tv Today NBC March 7, 2016 10:00am-11:00am MST
10:00 am
one more hour left for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>> f >>rommbcwshis iod" w whie gifford ha kot l ftu 2a rockefeerpl>>hihi ybel tunday nd, marchhe 7@,@,2016 jeanan hager is fng fohie e e. thisg i "n"" wowowo whi i perfec b eririhassss you had a good ween >>ou h h a>> w w going t t t t tk h hwo gossipseeke, , dingg why mna g emotion on stage durin her coert. a l l of p pple knono thehe's been a custody battle goioin so we're going to t tk abo that aittle bit.t. >>fou c't havavhe bod yowant,ove the b're
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wiwi.. it's like a mantraa for me. how to choose t rigig styles. >> and if you sing cleaning to do lis is a mile long, we've got the best cleaning pros to getht job don a can't wait. i was countinghe minute pso what d)d youo this weend? >> d d noththg. i was in denver on friday for wo and i flew in on satury@ @ and when i got hom i immey likek -- >> blobbed out. did you use that rdrd blobbed? >> bloedpt. >> i actctllyyid blob out. ter came over lasnigh sheee@ madeearroro cake. she and milaadee coooies.s. >> at?< >> and then we hada-hehe likeke this is gluten free carrot cake. i'i' like g gten ee, itt has suga ias everythininin i ithe word. >>%7madedeomeemadeee zzas. andarra was like, j hav t t p winner. >>his s mila. we have ruahich i i i a dance party. mila had aeeee nklac
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mniscenen off cann2001. at's us d d dng ound >> cute >e dance to"fron.n. >> she gets ck?? uestion is what does poppy !!ke? n n nmumu. sheeses mi. shehikikformula. spe` likestating a aererarts and beginninggiggling. >> so cute. >> if you he never habab faly dance rty. a funky dance party. >> a faly/funky dance party, u he t do.. it initantnt l@f your. >>hahass acty a g ing. one of thing when m nieces coco see me, whenhe ator doors open in thehehehe building,f nobody's in tere, avehateeall a afd funkyance party in n e elevator. when the eleto doors opennd ere's somebyyn ere, they're all like, oh. the e@ononn there is ke,f hello, thanks a lot. > isn't that t(eost fun?
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those typ offmemori.. ey'll h forever. >> you're right. i just want tohowyou, i went ayith some friends andad a great mmit to ahohooune picture. is doe not look real.. 's a a ise.e. ititas pink k d a rnd ball. ok how i g theird. i seriouslsltoed a sa, th does not look real to me. >> you a a a phogoapherer >> it was ni. >> i wknda an win- was on jetblulu a a the tvs were on, that's when t new bke a y psiwa rot feople- f a ungerrgeneration he's probably t fst fstst they rll er she wstly froro 1989 to 1989.: everyributeou saw. on the plane, you just kep hinghevernd oveve dov was oiouslynfnfential wi pololynd withh her hususnd in so many ways. le setwese
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pbecacae,like,hey wou w w w tes. they hadados tt wn book a a here love letrs.. . >> oneff tm sdomethi li he was wtio h he writes,, whenn you leave t room,iss you. you know how when you le someone yoyoca aber alwawsays s geteasier% i was wingr. as getng intererewed by think y king or somebody and shsh said younow howhey & ways say it getseasier? she id, ioesn'tet easi. shesaid, i ledim thaha ch veri day. i w imagining while s shrough alzheieir's and to have him herer butot withthher. but anyway,, they had a beautil, beautiful love story. >> think in so many wayay peop can learn from their marrge. anybody can learn from their ia the resct t had for each othe e respepead forher. >> yes. >> i got to meet them a little & bit when ias lile rember- i'll nev forget it, that's a pictu ofl us i
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>> look at you tw > d, you knoe was -- hi wolosely with grdfdtherr andremember, , , rememb meeting her and i sa - iave a distit memory of you mee her at the easter eg r rlnase a baar a ie n thaha w -- she smed l astst >> sdi >> d youthink? >> regal. >> she had an air a aut her tha wawa first lady-lik and in all the best ys, so thinkhe'l mi. . >>he . u can jt see thehe nunber of ibut tumbebe pepe simpactededndow pepple have her he up as not just a wondeul first lady butut asasyou know, a lovinwife, a fashion icon. >> she d so ch forhe whius andrereatn. she aimim but i think t legacy,e y saidi that'lve iha - te afir.. aseaea -- i'veever seen aaouplpl who had beeied as long as they had whoked att
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you hdlyaw aicic offhe erer theyer't touingr % lookgach other. no atterr what, almost every le picte. >> byy way, tsng wean all wor on.. >absolutelyly >> to have that t tef marriage. absolutely. >> so, it's- >> y'ro >>'m aittltltlumme aut n nt story. >> yes. >>eyton manning iss going to ananun his retirementoday weeeard f msos.heheadadn 18-yr career he's a new orlea boy.>>yes,ove >> so dbr orr peyton mannin iffou had to pick? >> that is a terrible-- ohohnn island? >> stranded onnn la you kno at i don't k k toto-up.p. totos peyt botf these guys aree upstanding incredible guys who you wld want your daughter t marry@ or y yr son to emule. they're that kind of' r rlizee
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irstfal'm ,'s a h cool awesomeme jockk doing watching this ow >> no, he doest. >> it@ camam out --- yeah,hey we tking about while he wasrevering f fm surge a he was kd of t - i gss n' real i gueue he dn' have a oice aiaiai h wched 3 3 ys i ro >> stra? j lten bausese this is from his lips. go. >> i did all 35 days watched hodnd kathie lee.. i did all da. r a htreatmt.dod and k khie e. one me time.why did we cut it? ju contntue. . >> you want it or and or aiai >> --atch hodo andnd khie e. >> thatgs my ringtone. >> canan we make tt your r to alarmock? thehe's smany great ctes of him. thatas supposed to be announced ter today. if you want t see a beautifulul ctureboutut the duke and duchess of cambridge, they had their first ski vacation ey bought georoe andnd the by -
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is this al?ha scks .. i an,he gs arar adadable. w shocks me evenmomo. >> lk atther. >> yeah, her. whatomas hair t t looks that b? >> look a a thth. >> when ty're holdidi two litttt babes. she looks so good. >> why is ever@happy? lial o is n s happ >> ski trtr. e bab usuall of cours he's laughingng erer arath? theye in th f fnch alps. seseetlotion. hey wldn'tip it away obviousl >> ts is the firsr t te lliam a a kate havee hit t t slopes since having ki whh wen and et t skng lthe l o. y can'tave everything. you knowha we at the poo andee saw & this really handsome guynd w re ogling. anyou confming>> i iot people say you id cotly. ay w wing thiuy and ts sehow gsst s. we were watcng him and he was with h w a she was gorgeous andndheyy had a baby.
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ba's bouncing andy fend loed at me esese's g toest.eo oneetshing. so h defit->>ure his@sife appppciated that oglgng. e understood.. >> ooglin >> she understood. imagin th, imane your child goes tochchlhyonce's ughtlue a i u'reret a fu-daiser. >> right. >> at schoo wch is what peop and all a susden it's time for beyoncnco get up on stata and start singing a whitney houston song and that't' whatapapd a ho. aklook donaw >> can >> can't mi go t blu y' scol 00 ririsl dot t m mscross the couryeel equa o
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trying to fd auction ims for@ mila's school's auction. i'm ke henry what aboututhat diner dn et,ou think ey do a free eaas>>8 just takak aday" sho mumu os arehohoople like the. mayby they could ceeh the sces. >>yeye, do bdheheenthld he lch with ha ko >> andyou! >> you'relike and no. >> yes, ed, love . talk about ourottery ber >> t tth sppn the e fchuy por bl tickets. th both won. >> thahas the good news >>ut the badadewis o o w $291. >>no $2929llion.>> million doars! >> he c lpsum. >> a h brothon$7.. >> bob won and jam won$2miion.n. ll >> can you imagine? 8 i bet i alws happens in atfami.
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>> i would say bob ie a memes rbara.a.% j fm bthlehem, penylvania. >>nde was on vacatatn the keys wheheoet a o ie lottete tts. jb he'soiackk to oridido cebratat here's the question, i jam ing to share with pr bo >> jes has g tohare withb.b if jamesoe'tre wh b,elorry f b. >> w dodo w alrdyeele s s s fo bob. >> we do. all righ it' natnalerl so i y u hen't h your bowll ofeeriosose'oio play, u know -- >> with our foododokay >>ha i is? >>heerio co?? se s wff licvera. >>ell, thahas thesh >> tngss don'tk like eerihese are fruit, they'multited cheeos >>hey have fruy cheeri? >> oh mygod, try themem they do taste like fruitoonothesar fru loop 4t n n true
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to love this life is to live it...natural. ey say wn mr. clean sal ffert gs his new smart onon.miedimsgic as. it's not just fo marks on walls.... it's tgh on kitchen grease....anthro grioo. he's yr... ..llllround-tough-clear,r,mr. cln. covering isisaring because covering adhesisi adhesi bandage. fortifying the avity-defying.... friend-connecting... day-ing... stro... you. new specianourish. multi-grain akes thnoa, apples,
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she was in concert this weekendhd and s's in the middle,se l know,er peblic custody dispute. tooiton o. t'skhbt w wt happened on stage what she h to >> tre is no love strongerr than a mother for her son. ifif i t it,ight cry. bu iiked song t you. it's a love song. i hope he hrs thisomewhere and knows how much i mishim. >> didn'tnowheas thatt revealinin >hay en... >>ery emotnaou knoly do weveree madad likehi but s is ithe mile of a a custody disiste witit hehe formeusnd over their 15-year-old son cco.
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rocco was with her unt december. he went on tour withher. atat when he left to gto london to liv with s sce then, it's justeen verumultuousin eyet i c c c o oyy a a heaast wednesday. where a judge eressed sappoqntment that they couldn comou upp withn agembecausis e whwhseingffecd b ththtihe canane w a long-term agreement, hs goingng to rema with his fath. dhey have another courtate set tentatively f june b the hoho here is they f fure someingut bauae tir15-yr- s in emile >> don't you wondede- i was wondering if y werer rocco watching t tt clip, wha wld you in > treo b bn worhat 'tlllve thet at motoes di a l nuite sure ihi w thehthtstep he probablts some privacy. >> my kimmel posted, w lovee babyvideos. 'sotouric b b o. lesee >> hi-y
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that'sdaddy' girl. >>daddy's rl. >> yeah.>> hi. hi >> . >> oh, m gosh that is so crazaz what heeidido jdeo. what d h? >>s isizarre. lways eny whe criti po videos o t t bibi. he ud tt facpha eryby'si now. he pd itxactn t h face andn h i his social media -- >> tt is so bad. >> t resblance is uncann i wil have you unothat his little ughter,he's adable. e dsn'tave thetu that h h d > shett s exy.e'suceti > h g g to ht em ye he is.s uld d are ., l l .e m. okay, so kim and kye, did they dodonef thotoo? >> they loolmost ectly ike. >> you't even tell a eren. p rely. >>hitheest face swap er.
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>wait, which one's- >> kylie'sea fesn k8 with tlicked@dackha righ >> byookhlmt extltl it kss the t?>>m' fac iskys hair exactl ink tyoo likwin sisters. t' whatverybody says. kyli always loved her older ster, wanted to l lk like herer an now witface swap she can do it. > rupert murdoch gotot married to@ jfrry h hl ovehehe weekend. t looks like fofrt t t t t charm ereyre. she a beaule ess. s, t got marednonn on t t famededet stet. l off tir tenldren w intend.s from former relationships. her four ere are two of h daughterer there's rupert murdochhbnd his sons. by the way, quite ndsome. so they all got together. ere'biananjagger. >>f course she'sthere.e( m jaer's e andls jer hs mk jagger'sx-as well. >> oh,, too confusing.
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>> a lotf people there and they s it s jus- that ruperturchai h w whe happie. >> lovtny age. >> t tffhes? >> g backnto o e workforce. >> ifi your phone is ringing, pick it plts mayave their li imagination. doeoe'twi t t rhdhnourime,patice, ononday... have yn yo gn? it'll l ososos nd low p p t thisthatake easter deli lm lcomaboa my y arshv ahoyte!it's fo&hings i love... freeeef thgs i don. juju like chex ceal.l. it'sull ofoftuff we pirates nd. no artifial avors, and it's glutet-freeee eat , me heart keep it down! arrrr. at naturmade vitamin know ere arlots of thin
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you' suppod do toe hethy. na m me adud gumms are ononrt of your healoutine youlltutuly l#lk foto. mmmm, mango. naulmmmien. intrtrthfusion epal withhe benits of our prioc yogurt new tivia fruit fuon, with hhe elusive probiotic bifidus relaris. delicious angood forou.. new activia frt sionon at hillshyre fm, spice i atheespice of le. that's why our craftsm season every sausage perfrfy. so youan coax out eat flavor effortlessly. hillshire rmbeuse it'srth inrigh hihihereason o sroasted turkey taste soshsh seconds after carving, we t ly seal everice, we double se it.threlts somethg g sa
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n a quick f)x. it's my desion t tmake beauty laststrotinol startedvisibly redudung fe neandwrines in one we anthe ngi us thbeer w. retil roio from rocmeme notirle oking great and pi outut with confidence incl hangngeaifuleet. my n nest beauty routinincret starts in thshower. scoverheatatt vationonrom amop\. thnew w dierfrct t & drnow t ha skin removava ot sk. us 2ed anit's rechaea ea way ucucblftftfe.. itmend mneshoes. w amop\ pedife wet fry. amop\. lovevery step. > oh, is that im we@ lov when we getet t t m me one of o%o viewers veryyhappy. get turprpre our ff thweek.
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today, it's lded intan texa ha whe our f hley ochesssnkas . eatch u u o skype. re younn scho? >> s,am. @ stepped out o t classro so fingers cssed there allll ta. >>oh, m m gosh. we'r going to tel everybo you were chosen. u' a recenlege grad w works as a subsbituteeacher >> she watchhe sho eve y and s said i i insreder to be brave and tak the leaea of ith moveell the wromm illinois ttexas. go m gl. of herja mie w e t plaza p whonew with us. ashley loves ambushmakeovers and she los how much we drink. - 's s d. she likes to join in kith her ll gla of . ay,as, is to t yr fan d t testt th tauestion. 15quessends, one gus. are youre >> i think , fingersrs crossed.
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shften talksbouter twin sister who iam a a the afaf he ur eth obarbara? baara. ye whatoe s win? >> you w a fabulou resort vacaon. u a a a guest are going to 0 head to sunny florida. at the semol hard rk hotel and casino tampa. s wells massages at the rockspa,, rndpp airres cled. >> hley,ho's going to go wiwiyooou ow? ohy ness, s, mm, s mtfrfrnd. excid. deservrv it to ,,hley w >>as loundou ndf a t acc hhh ve girl. >> thanks, girl. ashley,ave aoodd e, hone congrarations.
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mm, yoplait,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >t' it's a fun daymonday. jennush hag i f the's not aoman ohe 'sot se-csciousus about me p of herdy. it' yr l ls tn ample soor y b is t boyle're ghow- u tnwswswsnto asts>> hereith stys to hehp u l youod iskaiebaieldn. how w e u? >> i'm good. >> ts will be one of our m helplvl fashionongments. 'r'r noturur howo reur bodies. if wetartrt off with somne who has amplesoms. >> we know wt an ample bosom
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urahlenginbecauseverufr omhi'sbout fngheht cu. what'slilid isin thp. wt are therules? ihinkeed topose me skin. y go forigher nec ne i icuts y off and makes youookkore topop heavy. go witit a b/b/bneckck scoop neck. >> ericic oirst model. an youe talking about girlslsls with what se cs do u in >> d cup. en c@u. solutely. she has acoop necked top.p. that shows oerkin but it's not too low cut. emphasize your waist. we have a paiai of shorts that are cinched at t f waist it brings hererin.ititives h an hou glass shape.e. another key o sese blazers do this s n. it camouflages things. >> theopposi, if you're flatt chested you havee a tiny bosom. ou he a tiny bosom. >> let'sring out anna. > he w wd bosom, by the wayy --
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>> itakesee turn reallll d. >> that's a cute t. hi a halter tops thth way. it's's's flaering bset sws a sexy amount ofkikiithout requiring lot of eaveng o o inkkk wnnrbo are ny co anyt ke -- ou'tave@ear >>don't.en y do arara't gor one that's dded go for one that has m me e.e. that's the ke >>t's gat shean have a backssssss and n bra. >> nbra. >> you don't n it. >> if on. >> right. thqhks much >> nowe've gotot the oty. >heigbooty. >> a goodty ia graeat set. >> therere womom out he trng to enhance- om on >> y y h show it off absolute -- if it's natutul, embrthat. >>et see t natutul. >> sheearing aair o
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in jeans. a t women a intmdated byeans bause t t gaben the back youout gap, make se el the j j soouou. she h t tt' aittle bie fabric, u o tuck it in and swishe tiny waist. >> it's super flattererg. > anksks nexte'reking curvy ande vecina. want to o@ aeo w lik at >>christin y lk good>>el us wha yedone. f wom w hvy shap y have adjuab stity.wawa wp dss o ch . ncnc it ais dodot wanythingo o tooght. us treh ctthth same
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ou a blaz. wposh aknd bng dress iss bt she nfidce ot too tht andnd too'swiwiffff cur not hgi w d w d w le t do we witle vo hi have t tptt willroteion. >> snotav ncal herere>>ay a i g . you't to dw nt i a hee hi nochmoti tha you so s we appre l emo,nk you s s s ch. yoofab. id take bre fro y/yr career ro raisiome kids?>> susie welch has four strategies to get you back int
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m likeke boxer in n ria a all boxeyodon'exct mh. anwhamam i i t 'em with h he my gess!s! alriuntwo! brinit, rlnd!! riri, crea, 100% nal cheese. mini babybel k a litttt bigger. y, y forgot e mi! that's lactaid that's lactaidid right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so yououan dri yououanan ...with h discomfort? exactly. herer tryryome... mmm, it real milk. see? delicus. hoof bump! ohoh righhere girl, boom ctaid . 100% real milk..comfort
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grillechicken and bush's'saked beans. >>mom totallllforgot to give us getables. i know. it's awesomem >>h. blow it up.. bu baked beans. ow cooood according g our secrcr familrecipe th a hint of eweetetss..they're thvegetable kids love.e.thth're totally eating eir getables. boo-o-h. >>ow it . whaa? sh's bakededeans. thveggie kids s s . trour newest flavor, asian bbq. available for aalimited time o 4 eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeahah okokot too quick dot lelego until i say so.o. i got yo stngh thlastg er of 10 u'u' doing it!
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linous minateskin wit pepeti scien. yourcert style might sw age, yoururkin nevell. ththlay y y agagss, so y y're e els. olay. agel plts may havt eimits imagination... doesn't with the rigig nourishntnt patiticecere... one day. ha you seen your garn?n? it'll blososm. find l l prices on the things that m me eastst fun anl)ciou lmar i finanay did it! . let arkle paper towels clean it up. itit perfect for cleani spills... ...desktops.n.n .and chalkboardsds
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r the past three mths, we've been quily selling kraft macaroni & cheese with no artifialallavors,eserertives or d d d ddd d gus s at? kids d dn't notice r did dogs. afmac & ee it's changngngbut ititasn' it i > > isheheecisisn totep away fm theareero raise ki but is eve cll time>>he's he tohare tir stories and offer aisep for a of . >> yououe abobo to meet wome w w lefefigobs for @heir famies and they donon regret the dececion for a a nute. pboth are finng that re-entnting the w wkforce is ughernhey th >> i i >> havehree childre and i'm a single mom. have aon in colle andwo girlrlin h hh school, frhm twins.
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>> meetjane. jane spe d dadad building succccsful ceer fofoferlf i thashihi world bears agshe her the hband made aoi decision for her to ke areak from her@r jobo rae tkids. >> i saidid i'm going to tak a liit o time off. i jus wtpe se timee withididid and playund and rer said t atth timeme jane,, be careful, you know, y u a aayay wanan to keep your ts in thehehe. auraadad slighy differentth. after more than a decade in the worl of financec lauau found out sheas preant withtwtws, an exciting rprise. > stayed home for three yearar and then i was o oerer a positionith johnson & johnn. i was w wh jnson & jnsononor eight years. and as m childrengrew, i realiz i would s sndingg l ls and less t)teith . i w missingutut on their li t allf theiei ks arar indepeent,t,an and laura are opinin to relaunch tir caers. nes worng hard to
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personal brand. >> i'm ungkedl to r rlly nn peoplehattaybe vevet ttalkeke ton a y yr or twtw years, ts,nd just be aeoigige out l le where theyre and is t tre pose opportunity foror. whihi laura tes on short-t-rm positio inhe finaial world to kee her skills sharp. >> i receny staed takin nsulting roles. ve de thrmrferent jobob ovov the lastouplpl of years. >> but one question rereins, uld they do it adifferently. >> i don't regrett leavingyy b. at i@ absolutelshsh had dode wasasakenenhe aice o o thatrecruite me tha 0 trantion out and back in a littleit more seamle. >>hingss change so rapidly toy thahree yeaea@a off may as well be30 but in thee en it t worth . >>cyan pictureo mama women homeig now whatting that pieay me too. a lot of womenoant to get ck into e workfoe. you' goioi to help u wit
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soso kinin of praical steps, right. ayirst up is reset you exexctatatns. >> lookokhis is a l ltleou love. th councnc ofnomimiisers found ifoue b bn oul offork for a year, only 9% o people job wn the firir to monnthlooking. imagineehat it t t forororkiki ms.. pit'sererhannthat. so y h he to dersta, you aree gng te-e-ter at t e level you exitidd at. yore going to hav toop backrdso step rwards is is n n great news. both laura and jan are at t ace. th unrstand. eyead t tinterviewsws theh hirininpapersnow t world h h h changed. you m havavooake a fewps baba.. you' accelerate o oe you g ur fof in the dr but ste youay the secondtepss to fill allouou fici. what does thatmean?? y y he skill and knonoedge you're te e rson who's kept abreasf all the anges in youeld.d. mpaniespchan. andfast, ririri
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clse conversations andnd conferences. to online class,fline asses.s. learn, fill thohoap haveveonvercat w wpeoplele pwhooreren the f fld no co uppp to spenheds. e are confererces. youueed to bringngourselfpospo you can goon and sayayay i'i' engaged, inow wt's going i thish worl >> youououo allll ts stu again. u can y, uerstanan h is s. >> iappepe t he tak a class onis. i got rt thth helpou g the jo right? >>oulog for something shows yourer not loooo totoome up to speed o their car. >> brandf theheirststhing a ayer ( willllo i g gglglglu. if you don't have aigit footprin thatthows youe engad, if y y're n o ittete inn prossionalnd ivivy, if you're n/v linked in congnpe's arties. if y have ilil, they h he skle where ty startrt consultititi rely they beche ceo of their own fi
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ey gotom clientst they startrdoing wk w wch fis thresu.. you neeee too - - yk le yo not jus steppggggck, you know, from youousese i io w wkd,d,thatt yeone some stst you're digly onli, you're sociay networked online >> t tt was something you had jane, right? >> ablutely.eryoneds to d that finally, tacace t eleant in t roro. whatatss ts ephaha? liut,,heiringmager's looking at you andy're thinkingng is s u ady? does she know wtheut to getinto? she' going to beuggling aveve difcutransi. is she going t regrett the mimute w w askpk her toorkate ororake rip99 ey canan reallll rai tt issue but you andou caf ok, wawa youknknkn fami h c cty considered this transition.we're fady.i'm ready. iav techanisms innlace to make i possible. you'reotoing thaveopay the p pce for me learnrnrn h toto -- >hat' smt. >> really smart. >> befe i s s sashesyou.
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make cleaning a a eezeze / fortifying the grity-y-fyfyg. friendndonnect.. dadaseizizg... rong.n. yoyou.u. speciaiaurh. multi-graiakes with quinoa, apples, monds anraspberrrrs. new special k nourish. forty. i finally did it ew. . t spare par`toweweean it u 's p pct for clclning spills... ...desktops... ...and chalkboards. too clean?
10:46 am
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our house, imaginatatnruns wild. but at my table, i keep the food rea like country crock's cipe made with re simplplingredients. anannoifial l l orsservives. real cou freaste fromeal gredies.s. welcome e crontry. ok, i i ou're a cow and alal ananyomay not know what i'm talking about, bubu uh.h.heogurt made from yo mil is delicious.s.
10:50 am
sprpr > spring i iut t sprout whichpp means it's tim too start ringngcleaning. >> instead of loagit, we'll have you loving i i wh thth test andreatest products at were testeddy the fol a amycirc"@ mama. >> he with ththopicic is senior e etototodaelle. ( hi, h are u?. by theay t ts kindf segment is one off ouravoror segmes the show beceeseeveryone's kind of into it. >>nd we are messy. >> we' take care opring clclni fororougu. `>> microwave. >> t t t is mrowave mirae. you kww how messy t tsehings get. % hat looksike hoda microwave. >> yes,t es. sprayay thi on, l ito the heavy lifting. you close the door, you use the at. >> no, youdn't.t. >>et it for 60sends. >> we'll comom back andheck on it. at'snext? >> force oflele disinfefting. force t t natate here disinfnfti. this is great.
10:51 am
you're taking salt,ininarnd water. >> you mak it yourself? >> you make it yourself yoay iton. j j j wipesryin cl ishat lake a a cleaningg suly? >> 8yes, i i i a caningsupply, allnatural. >> you holdd i ind iot likik a long spray le th. l le it. >> it' food safe for kids -- >>e love a sponge but this spon h soap in it? >> sp built intnt it, odegradadae cleansm sorrr it savesspace o the counter. yoy can see the latatrr buiing r e. >> canitit >> take us t the fl. > floors, ght? steam isgreat. thth b btay to clean withoho chemicals f f your oors. we likehis model becau it's easy to mauver, ghtwtwght, and sy. > this is s e piece de resistce. this ist i'v'v been oking for myntire . anybodod with kids o a dog. >>rnna. >> myba c cleerumm last nigh i couldavee been ke, really crummy.. >> t ts is actually atress
10:52 am
pvavava, gets all the dusus mitit off. ititas bunch of f erent attachment tachnts. ucks ittin? >> look at that. yououan u u it o. hard anhere. >> take it witityou. >> hol on,ruroll plse ay.stl looksks thesame. >> don't'turn yourselflf >> it's coming right off. >> it is, it looks liket'ss comimi right off. ususuly want t t set it f about two minutes. p >sll a littleirut i think if we got in there, wee uld get it.. >>sth bleacacacououse on! eeall tough obs but n it's in crystalal form. so n m me spillll andnd splashes. . >>ne? >>his is a g g one. ourestersent th. stairx. it literallytttifts- c cou do itt in a carpet rpet, clothes, anything. these are the wipeses for on the go. >> you uouou usesehis flr your nchlater. t tnk you. nd tn rhdre,, this is steam is the new irong. yoeardrd itere fi
10:53 am
it's g g t t seemmpouresses. ((it alsls has attacents so you can cle il your bathroom, anything. >> yourgrili uch is that? i thihi it's about $9 >> we'll justavee to quily me herer t t >> d't le cleleinwn toilet but it iscessary.y. >> you c c g undr lip f % the and dispose thepad. >> that's smart. what doe this bababdo? >> tha is g g to get the toug anes it's tub andl you know, shower scrub. and whahashatguy? >> right there, wve ghe opt
10:56 am
10:57 am
pupuing. jenn leas -- i'm on a diet but i don't caca. uld you die? hococote banana pupuin a b60 a a cup is $3.50. > don't know anynyingg about -- >> isn't(t i so good? mine is like avocadogo matchaha matcha noothie. it vegeg and gluten free. i'm trying to n a detox. youu ninhtght joinn m m we c be ininad mom. it has mango, plant protein -- >> i4issike -- >>s go. you can order them. like them a lolo fromth,o thth, come on. we to g g g ngtis o o fen sarahaynes andbatttt >> 4heyyad a baby. alex chard.
11:00 am
love i'm andy koen .... we have a feloping s out of dove valley at this hoq---- e retirememe of deveer bro q5arararack peyton mng. e awng newewononrence wi mningngcoach kubi and other team officials that is set to b b in just minutes. if you were expecting thrachel owyou can stililwatch that b b bcan news 5ow. manning's legacycyn game of fo ione e e is ffecult to measure.e he widely y pected to be inductedednto ththpro-footll hall of fame theirst year he becomes eligib here are just a a w ofih reerighlightht manning isishe only n-n-l player to ever n ned m m-p-pororiv seseons ... he's thehenlylquartetetabababao ever w w two superbowls with two different teamam... t colts in super bowl 41 and the broncos this year. he holds m mtiple league passi rererds -- inclu orall
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