tv News 5 at 5PM NBC March 7, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST
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manngoes out on to...winning a second d perbrbl,....and number 18 calling it r rtstsfter 18 named m mt t valule playey. sports decgrant meecwas therfofotodadas retirement announcement---a-a joi unow in studio.o. first class alalthe way y grt speech... hit l e e mbmband still l made u ulaugh aslled i ia re e haesesplay cl peyton manning ever had to make came todada there is jusususmething about 18 years. ghteen is a goododumber and todayai retire from o ball afr r seasons in n e .. peon is caing itit carr.....& one that is uatated days sndards. ro of family a f fmer teammas.... peyton reflect on s 14 yearsrs as an indianapolisisolt d hihihi timemes a denver bronco. when i was ded by the colts,indidiapis was a basketball anh a caracing towowbu didn'take long for the colts convert t t city ananstate of inana into ftball evanlists. gratefululs the word thahacomes to my`mind when inking othe
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s familyo all of my nverer teammates,hankou for what you've done for this old quarterback. and ofofourse my gratitude to the broncos fans everywhere. peyton rsesethe e vel of thehe broncoacrorororo nfl. e exact thing at general nager john elw wanted from him. he was a g gand i k well asths out t ere should look awhat ptomamaing is aboutu of urse football player is a man, but peytomanning utilized every assett that god gave himto be the best fooooool player at he could bebend that's to me sets him apapa froml anybododelse because he gaveva every partrtf himselel wen out the wahe wanted... as a chaion... not rering as a cor r br but as`a fofoballlayer. "welel i've fought a good fighdh ve finished my football race and after 1818ears, it's time. god bless all of you andod ess
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the large crowow of media weren't the on oneneout ththe totoy.... a few fans showed up to send a big t anu to pton maing.g. 's greg ngrando obobht up w wh thth.....tryg to get peyt_n_n attention. joey@yartinez/broncos fan so 46:22 a aa fan i wish wexex uld have him forevev... unrtunatley that's just not possible.....but they say if 's g gna go....this s s the way toit. . tom trtrilo/bronco f 45: go out on top while can nothintter in or. so good....they wanted to part of ititoo. sot: 48:3131 told her he
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out toovvalley t: 40:0: figurururuld comeme wn show ret for one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play the game.e. so 440 -8 i'm luck need t tgrea in my life timimwitness some supowowwi. . there's nothininbett as spororan. thahas they showed that appreciion in a mber of d)fferert waya eeng, making signsns..evev mamang a speci manning t-shirir sot 42:23 wasn't a doubt i imy mind whehegogothis shirt that he wld accomplishi miion. and he says there's s dou the sheriff delived. missssn accoshshr. mamaing. anat's trufor r t only bronco's fans.....but lt fans. sot: 50: all t t peoplin ana still love peyto manning g d d e happthat h h h won.n if its denver. dove e lley, i'm$, , . we brought y y manning's speec live on-r y. n n nd the full video loaded r rht now at koaa-dot- - - m. no a warmnd windy start to the week---here'e!me new videoinin o newoom m om po. a majojotyour r ea is under a red flag w wning. meteorogisssica van meter
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alert 5? winds stayezy this eveningng but nally tapepeheading intn tuesday morning.g. any clouds from totossipate overnight t r mostly c car skieses and ws in the 20's and 30's. tuesday wiwi be a calmer day andnd cooler day t ta cold front psing throh gh his s lly be ithe 40's d 's. wewel ze a g gd dealalf cl covewith a small chance r a straowerererpecily at
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just in. 21-y-yr-ololpueb manans in custod child abuse c c policeell ne 5hey rested "jacob sandoval"vethe ekend d two counts of child abuse rereltininin bod injury. they say ty respspded d a child abe call and found o child injuries---d then they f fnd the tn sisiinwithth seriououvisible ininries bobo chihiren were transported denver children's hospital. police cay sdoval isis fririds of the kidid mother-m-and d e kids w we in his ce wh theheheinivur. we areearninmore tonig, abouthe victims killed in lalala weekek s sll plane crash in palmer le. the el paso countytyheriff's office h identified thtwo men as 77-7-ar old dan mury..... and 6060ear d jeff kapaptztz the e -plane went down las wedndnday on the southeast e e of palmemelake..
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neinformattonight abavta suspiousevicorce e evactia can cidghbho. fo csosa it t s o o ananund"d"! ne five's lena howlandndndt spoke with teople who found -- she joins us live in studio. ththelelme -- ey werer flyfishi about 45 minutes west of n ci in e kansricuosc ed tto dig ioud init homon their arch r answs. take a look at these photos the boys towjust afterhey un out it&they s it was abt the to foururt lo, 30ounds an theyssuld ve been stk e e r possibly 3 years. onhe boys ought e, their pantcalled 9-1 rig canocity police sponded just after last nit... and called in rt c cson e-o- and e pueblo bomb squad for lp.... evacacting 19 homes in the area. johnhni was liket could d live, itould be a dud,d,t
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ty.... but i dodot know why buty bobo instinct kickein wanted -'coowannbrg it memeititolol e-d was ab to o cure the device and take it off sitto destroy it. this time, th don't know where it came from or how old it wawa coming u utonight at six -- - rt carson has a wararng for evyoboutusciou veces. liven lo, lenaland fe. two areome e fet...teen ssinoverhe wkend. . 11eama adl geelnd h7--o brother mahehad not beeneardrom since saturday when they left togo off-roadini. this morni,...their jeepas found outse /wooan, bu in the . . boere tefofoab a half mile away near the beer creek draige a aa. "colororo 4x4 rescue and
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rescue to find and get the brothers down from the mountain. other than a few cuts s d bruises, the tww okay. @ 0 t/nigh lora sprgs ccocil scopapnt e deragobebent unoho it feels, concerning acceptg rianefugees in the thdrdrt die s e federal gegegesettttnt prprprprprtinificant seseriri concncns a aut theheovernment's ababababab f f fetetncncncg g fugees. askskfederal l rerecrats to immemeely y tifyfyhe city when they learn of tentia resettlement plans h he.e. it a ao ofrsrsuppopo fororhehe fededel "safe"e"ct wchchould quire thb-to issue "certification"... that r rugees are t a security re. this folws t t passage of a similar resoluluon by el paso county commissio in november. andy koen with more.. coming up a 6. xxx counl also hearing ordinances thatould either ban or regulate marijuana coumption club among the "proposals" is an
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definition for the clubs within city code. other proposals wod establish licensing and zoning reiremen. for example, clubs would need to maintain odor filters and could not be located within one thousand feet of any school, park, ycare nter or drug rehabilitation center. these proposals come amia moratorium on linsing annew clubs until new regulations are established. xxxx there's a st. patrick's day grinch..,somewhere colorado springs. a giant leprechaun.. stolen over tht(weekend.. is part of a float for sarday's parade.- the leprechaun was reportedly stolenrom jon street---and was last seen north prospec our lseyennedy is ve now ere uckyhe leprechaun n@ was last spotted.. kelsey? the leprecun was a auallll spottetejust thimorning.. hererelong noror prospect t t coloradoin.. he went missing ju about t tee blocks her.. from t t10blblk john .. but stilnobody's been able to get it back to it's owners a
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luluy isjone oa pair of leprechauns.. usededn the indendece nter's flolo for saturday's st. patricday parade marie bryan n ld me she s storing them both in her yard.. and nod saturdayningng th the sev foot tall woodod c cout prprprun h h goissing.. she's been on the hunt eve sisie.. sinessesesththararre helping her sesech forky.... she even g a aip on facebook th morning t tt luy had been spspted.. ven n@n@ morning wn n went go o ok, , coulvl't f fd ananhihi. i'i' tald with aot of the e e businesses in the area too to have them keep an eye out,nd there are a few that said they would check secuity cameras to see if they could see anythi she's workg on a plan b.. so the indepencence ceer can still walk in the parade if they n't get lucky back before saturday.. she says whoever h lucky can retu him to the indepence@ ntern dotown colorad rings.. or slip him back over her fence.
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what'snique out t&cky reesentshe pple t e indepenence ce help.. for now live ilorado springs.. kelseynedy, news five. still ahead on news five at five -- the gift of pregnancy! we're aring om the woman given new hope -- after receg`g`e naonirst ututus transplant.t. that's coming up in tonights your healthy famy.. and noringng former@rst lady wel show you how t glos membinncre. but t here jesca in n first alert 5. d fl wngs va e eired for todadaand we've t rain chances coming up in your firsrs ert t foreca.
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heart problems. w . famimimindrienen p peir r r@ nal respects to a virginia policeffer.... o o o killed oner "fir nht o othe ndreds ow enforcfmenfi ghereren sscpcpcpcp tl l no"offerererer as g g."." wa a ad erer fit shifwhwhe e spspngngng mestic dishuhu lasmonth. xxxx former first lady nancagananan iseing remembered around the world as one of e most iconic, momo influevevststadads s sss gre e whitituse. owows are being ft athe of theheegananibrary... . . andhdhags lolored to hf s4aff at the washington nume.. d at thehi house. ==== "i kw ch she mea nototot just to prident reagan but to tht(cotry s w wle."
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rembered f f her ljve and her huhud,d,he le presidid nald bgan.n. e o t e ngngn# holloo.. and were married for2 years. nancy by the preside's se e ththughout his polilicalaleer d his s ttle witeime ncy regan.. ed yestetdayayt t age ofof4. funerarvices are fridad at the regan librar xxxx winds stay breezy this evenibut finay y pepeoff&heheg to tuesday morng. any clouds from today dissipat ernight for mostly clearki and lows in the 20's and 30's.esll be a calmer day and a cocday thanan t ta colo front pas thh tototot.hihis s nlbe in e e 50'swel have a aoodededef f oud d cor with a small chance for stsbsbshower, especially at high elevations. wednesday's highs ll still be cooler than we've been used d , mainly in the low w mid 50's. we'll veven eaststly wind giving us a strong up-p-p-. that'll meanore ouds a a& cpan f s se muchceis /sw develop througut thehe dada hopefully helping out with
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trending online right now. kensington palaled some new phphos of f e royal mily during their vacationonn the frfrchchlps. tht(duke andndhess o o cambridge and their r ildrenen gegege and chaotte spepeome e titi on the owy opes last week.the palace ss s was t tir first vavation together asas family of four. it was also the first time prince geoeoe d princess charlotte played in the sn. xxxx as w wcontinin the " "ad trio"
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meetinwiththhe media this week in l l angeleso shshe their exctatatnsnsns stotoeseadingngng up to the e mes. ==== ts onof those is parararalist jaimimwhwhmorereho bated cacaer and was told she'd never ridede bike agai...after 7-7-ars as a profefeionana cyclist. whitre had a rararfofo othe disease at attacked her iatic e titily lited her use of h h heft leg. but rerevercame ththod and started her cocobackn 2011 right re in colorado....dudung the leadville 100 race. thatatas the most emotionanarace i've ever d beuse en i wasas atatthound-feet t hern-around at milil52 or whatever, i was yingngearsrsf y cause e ctororhasaid ybe you'\' ride a stationary bike.
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our matt priaris il-a rougut t weesharinine hls s ories and gettins in tonight's y in tig'sheth fami.... doctorom the clevleand clic s sredeils on t naoi'sirterus transplant, offeng hto women n o ffer from uterininfactor infertility. during the nine-hour procededed.... ctors trsplantedda uterus from a deceasesesenor into the lvisisf the recien tpe 2626ear old will be closely nitorod fofotwelve months s while she tas medicaon to event her body from rejeinin the organ. experts hope this will allow her to becoce prprnant usingngn & vitro fertilization thinin year's time. the rgery is pt of e stuty th aspir t tgive theift t
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unable to conceive a c cld becae they don'tave a us orause their's is damad. t: lds - fir uterus anspnt recipient i ithe` united states :14 "when i was 16 and was td that i woulululver have children d fr thahamoment oi haha prayed that d woululallow me thoppounuty to experience egnancy and hehe we arertodadaat the begnnng of that journey." tht women receive the ututuses temporara^y i pes th thehewill have one two children once ty haveen birth, , e e uterus wilbeed and th'll l op the use of an- - rejection medis. moories... st heato "your hlthy fafaly.c here's several sriesese're@e rkininon for news five at six. celebratg women---working in male dominated iustry. wel show y y how female consnsuction wor in our area are being honored. d apple mac users are being ta we'll brbrbr crnininin tonight's s s umer watch. but first t re's jessica w one la look at weather,
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but nalltaper off heading to tuesday morning. . any clouds from today ssipe overnight for r stly c car s ses and lowswsn n e e e and 3s. tuesdaaawill be a calmer day and a oler d d thahktoto colont passing h tot.ghs y beth40 and . thanks forching news five at fivevewe'lsee you back r rht here after n-b-c c ghtltlnews, ne. and your local news s lws on
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, > tonight, breaking news. i andrews awarded millioio after stalkereseetly taped e tster r a ho the jury t t tg only hos dece. going for a knkout. ump tries to make florida a man race while clinton hopes to makeichihin sanders'la sndndone of thbiggt reininin ldarares her l shak the ce. >noring nancycy rebgan. funenel arngemen annound for tht former firit lady as new tributesour in. > flash ood emerncy. deadly storms on the st coastorcing high w wer rcueu and shutting dowroads, and the nger isn . > > ililil eaea. the fit successful prpredurofofts kind in the u.sgiving new hope t twomen o nethght they coulget pregna. "nightly news" begins right t w. >> announc: from nbcbc news worldld
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