tv Dateline NBC NBC March 6, 2016 8:00pm-10:00pm MST
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congralation a girl w "the voice." hey, iope so ff in h k eild r." i jusreme seami ihi--bay trie ntn ,ent life >ph pai. that wasotusti repr:heurde took oninutut. rehaeneaat, e shochayet to fade. >> it was s stunningngime american legal theatat. >> reporr:ou may thinkou owhery oth sim casebut e'lot youl
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cocoghoul. d le bwn spson actually predict her own dea? what she said to us was ois gonna kill m mand 's gonna get aw with it >>eporter:hat really went on in the jury room? >> n n guilty of the crime of f murdrd. >> all p pple wanted to was hom and, i`)a frfrfr new iervivi, prutor marcia ararsws most ita qststn of >epte hou nvthisuy? reporter:e'lllso3ar from oj simpson n mselelwhtoldld his s tory under oh in these exosive eion tap. iher ce was b and bl theext day y days tewasponblfor it. anw ques abt a e supposlyoundj sin'old use. obvuss a of attentioto ts. >> reporte the oj simpson case, two decades later.r. i'm lester holt and th is "datene."." hehe's j reosnkwi
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end,d,ifa. twhorrificurde tt ca be fine jt th wowos, " words, "the ojase.e. it was a very bloy and traumatic scene. both victims had their throats slash.. >> o.j., please surnder immedeatelel >> we do have sufficient evid to convict him. >> 100% not g%ilty. >> if it doeoe't fit y uust t acquit.>> not tytyf the crime of @ murder. reporter: it was the story thatouldn't goway. ifyou u ved , d byhe" we mean the itedtates,ou haan opini a nani me is coec csciousnessor islisif p
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morerehan 20ea ago, toucheheissues we still can't age oday. rara, mone plegefame ininr-ra marag desti violence. >> g g o w of f e wa >> reporr: this became are stil are still fascated>> what doouant t t do ?eporte a t t-p dramatic series riri on fx, "the people vevsus s pson winning both ratgs and reviews. because there are stl questionabout what really happened thahanight in brentwood. and whwhespi a staggering ount of f idce, oj spsonon s quitted. oj, o >> repr: t we'll
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intervrvwse tea re and h hg .ininuda recent idepth and d cantith osecor iark whohooesn't hold ck when didiussi her unique pepepepeive on the case ononon everythirorothe infamous bronco c brco cha - >> i'mhinking, we look like the biggt idiots e er. >> reporte to e triaof t t century. >> every day, w wd walk into court and something elseas blowng up. not ilty of@thcrime of murd. >> repte andf course the verdic >> reporter: youla yourself for this? >> you know, always doda orte it wawaa coollasp eni in entw arouou mgha couple ing do qui se sth bundyrive whwh s str cauaur ntion. thenent e ce to coomm mb 875, they
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a a n a riveof bod.. lirr a discoved a invtiga wn ow inuding ramici detective tolange.e. hiisn't q robbery. this isn't for sex this was a rage killing. nico w nearly decapitated. >> repter: n nole wa35-year old cole bro son, the ex-wife oj simpson. near the bodies was a bloody leather e, an velope witit pairglasses and blue it c. ps l ler id'd the le victim as 2 2year-old ronaldlldma his point they d dn't know much about him. >> the nerous wounds on e nec goman put up a fight >> reptrr:r:sleep insisihe house were the simpsovs' two children, sydney and justin, who hadn't heard a thing. they were taken to a n nrby poli station.
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ind imps. rortete as dada en and t tee o oer tectesese simpson's estaarby rockinghamve one ofhewadetective mark fuhan. arriring detectives fearedhe rst: that mpson may ve suffered the samamfate as his ex-wife. we've just ft a blood crime e en is simppin thereres one of the victims? >>epter:o wiwit a search warrant, detective fuhrman jj the wall and let in the other cops. in o o of thtate's bununlows detectivesesound simon's 25-yearld dtenell they learned tt her father w w out of town on a business trip chicago. in the other bungalow detectives wokekep a shaggy haired young man named brbrn "kato" kaelin. kaelin h b bn living at son'housfor r ve@nth
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erg quesesons abt wher he las simon. >> i h had sm r in the dy,nd h hwas lkin' ab men he nded d d on tk , ani the uybablbl avaie.>> rter:wasn't rmally the relatiipou hahaha h? bsolutelelt. epor laterhat eng, kakaind,imon cbydoo t chgegegea 00 bl d mtioned gettg mething toat so just afr 9:00 pm they hoppud in n mpn'ntled nt to mcdonald's did simpson aselin to gogo withth ho establish an alibi > iited myselel didn't k me. d i out,oh."s arving report: d d detectiv detectiviv they goba aunun 40 p.m.he retutned totois b bgalow d dn't simpsongaorapimimy hou h then arou 10:45 p.m., kaeli says he hrd three strange sounds. >> i )was a lo -- it was a
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if someoneumuud into a gall.l.- >>eporter: kaelicame outside to check on n e noe and saw limomoriveq@lan pa at t e e e ing to take sison to the airport. a fe m mutes later, simpn caca out of the houou.. his ggagagwas loaded and the limo sped f. kaelin's sryeed ddp, nowt was n e ps relyte tala .. he w at heln chago whenetecs told him wha happen in a. >> thereere noetai giviv excepticole was dead. said, "well, i'i' b bhe xt plane bk there." >> repororr: now came anr phone ll, the e tom lange dreaded, notifngngicole's family.>>our thhone rand i he screafrommo m that i nerrdbefo.and it w jt aw awful4 awful. >> reporte denise brown, nicole's o oiste remembers rushinto hother's room he say "your sister ."
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heilled her." >>eporter: "hebeing oj simpson, denise's former ototr-in-law. cte lange was stunned at th sudden new lead. >> that was s first inkling that perhaps simpson was volved in this. >> reporter: nicols famili, dedestatededn an instantnt coinued the grim tnd called her bt t iend kr jenner. i w like whwh? what do you mean nole died? was lili, ititas devtsti. i thk i pse itast e worseling u cod ly igigi >eporter:ririhad n & colelele 1 ey met tououou forr r huan kardaian,ho wampst fend atto. sr adoror spson t, shsh like a "big brother. >> he was very charming, a lot futo be around. yoyocould d ll he was the type of persosowho rely enjoyed
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reporter: kris and nicole hadbecome fast friendand the two coles sfre likfafaly. now, of thas suddedey gono. everyone's lihanged. nicole died, and nothing would ever be e same. - >> repter: the w wld had anroror for krenne for e brn and gogoman fafaes, and ojojimon w w uld on be baome in la whe e traiaiof evidence led ririgh hisroro d mh thahaevidence wasbloo a thihiwod be rst majotrial dna a played ae,@`lthoho crorosi rol turn, someonse'swowaso autpto gegege depu.amerc k. >> he goes, you know whwhit pisis
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rhmaidhrit. bebere y eugi mob b icask elelnz is t t yo anz z alll for ultshmoteo o r wh methotrex dididit rk well. xeljandu joinpain andndwell as ttleeks, and helpp rthe jot dama xeljanz can lower your ily to fight infections, includintubeulosis. seris,ometimes fatal infeions, lymyhomama and ototr cancers have happed.n'n'start xeljanz if you have an infection. ars in thetomachor intestis, low bld cece counts, and gher livererests and cholestetel levels have happened. youruroctor should perfrfm blood sts beforereou start and whe taking xjanz, d monitor certain lir tests. tell your doctor ifyou reren a regioj e fungalalinctions areomn, an yououavhad hepatib or a tinctctnsnsxeljz z can ce the sympms of ra, evuthoexate. asyo rheumatologisis ljan
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tathstngngr x ods, pl locks clutight. ... ann`w it's lightht evererhoery cat. there's a tidy cats for at. dare to rock nude. new the ck nudes palette om maybelle w . ou12haw palette is edited for edge. from quietly quartz to heafy tal. maybelline's the rk nudes. ck it ke nother. make it happenybelli n york. here's something t tou om mouaint..crickekes anstarat $ aonth, af$5 pait. th4g rageioethanmobileprint.t. cricket wireless. something to smsme out5 we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra ptein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurtas 15 gramof protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener r d zeroat. anzero holding me backck kos iple zer benstoppable. mmm daon i'm rry bellllhe s sond.d. and m m rry bell t third..
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this ltle guy is non-stop. he'slways hanging out with his friendnd you've got to be prepad to sit at the ee of your se and be ready to get up. there's no "deep c cch sitting." definitely not g gfor my back. thiss thpart ieadon't like rightere. (dooell)l)'s thahapapaage! aost fes li ing th indf fu thth comes fm my floor? e! thth is deepouchchitti. [jerer bell i] deepepouchitting!! there is a droinstinct that lives within you you likehaos. and the tes, we need that. we n fd u to rush h , en everyonse isunning ay.y. introducinthe jeep renenade,
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repor in 19, e ci ofofngs waouto g ucation. back then momo of us had nev heararthe name "kardasan." bbporf bond beteee eviden ct didndnt t exis thnaps ntotq fdly, reiz spos star, , tor anrporatambassoror his ers r r re ascs te itm oj sim, ere'on oarrr. >poer: soe e naon ewusd, l go." ttfrfr his virit." >>teo nfl dcts.- asis costembers-& 8lys th haifellowow mt. ( heas oullylikiajle aryou couldlejejejananenunr.
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was i heroce of bein writtene entwdocrime ene s now crawlingh cops loooong for s and ecting en. blood s everywhe, )n,. adinfrom it,tb trail o bloody shoe prinnear the bodieiewas a bloody ft-handed glove a blulu pknit cap. and inijde wls of f n' mpson's rockgham estate detective mark fuhrmanent behinkatotoaelin's bungow discovered moi, bl e, sil to e one atime e e >>o weooooat t tve and loooo l l le e mememememe repororr: a a aa a anglgl y y ythth repepter: detecececs s s s foununa a a l ofoflololorororon n simpmpmps s s ewew l ldim thite ford bronco park on thstreet lange brad msf r whatatas to come. >> this is very sensitive now. it's a celebebty case. at midninit last nht, , sserby observed d d body, a
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>> rertrt: bybyow theewewmemea had e e ety rtdepu d dict eyarcia k s wihe s sal tr unini shehe c ced out getting search warrant for rockingham by tom lange's s partner, detective phil vavatter, who already consider simon susct he es, "y knowho it is? "o.j. simpson." who'that?? oh, wait. oh yeah,nad gun." hertz commercial, right?" >>epter: y're noa big football fan? >> n wn't a big footba fan. bu@ know who his now. >> reporter: some 13 hrs aftermurd ththmurders, simps retto l. from chico, a j j that toohim fr hho nae ottialuspect. u nener t a a killer o, n no. to me, he was bigr than life, and had a great peonality. he lovyou k ow, being o.j. simon.
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involved in the murder of her bestrienen but now kris was fuher conflicted because her former husband, robert kardashian,as simpson's ngtime personal attorney. kardashi was also at rockingham a was caught on ra carryinwhat appred to simps's g bagagmu has speted abouat mit haee t ba could you conceive of him loving his friendo much that he would help him dispose of evidence? >> absoluty t. i guaran i guarantee you 150% t tt he had this character d integrity andchrisliavalues and believed in the truth. >> "ck o."ou t way epter: detecvew wanted to ing in simpson foror questioning. his attorney, howard weitzman, said his client would ll
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>>e's shkeke he had nothing to do o th this tragedy. >> reporter: afterrriving at police headquarters, simpson's lawyers met privately with him and then went tounch. leavg theiclientlo with o veteran micidedeettives il vannatter and tom lange. >> i was flabbergasted. less h just thinks he's glib ou to dodo- say ythinge wants and 's gonna get around >>eporr: dettives an .j. siw ttled into a ininrrion room for a a a a crital intfrew thacoulul make or brk thseit wldtht and la me son wouell his stortoole. comg up->>nono i'm thebeon target, d noyotell me i'vegoool t place. .jmpsoknw d this .heot t onlone. >> m sps a y >>hen atatine"ontinues.eline"tinu. betetr vege thaev.
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casave 50%most rates fr veriron. morerngng .at& e, b bigls! ! .or t-mo! i de withthill an 'll even c yco tc to $650 lin reaea yup! s/#switchchod. bn ononmy feel all day. i'm shed! yea meoo. excuse me...coming through! ride the g wave of comfort with dr. s solls massasing geinsoles. ey're proven to give you comfort. s u morenergized.aay long. i wa wheas. wham i a fan of alebe fafavorites quesadilla burgege it's a bgege.. insidede a quesadidia. nius. hot... melt.. cheese fresh. picoe gallo. ah. mind blown evyoyo's a fan with applebee's r $20 favorite [alarmell ringg] oh n thehear told ya somebodyshould've itedn the car.r. it sthere'a black car ree minutes
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pe rolle tape rolled. and we have a copy of it. >>re herth o.j. simpson. is that orenalalamesimpson? >> ohal james simpson. >> reporter: simpson was surpringly calm for a a n who's exexifhad just b bn murder. >>y rcisic, lf-assured. phatoe e haatll tis. >>epor cwewn t cut on simps's left middle ngand this is where simpson's swers stted beming more vague. >>ow did you get the injury on your hand? i don'tnow. nothe fiti, i was in chicago allbut athe house i was just running aund.
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one of youuys d justptald ani inheatoom,ai inof wer for tt bitit is hat how yocuit? >>mmit was cutefore, butut thini just opene ain, m not su. p>>te polole hd found a bld trail from theronco hihihouse. now sison n red a w new details to help explain it.. >>o doou recall bleeng at l? p>> yeah, i iean,w i was bleeding, b it was b deal. i bleed all the ti. i play golf and stuff, so the'alwa somethi, cks and uff hererand there. >> we e n't know what direction this i igogoa takes. but there's enengh tt, "want yo bod.pi wawa to dodoment tt fingng. i want y yfierints>rerert: n, sin appearo be senng tle d tetetrtet s i'ther rgetanw you tei'vegot blall er t t p. ir d 's e? f it'srippit's'shat pp runro tav
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up intvi andhied soto aab where hs inted, his finphotoaed d d importatalylys bl n. f gr susp bld onnaon him thee ofhica oolood ewhwh hs t the -- tvie th we is dy. >> mr. simpson are a suspt? >> reporter: for now, simpson was lowed to lea. 0 zyocatell u report: thahamaveeen a asre of his lebry, at pololichahaspionsy codn't y back up. t ba ampn'es re eviwas tutgup, clududg a pairf oooo sks onom flooro and atthimscenit, more blood were d t w wkwaydi tthe ly, suggestg the killas blding as he fled. >> we have now videotape showing the bodies of simpson's ex-wife and unidentified maas they re rovev from m waway in ont h hesid
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rter: monitl of rom m r o ae inurtsinwawa puty.a. rcia c, t t en oiciay assignedhe ce. cige puise? at imt waju wouit dn iatrials. weprofe er cases. atas i 's good caseurur i waed it. didii ntt for me fortune?llno>>r:ll thada frededoldman had been foowing thnewreportout ose rderin bwo ado id h h much in homa ws s lifeasbout to chang becae whenred got home, he pand his wieceived a phe call from the coroner's office. >>nd thiindividual said to , "did you hear on the new toy th nicolbrn wa lled?" ell, you- youn wathe her r rs
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and the two of us stood there cryi our eyes t. >>epepter: through his shock, fred kw he hado tell his daug k, whsensedmething was wrone minute e ard s voe on the on nd hsaid, "did you- did you hear t ns atllayay nd i sd, "no, at's going on, dad?" and then he just saidithat -- at -- that ron had died and that ron was kille don't r%ly rememtoo ch tethth stemred scamg d he told me heold me to get home. >> reporter: ron goldman was ju 25. handsome, athleticpopular. >> i love yououery mumu a a i'll see u . >> rep his rare ftage wawataken thar bore s mu. go roo n, g >>epor theoldmans di't knowut this would beheir st big celebration as a
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in junof 1994, ron had been wrking at mezzaluna resesurant, where coco and h fily had dined the night of the murdede whenice's moer left her glasses there, it was n who labroughthother condo, and e lives of twoamils were suddenly tied together fove gef >>elve hlk i im pcess and he had ahae to walk aw d run, but he dn't. so hdiedrying to do the right thing, and t tt'painfufu >> reporter: : night descended on brentwoododo.j. simpson was backt his tate. kato klin ps wantete to have to hava litt chat iscuss the timing theircdald's . it was a conversation, kaelin tells "datine," that had simpn suggesng a aoverup.
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know where i was, kato. you know i w in the kitchen at this time." he trying to convie me about whatat belie now i alibi for him. he s trying to t you to agthatou had spent mor meithim tla evening th yually d? ea tnk iin t timera tha with me. i said, "no you ren't." and then inside i started going, he's trying tke me say something that's not true. >> repter: kato kaelin was seng ather side of o.j. simpson, far different from the affabl glad handing `celebrity image that simpson d so careflyultivated and protecd. busimpn al h a dhrand vitide. one that had nicole fearing for her li just wes befo h murder. cocong up did nile brown sim pdict her future>> she sai "things a reall bad b tween o.j. and i, and he's
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." it." even when you're taking an aidepresst, you may still be struggling with dressn. yotrtrto put on n brave face. t insi, the sympms linger. act, of 3 peopleletakinganpressant y still peri unresolvym. when added to your currrnt andepressant, rexulti reiprazole has s en sho toucucsymptoms ofofssion. it may help you feel b bter without ving up the progress you may have made th your curren antidepressant. rexulti is not for eryone. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavio
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elderly dementia patits taking rexui have an increased riskskof death or stroke. call your doctor if you hahe high fever, stiff muscles, and confusion address a possible life-threateniondition or iyou havevencontrollable muscleovements, as these m be e rmanent. gh blood sugar was reportededith rexulti and inxtre casesan lead to coma or ath. other ris e e crcbse cholesterol,ghgaga.deeawhblooce whh ca sus zzess tag,g,seseble allo, and impaired judgmenth orotor slls. don't givevep on the pgress you mahave made with your current antipressant. talk to your doctoabout adding rexulti. and feel b bteabout cici the world. you y quto get fir 3da fre visit for details. wannsemeintenspae pertiv y y thmost beaut hair ,
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scov ctydifft of f ne momotese aqsoaspr t thejority ope find clear ormost cleararkin. 8 out of 10 ople saw skin clelece at 3 montnt. ile the marity saw 90earancnc do not use if you are allergic to sentyx before starting, you should be tesd for r berculos. an increased risk ofnfectionss d lowered ability to fight them may occurur tell your doctor if you hav an infectiti or symptoms... ...sucucas fever,swtschills,, sclechr coh. i iveeida inor pn to youavohdisee, tell your doctor as sympto canse seriris allergic reactions may r. e me. see . see me on mymyay. find clear skin and a clearer th forwardrd for a fffrent nlf dicine,@
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(musi this)gagaininon nicice's fami fds, clg e nolicreadadsu of her murder, ehusband. hat was a allylyououay. ^eporter: how d dim react at t funeral >> he was crying oveveth coffin, ssed the coffifi said, "i'm sorry, nicici'm sorry." r rororr: c c f2fend r remembwh nicole uimp was juju 18. he was 2 >> they were just realal happy together. he didn't wannnnlive thoer. >> reporter: she was every bit as crazy about him, and inin 85 they married,dthe s s syeye simpson was inducted into the pro foball hall of fame.@.
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dung tececec2"my w wleleo ca to m\ fe at what is probab the st dficilt time fofoan athlete, at the end of my reer and she turned those years io some of the beea i've e d in mfe, be >> repepter: but there wldlde trouble.e. of a star atatete's lifefeememned a a`re, d sisosaw r meme twqurreledanwhha woul happe iwowosometime turnio. le kt all of it a cretet iting about it in n diar>what kind d thiwe in whe diarie >> s had to go to t emgcyoo she had been beaten sbadly that sh she toldhe doors th fell off her bicycle. >>eporr: on neyears day 1989 after an especially uglglcidenen nstped veri for hehusbashllboththheheicand heristesese she sayay "can you do me a favor? pcome over here and takpiurur
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and so i went over. reporter: h n'd she look? >> she had her facl ratcheheup. ( she had thblack and blue all ov her.she justaiai "he went crazy." repr: ty i 19. erey tgeg cketr. >> i felt kehey realalaloved each othe but it was tough for theto be together. and she just alwlws ltltike he was catg her. >> reportrr: why would sheheo back to him? >> s se coul't live wi him, , d she couldn't live wiout hi >> repepter: nole's sister denise sings got worse. sison stata her. >> she says, "he's alwere. alwound eon leaeaal 9-1erncy. >> yeah,an y s sd someone to ousese repter: andust months her murder, nicolwawaon he phphe to 9-11, sounding at first mo exasberated tn frhten. >> well ex-huhuand or my husband, ststrokento my house and 'santing and ravi. he been drinking or anything? >> no.
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>> reporter: nicice huhu up, but calba 10 nutelaler as in apparenlad. 1-1 emernc cou you somebody over heheheow... he's b bk. please? dispatat: ok. what does look lik >> hs o.j. simon. i think yoknow his rececd. could you just s sd somebody over her >> ok, wt is he doing ther >> he just drove uagai >> ok, j jt stay on the . >> i don't want t/ stay li s s inthbl] t ofe. wait a te reporte no charges were led against mpson. his all-american publiimage remained iact. but privately, the lt several months of cole's le with simpre a s sies of break-up eak-ups and makeps, says kris jenner. in april 1994 came one lt reconciliaonthe o a tri mo. but idididwout eturd meith r mind made up. she saishwas ne. and e was sothing different with nicololthatattime
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apntly wasn't ady toet go. cording to ks jenner, he was devastated at being mped and retaliated by threateningng pnicole.just wksefore ath, k, r r rled sothinshking. >>things are really bad ) between j.j.nd i. nd he's gonna kl me. d he's gonna nngeaway with it." >> r rorter:r:nd soon after, krkr jenner attfndinihhehe best frid's funerala% and the fenal w winding do, thgs were e sy ae pdmewhwh imararsultltcoarg simpmpnpnpblood to the samples collected at the crimecene wewe now in. ananey matchehe loody ail at b, , rockgh and i iidthbroncoco pall ea b bk to simpson. which meant --
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hiand brinm in and b bk phim likewould anynododelef. > rtea deal wa stru with n'ce hired fense attotoey robert shaharo. tovoid all tedia, simpson would screlyn himself in, at theheail in back of@ cter. the deadline was friday june 17, 1994, :00 s srp. but o.j. spson never swed. tion waout n,sily disappea disappred. coming up -- ompson coul run, but he couldn't hid >> this is a.c. i ha. inhe car. > mciclara a previeoeoe things to come. >> he has muered two innocent p@opslghtethth. dyoyore cheering hie#ca? eline" connuesestinieses mom: hm, how about...? d: h haley breaeaa a h? rlrlthat's rure. th mea you'regoing dfaastic.
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are u nervou h hey?tttttt buena suerte,e mi ha. i'm gonna rock thishing w at'soost ththsosomaolleion. onlylyt t hl's..neum 24hr is t new #1 slili frfqueeartburn brd in amemeca. ho you likikititpicy!@ get co-plele protectitnnwiwi the purple ll. ththththlead i i freruenteartrn. that's nexium level protection. ,, yeah. ye. oh no!o! oh noooooooo
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>>.j., wherever you are e r 0 the sse of yfaly, thee oyoyohildrelee suender immediately. >> ror sonididndma fwa suide te a note that his friend, robertrtardaian, read d live tv. ryone undersnd, i had thing to do with nicolols murder. i loved h. vead a areat life. >> reerter: d no oneeemed d k k w son.>> theos aele departmeme right now itively seching for mr. simpson. >> o.j. simpsonnot this cationon lotion. theris gng on re.>> all unitstitio a suspect wantedor a douou78esa.)dision.sususut me
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>> reporte then around 6: p.m., some e ven hours aftere was supped to haveve turned himself i a white ford bronco was spotted wiwh simpson in theheackseat ananhis close friend al coings at e e eel.l.>>eah, u tnk i jsaw j. son on thh, the fry. nditn a nute orangeountsheriffs were on him. >> in the number one le at 40 miles per hour. >> reporter: w gt followed was a surreal, low s sed cse. whichc by the way, involved alowoings bronco, , t simpson's. >> this is a.c. i i ve o.j. in thththr. please, i'm comg up the 5 freewa >> okay. >> rhtrekaut y gotta tell the pice just back off. he's still alive, buhehe g a gun to hisd. >> rter: 96 million icans now tuned in to watch h wh wasudy t e best show tv. >> here is tom brokok. >> we looking live
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los. repte untntnthamomont, ma vwead settltl in to watctht nba fils beteten t f ickc andhe rocke. now they wouch a sit screen of the game and the ase. bob costas w h htinghe pregegand halftime shoho for nb >>nd then a of , isreek beces pt and it's goioi on ncurrently.p >> 10-4, ithe number t lane. 25 mileepehour. >> thihiis a aramahout a script.. tuspect is possiblylyrmed and use caion. >t was a gun. it w w l lded. he c cld've used it. ananyou can't takekehae with someonererlylyo had acd of mvr te e pedestrial ov theay, 10-4-4 reporter: detective tom lan d d mpson'll phone numumum and amazingly was s le t treach him. eline" has obtained the acacal recororngngf thatconversasiononich was t leasededt t e time. >> you there? >> jususlet me get to mymyouse.
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>> i swear to you i'll givu wh ev 'lgive you me. lle u my wleody. >> reportete useseefery biofice and pop psps to keeeeson'n s on theh phshe and ofofthe\ -- you're s sring everybyby though. you're sri them. >> ahhh. just tell em i'm all sorry, you can tell them later on today and tomorrowowhat i sorry d atat -- - m sothat i d this to the lice rent. >>iste t youhoulll yrsf. i dot tveyourids at -your kids need you. >>e alreadadsaid goodbye to my kids. >> eporter: marciciark, who by now had been assigned to prosecutsimpson nicolelele rrer wating alal thisi#furious that hwas stilllfrfrfr >>e look like the biggest ioiod d , ought,t*isooks like flito m" and thatats consciousns of guilt t t the lawbq >> rorter: kim goldman w tchingoo, ,worrng simpson mighnot survive. >nd i'm thinking we need d@
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heeeds to have his d d a ial. > if he's not g glty then what nnfor? a d s loe. i did wave. >> i undstan >> loveverody. i t ie show everybmy whole life that i l le everyby. >> it was rreaea it was devastatang it was, you know, could is get wors 10-4 4 py tbki thet offframp from the northbound eporter: well mae not rse, but cerlye ird. with cwdngngsi as ihe was makg a heisman-liash r@the end zone.. 8 1 copy. ththe e pestrians runninin pponoof t suspect's vehicle. - repor marciclarar whwawaglueueto the seen, wasn't cheering. she says she was seethihg. >> i iaw peoe t side thed, cerg.g( ani thout,ohy go is is not t od."
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>> ectly.heas m mred d&o innocent people, slaughtered them. d you're cheheg his escape? and d d ave me a full on view ofate e reagai >> repepr: fin a arly 9 mines - >> pblblgetting clcle totote ( hoere. >> repter: simpson and wlings pulled into rockingh. >> u your own scretion. u take h down i& y y have to. >> we don'n'know whwthe hell is goi to happen. you don'know if he's's'sng to get ovovofofhe cndnda shut w wh e lice co't he ten f e itwas going imlf. >> repter: f f nearly an hour simpson sat in the bronco as ppolice tried to coax h h out. finally hemerged and ced into t armeralaitititi officers.p it was fallyr. inside tronco was s loaded
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fakeoatee and mustache. simpsos taken awayayand would sosn bebeharg w wh twtw cotsfirst degr murder. >> o.j. simpson is i icustod e has be tportrt here parker center. >> reporter: convicting him seemed at ceai cialen a thad evce bustst attotney gil garcettiou soon make a ucl decision thawould alter thcourse of this case plong before it ever went to trial. >cong up p hehewe cacaed t t t tam tm. wre rea to proceed ial.l. >> but oe otnaor f law. i call thth the nhtmare . whehe"dateline" continunu. >> whe"dateline" continues. whoathat anoer ade. ts is s sng. with lcation here and here. the new gillette wh proshield lubricnn bere and after the bladedede
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the best a man c g g. and one proshield refill getsu to one month of shas. ,,,whahonale qoulprect you omiates? whwh if one sit-up c cld prpvt art disease? one. wishful thinking, right? t the is one sp yocan take toelp p event anotr serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older ondo othe prnar r vaccine/can helprotect y y from,pneumocoal pia,
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ugngespa,, diicultyrehing y enut you the hospital. even if yohavevelrdy vcicicid,with another pneon v vnen p.evnaayayel providadal protection.n. r is us inlts 50nd old to hp eveninctnsomstins ofheacteria atause eucoccalumon you shouoteive prevevr 13 youave a re rgrg reaion to tacor its ingredits. yava akened immu syste you y a lowerespoe to t vcine mmon s se efctwere pai reess orwell at itiite, mid armoment gue,eadae, mee jointain, leppite, cllsh.get don k your doracisis about naod. wtchaon dwhyou geouhe? i'm gave e me fun! t yonr r
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and ff the next 15 months a new too home t. a diy cell at e l.a. county jailheree was being held witht bailn sison had visi from his fay,ridsnd aneys, anevenis former eaeae b coas >> and i went to visit him tried to connce several times his innocence "look, bob, you know me. i'm a smsmt guy. would i leave a glgngnbehind? would i do somethingike thih? is doesn't make see, thaha doesn't make sense." >> reportrr: but simpson was facinga mountain of eviden." we work i ithe crimlab. >> repter:s district to g gartt coeny tobcs in 1995. >o casehat aware of, in the history of this countr has had souch dna evidence. ut r the ct this re o. simpson, this iwhat that you uld ca in orts ge a sdunk wner.>>orr:a. gtt atical de. he ded to mohease hereto dowown s an from santa mica. downtown the jurpool wld be moiny and ought to
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fendan time e rcetti claimedt @ for a number reasons incling theheacsantntnt moni cho ,hich h cely staedthqu damadle ng >> can yotell us ananhing at al i'rry. r rorter: but fmer dectivtom lalae believed that tdeoff may hahe als& involved a differentalculus. the`hope that convicon by a predominantly black juju would adadff what enedere in 19. >>eptete when n otoke t,fter a mostly white jury acacitted lala officers in the atodney king. >> c we -- can w wall ------ we a a just get along & r%rortete in hindsight th decicion to moveheherial downwn may have been the first of many that, taken together, would d fluence the(case andverdtcpled o >>hinking was thth, if you
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cool. you're not gonna have y proble. >> reporter: but prosecutor marcia clk says there was no choice about whereo the casesa t was al gonna downto. the e noiscussn out , know >>poer: eople wh "oh,elely ga uthe momeme whiteury po of santa monica and -- and -- a ended& ily m mority downtown and it was all over at that point,","ho people don't know what they're talkin' about_ they really d't i i anth mht be riin termofofou we bet -- be better offith a whe e ry. wewe, s. i t ink thers thow, righ st of nd we tntth juryyoknathave d -- and we do ourery best to connce them. >> reporr: then anothe ical decision.. this onmade by judge lance who ruled the trial could be telelised. >> reprter: do you have engh evidedce tconvict o.j. simim? >> o ocoururure do. >> rorte pubcl malark smeghly n icase bacen >> ft at t cashas
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hi >> 2eporter: but privately, as clark@told us, she sensed ptrouble rly y . >> right o o the bat, you got a a g push ba in@the african ameran communini. - on like thth cas hey dowa to beeve it. s ns ltyof int proinan afranricaic wad pdedet.he`easuccessful,e had made they did n w w see tak down >> rorte even though he' done vtually nhihi for the mmunity come from >>t was surpsing. rtu nothing thth was not exactly your civil rights febrand. ans p ad fausying, "i"i notckm m j." >> reporte still clark say she s convinced a stngngase uldlde built primy on the blood a d a evidence. >> therereas a trail of evidence, leralalfrundy at led l the into his bedroom at rococm. and that included the bloooo the irs, theibibs. ititas a h he amount of idce. the quqution was, d it be e enougho overermehe inndiajass of ra?
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onand t# >> absolutuly 1 1not guilty.. >> repter:ace would soon become front and cter in the case, than to a new attorney simpson added to h h teast bere he was arraigned. me, johnnil. cocan jr. >> we're ready tpreeeeto triaja want t sti for j. sps/nweie 'll acquitted. >> repter: cochran had been a thorn inhe lapd's side f years, running lucrave prprti tryg g lice miscondu cases. from the outt his strategy was mple. >> this ththkind of case ere you atatck the police and dd theieieiedibib eporter: especially in 199( >> aime, they describe sua b bween thblack community and lapd was a statof o owarfare. >> repter:onnie ri is a civivi r@es attorney who les in p angeles. thelaomnity ced d pds stile &occupaon for that vi t
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nd >> repter:o itas perfecec f that defefe be read. >> it s the ectiti at fefee toe ised, that @thk k n bebe ececed and d d ughto bebeet go. eporte but o.jsimp for r arhe had lived ola's stly white wt-sidi he spent muc his playayg , dadangte womend sd to have lileto doitl.'s black un>>orte i n she knew ht s l. >>has right. he dn't have tentifyit the acmmity. at the bck communi rood was thatou're beintargetedu'babaith us repter: cochran knew at anhelping him we sever r lel pers, like f
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but rshowi h ne %- r them. il 'em e ar tede. w a trible,erri we didn'n'get onon wawatrtrtrdous at ofof ssoninthe enes >>eporter: sowy manad d c ce tother and ckck js sison torn ca douasevd "delin>>e haneusroup tiaan sclrly y th acaen woulbe b bt rs. pey woulow andstst blacmee e e ted by ce. repeper: inhe t neat wasasickeinuded eight blk k men. >> wewre splead because this w a jury thatohnn uld speak to a hadpokenefohisire er.epter: perer the mt rill ol l wampn himsel >> o.j. looked back on that jury and sa, "gee w w g gs,f this jury convicts me,e,aybe i did do it." comingp --(
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sothinat t art the night murde? he e puini ings out a a mping themn the ash can. and kato kaelin in e est le of his life. i don't think we' g g g f thsame e rts. when eline" ctinues."datelele" ctinuesesesve, it's "savin' u," theew h singrom the dizzz^unts. cash moy y t biggest dco and rsnd.d e dico fe driver, paperless, paid-in-full, lti5car and jo fatone. sin' you five hdreded i'mavin' you fifi hdred we have ito-tune, right? oh, yeah. that's a hit! all: yeah! e e dogduy and op.wo for d twty-f-fse am tutler. ese dogs shed like crazy. it's like beininside of aw globe. takes an awful lot oftime to keep t t house clean. i n't knkn whatoo.
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hes theefdant>>eporter: the o othe . precutca was all t tt ood blbld d evidcehi% pointed y ua at j.imps. but t st, osecortailsimpn and nicoleroled, somemes olenreonship, whthth sailmlmedn herd andn thinal and pterrle actrona ganan innocent bystataer, was viciciciananannselesy murdered. >> r denise vehe jura illing accntnt h simpsontad sisier stightn ont of her. he threr agnsn#e wal anthrehet t house p>> rewaitough to in tnd recou what u sn? >> y ijumy sis yeaherng was just ght e. i meme, , stfresh. >> reportesecucurslso focused on t t teline of the murdererto show th simpson w w e d`coted foat
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ninini.((>>eoe>>or kkainooththand tesfybout tha with mp but first came o o o othe "kato momentnt" >> you thihi your friendshsh wiwiim, acquauauancnchi pecicilylyivininon h hproperererend d tingngoles your way? i dididt t ininin. n't ththk k 're goinininr the sa parts. s jueing me. n'n'about ototght. it w w jusme. how i whoide was kato kaeon? h,hat's a great questi. he certaly wast on ours. he was on to's side, thaha would be my onion.from theery starare wawavery clearly withthlding foatio rter: and you didt think he d anythini with ? no. e s doing ki his ngn aiee whh way thwind waslowing and saying, "you kw at? son's not ing toeg nvicteand i'm gointoe the one whohwastanding by his side and he'll take care of me." >reporter:tesivold use lerated fulll, and answered %
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critical sequence of eveves forender the m mmrsr p the t the a a simpspsp @hho mcdonini's. to those three strange sounds at0:45m. sounds invnvtigators belved d mpmade wheheretug r killing ancole. >>n yoyodemonstre ehow lolo it tbs? omew y>> g go aheaea yeah, go ahead >> a ahere did that noe se be coming from? >> from the e ck o oe wall. >> r%rorter: katkael had llood d okinininr r me what he und was sothththmore rfulnger-lasting and ulmaly upsetting. >> it was probably the scarit moment moment in entire lifefefe and also just everythinthat you hahaev donin yr life became out t tthpublbl. >> reporr: t t tis not w wt yoanted i'm sure.0 >> i wouldlvernkn a
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>> reporter: kato kakain w sn't alo. anothehehers's life ha ided with o.j. sin that pnighd, but ts s s eager to teify.y. skipipip was at l.a. rport the e ght of the m pick k hisise whworked for a arican airlineses it was 11:30 pm, just an hour after ron andicole had been killlll >> aimousine p pled d d nd o.j.impson g o o of the e.>> rr: junisayhe had a acleaew osimpsoso bubusimpson,n,e says, never r w him.>> he was caying this little, eap gym bag. h only zipppp it a feinch.. eto get h hand d , and d s pulling ings o and dumping them mn the trash can. >> reporter: back thenis didi't ththk too much of , as watch simpson empty that litt b bhen le inside. by the time ce learnha 'deen, itasasas late for $%$% them go throh the tras t junis did dr a picture of
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yothink he was dispong of e evdence >> of se to. at wntss h evidedee. i ha no reon to discount him or athing else, he has an tirelylyredible sty. >> r rortete so credible that nis s s subpoena to testify. but lili a l l of proseciongs case things uldn't go quit ccororng to pl and ththdefense was ju gettiti started startete. ming up -- p ^ititiesn't f -- -@ >> it t s a stningime, o thatatill go d din the a aals of hisry i sugugug i iidot want him m ry o o the evidence glove. >> reporter: whose call wasp
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shows that yammered about erything that happened that day inourt. heverne, i'm geraldo rivera. o. simacis, q`qdqdqd ace ofattete a we aterbusesetrr. the f ce of ron and le's rderer." reporter: but if the e efef loved it, j jors didn't it, becausehey were ququted, conojneto this highe hotel a few ocks from the courthoe.locrcrr was onheurs whactuatlyecid cas fo265 days, , re than eit months mohseir lives wewe limited to a cououroom and a aotel r rm. wit tv, no pho -- .o phone, , radios, no nothing. reporter: isoled.. bored. often nely there was s thininglorouou aboubegnjujur ononhe trial century. >>hi y'll be vhay wi t enttainmentnthat we'll ovide e u is weekendnd
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ou tn. and the s s e business tri when jury wawatakeon a tour othime scend sin's roroghamstate. t whathe jurors di knono was atefth v defe attney carlglas had gone into simpsosos house for a ttle redecorating. >> w wnted to make the roinam location lolo lived. in a a stand witalllof i i relness,o at t jwod sa " s s w notavrisked all( thisomanan >> reportehotoon with wte womom were swapped t for pictures of him with black peopl a a a anockwkwl painting from johnnie cochran's fice a a a dside oto of spson's momoer were placed in ominent vi. > th is not tamperinwith evididce? >> t ts n tampe wit evidence, no. thth is simply mg g houspresentable. like wng t t floors. >> le ine ble out
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ikputting fls t make the hse more presentable. if tre ibjececon,h be ( it. >> you wanted to win. >> if it's not called, i trng totgethe opm adntaa to win. ey play hardbaba ithbig leagues.thas les. >> rorter: and there w a lot more hardball totoe play starting with that evidence cops collectcd at the crime scene and d impson's estate. e defense knew to dismisis quickly it and c crly, wit just four littleords. >>arbage i garbage out. >> r rortete garbage garbage t, bececthe rategy. ifre was evincthatat ntatedor corpted, en e sundhe conusions coulnonobe trusted fofoexample, a k b blood sample thth wasn't collectefrom the
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then defense dnexpe barry scheck pounced on e pd's denfungacsi hana aguemidlg evidce. there! e! how about that, m2. fung? >> t t defense came in and just whittled in niece e pce, little by little. >>any people who watched the ial said that the jury was d byby lengthy dna en. >> pututrse.anyou'ittire. yo lteo thisff over ai'nonogonne as s s st bong. rep pantly nototonatatgtwith ry,y,h/se st express ntoud ssss a ala.>>herial w a nhtreor meveingl i ha my ys of go uto mofce a feeli lie'oaoa. 's over. ernonoaybeuse, remememr, i i wching pe juryll d, y >>s s bi problem thdesuesti that,
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enchabeenenpewiwi, wasna bacust o ha and torfor thjuptotondan >> is e formititit defy thrara e. he d w wot t @roblbl e lethe ry d dn't ntnt bve an the e oe day, an muomeone eve mething th'tt eve. epr:hereplentytyf idence a atat prosecu n sh t jy. likehee inw wi simpson.or his emotional farewell l te ananthe enening g onco chase.os we cralt units, saycte lange. >> i hhh problem fm daon becausesef evidence thathey di't wanna put on. >> y say tecutors, "w"wt are yodoininib and they wou say, "don worry, whave dnavince." >> they didn't s tt, they obviououy implied that. kept gettividedee,
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t ey hynng dth >epter: but clark says she wacoerned that the bo o chase,e,simpn's policece intervrvw ananso-called ucide note" might playympaetically the jur > have to look fofofoe mostst objbctive evidce i can. i can't go to em and say, "thihiis what i think." becazszsany of these kind of dicey y ves,nd t tt's a dicece vethe stt ave cocoththuitehat he o i d enghid evidence wit ting risks with evidence like that. >> reporter: enough evidce that even eyewitness skip juni the manho sd hehspotted simpson emptying his gym bag at ( hairport soon aerhe murders, never cald to ptestify.neher s krisenner, who wantnt ttell turho nico fearefor her life. >> her knowing thae wa going to be rder, do you p believe that she e ew? >> she knew. >> howo you know? she told me. >> what did she say to you?5 >> he's gonnkill me and he gonna get away with it.
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std because, wt? that'searsay? yeah, yea that would be hehesay. une ciumststces nicolewaeaeangng krner,e co get i i wouluter he stand, believe me. think she wod have been a great wiess. >> reporter:e've talked a t abououthe e iden thehe prosecutn could have brought to the case, but t tre was something they probly ou lt t. it would proveveo be especially destating to the case, a a lf-inflicted wound from which prosecutors obabev @fre >> t peoplk atat . s son try on the glove recovered at bundy as w wl as e glove recovered at rockingham. >> thas people's7. thawas not my sall.l. i did not want him to o y onhe evidence eloveve i never r d. >> whohe call s th? that was chris's call. >>episas -proser str da >aser fro me thariido, inth
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ooto comof i the only thing i could assume atathat timeas, it's not the right`t`ovov. use thth d dn'fi it was a stunning time,ne th wl go down in the annal of fistoryi suggt.% >> aone of theumbe mov er by a prorotor.>>erdd ver r y a demonstration if you're not sure what's gonna hppenen >>8>he gloves at rockikoham anan bunuy don'n'fit! do y understand that? don't fit! d they canever m pfit! byb! eporter: and the prosecuon knew it too, just a l l le t thrisartobk n 96. they shld hav ouglove pe said they wld fit m. th we his gloves. they had his blo on them the victim's b on thth. itomomhing that becausepit d not comeff pfectly, oh,
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i told you so? >> no. rden sd to me,i'm sorry." anani sa, "it'ok. tsthee r usw% we nev gna w anywa" >>orter: c cg up- tectivmark fuhrm is s htone,tihe prorocutition the on t dense. iwas nd bogin >> a ose dramic c opi nts. dsnit, yomu qu >> wheinti."dine" cononnu. bracacyour.. e first evsf ihere th a 4 her enge... vtong dferentia and br 's's nt exes f perf frole
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agicad- >> fanes rd.thingsgse at. >> r rorr: detecma fthe handsome ent p whhascsced e bl g g aroininam mnna foedp withhe whfthe msagebo rhmahi him ta med laurrta sc who`oonlted thriribo d d r coersationre co. few wewes ter, the tap d 's ojohne was ryareful abo pes, loc tm m is fefewhere onlyhad io beit w just epl aing ouofof bep ] momoh uth for the rst osi ntences a [ep lie. >s is mark fuhron the
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imimiogogininwh see rd smuch t tt t igca are g le, y hohong cagne gsses whe you sten tths? it s nna a hv. epter: b b f the osecn, t frmrmrmes we purhe. >>t s horryiho - and d istening to at tape, i was, le -- iwas, le, having a sewer-unload ononou ad. >> reporter: fuhrmnsisted the conveations were no more than the basis for a movie. >> is s is reallwhatathe realitof a democracy is? thth we use a ftional screnplay to prosecute o man r dotoo gogo of a b a cactiother? st thit'tely absurdrd >> reporter: absurd to dective fuhrhrn,n,n, it was live munion for simon's attorrys. the dee mainined that hrmawawaa racist cop, who in
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planteththbloody glove at his estate. undeine e hrhrn, wtheir ki, and the enre lapd veigig investigatn woulbe in do now wpe ito made a contntveveial ruling that would greatly befisimpsosos dense. he allowetwo excerpts from the hrn tapes to be e esented bebere the jury. > tdon't do anything. they don't go out there thd d iniate a conctith some 6'5" [ bleep ] that's be in prison for 7 years pumpivg ights. >>epter: fuhrman, who had testified eviously and denied ing e n-wo, was thth caed ck to courtonswer r wh h oe tas.s.>> all rigtectfufuma would you sumemehe wss std plplse. >> repormemeuhrm, accompanied by h h lyer, didn't haveuch to say. exce -- >> i wish to assert my 5th amendment privileg >eporter: : ree mes fuhrman invoked his constitutional right
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the defense grilled hihisaving r be queiost. >> decve furhman didou ant cte evenenn is ce? >> i assertrvy 5th amenenent prileg ivile. >> it was terri it terrible. the g,ove demonsttionme paled into insigficance after at. >> it's not good when u'rere ndndapppng a murder tria afterwards a you're comping -->> was -- >> whichchart of your caseas the bibit disasterer >> thrghoue it ft kene mield a another. anevda wd walk io o urt and somhing else wablowing up. my clifnt's already answered at. >> i wasasissed. pissed. en seone asks you thatat under those c ccumstanc, is, "no. ll, no. i did noplant evidence." th the response. when yad the fifthit all over, whether he d dor not. >> did fanution n ene e d that >> he nknkhe cac a a 5 a ant
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jury. >> all right, thank yosir. >> tnk you, younor. >> rertrt: but juror n crye had alrey heard enou from n detective fuhrman to form an opivion about him d his role in t t i the investigation. >> in my mind i said, "well, he plted the -- the -- the glov and the hat."" hehe pley oppnityo t. abecacae is instigatn wasn 100`y bobo, yothintheans somettng >> thahameans i can't convicic ( someone -- >> something nefious went on? >> it meanthat can'tonvict meone of murde >> reporter: prosecucursrs o olast chance -- closing arguments.s. for five hours marcia clark rereew that trail of evidenee fromun to ckingham. clear proof, said, that mpson n lled nicole and ron.- aou kw t. he murrs nccur inacuum, therrn -pthcot relationsh, a relationship th was scarred bviolence a use.e. t wasn't mbe
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i waed was s morarazed. t ti got totoually talke , i though"a"a yeang aini n't knoifou'rheythi.i 'tw." it jt di'tl li abodyca stop over up! rethtntnt was jojoe cocon's turn s op ththover up. ifou d'ttoit then n o? >>rter:t c cochchnns delt icine h ve dene triri. if d't yus acquitit>> repor swioc'sspchgin r ears, the exexted d ryould he orthesim... t turns oututt of the d eaade the mds.
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leth fr hovi millnsk -- w justice ne? >> it was physically pnful. at was not justice. >> do yoyoblble yourse for this?urlf f pthisisin a llesme. li look k k ite without t ing it. or watatideo withououopeningnit. yoyocan py much everythfaster. tingtu.stuff.f. h ping. oe s sppin running. kind of.checking a flight from an n ail. i'm peeking mymylighgh i'm not peeking my flight. i'm peeking my...w.wt,tti mied my flight. owl phot. desert photos. photos of... dolpns! a hightepping man. zza gigi. itit all faswithd d uc iphonon6s. plants mayave their l`mits. imaginat..n' wiight noushnt.. ...piencnc.. day... have y y s un your garden? .it'll blossom. find low prices on the thin that make
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yup! sitch tod. ``>rtere ectaclon national televisn waover. now thththtef o.j. simon would be settled behind closed doors, by 12 people,ho h allll endured eight long months of a grlirialalndnd sequesation. but as deliberationonbeben, lon cryer, aka jurororber six, s any. >> you wte thehehe >> allllllould thi of. y mind hmed opthat i pba guilil." sied dhm i th onlyerson who saw it that way. reporter:ryer and the 11 othererorokokheir first straw vo. >> oh h eno twr l. (and i went ithe restom and i i we -- i one of, "oh,es,"
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i'i!osos getetngngut o o herere >> r t totow eldiffence b bo s mpson andhe jury fifilly going home.@ >> i was open to someone showing a ering view thahamamae could d ve c cnged my view.. t turororwho ted r guiuty,hat, they di't t n n yboby el over?o a aall. thedi't sck wh it? nott all. >> 2or andhat unin vivince aprely partrtf deliberation nhing a aut the tual evecap p scussi..$>> d dinjury dibns, , , the dna evie wa't en niojo@? >> nt nener ma u afast i.. >>r: andhoim lar,ec.. ight month t d didedni t t hou. >> youe reacd a rdt in the caca, harrt mada . aht
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at w gonna be und guilty.lright, mrs. robertson, woulyou -- yave the envelololoith the aled verdict.. >> y yhohor. >>ter:r:thay thry, the milies, tectes ays arriv juditcotrfothvryasme. s johien e cotroo and he looked prettytypset. and i said, "what are you worrieabou you won." and he sai will, he dn't h. the funny thing g , all th pundits, know, tni fo theerdict, weic aocctn. er. yo >uton y? ope. >> rs reto watch, eing seemedo stopop an estimated 1 1 millionus - tuned i&, costinthe economy nearly half a bibiion dollars in lost productivit ing on the new york stock e@change plummeted 41%. and president clinton was
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case a riot occurred n onlnlin l.bu , ,&t nanaonwi. then finly a100 a.m. papafic time, o ooctober 3, 1919, e eht months of tal came to thisi 8 we the jury in the above entitled actn find t t defendant, orenthal james sps, not iltytyf thcrime of eurder. >>when she read nicole's verdicfirst and they said, "not guiuiy," i remember thinking, shh, shh, they - ven't read ron's yet," thinng fore crazy reason at m mbrother's verdict would different. >> not guiltof therimemef murder in v olion pal codeec87-afelony upro lgoldma hun bebeg. >> a then i lost ii don'kn why i t tughthtt wobe a dififrent verdict. >> i wasissed. and you justo, wow is s is our justice system? >> it was unbelievable.
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>> it feltltorrible. it ways pai. you , that notus. anought on andicole.e. ananthwhht, , , ito wrg. >> youlameourself r th? >> younow, i alws do i . i mean, , s thtone e yingngng case.. but t thendf the d y, there was no way to reach that jury. there was ayo ma the believe. there realn' >> iwasn't souch at i thought he was just totally innocent, it was jusat i i dodot feel that therwas enou eviden presented to tct hi epte oercto tions,ivididy cor. >> thank youjesus! >> repororcross the cocotry. for the first titi i imore than 15 months, o.j. simpson was a free man. fred goldmana as he'd done so
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famies. >> last >> last june 13, '94, was the, woum, worsniniarof mfi. this is this is the second.. honest to god, that's one of those momemes a ltlblur.cryingngnd shock and angng and all ovogether. and hen we left. with nothihi after ne nths solv, , ttle reporor ameri's neneinab appetite r trl biegwahing had ended witht simpson ttthe just desserts my had hoped for. but this would not be the last we'd seer hehe of orororal james sin. cause simpson would so
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and this time things would be quite di quite different. coming up, o.j. simpson on the spot and under o a ught on theke dramatat tapes.. - >> if her face wasla and blue t nt dad/r twdays ter, wasesibib for ihen ateltiatel. i dot th th siri n!.. rit t w, switch to at&t fo an iphone ananget, i ith right? yeahah, itasically.. yes. that i itheetcurrent offer from at&t. okayayir you don't know everything. well, i know you asked me to cl you the at&t&thostess s the mostestst okayshut h down. turnt off.f.f. righnow, b an iphone a geother one free w wn you add seco le.e. m
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(ansng machine) hey! ave a ssage. hi, kpowoyou're th 'c i can s you. i'callyou toel you to l'eggo my eggo! annc sgs a too lious to share. ldenenri and flufuf eggs. l'eggo my go... switctetoe po. they'rsur cotrated.. g acln.te16ductf ifs gotoe clea ist e`ei. foreadthe ng, rnpinddl nepa,thesfeet servemymyountnt, caiethe weigf a mily, and ed aghr wnis. t i uldn't br mydidietet nereraiaiy lo.
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nenee dadage fm dietes catirve pain lyrica i ifdprpredreatin. eratto ese dnee pa. ri m ciorg reaio orcil ghghr tions. teour ctight away ifou havthese, neor worseniepressn, or u changes imood bav or sweleing, trouble breathi, sh, hives, bsters,s, muscain with fevertired feeling or blurry vision. common side e cts are zziness, sepiness, gain a elli o (.hds,#l aee t drdrk alcohol wh iicic door machiryknow h lyricicaffey#u. those who ve had a drug or alcohoproble may be more lilylyo mimise lyra. now i have lessabetic berve pai and my biggestson to walk calls me grandpa.
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on the lon the links and on rara simpson simpson s evywherer%eager clear his name as t t tb.e.t. inanuy ofof99 >> l l l nice. iould not have killed anyone. >> rorte wing and ething wehe f filof nile a you know, hs isisarntntder, fling s britr:sae look' ' r al klers o every fairway in a araca-- >ight. . d evertime he--
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he-- had found him. >> repter: but fred goldman still wanted jue, even if it meant simpson remained free.e. >> i wanted a court to say he was -- he was ilty. >> reporter: ncourt could do that now, but civil urt could find him liable for kig ron and d co. met fi a wrongful lawsuif lost, he 't g torison bubu m havavto y damas to the fs. the godmans reretively knowattorney ned dan peelli to reesent them. he had n ver handl a case that involvedurder. >> petrocelli woulargue the e cae in san m mica ere a ry would be selected from a largy white populati. and uthe criminin case, the burden of prwas lower, .th jwouldn't have to aee ununimously o& a v vdict. ananas a matter ofaw o.j. simpsonould have no oiceuto te
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triaitlf ter: ahaan simpn d tansweror apl the dnididceabuse nioold sothg g rfed in e nationon enquirer. >> on one heheeapages, is a picte of simpson walki and one of his feet were elevated and they had circled the shoe he was wearin' and said that waa brunmagli shoe. >> reporter: duriri the original inveveigation the bloodyhoe prints at the crcre scene were matched to this exact pe o o italian shoe. now, thahas to the photo, trocelli cldldut the shoes on simpson hewe it ntntut ta lab r enoncame , iss a re pre >> reporr: in n nuary 19, simpson arved petrocelli's office foror depososion that uld be videotaped, putting the
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bod idol. >> by that point i knew he was stone-cold killer. but he extxtded hihihaha out for meo o ake it, anani juju 't resest. pi shkha%%-p alwreetteth i raray y thf-- atbably wideknkne kd my cs s#n n d e. repor >> reporter:ut tt was as friendlys it ever got we discovered in thesrarelyeen desitions. for 13ays, petrocelli illele simpson n out the night thehe rime, the cut on hisisinger and ththshshs. >> you e er buy shoes thth yououou kew were bruno maglihoeseses >o. now w wyou know that?t? >> becauau i know, )f runo magli makes s s s t tt look like the c oes they h i i cothat's involved in thihise, uld ve n nerwn thosly sho. dosion tutued out t& a gold mi for because
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challenged simpson abobo abung nifole. >> i ibelieve ththbruises that re on her body, i wa responsible fo if she got them from me being phical with her or if e got em whehehee fe whehee was s outsid i was rnsible for it. if she fell whwn she s ououide, is because you mama her fall, right? >>o. >> because you were hitting her. right? >> no. you were poundingerer >>o,hat'inrrec>>ou made her face black and blue, dn't y >> if f r face was black andnd blue t t nexdaor dter, was resib fort. epn oobob 19, o.ld tell it a juras the eil trial g unrwayay meras. no discussn of raccoplanvivie.e.>>8*t wifre kininof ial. yokn, was tal videe.t out t cts. tendndhe pry
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choiceut to o ke thetand >> hd nononsrs, nonoexatns why h dna his aisererer h clothier- were a thcrime sc y e victimloas s use. whwhthct blood in n dee t would p pepepe ainhrec i moases. reporter: : d near the end of trial ototr devastatg wa of e ence. re p son the sasa b m30ore piur>> it ally t uimto>>or n j j j woulcide afafdelibe fe e theyad aerdict w u. ththryecides o.j.psonid a lyseheth o rolol." [ cheh cheepplause fin h aourt s he %
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it was oconfirirtion of what kne b he did it. >> >epr: t t familils s waeded33 mil dololrs in damageicicththly ceivedction.but sosololoft ofis rep [ crowd jeer] >>epor thaasas he again ed outcoura free manb it turned out justice s coming for o.j. simpson in ways he never imagined. co comingp osisi imrtint th ti t te verdt is dfent. >> i'm'mon syou as lls. m me thanwoecesat, wh ee hachanged? and the latest on a knife supposey fod .j. s d hoe.n'd house. there is a d dgerorostinct that livevewithin you. you like cha. d in these t, we need atat
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intring g jeep renegade, dawnf justicecspecial edition. jane l)les to mix ththgs up. that's why she loves w light & fit greek nofat yogurt msse. fffy anry it's iebses. ligh& fifeel free enj. aaaa we're back crickewiress! switch and get a arand new lg risioioor $19.99, take a a in with thmsun xyxgrara pme for $29.99! crickekekereless. sosothing to smile ebout re to rockudud new the ck nud palette om maybelline new w rk. ouhadow palette is edited for edge. from quietly quartz to heavy memel. maybelline's the rock nude rot like no other. make it happen maybelline new york. mymyouse my houtoo!
9:53 pm
my goodnese#is that smokymeatytasty-@ bacon?? you like b? i doacor bon i ma bs babgn! i'm gonna beatatou to baco (vhat mas dodo crazthgsy do?bein'use,e,on!ah, lilly. e pretty mh lives in r favoriteterincesdres anshs not txactly tidy. i ishgets a stain she'll wear it for a week straight. soso use tide to get out ose ek o o statas an downwnto get it frh and soft. and since i'm the one who has s do thladry, doo at any expt dad woululdo. i leleher play sheriff. i got 20inutes to life. u are free to go.
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follow >> rerorter: and exactly 13 yearto ohe d d that he was & acququteteof the murrs in brenood, spson was convicted, and latatatentenced p to yrs thank. >>epter:. simpn is ib for pole in 2017. hel be0 th. t thatsn't e of simpsosaev now more than 2ye r, storiri continu surface. justwos o, l ld detectiviv came into posss of a kfe, a knife supposedly recovorears ago here at simpson's former eate in twood. thife is now undergog testing see if it has any connectiono the se. it habeen submittedo our r r lab. they are goingngo ststy it andnd examine it for all fensics, incling dna anhair samames, and that is oning as we spea >> reporter: this is nothe rst knife to emge. over the years dozens of knes havelso o rfrfed, but nono
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apon. nce neither simpson, nor anyonelslswaconvicd of thehe mumuers, police saey will coceinueo exore any y&y& lead thiisisisoue cide that istl op andngoing.>>eporter: bse of do jeopardy lawswsmpmpn can never again charg wit the murderof his ex-wife and ron goldman. quititt has changed the two decacas sisie thatrible night in brentod. >> if itoesn't fit, you mumu acquit. >>eporter: the manho helped acquit simpson, johnny cocan, din 2005. sisison's friend andttne robebe karshian al passed aw, two years eaier.r. lapd detective phil vanatr also died in012. >e e n't haveny answers right >> rorter: h h partner tom
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vetse e ans. >isthmoryco thths foundaed.>> de n is vecte educg otrsrs about domeic vioe and now runs aspspkes bureau to t the word out. m goman has written a new % book aboututictiti of high profile crcres and she has a young g n, whose middle name is ronald. her father frewas awarded d e rights to simon'sook, "if i dt: confessiof the killer,"hich goldman says he considers true account of how simpn killed rononndndicole, something simpn continues to deny. kato kaelin istill in los ananles ananamong g s many projects, has a clothing line. kris je kris jnner, well, , u know. >> i@ish`to assert my fifth amendment preg >>epr: as for markfuhrmamaheasas any ee tedanytng however,d d no neount o orjfor lyini at t iconnecon
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sentenced to three yrs' ' probatn. since then fuhanas appea as a commentatorthe fox news channel. neithemarciaiark nor chs daen ever tried another case f the d.a.'s office clark still prtices law as an pepeate torney. she's also aauthor and has a new novel comint enentled: "blood defense," where the main character is a hard-charging, , ambitis defense attorney. chris rden has ao written several books started his own law firm specializing in crimim criminal defefse. never answer hypothetal quesesess frfr a reporter. >eporte carl l@uglalaisis still practicingawnd nehihiment, hne chran s ofce. judgeantoetiredn 2015 after sererng more than 25 yeaean the nc e once mosy-ite e i now ch morororcially
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police tugfar fromerfect race r rations have dramaticicly improved betwe the cops and e cici city's black comnity >> we hopehat injustice wiwi be prevented in the e vil trial.l. >> reporter: and dada pepeocelli, he's still practing law in los anges and now lives in brentwood, not r from wherero.j. simpson once did. but mpmpn's r/ckininam est s sosoand the new ner demolishsh the house i&i1998 to pbuild a new on and fifiy nicole's conit'sstthererer a relexterior a addss nu, , wkwkg sloads o g uris ve dwindlele anthntntn of evence at w spototorara a sm dunkase?
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l r no ester ho e naonmourng....asnethe st rememkabl chte iicanitical history ded sadltoday withrdf the death of nancy rean.. we're e ng lk aterinedib life d ney tothe ite.rl f alertrtd ck to he's aoo t t op----wetangandede at threre q qk pe manning... ase o official anun his retetetom ter bnc. ksor wching neiv yourundmy. m haonon fit ew5... acm fansnsonigig to the ws that peytononnini i rering. . "ink he did d e rig g ine plug n. itreat t otoan ilwae winn i sl peop m." is ect r te foyton to o t out anan ac a os colas."
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