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tv   Christian World News  KOFY  October 3, 2010 5:30am-6:00am PST

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>> today on christian world news z a down home southern preacher teems up with a young british evangeli. our exclusive report on that report rockingmobile, alabama. >> plus youth with a mission. the ministry mobilizing young people from the mission field hitsmiddle age and remains on the cutting edge of evangelism. >> christians from across the globe celebrate the feast of tab ernacl in jerusalem. >> a blast of spiritual revival is hitting another major
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americ city. hello, i am mark matin. >> and i wendy griffith. mobile, alabama is seeing thousands of healings taking place in its convention center. >> paul strand made the trip to mobile to tell us more about it. >> reporter: revivals aren't limited to church anymore. this is fill tg downtown convention center with worship. >> there is something a bit different, god using an old timey southern preach which you are. >> preach which you are is john kilpatrick. he says this revival starting in july 2010 was marked by many immediate miracles. >> i saw people sing for the first me and hearing without their hearing aids. you used to have to holler at
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them. >> one was this deadly brain tumor instantly vanishing from 10-year-old kay leb's head. >> god would was shriveling up his tumor. >> he has gone from full of painto full health. >> how are you feeling? >> great. >> i am still overwhelmed. wow, you love me this much. >> his miracle set off a miracle for a nearly deaf relative. she said you better watch out what you say now becae i can hear. >> sufferg from lung cancer, debbie's lungs, this number doctors told her>> i had hours or day to live.
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>> debbie grew stronger by the day, her doctor found one lung was completely back and another nearly so. >> this is a miracle. >> god is a miracle. we are are witness to it. >> i am not running races yes. boy do i feel alive again. >> this man told me for 40 years he had been unable to eat ice cream. it would make him sick. god has healed him at the revival, no symptoms. >> he loves all the miracles and salvations. >> in the name of jesus,let your pow er go forward. >> we are seeing the altars packed every night. >> especialltouched by pastors one that just told him. >> i was going to leave the ministry, suddenly the pou wer
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of god began to surge through my body. he was preaching and miracles began to break out. >> reviv is a church on steroids. >> this goes way beyond mobile folks are getting hits of healing people in distant places. >> some peop can't get here. they can receive in their houses what is going on here. >> god has made it a way to preach to multitudes. >> revivals breaking out all over the regi, country, all over the world. paul strand cbn news reporting from mobile, alabama. thanks paul. religion maybe a big part of society. most americans can can't answer basic estions about their religion or other religions. americans scored a 50 on the
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quiz, christia had some the worst grades. dale herd has more. >> on the survey, respondents were asked about whether they could name the islamic holy book, first book of the bible and eastern religions. greg smith is with public life. >> questions were designed to overthe landsce. we wanted to find out what people knew about theiown and other religions. >> atheist and agnostics, jews and mormongot more right than protestants and krat licks. mormons scored 8 out of 12 followed by white evangelicals with 7 correct answers. atheists and agnostics knew more than protestants.
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they couldn't identify martin luth as the protestant reformation. >> 3/4 of protestants are able to identify propertytestantism that teacs salvation comes through faith alone. >> bible literacy has been followinby evangelicals. >> can you name 3of the 10 commandments? >> nop >> one? >> nope. >> can you name the first book of the bible? >> testament. >> those with the highest aten tans level and highest education got more of the answerright. >> le herd cbn news. >> recent polls show many americans believe u.s. president barack oba is a
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muslim. he stated haes christian. he was campaigns in new mexico when a woman asked about his faith. >> i am a christian by choice. the precepts of jesus christ spoke to me in terms of the life i want to lead. i think also understanding that you know, at jesus christ dying for my sins spoke to the humility we all have to have as humabeings. we are sinful and flawed and make mistakes. and we achieve salvation through the grace of god. >> the president pointed out that arica is a predominantly christian nation, but he said jews, muslims, hindus, agnostics and buddhists have
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their own path to grace. coming up, how christian ministryis using this little fish to fight the world's deadlit diseases.
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>> chaos in the streets of ek wi dor after the police turned on the president protesting a law that would cut their benefits. the president tried to meet with them. some officers got physical shoving him and using tear gas. they rushed him to the hospital where he remained under siege. the military had to rescue him turning the streets into a war zone the government has declared a state of siege. christians are calling for prayer.
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>> we as christians are praying to have the lord take control of ecuador >> president claims the opposite is attempng to drive him out of power. malaria kills thousands everyday. haiti is the only countrwhere the mosquito-born disease is still an epidemic. a christian ministry is helping turn the tide. ephram graham is explaining how there is help from a tiny fish from mississippi. >> reporter: a family fish farm with a natural to control mississippi's mosquito population. >> millions in the ponds.
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>> tiny minnows eat mosquito eggs. louis has been able to pack and ship them to other parts of the country. >> we have moved over 50,000 fish to new orleans. thompson and team are carefully bagging thousands headed for haiti. >> it has the potential to save thousands and thousands of lives. one of the biggesproblems is mosquito-born diseases like malaria. it kills thousands of people every year. >> temperature, oxygen and time are critical for the fish to survive a long journey. that is where ray nopsinger comes in. >> i have been blessed with this airplane. i appreciate what operation blessing is doing in haiti. i am volunteering my airplane
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to help these people in haiti. >> 30 hours later -->> these fish came a longway. >> the fish arrive safely in haiti. releasing them from the bags and into the tanks of water. >> they have a new zip code. this is a project operation blessing's president begenome workinon. >> the terrible earthquake turned iupside down. >> a little algae will help feed the fish and attract the mosquitos. >> heaven help the mosquitos of haiti. >> bug buster 2. >> right on, my brother. >> tnk you. >> and thank you operation blessing. >> ephram graham cbn news. comi up, youth with a
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mission turned 50. we'lmeet the people that laid its fountion and the people carrying it into the future.
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>> evangelics from around the world will gather in south africa next month, the world evan jellization it began in switzerland in 1974 by reverend billy graham. this year's meetinwill focus on ways to fight injustice and help the poor. be sure to watch christian world news of the louson congre. our own george thomas will be reporting on activities from africa. the radical mission agency continues to produce an inspiring army of missionaries
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around the globe. peter wooding picks up the story. >> reporter: youth with a mission is celebrating 50th anniversary started in 1960 by lorri cunningham. over half a century has produced an inspirational group of missionaries around the world. lynn green based here first joinedhe group as a young man from colorado at their base in switzeand. >> i ended up going to the school in 1969 in switzland. what drew me, firstly, getting around loren and darlene and living with them for a year in a community. a whole bunch of other single-minded people, some
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married, some single, just a sense of god amongst us. >> green says it is an amazing journey especially loren cunningham. >> i think history will look at him as one of the guys of our era that had the biggestimpact on the world. >> we were able to come to the final country, the last count left to minister into. >> it is an unspeakable privilege to be a friend with a guy for 41 years so far. that is how i see it. >> another long standing missionary is linda. she has traveled to more than 100 nations speaking to professional leaders on the subject to what scripture teaches is about discipling nations.
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>> i have to chuckle as being the vessel. no one is dilued as to where my information comes from. they know the only thing i have studieis the bible. >> she continues to pass on the flame to the next generati, young missionaes are using the most creativemeans to spread the gospel. they use es co polg and illusions to share his faith. >> it is difficult to do something out of fire or straight jacket. it has a powerful message of freedom and parables. that is why i use it, really. >> much of nickel 's focus is for the outreach in 2012.
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>> since munich in 1972. we want to create an environment where churchescan do missionand move things on to 21st century. we hope we'll have mobile phone aps and do all sorts of new different forms of evangelism. >> youth with a mission is raising up the next generation of communicators to use the latest technology. >> i think it is such a great medium we need to make a mass group of people. it is vital for this generation of young missionariesto engage in this area. but to use it to tell stories that god had. >> as youth with a mission celebrates 50 years of ministry, this next generation
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will continue using every means possible to spread the gospel message to the ends of the word. peter wooding, cbn news, england. >> thanks, pter. >> i love the video shoiing the clips all over the world. my sister-in-law ministers in indi they minister all over the place. >> they are incredible. 50 years. >> amen. great stuff. christians celebrate a holy feast in jerusalem. stay with us.
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>> christians from around the globe traveled to jerusalem to celebrate the feast of tabernacles to unite with jerusalem. chris mitchell has theirtory. >> some 5,000 christiansfrom 80 nations came too celebrate the feast of tabernacles this year.
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>> one biblical feast that involves the nations as a principle, we see that in zechariah 14. >> jerusalem nar barcot told a packed audirium about his city. >> idea logically, jerusalem the heart of the world. you cannot divide a heart. it will never work. practically, there is not 1 example not world of a split city that worked. >> many israeli leaders praise the christian support. >> all over the world, i came here tsay thank you to the people that came. >> icej director malcom heading says it shows the impact christians have. >> over years of faitul engagement, from the christian
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world, the jewish world, from its highest echeloof government to grass roots people recognize the importance of this worldwide global constituency, particularly as israel moves into an increased time of ice lis. isolation. >> this is his 50th trip to israel. he feels the feast is like a taste of heaven. >> it is kind of like heaven. you hear all of these languages and see all these people from different counies. they are all talking about jesus. they are talking about their relationship with other christians they are talking about god. >> pilgrams come for many reasons. >> i came to the feast of tabernacles because e people of isrl. >> sol dare di with the juice
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people and bless and support the jewish people. >> i come because it is refreshing to be with so many people all overthe world worshipping the worland bless jerusalem. >> i come because of my great god. i wanted to see where he lived and where he died. it is a blessing to be here. i want to come to be part of this great big feast. one word in unity, my hearis longing for . >> chris mitchell cbn news, jerusalem. >> as you can see, christians have a deep connection to jerusalem. psal122 commands beliers to pray for the peace of jerusalem. sunday christians worldwide will unite for prayer of that peace. >> in jerusalem, the prayer day will be marked and led by
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robert sterns. >> two things to stand with us, first is a timeless biblical mandate, psalm 122:6, may they prosper whlove they. >> stern says current realities and pressure on israel compel christians to pray. >> demands from us that we become educatedinformed and become a bridge in prayer between earth and heaven and ask god for his demonstration and plan and shalom for all peoples in thiscity. >> stern says it is god's specific plan for the nations. >> i believewe are touching god's heart for the nations and all people, for all naons. we are going to be praying for the increase of river of god into the nations, river of
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god's blissing and shalom for all people. >> for more information on the day ofprayer for the peace of jerusalem, log on to mark, you haven't yet been to the holy land. >> no. i haven't. >> i was there in 1999. i really recommend going during that time. it is so special spiritual and the ather is great. >> i would love to go and walked where jesus walked. >> i recommd it. so many churches go. it changes your life. >> i bet. standing with
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