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tv   Christian World News  KOFY  August 22, 2010 5:30am-6:00am PST

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svangirai >> today ochristn world news pakistan drowning with 2 percent of the country under water. the world communitscrambles to get aid to millions of victims. president obama's faith. why is he facing growing questions about his religion? plus why the united kingdom says this christian couple isn't fit to be foster parents. millions of desperate flood victims wait for help in pakistan. hello everyone, i am george thomas. tens of thousands of pakistan's
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villages are under water. severe food shortages could be ahead r the entire country. meanwhile taliban militants are capitalizing and delivering aid to millions of flood victims. gary lane has more. >> about a 1/9 of pakistan's population, it is surprising that the death toll stands at 1500. eight million of those 20 million flood victims have yet to see any aid. angry citizens say their governnt is failing them. private boat owners are stepping in and charging too much. they have wiped out of 17 million acres of desperately
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needed crops. it is spoor, it is depending on foreign aid to get by the military is helping but not able to fight if t extremist. the u.s. military is trying to win the hearts with massive amounts of ate. they have had 17 relief camps up and run soon after the flood more than 3 weeks ago. the u.s. ambassador says. >> we think the people of pakist have a lot of domestic ngo's that are very activi and reputeable. >> it raised an additional 460 million dollarfor the flood victims. >> u.s. increased from 90
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million to 150 million dollars and britain doubles it to nearly 100 million doars. >> the united states is in there trying to get in much need aid and supplies. taliban is alsthere. >> our own operation blessing is woing through humeca. we have photos just in from the voice of the martyrs. that group is distributing action packs to the flood victims. >> you were in pakistan after the 2005 impact. firsthand, the impact of the aid that comes in. >> these are taliban villages they are very active. people are sympathetic. christians we the first responders. people were saying things like we thoughtit was the end of the world when this earthquake hit. tell us about your god and what
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your book says about the end of the world. it was an opening for the gospel. the christians that brought the relief shared the gospel. many of those people came to christ. >> do you think that is why you are seeing the activity of the talin. they are stepping in because they learn ed from the 2005 earthquake. they saw what the chriians did. we don't want to have that christian influence here. we want to dominant. >> you know what the gospel still prevails. >> terrific. thank you for staying on top. gary lane, our city international correspondent. another crisis is looming, one place in nearly8 million people at risk in west africa. niger is facing its worst
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hunger crisis. charlene israel has the story. >> reporter: some humanitarian aid works are calling it a famine. the u.n.'s world food program says 7.3 million people are in desperate need of food. that is half the country's population. crops have failed and livestock died off. many people have resorted to eating leaves and berries. this woman says we don't have any food. it has beenmore than 3 weeks since i have even seen a single seed. many areas are dealing with flooding from tror torrential rains. 16.7 pcent of children under the age of 5 are acutely
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malnourished. the u.n. declares is an emergency when it reaches 15 percent. >> there is a vicious cycle between malnutrition and sickness. a sick child doesn't eat and an undernourish child gets sick more often. >> what others can do to help elevate the suffering. >> there is nothing that can take the place of praye we need to pray, god show us, i believe what orphan's promise is doing already is a god given tool to help out this famine. this is the time to do it. >> charlene israel cbn news. turning to a story of
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martyrdom. three people ha been killed. people raided a home in pyongyang providence. they were arrested, 20 believers and put the 3 leaders to let. death. north korea persecutes christians and believers. they are forced to worship in secret. u.s. officials were not able to free an american who is in that country being held. aigalon mahli gomes was sentenced 8 years of hard labor for illegallentering north korea. the state department will contin can to press for gomes release because of health worries. coming up, president obama says he is a christian praying
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on a daily basis. why do more and more americans believe he is a muslim?
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>> se very interesting polls coming out here in the united states. new poll shows 20 percent of americans believe president barack obama is a muslim. one in five people surveyed believhe is a muslim. that is 11 percent increase since 2009. why don't more people believe him? john jessup looks at some of the reasons. >> reporte only about a 1/3 of those polled, 34 percent say president obama is a christian. that is down significantly from october 2008 when 51 percent of americanthought he was a christian. now 43 percent say they just don't ow what religion obama follows. president obama has said over and over again he is a
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christian. he receives daily devotions on his blackberry. spoke about his faitat the nationalprayer breakfast and national day of prayer and hosted the white house easter prayer breakfast, talked about his view of jesus, death, and resurrection. >> we believe it can be delivered by faith in jesus christ. >> it faces back to his campaigntrail and rumors he was a muslim. they asked him about the rumors in 2008. >> the people understand, i have not and never have been of the musl faith. >> why is the perception problem growing more than 2 years later? the obama white house is intentional and direct in attet to improve muslim around the world from his speech in 2009.
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>> holy koran tells us be conscious of god and speak always the tth. >> the manhattan mosque. >> i believe the muslims have the right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. [applause]. that includethe right to build a place of worship in a community center on private propty in lower manhattan. >> this poll was taken before he made the remarks. the public doesn't see the present in church often. the obams have gone to church only a handful of times. though the president did she they go to church when they are at camp david. >> the white house respond to our request for a comment with the following statement: president obama is a committed
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christian and his faith is an important part of his daily life. he prays everyday and seeks a small circle of christian pastors to give him spiritual advice and counseling. his christian faith is a part of who he is but not a part of the public and what he is focussed on everyday. he doesn't wear it on his sleeve. we turn to dr. charles dunn, dean of regent university's school of government. sir, does thpresident have a real perception problem when it comes to his faith? >> yes. perception is the mother of reality. reality suggests more and more americans, well over 25 percent believe he is a muslim. this puts him in a precario position. for the first time we have a
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president whose faith that could jeopardize his party come the mid-term elections. >> is it because of his polies as john was talking about earlier, he went to turkey, cairo, major outreach to the muslim world? is it that people are wond earling why this pandering to the muslim world? >> here as president, whe did he go first and spend a lot of time first rather than with other allies? how did he treat, for example, england? he mistreated england our strongest ally and the muslim countries in the middle east with great respt and dignity. that is fine to do that. there has to be a proper balance. increasingly american people are seeing this is a problem for him and our nation.
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>> there has been some criticism, he has gone to these muslim countries and said bad things about the united states. >> that is in bad form to critice your own countries, especially the president of the united states. here is a president, actually he is doing damage to the muslim cause. people are beginning to look into the koran and see what it says they see for example he is a muslim by birth and koran considers him an apos at a time because he has attended services in the christian community and what the koran teaches about the treatment of women. >> let me ask you, do you get a sense, these particular polls, one time magazine polls, do you think it is going to get worse in terms of numbers about how
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people receive him? >> it is going to get worse before it gets better. why? democrats are distancing themselves from him. and republicans and conservatives, this is a major issue going into the last couple of months. >> as always, thank you so much for your insigh. coming up, the uk says this christian couple is no fit to be foster paren. they say they are practicing their faith. that storyin a minute.
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>> the british government say as catholicadoption agency must change its policy on gay couples or stop offering adoption service catholic care argued as a religious group it suld be able to allow support service to heterosexuals only. britain's commission ruled it is discriminator
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other catholic serves have with drawn or cut ties with the church. chriian couple in the uk is taking legal action after their application was terminated because of their stand against homosexualit peter wooding has the story from england. >> report: a christian couple have lost the right to become foster parents becae of their religious beliefs on marriage. they applied to foster children. problems arose when the couple objected to the idea of homosexual parts coming to their home. >> we felt it wouldn't be right for us as a family because of our young childn who are bound to ask questions about why does this childhave 2 mommies or daddies and so on. >> they were deeply
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disappointed because they have lost their right because of their christian stand agait homosexuality. >> i don't think there is a chance that we can enter into foster care. we have heard lots of accounts of christians being blocked. >> the cabinent member for children andschools suzi is stanng behind the decision. >> we have to be prepared for anybody to adopt wheer they are gay or single parents, you can have family. >> the christian legal center is now helping them take legal action. the head of communations says the case high lights the need
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for christians for taking on a moral stand. >> it is a classic case of discrimination where a christian where their freedom of conscience is not being respected by a council and happening more and more whether it is christian who want to be foster parents or christian registrars. >> since the outcome could be precedent setting for the future rights of other christiacouples wanting to become foster couples without going against their beliefs. peter wooding, eland.
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>> finally on our broadct, imagine walking through the holy land in the very footstep of jesus. now there is a path in israel where people can do just that. chris mitchell has that story from galilee. >> reporter: for 2,000 years,
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christians have made spiritual journeys to israel. today most visitors travel in tour bus. now there is a way to literally walk where jesus walked. the jesus trail, a 4-day trek offers a chance to slow down, and absorb the sights and sounds of galilee wherjesus liveand ministered. cofounders israi, an americans are experienced internatiol hikers. they said creating a trail where jesus walked only made since. >> it is to give people, christians, travelers and pilgrams to experience the life of jes that was very meaningful to them. >> marked with white stripes or an orange dot, the trail begins
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in nazareth. a guide book, map, or gps coordinates help show the way. the 36-mile trail winds through kay nan, and over land with speck tack lor view >> from the bible it talks about jesus going from nazareth to ka persn yum. >> it would have been under construction athe time of jesus. some scholars speculate joseph and maybe even jesus himself worked tre as builders. >> this part of the trail is a day ana half. it is on the way to an ancient roman road. he took it to the sea of galilee. >> it is interesting to think about how jesus''s geography
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was. the influences he had and different languages he would have heard. >> this is connecting egypt with damascus and mes poe tame yum. >> think of how the internet connects people today. that is how roman roads connectepeople during the time ojesus. >> nature is the part of the story. jesus cursed the fig tree when it had no trut. olive trees are biblical symbols of beauty and prosperity. their uit gave oil to anoint the priest and light the temple. the volcanic mounta is the sight of islamibattle and
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reconcurring jerusalem. >> you can see mostof the trails are out, along the sea of galilee the end point of the trail, capernium. >> the cliff towers above. in jesus' day there was a town. travelers traveled on their way to nazareth. >> jesus preached his sermon on the mount. peter lived here and jesus used this town as his base during the towns of ministry. jesus went about all galilee teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom. healing all kinds of sickness
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and disease among the people. so mar an estimated 1,000 people have walked the jesus trail. landissays he thinks it can grow to 100,000 each year as more and more come to walk where jesus walked, chris mitche cbn news, the galilee. >> following in the footsteps of jesus christ. folks that is our report for this week. thank you for joining us. join us again next week, from all of us here at christian world news good-bye and god all of us here at christian world news good-bye and god bless. next time on... washington, for example, patrk henry, another, and others refused to sign the cstitution of the united states uess there was a guarantee
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that thereould be a bill of rights protecting the rights othe people from the govnment. and then... religious libertis gravely threatened in america, the gravest threat it's had since the founding of this republic. next time on... what this droid does will change how you do web connections. this creates a mobile 3g hotst, powerful enough touel multiple devices at will. putting you at the center of your o world wide web. introducing the new droid x. the next generation of does.


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