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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  March 7, 2016 1:05am-2:05am MST

1:05 am
we were there for a surpri phone call fm m o her. >> can get it? ( >> reporlrr: it' joshankikiicjcfromate. thenying you waa sasa >> reportete no o orta o suspecec. just a shoage of detti >> reportell kinds of things go wrongrder pinstigigions, but t e police departnt running outta money isisisally not one of thththings yoof. no. i pressed on. i did whwhad to do. >> reporr: wou she ever find justice? >> is ur f fher.. - yoyo fher wardered,dyou're not gonna give u >> reporte i'm lester lt and this is dateline. herereosh mankiewicz with "something s r%poer: thcoursesetruex love takes some strangngists particularly en@it flout an datg site.. occasially, a cyr-fling ms into a . this ie ststy ne of osmarriaias.
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ad what did n back in 2002 r kotomi waa 60-0ear-old, happilyet, former correreions officer, livingomfortabab by himself in a housusin t pennsylvaninini woods ter s 36-year r rriage haendedein divorce. ray had ree grn children. nica, is his middle child. >> reporter: tell mebout your dada a man's man. he w w -- heheoved outor kindada stuff. he loved hununng, fiing, stuff like tha a haha worker. he had a heart of gogo. >> reporter:r:fter his divorce from monicmoth, rawas ly. thehnexttewas as close as his keyboard. dating. > yeah. >>eah,h,id y y make th fac when he ide was doin' it? >> yes, absolutely. i di yes. yes, i did. >> reporter:`:ouououd, " "u never r o w w youe nna wiup with." >> that's right, yeah. reporter: a one d he tells you he metetomeone. >> well, he juju said thate liked he he was s,a go on a fetes with her6 >> reporter: the wan r r met 0 was teresa bowlovin. she liveononstatover qn
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a -yr-d rs sssssnt, resa h three kids hef.@.@. a growdaughtnd s, a younger son ome. >> i'v'vkindknown hemy wholele life. >> reporter: beth burcm is a friendf teresa's whorew wi teresa's daug s the ree women all went to meet ray that t rst date. >>he wasaslili, "well, i'm gonna meet him. ou guynna go wh me? repter:hat'd you think of y? >> i lik him. he was srt-m-mthed andust her son her son jos was a highh schooler when they g g together. >> he made my mom happy. she definitely had smile. wha did s s like abouthim? >> aountry music fan. i think tt was her k kny rs theaking right there. >> s s thought heike kennyrogers. that's what we jok wither about.
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p>> thingere clicking for sh mom and y. in may 2004, thoug gotared. friends anan family said hee ulul'to enough for theresa, sttingith an elaborate dding. spent a lotf mey on her. >> absolutely. took hout? p>> uh-huh. >> pampered her.r. >> absolu. old-fasasoned gentleman type. >> h was. >> a mat m me incyber-heaven bought aousese clo t thess home. t happiverr pen, didid notot last. in october006, c ce a terrible blow. eresa's daughr w w w kle in a a r kraras leaving h infant uger and toddler son withoutp a mom. royloven, jr. was his other.
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way o wor one morning, and i gus hydro plane and hit a tree. trtr. tac thathe h h two littlebabi,wo little kid an thehe fathers w we not ithe % pipiure.e. somebody had tootep up take themids. >> that wour mom. >> s w the fijst o o with r hahas out, ready and willing to take thth. >> theresa a ray transitione omom when they' c cin granarens to the dly griri of s srsgatets ton an hele not lininr theresa's death, another b by bl diagnonono with cancer. raid the rirhththt thing. hendnd the were spending alternates weeee a aleveland hoitit, wreaby h%henaasas
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ray ven shahad his o o heaea when the little girl lost h pair f fm the chemo. >> it sounds like heded with pthem. >> absolutely.. mentioned toamily m mberrr that heeeelttt that putimhre@ exactly athtt f a reon. andt wasakeare ofer. helena's cafcer went i remissio remission, but ray and ter eryreesetheir relationship suereded the s sain m to he was ary drinkin more@ than usual. >om was scsced. mom couldldt tell himim to cutck on h unng. he wastrtrsedout. >> l len unhappy y? >> lly. >> ray'amily says he was ne. t hisrinkingas never a poble but byt 2009, t tresa h enough of rara she and therandnddren moved to anpartment iearbrb town.
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days aer s meded, theresa and rayeconciledd enouou to takhe grandnd ks t t plunch,h,nd feedd theheish a a a state park. th folwing day, tresa left the childrenn wiwh h@r frien pbeth,h and w wtt backo e house do undry. atheredd found when shothere mid morning was cleaeay sick neay nake somewhat incohohent ray. he refusus to let her cal door. eresa t/tdeth autu it. >> she saiai he was acting so weird@ when she camack to g th kids he wast feeling good >> t t nt mornrng, whenn she coulul't rch rayon the phone, eres`eder momoer who lived near ray, check o o him. when eresa's mom got to the house, she found him unconscious. shealled eresa, who alerted & 911. >>hat' the emncy? i need an bulance. >> .>> dow b rely not - -t's hud. ll righg,'l s the
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>> she phoned bet a a aaised to wh ray. what d d d d d sayhappened >ha herer moundim naked on t flounreon.. >> t ace aed athe use arouou the s se time a thera.emts scrambled to stabilize him. sh roqd with himo theearere hospitit. eytrugugedo revive m. butt w wtever ailed ray, it was o serious a casas fofhealppital. he waken t a level trma center in en vein ah, ah, -- pennsylvia. . p>> a medicicicic@ crisis, but alsls a mystery, what had happened to rara when wur -- >> iidn't kw whatt tothinin nothing w s ming sense. >> b when investigars lood more closely, ty find mething suspicious. > he had thoseystals, tre
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no qution.technono.chnology... technogy... ave you seen a t t amazintechnolo inco mil mobibi? look. electric id cards, ergey roadsisiervivi, i cacaeven smit a clcl wow. ye gei mile apaps like a aharm. o. expect great savin and a ole morere mymyon and i used d wch the carpet stv nowl'm walalng t t lifeunpredicble beg g ake free isn.becae i have used head andndshshs for 20 years usededegularar, it remov to 0%flakes keeping yoyoprotecd li f free r life don't use windotmake wiows spotle and clear! go see mbig fatteek weddddg 2 ananlearn how to use exhe right w w oneiee stufffff t winws! o'gogotiets? i do i'm okay! enoughressure e here for za? i'm nnantaex sis-x.
1:14 am
thdissolol fast. they're new liquid gels. a.d you'rereoming th me...... alale i haved st? munenenenes-max liquid gels. olvev fa to ueashax strengt dicine leleend this. d.grotionssethe worls fifit ananrspirantntwi unique micrapsusu acvated m ment, that release bursts of freshnhns day. motionnse. otec to o ep you m ming. degree. iton't let you down. ,,, do don't use windex t t tke nds spless and clele! goeey big g grgrk wein d learn w to use wiexexht way on wrd stu! t on windows! who's got tickcks? i !
1:15 am
enough preure e, here for ya? i'm gonna ta mucinexexsinus-max. too o te, we're about to take off these ssolve fas they're new liquqd g and you' coming g th m m.. u rereize i haveold status? mucinesisis-mamaliququ gels. diolves fa uea senh dicici. let'e.d thisis @ chececthis out, bro.what's that, brohe? i switched to geicoand t mo. re savings on car insurance? ah b b-fessor, ananae. like renter3r3nsnsanan. m/ ways totoaven@ omta chip. thth's vot all, o-te shakeke ico has mototoycand insura.,`too. oh, 's a aot more. o( yeaea i'm a about momo, , osevt.
1:16 am
,,,, > aorriedamily converd athe m%m edical ce, h in@ theiii rayp leaealy dctcts@ triedo d dn sp m. d blo wordhestor rayyad sou ngng ais
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plooked as thohhhyigured t( ou too te. @v@vnm!l$ amounts, just oues,``ifreezs aos pwareht al.@ ssaughron w @ he >>eas t linin n. . @ ((( h he look >>. > eryou@ @ thinking >> i@ didtnow@ to@a ink. useeotngas making any` sss.> rissedarrow ( wow iich aifreez isivg an be reversed. d of life discussions with doctors began. sis wifififi@ i wrthes p.@ptted-ys pe aitte pto t hpp s s sphe sso ee himp go ( huson,jo watat tre@ hagnizi ddson.. > sas`devaated
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i could seet n fa>>dod? p>v -huh >>ryy death asppererred@o eric@ avaythe e ee@ -ner. p >he xeo to@ yu, its aea suspected, soo you we l lki specificalll forthahah>>job@ iutsqsqao coirm hehehe ryals in kiei welele d o@ a t c. 8 :o: queutionon (slam hdunk>> the medical emir & dtrminterereed s,,nas sted terminededd yol h h hh d dnk sosetetnwx psseet@u@d@ thqia he gotot .uidd aifread aerer seet taste. she also tol ther i teoospsl hahabe ha bebeteng to kl @ hielpitita[a[ ng ikh ys chiren@idnguy . >> what we yoyo thinking(heenlyhias thkgdhhhhs i)dngthevh whole he tried to comomt suicide withabtifjeeze
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whenn eded the w wel 0 o tice ban totlgy s.olo clevelia i e@e@r witi ihe@ss . ei affmf t erie cou cororor' officdddey wante toibi u u @ &ie eap p youou a t t probay somomog innnh@s casa, y's' dat t ttt t tttttt nolta gn tbbas qui -s hmicidi. ffhismocidi,j investigators h plenty ofork todo.>>azmond heenh pcoroecti cer. .% s. . % > anddadh uiwnwnw d)r)r phps career deala w om ppr bhaeee @ocd.p& ((((((taed lookingnto s , soueutt ps silgn oll s three-days aft is ah,h, ,he@ processsd housu a a rme pepe. butltll heenddabeby heee &&$t!me thtyt gttttee. rayaedding wasn n utstde
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thehe were nunenenrurueuee andnrd pepr cans, an the garage, right whe you would expect to findem,m weweewo 44 (cocone`s anfrseaeae, o ooopopep.p dhd@evtigatorsrss --thing. pbee wewewo ngeririrndd onoh@r% caine> howonftft@t @mondiee did you speak wh theres a couple o daysyfter.r>> typicalnnvtigato pattkiackckosobsmaraiaia,aa the sr- graa badddd m mri% onngnbetw thih wwhah?h >> accornr tot thehes@3@ this otoo@ p>> s s admitted that?>> yes. >> sohe had to be bpbctct tuchc theet -go. $ 0ufofwyo oioeo k kthehr husbanassndnddee@ t% tesoou leatooooottt r. - t t l f f f
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leadi up to ra egaaid(` tried d/ p eealsnp eh heir g/wsick,k b d - fufu pe s had beenable % anunhapay,y,y,y,y,`,n,pe s s#ste at h%hhhh cmiedsuicidth l like int to pseive w10tha,hesusut't'00 da ans,, mo]v andnppprtidy. --t whehtirs dugeeo the geilendps`ohnyyi@ cakk a headnapping rn, eirectio a aaotalal n@n@cuspecec comom,,, a abbst f@
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ror`t`t kotoms dede -and hiwife edt wawabut laenememt thoughfpelled ke at someo had poisoned ray -wi ai-freee dedecteselr s kiki. ono o e thtpsasahe wst% t t w wstsrmina r r`d uardrdr in imit. isis praqmqmd not thcorrecons ficer that the inmat ana,ou know,wnowed t t w wh hnhfheh% oue? p qt opp---- aona`pe thaasociedefitngng timamaprprpnpnere pgenerally reected and did not run n to of oboeoe ejt inmamas. >tcopop it didi lli anyfrom babk in e day n t t wawme eb and tetesafnfhpapt w%
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n t d@a@adetecacaedhe f f 03whwh r y and reree first gettin know o ano,he e e also seeingnothan shehe m&onono,felly na - rt rd-- s leoreekso withtr when tera went back bebe dotake eh wl. t >rs tu-antereo oee e rar'r'ptoveor h h ^ep rchard dtalkeke thcouple. . vandalized teresa's car. anent t allyscscateded >> rci rendfm thtionsestnd a letter bomb.>>or al bo??%?% rl nc, boymbox,foun l l sta police barras. the bomb squad detonated it. >>orraymond
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h hd bn n ifotle aiathe he hadd to be wier and that he thought that raymond was in theay.>> rteowen lresa g d't s thefa tt ys wan f f di. repteute. >>onyes. >orter: r's daughter emem a fr fr oubomb. >> his vce whaky w mei' never heard re ep whayosay? think? ikn wt to t t.- f i ul't belve rorr: robhahaha pld dutyfain a firearm and was sentenceto five years in prison. w par j kskbeca usll you woerheth hhad d ytng titit >> yea
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with him.but t isanmy d a bom ortea wasn the ly wng tt. en y dcover at somod el yvictim, anis n out of prison, that it . we had one of two s in thisise. ei is wife kng her sband, or borate plo to finiswhat meichha std d s succulwith. or dtitis acac dogo their newpect >> he was livinghat appeared to ba rmife ines penn. epor or her ininators s s s wi hismpye cor, milyly investigatorsrsrorooufice oke with a lot of pepele associatedith roberteichard. >> reportrtr could y track mr. icrd's'soven? hwanot g mininin athe time, no. eporter: so, if heas going
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k ymnobodyould owouite fairssest.r:certaiwould've had accccs toto antitieeze. everybody has cess -- >> everybody has access to antifreeze. >> repte wetecti rying totoininif 's ex-rienturned lettttomber had d ything tdo wi ray's dea, they dug deeper into teresa's past. but ththvestation went slow. ekthth ray's family counted the days.t flikee re ge' ept under the >>ep some pepele wouldgin n itanc >> howouou's'sour fath.athehewas mumuered, u're t gonnnnnnp. >> s swhatat you do? i prere o o i did what i hadado do. i made sure that there was juste. >>orter: that wawasier id tn donerd tites were comi t t t ababa a a ty. >>omingup thehe c c c g gss
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forililrsrsrs deivesesre l lking fk.>> a a ainds o othino o ong mururr instionsnsbut thlilieparent ruing a moneis usually not onene of tngyoyothink of. no.w mumu ove,.... // d cread ee thotionsse. the rld's firstipepe !fvated by mement, ititque micrapleth breawithction n eaea bubu of esal keepineshe e eryove. tiononon protection to keep you moving. degritit't'tou d dn.
1:30 am
tarzannoknow wre ta go.o.o. hey,e meme do younow w ererthth wawarfall is? warfalal no, mearzan, king of jujujuju y y y t ntnto juststsomedydy ififa couple,,, you u u u ovirirtititititi itititt if youououtoee ftftftftt orororeee ononon i i ianyou swgeicoh ohh's's'sdo. hhhhhh doave e do ririt inin rking onononfeet a a aayeeeme p pre.. in my lower back but now, i step this machine t numumrrr ictctcs dr. s s sl'l'l'omomititithohohoininininininnoi i i imdiatatreliliom m mfofo paiai lower b binin a m m m m at t t hollllm shshshsh didier. dishshsh mamamamamamashshsh divorcrc dishes. pingng(snoriri)(s(s(s(sing)g)isisis t t eepipies. lili. . . . . . . . ath.h.isiss.s.s. exexexnce.e.e.e.s.
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evererdishsh every y me.. only y y yh h s s e powewebabatotoake on a a a ag. causususm m because i'i'i'i'n... dodoou t t icrcrcrundededededede orororquererhehehehehehe fyfyfyecectititiyyyyy day y y y y y s infifity. dedeith flexfofo... x s
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, innn a a a a, ouou-it-yoyoyolflfululul e e e e e e even to killin ththththe mo than n -t-tusand susuides e e e e e e ethththitit statatatatatatrereren n e mbmb homicididid d thatatatatheue. ththe e e 't't'tnynyueststn n atat llll k k k ki.i.i. w w a a a bu whoho h h h h h y's widododo a a a a alylylyntaiaintntntntnt y y y ed himimim w w wrere le rararaenennd theheopopopopopopop thouout t was murdede
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possssleleuspects. teresa, grgrgrngngnge e d tetesasa frere-from-tht-slamam exexoyfrfrfr w w w o oe e ied d d mama-bomomomy ououou t t tayayayay bubuhihihihiwas checkiki o o. >e e e couldldt t t anytytytytthth t t this prprr association with rmond that would suggesthat he did this. >> w wt >> what t ndndf ididid getet hdedehe t t tastthihieaiaiaiaiai to t t h he b .. he l lkeddncncncd.d. he looked like somebod dodged a bullll. . >> i issssgg s s snd r rer d p pcecece andndhe suspecec.100%. 's's'st t t t topthest >es repeptete bututhehehe atioio the d dth of f f ray kotomski was about to turn as cold as ashtala countntntnt
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hoholylylyer t ts s wasas igatat by our r r rtrtrt ererwawawafififiiaiasese ananwe l l loff f ououou% % ourur fifirsrsrs r rortetetete c cntnt what,t,t, out t m mey??? >> yes. >epororr: a a ahe result was.s. >ururur w w wnonogetttttt solvedededed >> reporter: ray kotomski's case was s e ofofofofof children were not happyvasn'n'trtrtr t t t a p pn n n heheut i i dn't want to o opopop se. >> repepr: t t tththththty ut o o onene>> y y. >> r rororr: i i in,n,lldsds t tngs go wrong i irder veststatioioiobubuthe e lice partment rununngngut o o o o o sually not o o o othe thininyoyoyoof. >> no. unh-uh. nd for a a a a a as,hingngappened.d.>> r rororororonona's two o chililen w we e of t t h h h..she e e abab to o o t te e e frfr h hpipipier h hbaba wh h s s s trtrtronononinininind vovovovorsrsrsher r ssioio >> ient letters to erybody.ans consnsnslili t t t ers fororewewew formatatn n n n atnonobut i
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whasasasasa dodododuringnge 18 monononthth yououououou able to inveveigate? s s w w f f fg for lili surance,e,olololininlifefe ppsusunce frfr raymond k komski. >>ee o othth $151515000 f f fsusuncnc wenenen t t t bsesese s sas rng her d,d,bobobo yeaeaafteteray'y' h,h,h,rerere a aew man in n her r r . tim schumaker was an over-t-toad trucker r e tetete fououououh other.r.r. >epepepr: how'd'dou andteresaeet? >n n e e e rnrnrn >> r rortete whahad d u likekekekeket her? >> she was attentive. swewe lady.y.y.y. >> reporter: before long, tim d d resasasasalivivi m ve up lolololotatae tr f f f joboblolololo hohoho ororor d d sheheell you e wawaa a a a t t a m mder inininign?n? s... epepepr: a a shehehed,d, didn't'to ititi i dn't'tavavavyt to o o o tht." she d dn'n'haha t ty y at e e dn't'to it..i i i heheidid it. >> reportatatataounty's inination n y have
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daer m m ma a a a ilililil tiononaiaing, , jolili, pleading. > w wters tohoh @ totoeyeyenerer. en i iot a phoho cl and eyey saidy rereng into >> r rororr:o atatrnrnrngegegel l l dd rerentlyly ararcococoase e nd,`,` septptptpt202020threreyears afdfr toto's d dth, , , dededede officicicopened t t caca, with terththprime susuect. >idwawa her to get awayayurr. p psecutoto and d d dtiveve didn't want t/t/eeeeeet t ppen th. r rortete those invnvtititirs glad to be back in ne.ththe wewewreaeans t ty y y d d teresa f f r m mder.r.r. onhad to do with a story ty ard abababher firsrsrsrrrrge.. >> h h hrereous huhuanan lo tolus tteresa put t t hihi
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epepepr:r:nd h hknew >oyoythth he e e t t bites and feso to their so cho hen's s uth, pululd out the e sheh potoes royluaididt t t ot p pill ter@that.&& okay? heon w w wkaka yeseses y sasa tthlyer thouououthat he e ve t tt his germashshherdas ised. roy said that he nevev c cneed ththtwo until l ymononons isisis... r rorteerera's sososo at first mararis r r, , , ananheheays s s nererappenene thehehs a a y ououououe e yo mom t to poour faer. >> i i iall lies >> reporter: w w wouldldour fafaererie about t ts? >> maybe`ee is j jlous.. mamae -- mamae e feelslshat t she rururururu lijij i i n'owowow ybybthikiks hihihiy of
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>epepepep a a, , ere was a polygrap polyaphphphe t e e en invmigigign. ameradadaded t tes two quess:s:s: d you popoon rayittifreanan you kpoison raratetesa's'snswer to both,h,o. whicicalsoso a aweweto etetetteteteellili the >> she failed her polygraph tete. r r r rhahae detetete ilururwawawaadmiss in cocobubuhelponone ps they w we rig.theyururd ththatk k k pprerer andndhey ldlder t tt t t nowhat she snapapd, a she killim. e e edededconfess, so o ey kiki of threreen h h. >> r r rr:r:he d dt t ndndo that. >o.&shgoes, "welel i wananan >> rororr: t t ta'familylynd friends lililieth burcham rarad ound her they felt r`r`s j jt ululul o ocoulul't'tacthth
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believevthat ray w wld d dthat i i ally do. epororou t tnk t ty'y'y' juju loooong f f s s sody y ame.e. yeaea other thananayay >> r rorter:r:r: o omamama28, 2014, five yrs after ray ath, oicersusuou tere'souse. @> wd d theheoor eaeay y tornini, told ta adadadararnt for hrres ane e s ararar for the rdrdrdf raraond d toms e di't lk susurised. shuhud memes s e was s inine e momo sta b bng, but t someing -- godome over her, and d e e s ay. i iasasrazyzyapap w w likikw,w,w,fiy sosowhere." >epeptur:r:erer a fayayayjaibibera was ededn h bond.. law enforcemenenoffifials knew the case h h proroems.s.s. ohio attorney general ke dewine's pepeleave ray'- familylylyepepepinininreistitipraiaiai >> we told t tm all alalg, "thisss is goingo be a t tgh c c berepared. bebepared for a l/ss." >> repororr: w wmight not win n
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e e t w)n th c >> rorr: coming up -- >> prooferesesssss innococococ o proof ofofof perctct >> dididouinin anyna o tererere >> n ndndn no fingngng correct? >> that's coet. >> w "teline" continueueand how w 's a a aab 24/4/ and thth oururar overheated... a a t chances? can you sendnd towowck pase? , the location? you're going t bflieve th but it's um.. it's i. a a eeee i wish i was joking,ate, but it's literally stuck in a . (car horn honkg)g) a a ainsaw? no, no, all rlly need aowruck. day y n nht, geico's emerery rosidededeice is thehe f f yououd youououw therers a cougugugiqiqdthththlasts fofotwelv hours? try delsyuyuwelve hohohooughliquid.
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ww i i extenend d leasas memeicine laststfor h hrs.. try delsymm. plplfy y yshesth n n plumpify y scscaa a gigirmsh hififng brush bobots l lhes s 50 times the vome and lifts lash up and away... new w m mca from easy breeee b b bifululvergrgl n'e windexexo ma ndndotless andndlear! go see my big fat greek wedding 2 d learw totose windhe right way w%wrd stu! not on windows! who's got tickets? i do! i'm okay
1:42 am
bebebee shououersrsrreade e e greses nufff did you kddounotherersra a ughiquidthth sts for`twelfe hours? try delsys welve hoho couououquid. is adnced formula releaeas werful l l cine that actst while itsxtrelease mdicine s4s4for 12 hours. try delsysy . spray? 's fun. 'seady dry9 no wait time. this is great. it'sy so. cai keep it? (nghs) all the ca of d.. in n antiperspi spray. i'm jebell the second. and i'jerry bell the third. i'm lili a big br and he's my little cub. thisittle guy is non-sp. he's alwlws hanginout with hisisrienen. you'veveot to bered it a athe edge of your sese be rerey to getetp. the's no "dede couou sitting." itit defitely nono od forory y ck. thisiss thpart r rllyyyn't t ke r rht h he.`. (doorbelel what's's'st? a a cke! itit a swiffereretjet.
1:43 am
this is kind of fun. at comes frob my f for? ? w!this is deep couch sitting. ep couch sitting! t one y a rider mama a decision. the decisi to rion and se money. he d dido save money bywitching his s toycle surancncto g gco.@the's$nome in saving money. ri on, ride proud. geico motorcrcle,
1:44 am
>> repor >> reporter: it was julyf 2015, almost six years after raybtomoki's death., when his wife teresa a@n trial. there were twt charg -- ntaminata substance fo human consumption, a murder, th hart of the eccion at teresa psoneray`with anfrze by somehow slippi it tnto something hete or drank like beeo2 soda. tetesa's lawyer, veteran trial attorneyaul hentntann, was confident. he's no question in my ew she was a autely innocent of t crime. >>eporr: prosecutors offered have resuld in little jail time. >> she was absolutely, categoricallconvinced d athe did nocohe crime. and she felt thagod was her cornerndhe was not goi t be cvict o o-- oany im shdid nothing ongn epter: another twisj-
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beh t ial, njury. ppdgga yost wouldlalone 00on teresa's guilor innocen. s kled rara or he committed s%s%ide. herpo stateme, , prosecutor emily pelphrey attacked the idethatay kill himself. >> he was plannior his future heoved his grandchen.n >> rorter:he dtor who teated ray in the hospital where he dd stified@teresa heelf said ray was not suicidal. >> she hadndicated that he had not mentioned anything about insuicidal a athatimem . >> rter: nol t ste argredndd isasurder. mlaexaminer dr. ey testified that antifreeze killed ray. >> he died as result of complicatitis@of ethylene glycol toxicity. >> reporter: butxaly how antifrze kills sas critical he sta's case. p>vn mebody ingests @ antietze, eithereliberately
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to tm, whqt's the prress( o s soms?0 >> welll initiallyhe apear tberunkr storou then they'll become progressively leargic,nd then bome comatose. anthen thehell start to hava congestive hrt fai a pulmonary ema. and theh theyell start to go into renal failurend then eventual die. >> y c sort of estimate they ingested the anfreeze baseon whe their symptoms are at that point? >> that's extly rit. it posble to getou estima of en thengngon ocrr. >> reporter:heeyst the state's was t progresonof syms th prosetors contended woshowowhen ray insted thentifreeze. >> you were able to establish a timeline? n t e ems arrived his residence e was already lethargic and mostomatose. palrey ow frohis clal pseatn at that pot ah he's prly 12 to 24 hoursn.
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dovetaed with the prosecutor'stimilili that st tave ingestsd thenteze the he endera t#ok thqt outi th the grandcdildrenen to suppopopoheir timeline, ( prosecutirodod ts voicem py ft ia friend several hurs tethe ate sa teresa poisoned him. >> i'm sorry, i'm sorr i'm sorry. >> reportete othe tape, the osecutioargu, ray sods t dun e i told y/y i tnk you're aice peon?cae back iyou can, okay? bye. >> reporter: prosecutors say he was really in the stuporou early s ages of antifreeze isoning. >> we c ntendnthtxha thetl l ycole, oth ananfrze w w iestud. >> >eporterz anbthey araued, pit hh to hava bebn teresa whw . ga i himimse none else wash y . andndow did they know that? well, from wt t e told thi fbi agent -- - >> shehetatethat ovewh
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visitors a`dhe was the only pone there. >> repter: i iadditioj to eirisciencembased timeli that put teresin thelse, the state wanted judgegeget to - cnsider tera's behaor whi ray was s g. in thealleri, moca wept as her@youngmr er kimbey testified t%resa`anded dife suppt forltheifather witut consulng ray's side of the family,xd terms shsb ( teresatated foleing y's body to he tht conditionwere t tt i had to havm emated and that wanted to me i pwouldn't r rthe befiy. >> 2ter: itball wf a pattn, prosecu aued, that added up to murder. >> t statetes t ere i absoly neven, a4 it is at all lelsonableo conclude thate other an t d@fendant, mrs. kotomskiis t oneno ovivedhat t4hyll that antifreeze er husband p>> reportrrr wn the defense %
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toldhe judge the state had n casenot a scrap of evidence. he g the fgentho too bresa'snitial statement to o ede e y ha bee confusususboututhether she was peven with ray y theay the ate says she poisonehim.% >> sheay have be wrong aut that, correct? sheould de bebe`erong outhat >> rorter: this was icide, he argued.not muer.d what practical`ldlit accointo theheefense, was thfa tharadid nothin sasa hsele. >> and could concle thah if someone gave you poisonnd you became ill, what w be the rst thg you d d yoyowoulcall theice@or y uld d llpital. thatev occurred. >orter: h hmann then% attackedheta's mose arg ss total lack of physical evidencenecting s clie totoontaiberof antreez -leetettive tloclevelandn wacrors-examined abgututhe absence o& orencs.
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part of mrs.omski? o weound ndn . k#t/msr otherwise. and youou no f)ngerprints% of mrs. tomski on the can, correct? >> that'correc p>> reportrr: tetesa's attoez we afthe p rsecution's%timelinene@ - got one of the e' dical wiesse concede she coul`tele exexy when ray drk t e antifreeze.>> you don'tow long he @ suerrom it nor du know how much he had ingested? >> correct. >> reporter: under crosexaminatn e @amiede coul answer the t estioi atatae hear the - s. >>ouon'n know whhuhuit w w hoci oyou don'n'k'ow ( pwhetetr it was a is that a a a@ corrrct? >> tha cocrect, yes. >>eporter: hentemann produced phis own expert witness to refutu the ate's toxici timin spest scicnce. >>s impoleo determin whenenylene`glyc may been stedue i may have been ifsted as e
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smaller se over an uermined period otiti. >> reptererin h close, attwrwey htuma sugge all it ountnd to at the very leaet, reablub 'm muggestg to youhat it's a the f f don a a up, thth you have to rule in favor of the defendant. repter: terernever t@s@ififd. hehefami anday'saited, a#a jue riredo o ambers to o h dececion. >> coming up >> i was so afraid that she s gonna get awayiwit. >> i have fith in h@r
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surprisehone cal >> ;an iett? hey veve o evidencn >p r rorter: stuck in a bad marriage, most peoplswallow only tir pri. pit tnsut, theygye e ckyh pon. thurayjuly 30, 2015. nthtay in asabula pupty - jury yost d r%achehehis dedeon.( the families oaccused murder teresa kotski and her dead sband rade theif way thcourthouse. - >> by the t me i iot tthe cothouse, my wle bodydwa terashshi. i wawsofaaid,e, i word up to th up to that -- almost s years. d was i was sa ra at sas gonna getway with it. rorter: it loed as ray's s ughter's fearset ststied.
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oconting e for human consumption. >>he judge readsdshe firsr cot, ,ring gh od. >> yeah.( >>ot gui m-.- andhunk, "w ,t' it.b%>>eah, we're done.. gogway witit >> 2epter: it is a aomt monica will look back on for the stf her life. >> were u lookin' at teres-- p>> yea >> bnd thinking at? >> i he. did. the courvdk tt thehh e s prored beyond reasonab doubt that e fendan tera kotomski, is the p%rsos who adminteredfdfe anee to raraond d tomski.. the court fjfjs thdefeant `gu of murded m kotomsmi, wisto make a statement pat ts time? > your honor, i wanyo pow i did n hurt my husband. i dinot vaim pso
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rmim aall.jod my husband i swr fore god. ver,ver,ould hurt anyb % %eciay mband. >> reporter:he sentence was ndatory. >> which has an indefiniteerm of imprisoenof 15 years to life. `ove her. iwand to wh veaith in he i don't ink she'guiviy.%>> 2eporter: whileeress at yppeala her convictio m shumak, teresa'soyfriend of fife s, is standingy his won. he'ising her grandkids.. dnnot lo afber tesa gan 0sereg her seence, , m a#ke her to marry himnm tere said yes. >> you meet this woman. shalrey s spec a muer invtigation. and then she srrted, a( tried, and cvictedfdd pyocould findomod 't locked up. but u don't w nt anybodylse. you wantnh >> yh, )ant t t.
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>> because i le her.p and i wanna spend the rest of my lifeith her.ihih-- thi s's's- - she'weweme wanb e+e+everythihaman oks r a a/aana >> r%rortehile we were taing with hih,hhe gototall.>> she wentoetail [ phohohrig ]@ oh, can i gegeitit >> rorter: it was tere lling from behind ba. she and m caug up for a few nutus. then he t hr on speaker >> i -hi. terereit's josmankiewicz om "line."& >> hi.i. >> hi. how aryo >> cld be tter could be w/wse. >> okaya undefstdlygand d@m are egagege yese e. pt t at awesoso?@ >> congratulations. >> thank.. `ank yo ipriate i is e ananhingngna say? well, i just i just want erybodto know that@ ow, i#innocent. ididno w athey'zg singeh d/i i lovemy husnd. someday we'lknow why -- why d at hdid. >ou@uhink he l@ed himself % deliberately&
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suicid i thk he took in that - antifreeze enough to make mqelf cck, and lledt pthere thng that i ulfefepsosoy for r m, b%bset's the pe of pe s a >> thill is originating from% a hio cocoeconal facility. >> just nnbe cle.t t!inray took tfreeze delibebately,o ma himselsick, d d you come bto him? >> yes. yes.& lieye ehat h intonasp ptoeo mto ce baca >> do yothink yoll be outta there one day? >> i believe i'm gonna be outt here. beleevthth theruth is goa set free. i'm pin'somobo reay goes@sveth athatado partf thv% se theh`ve no ence@en men they h hehnone pcause the's - nevide. >> i love you. we're gonnt cut off, babe. thankououor usi- zeah.h. we gotut. .. okay. ll,@,@lnk y@u for leg uspsps talk t the% >> reportetewanted@do iew resa ipeonbut
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department of correc@ontere's hypothehara tookntifree so she would comeack to him -- is thqt @ @ her famindri to a person araboard . they s teresa a dt rsovho oomehow attracts meme o, through nonfaul h hs, bcome oessewith heh, >> let@% me m mre i u ustdn e guy, mr. reier wants to killo have teresa. ananr gu r r, mamas up a ory atathe's a murderer beusephe d esn't wyboby elseseo ve herer anray t2ies to khiel geher ce ba have i that abght? >> yeah. >> do you know abody else arou he whwhadthat kin ofofif wrivis men do ose kind othings?? on . nat all >> what'her@secrer i jave n de- no ide i ththshshs ju a good woman. rter: that's pretty much
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for her, t ts s s alvery persal.>>hiwas dad thisiwas u- was jce this is thehwaithoulbe. you killed my thersomebody'ss gonna pay for this. and damn well rit she's g#nna. that's all for now.%i'm lestete holt. thqhkk f j/jngs.s. p thih 2this sunday, hve the reublicaoundndheir anti-trump? ted cruz haslf ser saurand d/d/dld tump,w)w pwonouisiar anducky, see to agre. >> i ted o-on-one, okay. >> cruz wins kansas and mne nd wins theday odelegates >> donald trump isno the be candidate to go @head-to-ad with hillary clinton. meilel whatevpened mar rubi ree thii and a fourn a
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also bnie san scos wins in kansas a nebraska, but hillary clinton akes louisiana anthe@stst degatesor the da p yoy just want tot yo haib otthen y y seee tt insu fstth ges onamo the@ elia. >>lus, the republican dump trump movement. >>e's plinthe memberings of the a acan publ @for ck heasther@ the. >> mimt romn is in, but supprters p8sh hck iih roeyhks that out m .trump, h mu thnk about th@at ofvery one o us that support mr. tr. > an you think theepubc race e e sty? i havead tot fight for everythi@ngytire le. prede frank undndnd or.should sa kevin spcey? ( one of them wi be with me thish morni. and joining m fof insit
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of the "new yor imes," kelly@ o'donnell of nbc`news, republicin@rategistar matan, a stephe hsonl of the detroit frees. elme tsundnd, it's "et % thpress. p ombc news inwahiniton,this@s isisis"mee@t the e es w)th chuck tod. goounday mong. h dumprump movementt neneded candite t raly aris ju@st mithbe t uz. cruznd donldrumph@ won tw contes yesrtrt, butt was ted cruz who erged th @the mosts delegates and peaps some renewew montum cruz easi won t kansas ucuses@ beatg trxum b better than twtt to one mag@n. cruz also@ min caucpp wih 46% of the voe. -13oints ahd ol trump anoter tdoubemdigit in there fr c z. (t tmp ao towo states last night winning the only primary in uisiana, butt he ln thaty auc smaller min than pollsad inincad. and trupmp w t tewlyz creataed
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was bjust fur-roint mgin ovev cr. smller thanhat ma had predted. overall cruz won delsls la nig t tru's 61. cruz`onp nighttonon degates. althghrall styll ll thead in the d dlegate unt. but a iortrntas legates a,uz wones momentnd hopepeast night.t >> >ybe rit now ye sung marco rbior jhn pash.% whas bemi more and mh car i @if you want to b% trump dnald trump, we have to stand unted@ asone. ( >> i want toccratulateed on ine and k nsas, he suld pwe i& ine because it's very close to canada, let's face it. i mean. on the dratic si by the@ way bernie sanders won two out of thr staes but llary inton won the most deletes. le me wk you throughit nders beat clinton by better than two lone in the`kansas
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sanders alson the nrask caes buty a smaer % margin, 5544, theois spent a ttle me nebraska,,% they didn't camaaig muchin nsas. butu desps thehe sderskansas, nebraska, ses wh e did for the hjory chers, clint won the primary by a u ar p71-023,ndthatgave cinton the jorty pofelegates vrnight. so era with r pprom perdeles, ccntonea ithelegate cou h h exnded ov@ 0ow over sanders. but aswe sd the big newsas on the reblicanside. and even ated cr's win g g hto thirowiwi nevmp ovement, dond trump had a msa for republican l%ers who think cruz has slow s momentum. >>i uld loveo take@ @on ted ( ono.-one. pthat would be uch fun. e ted can'n new yorkt he can't wi n jersey, he 't win penylvania, h can't wi lifororcrc >> rerublicanseerate o sinkk$- trmp'sresidintial id for mohshsre inal sasis o.
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front-runner as a hono and a frara > thxk d dd trump's &personal quities. the bulyin te greed, t -showi @ howingf, h absbrd third% - gradetheatrics. >> and yispeech only to ocementp's supportr ifi@ rney thin thqt about mtrump, then he mustthink that aboutvy one of us suppoer of . trump. we e notnies and fraud >> i think w wt's daging th % republican br i trashing ont-ruer at this stage. >> and drumpp crudely rindm voter that fofo years a romney accepted his endorsement. >> i could have said, mitt drop to your knees, he would have opd tois knees. ( he was begging. rney hasjoed wh is now a growing ublican neverrp ucus.p >> >he'sp atcking ald t re ten ofltheepublican party paaorm. >> i rer trump anddi'm encouraging oer repuanto do the same.


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