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tv   ABC7 News  KOFY  November 5, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm PST

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captioned by closed captioning services, inc. right now evacuations just
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ended on the embarcadero in san francisco because of a gas leak. we were almost forced to evacuate as well. here's a live picture of that area. >> pier 15 under construction that's the future home of the -- we just got the notice a few minutes ago it is safe they've gotten that situation secured. good morning i'm kristen sze. and i'm cheryl jennings. let's go to katie marzullo. >> reporter: it is under construction, i talked to some of the crew who -- crews who said they heard someone yell broken gasline and they got out. the chief with the fire department joining us as this wraps up. tell us what happened? >> the water department was digging with a backhoe ruptured a 6 to 8 inch high pressure gasline when he evacuated the building. just set up lines just closed
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off the street and precaution stopped traffic. >> reporter: how dangerous is the line? >> it is high pressure we are lucky the wind wasn't blowing everything was going straight up we wanted a perimeter get an idea where the gas was. when he evacuated this building they said they had a heavy smell of gas if the basement. with the readings it wasn't dangerous, we don't take precaution. we had to evacuate >> reporter: that building is the abc7 news studio and embarcadero closed between green and broadway. can you tell us when everything will be cleared up? >> it -- we are picking up now and open up everything momentarily. >> reporter: chief, thank you. good news out here. the incident lasting under an hour. scary gas leak that did force evacuations and road closures, now cleared. katie marzullo, abc7 news.
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the mad dash to the finish line in the race for the white house. president obama and mitt romney are crisscrossing critical swing states ahead of tomorrow's election. new polls show the race tighter than ever. t.j. winick is in chicago. >> reporter: a sign of how close the obama campaign believes this could be the president appeared in new hampshire which only has four electoral votes. >> the president: we are no longer relevant, we're props, because what's happened is now the campaign falls on these 25-year-old kids folking on doors, making calls. >> reporter: he was joined by bill clinton who mocked mitt romney's pitch. >> don't pay too much attention to what our solutions are just be pined. look at me, i look like a president. -- and talk like one. and i'm telling you it is all going to be all right if you
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elect me >> reporter: with one day to go, candidates crisscross battleground states. mitt romney 14 stops in seven states president obama 14 stops in eight states both claim victory is within reach. >> he's hoping we'll settle. americans don't settle, we build, we aspire, we dream, we can do better. >> reporter: romney is making a play for democratic pennsylvania. the candidates and their running mates all made stops in ohio, that with iowa and wisconsin are expected to decide the race. >> if president obama can win these three on top of the solid blue states, he'll have the 275 electoral votes he needs to -- the 271 electoral votes he needs to win. >> reporter: according to a poll this race is deadlocked with the president holding a
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lead among mitt romney among likely voters. t.j. winick, abc news, chicago. abc7 news will be working around the clock tuesday 3 p.m. special edition of abc7 news including live reports from the obama and romney campaign headquarters. 3:30 world news. live election coverage from abc news at 4 p.m.. at 8:00, when the polls close in california get bay area results from abc7 news. then abc news returns with primetime election coverage 8:30 with a complete wrap-up at 11. long painful recover from superstorm sandy continues. forcasters are tracking a new storm that could hit wednesday. kira klapper joins us with more on the cleanup efforts. >> reporter: early season nor'easter is expected to slam the mid atlantic and new england with strong
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million customers power to wahe fi monday ing commutee sdy unleashed herfury. new york schools reopened, more than one million students, heavy strain on battered transit system. hundreds missed their freezing rain. the seemingly endless lines for gas continued with people gripping their empty fuel cans and frustration mounting by the minute. >> i've been waiting for about 4 1/2 hours. and it is -- [ inaudible ] >> reporter: fema is setting up 10 gas centers and the region. with rationing in new jersey. 20,000 new yorkers remain out of their homes and could be
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for two more weeks. fema promising to pay for their hotel room -- hotel rooms during that time. >> we have hot soup, hot chocolate. >> reporter: overnight temperatures in the 30s to those who lost everything one week ago the suffering and waiting for salvation feels like an eternity. >> you have no idea how hard it is to go5áñ through all of or christmas items. they, their graduations, confirmations, all of that. it is so hard. >> reporter: for a glimpse of the damage fema officials say 86,000 new york area households have already file for federal disaster assistance the tries tagy 97 min dolls. kira klapper, abc7 news. sandy's victims need so much help. abc is partnering with the american red cross to make today a day of giving to help
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millions. amy hollyfield joins us from pier 54. >> reporter: every little bit counts. think about blankets the red cross has shipped 80,000 to the east coast. if you donate $10 it will buy three of thees. a little goes a long way. the red cross has already served one million meals to storm victims on the east coast. the agency needs your help to keep providing relief. >> sometimes, people have the perception that the red cross may not need any more donations, they are so big and there's the misconception that perhaps we are funded by the government, which we are not. we are funded by the generosity of the public. >> reporter: that's why abc has teamed up with the red cross for a day of giving. a phone bank on "good morning america" kicked off the day, different shows will ask for donations throughout the day and the
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company is donating two million dollars and will match donations from its employees with >> 90 within cents out of every dollar is going -- 91 cents out of every dollar is going to those in need. >> reporter: five from the bay area have traveled east to help, they have meals, snacks and water on pwofrpltd donations pay for hygiene kits and cleaning supplies, essentials that help people return their lives back to normal. >> $50 will pay for shelter, food, toiletries, and a roof over your head and hot meal for one person for a whole day. >> reporter: they don't want you to donate items he don't have the manpower to sift through and ship them out. they just want the cash. moments ago we crossed over the 10 million dollar mark. this day of giving is going great. let's keep it going. amy hollyfield, abc7 news.
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10 million, amazing. disney is kicking off abc's day of giving with two million dollars. samsung is matching your contributions up to three million dollars. we've already crossed that mark. you can help by texting abc to 90999 to give $10. you can call 1-800-help-now or online to coming up, the big names who have made big contributions today. every little bit helps. we have a beautiful day underway that is promising something rare for november, record heat. here's a live lookout side from mount sutro, meteorologist mike nicco is in the weather center with more. >> not only record heat possibly all-time record highs today and tomorrow, we are living through possibly history not only with the election but with the weather. live doppler 7 hd with
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satellite superimposed over i, nothing, clear, dry air mass for most areas warmer now -- now than it was 24 hours ago. upper 60s san rafael, oakland everybody else low to mid 70s, 77 in los gatos. in the afternoon, temperatures are going to be 3 to 7° warmer than yesterday. where you see an asterisk is where i'm forecasting record highs. ahead, dramatic new video showing the rescue from a capsized boat off the coast of marin, including several children. how many kids skipped school to go to the giants' world series parade? why it is going to cost the [ female announcer ] this is a spspecial message from at&.
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[ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it.
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[ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ i have a great fit with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free -- it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free
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made the kiwi an enjoyable experience. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. seven people rescued from a capsized boat are all recovering. you can see how choppy the waters were and how that boat is pounded. it overturned off dillon beach yesterday, there were children under that boat, five people, including those two kids were rescued and two more kids were rescued after being cut out of that hull. people on the boat were not seen wearing life jackets,
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fortunately, everybody should be okay. in fremont police investigating a deadly shooting involving two officers and a domestic violence suspect. investigators say, officers shot and killed a 37-year-old man from san jose after he reused to drop a knife. according to police, he was naked and chasing his wife with the weapon. it happened on central avenue. police say the victim's roommate called 911 around 11:00 last night. the officers have been placed on standard administrative leave. contra costa county firefighters investigating what they say appears to be a molotov cocktail found at the scene of a fire at a pleasant hill strip mall. it damaged three businesses. fire officials are calling it arson. it caused $100,000 in damage. police are still looking for suspects. mike is back. the good news, we had rain, fire danger is not going to be
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high but we could set record high temperatures for november some only in the 80s, breezy in the hills, we'll talk about how those breezes will change wednesday and bring 20° cooling trend and rain. also, good news at the gas pump. a look
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back to our top story of the hour. gas leak along the embarcadero near pier 15 prompted the embarcadero to close down an hour and a half ago we almost had to evacuate here at kgo but pg&e said our building was clear, nobody was hurt. this happened at the home of the new exploratorium. in the meantime, kristen is here. traffic still looks slow northbound. californians are paying less at the gas pump than a week ago. average for regular $3.97. the first time below $4 since august. u.s. average $3.54. san francisco down 16 cents from a week ago. in oakland the price fell almost 20 cents. appa lot of kids came down with something
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called giants fever on parade day. the san francisco unified school district said thousands of kids played hooky last wednesday, presumably to attend the world series parade. we saw a lot of kids from all over california. more than 4100 students in san francisco were absent that day, that cost the district nearly $160,000 in california funding. the state pays $38 a day for a student who shows up to school. the majority of school skippers were high school students. >> some tell us they were learning a lesson in perseverance and determination. >> that works we can go with that. we have a winning weather forecast, if you like record temperatures. >> if you don't, it will change quickly. you can keep temperatures like this around for too many days. good morning, beautiful picture of the sun washing over san jose now.
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it will look almost the same no matter where we go, a little haze, not a spare the air nothing to worry about. definitely going to be warm today. we are definitely under a dry trend now live doppler 7 hd and doppler on mount omnium spinning looking for that next chance of rain it won't come into the forecast until thursday. you can see how far offshore the winds are blowing clouds hundreds of miles from our neighborhoods. 60 a san rafael, 69 oakland, redwood city, los gatos 77, temperatures around monterey bay, gilroy 76. santa cruz and monterey at 77 and 79. first forecast high record
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setting today and tomorrow. in between we'll have clear and comfortable conditions at night, cooler wednesday and cooler thursday with a chance of rain and showers friday. check out these asterisks every city forecasting record highs, 12° warmer in san jose, 20 in santa rosa. south bay 83, record high there low to mid 80s for you, low to mid peninsula, redwood city mountain view 84 possible record, near 80 along the coast today into south san francisco 81 record high for downtown san francisco. sonoma 87 record setting 89 at santa rosa, san rafael 84. 81 richmond. 82 oakland and hayward possible record highs, 82 in concord low to mid 80s throughout the east bay valleys. santa cruz, watsonville, gilroy, 90, monterey 84, all
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record high temperatures warmth is just about everywhere except eureka 64. 86 big sur, 95 in l.a. today. we'll be in the 50s and 60s tonight, it will be mild. east coast here's a look at tuesday night into wednesday morning, you can see the rain starts to move in raining all day wednesday until we wrap colder air in wednesday night into thursday morning when we'll get some of the snow. thursday afternoon warm air wraps back more rain, finally over thursday night, tough 24 to 36 hours for those folks. it is going to be warm if you are standing in line tomorrow out in the sunshine, record highs possible again thursday 20° cooler with a chance of rain showers friday, still cool but dry saturday and sunday. do you remember dusty the
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klepto kitty from san mateo? here's the real life cat burglar who became a worldwide sensation. tonight at 11, see what happened to this prolific theft. is he still stealing? wait until we tell what he's up to now. how technology helped his owners uncover the mystery. barbara walters, ben stiller and other famous faces answerin ron: years ago i made a promise to provide the best for my family, in sickness and in health. carol and i needed help figuring out what's covered by medicare and what's not. so we turned to the same folks we've relied on for health insurance all these years. announcer: ron and carol called anthem blue cross and found an affordable medicare plan that pays for some costs original medicare won't. now they can keep making memories for years to come. choose from plans offering protection from
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high out of pocket costs plus include prescription drug coverage with your monthly premium. get the freedom to keep the doctors you already trust. if you're eligible for medicare we'll help you find a plan that fits your needs. call or go online now to get answers. you only have until december 7th to enroll.
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cominging up at 3:00 on katie -- at 4:00, largest study on men and multi-vitamins. those stories and more later today at 4:00 and 5. disney and abc are making today a day of giving. >> hollywood stars, abc news personalities all answered the hotline including barbara walters and katie couric. >> call now to donate. >> you can text abc to 90999 to give $10. disney is kicking off things with a two million dollar donation to the american red cross. samsung is matching contributions up to three million dollars. quick look at other famous folks who have donated mark
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cuban donated one million. barbara walters donated a quarter million george quarter million george stephanopoulos another [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots.
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