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tv   Today  NBC  March 3, 2016 10:00am-11:00am MST

10:00 am
myyy beautiful >> from >rom nbc news this iss oday" with kathie lee gifford d and koive from stuo 1a in rockefeller aza. hey, evy, it's thirstythuray mar 3,201616 nna b b her iss f f inr katate lele that is you by oice he had aicerowdoutsid he's uer thi artis br of an a a neekn and he's gng to pepepem live f f us.
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it's ambush makeov ththsday. our glammquadit t t plaza. two retired teachers who wanted fres new looks for the spri. 'leto s howheyyk later . >> and tn alex i i int kitchen. >> oh, s.s. act laura from "onge is thnew black." you'rereooki forus? >> oyeah have setngeally special for you. i can't it.. ->> youmultitd. > try, try. actressssef,,ou c do i i all. >> thank you. > talalabout that in a le t. have bigongratulations to a a and is suchfun. chlie walk ishe president offf e republi records group, everybody, anyway,` we a little dinidinor h h to celebrate his p esiden. he's the guy i'm strtrgling. that chlie. --that's'sal seinfeld next t him and elvis andronnnn and abuncnc of greeoe who were ere.
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lked in andaid shohodndn have done it. >> somne sd a skinny mamaaritas t tla wh just lime on t t rocks. >> s. nd w you s , ndndus and you' notlt- >> i actually think tequila with soda, soda, @me, jus a itt bit, meration -- >>us a . youu derate mote. >> telllhe uth. >> iike to g g there.e. that's thin i d d't have time tbe lierg or wine, okay. i le to a aive -- >> eept at 100 in n e rning.at0000n the mning g can linger. >>peakininof good te gegege ooney. t tre was big news, s dowow with the cnd saide pns touit filcting very soon. his was shoing to us. yn earth -- b s i i the rld. >> - - ever quit. thisss reason ays he dsn't wanto a on s seen.
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ununrgiving and mostilm g donot want t see an actct get de when we first heardrdrd those two mmen,eere b shocked. ooney seemsmsike one o o o those guys w w d dsn'te abobo aging. ust seems lee'llo w wh e ageing process. i was surprisese heheked to the bbbb a that's whatate said.d whenou tnk aboutut t t w seset t wi appraououy, d uuca? >>8> don't. you knowon't. iknowow don't. >> wn i say ll the trut we aldon't, w wch i think sometimeme we should aittle .. >> how timesave we hrd someoneour x are eets that say, what is wrong wi you? and stl,l, dayay after day -- >> how many times has joanne id close youegs bec i'm sitting le this i think that there a a sse of doing wt y love andot worrrrng about thecussions ofhe way youok >> inke pplet
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i'm not payg attentiti to -- idon'el i'maying atteio towhsittg here. ihink seeeople are consciousp of how t sit, how they look. p said he' tryo pick up films tha work best f bututut as he gets ohere are fewer parts available. >>hat' maybetrue. thatgeism i l te and work, period, so you toll fight keep actin so aetter pas. >> he says h likeses directing, that's'sis great love 'll be doingore of th. >> he's onl and, by the way -- >> wait, hs quitng now a 54? ,aby twa hst. wead a pre o him without shirt @on, it would urage him.m. >>y t he way,y,s quinssential hollllood.eweople do you at anan say that's hollywo class andlamourur and allllhose th >>^ of the things they talk abouthat he could dos becom polician bse hs reaea
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so i&i hoes ioat, hs in to lookol >> innt ofh evybod front of allf us. >>ery old. - >> all right.t. now his film "hail eser" didn't doowell. we don'tanto put s st in the und. >>alking aboutut picture of a >> if you lililorlando b bomom- >> do you? >> ke ody.some do, some don't. yway,aty perry and orlando bloom, here thehe are. they're couple. w don't wan t see that that's waste of o . trght for -hello, orlando. rlan lksikhe sug g a little.o. yeshe does. h d. h he knogo treer and he's doinxt -- wn you walkk up aill you ha sze you buttttt cheeks to get the era woout, yo sququze itll % >> self-are. taing abo self-aware, suck sucking it in and walkg. >> lisn, if that'sshaha hee looksikeehen he sks in, i'm
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> allll d at.>> s s she dating. it's coofirmed nowccng to e! theya couple pepey,y,aw her thth whwhwhwh his name? i like that crazy -- russell. >here w w more aut persrsalit than looks. >> ihink she's unie and intereing.g. iikee her. >> ywyw. next. i love when w talk abo people we don't even knowtall. good match. let's let the get mad. here'sp wha we think. >> w think there aood match. ner m m th. tinfey at the oscarar you know how wheheyou are watching theheoscars, we talked about you h t ratingsgser w and peo ee t ting to fire o why theye lo soso sai thfreas t white only tng`gthe oscars. someeopl sd i iwas b bause nobody knew what the movie were. meeopleeaidhere wasast a lot oftar power. >> and some pple like m husband said because it got boringngn the mile. t s slow. ho are youtill
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>> here is what tina fey@ tnknknk one ofroblemems .shehinks anscar acceptance spches people areryinin to send amesssse. and she talkeke to howard stern and said halfway throughhe oscaote, tis somal hollllood eep.% why are you yelling t t me about corporate greedndome of t tnghateoee seabt. i aove this. iio tnk the peopleatching at homemem w w hav like two lite kids and crap all over@ t tir use -- andhdryinintoe ends meme -- >>nd i'm not saying that's me, but we're innur pajamasnd therers crapp spilled down the on oft. rereh. doess haveoo wit the factoue a good actor? sometetes y y want to be metis you st want t e entertd.d.d. i kn they see its a big platform, you have so many er a this is mimend if i say it nowl it will resosote >> i ink t tt makes a dierence in soso ways. whenent becomes toomu, what
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>> i total a. i'm i the m for some music. okay. i've been damingbout this a t. t ts is a songg -- it's cald sax like playing the s s by a gi nam floraa east i loved "uptown funk" in t beginnin is o feels likik that k kd of song. >> this is goingng to be ttx pxt -- >> it'st. it's hardo lea all the ( words.s rememberer playhat s s is all l ( u have to heaeae go.. here com here eomeses a g/gd part. i've never heaea o this. new. pbranananw. it's h h. here it comes.
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get ready. i have it to learn all the rds. ret t me this is thear where we ve to do it together. looat me. y y'd bet play that givet t t me le it. c picre the dance? >> we make it up? we'reeoing t wrong y. that's's'strumpet.t. >> dn here. is tat betterer no? itit called "sax" by eurea >> how did hear ? i i heard it f fm a frid who opped m that traca. i like sayinin stutu lethat droed t trac tre'snoth o t tt yu're goingoo lili,o. >> when arere@ou goingo py thth one?e? next week?
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xm c cnnel 108.- >>a is the. e's so fun. she has a lot of lilieners, i'm teteing you. two moms left t tir ses.sese rorou maovererfthis. >> oy, fun. let go! le let gogo let go! budget. no. but thanks to fingert got approd to sp th low mohly ts. fierhut.cohas overer half a aillion items,from bras like ssung, dyson, dal all you u tttt is click onver to d get the e edit you deserve get allllindsof great sff
10:11 am
general mi genel l lls is rov artiticial flars and cololo from our cereals. so y/y canove cereal. again! soy ki d so my kids don't he to fore,got two jobs ty a mortgage, and i'velso o t a brain. life shortrttalklks cheap.( i'llworkinghile e u slee stilildon't think i' g brara? you think a resume's enough? wh_'tep up when things get t t n't u want that kind of brbrbr degree i ia degree. you're gonna want someone like me.
10:12 am
homes are not one-memeional. why use e aditional aerosols that are? newiwi room st wi life scents a multi-layed fragrance* juju like ents ih real lif fi a arue-to-lifeefragrance,e,wr your lively home.e. air wick. ho i iin t t air. ne l l lx x ings up.p. that's why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurtousse. so fluffy and airy it's her new 80 caloror obsession.
10:13 am
t it is thirsty@ thursday, time to transform two lucuc ladies into super hotties it is theirir sty thursday. ambush makeovers. >> our glam teqmcourur f two fans who wanted to get a and-d-w look >> and makingghat h hpen br hairstylist to t stars, evevebo n louis vicarrrr and jill martin. >> fashion correspondent janet rossi. >> all ght. before we g g o our lalaes, uis, you m me some news. you merged y yr fsair salon. >> suredid.d. >> withheutlelealon tooo
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>> wait until you see the tale. the eneney levels over the top and it'sever b beer. i only see the skys he limi >> same cation. samelocation.. >> congralation a ght, kids,ow wast?t? you u re out theren the plpla, `a t of h and ats.s. >> oh,h, my gosh, yes. th na -- >> zannan >> that'ss t neweworkknt, th's what that is. itas so mumu funecause we just picked thewowo ladad were st s sexexdo be ambu over. t t firstptptis jel on, , e's ealdm mpa2izon a retired teacher for the visually pairet here on a girlsstrip. her daute megan's firstime toto yor heusual ste is casua jeans t-shirts. let's take a lisisn to h story. >> whatt do you mostt want out of this makeover?
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>>nd yr dauter here a . wato youout f@rmo >> i wanttt her to fee beautiful and lookmazing and get a ttlefancy. >> a bestrien? b bt t iend o o o yrsi just want r tohay. >> oh,ove. wee going to ve emuchchun.are you ady? i'm reada. you weeeeganannd best friend gayl keep it . blind folds on. i'll let you know wheno tata it off. here is jewel wilson bebere. leles see the new you. p beautil. all rit, guys, are you ready to take off yourlifold ta off your blind fo ds. h, my pwhat? jewel - - - >> whos i? >ewel, 's time to t tn arouou. spin right around.hehe is your mirror..
10:16 am
>>ouook awome. w w wantouou t look r rht here at camera 12. look what's happening. louis, talkhaha, los. lk hair. >>st of all, thehe power o ir lor. tas less than 30 minutete it's a singlepress. not one hihilit. home. of courseehi gat cut 4@ which is appropria foror the fineneair texture. good jo at do you think? >> autifufu soncy. >> what iss she wein >> talk aboututut powerhe drdrs. is h orme u. viououou aeaul ral ue,,he t tip shape es great any figure and the lt heree really cinches you it ththth rightlace so it draws attention.this is -- >> che iout. i'mo rr
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s sni. big rounof a alause. pjoy your fama.. >> i'm'm soexcite the nexex pererns ellenen nengng let' 3eeee her story. s also a retired teacher. sh spends time playing tennis and golf ands mostly in . athletic clothes, a mom of fr and has eiggrdkids. love this. les l lten tooher. >> what do you most wt outf the makeovov today? p>> i've watched thir yes and just am so eed t sesected. i'mm going to beauf tonht withson, hband and friends wou lebe beaeaiful for the show. we're goininto h hyoali best t tend? i would just like to see her . amorous. littglam.. gl
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`big g me g>>goshsh also a retiredeach e eer fromomngleod, florida.pshe e 63. e's h heeith h h best frnd ililnd heron wade areexcited? >>ery. >> keeur bnd folds o o co o ot, ellln. oh, len! elle youookaming. okok, guys,ake off your blind folds. oh,h, m md! >> wt doo you thihi? ellen, turn around. ellen, whato you think? >oak itin. oh, my gogonene. weht need me kleenex. >> i lovov it , do need a a eenex? u need one, too. >> i d't know whohat@ is. >>let's l atht before and after. tell us at yououid here, louis. >> first of all, youe not a jock anym
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me tell u,u, y yave a whoho different . you'u' very glamorous. we didour ir s looks ke an tress. yoyoreal d >> a m m star. grt haircutnd we just made the haircut a littldeeper. >> i i i lovehedeaf this v vt, lifestyle. you have aazing body we wantededo s ow c take this s ece and wear it with pantsdsnd a at-shirt.t. re you going out onhe town ( night?>>e arar >e'reoi t t s u "beautiful." >nd youk beful. >>let'sring jewel out. a bigigound of applausu, thank yu, guys. >> aminging. >> good job. y looko fab.b. >> givee yourself a makeover withh me must-have%buty products. good jobob.
10:20 am
ts may have thr limimi. imagination...doeseses with the rht n vrishshnt.... ...p.pience. ...carar.. day... ve you seen your garden? ....t'llloss.. findndow prices on the things thamake ster fun and delicioio. walmarar bleeding gum bleeding gums? you may think it's aresultf ushing too itit not. it's a aign of rlm disease which you can help rerse using lisrine added to your brusoune listerine kills up to 99.9% of germspsp and helps rererse early gum sease in just two weeks., ste poto@your mouth also tryryisterine flossss
10:21 am
skcare w beveskinti trodg clearly ighter. a neneveve to bririten dullkin.n. ckededith antiidant tac, e and l clearly brig dre than moisturize, activelelsmsmthes, boosts radiance anprotects with kpkp15. clinical prove
10:22 am
inone we. eay ighthtfrnierkiive.e. e active way to tter skiki eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. ye ot too qck don't let g/ uil i s s so. i t you... ststt strong with thlasting gy o1010 you'u' d dng it! whole grain quaker os.go. (rebecca) i've strgled with depression. i thought i needed cigarerees to copepe. i was able to quititmoki. and then i startrt running. now, i feel a lot better. (announcerou can quit.
10:23 am
call 1-8-q-qt-now.,,, >% it is it is time for "bobbi's buzz" wheh bobbi t tmas ings uspsert and d eate beauty finds. a today hasomew oducucucoake yourife sier, especially w wn you're to. and all of e me. at du have first? >> o othe first things i nt to abo ione of the hottand healthiest new things thisiss fr panteneald airay. 's t aosrsaywithoualco usuaananoholree irspray had to bthe pump. the techchlogy thanow come outnd t ts ishe fit versn that this hae aerosol spspy, bututt's s healthr hai alcohol. and ty mama it -- doesne itticky. you n brususisut this aeay eafind ka >> a ather really co finh that llllli esescylylyomo nghen u use waroofasasras, et tera. >> faced h h h comup w wh
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thisis is a cleansi oil in a wand thatoucty weave cleaeaeal thh lhes d wilileak an dissoe mascar 's'sascara to ke off your mascsca. >akeumor! >> yes. thah's what is. and nextxte ve a really smart ea from ra m ma. e male that me up with this w so smt. is is a switch color stch. soheyou e switching tween lolod eye shadows,p, st wipe brusus-- by the y, i ier stch, you? >> it mumu it up. you should. theyoyoll looke bobbi. t tn en y y swih to a n color, yipe itn the sponge and ur brush is clean. thedlyou can ter. and lastut not lsts is cool fsmududix. there's a rro o u can e -- clean it withhe ncealer. but lookoknderneath. ininde, therare these tt weal vere2pethat a s genius hidn inre evything online. coming up -- bt, weweove e u.
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pople to wh yt.t. >> wcat wait a qer laura prepep and y#u#ulocanews.our local news. (politel wai (politely)y)y)t,t.ait!t!ou puit in li t bu u o riririri f. thatr kekeon alfrero. baked-on? itgts never gonna issues? trust your disasher wiwi casca platinum. it p pers... ....hrough......ur toughest stuck- food. erer an finish. cascade. there are lo ways to pacurrefastith ot but the most delic w is to just add milk. new tu vallereqeqe aas10 g
10:26 am
d a toucof sweetness for ththe new ways to power r u through yoyo d d. icof dal a o o o. thatrg u uhaha ings up, turn up the hea d bgerisk why shou damaged hair sisince thatatoice? nenedove regenerative n.urisisen with red a c in formula that t urishehe to renerate extremy damaged hair.r( r r th, strongnd healthy looking if maged never hahaened.
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10:30 am
it i it is a irsty thursday. jenna b`sh hager in for kathie lee e ffd. if you ever wonder h some people get what theyeyan you have comto the right p p p. >oda knows how to get what she wants. eris no reasast can't be you. we brought in n me experts to teacacus the tot fivivhabits of highersusuivle. >> a reporteteat "forbes" which recently exaxaxad this tic. go ahe. >> a clinil psychogist gugugu>> hi. >>efor get to differt poin, , ove, diyou about pele who are hily persuase? >> wel they're condent and th're confent about wh ththieve. anthey w w wtother
10:31 am
>>ll rht. so the got somom--ome people havavthaterinng. we'ring g rough fi the first is y say'vgot what ds s at mean? >> absolutely. this is going toe really portant wh you're outside e the office, y/y/re at a ient meinor indusy even 's alsimportant r your te. you wanto know yr audi t to knopeople'salents and vations. it's gng to makekethat much easier fou to pepeuadehem to whayou think. >> and sayay can do some pofs s s%arch before buu n so read peopo >> aolutely. you careadadodlangge. gttitit it know what soseone kesbeforehand is ao a sigig o r in certaicultltes. >> right, people f fm differt t cultur, grgrs. >> y yh. we likthis aot we lthis one. - cause wenot at like this >> don't be pu ushy! >> i getett. someo is shy th m i tually push h ck e en n i nt`t thing they e e yiyi to sell l ogi to m . >> =xacdly.. and then it's a me. is is s delite balance.
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do mat. think h this is e ere an i ipersrsrs ininractiois yr et.(n't e-ma, don'call. youave thportunity, walklkcrosthe nd talk %toomeband makee you t tx-fe. nd alihau y,y,be bnuin if you'r'r'rthenenc,t's at'sost imimrtant. >>course and mostplwith spot a ona mile awa and you really wt be ininctininwiwi people that pgenue. d d at's's waq mosos changes happen. sohat's a good w to beasserte, b b not aresse wi pple e at are guine. p that y bey farite int. you can fo theseses,ut quany,y,f you'reot being whyou ara, iyo tryingo rerember tngng peopleleananni i iout. bo lananagis very important --f we werstanding likes ght w with you, you w#w#d d ow we e not en to y y, righ >> so if wgogoikth >>rerepen. not atatn. diffe segment.. fferent`seseenen >>haa odody langua .totoou? >> t ts s a greatdvic kefor r meing, where y -wawa to befidehen you're
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cofot. yourody ngua is s en. andour gs a clod.d.d.d. asmilg. >> dds what f meeting! just kdididi okay. thingouaturalal dwith@ ople yyoyo famy, frien..%.%ththme rulully whenen're epep, haypypg, a iacacgo orsmooly. >> a don't wry to remember thebody lanagag have se policns whoryr9 theightan to mmunice. d dsn't'tork. >> no. >his is good. u ha to acknlelethat 0 the is anotheroint of view. th i imptant i heaeawhat y're e ying. >eah, a aolutely. yoyorere alwlws going beb right. anthat's oecec noboby is but if you cananananststststhaha you cakehasight frfr somebodydylse on yteam, e ito form y yr n vipoin it's onlnling to b their ust rther the nene nvererti. > h,d,du dot,t,? pdo say, i untand what yore saying withthy y d z, ver -- andhen n owith your t? >> exactct. it is an exchange. ananif you a a psent and you
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person and understandingnghe po view, you're gointo beble to give emt ey wantnd they'y' goingo o nt ive yoat you w all right. thinknkt's relyly imimportanth penting too. ( >> okay. >> finallylybe clear and ncises don't gon n long? >>on't babble on le e e doing. anansweet? you're inine e e rsuasive ahiyore sste thi y ymeo o thahayou n spk ininini dedeil andve that t th interesngn one senten.e're going to y quickl---- >> we don't hava timim ere gog to try to sell@l you. let mtry kly. >> 30 secends. p>>e got water, you've go wi >> raise youhaha if you're thirsty! okay, go. you liin ho wanan to h hrarad? yohat i10:0in the he lg ruruouounow whatatat makekeyoyofeel gd?d? >> can i do both? >> in the long run! >> like, can i just -- p>> ccise >> youon't see much h rsuang toet everye e e nd the
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havavitththm@s. and sger ubstst ptroye van, after ts. everything&kids t#uch dudung coland flseason sticks wh them. makekeure e germrmey g home d d't s sckckckund. ususclcl nftiti p pduct bebause nonono klslslslsbetterhaor.
10:36 am
[ epephirring ] ""caesalada& nono the naououprpre toto / showowopleleolicicicicon%h%hfitithei. is t a aa ueueueue?ahahd(d( ople rlly do save a&arage of ovov $5000 enenhehehe i mean about you inventing it. i invented the story, and d th what reaeay matders? so. abcu 11 obobobdedeorortter tthth ehrthrhr befo you andndourrhrhmagi ve ta a asasas x xnz is right for you. xeljanz is a small pill adululithhhmodedadao sesere ettrtrate t rk wl.ljanancacareduce ge anz lower r ur abilitit f f f iecs,udg tububcbcosos. serious, sometimes fatal infections, ,
10:37 am
n'n$art ifououave ecec.. ara2a2 thehetotochchr inttines,s,ood d ll c cntntd h kher l lercholtere haveappened. doctotoshouldrfororblstbedeououourt and whwhe e kini xjanz, d monitocertain liver tests. tell your doctor ifyou were ia regionwhfungfeioioiorereomm, d d ouavavavd tbtb hepatis c c c c c c arerenenenenenectionsncnc z*cab r%dudududuptototof r ,)w)w)wtva#a#a#ur rheheatolololt about xeljan, the candy man can 'cause he mixes it... need se helplpguysysysyeah.... ing g r l l ,with drea- et t t sunhigh to y yspiritit sn aga cau u m m`worldldldldelood ndt t els s d oh ye and it feels so g heanan m m can 'cae mixexe w wh h veve44 ak t t worlde
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life's shorttalk is cheap. ll b bworoing whihe you slslp. l t thin ot? yoyotllnk a a susususunououo o'o'o'teup when thin get t tgh? you wawat kindf f aiai deee i i ieeee you'u' gonnaant someonononke me. onlylylylyl)veve. ,,, ay he e e e lilitsts i-agagatat..doeses the r rht nourishme... ..atience... ........
10:39 am
.t'llllloom . .s s t.inin t bt t t t st f f f delelious. walmart. > sososo > ard ie, was ly t t d dadad a awhwh lauauaurupopopopot t to #pood e in hr eakokokov roles s nn a a a a eight seasons of "that '70s xx" " eyw her slex a for drumugg on nenexrangngisisheblack.k. >> w%wve t ttn ``enccecsf act, laura a ent ttttn a a a de ar wh her bodyililil@ mt nutritionist elibe troy >heheteteedp p d sh pthr dietetnd ltyles in this bnd n blled "the asasasanana we ve ts.s. didiyou b by agagagsusu or w we y y ypyt a akindndf f .plingngh h h h a a t ts_ h hes i il like it't'
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i d nochange it fothe wod. t t t`ingisisisre to look n wawai all of thekeody -ts@grom@a realal y yng ageanananalal horrie e odod ivieie and y memi aomhi, ) )&)&d havepepeomslete revee reacme. bunobody could figure out what was wrong with me. and i went on a 12ear-lo urtr/tgu eut atatcabyldldldururit ouou y y y yo say yo hade. - tresses haheprare for r r r r %% md dvt twtwtwys fore ee to be`e`ked lili ge ie new@bl >> oh,eah. i booked "orange is ththth k"k"ith 14ou >> which is eat. >>hank y you >> and the t first sce, actuallyt haddo togethth wasas s s s sscsc-ere i wawawawawa > >> this s a pg -- >> we will show the other one. we youelf-conscious? hen ew mfit scene isthe shower scene, i lilly ed -- i don't thini ate
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d i was soessed ouou was likeoh becae, younow,hehowas soncredible.and i ju wd to d da really goododob. i wanted to, you know, reall represent myse in a great way. and i was like, oh, my god. hard.ahe e t alenenthat co2your mom. but u'u' goi to show uhow to make this coconutpdhicken -- >> almon >> oy. so o o of eth is because i leard evythi f fm moer and she ia gourmet chef, shwas ways like everhing from ratc t ththing , i work ly lg hours.s. e whole point is thave two ququk easy cookingessions. itit%ser eas >>oconut milk. >> so u're basicallyoing to pput coconuflakes in there with some h. in a alender, water. pulse a coupltimeif you want to tn itn -- lucucs y >> wa!a!
10:42 am
>> allight. didt. >> o nd l lk k,w w ncedhat . inow. d put it in here. this is super sy.t in scheeee clothd sqe it out, righgh and d do t same thing th my y nd milk. en make my ownlmond milk. >> ha, youhould ma that. you cananans toe e e e >> thank y for tha l. o with t ts conut t lk whatou're going to do is te e chken in theoconut mil can marina ifoan hoho -- >>re doing the best c! tjall . >> thooints can do sog t >>! >> s you can do this for -- sk for an hour, ernigh >> this is some almondlo. sohiis what we're going to ow. >> cananou get almond flour at your local grocere store? >> absolutely. so many pe have nsitivit gluten nodays because o everngngt'happeng fo we're g ut eveveinin
10:43 am
cumin, cayenne, garlic powder. ir thaall up. >> and that becomes t t t ating. >> so you ha your rinate ken and so whawe're going to do is- >> whave about 30. >> o of the things you say is keep cooking. which i think is good, you can make this food and store it, and stasit.>> right. the ole poin, the book is supposed to makeour life easier. so twice a week coing seio, make your fo, t in the fridge. and every morning, i make l my meals. >>an i say something, this is fantastic! >> isn't it great? all organic, hormone-free chicken. you s pple stve themselves but thihi a real meal. >>bsutely. a lol lifestste plan. d if y're eang the r kis food, ybody sho be ae toimulate the nuientand burn i >> wt tha >> cen. if you wanthe ripe go to todacom/.
10:44 am
he has a song in store right
10:45 am
welcom welcome aboardy starip. ahoy, teys! it's full of things i lo.... and free of things i don't. just le chex cereal. it's full of stuff we piratat need. no artificial flavors, and it's glulun-frfr. eat up, , hearties! keept dotn arrr homes are noone-dimensnal. why use traditional aerosols that are? neneair wick room mist thife scents is a mul-layered fragrancele just like scents ireal le. y, a true-to-life fragrance, for`your livelylyomom air ck. ho is s the air ly kraft natur cheese has a a uc philadelphia cream cheesese w wtever you make,
10:46 am
skincare now becomes skinactive. new rnieskintive introducing clearly brighter a neacve moisturizer brightedull skin. packed wh antioxidant vitamin c, e and lha. y brighteroes mo an msturiz it actively smoothes, boosts radiance and protects with spf 15. inically proven. e brightern in just e week. new clearly brighter from garni snactive.
10:47 am
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10:49 am
t cit crterie o od > e conrtie "todisro pnt you u c stra sr/wrwr d actor,roye sivann peormi ifront of audiences fothst 1yes, wch prtyarhe 20 year >> houtu chael he ah 4rindnd asn ed moran 0 mimi is duts ing ves, rave c"blu ighborho."how are >> ixcede. to hesn std
10:50 am
ythi no e d e it- anviy -- tro, weweavyour dade. >> hrithere!>> hi,oney >> hhas wchinyowh ilike havtht@ suppount>>mpmptant to i thin'se pbllihet al thi it wouou woululbe t tre. wt araryogoin sg for us, troy 'm tsingy so d.>> c'tt! ll righttre. wilwild hey ryinha notfafa n e e ho you wertryio wewe m doow ksi up p p enceceand d lls oho iuet'
10:51 am
the weekend too long till i drown in your hands too long sie i'i' ol o leave this blue neighborhood never knew lovovg cod hurt this gd oh andt esesld cau cause when u loat never allyanted toe soad oitrivemed d hey hey hey yououe e iving me wild wild wild you're drivinme w wd wi ld y y you're driving me wild w w hioioi ie mi w calmlmn n
10:52 am
running on the music and night highs b b when the light't'out it's me andndou now now au cause there's still too l lg totohe weekend too long till i droro iyour s too long since i've been a fool oh yeah, ye yea lea this blue neighboood ver knew loving could hurtrt this good oh a a it drives me e ld cau cause when yoyololo like e at t i've never, ever wted to be so bad oh ives me wild dves me wild wild wilil ou pp're drivg g g ild wiwi wild . yououe ivin ed ld
10:53 am
wildld you ou make my heart sha bend anbreaea you're drdrinme w wd drivi wild lea leave this blul neieiborhood never knew loving could hurt this good and it dres me wild cse when you look likthat i've n, evev wanted to be e bad oh t eseswiwi yu're driving me wild ld wild you're ing me wild d d wi 7 you'r'bdbhving eild wi you're drivivg veveild wild % --wild 7 youourive me wild >> yeah! >> yeah!h!
10:54 am
>> troye! >>o od. >>roye! >> wt's on the bk of your jackck? >> oh, yeah. >>t isha >> it'nosaur we'll be ba kn a momeme this i#i"today" on nbcbc that was awesome!
10:55 am
10:56 am
10:57 am
oh ohohohs. tomorrturning your sing clng gawayin extra pockck m meyike e rah h and the totls totgeg a tterht'sleep' >> andet a smokin'ot bodod
10:58 am
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11:00 am
th cheers and appuse] >> announcer: today onachael ray... >rachael! >> announcer: we'peni barbshop@pere iurur studioioioio >> rchael: look how good you look, man. >>nnouncer: makeovers featatingg elw who ast ha shahaha in 3years. >> rachael: come o o out, ba. >> announce then "great amican cookbook ctionon taco barndndaveoo for spicy fried chke raaael: ! >>nounr:r:nonore youeady for rachcel! [cheersrsnd a alause] >> rachchc: soe're stararag ofofurwsws todayith m m ddy,byan n vglala 're her to talk about rbhopsps i't kno if you n nice this


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