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tv   Bad News Bears  KOFY  January 12, 2014 4:00pm-6:01pm PST

4:00 pm
[ dog barking ] nice! sorry! good catch! boys, lunch is ready. in you go. [ squeaking ] [ screaming ] ain't no doubt about it, lady-- you got a lot of rats down there. [ squealing ]
4:01 pm
damn. is it 3:00? i gotta get out of here. but wait. what about my basement? just call and make a follow-up appointment. it's no problem. but-- you-- [ stammering ] hey, throw it to first! throw it to first! up higher! higher! make two outs. there you go! fantastic! here we go! [ boy ] hit it to me! [ man ] nice try! [ engine off ] cover the bag! cover the bag! [ man ] bring it in! here you go!
4:02 pm
[ on-field chattering continues ] [ man ] do it again! here we go, guys! [ motorcycle engine revving ] [ sighs ] got one of those for me? nice try, you little creep. mr. buttermaker. mr. buttermaker! you're late. i got held up. sorry about that. are you drinking?
4:03 pm
oh, hell no. that's, uh, nonalcoholic. i'm driving, you know. oh. [ chuckles ] i'm so sorry. you hear that, toby? drinking and driving don't mix. and stay away from crack too. one hit of that stuff, you'll wake up in prison married to some guy named big blue, and he's branding his initials in your ass with a hot coat hanger. i knew a guy-- uh... yes. crack is bad too. yeah, i know. well, we are really excited to have you do this. and toby's really excited to play. aren't you, honey? uh-huh. between his trumpet lessons, photo club, boy scouts and swimming, this is his favorite. isn't it, honey? can you believe they tried to keep these kids out of the league? all kids should be able to play baseball, no matter what their skills. well, i think they heard me loud and clear. all that aside-- forget i filed the injunction-- just go out there and have fun. don't let the legalese crimp your enthusiasm in any way. yeah, i got enthusiasm flyin' out my ass. - [ man ] come on, yankees! let's go! - you got the check?
4:04 pm
it's a shame none of the fathers could be here. is that thing glued to your fingers? oh! [ giggles ] i almost forgot. there. i think it's really important... what we're doing for the kids. - i feel really good about it. don't you? - yeah. [ man ] there you are. good throw! oh, toby! have fun. [ man ] go, go, go, go! [ on-field chattering continues ] mr. buttermaker? yeah. is it true you were on the mariners? long ago and far away. here, carry that. where do we get the equipment? over there. sorry the stuff's so ratty, but this is a six-team league... and i'm afraid your boys are getting the s-p-i-t end of the stick. yeah, i can spell it, all right. what does she think, i'm 11?
4:05 pm
[ spectators cheering ] [ woman on p.a., indistinct ] [ announcer ] number nine, sarah green! girl softball players. we all know what that means, right? how you doin'? ray bullock. hey. morris buttermaker. no, no, no. no introduction necessary. morris "the blade" buttermaker. carving up batters one by one? huh? sound familiar? i used to watch you over at regis field in high school. you were amazing, man. i was just a kid, but... you owned it. it's great you're doing this, morris. really. a pro. finally, somebody who gets it. i gotta tell you, a lot of these dads, they don't-- they don't understand the dedication that it takes to run a serious program. no offense, but that "ms." whitewood friend of yours, she's not helping things. i mean, yeah, i get it. we were a little selective. kept some of the lesser players out.
4:06 pm
but stopping the season till we complied? come on! this is a serious program. not because i want it that way either. it's for the kids. you know? well, listen to me going on and on. you know what it takes. anyway, i think we're gonna have a lot of fun. learn a lot from each other. huh? you know, i never thought i'd hear myself say, "look at the ass on that second baseman." but look at the ass on that second baseman. a lot of brisket, bud. [ bat hits ball ] [ cheering continues ] all right. listen, i-- i'll see you around. uh, or stop by and see me sometime. i'm over at chevy valley subaru. quality you can drive. [ chuckles ]
4:07 pm
[ clears throat ] all right, listen up. - tanner boyle. - yeah, here. - mike engelberg. - here. timmy lupus. timmy lupus? raise your hand, lupus. he can't see you sitting behind planet fat-ass. up your cornhole, tanner! [ grunting ] come on, come on! play nice. hey, hey, hey. let go of him! - prem lahiri. - present. but you don't have to use me. i'm just doing this for my transcript, for college. okay. [ clears throat ] let's see, toby white-- oh, whitewood, i know you're here. uh, matthew hooper?
4:08 pm
matthew hooper? okay, no hooper. what the hell? garo dara-gaga-braga-dagian. what the hell is that, aztec or something? armenian. ah, same. they both built pyramids. all right. uh, ahmad abdul rahim. - here. - yo, bro, what up? nothing much. just ready to play some baseball. twenty-five, huh? ken griffey, right? no. satchel paige? no. no? willie mays? no, it's mark mcgwire. mark mcgwire? but he's a white. yes. he's from claremont. he's my favorite player. huh. [ chuckles ] okay. agilar. miguel and josé. you guys twins? [ speaking spanish ] [ spanish continues ] you can save it, son. i don't understand a damn thing you're saying, okay?
4:09 pm
all right. got the damn league of nations here. their dad's our gardener. mom said we need 'em to fill out the team. okay, let's hit the field. come on. geez. could this team be any lamer? so there's no hooper? you guys don't know a matthew hooper? right here. you gotta be kidding me. that's right, i'm in a wheelchair. okay. [ buttermaker ] charge it. oh, yeah, that's charging it, all right. good hustle. there you go, bro. another good one. what's the-- what's the crippled kid's name? hooper. hooper. hooper! roll your machine out. don't necessarily have to catch it, i guess. can't hope for miracles, can you?
4:10 pm
you gotta get under the ball. [ buttermaker ] give me a ball. what the hell is that, a baggie full of bacon? - i'm on atkins. - what? i have to eat all the time to keep my metabolism up... so my body becomes a fat-burning machine... so airheads like you don't give me spit all the time! easy, sport. all right, get ready. it's coming at you. you might want to back up. [ clears throat ] guys, it's a bunt. - you seemed to imply you're going to hit it out here. - yeah. engelberg, that's a bunt, bud. you're supposed to pick it up, throw the guy out at first base. okay? here we go again, picking on the fat kid.
4:11 pm
there's laws against this, you know. harassment! you better shut up before i tell somebody you touched my pecker. engelberg, will you throw the damn ball already? [ glass shatters ] okay, listen up. listen very carefully. rule number one: don't mess with the cadillac. calm down. it's a piece of crap anyway. for your information, it's a classic. and i got half a mind to find your old man and kick him in the nuts so hard... he can never foul the earth with another like you. so you keep your trap shut, okay? ooh! we're gonna get laughed at. we only have a week till the season starts. everyone's gonna laugh at us. this game is about a lot more than talent, son, believe me.
4:12 pm
♪ [ horn ] ♪ [ polka ] [ chattering, laughing ] oh! hey, buttermaker, you made it. and you brought-- this is my friend paradise. hi. nice to meet you. hey, buttermaker, you gotta get your uniform orders in. uniforms? yeah. all the good colors are taken: black and white, red and white, blue and white, white and blue, white and black, white and red. - they're all gone. - what uniforms? mochte ich nicht sweet and sour, okay? no sweet and sour. just cointreau, patron, lime juice and superfine salt. yes, ma'am. listen, whitewood, what's the deal with the uniforms? what about them? what's-her-name said i gotta have uniforms. hey, buddy, give me a beer and a c&c. buttermaker, you don't actually buy them. you just need a sponsor.
4:13 pm
you're the coach. it's your job. okay, so not only do i have to coach the bronze medalists for the special olympics, but i gotta be an amway salesman too, is that it? buttermaker, don't turn this into high drama. do what other coaches do: restaurants, sporting goods stores, you know. you know, i got a job. i got houses to spray. it's ant season, you know? what is it about being a man that makes everything so hard? i own my own law firm. i'm a single mother, and i still have time for extension courses, pilates, the flower-seed business, pottery-- you know what? i'm busy too. okay? i got important crap to do. i got stuff stacked up all over the place. okay? come on, buttermaker, let's go.
4:14 pm
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4:17 pm
d hold the phone ♪ ♪ [ continues ] uh, mr. buttermaker? yeah. where are we going?
4:18 pm
i already told you-- to the batting cages. you guys swing like helen keller at a piñata party. i'm gonna do something about it. tell us about the majors, coach. you were in the majors? for a little while. hey, lupus, don't lean against that door, bud. all right? yes, i was recently perusing, and it said mr. buttermaker played pitcher for the seattle mariners... for two-thirds of an inning in 1984. two-thirds? that's it? well, it was the end of the season, you know. september call-ups. yes, his lifetime era was 36. [ laughs ] that's lame. yeah, well, i closed the inning out. there's only a few thousand guys ever set foot on a major-league mound, and i'm one of 'em. what have you done with your life, smart-ass? why didn't you stay? well, i was gonna come back, but i had a little incident. i punched an ump. really just a bitch-slap. how the hell was i supposed to know he was a bleeder? fourteen stitches. like that means something. they used to stitch everything up. it was like the dark ages. i got stitches on my foot.
4:19 pm
oh, yeah? well, i'm in a damn wheelchair. ♪ put me in, coach ♪ i'm ready to play anyway, after that i blew off a few offers-- japan, stuff like that. ♪ gotta be center field [ door opens ] whoa! crap. [ laughing ] what the hell? is he okay? iesta muerto! lupus. lupus? lupus? lupus. what the hell are you grinning at? you scared the hell out of me. don't be leaning on the door. [ laughing continues ] [ coughing ] there you go. good job, buddy. good job, man. you're a natural. thanks. die! die!
4:20 pm
how do you like that, huh? hey! you sprayed my foot, dumb-ass! oh, yeah? hey! hey! hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! stop it! that's expensive. all right? thanks for holding the fort down, buddy. i got something for you. you're gonna dig this. hey, guys, come here a minute. got something for you. now you can quit your bitchin' about the whole uniform thing. here you go. [ excited shouting ] hey, hopper! heads up, buddy! it's hooper! there you go. no, you're permanent-- where's the-- hey, lookit! ♪ [ marching band ]
4:21 pm
[ chattering ] think they can win? right this way. good. [ shutter clicking ] [ announcer ] because in this time of terror, there is one thing we all need: the grace of our lord, our heroes overseas... and baseball. [ smattering of applause ] "casey at the bat" by ernest thayer. the outlook wasn't brilliant for the mudville nine that day. buttermaker, where have you been? you missed the team photo. i was just getting gatorade for the guys, you know. oh. well, we need to talk about this.
4:22 pm
my son can't wear this. we'll get him another size. no big deal. that's not what i'm talking about. mm-hmm. look, it's a legitimate business, honey. you know, they pay taxes like everybody else. ♪ [ continues ] all right, can you believe it? it's here-- opening day. [ applause, cheering dies down ] well, we got a lot of great athletes this year, and i'm looking forward to a great season. [ motorcycle engine revving ] before we get started, i do want to remind you that it is summer discount days at valley chevy subaru. so come on down. meanwhile, so many volunteers-- [ motorcycle engine, louder ] - [ onlookers gasping ] - and people i want to thank-- hey, hey, hey! what is he-- what's his--
4:23 pm
hey, get-- get the hell off my field! i'll deal with you later, you little punk! [ onlookers shouting, chattering ] hurry up! let's go! okay, let's welcome all our, uh, teams. [ feedback ] uh, we got... ray bullock and our returning champs, the yankees. lenny hendricks and the giants. ex-mariner morris buttermaker and the bears. [ smattering of applause ] [ man ] who? go, bears! you're great! [ all squealing ] - bob jones and the white sox. - play ball! all right, let's go! come on, yankees! all right! [ crowd cheers ]
4:24 pm
there you go, mitch! there you go! [ bullock ] round it, round it, round it! [ bullock ] there you go! all righty! that's it! [ announcer ] number nine, joey bullock. - [ crowd cheers ] - that's it, that's it, that's it. go! joey! joey! [ announcer ] and that's a two-run homer for joey bullock! that's my boy. we worked on that. [ announcer ] the yankees lead 3-nothing. way to go, sweetie. that's your boy. next batter, number three, danny patello. let's go, danny! [ cheering, applauding ] go two! go two! go two!
4:25 pm
[ boy ] you're in! come on! come on! [ groans ] [ grunting ] get off me! let him go! [ grunts ] [ boy ] all the way! all the way! [ grunts ]
4:26 pm
i got it! i got it! where you going, coach? keep your drawers on, officer. i'll get back to you. hey, bullock. [ announcer ] up next, number 80, ryan klause. morris the blade. i'm calling it. what? what are you talking about? i'm calling the game. the kids are getting creamed out there. you know? yeah, it's a bloodbath. yeah. you don't wanna make quitters out of them, though, do ya? they don't have to quit. they're losing. can't you see? the 10-run rule kicks in after three. you should hang on. yeah? yeah. then after that, maybe think about-- what? you know, dropping out. yeah? what did you say? dropping out of the league. morris, this isn't going to work. they don't know the fundamentals of the game out here. save them the humiliation. i'm calling the game.
4:27 pm
hey, i'm just trying to help. where's the honor and respect for the game from the former pro? who the hell are you, shoeless joe walking out of the holy cornfield? i don't buy that. i'm calling the game. all right, call it. quit. quit the whole league. what i just said. forfeit. time! it's over. bears forfeit! game over! hey! one, two, three, bears! hey, bears, thanks for batting practice. yeah. you guys suck. [ laughing ] i'll give you batting practice! hey, come here! come here! get down off of there! get your hands off of me! thanks. i really needed another reason for people to laugh at me.
4:28 pm
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4:32 pm
need a ride? go away. - come on. hop in. i'll take you home. - i'm not going home. [ engine off ] [ sighs ] all right, what's wrong? my dad's not from here. he thinks baseball's stupid. he says i should just worry about school and work. but i want to do the things my friends do. you know-- american things. here's what you do. you go home, you look your old man straight in the eye, and you say, "guess what, dad, we won today." you know? but we didn't win. well, i know that. you lie your ass off. it's the only way. look, this is america.
4:33 pm
besides, he's not gonna know. he's from riki tiki tavi or wherever the hell it is. i used to do it with my pop all the time. maybe i'll just tell him we tied. you could do that. that'll work. now, come on. i'll take you home. let's go. [ woman ] a hundred and eighty bucks? that's norma kamali. it's vintage. they can't even make rayon like that anymore. really? hey, does your mother know you're selling that crap? - what are you doing here? - just passing by. - after three years? - three years? it's been three years? well, you sure are growing up fast, that's for sure. not fast enough, if you ask me. there's plenty of time for that, honey. just like that story about the caterpillar who's crawling along like a worm, then the next thing you know, he's in that cocoon and... bam! "look at me now. i'm a... moth."
4:34 pm
or whatever the hell they turn into. i don't want wings. i want nice hips and "c" cups. hey, don't talk like that. what's wrong with you? come on. so, how's your mom? she's fine. what do you care? amanda, just 'cause we didn't get along all the time doesn't mean i don't care about her. you just walked out, you jerk. you could have said good-bye. well, i'm sorry. so, what do you want? why are you here? i'm coaching a team out in the valley, and i was just thinking, you know, maybe you might want to come play with us. no way. i'm a woman now, and we don't do that kind of thing. well, sure you do. girls play baseball all the time. besides that, you owe me. - i was like a dad to you. - a drunk, lazy dad. you made me climb under houses looking for rats. that's what my dad did. builds character. - this guy bothering you, amanda? - no, it's okay. he was just going. go away, boilermaker.
4:35 pm
you're scaring off the clientele. designer jeans. calvins. jordache. certified vintage. what do you say there, hooper? feelin' ready today? gonna go get 'em? what's with the eye patch? you gonna swab the on-deck circle for us, matey? playing pirate? mom says i have cancer of the eye. what the hell's wrong with you guys? we don't want to play no more. we took a vote. we're disbanding the team. so, one game and you want to quit? we've been taking a lot of crap in school. by "crap," he means ridicule. and de-pantsing. [ sighs ] it's been tough. really? tough, huh? what the hell happened to you, tanner?
4:36 pm
got in a fight. with who? the sixth grade. [ buttermaker ] the sixth grade. so i guess you want to quit too, huh? okay. [ sighs ] look, guys, i know i've been lazy... and, uh, irresponsible and a few other things i could mention. and i've let you down. baseball's hard, guys. i mean, it really is. you can love it, but believe me, it don't always love you back. it's kind of like dating a german chick, you know? but what i do know is that once you start quitting, it's a hard thing to stop. i've quit just about everything i ever tried in my life. [ sighs ] and as far as i can tell,
4:37 pm
my life hasn't added up to much more than a bag full of empty promises. and i'm not gonna put that on you guys. i haven't been as good a coach as i can be. i know i can do it 'cause i-- i know this game. you know? and... we can do better, and a lot of that's my responsibility, so, um... i know you're down, but let's get our stuff together and go hit the field. okay? you with me? like i said, we took a vote. this is not a democracy! it is a dictatorship, and i'm hitler! you understand me? so get your stuff and get your asses on the field! this saturday we play the athletics. you know what that means for the athletics? bad news for the athletics! that's what it means.
4:38 pm
all right, guys. keep the ball in front of you. keep your knees bent, your butt down. that way if it hops either way-- see? you use your legs. all right? you wanna run this way. catch the ball like that. ohh! [ boys ] yeah! yeah! nice! okay. see? swivel on the back foot, throw your hips, and keep your eye on the ball. you follow the ball right into here. you see that? okay? try it, spark plug. swing out a little bit when you run around the base. point in this direction. left foot, inside of the bag. push off that left foot. what's with the patch? nothing. cat scratched me. but don't tell buttermaker.
4:39 pm
come on, guys! two more laps! you're dragging ass! nice, engelberg. buttermaker. glad i caught you. feel like we got off on the wrong foot last week. said some things we didn't mean, you know. let's forget about it, huh? sorry. all right. "all right" you're sorry too, or-- i said all right. okay? uh-huh. how's that? how's what? you feel that? feel what? hmm? your face is turning a little red, ray.
4:40 pm
so, you know, what it might be... is those gym shorts might be a little tight for you. looks like you're smuggling grapes down there. smells like somebody ate a fifth of scotch for lunch again. not that it's any of your business, you know. really? but maybe. so-- all right. you know what? you keep stinking up the ballpark, buttermaker. yeah, okay. you play your game, we'll play ours, ray. how's that? well, good luck with that. the championship game's gonna be a lot of fun. it would be more fun if you guys were there, huh? oh, we'll be there, morris. don't worry about that. hey, i know all about you. minor league junkballer. what did you have, five seconds in the majors? may work with the ladies, but that crap doesn't work out here. these kids need role models, and you're not it. have a nice night, ray.
4:41 pm
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4:45 pm
strike three! [ applause, cheering ] good job. [ tanner ] kiss my ass! kiss my ass, bitch. good job. suck it. what are you smiling at, henry? up the alley, down the street, who's the toughest team to beat? bears! bears! yea, bears! hey, come on, guys. sit up straight. you look like a bunch of hound dogs. you got nothing to be ashamed of. you got a few hits today. you played all six innings. you ought to be proud of yourselves. proud of what? these things take time, guys. so does heart disease. and torture. and physical therapy. i did do some simple flowcharting and data analysis. and if you graph out our errors and other parameters,
4:46 pm
compared to the la game, we've actually improved by a considerable percentage. great. we went from "suck" to "stink." see, that's the spirit. we're gettin' better. now, friday we play the angels. what does that mean for the angels? bad news for the angels! [ muttering ] you're damn right it does. now come on. get off your asses. let's go get some hot dogs and some sunny d or whatever the hell you guys drink these days. ♪ [ whistling ] just leave me alone, will you, buttermaker. i'm too young to have a stalker. come on, amanda. just a few games, please? i need to make money. i need to buy clothes, makeup. i'm saving up for a car. you wear makeup?
4:47 pm
what happened to the-- the barbie oven... with the muffin light? that was, like, 20 years ago. i'm all grown up now. yeah, you're probably right. i'm sure your arm sucks now, anyhow. god, that is so lame. reverse psychology? just come play with us, will you? it'll be fun. i'll pay for the clothes, okay? and i'll help you out with the car when it gets to that time. - but you know, you just-- - no. don't you get it? just no. all right. i've been disappointed before.
4:48 pm
[ bats clinking ] all right, guys, listen up. this is amanda whurlitzer. she's your new pitcher. [ tanner ] a girl? what's next, a cripple? oh. i forgot. [ chuckles ] hey, ain't you ever heard of "throws like a girl"? no, i never heard that. get a mitt, fat-ass. i think i just entered puberty.
4:49 pm
[ boy ] come on, amanda! - strike three! - [ applause, cheering ] [ announcer ] up next, number 18, justin cahill. [ woman ] watch her! [ boy ] go! beat it out now! he's out! now batting for the angels, second baseman yanek villanueva. hey, hooper, check this out. she's gonna come with a changeup. i can tell. she's psyching him out. a changeup is when it looks like it's gonna be a fastball, but she takes a little off it. strike three! you're out! [ applause, shouting ] ball four! take your base. come on. somebody hit something. [ announcer ] next batter, ahmad abdul rahim. [ crowd cheers ] go!
4:50 pm
[ umpire ] safe! ahmad! [ man ] come on, now! garo. next up for the bears, toby whitewood. toby. [ man ] what say we shut 'em down, huh? ball! [ buttermaker ] watch this, hooper. the catcher's good, just good enough to get in trouble. strike one! run, run, run! - safe! - yes! [ buttermaker ] all right, way to go, guys! way to go! good hustle! we're playing ball now, man. we're playing ball. [ shouting, laughing ]
4:51 pm
ball four! take your base. come on, guys! let's hold 'em! number 28, tyler cohen. [ buttermaker ] can't win if they don't score. [ spectators shouting, murmuring ] way to go, miguel! good catch, buddy! way to go! we need two more, guys. two more. - strike three! - [ buttermaker ] come on, guys! two out. we need one more, amanda. shut 'em down, honey. [ announcer ] number 15, jack kruger. [ shouting, cheering ] get under it! get under it! get under it! - throw it! throw the ball! - [ shouting continues ] hurry! come on! safe! [ crowd cheers ] what the hell is wrong with you?
4:52 pm
[ announcer ] and the angels win 2-1. [ buttermaker ] come on, guys, gather in. [ sighs ] garo, that was nice hustle out there today. and, josé, muy bueno, buddy. engelberg, you caught a hell of a game. you all did good today. everyone except you, you booger-eating moron. can't you catch one damn ball? come on, tanner. even i could have caught that, and look at me. can't even move. hey, guys, come on. it's like i told you before-- there's no "i" in team. yeah, but there's an "m" and an "e." - there should be an "f" and a "u." - hey, hey, hey. don't fall apart at the seams on me now. come on, guys. remember how bad we sucked two weeks ago? they smelled that up in fresno. you almost won today. hold your heads up high. everybody in. let's go.
4:53 pm
ready. one, two, three. - bears! - good hit. that was a good one. choke up on your bat about that farokay? put it back on your shoulder. back here. there you go. all right? excellent! there you go. yes, sir. good cut, honey. last pitch, guys! all right, guys, let's bring it in! sister sledge, that kid's got an arm on him. who is that? that's kelly leak. yep. he's a real badass. [ speaking spanish ] i heard he spent two years in juvie. [ buttermaker ] you don't know how old he is, do you?
4:54 pm
[ hooper ] he's in our grade, but he dates an eighth-grader. someone told me he got a teacher pregnant. [ engelberg ] i heard he broke some kid's arm who owed him money. i heard he broke both of his arms. he only broke one arm. the other was just a minor fracture at the base of the humerus. who cares about that crap? can he play? you kidding? you saw that arm. i don't know, honey. i'll be fine. i don't like the looks of the place. look at those creeps. i'll be fine. i'm cool. you sure? yeah. you don't want me to go with you? no, i'm good. don't talk to anybody but what's-his-ass. i'll be fine. amanda? okay? shut up. ♪ [ rock ]
4:55 pm
i bet i could do what you just did. it's easy. - how much? - i pull it off, you come play for the bears. - and if you don't? - whatever you want. deal. ♪ [ humming ] well, what happened? no deal. no deal? i thought you said you were good at this. i am. he's better. see you later. what does that mean, "i'll see you later"? i thought you said he was out. he is. i just lost the bet, and now i have to go out with him. you have to go out with him? you mean out, like "out"? huh? you're 12. there ain't no out when you're 12. calm down, boilermaker. it's just a show with some stupid band.
4:56 pm
i'm not a little girl anymore. i had my period. all right? do you want me to have a stroke or something? shut u i'll be fine.
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5:00 pm
[ umpire ] strike three. [ crowd chattering ] strike three! strike three! come on! way to go, amanda. good game. [ buttermaker ] you pitched a good game, amanda. no duh. too bad we couldn't even score one run. well, it's okay. we're doin' better. we tied, guys. i know a tie's a lot like kissin' your sister, as my old coach used to say. but the way we've been comin' along, it's more like kissin'... a really hot stepsister or something like that, you know, that you don't have so much, uh, tied up in. but, uh-- [ clears throat ] anyway, uh, i think, uh-- i'm just saying... pat yourselves on the back. [ chattering ] stay focused.
5:01 pm
i'll catch up with you guys. kelly, how you doing? hey, coach. i haven't seen you around. what have you been up to? nothing. wait. i have seen you around. we haven't talked since you pulled that little evel knievel stunt the other day out there. what's an evel knievel? don't be a smart-ass. i could have called the cops on you for that. thanks. i'm real scared. no, i'm serious. vandalizing public property, disturbing the peace. you're too young to be riding that thing, you know. you're just a kid. kelly, this field, it's for ballplayers. it's not for quitters. if it was for quitters, it'd be your field. but it's not. i'd call your dad if anybody knew where he was. listen, old man-- hey, now you listen to me. nobody wants you around here, all right? you understand?
5:02 pm
you think people like seeing your nuts? [ zips up pants ] all right, guys, listen up. "to coach buttermaker, from league headquarters. "regarding player safety and league liability. "a reminder that according to regulation 236, all players must wear a comprehensive genital defense apparatus." now, basically, what that translates to is that if any of you guys get hurt, then they're gonna sue my ass so hard, they're gonna garnish my turds. so wear these things. pass 'em down, sweetie. also, you'll wanna write your names on 'em, because that's how you get crabs. and trust me, you don't want to spend your sunday afternoon... picking through your pumpkin patch with a little comb. give me one. gotta protect the family jewels. who you kidding? when's the last time you even saw 'em?
5:03 pm
i don't need these. [ buttermaker ] really? i'll take it. [ engelberg ] all right. he can throw all right, but you think he can hit? let's find out. here. is that all you got? okay. got a smart-ass here. burn it up. don't hold back. [ boys gasping, shouting ] [ crowd cheering ] [ chattering ] [ cheering, shouting ]
5:04 pm
♪ [ rock ] hey, what time you get off? engelberg, what kind of diet lets you eat seven hot dogs? no buns. i can have as many as i want, idiot! my dad says the only people who put ketchup on hot dogs... are mental patients and texans. chinese people count with beads. [ all ] go! ♪ she don't lie, she don't lie she don't lie ♪ ♪ cocaine [ cheering ] whoo-hoo!
5:05 pm
hey, coach. ♪ [ surf ] [ cheering, shouting ] out! he's out! all right, bears! [ boy ] ♪ go ♪ let's go ♪ all right ♪ all right ♪ go, go
5:06 pm
[ crowd cheers ] ♪ let's go, let's go let's go, let's go ♪ whoo! ♪ [ surf continues ] three feet! he missed it by three feet! three feet! three feet! oh, you want to see spit? yeah! oh, that's nice. there's spit. there's spit, okay? and what are you on? 'cause i want some. [ crowd cheers ] out! one, two, three! angels! [ boy ] ♪ let's go all right ♪ ♪ all right ♪ go, go ♪ let's go, let's go let's go, let's go ♪
5:07 pm
♪ let's go ♪ all right ♪ all right [ umpire ] you're out! ♪ go, go ♪ let's go, let's go let's go, let's go ♪ [ crowd cheers ] ♪ all right ♪ all right safe! [ cheering ] ♪ let's go, let's go let's go, let's go ♪
5:08 pm
5:09 pm
but add some sauce, pepperoni and cheese and fold up the crescent dough and presto, tuesday night just became crescent pizza pocket-tastic pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop!
5:10 pm
thank you. god bless you, francois. sorry i'm late, but i've been up to my ears in rat pellets all day. oh. that's okay. thank you for coming.
5:11 pm
no sweat. buttermaker, you deserve a celebration. what you have done for toby and those children, it is nothing short of miraculous. i mean, we are one game away from the championships. it's... unbelievable. it's-- congratulations. thank you. well, the kids are great. they really are. so, it's, you know, kind of their deal. you know, i have to admit that while growing up, i-- i was never much for sports, or the sports type really. but since i've been watching you turn the team around, i have been thinking a lot about you. i have that effect on women. really? yeah. well, i haven't paid for sex in years. i think a lot of it has to do with, uh, getting older... and, you know, being more distinguished. - that's it. - i was thinking more along the lines...
5:12 pm
of the dangerous type. what you hear about the... bad boy, the sexy scumbag, the serial killer who gets married in prison. i have never felt like that... until i met you. well, thanks. [ toilet flushing ] [ door opens ] mr. buttermaker. what do you say, whitewood? what-- what are doing here? um-- listen, kid. i, uh-- there's something, um, that you need to do, and that's oil your mitt all the time. so i came by to check and make sure you oil your mitt.
5:13 pm
- really? - mm-hmm. oh, yeah, i'm always watching. yeah. okay, i'll go get it. be right back. good deal. [ buttermaker ] i don't have to tell you guys who we'll be playing for the pennant... when we blow past these giants today. right nonow, we're the hottest team in the league. what does that mean for the giants? bad news for the giants! exactly! here we go. one, two, three! [ bears ] break! hey, kelly, hang on. i want you to be like a vacuum cleaner out there today, all right? anything even close to you, you suck it up. these boys are a little weak. i don't want to blow it. we're knocking on the door, understand? come on. let's go! - all right, guys, let's go. - [ bears chattering ] [ crowd cheers ] [ buttermaker ] way to go, kelly! way to go, buddy! way to hustle. way to hustle. strike three!
5:14 pm
[ announcer ] shortstop diego gonzalez. [ crowd cheers ] i got it! i got it! hey, i told yoi got it. yeah, sorry. way to go! way to go, tanner. good job, buddy. good job. i ain't doing it no more. hey, hey, hey. now's not the time to punk out, okay? you understand me? you do what i told you. did you hear me? do what i told you. you're not gonna screw this up for me. understand? understand? go get your bat. you're up. otherwise, why are you here? [ announcer ] leading off for the bears, kelly leak. [ crowd cheers ] [ woman ] come on! knock it out of the park! [ boy ] yeah! strike one! [ tanner ] come on, kelly!
5:15 pm
- strike two! - he could have hit that. - time! time-out. - time! kelly, come here. come here! come here. what, are you playing mind games with me now? we're that close to the championship. you got daddy issues or something? hit the damn ball. now get in there. come on. [ boy ] he don't wanna swing. yeah! [ crowd cheers ] - [ all shouting ] - yeah! [ gasping ] [ announcer ] it's a walk-off home run for kelly leak. the bears win, 2-1. the bears advance to the finals this saturday against the yankees. [ cheering, shouting continues ]
5:16 pm
way to go, kelly! we're going to the championship! good job. way to go. good job. see you there. it's cold. it's supposed to be cold. just keep your arm in it. hey, buttermaker, mom's gonna be here tomorrow. well, perfect. you know, i was thinking, maybe afterwards, we can go to tony roma's for the carolina honeys, right? you're not serious. tony roma's? what do you think, i'm mr. moneybags? fine. just us then. [ sighs ] amanda, you-- you really-- you gotta quit trying to make me daddy, 'cause-- i didn't say that. just friends. you know, we can hang out. we can go to zuma. go bodysurfing.
5:17 pm
why are you talking about bodysurfing? remember when i played sick and we went to zuma? don't you remember? no, i don't remember that. i don't know what you're talking about. but, you know, i was always drunk in those days, so i forgot a lot. look, the fact of the matter is-- [ sighs ] you don't have any business hanging out with me. - i'm a damn loser, and you know it. - no, you're not. not to me. come on, amanda. i'm a drunk. you said it yourself. i make a living killing rats to pay rent on a trailer. in sun valley. i'm a washout. come on, buttermaker-- just stop it! don't you think if i wanted to play house with you, i might have called you sometime in the last three years? but i didn't, did i? you know what-- just stop it! you're here for one reason, and that reason is sitting in that ice right now. just leave it at that, will ya?
5:18 pm
i know why i'm here. just felt sorry for you, that's all. [ sniffles ]
5:19 pm
5:20 pm
5:21 pm
tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste. [ male announcer ] you say tomato. ♪ old el paso says diced tomato stand 'n stuff chicken tacos. ♪ you say what's for dinner? old el paso says start somewhere fresh.
5:22 pm
i'm just saying, keep your glove oiled. i mean, he came over to check mine. really? yeah. hey. don't talk to me. i'm only here for them. toby. yo, what the hell? what? something wrong? you would know, ball hog. what'd you say? you heard me.
5:23 pm
hey. hey, what's up with you guys? he's a ball hog! yeah? well, that ball hog won your last game. - so calm your ass down. - stay out of it, engelberg! speak for yourself, shorty. taking sides, slim-fast? you got a problem, tanner? no, you do. it's called me putting a foot up your ass. guys, come on! break it up! [ all shouting ] hey! hey! break it up! break it up! come on, come on, come on. get up, get up. get up! now, stand still and listen to me. i said stop it. okay? - what the hell's going on? - he thinks he's better than us. - who? - him. he is! how do you think we got this far? it wasn't your playing, that's for sure. i don't need this crap. i'm outta here. come here. come here. you stand still. stop it! stop it! i said stop it!
5:24 pm
now, i told him to cover for you. so if you're gonna yell at somebody, you yell at me. - you did? - yeah, i did. you wanna win, right? isn't that what you guys wanna do, win? now, quit acting like a bunch of damn babies. 'cause we got a chance. pick your gloves up. we got a championship to win. [ bullock ] the entire season and everything we've worked for... comes down to the next six innings that you play. how you do, and the result of that effort, is gonna have a big bearing... on how you feel about yourself in the next year. you gonna go through the world seeing yourself as a winner or a loser? because believe me, being a winner is just-- it's just-- i don't know, it's just better. the way i see it, that trophy up there has got your name on it. and those guys over there are trying to steal it from you.
5:25 pm
whose trophy is it, danny? ours, coach. whose name is on that trophy, sanchez? yankees? take a good, long look at your opponents over there. do they look like champions? huh? not for me to say. but no, they don't. you're a great team, it's been a great season, but it's not over yet. let's go. finish it, huh? one, two, three! [ yankees ] yankees! [ buttermaker ] all right, let's go, guys. one, two, three! [ bears ] bears! all right, let's go. hustle up, guys. let's go get 'em. [ crowd cheers ] [ man ] let's go, bears! yeah! yeah! the bears! b-e-a-r-s! go, bears! go, bears! [ cheering ] go, toby! [ air horn blares ] [ announcer ] now batting for the yankees, number 10, jimmy wilkins. strike one!
5:26 pm
all right! all right, amanda! way to go, honey. [ crowd cheers ] - safe! - way to go, jimmy! good hustle. that's pretty good, guys. did you see that? damn near got him. way to get down the line. if it wasn't for kelly and that chick, you guys wouldn't even be here. excuse me? you heard me. none of you can play worth crap. oh, yeah? yeah. what are you gonna do about it, oreo? [ announcer ] now batting, number nine, joey bullock. - [ bullock ] there it is! - [ crowd cheers ] let's go, let's go! take third! take third! safe! hey, amanda, your training bra's too tight.
5:27 pm
[ yankees chattering ] strike three! [ tanner ] we got one, we got two. pitch this punk out! easy out. [ announcer ] right fielder, richard carlin. - ball. - [ boy ] go, go, go! - [ grunts ] - [ umpire ] safe! [ engelberg ] you okay? come on. get up. come on. all right! you okay, sweetie? here's what i'm gonna do, cracker. [ bullock ] hey, hey, hey, get back in the dugout. hey. [ boys shouting ] hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! break it up! break it up, guys. come on! see you! [ buttermaker ] hey, break it up. come on. come on! damn right, loser! engelberg, get off him! get behind the plate.
5:28 pm
get back. get back. get back. come on. come on. come on. back on the field! i said back on the field! - get out there! - [ boy ] you guys are lucky we don't kick your butt. is this what you teach 'em? you bowl over little girls like that? is that what you do? it's called baseball, or maybe you forgot. don't talk to ng punches. so you watch 'em, okay? you ought to take a good look at yourself, you has-been. traded it all in for booze and broads. you're disgusting. what did you say? you can't hear me? say it again! say it again! get back to your dugout, you crybaby! listen to you, crybaby. - get to your "drug-out." - buttermaker, dugout! sorry, chief. sorry. hey, you wanna play ball, grape-nuts? let's play! all right? piece of crap. - play ball! - cream it, whitewood! - [ cheering ] - come on, whitewood. come on, buddy. get a piece of it. [ boy ] come on. get it in! come on, joe. you're better than that, son.
5:29 pm
good job, toby. thanks. i would've tagged you out, but i was afraid your mom would have sued the ball. let's go, abdul. let's go, buddy. keep it going. ahmad-- is it abdul or ahmad? - ahmad. - whatever it is. ahmad, let's keep it going, buddy! way to go! [ boy ] get the ball! joey! hey, that was your play! that was your play. get your ass over there. pull your head out, son. hey, garo, come here. listen, you hit lefty, so he's gonna pitch you in tight, all right? so i want you to lean into it and take the hit. i-i can't. see, here's the thing. if you get on, we're loaded, and kelly's up next. so, come on. let's do it. i just wanna hit the ball. well, sometimes it's better if the ball hits you. it's called taking one for the team. now, let's go. come on, garo! let's go, buddy! move over. be alert, guys! now batting from the left side of the plate, number 10, garo daragabrigadien.
5:30 pm
[ crowd chattering ] [ grunts ] time! take your base. that's the way, buddy! that's what i'm talking about, right there. that's what i'm talking about. way to take it, buddy. - next batter for the bears, number five, kelly leak. - [ tanner ] come on, kelly! kick some ass! hey, buttocks! - watch this. - yeah. [ boys chattering ] [ crowd cheers ] [ groans ] [ tanner ] run, kelly! [ man ] what are you guys doing? [ mutters ]
5:31 pm
- strike two! - that's okay, joey. it's all right. focus. just relax. relax! your old man help you pee too? "shake it a little more, joey. don't want to get any stains on your underwear." - keep talking, fatty. - whatever. - god! - see you later, joey. have a nice time on the bench. now batting, number three, danny patella. [ yankees cheering ] go, baby! go, baby! go, baby! watch it, watch it. go! yes! yes! yes! [ crowd cheers ] get out there! how you doin'? hey, buttermaker! time! what the hell is wrong with you? why don't you just put a bow on it, huh?
5:32 pm
it's my arm. it's killing me. i don't wanna hear it. you want toby in? no, i don't. yeah, you want to win? yeah, i do. yeah? then get it together. number 12, mike van horn. [ crowd cheers ] - safe! - good hustle, van horn! way to beat it out! what in the hell are you doing? this is not t-ball! you guys watching that? let's go, let's go. good job. what are these kids doing? [ announcer ] number 14, left fielder, jeff wong. [ umpire ] fair ball! that's a fair ball! [ crowd cheers ] safe! wait. whoa. hey, hey, hey, ump. what are you talking about? he got him. the throw was here on time. that was stupid! what, are you helen keller? he was under the tag, coach. are you kidding me? butterballs, stay in your dugout! keep your eyes peeled, man. it's your job.
5:33 pm
stop embarrassing yourself, crybaby. it's a good call, ump. very good call.
5:34 pm
5:35 pm
5:36 pm
garo, that was perfect last time. do the same thing. lean in. just get on base. kelly's up next. why can't i just hit the ball like everyone else? because that's selfish. you gotta think about the team. i know it stings a little, but it's gonna be worth it. get in there. come on. next up for the bears, garo daragabrigadien. let's go, garo! let's go, buddy. [ crowd cheers ] [ boy ] you got this guy, joey! - [ umpire ] out! - what in hell are you doing out there? get in here! ump, time! time.
5:37 pm
what the hell's the matter with you, kid? what's the matter with all of you? "my arm hurts." "why can't i hit away like the other kids?" do you remember what it was like? remember the first game? they were laughing at us. we got their backs up against the wall, they're scared of us, and you want to give up. is that the deal? i thought you wanted to win. i thought you wanted to be champions. well, do ya? [ shouts ] do ya? look. [ sighs ] you're up next, kelly. come on. let's go. let's play ball. now batting, number five, kelly leak. let's go, joey. [ man ] come on, joey. get him!
5:38 pm
[ crowd cheers ] - catcher mike engelberg. - hi, joey. kiss my ass. [ umpire ] time. uh-oh. here comes daddy. how you doing? i'm fine. the way this guy is hitting, and the way you're pitching today, i think we ought to walk him. next batter's an easy out. but i can take him. i know you can. come on, dad. hey. do as you're told. come on. let's get 'em. let's go! [ boy ] let's get this guy. [ boy #2 ] get him, joey!
5:39 pm
hey, hey! what was that? you tried to hit him. did you try to hit him? no, it just got away from me. that's nonsense, joey! don't you ever throw at a batter! never ever throw at a batter! you understand me? - you never do that! never do that. - [ crowd gasps ] get up. you could have hurt him. shari-- you son of a bitch. he could have hurt him. don't overreact. i'm taking him home. now. are you kidding me? we're in the middle of the game.
5:40 pm
he finishes the game. after that, you can take him wherever you want. don't do the arm cross. do not do the arm cross. hey, engelberg. [ crowd cheers ] [ gasps ] [ engelberg ] yes, go. engelberg! engelberg! engelberg! engelberg! engelberg! engelberg! engelberg!
5:41 pm
justin, you're on the mound. strike two! [ ball strikes glove ] strike three! [ crowd cheers ] going into the sixth and final inning, the bears lead 5 to 4. okay, josé, you and tanner sit this one out. what? what the hell! lupus, you go to second base. hooper, go to right field. prem-- where's prem? go to left. - are you sure? - yeah, i'm sure. - what? - you heard me. right field. are you crazy? i can't go out there. i'm in a wheelchair.
5:42 pm
i thought you wanted to play baseball. hell no. why the hell would i want to play baseball? i'm a damn paraplegic. so you just wanna sit here and get splinters in your ass the whole season? if you won't play ball, why are you here? last time i checked, this is a baseball team. and you're all on the team. every one of you. so do what i said. you guys go out there and play baseball, okay? - whurlitzer, where you going? - to finish the game. - not with that arm, honey. - what? you go and put it on ice. come on. sit down. toby, hit the mound. [ toby ] really? yes, i'm serious. i know you're not used to listening to me, but, um, for a change, why don't you just sit here and enjoy the game with me, all right?
5:43 pm
and try to forgive-- [ sighs ] i don't know-- just try to forgive me, will you? all right, guys. let's show the yankees what bad news is all about. look at hooper out there. [ chuckles ] i bet it's just blowing their minds. you pitched a great game, honey. come here. [ crowd cheers ]
5:44 pm
it's batting practice. hey, let's keep the rally going, guys. come on. hey, toby, you need to scoot up a little bit? batting for the yankees, danny patello. [ crowd cheers ] you're out! [ bat hits ball ] [ crowd cheers ] now batting, number five, richard naparo. here we go, richie! keep it going. [ bat hits ball ] [ crowd cheers ] - you're out! - yes, sir. way to go, kelly! good throw, buddy. good throw. two outs. we need one more out, guys. come on. one more out.
5:45 pm
come on! next for the yankees, mike van horn. [ boy ] come on. kill it! [ crowd cheers ] oh! did you see that? unbelievable! way to go, hooper! the little crippled boy did it! and at the bottom of the sixth, yankees lead 8 to 5.
5:46 pm
♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
5:47 pm
soon, californians from to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at ng ] pretty impressive, guys. way to go, lupus. way to go, man. that's a hero right there. all right. hooper! come on, man. [ tanner ] yeah, hooper! get in here. put that thing in fourth gear.
5:48 pm
good going, man. nice catch. all right, hooper. hey, guys, four more runs, we win the game. how 'bout that? prem. where's prem? you're up, buddy. i have to remind you, mr. buttermaker, that my batting average is well below the norm. - and what's that? - zero for a lifetime. well, you're due one, man. so, get out there. - really? - absolutely, buddy. let's go, guys. all right. buttermaker, come here. excellent. this should be fun. listen, i'm a little busy right now. what the hell are you doing? we had the lead, and now you're putting wheelchairs in the outfield? i mean, you're letting toby pitch? what are you thinking? you know, he's your son. yes, and he wants to win just like everyone else. really? how would you know what he wants? when do you see him, between basket weaving and ballet? you have some damn nerve. are you actually telling me how to raise my child? no, i'm not telling you how to raise your child. but maybe somebody should. i got a game to coach.
5:49 pm
leading off for the bears, number 19, prem lahiri. let's go, prem. let's go. keep your eye on it. i'll be damned. way to go! way to go, prem. way to go! - safe! - did you see that? way to go, buddy! way to go! now batting, number four, timmy lupus. - strike one! - come on, lupus. - strike two! - come on, lupus! if you want to hit the ball, you gotta swing the bat! [ girl ] come on, lupus!
5:50 pm
look at that! lupus hit the ball! he hit it! [ crowd cheers ] run! run! run! run! go, go, go! - [ umpire ] safe! - lu-u-u-pus! lu-u-u-pus! lu-u-u-pus! lu-u-u-pus! [ buttermaker ] all right, guys. hey, miguel. miguel, you know what to do. all right? - next up, number 14, miguel agilar. - let's go, guys! - you're out! - dad-gum it! it's okay, prem. it's all right, buddy. way to hustle. way to hustle. good hit, miguel. lucky hit.
5:51 pm
all right, kelly, let's tie the game, buddy. let's go. come on. now batting, number five, kelly leak. let's go, buddy. let's go. - [ crowd cheers ] - [ boy ] kelly! collins. ball one! [ boy ] chicken! - ball two! - kelly. kelly. [ crowd cheers ] [ all groan ]
5:52 pm
[ boy ] two outs. come on. one more. hey, garo. garo, come here. [ whispering ] hit the ball, buddy. [ boy ] come on, garo! number 10, garo daragabrigadien. no pressure, guys! let's get that out! come on, justin! right to him! strike one! [ bullock ] come on, guys! justin! strike two! [ boy ] one more, baby. one more! [ boy #2 ] come on, justin! [ crowd cheers ]
5:53 pm
[ shouting ] oh. oh! - go, go, go! - come on! come on! go! slide! slide! slide! you're out! - [ gasps ] - [ crowd cheers ] - we won! - yes! yes! [ shouting indistinctly ] yeah! [ air horn squeaks ] it was a hell of a hit, son. i'm proud of you, man. i'm really proud of you. hey, who wants a beer?
5:54 pm
what are you doing? we're celebrating. you deserve it. wait. nonalcoholic. what's the damn point? just drink it, man. there you go. all right, guys, i want you to listen up. i wanna tell you something. in all my years of bein' associated with baseball teams, being around 'em, seeing 'em, whatever, i gotta tell you, this is my favorite team. i'm real proud of you guys. you played your asses off against-- well, pretty-- pretty big odds. that's-- but, uh-- [ yankees cheering ] look at those little bastards over there. well, let's go get this over with, okay? [ chuckles ]
5:55 pm
in a game like this, kids, i just want you all to know... that there's no losers, and there's no winners. i mean, technically, yeah. but these things, they don't mean anything. wow. that's some good weight. jimmy, you wanted to say a few words? uh, you guys had a good season. you started off pretty lame, but then you got better. we just wanted you to know that you got our respect. - [ bullock ] respect. - right on. and to the bears, your second-place trophy. gee, thanks, mister. [ bullock ] hey, let's bring it in and give 'em a cheer, huh? bring it in here. one, two, three! [ yankees ] bears! [ crowd cheers ] [ prem ] hey, yankees!
5:56 pm
you can take your crappy trophies and shove 'em right up your asses. nice. see you next year, bitches! [ bears shouting ] ♪ [ rock ] [ shouting continues ] hooper, i told you i was gonna make you into a ballplayer, didn't i, buddy? good game, buttermaker. you too, sweetie. you too. oh, and by the way, i meant to tell you this. it was redondo beach. what? when we went out to the beach, surfing and all that stuff. it wasn't zuma. it was redondo beach. you were wearing that stupid yellow bathing suit. you remember. of course i remember.
5:57 pm
next time, we'll go to zuma. how's that? okay. great game. i'm proud of you. good game. way to go, lupus. this is what's called a moral victory, toby. now, it's not quite as good as the real thing, but it's very nice. way to go, garo. good game, brother. i told him we won. excellent. see what i'm talking about? ♪ [ rock continues ] [ man ] ♪ i promise ♪ i won't let you down you down ♪ ♪ if you take my hand tonight ♪ ♪ [ rock ]
5:58 pm
♪ i'm a soldier on the battlefield ♪ ♪ got an army on the battlefield ♪ ♪ outnumbered like the alamo i don't even wanna go ♪ ♪ this is war ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah this is war ♪ ♪ this is war ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah this is war ♪ ♪ i'm always stuck up in a daydream ♪ ♪ i can't focus on the other team ♪ ♪ i hunted you all day and night now i'm ready for a fight ♪ ♪ this is war ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah this is war ♪ ♪ this is war ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah this is war ♪
5:59 pm
6:00 pm
you've got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups.


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