tv Today NBC March 8, 2016 2:07am-3:00am MST
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1an r aza. hi, erybody, wee toundamondaymamah e 2 jnnbush h illg in r thie lee. thong is " wordswhich is perfect byric hass. >>i. >> you a gd weeken >> y y had a aettee. >> we're goingngtalklkollywood gossip thiweekend, includi why madonna a t emotional on age during h cononrt. a lot of pknow therere been a custody badtle ing on so we' gng to ta about th aittle bit. >> if you can't ve t body you nt, love the body you're with. it's like a mantra for me. we'll sllls h@w coseheh righgh styles andide your so-called flaws.s. >> and if your spring cleaning to do lili is a mile long, we've the beststleaninproducts to g g the job d de. >> hodn't wai >> ias counting the minunu so what did you ts weekend? >> i did nothing.
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work and i flew w on tuay d when i ge i immediately was s - - bloloed o. >> did you usesehat wo? ob >ut. that's what i do. i blob out. >> i actually did blob o. my sisr me over last night. she made carrot cake. she a&d milaade cookies. >>hat? >> and then we had -- - e's like, is is glen frerecarrot - ke. i'i'like glun free, it has sugar. >> ihas everytng ithth wo. - -- rl >> hndhad mepas dba wlilili i he the winn. >> ts isila. weweave a rituhich ie rty. laad ackla renit n 20.'s u uinou ute. dance "fren." becamis ththplay lis heheetu toick?
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like? >> not mh. she lis . e kes foula. she likes starinat herarents and giggli. >> scute. iou w sayth, ifouav ve h h aamildadce y a darty. >> ay/nky nce y, you have to do it. it insly lifts your od. >> tt's actually areat ing. onof the this when mnieces come to see me, en the elevatoroorspen in the budi, if noby's in there, we have what we call an fdp, fnknkdae partrtin the elevator. when t elevator dodos open andh there's somebody in there, theyeye all likeoh. thpersrs in theris like,llo,hanknk t we d dit all t way down so the pray tre's no e i i there. it's the best. >>sn't that the most fun? >> it's the best. >> those types of mories. they'll feverer >>ou're rit. i st want to shohoyou, i went away witsoso fends and had a great time. i wantnto show you one picture. this does not ok real.
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it was pink d a und ba.. look how i gotir riououy opped is does nolook rea n ou a a ahohogrher.r. iwas fba osund d s tc -i was tbtvllhevs we on th's wn thnekebo nancreagagwa 94. r lo pe for yotishprob theheirst fir l theyy remembmb. first ladyom 19 t ery tribe yosaw. on the plane, you ju kep watcng them go over and er and over che was obviously fluel with poland with her husband ino many ways. buthe love stsryetween those o, was getting try-eyed hingng bee, liky ulite tes. th h noteswoup s and -- there lovtters.- one of thememsomethihg
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room, i miss you. and s an she sd something -- you know how when you lose someone you care about, everyrye always says the same thing, itets er. was s tchihi h she gettterviewe i thk king or sody she saidu ow the al say i igetsasier? she said, it dsn get eir. e sa, i lod him that muc - it's harr ery day. i wawaimaging her while e -- he hee was going through alzheimer's, to have hime but not with h r. but`anyway, they had a autifu b biful love story.y. thihi in n any wa pewcan l lrnroth mage. any calearntfr tir marria. the respect h forh her. e respt t h for herer y. o etm ttle when wasit reereri' never fget th a aictuf us the al officec lat y ywo>> akn, washe rk so o osely th my anathed i rememb, pmeme mting hernd i i id - dtimemory
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g roll wwattle and brbara d i we nhat we behad. tt a surpse? she ed like a first lady. >> she d. don'tou think?? regal. >>he had aair about her that was first dy-liki#and in all the best ways, so i think k e'll be missed. >> s will. you cajust see the number of tributes a the number oplehe impacted and d w lee r heldp asot ju a wderful first lady but asasyou know, a loving wife, a fashion icon. >> sheheid smuch for the wte house and restoration. e left a lastingngmpmpt but i thininthe lelecy, like yououaid,that she'l'lleave isishat -- the lovo&affair. w really --'ve ner seen couplead bn marras long as they hadd ea other tay thed and haly s pic of th whthth werchg or log ache no mter at, mostve le picture >> by the wawa thas something we can all work on >> absolutely. >> to have thahahape of iage >> absolely. >> so, is --
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'm a aittle bibied about this next s ory. >> y. >> p ptotonning is g gng to announ hetirement totoy we've hefrom my soururur ar ca. 's a newrlns b.>> yes, loveim.. sdrew brees or peyt mainin iyou had to pick? >> that isis t tri-- oh, on anslanan trded an nd> you knowh? n'kn. -u day's yton's day. buboth of these guys are upstanding iredible guys w w yod war r ht to soto omulala eythat kininofofuy. yton- i didn realizee liked d r shsh. > whq >> first of alal i'm like, what's augololme jock ininwatching t ts show. >> no,e doesn't. >> it came out -- yeah, , ey re talklng about while he wa
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guess he didn't have choice. dan a row. >traight? >> just listen b bause ts s % from his lips. go.. >> i did all 35 days. watcd d d ndndathie lee. i dididil 35 days.s. for an hour treatment. watcd hoda and kathie lee. >> o more time. did d cutt? ju continu >> you want`it over anover again? >> -hed da andhie. hamyg ne. >> can we make t tt yo ring tone and/or yoyr alarm clo? >> there's so ny g ures of him. that'supposeseto b banunce latar totoy. if you want to see a bututul cture about the`duke and duchess of cambrid, they hadad theifjfjt ski vacationon@ they boughgeorge and the baby -- >> oh, my go. >> iththor real? >>knowow>> iis>>haoc s meanthkids oab. athos s s vere>>k atatat. pea h h. at mas haiat lksatab >oo tha
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eryone hap lisulynot pp- a sri one babasu. ououhe lauing. whwhth?ththe inh h secretoc>>y ivivit aouy. his thehe t wiiam m ka havt sin hinds. which byhe hen and i have yet to go ski >> look a@ tm in l ltoo. i mean, you can't ve erytng. you knowowhas funny? we were at the pool and weweaw this r rlly hasoso guy and we were ogling. thank you for confir. >> hadoteoe sasat co >> o w wwere ogling this guy dhi is how gross it was. we wererwatching him and he s th his wife and e was s gorgeousuandy had a ba. he's making her laand the by's bououing and friend looked at me and goes, he's got to be stupid. becaususno one gs everythihi. he's definitely -- i'm sure s appciat oglg. wul hp it.
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>>he undoooo imagine this, imagine your child goes to hool wh beyonce's dauger blue y and iminin you're at t nd-raiser. >> rigig. t scho which is whwh opleo. d all a suent'me nce gp onon a statt inhoto ng a thas hneat o e lo d fe away can't >> can mila go to blue i ol sioly... doesn't this make moms across the country feel inadeate ste?bee ri thedle ofofrying to find auctioitems for r la's sool'auction.@ li, henrat about that diner downnhe street, do you think thed do a free breakfas >> just take a "today" show mug, pthosare hot.
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the scenes. yeah, do a hind the scenes. thouldldave luwith ha kotb. >> aou! you're like, and . >> y y, inined, i'd love to. bour lteroer >>his ilaou twrothers stopped on thway meroro thehebeac to buy powerball tiets.ey bh won. >>has the goododews. >> but t b newewis one won $291. o, $1 million. >> million dolrs!p >> so hesesehe lump sum. >>nd his brother won $7. won andam w0 0 million. >> can you imane >> i bet it always happens in that famil that broro, bob alwa -- i w wld bob is me and jas isarba. . welesa jue thlelem,nsni a he s onn he ys whe s tt
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am say's bflorora cebrate >> ps e ququon, is james going share with or bob? p>>e has toto me got t t share w wbob. f james doesn't are th bob, we el sorry for bob. >> we do.. >> we alaladydfeelorry for bob. >> we do. all right, it's natial cerl da so if you haven't had yourl of cheerers, we're gng to , you kn -- & >> wititour fofdokay. >> whais this? >> cheerios colada?f coseyore nto some st o alcoh berage. >> well,hat'show that we@ work on >> the d look lik heeos. these are -- >o, they're multicolod chrios >> they ve fity cheerios? >> oh,y god, try the they do stli fruitoops. no, esesare e t ops. >> that note. hey're fy rios.she lookli soio t rt oscars it' got white m, turmeric. neapple juice. >> it's od for colds
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yorealal ul le itit camelanunuff. i li celancrchstuff. it's n fid m a n- eys gelato ige.p eamyelme pp wituny rl 's weyd e m.m. it w it wououn't be a monday if wen't get yocaught u uin all lhe juicy goss in n day'y'y' buzz. >> here to get u un the opop al the celebrity oop, co-h-ht of cby aara the morng, cin ber i,irl, h are y? congralations. you had thbaby aittlbit ago. you look butiful. >> thank you so chch >> let's talk madodoa use e w w in concert this weeke and shing happened this weend. d she'in the middle, as all knowa very publilicustody
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let's looo at wh hapapned on stage what shehead ty. >> t is no love strong than a mother r heson. if i tal if i talkut it t l mu, i cry.y. bui uld like to decate this this` sg him. it's love song hopee arisomewhe and kns homumu ms him. >> i dn't knkn she w thainin >>veryry >>y emotnal, you know, ralyo ever see dodoa like this s t shis in the midd of a custody dispute with her former husbaba over their 15-yeaold son cco. rocco s with h h until cember.
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ev since thet's steen a ttuthg. wju in cot t a aringhlastedneay.a judgdgpressed disappppnpment that they co't come up wititit agement because roccccisishehe one who's being afafcted b this. until th cananome up with a long-tm agreement, he's ing remain with h h father. and they have other court te set teatively fojuneuthe hope here hey figure something oubeuse thth 15-year-old sois in th middle p>> don'tou wononr was wondinif y y were rocco hit ip, atld yoin >> t'slsenord d'ty y thet that his mother goeso social medididilot so i'm not@tte susu if thisisashe r s he e obab wan se e ivacy. >> exactly. >> all rig, jiy kiel posted, we love by veos. let's lk at hisne that jmmy kimmel posted it's n your typipibaby deo. t's it. >i. >> d'sl. >> gl. >h. >i.
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>> oh, mgosh. that's's scree. what he did d theheideo d de do? >> ts isisiz. we always y wh cebrities seids of bs. seat face aphat everyby'usinw. p pd exalylon h h andndhe put ion h alia -- >> so da >>heesemceceun i wiave u kn ttttt d dter% sherable. th've takener o to publi outitis.s& e doesn't have t stubble th had does. > she jussh thehe. >> ectlyly she'such a little e tie. >> is he going to host t emmys? >> yes, he is. it shoul great sw. >> well,ove .. loveim.m ayayay kim`h`hie, d they do one othose swaps >> this wasverwednyoyootice? hey look atlal >>an even tell ff >> reay. >> this is theest cewap ev. w which onene -- ylie's reafaceces on kim with the slicked back hair, right?
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>> wait, k is on t right? >>im's facisn kylie's hair >> e ectly. >> i thi t ty lo like in sister >> tt's what everydy s s kylie alalys l led older sister, wantnt to ok like he annow w acsw s s can dodot. >> ruperocgoied y hallr we ilooks like trth time i the charm. there they are. she wore a butiful blue dreses yes, theyegot married in lond/ the famed fleettrtrt. all of their ten chihiren we inttendance. his s x from hisor relationips. her fo. ere are e o ofer daughrs. wear blus s. ruchndnd . by tayquhandndmeso they l gotogw.@ths biancacager. >> our's t. >> mick ggererx.
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rupert murdo s sd he was the pp%-anduckial>> le at age >> no kidding ank u. take timemeff fof the kid k into t wororce >> i i iujuphones ringin pickckt upupyomight ur fan tk. ise luc viewe ght aftethis.>> ring. right after this ve been n my i've been ononmy feel all da i'm bushed! a me too.. cuse ee...comimi through! ridedehe g w we ofofomfort
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e e ek. rum lllee.-while wengle, today itand in - whwhe? >>ulanta, texat's wheroun ey who tches us on kxas tv. she watches s on skype. reou in school? >> yes, i am.% i ststped out of t cssroom soingers cross t ty're all on task. oh, mgosh. 'rgoing to televerybod why yowere c csen. yoyo a reccoege adho workas a substitute ache >> she watchch thehow ever day and she said it inspired her to be bre d takehe leap of @ad vevell the way froro ilnois to texa gogo move, girl. one of hehefavorite memories when she came to the aza and played w us. hlovmbh makakaers and shl@vew k. sa e likes tooin in with h full gla of milk. >> oka ashle is me to puyour fandom he tt with
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seconds, one e es swer correctly totthe and priz are yoyorey? i ihink singers cssed. >> this one's about t nna.a. she ofn about t sier is meteei me grandmomomo is ia,thel or barbara? >> barbqra. >> yey. atoes she win? >> you w a aabous resort vacacaon. you and guest e toto hehe to sunny florida. spend fou nights,hreeds at thth seminole hard rockotel and cano inmpa. >> dinner f t msage thek a,@u@uri rfared. a who'sngo gogo#pth you, you know? ( mgoodss, s, my m, s besfrie. i'm so excited. shsees i >>le we y ale we love a a you f excc whwhi love, gi >> thanks, girl. >> ashy, have a good one, ney. congratulations. l right.t.
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susie welch get you back in e workforce. i vqbebeeach,sc or mbe dancer. but learning i )hard when you're hy. that why for yea kellogg'has helped pvide millions of brkfasas tototos who start school without it. d with your help, wewean all grow into our d dam in our house, in our house, imaginationru wild. but at my ta ieep the food rl. like country crock's recipe ma with re simple grednts. ananan artificial avors or preservatives.
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from real ingredientnttorock cryman (sternlyhwre doyou ink k g? . cus:o wowiou itaco y'rt mi. i took mucinexo heget rid ofy mumy cononion. i'm good all dayay [annouer munex keeps s rking. t not 6,, t 12rs let's thth i ink shod've takenftt the riveve an kw where tarz no! rzrzoes not ow wherereta g hey, exce me,, doou kwhe th tel is? rfl?nono tn, of jungng y t u`want to stask mebi? ifou're a couple, yoghover t tections.s. it's what yoyodo. ififou want to save fifteen percent or more on carnsururce, you swch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what u do. ohhhh! do you have too that righin my ear? s#emlike we've hit a roa block. thatinds me... anne have casisial constipation, diarrhea.. as, bloating? yeye onphillips' colohealth probiotic cap each day helpdefend against occasional distive issues. thhrypes of goerlivehe reg l
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it i it is fun n`y monday. there in't a man out there o isn't self-conscious aut some part t her body. >> whether it's your less than ample bosom -- i@ don't like thef wordbosom, or you thi you boys littleltooo booticious we'e' aut to 4 shok you h h tur yourr -calald flaws ioashion assets.e with ss toyou love yr bos "insle" aund fhion editoand lae. kana. i'm good,ow are you g gsg >>his isoingo be one of our mtt helpful fashion segments,au we're not quite s se to t dress our bodies. and ife startff witit someoeo who let s s hasmple buz omz. >> sometimes it's hard. >>t is so hard. i fdt t t ter
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fferm th.bu noteasuffbee embrarinssit's allutu ow g the right cuts andhi when youa ert,&&& ah's c cpleds ndinthththghpsn't make you lo topvy >> wt arthe rule >> ink y neexpose swhwh yo a high ck if ts oankekeyooke y o a bowk, a apscnecka a ne. erica, c ceout,he's o o first mol. >> y're lkinout s t size cups?>> dup.even c cup. >>, d, ef, g , j a thehe hasop necectop an that reallllshowher sksk but 's not too l l cut where shs revealing too much. and en e esize your wat.. payryrf shorts are c cched and it brings her in and gives her that hour glass shape. anotr key y to a blazer. it's a great way to st pish off thlook and it kind of camouflages thgs. ^hanks, erica. how abt t e opposite if you're
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he wbosom by t w bos is the 10s. >> that'cute t. i think halter r p p really t way it really attering becse itithows a sexamount of skin without quirina lot of clclvage. but i do thi wn your boo e tiny you c get away wi lo. canan get awaith a a lot more. youan go wh deep v-cut u careallylyo anything. >> you donessarily have to we a bra, righ >> wn yo a bra, t y go one e at padd, g g foat mape. that t k >>hat'er s can hav backless. no bra. u dot ne i >>ll rig. an, much. s now w wgot e booty. >> t b booty >> wch is b bthe w!y, a big y a g asset. >>t's a great se kat. >> speoplery to camo this b tre a wen thertrenhance so you have to ow it of it metul,mb
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>> so s w%arinina pair of f skinny jeans.. a lot women ant by jsehey p p& the ckhave ager booty. do a pair of skijeans at elon your le b b ao have stretc% if youave thatap, ke sure you're belti jean so y y bng it in. shhas a top th's a little bit more fabric so you want to tuckin and ghow at waist. >> she has a tiny waist. >> so it's s%ser flaering. >> curvy.wee stin e'workin to ble wlike at >> ctina, yook g gd. ll us what you'vdo the >> i thihi f womom was a a rvy shape, yououantoavav adjustability.y you nt to have aress that is either wp drs at you c cinch the waistr a trench ct on tophat@ha beltlt cinch h at thwais you n't want anying to be t t tight again,n, wanto use the ench coaoainhe samway u would e a blazererpolish
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therwhatebo bght, has nfenen butt'sot too tight and it's not totoloos >> she lks so go. >> 7e e lk about cankles, , at ould we do witthosos i don't like the wo cane. >> you jt nt t tavoithk rap. if you have ahick strap on yourhoe, it'ss goingo draw attentiono t kankel. >> shes not have a cankle. >> no.o. , we're okinuphere. >> all rigigi goit you't wanto d dw teion to it t d we aeel l a ttr.yontdoometng monochti do a a dehoe. we really y preciat. >> you look b.b. did you te a breaom yoyo cararr maybto raiseseome kidi?? zichasasourp stleajshe gk wowoforcghafter r r . > eelnt.teis. pepemonts arararaul, unlele y hies. youes mee y. ly fnase istajs tolp yet bk into t force righafte.. excntasea
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who left big jobs f their fafalili, and while they don't regret the decision for a minu both are finding that rentering the workfor totohehe t tn they thohoht. >> i havthrerechildrennd i a si. i icoe d twtws scho, frfrhmantw meenejape des bldina succesuleer foherself in the fashion world but ten ars ago she and her r en h hband made a jointecision for her to ke a break from her r job to raisthe kids. sd, i ingo takele bit. justanpendndom th my ki andndndnd a reuir sa to me athe mene, bearefyo know, u alwaysant totoeep ur tin the wer. >au h a slightl diffenth after `whaa aecade in the of fce, urund oue prntntith inin an exciting g rise. t ttroted t ay he with thchilen>> i stad homeoree yes. anen w offed a positi wh jojoson & joson.
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ghghyears.asilenrew, realized realized, i was spending less and lessime with them. i wass missi out on their lives. >> now that all the kids are indedendent, je and laura are hopi to relaunch their cacaers.s. ja is working hard t blish a sociedia prce a ca heown peonal bnd i usi lkedin n y coect with peoe that mbe vet talked to in a year or two years, three years, anju be ablto figige ou where theyeyre and is there a popoible oprtunity fofome. % >> while lauraak on sht-termosititnsnsnsthe fincial wod to keep he skills sharp. >> i rectlsturted kiki nsulting rolol. i've donthree ert over the last couple of years. >> but one question remains, differently. >> i don't regret aving my jojo what i absolutely wish i had ne was takenhe advice of th rececer, makehat antion o b bin li b mororseam.
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today that three years off may as well be 30. bt inhe end, it was worth it. >> i can picture so manyy wen home rit now watchg that ece,ng, meoo lot of women do want to get t back into e workforce. you're going to o us with meind of practical steps, right. you say rst is ret ur expeations. >> loo this is a l ltle tough . e cocil of enomic advisers@s found yououe been out of work foa a aronlylyof ppl t withhest12 mthoongey't o mm men int. imagine wh iis for worng momsms it's l than that. so youave to understand, you are not goininto re-ter athelevel you exex at. you'rereoing thave tstep pckwards to steterwards. this is not great nene. both lra andane are his plac theyeynderstd. ey've had the inie. the hiringanagers ow the world has anged.
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stst f >>ouay t sececd d ep is to 0 llll your deci. whgtoes that m mn? >> y have ill l d knowowdg deci.. less you're the e re p pson who'kept abreaea of ala e e @ chgein youfield. companies change. . >> and fas rht >>ecause of technogy. sopou need to ll tho. ha the three cs. clses, cversatns a conferens. onlasse offline clses. arn, fill those gaps. have convenwh ople who are he fld mep topeedn the enen. the nfen u ededinp to eeou cin s m engad, i knooi onn orld >> you can do l isff re go knock on t door again. uansa iakthat i dersnd ts rks. happeto have taken a clcls on this. i got certifd. t tt migelp y get b, rht? >>ightht >> youre lookfor something that shows you are not looking to comup to speed on t dodoar. brand of you. >> the fir thing an ployer @ will dis google youn
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foprint thatathows you're engage if you're not o twitter in a pfeional and engaged ananactive wayay reot on liliedin mmentiti on peop's a as.ifou heike jane aura,y h w eyedsuininrm ally t tbeme t ceof f thr n fi. th g somclie fills th resume. you ed to ou look li you'reot just stepping back, you ow, fromour r use e to the workorld, thatou've done me stuff, you're dly online, you'reocially neneorked onli. jane d d rig? >> absolutely. everyoneeedsdso do that. finallylytack the eleant in t roo whwh is is e ephant? lisn, t hiring manar's s loing atou andhey're thinking, is she rea? does she know what she's about to get into? she's goine juggling a ryfilt tnsit s g go gr it e asasher to wk te or ta th't rlly isisth ise buyoylcan n you n
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,,,,,,, >spri spri is about sprout which h ans it's te to start ring cleaning. >> insteadf loatng it, we'll have y loving itith the latest a gatesododts that were sted by e fofos at "family circle" gazine. >> here with the top picks is senior edidir dael how are you? >> good. by the way, this kindf segmgmt is of o oit sets twecse evyonea in it. ware messy. e'llsp nior you guys. icrove >>s isicveir.. you know howessy these things t. >>hat looks like hoda's s micrave.
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avy ftininyou u e the door, you use th heat. no,ou d't. >> set ifor 60 secondsds >>e'll combackcknd cck on itit what'st? >> force of n n nfecting. offatdiecti. iss grt. e havingcien l inoue. you'reakg , vigar d water. >>ou makoursf? >>ouakakit yf. you y o itust wipeevevythingle. >> ithate cleang pply >> y yit's cleaninsupp, nal. >> y yold it andndt's got lili longprayikatg i ke it. t't'fo saffods- >>eovon t t spge s into oailt in it, ra biegdab cl s i i sasce othe un zou n n n n lath buald up riw t. y, cln o flrs. the flo rig? eam m waycln wit - ems foyourloor we like odelecau it'
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>> thiis the piece de resistance. >> thiishat i've been lookinfor mypintire life. anybody y th ks a d d ojeje md lled me crmymy ststht ven kely, my tisuaa re cucu, getstshetes f. it a bch of difffffft attachnts. youan do quick c ean-ups. sucks it in? >>ook at that. >> you canan it on hardwood floors. >>nynye. >> take it with u. >d , drum roll, please.okay. ststl looks s s sa. don't burn yourself. >> is s ming right off.t is, it looks like 's ming rigig o. >> u ually want to set it for about two mite >> it's still a littlele dirtyut i think if we got in therewe could get it. righ alrigh stain thi tleus tou jobt w it in tal rm mopilland la.
2:55 am
it litally juslifts >> cld you do it in a carp? >> cart,lothth, anhing these are e e s f#r t t go. >>ou could use this for y/ur lunch lar. tnk you. >> ahen right here, this is steam is the new irong you heard it here first. at we like about thione, oing toam your dres it also has attants y can clean your grill, your bathroom, anhing. >> your >> how much is tt? >> i think i9. >>e'll jhave to kly coere to the toilets i don likclea a toilil but it is necessary. >> nobody does. this is the bestbew ush. youan r rererhe@ lipip thndsp@hed. >smart. >> wha t ts babyo? >> thais to gel thth ugh . it's and, know, shower scru >> andhat's that guy >> right the, we've got the optimus formulated by a mom. all natural, allll safe. >> love it. all good. thanks so much.
2:57 am
ho doo you do this?working on my workinon my feet all day gave ue paiaire. in my knee but w, i step on thissmachin and get my numumr which matches my d d scholl's cust f)f orthotic serts. i get immediate relieffry ot pain. mynee in nd anet schocom discover n n mubspy. maitrfeclanc pbpb iream, luscusaspberry sauce, and lgian chocolate.
2:59 am
,,,,,,,,, - ve ve bn for so . thiss oufavorite things. if you've evereen to new york anmagnolia by,hey hehe w w nanadi 's's clateana a pug. jenjen --je ea. >> i'm on a detox, but i don pcare. >> take a big b be. a wl$6d a a 0. >> i d n't know anything about deals but i i uld say this is the bett deal. %
3:00 am
>>oe ie vanil waiver? mine is like avocado mangogo smoothie. it's vegan anduten-free. i'mingo o a aetoxox u inins tox, gho i` rrrroodsit h cococut water, coconut milk, ocado, plant protein.u caget the >>t's ke -- >> it's rerely good.>> it's indfreses i likit. >> ao congratutions to our friend sarhanes, her new baby. loou, sa>> see you tomorrow. my mis my missyon is mple. to make you u ney.y. i'm to level the playing field for all vestors. ere's always a bull market
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