tv News 5 at 6PM NBC March 8, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm MST
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sot: 33:00 there will be a a lolomore o ange and white in the project th youave seen to da. and d atig be anan derstatement. t t actltlwhat driveve want to hear. frank martinez/driver t: 50:24ts frustrating no matter whereou are. whevevevou he nsucuconon it defitely gets tempers flfling g the majojopartrtf phase 1 wiwi beo south bound laneneof i-25 a highway 24 to theest.t. upupdsdsilbe red, , ncrete barrieie will bebe going in, las will get smalle andl either be shifted orort times shut down. mostf e rkrkill be d/de att night....which is great news for businesses like shdenes....but that doesn't mean they aren't worrieie carrienee/sheldens sot: 46:13 lane shifti cancreaea problem. . sometimes if they geto confusededhey st kp on goioi and ey w ce ba. cdot says its either sft the laneor shut t em down......a consididing g get so mana visitoto through that t area.a.....z went for the shift. t 37:17 it could h he been significantlwoe. ifife ststd clcling acss psints for 2-3 monons at a
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but not all the constructiononn phase 1 will be bad.d. u'll finally seeing vement going dovov those pilil of dirt tt w l entualal turn into t t@ .replacing the trecherous4curve that's there now. ott asher/cd proctanager sot: 3 33333hat't'gointo f famp. chge. but that might not be enough to consnsuction... so p pple like frank&martitiz ....pack your patience. frk martinez/dver sot: 52:19 i'i sure in the e e it wilbe wderful. the meaeaime we've e t to grgr and bare it. phe l cks off on nday...and it will last unti spng20. changegewill bmade frequtly so k%kp eye outor ...or yo bbet.... t beo just the intereseion n l together. live in cs. greg dando. ws f fe. count on news five to keep you updadad on any issues on t t s. u'llllind our liveerertive
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t't'tate a le lookut in bh colo springs lo nowrtnly ololperatures day. meteologist jfssicicvan n n r n mike tonight moly car tonhth lows in 2snd . slightlymefor dnesday, climbingngack@he 50's d w 's moly sun skiesith a small chanceceo deloa strashower orwo throut the sesend half othe y. followinup for you: the c ty opueblo--making some changes-- - trynd quell t t followg upor you the citi o opueblo--mangom
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to pay f-- in so c-- tiacdes!ne fivs le hnd i ilive s so. e payaperty liens are r things sucucas ovgrowweeds or trash.h. in scases-- propertywners arbeing orreto pay bk liens-- placed before they en owned the property. . it a triririwato collele revenue weirstvtroroced you u justin holn back in december, ju after he titioned an nlnl li on his prerty. they s s s wananan to pay them even though the liei wasas assesses before i own the e @ opertynd even though the city faileto make reasonable efforts to collect the m mey from thehewner at tpe ti his s -hundred dollar lienas dated back to juststore hee bobohththisihomemeut of foreclosure.fiveears ago! geing the e notice last fall -- s the first he'd heard of it. i didndn knonoaoout e lienen
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stininon the door anhe ss the city i ikinitoo o r. iterrible at they'rereoing anthey'r'rfocused on p pr neighborhoods, he's right to say that, momo of the lien a#aivy is in loloincomemeeighbooo where theyan lst afford d pay the liens but t ty cnc p psydede steve nawrorkiieves -- it's s working.... . aftetethci has n n clected re than 85-thousllars since auguststwe had to have an ordinancncto t it against theropepey y x whicseems to be a more effectiviriry thth just putting lien against the property bucausif y y o a piece o&o proper, i i a piece of ty and somebodpu a lien a ainst it, nothing wl trspire untithatpepey is sold la night -- counl vod continue collecting -- under the condititns thaan appealsls process was set in place, interest was forven d the opon for homomwners s m me paymts was made avble.the e e y y esk intohe general fund and that can be distribud back into co enforcenenin helpingaintain thateptmt and also addinin
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the e ty but that money ----ht not be coming omomolman animim soon. i'm tempted just nopay it ananant the city as sort o oa otest & the city will be sendingut the nextnd o onotices for unuaid lienenat the e e of the montnt they [ill hold a heang for anyone that wantntto dispute the charges on april 22n live in puebeb, lena howland, news fiviv ininur continuinincoverage... toda teadle for rings uncilwoman "helen in to respond to allegations against her ld by a hearing officer.... during her formal ing last nth. the allegations center around d alalstatatdeal bweollins and "douglas bruru" in 2014.4. the cici's indepepdentthics coission alleg collins took ownersrsp of property from bruce---to help him m oid paying a city lien during closisi. the c/unciomanies the claims... .
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ek... cocil w*ll d didwhether to drop the cas di the hearing fininngs... or censure clins for a aeged ethical l l ch against the cycycy weweweweone a ch better id abohether marijijna ubs will be bannlorado springs. ciwy cououil will hold a prelininary voteteonight on banng clubs or juschanging regulations after ngthy public h hring. uncilman dononnight first prorosededanning future @ ririana clubs and ut d dn existing ones within 5 years, and the city planning cocoission susuorted that proposal.l. dozens of pepele a a speaking right t w nst t e prprosed ban,...saying sincncpuic coumion i iegal, le need a place to be ablblbl legally sme. zach thaxtxt withta livepdate e tonight tenenen coloradooman with epilepsysy will celebrate a birthday tommomoow thaher r doctor's told her would d ver arriri. a yeye ago, sharise nier moved her fami herfrexasas. d ys shu!seen see ee evev
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her r rvival. new six: lsey kennene joins us now with r story.. lala year atathis .... shshe nippererer disssg` heown funel plpls with her huhuananand ung so.. an effort to easesehe last days of her life wcannabis.. her husband brought her here.. now shhasn't had a aeizure in n more than 300 days.. and tomo she'll celeata birthday dtotos told her sheee wouldn have.. only birthdadawishsh to help others.. "didid evevethink i'be ststding here e ni i'm at 3131 daysysnd i iade e to o bibihday? no. ju tugug cannabis would ease the`e`et monthsf my lifif to mit better. i didnealize it t s actually curing me." "sherise just had a seizure shere used to o ve ds seizures everyay.. ouou we aoun'kn where i my k ks s ulhbveexai me once agagn, mom yfu're inhe kitchen in our`rcvcvd it's tuesday and u're makin breakfast. asasoon as they wovld convincece me of f at reality wasboomom'd having
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unable to nction.. and t able to remember hererwn chililen's'sames erise ent hehela birday inin.. hey old me treaso way i'd makeket to another one. they told my kids to be re t prepe.".medil rerdsay y she'd never gegeout of bed.. haha a seire free day or go to work again.. fullllime. m takikiananans s ly. my kids are in public school. ey are making grad nds aneyeyon ttake care e anore. r huhud d ough lodo t tdcia wh nnnnis.. didn't en r rlizeze was in n rado until we'd en h he e week. the e e nd w i quit have seizes completely. d thth i was like oh my ness, where e d you bring me, what doui'm just all beer, simple as that icdog-ed to alert erese 10)mute
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like he last april. now, she says, "pluto"doesn't neededo do that anymyme. ththemploys w.p. tion.. her r didil dispensary.. are e atefefefhehehe is getting g e hehe she needs was imrtant totos too as ch a awe can you know we vot doors, bututoctors have had 10 yea with her and had her 37 pis a day. now we're giving her cannas and she hasn't had a seizure for 311 days." sherise haa full time job now.w. she says it's the sisisi thing in lififthat e ththghshe'd nevedo again.n. she's s ising momoto hel pele l l lr get the dicine they need.d. wewee po a link toer fundraisisg site on our weite.. koaaot com.. updpde for/you today about a olen lrereren! t news!!! "lucky the leprecun" has been foundnhnd returnededthe independencece center!
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leprprun irt of the organizati flolo for rday's st. patrick's day parade.... and it b bn stolen over the weekend.. weot word fromomhe center thismorning thth lucuc was f fnd in a duer alongorth prospect. they tell us he has s me min damage, but 'sototrrepe, and we'rtold he e ill wiwi be e able t tmake an peararce saturday's pade. pry voting underway y night serattatas. homuchcht could rn tac for president--a-aad at 6: and changes could bebeoming to home-gws in fremonun. we'lllou wt tyminers are discu m meogist ssssa va metei'll h hyo extenend fit & alert t ve forecest net six coolol for y yr tuesday,ut60's r rururquicklklin your r wednesesy morn
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inine, sometimes you h he to "somt" fir.... in orderor theewards t t foll. and inrdrd to ange aife... th cls true. shn ck sres s s ory hehelilihahaly ininht tsdayhi ========= pafoen kalani "etata.. no other wds f#f it. that what 14-yr-old,alani says it t lt lwhwh his adtion was made lega cg: kalani t's all ve ever reallyzz nteded. d i'm prty sure atat what all kids want,ut they just haven't fod the right person t probably." for kala, daesha and jojn wiwiingham were ththeses daesha "kalani i s s en in vevel l l @ different homes and treatment centers and in the system for too long - 7 years - that's too long, so we knew b bnging him
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sosoe were pretty mumu committedd toim fm daone." becausof the turmoil and trauma kali had alrey beenthroh in hisrt life, when he knew the willingham's were intetested in having... he felmixed emotions. he wasascarere.. kalani auseseidn'n'know if it was gonna work out o onot." but alsosoappy... ause had a home. cg: john do believe th kids need to in homeand be wita family, so that they c get over their hurts. auma.. and mon. thth d d't aall 's ey y y ni "we hasome trials,s*s* wgot t t ugh them." john "there have beenpspand downs - big time - with lani, but if we wouldn't have stuck it he wouldn't be whereis y." instead of feeling loved andpart of f fami... he'd be alone... ck k ka g oup home or treaent center. daes "we wanteteto commititimakiki this the besplace."
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fuzzieies anourprelalaonship grew, but we had already made the choice before thfeelgs and ththlatiwiship c c'" and feeling that comtmen made a a a arence... kalani "thehehave gone through thk d thin with memendave not lefte ininhe dust.t daes "it's been a lot ofun and it's fun to see him really settle into feeling hope and comfort and d curity." for more inforron on w you cacabe thehe f children in in our r mmunitit.. gpo foster colorado dot for tuesday'y'child, i'm shelleneneell,lnews 5. u-s olpiatatesesrerere or tmemeho o isisummer-bubuno ppnsioadg e v weis s avon eryoinihg intohe s...spiay maatetesthe vi aprehtargegeore === i wobebeery ve ignorant tojust say, oh ioing gacad ei t t prnd cons because e e i tst.
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moreused othe c#mpetitn th wk and juju thehe exexexcef ththololpicscs. i'llasically leave all t t ying tthcocoittee. the e ited states olympic mmmmmme has said they can'n' rce any athlete to go to the gameme but they didicreate an "advisory group" made up of dical perts-u-who will help any atatetesesr staff wiwi t tir concerns whan elderlylyanchch is s f to il f two days xt at six. so..ry saby bornrnn our state. whe yocan meethis and d
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coveriolado tonit. we're lening mabt nextxt week's funeral ss to honor pa couy dety killed in the ne of duty. . corporal nate carrigig will remembered on nday ava..... there wiwiwia ngthy law enforcemt processiojef the athe faith bible chapel. as we've repd carrigan was killede st month in the towo of baey wle servivi an iciconote with two other deputieses ey were also shot, surviv. xxxx ananlyancher froro nortrtrn c cado will go ja fiolatingng cou ordrd by saying peststides tha drted onto his neighbor' property. s ppererot a licenseo o
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s wife got wesnilelebutts igors took him tcourt sayahe chehecals w we harmful to t tir hlth and prevtethem from expanding ganic c rm. a judgagreed witthe neighbhbs that they ha t right to keep theiproperty prected. hopper will serve his sent this weend. bouldedecounty releases resusus of a studyo sesewhy they issss ticts for camping than n anywhererelse in the state. . boulder prits s eeping with veriri including s seping bags oblalkets on public or private land w whout permissio d-d-searchchs say they fnd 84 perernt of people who get campmpmp ticketaren't citit for a other offens w...acvistsaying this shshthehcity s sd stop enfofoing g e ban ancrea signated cping spots. xxx i- on the western slope closed again today for more rockslidedrepapa a slide la mon lefefmassive boulders littered across t t nes and exexnsive damage that fofo a 2mi stretet t tstay closororeaeaone week. .
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to m me work kn ea stbound decks throughga deep part of enwood canyoyo they alsorougug in a helicoer to plple rockfall netting along t on wal special addition tohe deereroo!a an endgdgdgreba gogollcently welcocod into thfamimi. thli girl named "whimsieie ah-d-dp-p-" was born just before midnightn february 25t r na means "go thing" she is the firir eanred western loand golla bo at t e o in 11 1 12s and only the 5th in zohisty. you n visit the gorilla family right noat the zoooo great apes building. lsis leavi the broncos th freagency?? granmeech has those answs next in sorts. results are cocong i i igh
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r tostory tonighat six-3-3 coissis inrfnt county arconsidering new restrictions on the numbeof marijna plants tt t dividuals and caregivers can gro news'sndy koen is justk om canon citaftee first ading of t trdrdance. what s limits are ey considerg? the e e nance limits the numumr r of marijuanalants individuals can growt home ... well caregegegs whwh frequently a gher number of plants for ch of t p pients theyeyare f r. but as yorin hea... meatients wowoy that will
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medi t tt a do has cred f them. t und:ighter otsmok mna scotststdil rijua for a numbf yes. "i hchnic ban, so have arthris in bh h my knene, , dodoe etsd and it has heheed with all of that." he gs his cannabis thrgh caregiver ... because ... for e g, hknows more ababt hoit's gro. on his a fixed iome,t's sily me afrdlele "t samamountf y that i i would spengoing to the dispspsary f threeeeks would the same amount of money that i could grow for a a year." fremont ty commissioners are proposing plant count limits for home mua grows . . ( anfor regirs. th want to curb scenes like this ... an illeg grororaraed b bthe d-e-a laststepteer. thehether sh opopat, mae not ononuch largrgscale, but i thi l l enfofoemenseriously has concncns that there are r such i ieg grorooi on." " e ordinae also contain restririions governing ghe
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andlruruhand nuissce complaints for odors or lights commer nordedesays i is a bancing ac "t"tgegesome kd ofofegulation out there vers some very panate meded marijijna patitits and caregivers." but patientsike sct worry the restrictionsitl prevent his caregigir from growing enough. "i would have to supplplent either viu . i'll call it either r e ay rk ... ororo to the disnsarieiewhic is way more expensiviv" violatioioiof these prosed reststctions w wld be a nsidered p p offffse.. punishable by a fine only.y. thtke f neare on a gduated schedu from 250 d#llarupto e thousand dollirs. an koen news 5. we'll on have a better ide about whethehemarijuana clubsb be banned in coradospriris. city counc will take an inititl vote tonight on banning clubs or jt changingregulations tfngngy blic heari. .
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prorosededanningnguturu marijuana clubs and shut down existing ones within 5 year and the citytytynninininmmsipported that proposal.the e blic cmentereod d goononightht,....wh opponents aiming that since public consump is ililgal, theneed@dlace to be lelegally smokok thaxtononith more on n votetendean a "live" repo at ten. a colodo wanith ilepsy elebebte a hd tmo that her orolold nenene arrive ye aisisnipppp moved her malyere om texas. and says s s's been n izure freeee ever since. she credits medical cannabis to her survival. last y yr his time.. sherise wawascsing her own funenel plans wier husband and g sons.. inn effort to easeseheast dada of her li with cannis.. her huhuand brought her here.. "vow t t tt i'i'herererem working full tim i'm taki cananbis only. . my kids are pububc scscol. they are making azing greses
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anymoror" shshise's birjhdays s moow.. her only birthday wish.. is to rarae money y helelpelelele like her get the medicine they need. we've posted link to her fundraisininsite on our website.. ot com.. per r in tonight'sitol watch: fo e sesend yr in a.... a publican lededttempto expand g rights sn colojado... fail. democrats on a sta houou committee.. ocked serara bis yesty. among themem. onthat would have allowed concealecarry of handguns on public schl groundnd faile alono with a bibio alw activeveuty y ta to carry c/c/ealed hahaguns, without`permrms.xx t t racfor thehwhe use,l eyey ara odadas an prar there'e#al vototg in 3ates.... udg mississippi-er n-b-c ne projects llar clclton arry tt stat and ld t tmp----ill n e g-o-o-primarar steve e ndelsmsm hasasur eltionatch coverere. == nat sot hillararclinton "yay! thank you u u leleg g g
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0-:05 she aign in michiganan.. whererhilly y inn ha21 int in pre-vo polli ... as micgademocrats ca ballots sot larry young / chchch v#ver :08-:12 believe s s's the right persononad this country." sot lois young / micicn vor 3-:14 "i, you know, fefeike she'an host perso" losing michiga ... with its unions and racial diveity y crususbernie sanders.s. he'sraraing badly in degages ke gic full --------------in/out ---:21/5 but just nine poin down, nationally, in tod's news wall st journanapoll. sot sen. bernie sanders / d prestial candidate too short to sup rwe see a aoad to victory." thers voting todayn missssppi,ho a a hawaii t publican johsichchch od ichigasot v. hn k kich / r presidentiti canandate : : :38"i dont kn where b i think we're gointo do well and we' going to wino.nat sot t marcrubi- king otot "onewowoee rcrubiisuggling sososen. marco rubio/r prprididtial cantete-:-: hat we h hring from people all overerhe cntry is : 'please do not leledold trump be our neee" trump ll not be ... aims ted cz ... . take graphicicull -----------i.iout ------------:49/:51 who's closnow in the delegate count sot sen. ted uz/ r presidential cdida :52-:59
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llarinton be the presidentt whicicishe inetae lt dd trtrprbeinin nominee,ome join us. let us stata together.r.supe already on scrcrn "monday"-uppppp cornrn-for ump and vo08 natstrtrp "raise y yhands!" & trtrp said today he ghstop askingupporters to raise the ndnd... after critics said the gesture is like nazi salute. sot dold trump/pner - name alrey on s see net graphi1:09-16 "iit's offensive, ifre's anything w with it, , wouldn'to it. but when i say, "raise youou hand," everydy r rs their r hand. they're scamintoe to4d it." and p led d pre vote @ poing in michigan and mississippi. audio outcue: i'ste handelsman, nbc news, waingt. and... one week frotoday is the b bshowdown in orand .. xx newse your se for electiti coveras we preparar to vote e r a new president---re andndt koaa-dot- com. in our c ctitiing covevege: : erer owners ininueblbl fififing deces@finat e ty ist n ting co the ty ay tells siau, they'vcoecte n 85hoand llars roh h h rtens.p. busame homwners sathcity isakakg it far. stin holman was one of many recee a notice of an unpaid lienenast fa. his -hdred dollar was s yes olol..
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home i'm all l r tax rerenur the ci, we need it. but it's just the wrong y to go about it and gog baba as mamas 2020r 30 years, just terrible lastststht -- uncil vowed to ntinue collecting -- under the conditionsnshat an appealsls process was set place, inst was forgived payment options were made avavlable. construction get reaeaeao rara up p p he next phofhe cimarron i-rininrchange prprprt. artiti sday--geteady f f && lane changes andelays. the majojopart o ophasasaswillll to o e southbound lesf i-25 and highway 24 to the west. spee wl bebeeded, corete barriers wl gogop, lanes will get smsmsm and will l ther b shifted ort s shsh dowowow wee toldost of the work will beone atatight... which goooonews for loca sisses@sndrivers. ==== carrie knee/elde acce. its already a little diffilt to get iand out of here. t: 50:36 our lives are go go
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down ist u u ueablr r most opop. c-dosayshey knowowts going to be annconveniencebubusa it could have e en a lot worse.e. cause e decided t tshift the lanene rathethananust t shutting them down. xxxx hpw your smamaphonmabe able to help p u u oid d edit card fraud--ahead at 6:3:3 first,et's'sheheacacin with jessica in the weather center. i'i'meteogist`jeica van meter. i'll havavyour extended first alert five forecast next at 6:30.
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de tod mostly clear tonigith lows in t 20's and 30. ightly warme for wednesda climbing back into ts anlow 60's. lynyki with a sml chan to devep a stray shower two thrghoue send half of the e y.y. we'll warm up into the0's and 60 oththaylots o& suhi brig skiesonwi hhs in t 60'0'd lo's heaeang g g t teend stutbala surwill bring g chan for sf olat showerhances ide from tha things lo to stay dry wh thpotentiafor
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jacksogot it with the sonville jaguaua today... a v year deal woh 90 milliondollars..... 42 2f that million is ablutete guarartete. jackson spent ur y@arsitthons.s.s.s.s.s. s bestg s su bompionship year tacacesnd knockededn passes wasashethoundndrara cky the broncos in 22. the broncos also made signifift cap spacom by cuttg three ayers. the ggest of fhe n nes was owen danieie. he snt one season in denver with the b bnc... congver from t t ravens s play with coach gary kubiak. a coh for of ten yrsrsn the league. daninis caca`torty sixses r the brcos this seaso.. three touchdowns... two of tm m t t afc championship game... all three coming from yton mag's ar thth also cut guard louis squeueand long snapp aaron brewer. . thbroncos saved d million in ap space with t f move... and d you a a in n l the other moves they've made... including
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thththonare dedethe caspe fo-1-1 rtfrfrhihigo h lilibacker d seeking a lolo t tm deal wh the bears. evathan was pected t t rereive e lot of interestpfrom icago with fmer hehe coach jhon fox in charge there. the new league yeabegins morrow at 2pm when all s can be made official and evene moves will be made. stay tuned. big ekend hoops up nono thiseekend... keep a scialalye on boulder in 4---a fofovia a dge and our athlete theheeek. at 6 fanananering 22 poitns a game.e. youd think the first tng his head coach talks about are his ats. not withthunter maldanado. i thqhk he is thbest teaate ive everednd hisisbviousus skl set t nototblbut you n't havbe to be a a sketbbll expert to see he has talent - ththihtangiblele.. e you'u'ever h h hm sa a singular pronounun. hel always say we. thatate first ataxtude hasasasta dge basketballn the final four in 4---a. of c l by thtangibs of ldanano. 's g ranrorooue can power insidede. s go to posititi?? thats a game te decision. i jsut do whatever we ed a the mont.... smaller tei uslly go more
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they areut b bger teamthth are slower i can geteto ththrhm still bualso to the perimeter. the big junior has a a a aure at the next l lel heord ha on his outstse me for this seseon and bend... . also orked o ohis diet also get bigger. because i knowowt collegeg everyone i imy sizi know idbecause i'll be a onor a two guard t id' likeo bulk up bause i've got tobsbsb the conten r the second time in school hitory... the wolves sre i ithe ayoffs... an opportuni they will not ste. its definitely funsese u're poroving eryoyo wrong an's a aathletic experere because i know m mteam and knowhat we can and caca do anmd
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nats clolong bell l ththtjice cruruil dropppp toy---forcing downwnnergy stks and leading to loes on wall strtrt. the dooff nealry 110ois at & @losinin theheasdaq down 59 pots and the s a p lost 22 topping yo conmer watc mo ae americans are becoming rentersin both big cities and t suburbs.. a capitol banknktudy showswshe nuer of rentergrew fastst in the suburbs of t t nanaon's largest citiethan heh. ththstlooked a a atarom m 200606o 1414nd focused on datafrom t large cits. the good news - the study shows some of the e rgest nt marks ha becommore affordleleo their typical nas. xxxx s arhoping your mobile phone ll help otect t u from credit card fraud. accordintotohe wl street journal, u-s banco ione of e first banks s anningo use service that tracks your
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to your credit cardre lelemate andndelp prprt chges from being declined when you're on vacaonnn banks say they'll l e the location datfoc%rity, t for rketin... but some are worried about tel privacy concernsns the e kersrs"gogo squeue" are recacaing certain pouches@s@ their non-gac applesauce due to potentndl cocoaminatn.n.e c&saoood ree haveadadadntnt the product. 's recling pouesesh bebe buy das beeen de 4, 2015 and march 4 4 2017... but does not include pouches labled "ornic." stomers s o purchased th recalled pouch can go to t t company's weweite to fill outpa a rereacemt voucher. xxx i-hop is c eebratingngts evenenennnual "natitnal pancake day"y". giving out frerencakak to raxse monday for charities. . dada pararciciting i-hop restaurants nationwidedeill be feriri up a free sho stack of buttermililpancnces to ststerinetur they ask that you nsider leaving a donatiofor
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since beginning tional pance y y brion back 2006,-hopas raises ar mlion d dlarsor charities. a cululclassisshe natiti---and forhe very fit timemeherere auz's t to shsh ininoloro springs.& ned todanear dublin and powers. fuzzy's started as a amall s in fort worth texas... with a vay y fresh byle e coco otler mexican dishehe drinkk a aore. zzy'y y beenenrong s 2003.. s-readg to oth l lio ross t t t tnt anannow.w.
6:56 pm
7:00 pm
> i'm lter holtlt big night in nhe race for president, all t t s are closed in michigig. donald@druru is t t winner... hilllly clinto and` bernie sande is too rly to call. and inmississippi, newsrocts tha hiary clinton has theheemratic primarynd donald d trump e public primy. wewee joinedyythe momorar of "m thepp 9press."" at does this s about trumpmp mentutu to@y. * theront-runne look like front-runners tonight. after fiveays of what appppredd to be some momentummmm for ts ananananmp movement, ting whhe anti-trump peech the eekend contests, l of sudden, ererer cos reality is back. donald trump win handily in missisisppi. hs wininng in a wawa that helps him for xt weekn f frida and io, which are so key t him.
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