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tv   Christian World News  KOFY  November 7, 2010 6:30am-7:00am PST

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doz evens kill indeed a baghdad church and al-quaeda issues a warning to iraqi crist yaps leave over suffer the conseqnces. >> the u.s. election put the brakeos obama how christians wielded influence at the ballot box. >> meet the missionary who gives food to th hungry and clothes to the poor his goal is to create more smiles.
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>> welcome to christian world news i'm wenldy grif ith i'm george thomas. christians in iraq should be prepared to die after a terro group killed scores of people. christians are asking their government for more protection. >> group with qid way kecks is warning christian for more attacks. the killing sword will not be lifted from their necks. and that all christian are targets much >> we don't pay attention to threats we will remain steadfast. >> the radical group took responsibity for the attack calling the church dirty ideas they took over the baghdad area taking the congregation hostage. >> sued bombers stormed the
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church a car bomb exploded here they thought the innocent people in the church. >> stand off lasted a few hours befo iraq special forces stormed the church. ja we took a decision to launch defensive in addition to air drop it was impossible to wait. the terrorists would kill a number of christian brothers. 46 christians were killed and 80 other und services wereeld this week. >> we don't accept such act this is is oppression. >> the attack was the dea deadlyiest >> we want the government to secure the iraqi people. >> 800,000 christians lived in iraq for the before the hoin vagz now 500,000 dea with the
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attacks against its community and place of worship. >> we have to distant oselves from evething that makes us my great the government should be strong and determined to establisthe security and stability for us all. >> been to iraq self times. gary why this church. >> this was an act vift church. the member are active in their community and neighboood they distribute bibleand involved in humanitarian out reach and aid. we have video of a pastor that was killed he was a youth pastor bringing young people from the neighborhood into the church. >> because they were out wardly evangelistic they were targeted. >> and a significant church in awful iraq. >> now half. >> amaze the irony here is that the muslims want to attack the
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christians. the christians are more iraqi than mus limes were there 6 huh years befor islam apostle thomas brought christianity in 33 ab. that was the center of christianity bk over 2,000 years ago. >> what can those watching seen the atrocities, what can we do to help the brothers and sisters. >> you know what they say to and you me the first thing the want is for us to pray they also want protection in churches the government responds after they say they want the same protection the egyptia government is giving christians there. >> senior international corp pondant, thank you. >> in the u.s the results o mid term electionsre bringing changes to the government. democrat party took a hit as
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voters put republicans in control of the house of representatives christians play odd part in the elections many voted by helping to elect candidates who agree wit their moral values. >> conservative evangelicals came out at the ballot box. >> 29 percent consist of white evangelical christians the largest record indeed a modern mid term leak. >> 78 percent voted republican. 52 percent of those identified themselves as part of a tea party considered themselves conservative evangelicals. religis voter who is vote for the democrats switcd in this election. 54 percent of catholics voted for repuican candidates. in iowa voters decided to remove 3 state supreme court justices over the issue of same sex
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marriage. the judges up f reelection joined a unanimous decision that made the state their fifrpt in the midwest to allow gay marriage. voters tossed out iowa chief justice turnis and justice david baker and michael straight much faechl groups encouraged voters to senld a mess annual the judicial branch as no business legislating social policyrom the bench. >> disregarded 160 years of supreme court law they disregarded our legislator and the will of the people >> democrats who voted for the presidens health care reform bill were targeted by prolifers this election season. works to elect prolife candidates to office. of its vote have consequences targeted 20 prolife democrats voted for the president's health care bill and defeated 15 of them. bill did not include a provision against federal funding for doorgz aboion.
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sba helped 23 prolife women win this year. >> we had an 80 percent success rate. and the entire prolife movement ought to be proud one, we have now very strongly prolife members of congress replacing the fol we defeated. number 2 and the crucial crux of the point of the program was to show members of congress now and in the future that when you vote when you say you are prolife you better vote prole or your seat will be in jeopardy. the group spent 11 million dollars during 2010 mid term elections. cbn news. >> israel and palestinian voters it has been a priity for the administration. push for a freeze on building
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jewish homes in east jerusalem put a strain on u.s./it real nations the shift in power will have a positive impact on the peace talks. >> i am upon very optimistic the number of congressmen who supportoday much bigr than it was and i think president obama receid a clear message from the american people. take his hands off jerusalem and from the israeli people. >> palestinian spokesman stase is clearmericans want peace talks. netanyu is visit u.s. next week much weeks after t tsunami in ind needia the rescu groups can't reach the small a islands. 2 "operation blessing" teams made it in and providing aid. we have more from inldniesia.
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>> poor wther conditions a lack of map power and transportation are hindering relief operations not eugh boats or ships available to bring the goods to tsunami victims they are not capable to go throughout stormy weather the government and ngo's loading the navy ship to bring the needed help to the victim to the islands that have not been reached at this time. >> quick triggered tsumi devastated 7 villages off the coast of sumatra much hundreds of hous are gone and the disaster left 450 people dead. more than 200 missing and more than 4,000 people are left homeless and helpless. >> just a few days after the tsunami hit, 2 "operatn blessing" teams managed to take a 14 hour boat ride through seas to get to the hard to reach
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islands distributes supplies among the survivers. "operation blessing" doctors are giving medical care to the victims much the health agency is grateful but says more help is needed because there are more patits than doctors. thousands more bags of relieve goods on their way to th islands. "operation blessing" workers will remain in the area long-term to help survivers recover. louis eel, cbn news. >> coming up, meet a man with a goal in mind to give children something to smile about and he is making a difference in thousands of lives.
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a british misonary had a plan
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travel to romanipulatia hand out food and school supplies and head home. >> that's not what happens. he found he couldn't leave. graham has his story. >> with a cry to god romanipulatians rose up in december of 1989 and defeated the communist regime. days after revolution square grew quiet a talent manager made the short trip to help those in the newly freed country much >> been to many desperate parts of the world normally there is smiles on the children because they don't realize the situation awayed them. here the children did not smile and they didn't know how to smile. they had nothing to smile about >> seeing children who would not smile broke kevin's heart. he learned the revolion ended
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communism it did not erase the poverty and pain. this lead to 1 simple goal. give childre something to smile about. >> the mission where simplest. smile foundation expands today a smile social worker delivers food. abandoned by her husband her and her 2 children share one room in a social housing project. 87 families live in this build anding there is a long waiting listf families with nowhere to go waiting for space to open. her one room apartment used to be the building's laundry room. >> herp 7 year old son admitted to having nightmares about lowing mom and becoming an orphan in th visit counsels are ab to make him smile. >> i have been working in the past yea and a half with
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families and homess people and i testified people not filing and turning to peopl smiling. upon smile's foundation has a mission center to bring in regent universitcenter for trauma studies a whe kwhar tennis team and a farm to feed people and fund the ministry. the gypsy village makes a 71 year old lady smile as she watches her grandchildren at play. >> crime dropped 50 percent those can't be ignored or over looked as chance. >> smiles worked in the village 10 years ago after defyip met lady anna's victor the 10 year old s begging on the streets kevip invited him to dinner. >> over 2 hours we learned about his community and family and he took us back to meet his
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mom and dad and 8 broths and sisters. >> we were shocked to see him on our door. i was with a kid on my arm and i asked my child who are these people? they are my friends. >> victor lives with his own daught and works with a smile found helped provide running water a store, churc and a school. through educatiothey learned about a god who loves them and a god who has a plan for their live its is thrill to share that truth. >> that truth trumps years of negative head lines stripes and racism. many gypsies expernce today. >> it is incredible feel to see that people that used to be hopeless and terified for their life and not having a future in the front of them turning and
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actually even becoming people that will be able to help werings in the community. >> children from the gypsy village are spreang the message. they forme a choir. traveling throughout eope and america helpg to raise money for the foundation's work. >> the choir are a prime example given the opportunity they have truly excelled beyond their wildest dreams. 10 years ago i asked what their dreams were and theyed asked me, what is a dream. a smile is theperfect place to start the healing. cbn news, romania. >> george, those kids did not know how to smile now they are smile and they have dreams.
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>> reaching out to tho who have no hope and considered the out cast of sociy. >> coming up. s risk of living as a christian in a muslim country our look at camps where mainly christian are tortured and forced to return to the muim faith.
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living as a christian in a muslim country carries risks. >> malaysia is a model of islamic moderation can be dafrngz. dangerous. >> we traveled malaysi to discoverhe trouth of muslim converts to christianity. a 2 hour journeyrom the capital city. we wanted to investigate an
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encampment where christian were taken to for them to islam >> we are in thick jungle. 300 meters from the reeducation center a private place. few are aware it exists. and we have to go through this thick jungle to get there. we see what we can find. >> it is treacherous and we use a machete to clear a path we see the camp. the government calls these retreat center muslims come here to strengthen their faith in the language a sign beyond the trees called it a purification center. if it is voluntary why the secuty. they suffered beatings and
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torture at centersike this one we talked to one who refused to go on camera bause of fear he will be taken back to the fah facilities and agreed to talk on audio if we changed his voice. he explains how religious officials tried to reconvert him to islam they were angry exported to kill me. they did not harm me physically much i know of many others who were. they force you to reside islamic prayers and the corran. to do the thingsure supposed to do as a muslim they are trying to force us to believe what we can't believe. these reeducation centers come from the power of dark upons. >> another former muslim lost his property, job and famil after officials learned he had become a christian he is hiding from the government we are protecting his identity. he insists h will never return
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to islam. we joined these christians for a mid week service and covered faces to protect them. most are ethnics malayans are muslim there were less than 2 huh christians today there is a thousand or more. that growth is a target of the fwment and its religious departnt. last summer they halted the construction of this church. the religious department said this place is a muslim place and people here are all muslims. you have no right to come in and evangeli the people here. >> the pastor says localare
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not muslim those christian nee a church building. >> gathing in house and under trees. we wanted to have our own place for worship. i believe no matter what the cost our people will be follers of jesus much >> that belief inspired many to share their faith with others. i joined several evangelis they fed the hungry and parade for the sick. this evangelist says angry muslims beat him up and smashed his car maeven his country men are receptive to the gospel message. >> when i began to pray for the sick we saw instant results sometimes people were amazed. they wanted to hear abo the 4 behind the hearing and they received jesus so easy. >> these christians y muslims
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lured believers in the vil am away from faith in christ. >> i have a siste who was a christian and n a muslim. muslims camend gave them money, house and food. >> muslims come to their village? no way this village will stand for the lord. remember nathan who lost everything when he became a christn he shares christ with others. garry lane, cbn news, malaysia. >> keep up with the reports at the blob or cbnnews. org.
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>> finally this week evangelist billy graham he is turning 92 years old. >> 92 year young. >> unbelievable. >> he is amainamazing, his gra says he has trouble seeing and hearing but likes to tell jokes and laugh much h enjo individualing an praying with his friends. all around the world millions upon millionof people touched by that one map. >> amazing the books and the crusades i got to be at the last in new york a couple years ago. i would not be surprised if he preached one more time >> pray for that. >> that is our report, thank you for joining own kadesh bar,
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a place of consecration and seration a place of determination go forward as god hasommanded us, or a place to shrink back. next time on...


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