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tv   ABC7 News  KOFY  April 18, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm PDT

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closed captioning by closed captioning services,inc right now a large power outage in oakland has shutdown businesses and knocked out traffic lights. you can see drivers alternating their way through an intersection. good morning i'm terry mcsweeney in for kristen sze. and i'm cheryl jennings. nick smith joins us from the scene. >> reporter: the power literally just came on seconds before we hit the air. pg&e tells me there were as many as 3800 without power. right now only 41 are without power they are working to get everyone back online. take a look at this video we
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shot moments ago. police tell me they received calls this manhole cover at the intersection of mlk blew off and there were signs of light smoke. we pulled up as fire crews and police were arriving. they don't know what may have caused the cover to fly off most likely a high pressure situation. they are still investigating. they are confirming it is linked to the power outage. power was out as far west as the produce and waterfront area and as far east as 10th street and western. it caused major disruption to area businesses, most employees were standing outside because they were unable to operate the pumps at the gas station or electronic equipment such as cash registers or computers inside. earlier we saw members of city hall leaving the building. if viewers saw the same thing, it was only a fire drill. city hall was not affected by the blackout. it appears the power outage may have set off alarm of --
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set off a number of false alarms we could hear several calls come into oakland none of them seemed to be an emergency. the power is back on, but there are some sections of oakland that are still dealing with the power outage. as many as 41 customers remain without power. we will update the situation and bring you more at 4:00. nick smith, abc7 news. developing news, the white house spokesman says the conduct depicted in new pictures of soldiers in afghanistan is reprehensible. the pictures were published this morning by the "los angeles times". they show troops posing with the bodies of dead insurgents. white house comments come less than an hour after defense secretary panetta apologized for the conduct displayed by troops. the paper says the soldiers of members of the 82nd airborne division, posing with afghan police and the severed legs of a suicide bomber. an american soldier gave those
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pictures to the paper to draw attention to the safety risks of a break down on leadership and discipline. a criminal investigation is underway. general allen says the incident representsl)$ a serious error in judgment myself al soldiers who have acted out of ignorance and unfamiliarity with u.s. army values. those foers to are the latest in a series of blows to the u.s. image in afghanistan including a previous photo controversy and accidental burning of the qur'an which triggered violent protests against several americans. secret service agents linked to a prostitution scandal will undergo lie detector tests. 11 agents and 10 military personnel are telling different stories about whether the women were prostitutes. sources tell abc news many of the women have been identified and will be interviewed. u.s. officials are in colombia scoping out nightclubs and collecting hotel surveillance
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video. >> what has gone on is very embarrassing and it is clear there are investigations at the pentagon and the secret service and i hope to get to the bottom of it, quickly. >> from what i understand there were 20 to 21 women involved. they could be employees of the local drug cartel. they could be spies planting eavesdropping devices. >> investigators state incident happened before the president's arrival for a summit in colombia last week. mr. obama says he expects a rigorous investigation. police in texas say a registered nurse has con if fessed to shooting a young mother and abducting her newborn. mcclain faces charges of capital murder after witnesses say she opened fire on the woman outside a medical clinic yesterday. witnesses observed mcclain taking the three-day old baby while his mother screamed "my baby." the prosecutor described the
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plot on "good morning america." >> there were statements as indicated in the arrest record made by miss mckwhraeupb that led us to believe that in -- mcclain that led us to believe that this was intentional act. not miss golden was targeted specifically but this was part of a plan to kidnap a child. >> police found the little child unharmed several hours later. he will go home with his father today. a few hours divers are expected to search four more south bay ponds and volunteers will be back out looking for missing morgan hill teenager sierra ma missing for more than a month. as the search continues techs are pouring over 12 hours of data from sonar scans taken from several ponds not far from her home. yesterday divers found two cars in those ponds. detectives are following up on new leads.
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university of california berkeley students could face more financial problems for their academics because of an earthquake project at the memorial stadium. katie marzullo is there to explain. >> reporter: that depends on who you talk to and it is a major point of con tension this important on campus. "wall street journal" is reporting private fundraising have fallen far short. the total project is supposed to cost 321 million dollars. the university said it would raise 270 million through private fundraising. apparently has only raised as of december 31 million dollars. there's a science professor here on campus who believes those numbers to be true and says the university could use student fees to cover the deficit. the university spokesman we talked with this morning, says no way, no how. yes they only have 31 million dollars cash in hand that is not an indication of any trouble with the financial plan. [ inaudible ]
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they are selling seats and offering naming rights he says the plan is strong and on track. >> this is borrowed money so there is definitely a risk about being able to repay it. the question is, where will the money come from? ultimately, it is a risk to the funds that support our academic program. more seriously, a risk to fees. >> anybody participating in this plan have an option pay upfront or extend payments over time. some have made commitment pay upfront, some over time. what is more important is the total value of those commitments, in excess of 144 million dollars. that's enough to handle the debt for at least the next 26 years. >> reporter: university spokesman went on to state financial plan has been vetted through the academic senate and all of those numbers the entire plan is online public for anyone to look at it who wants to. we talked with a -- we talked
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with a couple of students. one said he prefer his student fees stick with academics. another acknowledged that the football program here at cal is historic and a very important part of student life. katie marzullo, abc7 news. right now a search-and-rescue effort is underway for a gray whale entangled up to 100 feet of thick fishing line off the coast of california. off the coast of laguna beach, south of dana point. a problem for searchers because this whale is entangled the mouth locked up. crews from the pacific marine mammal center are tying to locate the whale and resume trying to free it and save its life. it is a race against the clock. effort to save a whale which doesn't know that the team from the pacific marine mammal center is trying to save it. >> we had a 40 to 45 foot wail
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let us know in no uncertain terms today that it didn't like what we were trying to do for it. >> reporter: you can see the fishing line around the left fin also around the whale's mouth if that thick line isn't cut away the whale will die. a member of the mammal center says crews have to save their own lives by saying away from the deadly tail. >> end tanglement is in a very dangerous -- are tail is call the danger zone the animal can hit the boat and the people rescuing the animal we have to stay far away. >> reporter: buoys have been attached so it can be kept close to the surface and easily located. the whale will tire as time goes by and grow weak from hunger allowing them to get close enough to cut the line. for hours the center could not find the wail it is considering a homing device
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those are expensive, considering this is the third whale found end tangled in a month -- entangled in a month. airport officials get more than they bargained for when they screen a passenger. we'll show you the pictures. >> reporter: they do it every year. during this year's earthquake commemoration they made a big
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a portland, oregon man wound up stripping down to his birthday suit to show screeners he had nothing to hide. that got him arrested. john brennan sent off alarms passing through a checkpoint and here's what he did stripped. he felt the transportation security agencies were harassing him. agents repeatedly told him to put his clothes back on. no word if he made it to san jose. tough story to follow. new facebook expansion. last night the city council voted to an a deal that will enable the company to bring thousands more employees to its new campus. it will work with east palo alto to address concerns about traffic and housing and offer a job training program. menlo park will get millions
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in taxes and money from capital improvement. ceremonies continue at this hour to mark the 106th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake and fire in san francisco that killed thousands. amy hollyfield joins us from 20th and church street with more it >> reporter: they got an early start this morning, 5:11 a.m. that is what time the earthquake hit. there was one little glitch it happened at this famous fire hydrant at 20th and church. it was a big oops but didn't impact the spirit of the morning. two survivors of the 1906 effort quake received the royal treatment this morning arriving at the annual celebration in the back of a 1931 lincoln this was the first time 106-year-old winnie hook participated she was two months old when the quake hit. >> i'm feeling wonderful. >> reporter: she was surrounded by dignataries,
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rescue workers and regular people who appreciate the city's history some even wore the fashions of 1906. >> it is an opportunity for me as a mother to teach my sons about what happened 106 years ago. >> reporter: the quake killed more than 3,000 and left more than a quarter million homeless. lotta's fountain turned into a meeting place after the quake. >> the buildings, the people that live here the spirit of this city are direct realize to that event. >> reporter: the memorial moved to the fire hydrant at 20th and church credited for saving the mission district during the fires that burned after the quake. winnie helped give its annual new coat of paint. only there was a critical error the traditionally gold hydrant was painted silver. >> they had a gold cap on a silver can of paint. >> reporter: but they to the hardware store later this morning and voila!
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fixed the problem back to being gold. at lefty o'douls winnie wasn't complaining the only thing she didn't like was riding in the back of that lincoln. >> cold, the top was down. >> reporter: i asked her if she is coming back f year's event? she said yes, but only if she doesn't have to ride in a convertible. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. mike nicco is here with the forecast. if you like warm weather this is the man of the hour. >> warmest weather of the year on the way i'll show you where 80s will hit and how many days they will hang around. take a look at this how this happened in one concord neighborhood. third and final winner of the record mega millions jackpot comes forwar
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this is happening right now in oakland. an arrest just happened i-80 by the coliseum. police moved in on what may be one of two suspects. >> the person got out of the car wanted for a burglary with hands up and police arrested him. we don't know what the charges -- large swarms of bees had everyone buzzing in concord and clayton these pictures
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from -- recent bee swarm that attached to a car near oak park and monument boulevard yesterday. as you can see in this image a young man wearing a bee suit helped removed the swarm. at least 15 sightings of bee swarms in the past week. i associate bees with warmer weather. if they were out last week, man they are going to be out this week. >> exactly. [ laughing ] >> is that right mike? >> we bought a honey success cull home from the nursery -- honeysuckle home from the nursery and within an hour there were bees. [ talking over each other ] >> i'll let mike continue. >> i have a graphic to show how warm it has been in some of our official reporting stations. around your house or car it may have been warm they are is
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officially the temperatures we've had so far this year warmest santa rosa february 22nd. livermore on the same time so did concord and napa, 79, 78 and 78 same day san jose 77, two days later san francisco 72 march 4th, oakland hit 74. we will surpass all these temperatures starting tomorrow and through the weekend. here's one of the reasons why gorgeous outside, a lot of sunshine out there as we look down from mount tamalpais this morning hazy, that's more moisture than pollution. upper 50s now san francisco and oakland low to mid 60s for the rest of us. as you look at -- temperature will hit near 70 this afternoon. upper 50s santa cruz and monterey. our highlights high clouds, sun, warming trend, 80s possible away from the coast tomorrow, friday, saturday,
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sunday. more clouds, cooler next week no rain. fremont three degrees warmer to six in santa rosa, a lot of 60s and 70s, no more 50s and 60s. low to mid 70s south bay san jose, campbell around 74. 66 millbrae. low to mid 70s the rest of the peninsula. low 60s along the coast mid 60s downtown and south san francisco. 65 sausalito inland upper 60s to low 70s north bay 70 fremont everybody else along the east bay more mid to upper 60s. 77 possible today in brentwood. mid to upper 70s morgan hill, gilroy hollister. sun carmel. 94 palm springs stray shower possible tahoe and 59.
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if you are heading to the giants' game temperatures starting around 61° at 7:15 down to 56° by the time the game ends. tonight partly cloudy upper 40s to low 50s high pressure moving in now will dominate our weather through sunday look at the string of 80s possible inland, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, possible around the bay, you want relief, the coast mid to upper 60s still sunny even when it gets cooler next week temperatures are pretty much where they should be for this time of the year. we now know the identity of the third and final winner of the historic 656 mega millions jackpot. merrle and patricia butler. that ticket now worth 218 million dollars before taxes. >> i turned to my wife who was
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right there with me and i says, we won. and she kind of looked at me funny. and i says, no we won. and then she started giggling. and she giggled for about four hours i think. [ laughing ] >> now they are giggling all the way to bank. they spent the past few weeks hiring financial advisers and a lawyer. they don't have any immediate plans other than to craft an investment strategy and maybe look into a vacation. >> you have any relatives in red bud? red bud? >> i'm sure i know them. great idea. so we'll switch to u-verse tv and internet... that's just what we need... i got accepted into juilliard. [ dad ] that's great! can we talk about wireless plans? now we can video-chat. and faster internet... [ female announcer ] with at&t u-verse, you can build a personalized bundle to fit your needs. even when they change. call now to bundle two, three, even four services.
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today at 5, why the supreme court is now being asked to weigh in on janet jackson's wardrobe malfunction during the 2004 super bowl. that story and more later today. from all of us at abc7 news thank you for joining us. who wants to be a millionaire, next.
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