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tv   News 5 at 5PM  NBC  March 4, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST

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fire. at's bause when fire fighters firsr arrived, the flamau we alalady hot enoughh thatathey hato u fenenee tactics to douse the- that meaea, no going inside to search for svivors. now,efightertell u sosoonfr thet door showed up on scece afthe firead already started a they were not jured. one person was treed on scene due foasthma. nenehbhbs tell us ey hrd a loud bm. ise nzal/ nenehbor "i thought m mhousususs on fire,and secococof all i wawathinking of all my litt b b b bat bricke a a hopefully they y t t safely and nothi would happen to them because i did the crosswfor r longngime for r them. a school disisict spokesrson tell us udents were s fe duriri the firir
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and `arents had d changeir pi up scsc s sewhat th afrnoon n caus f large mbmbf emererncy y cles on ene ththcaus the fije remains known. utility crcrs wewe hertotohut f supply lines to the meo that firfighters cldho uphe buildg enough to go insi a a loooofor r y im we'll keep y posted with any new developments. andy koen news 5. two new fires burng ort cacaon right now. th were arkekeby training... d at t ts time no cturur are e reated. cial word from fort carson ats ho... ononof the f fesest is downrange is 90 percent ntained. meane.. the second is now five acr and burning neararurkey cree.. mutual a haseen n ed in n from fountain and el paso county. dpa warning tonight fr fort carsrs--- if you smoke this week.. it's oikfrom a prescribed burn. will be in training areas on the eouthererd of the p#p#p on suay there ll also be controlled
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the mountain post says theheires serve o purpos... to t tininrews andleararut poteial fuel for a w wdland fire. & weathecoitions wl play a arole in deciding i iit is sa to proceed with the bns. right now---fire crews havav fully containea 0 acrerush fire in pueb county. we're a hdful o firefighters will remain on scene. and as w wve b bn structurus e e reated ininigators belie ththfire s sparked dnesday when the wind knocked dn a a r line. xxxx a lililiook k t ts ho`froro colora springs and pueueo. we havseen a mix of clouds and sun,...and the wind is & ck....fuelelg the re dananr ongain
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happeneng now--- the complexity of regulatininmariana in corado springs d days final recommendations by t marijuana ta c cce. . thththoup was planninghold a final vote o&osuggested d mamajujua law changes going g coseration.n. dido et a ek frond. they did give s tes to two hanges. one mamas zoning rules tougher. e other adds criminal the rules of g gwing medical marijua at h he.e. those recommendatis wi now be sentoouil. xpxx dedelopingngonight---the brewiwi debate over ether to alw supermkets to sell full
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heating up. ws five's s ie groves is live in monenen... heheroup pushing for thisisovement was ere tryingngot to gauppo today. that's right, your choice colorado had corner of this safewastste seseup to tatatasignatures vrom shoprs. asking them that t t c cice veulststngth beeand ne in or ocy es be on t t novembebe babaot they say the one stop shop is at pple e looking for. t p p#ps would be mpmpitite. right now stes only allow 3.3. rcrct. opnents, i ilulungngeep colora local, say changing thestatats alcohol lawswsould hurt liquor stos, wineries and brewers. beernd wine e 70 percece of their le so we asked mamahandler th choicicicloradodo would it hurt local sellers? the aner is actually no bee as we've seen in 42 her states liqiqr stes a a
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brewers inact are gog to benefit om this the momo. it ope u utial she ace they don't haveve access to ollowg ththo reach@new w customers and d in aew folllling now although t iss is highly charged -keep in mininst atatmptso modify thehetates quor laws haveveepeatedly failed in the colora gigiure in order to get othllot this nember your choice colora would have to o t 92,000 signanures. coming up at six we'll hear fromh those thay it will afffft thememost. live in monu i'm briri groves, ws 5. looking ahead for you. ththgrand opening tomorrow for a new ple r tes in mumen to hang out. 's lated a athe trkes ymca,...and ll prode meetingng space e r as mananas 10 thousand students... th activities likeastball, vollballllping pon movies ananvidedegame ththceceer w w buiuiutf f
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younli and ymca as a way to gigi teeee senen of "pce". e grgrd d ing is a2,and is vree, and opep%totohe public. happininust a w hours.s.. a a a inin pueblblto h hp coat gang violenen. . the public iinvited to attete... to s s s ide aututn how to cu the problem. polilifficers and representatives om the pueueo boxingcamy will l t the memeg, which is starts 7 at ththviory life m)mistries. the new boxing amy i lookinr a building to hold classe.. ast has alady ubled size in just aple of months. ey hope to also teacacbibl study, academi, cookink d art. xxxx new at six -- we're learning more tonight about carar acdent thale thetiti on scece@-- waiting for tice -r morehan five hourur itapned at the intsectn@ stanford d cacaridge just after ree in the afternoon yeststda one ofofhe drivers invnvved said she calledolice e ven times within a period of five hours. and eyever came. no one wnjbut with a totaled ca they were underer the imprononhey had to sta on scece.
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and ey s ty ha to o priorititi calls wheey have a shshtagegef nanpowew. it's cd outsided we're sitti in our cars wastgas toee oursves warm, 's just not really fair s and theyakisisob to help theheity en haha us aren't b hped, 's not fair even i ian oicer was in route to g gdealalith h accidt,they couou be taken awayaynd sent somewhere e ce bebeuse you'll have e gher porit ca and wheheyou ha a shororge of staff and not as ny officers on the street, that's going to en mortimemethan not police say thahathe firsrs priori -%-in any accccent -- safet andndo alwa movit outf f e wawa they add that ififlcohoh and crash, both rts can exchange informatioand schehele a time to go to the police department gether. hehele timimto go to t t policeepararentogether. new at 5 so positive e anans are coming to t f archery range at the
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colorado parks and wildlife willll acssible.... espepeallylyurinthth time of yewhen hava lot of mting snow a mududud area. ey'l'lnd over to the restand connececto the ===== "we saw a need, oncehen we got the woded warrior, paralympics, and jt the unity inlvent t at wanted people withisabities toable to use rarae. soall is cstruioioday iso p make sure that thahacan happenen cocotruction is excted t t done in the next couplweeks.s. the wiwi be some perioc closures in ththarea of the static rges,s,o you are advised to cllthvivitor center ahead te to chehe the status. xxxx new clueuethththrder mystery of nole brown simpn... wewee breaking down what the discovery y this piece of possib evidee mes for theh case ming foard. closer to home... uthern colado students aring their lovevef science with others. but first he'se in t t
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,, polili in l.a. e now ininstiging a kne thatas reportetey found on propty once owned by o.j. simpson. in aizarre twist the knife e s aplydiscover by y construction worker years ago.. anangiven a aofduty-a-p-d officer. atatic reportedldlnever turnrner tauthorities... and 's b bng t tted. e account of the knifes didiovers s s t repopoed b b t-m-.. e la iw igatg-- inclin t ty sawhether or not the sty uld be bus. ========== sound andr neiman - lapd mediaii relatis 5-1:13 " we need to, one, actualby termine if this i is evence and if is not evidence - h dwe prove no
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be able to challenge the people involved as to where it was recovered, where it was allegegege to have been et" ====== 15, jururaquied oj simpson... theheeathof his formrm wifif nicole brown simpson and hefriend r rald goldman. regalessf whwhe this may or may not lead.... simpson cannotlbe tried agn beuse of double jeopardy. . he is cucuently sesfing yeaea in prin...on unrelated charges. x the mother of a 14 year girl.. who survived that t sholting in kalamoo m mhin last month... says her daughter has openederyes and recoizes her pants. you y remember what many were calling a miracle.. thteen reptedly pronouncncc dead and was getngeady for organ dotiononon when her mom says shlt her squeeze her hand. the suspect, 45 yearld jason dadaon is charged g th murdede anattempted@murder... 6 peop died, tow others were injurede- in what inveigats call a sies of random shootings. xxxx
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somemeocratsn coss as well as membs ofofhe renaaccaucuc..ngut tay.. cacaing for the senateteo fulfill it's conitutionana oblilititi.. and consider whohohor prident obamminates for the preme court vacancy. senatojohn lewis ogeorgia, he up a cof the constitu as s@ talkekeabout presidenens duty to fill the vacaced when justice antoscalia passed aw. xxxx doctct ben carson has made it offifialhe dropped oututf the republican racfor e white e house. he made the announcement at a hugegeonference of conseatives in wasngngthis afternoon. and more news from the c-p-p gaererg,....nald t hasdecided%noto aend afafr r l. ump tweetehe w wl not atnd, , spepe at the conserertive politital a a an conferencece c-pac s quicicto respspd,...sayininhis choice nds s clear message to conservatives. trump sasa he hopes to attend nene year,...if hes president. bio, cruz z d kasich will dress thconfejence. more strong job numbers for the e u.s. ecocomy in february.
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werereddededast month....but the unemployment rate held steady at 4.9-percenen onomists are callinga "sosid r rororo...nhich should ease fears of aeconon however,..thth analysts believe it cou be anher sign that interest ras will go up agaiaiwith one economist specucuting there's better than fifty pepeenchance that rates wl risesen nu. a look fm camera across colorado.... highs today in the 60's and 70's's current temperatates all over soutrn colorado..... urury hour, , 'll see a mix x oudsdsnd sunshine during ththday turday wity skieieie all day. wiwi will behe b story tomorrow, windndincreaee durirg e lateorning into the ternrnn. winds will be out the south witi gusts up p 3mp
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to mean high fire danger all ekend. caref with ananng tt coulspspa fire highmorrow ithe 50's, , 's and 's. 7 day focast for the sprgs high tomorrow 63. wind and even n warmererunday th high hfhf9. a storm on monday will bring wi and a f%w shshers late in th esdadawiwiwie day of t t t tk wiwi a hihi of f puebigh morrow 69. windananwarmunday with a highgh of5. oler mday anantudawith a few w owers possibleutow b soakers. tuesday wi be the coolelt day y y y
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ndy d warmer s a olin trend m nd anduesdayit only a few passing showers possible. drdrdrd warmer late nene week. woland park high tomorrow 55. ndy y a high in the 60' sund. much cooler with snow showers monday into tuesday. back t e wawa dry stuff wfdsay h friday. taking rollecoasters to a new leve how 3-d techchlogys making the exrience a new
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using subsbstutes for sugar... we're heing from a dieti ababt the pros a con changing your sweetnerern
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report. tang thrill seeking to new hehehts. six flagisntroducingiriral rereity c csters. six flags is partnering with samsung to roll out e exrience at nine theme parks... but de is "note of them! roll coaers will get a "n"n"nution virtual l ality" expfrience while three oers will get%a "supurman virtual rereity". ssengers wl r%ceive a special headset totwear duringngngngthe ridene addidi an extra seneory exriceceo the twitsnd drs of thfler asr. we uerstand the des have a a age limit ofof3 anabove. xxx for all you broncos fanshat want totenjoy the super bowl victory a little lger... thu-s postal servisi h you covered. check it out-- orange oncos super bowl championshp envelopepe ey can bused f
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somethg they plan to hang on to as memorabilia. they quickly b bama hot itemem corado spriri today at the post offffe galy. " a lot ofofeoeoe/didn't k k they were going on sale today and wereleleletly surprised en they me i iand purchased them right away.. just headsp...they are not stocked a aost fices.s. but all l offices can help p u ororr thth theherice . bubus.s. ucation withununurpose creaead a lot of excicement at prarieieillslementartodada anit was old students from tierviewewiddldldldlol m min it hapn. stududts from the scienc technology, engineering and math...... "stst" " " ... designed andnduilt q "leaf owerhoveveoa". ey f f it up and l the heheds iou..e ing thth h iworks. e prograis spopopoed ba grant fr lockheed martin it''s all about showowkiki& they can solve real world problems with the tools from math a science. . . ==== " seeing them through that t evolutn of confusion and t tn
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set o problem lving is just, that'st, tt's e titietetet " u n look l anythinan dohat you wa uln n a door, go be scientist, go be a aengineerer the elementary students also got build tir owm mini hooards sowered byballoons....anantry out a 3- prinr.r. xxxx switchg weetner... we're breaeangn the health benets of diffent artificial
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in t tht health wah. neport looks a athe mb of people who go into the hospital to get treatment... and d d up becoming sisi with antibiotic-resestant bacteria whilerer e d-c says thahaon anyiven day -- oneatient oututf 25 has at
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ininction thth they didn't have prior to be adtted tthe e spit. ma of f f e infens are ca ay s%pepepes ard toto treabaiahat reant to many anbiotot encouragininnews overallthe c-d-c reports hohoits are ing a better job at "preventing" manof these infens...with numbmbs s ing down betwe 2008 and 2014. xx and in tonight's your hethy fami.. you ses%s%s%e e tener papaets s ininanrestaurant.... pi, bl, , llow... itan bchleleto k kw w ich one to choose. hahay hernandez gets togher with a aegistered d d itian. to go overhe health differences in each pack. ==== equaua s senen, , eet & lolo.. each categororededy thr ingrnts.s. whicicargiven n hah by the food and dru ministrati. , , ccharin in sweet &ow/ / it geta babarep for causinin illness inats. so kristking, registered etitian "humans are not ts and the ou of sweeners that they were giving these animals we large, large amnts, to
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int where e wou a aost t 20400x a aumans body weight." thingngith aspaame in equal... but according to the eayo clinicthere's scicntifi ce thaararficial sweetetersau cancececed numerous studidi conrm they' safe, evenor pregnananwome t:ristkikigiered n rea mmpe lifoall fi nersrshat habeen set by the fda and moststeople don't mehat aai basisfore, aarmemes about caso a oa time- pe aren'n'ing those3" and,d,he says, these two - plus spnda - e a better option r patitits with diabetesesr heart didiase sot: kristi king registed dietitian "the good thing about cralose prod that i lolo is at you n usthem in bing dsn'teally anan the tatae." bu y yove e thing... she says y d't have avoid it. t: krii , , gistered didiitian "idodon't matter which oneou choose, it a comes down to personal preference. and how much of it you actually yuse. ou have emr ythiinesis goo" " ne eles rre 1 of alieie should be in added sugar. sot: k isti king, registered diitian
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it is still adadd sugar, so this going to provide sugar calori. it's not necesrily one that is artiticial, meaning lesser caloloes it is a nataral versisn of b bng able tsween dnks wiusing re gar s r" p kristi kdidinot prefer one over another, she sa is sll aboupersonalfee d etestricon for moh stie.. hd toyour hlthy" clds ge way to partial clearing tonight with mild overnight lows in the e 's and 30's satuay will be parary cloudy and windy with h in the 50's60's and 70's. winds wiwi get stronr sundayay d it will be even warmer remembire dnger will be hihh through the weekend. thanks for wchnews wel see yo rht here $& n-niy nene, . . anyooc news alws on
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tonight, trump's about face. heeverses whate said just last night in tt raucous debate about toure, and it's hardly his rst change-up. what does trump really believe? new evidence. the o.j. simpson saga back in the news with a new ist. a knife found years ago on his former estate. why police are only just now testing it for eviden. hotel horror. followindays of tearful testimony, a jury will soon decide whether to award eri drews $7million after a stalker secretly taped her inside her hotel room. and stopping peanutllergies. what docrs say you could be dngow that might prevent a lifetime of ptentially deadly complicationfor your child.


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