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tv   ABC 7 News  KOFY  June 14, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm PDT

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tough budget choices were made in san jose this morning to cut dozens of police jobs at the same time the homicide elevate soaring. >> they have the highest in 30 years. the most recent happened this morning on axton drive. carolyn tyler is where the talks took place. >> police contract was the first item on the agenda at san jose city hall. the ratification vote was approximately 61-39% approval. it means there will be fewer
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officers on the street at a time when the murder rate was climbing. >> latest murder rate was on the mind of a group that gathered. they found a man shot to death when they answer add 911 call after 3:00 this morning. three other victims walked into local hospitals for treatment. >> at this point we're trying to determine the motive, who perpetrated this crime. >> there will now be fewer officers to respond to crimes like this quadruple shooting. this morning the mayor and city council were notified but members of the police officers association agreed to a new deal to help the city's budget crisis. >> membership has ratified this agreement. >> officers have agreed to take a 10% pay cut and lose at least 100 officers. if they had rejected the deal even more officers would have been let go. it's all part of the plan to close the city's $115 million budget deficit.
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>> we looked of are our money but it comes to laying off the police officers and closing libraries. >> it comes during an up swiong the homicide rate. stodz 27th this year compared to 20 all of last year. the average has averaged 20-33 victims since 1988. >> we need more officers but unfortunately we can't afford them. >> the mayor praised the police for leading the way in the budget talks. he says there are other unions who are saying no to cuts even though hehey are inevitable. of a-year-old special education teacher in vallejo will make his first court appearance this afternoon to face charges he raped a
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developmentally challenged student aide at school. police are concerned there may be more victims. they arrested jerry johnson. he is accused of committing the assault on the campus during school hours. police say the victim is 18 years old but has a mental capacities of a 7-year-old. >> johnson teaches students who are in kblgd or pre-kindergarten. if you have any information on this case you are asked to please call the vallejo police department. >> a special school board meetings is being held tonight to discuss a suspicious fire at march kin luther king elementary school. it's being investigated as an arson. there was lots of damage to classrooms inside a building in an older part of the campus. the building was going to be used to host a day care program, but the building is set to be demolished later this summer. first lady michelle obama is in for fund-raising for her husband's reelection campaign.
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she started with breakfast at claremont hotel. i'm any, this is the first bay area fund-raiser today. >> reporter: she has busy day. first time at the claremont. about 250 people here. some republicans are complaining that tax dollars are being used for fund-raising but nothing but support here in berkeley. one woman, this is obama country >> tennis lessons were delayed so they could line the driveway to welcomes first lady michelle obama. >> to see the first lady. we look up to the whole family. it's pretty special. >> it was quick. people waited around for more than an hour and her motorcade pulled in pretty quickly but she did acknowledge her fans.
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>> she is beautiful. i love her. >> inside was a nice breakfast but expensive one. alice waters prepared the meal that cost a minimum of thousand dollars. a sponsorship cost $25,000 but those that bought tickets say they are happy to support the obamas. >> it's a wonderful role model because she is a very strong person. i'm very excited to be here and hear her talk. >> not all donors were allowed in. remember this woman, she stood up and sang a song protesting the war in afghanistan. she has krbd $15,000 so far and wanted to spend $5,000 today but was told she had already given the maximum amount and couldn't come in. >> i'm not really paranoid. i don't blame them. i would target me. would you invite me to your
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fund-raiser? >> she had a song ready to go but instead stood on the sidewalk with everyone else. the glimpse of the first lady was quick but created a memory that will last forever. >> it brought tears to my eyes. it's so amazing to me. it's amazing couple. >> they say the speech was moving and very powerful. everyone is walking out a loaf of wheat bread. now, you can see the police are standing by. this street is blocked off. we're getting a sense she is about to come by. she is on her way for a lunch fund-raiser. live in berkeley, amy hollyfield "abc 7 news." president obama himself spoke in puerto rico this morning. this is the first official presidential visit to the
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territory in 50 years. puerto ricans are expected to play a large role in the 2012 election. nobody in the territory is allowed to vote, nearly 5 million puerto ricans live on the u.s. mainland. he supports a referendum allowing them to decide their status, whether they become the 51th state or remain a territory or an independent country. >> in march a report from our presidential task force provided a meaningful way forward on this question so the residents can determine their own future. >> the last president to visit puerto rico was john f. kennedy in 1961. >> we should know within a few hours if a judge will overturn the ban on same-sex marriage. he should have decision by this afternoon after hearing two hours of arguments.
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opponents say vaughn walker who ruled that prop 8 was unconstitutional should have removed himself from the case because he is in the same sex relationship and could benefit from the outcome but they couldn't provide any evidence that he wanted to get married only he was in a long term relationship. irans says they will make a decision in the three american hikers charged with espionage by late august. their next court appearance will be scheduled between june 22 and august 22. three hikers were detained back in july along the border. shourd was released last september on humanitarian grounds and recently revealed several incidents of abuse at the hands of prison guards. >> they are now barring barry bonds coach from coaching. he has not registered as coach.
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anderson who has coached for years has been told he had been barred from the field. there weren't any complaints until this season. he spent several months in prison after pleading guilty to steroid distribution charges and refused to testify during barry bonds perjury trial. still ahead, a toy company hopes to turn a profit on anthony weiner's sexting scandal. >> growing pressure to resign. latest on the congressman that are calling for anthony weiner to quit. >> and the housekeeper that had a child from arnold schwarzenegger speaks out for the first time. the first time. how mar honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?!
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we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. no home phone service required. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. no home phone service required. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ (speaking in international language) and he said unto them go ye into all of the world
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and preach the gospel preach the gospel  ♪very creature in the world. (applause) 
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you are taking a live look from sky7hd of michelle obama and the motorcade leading the event at claremont in berkeley. she is on her way to san francisco for a fund-raiser for 200 people. it's at the merchants exchange building and we'll have more details later today at ago. in the meantime, in sacramento this morning, san francisco assemblywoman joined a coalition of supporters to promote a new
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bill that would make it harder for teenagers to buy alcohol at supermarket. the bill would require them to sell alcohol in a face to face transaction. it will p will begin after reports that teenagers were buying them in the scanner check outlines. they are supposed to stop until managers verify the teenager. >> people are calling out on anthony weiner to resign. he has admitted to sexting partially naked women's to women. john boehner thought he should step down and his congressional colleagues believe that resignation isn't too far away. >> i would resign that is up to him and his constituents.
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>> publicly weiner is refusing to resign and says he has checked himself to a treatment center. wiern scandal has spawned a new toy. they have a anthony weiner doll. standard doll costs 39.35. if you want the anatomically correct model that is ten dollars more. dressed in a gym shirt and gym shorts and label that says tweet this. >> all right, thank you. >> meteorologist major mike will not say a word because he has a lot to talk about the forecast. >> it's a beautiful day outside. let's take a look and you what is going on. the clouds are retreating from the coast and temperatures will be well above average the next few days. we'll talk about how much they'll cool before the weekend. >> speaking of sunshine, more
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sunscreen protection against sun rays that close the greatest risk of skin cancer. >> skype tv has a new plan. 
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they announced new regulations to give sunscreen more protection and make it easier for people to use. manufacturers will are required to test their products effectiveness against ultraviolet "a" that pose the greatest risk of sun cancer. >> currently the fda requires testing for the "b" rays. more than 68,000 people in the u.s. were diagnosed with melanoma last year. >> sun screens will not be identified as sun block. we don't want to give the false impression that complete sun protection is provided. sun screens cannot make claims of protection for more than would hours without submitting data to the agency. >> the new labels must be on the
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products by next summer. >> you may want to use yours immediately because we're going to warmup. >> it's going to be a nice day for warm weather but also tomorrow. a mini heat wave. technically a heat wave is three days in a row or reaching 90. look how clear from mount tamalpais back to the south. we see just a little bit of fog hanging around the marin headlands, ocean beach and peninsula, coast. more the area will look like this. downtown san francisco bathing under hazy sunshine. visible satellite. you see the clouds slowly erasing thanks to the north west material wind. a lot of fog in sls valley.
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82 in antioch. mid to upper 70s santa rosa, concord and livermore, san jose and los gatos. 59 in half moon bay. clouds at 52 in monterey. 77 in gilroy. sunny and warmest afternoon is today and tomorrow. it will be clear and comfortable maybe a little calm so there won't be much of a breeze. cooler thursday and kind of steady through the weekend. no wild temperature swings this the forecast. for today, six degrees warmer in concord and 10-15 degrees, san be about 14d, san francisco, hours and 45 minutes of sunshine before the sun sets. >> mid-80s in san jose. 75 in millbrae. mid to upper 50s along the coast today.
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downtown san francisco, 70s. biggest spread, sausalito 75 all the way to 90 at santa rosa and mid to upper 80s in the north bay valleys. 20 degrees cooler mid to upper 50s at your beaches. fremont at 82 degrees. 89 in dublin and rest of the neighbors will make it to 90 if not 92 degrees in the east bay valleys. morgan hill, hollister, same temperatures. we'll get 68 in monterey late this afternoon. mid 90s throughout the central valley, palm springs, 108 today. tahoe and 75 at lake level. if you are heading to the game, 7:00 first pitch, royals are in town, 72 down to 66. here is some of the mild temperatures, low 60s in east bay valleys, san jose, napa so it's a nice cooling trend in the overnight hours.
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and maybe get away from the air-conditioning tomorrow morning, low 80s around the bay and near 70s at the coast. ten degrees cool forethursday and friday and temperatures through the weekend actually pretty close to average. if your tv soon starts talking to you, you probably aren't insane but you probably are a comcast customer. they plan to bring skype video phone calls to tv sets later this year. subscribers will be able to wear a web cam and adapter that plugs into the tv. it will have a keyboard on the back. trials of the new device will begin in the next few months. >> the family employee that admitted to have a child from governor swarzenegger is talking publicly. they tell a magazine when she first her son that his father
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was schwarzenegger he responded by saying cool. shriver is now separated from schwarzenegger was many people that noticed the resemblance between her son and arnold. she broke down and admitted the affair and apologized on shriver. she says that she is surprisingly compassionate. she believes arnold is a good 
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to the at 3:00 on 7live you should seriously consider changing your iphone pass code. >> you know what i mean? >> news anchor tries to make the dali lama laugh and fails. something you often don't hear, food prices on the decline. we'll have more stories later today at 4:00 and 5:00. >> okay. you might want to laugh at this one. >> how embarrassing. >> i can't wait to see that. >> let's take a look outside, something like jimmy kimmel would have. warm tuesday and wednesday, that would be today and tomorrow. cooling really hits the coast and spreads inland by friday. >> all right. thank you very much.
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mrs. obama is on the bridge heading into san francisco. we leave you wit
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