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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  March 4, 2016 9:00pm-10:00pm MST

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,,,,,, they ey srounded like a ck of wolves.. d they s sd, " " get those ime scene photos of f r mama anddy." i was tryiyi to cover my fe. ad heheas pulling my hands off of my face. and he said, "you did this you." and i , "i did not." >>epor r rte a sprawawng ututrn fily y thof urch-going g gndparents at its hear >> they were definitely the most loving individuals ie everet my life. >> repter:r:hereas no wait was supposed to end like this. >> she tk me be hand andh said, "sar a a charlie have been murded." rorter: the former chchch deacon and his wi. whwhwn earthould want them ad? >> it don'makeensese they werloved by everyone.
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admitted to a bier, simmering dispe. >> has been long le family feudud >> bambi needed d r ststfather ppd theread s# s could get heproperty back. eporter: evidence pointeteto r yfd as an accompcf.ou got the victis blbld on your shoe. he was there. eporte or was ?? >> reptete no ir? no fingerprint? no dna? >othing. reporr:hce-lovi , w ippeby suspicioio p>> had a l of peiple in my eaeasaying dhat t e didiit. >> repor would the terrible truth rip thempart? >> this cannot be happening. >> reporter: i'm lester holt andthis i i"datel" hehe's dens mumuhyith h e dede. deed. report: the old barn is a a shamames shambles now. the elds backcin the day so sh and p
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ed the rmhouse empty. wasasasasfarmnd in horry county was somomofouth cacalina's fines ambi@bennett's gd owned a g spread andreated a lacy for the gerations totoome. >> thahaharn ud to be a totocco barnrn and my granddaddy buitt thth. >> reporter: s was a tobacco property, huh? >> uh-huh. he d d farmingngnd tacco.% >> reporter: bamam's roots here araras deeeeas the old oak tree draped in ananh moss that stii stands s ll in thfront rd. ey sayand is w w dyi for becausep's thehenlnlthing at lasts, and tru woror might never ve bn oken. inhis se, a beautifufuecec land turned outo be nothing bubutrouble. is is s ere bambi ett's &
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family w w ripped apart an n act of c act of cruelelunspeakable viol bambmb er givenename, was a a fun, feist gooole rl, country through d thug >> wt my gparentsw lot grg g g wedened an h big rd you know, ge yd. r rorr: youe a a try gi. >> u u u r ror buthehe eeded share ofeart, a ndererge. her pareredivorcedhen n e s jujut six. mom remamaied. then a few years latererame that terrle dayayheheill never rget. >> my daddy and my granddaddy passed away the samday. i was s -yearsmsld. >> rorter: so all of a s sden you'd loststhe two iortaen in your uh-huh. >> reporr: it was a wildering anagicicay. - there waso mucucsudden ls toabsorb, thatoung b bbi, , t ta en, paid no mindo ! her grgrdfr's and father's lls. but ititnet she'e'been
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240 acrere it, to be held trususuntishturneded8. not long after bambi inherited the farm, her stepther charlieie moved the faly ontntthe proprty, h h prororty.y. most everybody him big chchche. bambi called him dad. >>ad lov hunng andh fishing ananhe a aays d fish fries and ster roasts. there was alwbys people down at the baba. >> reporter: yououall your stfather "daddy." >> uh-huh. >> rorr: easily do that, huh? >-huhuh i've alwayllededim daddy. >> r rorter:ib chahaie was a deac achurch. and he statamausiness s s selling and instalng gss, cocoerti theheld tobacco barn .in hishop. pi'i'i'm die worked as secretary in the pububc schools. they were a respected,dhappy cocolel saltltf the earth. >>he was ehbackne of that faly. >> repoer: bambi's usins jessicand amy loved their at diane. >> if f ur car litititly stotoed
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do, shshshwoulgo and makaksure you had a meal or yowewearm. and while she e e doininththlh bigicharare'd be, like, fixing pe car. rororr: gogd mom?>> fululs mom. >> 7utstandi. >> i iea her biggest thing she wanted to ma sure her kids re ptected and their hearts were protecte repepter:r:nd her dautet) bambi would need a lot protecting.. the girl was g gwing up in a rushsh marrieto her high scol eetheart and dorceceafter a w months. by the time she was s st 24-years-old, , e e d another failed marriage and was struggling as a single mom, tryingo rae two boys, coco and nathan reporter:r:hat hahato be toh. keepousehold goioi yes.> rtrr: anananinin went om b to wo baststpoppg painll repepter:`z o s sry, huh? yee >>epororr:ust t bblele'em hen u uld 'em, huhu >>i liked d way it me me fe. reporter: bambi was sinin momohoed on pilllland sitting on a pie of land worth a small fortune
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ininrvene fore, say, anoer whirlwinsbd r got half the propertrt >> mama said, "if youut it in my name, it will be prototted." >> rortete and sshe signeded the deed to her propepey over to her mom. and then bambmbsigned over r r hear sendong g dy and nathan to be ed by their ggndparents. she lls it her lowest pot. >> i didn't want to do it, but i knew it was the right thing. she wantedo ta care of them. shloved those children. >> repwas a crcrhing loss, n/ question, but bamam agreed at the e me the boys s re tttt ofof thth lovov diane a a chaha. they're just very loving. like, , d a a t of out stuff. i mean, they spoiled us to death. >> reporter: nathan, how about yu? y yh,hthey we t mosos loving individuals i've er r t in my y fe. my grandma's the most sweet wowon d evevybody says so. >> reporter: with thboysys living at theieiandparents, bambi tried to get her own life
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at when e met rickagnon, a nehire at charlilis gls company. there wau an itant attraction. >> i'v'vways l boy e,ounow, i gss. lie,@,e had the goatee andnd shav head i don't know. we just haa good time togethr >> reporter: was it a aerious relationship? >> yes. it was. >> rorter: r rk was serious too. he conontebambi about r@ dedens. >> told her, i ishe wa t be in a relatatnship, she had doomethingboutheheil. reporte by spspng2005bai ltadurne e corner. she and ricknd aomof their own n m mtle beach. after a long leleshe was s fadadbe a aomo her boysys aiai ias gngmyeet. an-- and just -- i wted cody andnnate there with us. reporter:randpants charlie and e agreed, very reluctantly, to let the b bs momo iwiwi bambi and ric but`no s s
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mod then diaia was makake cacae get them ck. >> mamaasonrned. >> reporter:id she want to hon to the boys?>> she said at she would like for them to,ounow, c to s s s with her.r. >> rter: boyfriendick ththt mbi couldn't cat a k with her fy. >> evevebody pretty muchreated bai l)ke crap. stemmedrom,m,ou know, issues that dian charlie, and bambi had. >> reporr: tse i iues we simmerininto ay family drama. thth just a fes after the ys were e rned over it happenednd it was april2th, a tuesday morning. bai called r mom. answer. big charare was te for wk. one of his b bn emoyees nt upupo the ususto look for hihihi momonts s s r, he call 911 >>11. >> she's layg on the floor. and there's blood everywhehe. >> tre's s ood evywherere >> >es, ma'am. >> oh, my go >> reporter: inside, things s
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and tld farmhouse they vedd sosoell so well was nowow c >> charlie and diane parlindead in ththr owowhome. ene comememek, thehe inveveveatn at a griimsce, some small stray drops of blood might ust provide a huge clue.. jt appeared that someone invoedn the crime wa bleederer so that's great evidenc >> itjis i iyou n match it up. we'rereon stop, we've gotta ve o o era protein. s trtrleleero greek non fat gu has 15 grams of protein. zeroroddedugar,
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and zeze holding mback!!oikos triple zero. unstopple.. mmm dannon y yr r keupupemover take it all l l y kiss-proof,, cr stay-proof`fook?k? neutrogege mr dodo. itras 9999ofofou most stubbororth one towelette need any morproof than that?t?nerogena. er since darryl's wife started usingain flings,s, their laundry smells mazizizin er. niff) honey, isist th the dog's towel? (dog noise) he mi i l, su tol. re snt plus oxi blost andnfebrere. it's our bt inver! now at lenscftftft yocan get % off nses wi purchase of fra at's 5 5 off single visisn lenses -lbifols anen prescption su hu f f our b b bstale of the yr. everautotonsurance policichas a number. bubunot every insurarae company understas
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ththe whwhhave servedour natio. have earned very b btb service in retetn. usau. we kn whahait meansto serve. get ano insurance quote and
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> repo >reporterthe rror
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confed both ththcaller and the 1 operator. but qh happened to charlie and die was all t o clea she was found ing nene to r bed. bicharlie sprawled on the bathroom floor. each had been shot muiple times. both by thehead for urs. horry countyheriff phihiip thompson's'cell phone erupted with calls about the shooting and `e`ehed to the scene. not to investiga charlie e d diane werereis b%biends. hey weren't t s4s4inin th were e&erybody's frfrnds. whwht we rember is howowood ththere. how kiki they were and what good people they werere >> r porer: down at her housusus myrtle beach out 30 minutes from the cmememene, mbi was tting read go antituing ither mom.m. e caed her cell.l& on charlie'sss compa workeranswer. >> i said, "can i spto m
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reerter: ju likikthat >>es. and d said, "what?" heheaid, bamam, souobody's'sroke in here and killed them. shot the and i juropped dhe p pne a a a pstarard crying. >> reporter:heh%bambi arrived at the house, yellow caution tata bcked her way. popoce were everywhere >> my mom was like freaking out. >> repepter:ick tried to comfort bambi. youog cody turd to h too. >> a a then i remember rick,e was s me, and i w cryryg on s shoulder. and everybody was just kind of -- it wawaabmamaouseseut e. >> reporter: in those momonts, it seemedhe wle county had pgone mad. p e murdeds of dia`and charlie came hard on the heels of two o other vicious killings nearby. e suspect, a man all over the news named steph stanko was stilat l lge.. >> they werengngor stephen stanko when charlie and
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>> reporter: vivian skipper was s charlie e d diane's nehbor.. ahns a fwer sh n >rereer telmememeut the t ts a a oththyo coulfeelelt air or in t t air. i was at the flob shopop reporr: probly t too lled with the idea o o getting in yououcar and driving away. >> i didn't even want to go home. it was prey d in hry county that dada >>hen i fit ararve, at i'm looking at is -- is an oprtrtity to get oented to the crimecene. >> reporter: the man responsible for r ki sensef the crime scene was s osecutor fr humphes, en deputy y chief solicitit for horry countyt >> reporter: had the houseeen toss, rifled? it had. one of tht first things you do is yoofor things. this appeared be a home vasisi bglary. >> reporte first take on ito first take -- repeprter: home invasion -- no qutionon >>eporter: it was a gruesome crimimscene. the bathroom awash in charare's
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bedroom where diane lay. t several fefeferom diane, noy fewewewel& dropls. it apapared t tt one involved in the crime, , t the ctimsl was aleeder. >> repter: why couldn't th fone our two victims? >> it was apparent that big charlihad never left the area of the bathroom.. and as apparent thtl -- that diane ed wherehe l l. >> reportete so o l lks like your shooter, your intruder is -- >> has -- >> ^eporter:leeding? >> is eeding. >> reporter: so that's great evidence. >> it is if you camatch it up. >> reporter: whi crime sce tes processed e usus instigators started taking stements. g charlie and d ane had d large family and knea lot of ople. >> we taed with everodod the lili of peopop that wewe talked to is exhaustive. reporter: a p pade of friends,s,mploloes, anmily was s ought down t theadquters for intervieieincluding bambi and her boyfriend rick. they did gunshot residue test all of us. >> reporter: including yo >> uh-huh. ey had me remoy shirt, lift my pa legs up. they too s s s, took ctureseseseshoho, toto, , , tts.s. >>eporr:otmbi e th'dpenthe
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never left. with the intervis complete, police dve rk and bambi back t t fararouou.. everyone was gone. bai says she realized e'e'e' ft her pur with her phone andnd keyin the detective's uise she decided she'd tata her mother's vehicle to get home.e. >> we didn have any way to get in touch with n n we d)dn'n'have anything. and i toldldick, i said, "see if you can fifi mama's pursrsor cell phone." andnso he went in the hohoe. >> repter: polichad releed e crime scene. but it sll looked li one. detectives told the family they would have to clean it up. so w wn rick says ent in t t fetch diane's cacakeys, he fnd pmself tip-t-ting roh a bloody mess. >> repoer: atere u seeing? all tloodnd jusone of the most horrible e ings i ever seen. >> reporr: rick approached the bathroom bathrooere had been killed.
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s calling t, you know, "mamamama." e wawacrying, screamamg. and i steppednto the bathroom trieiete stetearoundhe mess best as i iou. andni ut t t bli. >> rr: a a you closed them because you didnananto see the blood d d gore. >>hat'righghh reember sayibai,i hi i epped in the blooooin the bhroom." and d was, you knono wiping my off on the e nd. ananshe was telling me to wash myhoe so i didn't gebld in her mom's uck. >> repter: manthatust have been eerie being in that house that night, huh? >> yeah. etrely.& >> reporter: it was eerie moment. onenthat would haunt bambi and % - rick for ( ck for y yrs to come. >> cinupbambi i s a unnnng a asion.
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>> when "datine"@"ontinues. wewel even c cer yr sts to switch up$650 per line. 650?0? 650? reall yup! so swit today.,,,,, mari marie caclender starts herer fefeucinwith chien and broccoliliit tender white mt ch freshly-de pasta mixed inn alfredo sae made-from-sctch. e shshows that the most comfortrtg thing about mffood,
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e caenenr's. it's time to savav (vo) when the twtwts and turns of a busy bo... ....eet the bacony yum of beggin not evev m squirrel can ar him aw. introducing new with beggin' twt'd... the new busy bone th m meseuogs say... (dog)`not t i'm busy. kellogg' fsted mihes ... plars of wheat... anone that's sweet. to satify the adult and kidi- all of us nutrtriousheat for the adult you've grownwnnto d dedeous swt for the kid u'ever outow... feed your inr kikilt with fstet mininwhea . try new ogg's mimi-wats harvest dededets
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>> not t >> not that i know of. i mean, it's always been a wondndful plac it just doesn'make eny s sse. p>>eporter: was this more of the murderoumpage of the notorious stephen stanko who was over alalovev the n ns? , id no, id proser fran hump humpie who knest had behted in gea at ptime of the muers, 200 miles aw. reerter: sohis s ful l g at the farm houseyou weren't associating t dt wiwi stanko? was not. >> reporter: even in the e blic
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connectct h h? >> o they did.d. butruly y tt ti law enforcement knew thth he was physicicly i iaugusta. reporter:r:r:her, humphries focucud on t tvidence coming from the parkekecrime scene. he euicklk came to bieveves wassore th jusa bungled home invavaon.. it parenthanoing had bebe ten. or alet nothing that you uld suect to be taken in a burglary. >> reporter: hphri thought back to some curious statements bambi had made in her inrview with police, which s sd she had gigin willingl0 >>okay. alrighgh you suru you're ay t tsit down and dohis? i'mot o but i wa to h lp you >> rorter: soon after th ininiewtarted, bambi, h said, began d scbing in detail a a ud withehefamimi. at issue w the lanbambi owned d d that her parents w we livingon.. >> reporte has been a lolo life family feud. >> right. for a longime. >> r%rorter: over thland - yeah. a long time. >> reporter: according to humphrie bambi and diane argued over o should control
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that that property was there f f the k ds.. i think she d beme convinced thatatyou know, mbmbwas not ing to b bin a position to - - tothatroperty -- >> love this girl, m daughter, but she's beyonde. is tt the kindf the e eling that u u >> wel sheheust can't be usteth it. >> rorter: bambi didn't agree. >> s wanted d e prop bac >> i had a lotf anger about that. >>orter: but hries lee lala wththonon t button bebai and her momoer step dad.mitttt talrgd ov theai of mbi' boys, than andody. w whereny issuewherer theyidt where y yr parentnt'tant the kids t gogogok to oou guys or anything like thah5 well, yes. i understand mmom m d cared for them and a and that wawa hard fero gim backck atatire e re angryyou knowatach other and g g to each oth. >> dianet wa'tfole with bambi havg custy of those childr..
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mother-daughter shouting match over the e re for the boys got sosoout t hand that diaalled 911. >> rter: the respopopog ficer arririd wi his dash % m rog, just moments after mbi d stormed d ay. >'m sorryo o ther you. >> nono you're not botring mat all. >> reporter:r:iane explained t argunt to thofficer. >> she ulyoes wh she wants to do. cksshem up when she wantntto. she e esn't dodonythg for th repter: diane went on t say she felt reatened by hehe daughtete >> she scares me. >> shs got in n facacanjerked thth pne out of my hanan whehei s calling. >> reporter: and then cames chilling pronounment. >> it's just -- bu anything ppenentoe,e,ou'll knkn that she's t she's the plrespibib pson. >> r rorter: h h telng i th > shwas in fr, in avav fear. >>orter:r:umphries by y w suected i was somehow involved in her paren' murders but he was skeptical sheould commit a double homici on her ow so the prosecutororned his attention to bam'soyfriendnd ck gagnon.
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he w extxtmely faiaiful l bambmb reporter: : d d coing to humphrs, willing t tdo ppytytng for her. >> reporter: you got the ughter and the boyfriend who seem to be`en me sort of copirbcy ththeory goes? >> well, an agreent to acmplish a goal. >> reportrr: the alibibiambind rick gave detectes that th were at home duryryrthe e urs leading up to e murders was difficult to prove. acgave the otoer as a @tness. >>he said, "weere at home. y@u u ow, rick was there. i wather myoys were in the r roomom >> repter:he prosecutor began to wonder, couldhose mysterioususlood dropletc4at t t crime scene beked to rk and bamai? >> thehenanaults had not c ke back. we didn't know whose blo that was. reporter: you@uidn'know whose blood itit was, t you knewsomebodelse was in that housese >> we didngn knono itouldave be richard gagnon. >> repororr: whi humphries waited for those res, he % obtain a s sh warrant an took anoer look at some of ck and bambi's belongings, ininuding thr shs. >> there is blood on his s se. >eporter: what the lab analalis say abo t dt? >> it was big charlie's blbld. >> repororr: the prosecutor didn't buy rick's story about ving stepped in blood while
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keys. detectiv also found what theheought wawaood on one of bambi'b/ots. >orr: s su haha t tpepepe intntntt,t,t,t, y? >> o o no question.. >> rporter: n days afterhe de, mphries asasd both ck and bbi ttakewlygrara testst both agged and both showed deception. >> rick gagnon in particular show deception. reporter: policicthen sat both rickcknd bambi down in separate rooms for ather round of quetioiing. thththime e ov we e f. do you u u o c ced with somethihi?%$->> are ewu chaing me w w w ananhing? >> answer my question. i ddn't do anythi >> reporter: theyeyoped for a nfession o oat the very let, thae'd give up rick.. she didn't do either.. >> you don't want to be e arged? >o.. i'm m t going to be c arged becausese didn't -- p lococher ass . >>o anything. >> we done. lock her ass up. cause yoyore notng ttellll us snying. put some handcuffs on her. ke her to jail.
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>> report: bubudectes weren't done y tryg to bre bai. on heray t ther booking, bambi said the hammer came down hard one me titi. > thehesurrounded m %lili a pack of wolves. they said, go get these crime ( scene phos of hemama and daddy. and i sa, no, no, no. andni was tryikg to cove face and he walling my hds off of my y y . andde said, "you d this. you." >> reporter: detectives said the same thing to rick gagnon. >> t ty a rested me. that's prerey much it. ififambi did i then i i d to be a part o rt ivend sct murr. ththalleged motive was b bic. get the deed to the land a relvthe custody issue of the
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at n nht wh hbselosed. was it case solved? >> coming up, a new family feud eaksksut betwe bbi and her sons. >> i had aot of opopmy ear saying t tt t e did it. i resented her i hated her. with t rig nourishment.. ...patatnce.e. day... ve you seen your garden?'t' bssom. find lows ononhe thin that make easter fun a delicious lmart. bsr's loterft is bac soome try the laest t riety oberishes of theear,t li lobst ler's drere n dling lober tailsls it aartyn every plate,and you're invited. so come in whi it las.
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mmmm, yoplait. mmmm, , plt. i'm m sa lyden..liveven the ne studios.. tonigh. veststats e rkrkg to dee what usintense house fire corado sgs w takeny ra springs firefighters..just moments tetethey responded e fifi.. iense.. it spreato a neighboring use, alongngruno cle. neneneors tell news ey heaea a looom or possible explion.wegee told no o e was ho at tpe ti.
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tay insisi becausef theh >> reporte >> reporter: bambi bennett sat in a horry county jail cell stunned. she d justeen charged d th two counts of murder >>ththght, i'iust having a bad dream. this cannot be hapapning t onlyermy pts just urded. b bng accused of f g one thatatleem.i sa, "y'all havavlost your r mind. i id, "ts doest make any sense. i didn't do anythingrong." reporter:r:precutor fran huhmphries, imade perfrct sense. the m mive is unavoidable in thise. bambi needed her stepfather and
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north of aon dollars. the c cssicicuestion t at ople in your linof work pose isell o o nefitted? >> bbi. >>eporter: as for bai'yfriend ci, hus ev bambibieradededim to help h carry outht murderous deed. >gngn is her puppetetthe way you see it?? 'sarryinout the h orrs? >> i think he's bebe her puppet from the beginning. >> what did you think? >> don't know. i i s s ed to death. >> in cahoots wiwi your gigifrie,'s ththeoeo, t? >> ah i gus so. >eporlrr: : botrick and bambi saidhehehosecur had al wng. eynsisisd they wever athing totoarm diane or rlie charlie. bam dowowlayed the f ly drama over the land despite callinit feudunger terrogation. she wants the land. that is thmost ludrous thing er w given to o by my daddy
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and en though h was in mama's name, if i wanted d e la back alhad to dwawatell mama that. >>eporr: also gbrd, she said, was e allegation she wod kill pents over digrments about how to raiae heheboys. who does not have disagreents ever with their mother orher? me and d ma didn't ways agree the uringing of c cy and nay. bubuthat doesn't mean i'm ing to kill my mama because we don't agage. that is ridilous. >> reporter: bututy now, even some of f mbi's family believed she was respole fer rents' murdersrs ining bambi's own sons anannd c cy. you lost yo grandparent the mostwfululashi. and then your mom is swept ay from yoooife within minutes >> it's juju c. - like, you don't unow w w to turn to. >>hhid you c ce to the idea at she -- mbe s s was the one that didhis? >>was mixtxte thihis, lili i had a lot o opeople in my earasaying that she di. what i came to thconclusion
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to doot. 0@>@> onl i only oushd sothinto do witht fr what i had beeeetold >> i resenend her. i hated herfrf didn't w wt to see h hace >> reporr: iseemed bambi's supports were few and far between. buone whohoid believe in n jim irvin. evebody rushed toudgmgnt tcase. >> reporter: the way jim irvin saw i , the prosecution's sase umstantial onehat hinged on a aunchf theories as to motive. >> what always bothered me about this ce, when you lo at e gunpowder residue, there was none on bambi. >> reporter: he sa thaone biof harevidence detectiveve tht ey h agast bambi, what theyeyhought w bloldn her ot, turved o o to be nothing. >> the detectcve saiai "we got e dndnon this boot's goingo lo to one ofhe twowo people." they couldn't even say it was dna. report: f f the polylyh test detectives said babai ililo pass. according to irvin, those sults we suspicious. >> the lasasquesti they aske her, "have tololme
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( case if i isked a detectcte that sam quesonheouldt ss eithe j jtoo broad >> reporter: bambi sil for simomohs. >> they were hoping she'd fl and te them the story. thas extly what they were hopipi. >>eporter: finally the judge said enough is e eugh. prososutor humphries hadadadadt bambgo >> bamapapnt evidence was not sufficient to bring her r se to trl. >> didn'have the goodsds >>ust wasnsn there. wa't there. >> yet, she's theheoundation of your theory?? >> there'so estion about it. reporter: for t t timbeing bambi was ab to t rry unty jaii hererearvie mimior a a wititititic by now, bambm hat ties with hed boyfrifnd >> souous like she hadour r back, riand then she didn'n' >> yeaeaea >> whahappened? >> jl changed people, know. >> reporter: ck was hoping it uld just be a ttererf titi beforeree too would beeleased. the forsics thed againsnsyo
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ththe e s no d? >othing.. reporter: but he did have charlie's blbld on hishoe.0 humries, that e edewa rt of a bldy t from the crime scenat was about t t lead b bh ththprosececor andnd gnoin a courtroom showdo. >> c c cg up, one of rick gagnonon felloinmatecomeme fofoard d th a damng sry. >> he's given a fair detailed d d account of the cme scene and >> sff that wa't general owledgdg
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bada ba ba ba shop kohs... id night owlslan sasarday early birds... for the nenoma gds for lifeolction... save 50 to0% on evyday pal fohim m d for r r... an40% for e kiki. sa os/nomamaor your home too. pluset kl's sh. hl's. i have ahma... ...onef many pieies ininin life. so when my asthma symptoms keptcocong back on mlong-term control dicine i talkedo doctor and found a missg piece in my y thma trement. ceai breo preventstshm toms s fofoadul with asthma a"t well cled a lonterm asthma a ntrol dicine, like an inled corticoste( breo won't repla rescue haler for r ngngbls. breo opens up p rways s hel impro6e brbrthfor a fu 244hours. br contains a pe o omedicine thth increas t r rk of dth from asthma prprlemsms and may increase the ris hospitalijijion in children and aents. breos t r people w wse as is controlled on long-term asth control mecine like an inhaled corticosteroid. ce y yr asasma is well corolled, your d dtor decide if you can stop breo and prescribe
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there is dananrousinstinct that lives within you you like chaos. anin tseimes, we neeee.. we n n nyou to rush in, enenveryone e se is running awa
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wn of justice special edition. >> rop >>eporte d d de want to tato you a the case? was s glling you?u?>> y >> yeah, allll time. a the time. reporter: but then, it seemed everyone in this parof south lina wanted to know w re abouthe case and i two belofod viims. t took thtee yeyes, but in 200808hetate was ready to try rick gagn for the muerof charare and dianpark.
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prosecutororran humpies began his case his case. so th is s lylylyive evidenen w estshes a a a momo for rhard gagnonlndnd e lives of these two people. >> reporter: as s s hr. recalls, t case against rick evidence weak. t mumu m me than a dp ofof arlie paerlood on a shoe when came right dowowto it. s humries tololth court the bld pupurickt murd >> roo: t hehead atory itdne_>> he d. itit- dt ld r.r.@. but t - he f f a atory about it.. >pepororor humphriesecited riri's rsion of how blood g his shoe. head gone inhe parke e to get s of cakeys, time aft c scene techshhad finished u p he looked to o s t, w wch pwas e window lding in totohethroom where bigighgrliead died and noticedhe blood. >> reporter: : saiaihe worrd babai, pacinoutside,
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frfrk out all overebgain. >> he went in and stepped thugh the throom and closed e blii. >> r rorter: "and whoopsi stepped in theheloodod that's his s4ory oughght? >> yeah. ah. >> reporter: but ititidn'n'n'ld up? >> because i iwas s rerey they were alr closed. >> reporter: that wathe gogocha. this cre e ene e oto,aid the prosecutorors taken s berek suppedly sed insi tt use. notice the bathrhrblin a drawn. humphries argued tharick cou not have clocod the inds becae they were already shsh. tt prosecur sa the feant s g,houghe belied rick had told the truth abt t e murders to aleast e otr persththate's star witne, robert mullins. >> r r rter:r:he witnese "theailhouse snitch"nd y y abab cal"a jailhouse informant." >> he's s snitch. no questiti about that. the end o othe day, what wewe learard from roberermulls is
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ored that evening andnd what the crime s sne looke like. in fac he said mulli was the rsto tell policehis ` piece of bomhe newew gagnon - had mention an accocolice in - thkillings. >henly way yon have at infmati is from someone o was on the crime s u and partipat in n e crime. >> reporr: a then e prosecor tried to in an inconvenennt fact in his favoror those mystery blood drops found at thmurder scene had been tested. the dna wawanot a match to rick k k but to an n idenfied male. th said thepprososor supededhat`llins idth r rhad an accompli. hriebeed thedede s s ugugtoto defefda ay. onlnlwish he comake the sa cagainstick's old girlfrid. >> reporter: what about bai? i mean, she wa being tried inhis coururoom. >>o. think 's a qraveve >> reportete h fingerprintnt e ononhis? >> a oveit figutively. >eporter: and that's s st how laid it out in his closing.( he told the juhis s s a story aboua spoid womana
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her boyfriend rick gagnon into doinher erous s rty w/rk. ge the deed, get her momomo off herk.k. e hahaheard from bamam how u know, , r parents re not fafa t ther, ,hat havher land. my parar areorrible peoplele and thth're tang advavgege of . >> repr: to makehings ght,argued t t psecutor, the duduful boyfriend and his p right t d n enred the housanhuededown bambi'i%parents s s the nightclolols. thjuryryad just heardra drama s sthe gothic proportions, ipping with faly greed and hatred. noit was time for entirely ffert y. onof theheuzpi fit. >> reporter: rick'nse teudeng g torneyarbaba pat told the court that the ate's case w heavy on fictn, fiion, light on@fact theyad a puzzle. they h h heat little pies,sbut thpieces weren't exactly y right. >> reporterjhehehete was so desperate to p pve its case, she said, itlung to the wordrdf a ilhousninih and reer
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the f flow w w here to cut mself a deal and getimself some aistance, i gueuein h n case is not l kely t tbe credible. >> reporter: notnlylwas the snitch n snitch not to be belied, t defetold the jors, butut stats also ting to c cfuse emout the sty bloo@ found at the ccene. the bottom line, said pratt, thehe dna om t tblood d eare thr client of e murdrds. thehena didn't match anwe ewewt was s t g ch, >> r rtet: a they ew t tt, she said, becae rick had an alibi for the night of the murders.he'd been n leep in myle beaca withai. the way pratt w it, the mo aling partrtf e caseas thbloo rk'k'k'oe. to explain h h igot ere,e, riri took e stanan h pointnt o o that on the morning the bodies werer scoverededolice had d amin hithoroughly and fou nonog. >> if e was blood d my shoeth morning, i'd have been arrested right then and there.
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that morni. >> reportete t tt came later, he saididwhen hepped into the blood soaked bathroom. despite that police odo, he insmstededhe window w w ds were en. he'd worrred simply bam mgh see the h hror inside. >> and i shut the blind. i didn think she n nded to see that. >> reporter:r:e teifd e blood d t on his shoe at t tt moment, not fore. >> repepr: d you go intotohe house and kl g lie and net instatatn of bai? were u two >> a aolutelyot. repororr: ia nspicy to tse peopl >> nirir >> reporter: swho o kill t couple we don't know, said the defense, t it wascc gagno wiwi t t t the jurors siled t to delibe. waid th histtnenu d th and the womanamanyelt to bat the heararow it t l heldlder br. >> coming up, the jury renders s rdt. >> didt knkn what to tnk. i didn't know what totohinknk
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>> but this isn'the e d he sesbsbauau finally instigorarn who left thosmystery y ood drops at the crime ene. >> you said ey intififd e killer. nonoat lenscrafters, yocan ge yocan t 50oflenses withchasas fras. t(at 5 o single vion lensns, noinbicals and ev pscriptn hurry in f/f our biggest salee the year. i'm lucky et through a sft withoua saster.. my bargain detergent, it uldn't keeup. so i switched to tidpopo. ey're super ncnctratat....
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repopo repoer: rors rck gagnon's murder r se when they filed d ck into the cotroom, hread theiraces knkn.
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>> two cous of murder. received two life sentences. eporter: tt'lled a ne b b sentete. pretty much. >> 2epr:r:ouin get of sysysm in aine box whenoudead. >> yea reporter: b bnett said she didn't want to be in court fofothehverdict. her attoey, jim irirn, called hehewith t t new here i am tnkin "oh my gosh, could he hdono this?s? and then i'm going,gththback of m mhead, the's no way he could db d dhis. >> r rorter: rick felt as ough 'd bee he'd been sandbagged. i belieied god saw fif to ha m m m ha me homom i'd go me. >> reporte tt, thththtrick, s abououall he had l lt. faith in god and od pellate wy. incabob dude >> in my2 2 23 yes of b%bng an appellateteefense attorney, prick gagnon was only one of @ about p psisiy three ople that iuinene believed
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reporter: thatertainty would d an ectly nothing t tan apjudge, unless bob d c couou come up with new evidence. thenn 20, a year a aer his veict, rickckad an unter in p pison with yet another inin.. >> and was all, like, excited out souothing. >> porter: authoritieieie tennesese, the prisoner toldld ck, had arrestesoone for a homemenvasion there. heheold me. - said ey ideified e lele >> rorter:r:hahaman'n'namemeas bre hill. en tnnessee authorits ran his aagh the databas thad a matchcho the e stery blbld und t parkekecrim ene.e. inin1, a jy convicted hill ofhe murders o obig arlili ananane. himo for t cri was vefirmly eablished. >> reporte who's bruce hl? pdid you know that meme >> no. >> rerter: did yoever see him m thehearm propopty on b tes?% >o,o,ever.
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needed proof that thwas no nnection between t twoen, so he paid hl l visi >> bruce h hl's shown a picture of rk gagnon and -- and his words were, "yeah,h,'ve -- i've e never sehaacker,other [ eep ] bebere." bruce hill had been unambiguous d was rynt theid not know rick g gnon. >> report: l hill had to do now was admit that iopen d gagnon migigigo ee. ll flatly refefed. once again w w out oluckbut not . was the fir pce of gogo newspd had in aong g tme, you kw? i was excited to see what god was s tting readadtotoo.o. >> repeprter: and there werere devevepmpmpm? >> yes, sir rorte namely, the arral of newnmate. >> andnd was i ithe chapelelt the timem it was my b sign.and heheas brought io the chpel. >> reportfr: o o day the m opened up and stund rick he said he'd known a g in jaili
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robe mlins, the very same o'o' testified against r rk. he man thth saiaiatatullins hasharar secrere had lied abriri's volvement in turders. p>> i mean, i alrdy k kw it, yoyo know? but to hear somebody else say it, , ow >> rortere that mullins had lied? >>eah. yes, sir. >> repterj w kind d proud oft he wase do? >> yea >>eporter: n thihisnitch-on-snch s sry had the appeals judge'e'attention. the judge had to o ke a determination that the rest of the triawould probabab have ififrent. >> reporter:r:ecaeulns' ory wawawaatmportant in gegeing thc nvti? >> right >> reporter:he jgeacated rick''convtitntnying the new countyololilore ononwhhad acedededphes d ree chges if h wa. the solicitor sa h hdid d@t. so in 2013, after eiyears ininde, rickckagnon walked oet of priso he's settledn the rolina cocot now, mriith h
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>> jvst the smell of the ea you u ow? it lii freedom. it was a terririehthing that, you know, i went to prisonor mething i didn't do. itit changed my life. >> reporter: his old girlfriend lieves her life was upded o. basays she'sut t ts with mostf the pe she grew up with the tac fields she still@ ownnarprty much her r ly connnntion to the e. >> i d dn't wantotbehere anymore. thasasy home. but my home that i had known just fal f l lly accusus me d stroyed every -- - rod d .% > reporofr: bvt thehehes memeing she'e'like f fm the pepe o ohorry coty, h caroro.. p>> repter: do you nt a ogy?y?would thth go anywywyw for you? >> i i want anpology. , it dsn't c cnge whwh they diand d 's'sot g gng t tfix atax they took@away. >> reporter: s s'd like`nothing more than an apopogy f fm you for the heartache e u've cause her. >> yeye, she's nogettg g at. no, she's entlededo something from me. but tppogy is not it.
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expect? >> i wou have e ked for her t/ have received sticin the caca. >> reporter: meaning, he w wldldhaveveiked her chahaed, trie and convicted. >nd i wld havliked d beof tst reporter: all but forgotten amidst all the finger pointing e are mbmbsons, co and nathanreeling from hatininin their mom/ their m to now believein completely in her innocence. >> i don't think shead anything to ith it. reporter: as a testament to thatchange of hearar they've jned thr mom in the place she now callllllme, flflila. for the fit me in a long while, they feel like family. p >t just took a whe fore ( you really were ableleo trust her youfeelings and rlltell her you lovov hanhugged her andean it, ery bit of it.. reporr: y y can bher sono again? >>right. fifitely. >> rter: for tha at lelet, baisrateful. for the future, she's hopeful, , even if ery once in aile she looks back in angerf ilo mm d dad. my children t tir grandparents.
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theye stilsaying the cas isn't completely solvede maybe if they tookokhehe time in the begegegngngwo't'be in this predicant tay. >> reporter: maybe there e e no morerensrsno reason n keep digging up the past.t. just leavet rootededight where it is and let the spanisismoss grow. >> t tt's all for this edidion of "dateline." we'll see you sund at a special time 9:00, 8 80 ntral. i'lester ht. for all ofs atanbc n ns, gd when half us a when half us aren'being helplp, it's not faiai crash response. news5 i&vestes w w'sclai t t tpulo police hours to responon crash. nat popoof fire. fort carson firethfigh- happening right now
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re danr returns this weekend. ll have evererng you need d knowcong u uin y our first alert 5 forecast. mbshl l overy.y. $- what we've jusleleneout e knife-- - und o-j-@ sison'ertrtr t tt's re-iednteres mr ca-- more t tn 20 yearsld dedeping right n: new vio tot from "el pasas countytydland firefite"... of e of 2 fires burning he m mntn postst is----he largest. . . the turkey crk training area. 's bned 550 acre and fort carson sayst's 90 rcent ntaine they say some fireghters wili stay on s#enoverninit.t. aneylan more aerter drops in the eorning. a s cond, smaller firerneded about 4 acres. both-- causeby traing suctu tonight. the mountain post says it'll conduct some prescribed burn starting sunday-- to clear 7- ththsand a aes on the south end d of fort carson. they'll also burn n -tusand acres s wn at the pinon canyon mamauver se.


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