tryi to ison dogthaid treats. t t coloradwe've learned there's the potentl for new ngers,stitit pot edibibs and pets.
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spspngs.....ddie w wt's going on? ? with legijuana in colora... pe are getting intnditite silymore frereently. many othose patiennd up in ncy vet cliclike this one.e. withymptoms similar to stroke seizures. bubuone pet owner we talked wi. who doesn't consum marijuana... says this problem ts w w to h h own backyard. 0 natsf babaing at q3 years old... nats "go girsoph" ! sophie is a memfer o oth famimi. sot coeylsls, peowner "i"iwas like the most ststssful pupuy parereing night ofofur lives." courtney olson and her husband just finished didier... sosocourtney "at 7:30e noticeshe startet% actingngll crazy, ke i iloloed like she was having a seizure." and ings only gorse. sot courtney he kept shakg controllably and ery time we would pet t r e uld whince and she couldn't snd uand d w juju horriblto s s her that distraht."
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sot courtneyey e walked in and they were like do you have recreational drugs in the house, and we'rlili no, and the onlyng she h done sasut in the yard, we@ t heherun oundt night. they did blood wowk and und soie had traces of marijuaua in her system... sot dr. john suddethvet "we are seeing a l l mororcases ofofarijuana toxicity in our area vinararn dr. john sdeththths mo of thth ti it's an`nidenen.. either aararuana edible is i the ho... or d dcarded o oside somewhere. sot dr. jojo suddeth "most the time snsnsn resusu in debubuththe cabe casewhere u havehe small animal that ey get enough of the rijuana it canesult in deat inophihis ca... it'sikely y e pot trt was rown ovevevee e.@. sot urtney "eititr someononwas bebeg reckless and thought it tould be funny, or someone was justst tossinmeing whenhey re pposed to not ha ion them." tneyopes nons trying arm her r g... feviated t cour "that meonwould do thax, like this is my own n rsonal property andnde haha a fence just fororur dog to feel like e
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ininhe olson case... ththe's not much ty could have done. ey sayayhey'llry a a check thyard more often. veterinarians y if you know pet conmememaria.... sws s snsnsike seizure, pression, , ss of f @ codidition... bring g em to a veveright away. in cos mgew. e fbsaysyst's the e mberer scam in the couny right no criminals s sing as i-r-s agentsts make threating calls o osend emails d dandidi money ... usually in the f fm of a prepaid t caca. the i-r-s do not call out tax debtwithout first mailing oicl notice. local accounnts ll u... these scammers want your pepeal inforortion. "they'rererying to getetetr r sosoalecurury nunuer and otlerr informquiothat they could us
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return e colorado attorney generara a aalalt tohe mia sayingf soone demamas a prd rd foanrereon, justang upup yocaso rt thscam calls and phphhingmails ... we've posted contact ima w totoghgh colorado sprinininayorohn suths isalking with news 5 about e fifi chief's abrup retime.. confming that chieiechris ley will receive a80 ousandollar severancnc package.e. riley announced through an email statement yestererth he will bretiring on friday. wesk t m anyny insight as to whriley tiriririri s s sheheon't disss it it's a p%rsonn mter but also saide's not surprised by his resignation. ===== "certainly y shorl piod of time between that decion and the rererement b i'm sure he was taking intntacunt issues in the department and thin like that and d de this choicece
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asase rertasasnighgh e arch newirirchie undede inhe m mnte, deputy ie ted coas`sill serve es tem chie xxxx for those of us o live surprise thacolorado spriririik rd as one of thth best pces totoive e the untry. a "u-s news and world rerert" today nkcolorado sprgs as 5th... beating out momo metro areas like b bton... seattle...and d.c. at a meeting today, thmayo sa this paicular publicatioiois wl knknn hehe busine comnity... and thinks the ranking could draw imore p p our city. the springs ranked high in job ma, value and qualy ofof life but was one e the fef citto dedelidy doririri "we're fortunate w wlive in a place th has unsurpassed beauty, great t st of ling a ds attryoyoyo pressisialeylly do like tme and live here, as dodople want to and retire@h@de." :14 as f a a amber... r neighbor to the nort denver, got the top spot...
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the items ouou. ad lib....,,,,,,,,,,,, a viewer phoho of graupel in stetson hills earlier today. & a okin o ghs dain the 60's and 's. cuent tempmpatures all or sohern colororo... nextxteather maker, a cold f fnt moves across the are this ening, a soherly f ow momoowittemperatures a littoor th tod w winin s tadoeninin hihitoowththth's's'ss 's in st areas 7 day y y c!st for springsgs high torrow 62, dry and warm friday. a littleler again sarday, windy and real warm sunday. showererpossle late nday into t tsday with cooler a pueblo h hh toow 67, a very p nini day f fday yjth parary cloudy skies. cooler saturday then windy and
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a fefeowers possible le monday inttuesday y th coolir. non city high tomomoow 65. warmer friday. sarday will be y but cooler windy and real warm ndnd. shers poss late moayinto tuesdayayith cooler air. & woodnd park, high tomorrowow4. a re nice day frid. . cooler s sury fore tirir& rms s agaga sunday. snow showe possiblblnday into tuesday with muchler apr.. .
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wrecge from a boeing 777 that washed onto thcoasof mozambique m m me frfr that missing malaysiaetner.. the newly discscerededebris is@s beinsent to malaia for her examinatatn. soujceayerrecoco any otherering 7- missinbesides flight m-370. thatlight dippeared d 20- with 239 people on board. 's still not clear what happened. x the e maybyfcoerg a deral apcoururjudgfor r r u. preme court.urce familiar r th t process says "*bne kelly" " uld replacing the late antonin scia whoassed aw lasasas
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kelly aduad with president amamfrom harva law hool in 19591. she currently sees on e u-s t of a aea icedar rapidsiowa. prest obama s vovod to nomitecalia's replacemen before he leaves office. as we e owow you last night. nasasastnautcott kelly... $ returned to early... after almost a aear inpace, thinteatiol acecstn. at'songegeththther american astronaut ===== "i"ilike have be up there my wholeleife ter out thfit 6 mohs wch is the rmal incrent which is 6 nths and that t" aong time. a year really,y*y*lll@ long." now nasa h hes to get a ear cture o he effects oan exndededtay in spa by comparing scott's medical tests... is identl tw broer mark, who reined on eah. xxx p a nkrurucy filing bys authority is prompting questions about the fure of the elmpany. it also hahasome wondering whether it's'same wi be on mile high stadium m xt sean.n.
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in debt, t t denver businessss journal says theompa antiatesesaving acss t t nearly 6 6 millili in nkruptcy finanng. they could potentially use that to make a milllln-doarg righpapat in august. exrts sasaifports thity wantntto be successful, thth have to use agessive markrkrkg. ==== "marketing is something ththou have to do--and in many ways you have to increase your markrking wh somethingike thisjs happs. especiallyf you'u' trying to get consumers to chae their minds. it looks bad--chapter 11 looks bababut would lk a lo worse e see that name come off stadium." spsptsri pays p callololan otballlltadidi dict", which@tetetecally owns t stadiuand splits the rhts fees@with the broncos.s. a spokperson says the bankruptcycyiling has no impact @ on their ratiohip with the
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10:30 pm
as h hed up as the crcwd w wting to see kobebet. apperance at pepsi center... averawaw a ast 30 pots a aame ininisisise e denr.the futureref the nunuets go going tonight... emmanu miay y to kenneth faried - - o easy kobobootots gogo as he oncncwas... s... big three fo the mambaba heinished with 5 points he ninit. diay was connecting wi riri night... anothedi tthmanimal. nuggets up one... had2 and 7 in the gamam en daugu wt f... threfrom t t corner... es it at 88. then anoer.. finishedith 26ff t ben career high for m. nuggets s p the lake obes last stop in denr... 117---107 csu onhe r rd agait fresno state rams ring to get
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down early - joeeciman for - the bank is open in freses. heit back back 3'for the e rams to stay wititn rikiki distance. . teel daniels inside foe buckut t t rams nofindndg much tonight... . aiy at ha.. down double e gitstsn the second. doherty hosting rock canyon tonit - a sweet 16.... jaguars noah bececstartshe secoitita big 3... t them u2. herty answerght back... dadaen brushier with a r rnb thre- he had 15 in the game..... - the spartans back in ont erer th wld s sy. eck big kyle b b&with the easa drive ie... nails e floater... herty up 2--141414hatime ugh e downhe strerch but they win 63---54. . spartans into the e@ite e peyton should take a note from kobe bryant whwhe thinking about his retirement.
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walking g ay wasn't because he wawaed to... because he hadado. his body c tit anymor.. juries.... travel.... time away from home. sounds a lot like peon manning right?t?gns poininto him retiri... well mbe n n.... according to peyton n nning' tom condon peyton haha't madep his nd y about rir aying ananhehe@ seseonduring rad intuiew i i denv... condon said to tell yo the truth.h.. know peyeyn hanot mad eu his mind. this goes agaiait the reports from the denver post that said manning is leaning towardsds retirement theheecision uld come a asoso as thth week. nning will be 40 thihimonth and has to p p pa am physical on fridad i& he passesthat... en he has totoecide to retire by march 8th ohis 19 m m mondollaralary kis in on the 9p b sounup happy birtay dr.r. suess! b b und happy bihdayayr.r. susus!s!
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across america day", enjoyin some classiss. we s sred some time youou studts at the primrose hool.... reading g atatn the hat"t"nd "soc on fox" many other members of t t ns five tm... also)vited area a hoolol.. inuding g ke daniels he re some dr. uss clascs to ki coluian elementary school in pueblo. th for watching wst 10:00. tomorr morning j j j ja, shelnenend stephen forews 5 todastartingngt 4:30. for contuoususews 24ours
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