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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  August 26, 2016 7:00am-9:00am MST

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in the west. it is friday, august 26, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." accusations of racism dominate the presidential campaign, hillin trump of spreading fear and lies. trump says clinton paints descent americans as racist. a power outage leaves florida air traffic controllers in the dark. and unable to track planes already in the air. and we'll introduce you to angus, the first super bug sniffing dog that could be the key to stopping life threatening infections in hospitals. we begin this morning with a look at today's eye-opener, your
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she lies. and she paints decent americans, you, as racists. trump and clinton let the accusations fly. >> he is taking hate groups mainstream. and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. >> after shocks are rattling central italy, two days after the deadly earthquake as crews continue to search through the damage after a series of tornados. >> you've got to pick up the pieces. >> authorities are investigating the death of two numbers in rural mississippi, the victims killed in their homes. >> we never had nothing like this happen in our neighborhood before. another high stakes confrontation after iranian vessels. >> they felt compelled to fire three warning shots. >> a power outage triggered
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for the l fort lauder dale. >> all that -- >> sinkhole swallows a bus in arizona. no passengers on board, but many left stranded waiting for the disabled bus. >> oh, yeah, that's going to leave a mark. what a way to start from the south korea little league game. >> charging ryan filing a false report. >> he has the right to a fair nd speedo trial. >> on "cbs this morning." >> donald trump often leaves people speechless, but one woman seemed to say everything with her eyes. >> hillary clinton is a bigot. >> that lady went through all five stages of grief in about
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this morning's eye-opener is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose and gayle king are enjoying sometime off. kevin frazier is here. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> the issue of race, front and center in the presidential campaign. hillary clinton and donald trump, traded charges of bigotry, all day and into the night. clinton wrote on social media last night, built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. she called it profoundly dangerous. >> trump hit back with a new web video attacking clinton and he tweeted, quote, clinton needs to address the racist undertones of her 2008 campaign. nancy cordes looks at the back and forth that began with a slap at trump. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. she did not mince words in that speech. clinton said that trump was
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conspiracy theories with dog whistles, and racists. trump responded by saying, she is the one who is fear mongering, not him. >> there has been a steady stream of bigotry coming from him. >> clinton came armed with examples, like trump comments about hispanics and muslims. >> he banned muslims around the world from entering our country. just because of their religion. >> donald j. trump is calling for a complete shut down of muslims states. >> reporter: she said his conspiracy theories followed a similar pattern. >> he promoted the racist lies that president obama is not really an american citizen. >> if you are going to be the president of the united states, you have to be born in this country, and there is a doubt. >> reporter: even his recent outreach to minority communities, she said, have reenforced offensive stereotypes. >> what do you have to lose? it cannot get any worst.
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nerve to ask people he has ignored and mistreated for decades what do you have to lose, because the answer is everything. >> reporter: clinton argued the views lineup with the alt-right, a previously obscure white nationalist movement expanding online. >> there has always been a paranoid fringe in our politics. a lot of it arising from racial resentment, but never had the nominee of a major party stoking it, a national megaphone until now. >> reporter: alt-right welcomes the publicity, asking for donations and outlining their anti-immigrant philosophy. >> they are not making babies. they're dying. >> reporter: trump, dismissed the attacks before clinton took the stage. >> your you're a racist, it is a tired, disgusting argument.
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out breitbart in her speech. that's a conservative website run by trump campaign's new ceo. the site responded with this headline, quote, hillary clinton called 31 million breitbart readers racist klansmen, and is quote unhinged. >> nancy, thank you. the newest national poll finds hillary clinton still out in front, leading t points, in a head to head race. now trump is likely to hit the bigotry issue again today at a string of events in nevada, and he is still trying to clarify his immigration position w, which has changed during the last week. dean reynolds is covering the campaign in las vegas, where the candidate will speak in a few hours. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, donald trump is not
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a bigot, because she has done nothing for minorities. speaking of minorities, trump is offering yet another version of his policy on immigration. >> parents walking with their beautiful child, and they get shot. >> reporter: donald trump again made his pitch to african-american and latino voters yesterday in new hampshire. arguing that chaos is playing america's cities, and it's hillary clinton's fault. >> her policies are bigoted because she knows they're not going to work. >> you think she is personally bigoted. >> of course she is. she is totally bigoted. no question about it. >> reporter: the recent poll shows nearly 60% of all voters feel it is trump who appeals to bigots. 72% of minorities agree. >> i think we're going to do well with the african-americans because they're going to give me a chance. >> reporter: he tried to clear up his plan to deal one documented immigrants in the u.s. >> no legalization. no amnesty.
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legalization route, what they'll do is they'll go, leave the country, hopefully come back in, and then we can talk. >> reporter: earlier this week, he signaled a willingness to work with the undocumented. >> there can be a softening because we're fought looking to hurt people. they'll pay back tax. there is no amnesty as such. there is no amnesty. but we work with them. >> that sounded a lot like a position that jeb bush p forward and trump rejected in the primary season. >> they would earn legal status. they wouldn't earn citizenship. they would earn legal status. >> reporter: on thursday, bush said trump sounded like a typical politician. >> all the things donald trump railed against seems to be morphing into. it is disturbing. >> reporter: his conservative supporters agree, with a number of them, including sarah palin chiming in against any softening
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donald trump used to win the republican nomination. >> all right, dean, thank you so much. gerald is with us from washington. jerry, good morning. >> good morning. you followed politics closely for a while. how unique is it to hear this level of a personal attack at this stage of the campaign? >> it is remarkable. at any stage of the campaign, you had two, the two nominees, not their surrogates, but the two nominees themselves going directly at each other, not because of the because they are allegedly unfit personally to be president. that's a remarkable thing. it may be unprecedented. it is not even labor day. we're not even to the point we're at the traditional starting line for the general election campaign. who knows where it goes from here. >> i know you delve not polls a lot. hillary clinton said she wants to talk about small businesses, but switched to talking about this. what is she thinking
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question. there are two different audiences. one is in fact the minority audience, the african-american vote, the hispanic vote, it is crucially important, particularly donald trump needs to eat into that lead among hillary clinton voters. that's one audience. but the other is probably white moderates in the middle, white moderate whose want to deflect and go to hillary clinton. people who want to vote for donald trump don't want to vote for a bigot perhaps. he is trying to say hey, you don't have to for me, i am not a bigot. even white voters who might be tempted don't go there, because they don't want to be seen as somebody who is in favor of somebody who a bigot. >> jerry, does hillary clinton risk giving the alt-right a bigger platform by highlighting them? there was a lot of social media traffic in the community after she spoke. >> i think that's already happened. they're delighted. we did a story yesterday that said essentially they're in the crosshairs of the clinton cam pane and couldn't be happier about it.
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that just goes with the territory. if you're going to go on the attack like this, you're going to draw attention to the person you are attacking. the clinton campaign is happy do this, because they want it out on the table. it is remarkable, race relations, once you put that jeannie out, you can't put it back in the bottle. not this campaign any way. >> jerry what, do you make of donald trump shifting position on immigration? >> well, i think it is a potential problem for him. story today, don't go wishy-washy on immigration. that's a pretty clear warning shot. >> jerry seib, good to see you. on "face the nation", dr. ben carson, plus dnc chair, donna brazil, and jason chaffetz, here on somebody's. a powerful 7.4 mag aftershock rocked central italy.
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midnight. the death toll from the earthquake climbed to 267. hopes of finding more survivors trapped in collapsed buildings are fading. seth doane is outside the village of pescara del tronto. good morning, seth. >> reporter: good morning. we are here at a camp for those who have been displaced. you can see supplies are being handed out. the people here have had to endure aftershocks that have continued to rock this region around 1,000 so is hampering rescue efforts. workers using sniffer dogs have been combing through wreckage, firefighter frank omenta is one of the rescuers. >> we're trying to remove the people dead, but we find the people dead is very important for the parents. >> reporter: for the family to be able to have closure. >> yes, very, it is very
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48 hours, he told us, hopes of finding survivors fade. the last successful rescue was wednesday, when this ten-year-old girl was pulled from debris, in pescara del tronto. just after the quake, we met this woman and her brother-in-law, unable to get in their home just around the corner. i'm not crying because i'm so distraught in inside. the emotion is stuck inside me, i'm destroyed, trembling, even my knees. areas where damaged buildings pose a threat have been sealed off to all but rescuers, as those aftershocks continue. this tremor >> we had many. >> reporter: a number of
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>> yes. >> reporter: italy's government is being criticized for the lack of earthquake proof anything this seismic zone. prime minister said $50 million will be set aside to help the area rebuild, but pointed out across italy there are so many structures that date back to mid evil time it is would make it impossible to stabilize all of them. kevin. >> seth doane in central italy, thank you. severe weather is threatening the southeast, but fears it become a hurricane have dissipa dissipated. the miami station, wfor is tracking the model. >> near cuba, it remains organized, lacks the well defined center of circulation, and that's part of the reason the hurricane center has decreased the development of this over the next few days, to
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over the next five days, a medium potential this could become a tropical cyclone. the computer model has been shifting towards cuba, where the higher terrain could help tear it apart. florida as we head into early to middle of next week could be moving into the gulf of mexico. all the moisture, regardless of development is headed towards florida and could lead to heavy rain and flooding. in fact, some areas could up to seven inches of rain, and in the meantime very warm and dry conditions. >> thank you so much. a power outage cause aid ground stop at two florida airports, dozens into and out of miami and fort lauderdale airports were affected yesterday when radar and communication systems went down. several smaller airports also felt the impact. kris van cleave shows us what went wrong. >> reporter: the faa says a ups
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it is the third one in the aviation world this summer. the first two were with airlines, this time, air traffic control in miami, preventing this warning waiting for planes to take off and land. >> use extreme caution. we've lost all communication. we cannot see you. >> reporter: power problems blacked out the control to you kerr, leaving two faa radar centers in the dark, when back-up systems failed to switch on automatically th to be able to do anything for you right now. i have zero radar. >> reporter: halting takeoffs at both the fort lauder dale and miami, the 11th busiest airport. it shows moments of confusion, as flights were on approach. >> 2359 short final on zero nine. >> i don't think we can hear
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>> faa says more than a dozen flights had to divert to other airports. >> the ten minutes or so was taxing. >> bill kissado is the head of the control in florida. >> the quality of that, those communications aren't the same as our primary systems. so sometimes there is a little difficulty in communicating, depending on the distance. >> reporter: the normal distance is three to five miles. the tower issues forced controllers to put up to 30 miles between flights. this couple said their boston to miami flight circled for 40 minutes. >> they just told us there was some communication issues, and they have to do some rounds before they can land. >> reporter: the faa says it is investigating why its back-up systems had to be manually turned on. the agency says the out age
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but took another hour and a half to restore normal operations. >> frepretty scary. a reported streaker is under arrest at nebraska's largest airport. a man stripped to his boxers, and jumped a fence in omaha, as officers chased him down the runway, he hopped into a pickup truck and rammed into a southwest plane, where passengers were boarding. two crew members a had minor injuries. police do not suspect terrorism as a motive. close calls between the u.s. and iran in international waters. the navy says the uss got 200 yards of another american ship. that was just one of three confrontations wednesday involving those vessels, and another american ship, the uss stout. we showed you how it faced four
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the epipen makers are defending their price hike. capitol hill, including the announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota.
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a french court makes a ruling on the controversial >> the emotional debate over the body covering swimsuits, and what people say women should ar. the news is back here on "cbs this morning." r: this port this morning" sponsored by
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ransformation. olay eyes express every emotion, not your age. new from olay ageless honey, what are you doing? watching a cow... what's it doing? power up your morning with a new 300 calorie egg white grill. only at chick-fil-a. i'm terrible at golf. he is. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive.
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ahead hourks a president hillary clinton could have conflicts of interest with the foundation. >> monday, oscar winner, robert deniro returns. his new movie puts him back in the boxing world.
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good morning- it's 7:26, i'm yetta gibson. 3 right now... glendale police need your help tracking down a missing father and son. officers tell us... they have no leads... after the two just vanished.ramon salas... was last seen leaving his parents house on wednesday... to pick up his girlfriend and mother of their little boy ... but he never showed seen these two please call police. police are also on on the scene this morning of another shooting...this one in phoenix ...near 28th street and roeserthree people were shot and rushed to the hospital... . we're checking in with phoenix police to get details on a who shot these
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3 thank you for choosing cbs 5, join us on facebook live right now...and we'll see you back
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we noticed that you have a remarkable similarity. you look a lot like my post production supervisor, mark spa it. a. >> i don't really see it. >> all right, well, let's find out would you like to meet senator tim kaine. >> hello, nice to meet you. >> i got tim kaine. who wants to meet the man. >> show me on your phone. >> people don't always look like their photographs. are you ready? that's him, right? >> yep. >> one, two, three. >> that's pretty funny.
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i like that. with the harmonica and everything. senator tim kaine does play the harmonica. >> very persuasive. welcome back to "cbs this morning." we are going to hear more from the real tim kaine. the epipen and the massive price increase increase. women it makes people feel unself-after recent terror attacks. jackson clearing ledger reports on the killing of two numbers in mississippi. sister margaret hels were found dead in their homes, reportedly stabbed. robbery may have been the motive. the numbers were nurse
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m merrill's sister. >> she was so good, see and sister margaret went so far and above anything that could be expected of a normal human being. >> that is so sad. they were great caregivers and police are searching for a suspect or potential suspects. the los angeles times reports on ryan lochte gets charged by brazilian police, filing a false robbery report. lochte initially claimed he and three swimmers were robbed at gun point, but backtracked. lochte may not have to return to brazil. he faces a potential prison sentence of 18 months. "the new york times" reports on apple's urgent message for iphone users. update your software. the newest version 6 serious security flaws. an israeli company found a way to read messages and e-mails. it can also track calls and contacts, collect passwords and even trace the whereabouts of a
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a company spokesman says it requires customers to use the software in a lawful manner. >> do i have to queue up for that or just the normal one that comes through? >> my understanding it is is the normal one but you need to put it. >> thank you. the "washington post" reports on lawmakers tough questions on the epipen, the can i has tried to ease concerns as we reported yesterday, mylon announced companies helping families cover the costs. but democraticng elijah cummings said nobody is buying this pr move. we've been following this from the beginning. >> the company announced it is increasing the value of the coupons it is giving patients, whie expanding a financial assistance program, news that many relying on the pen. the actual price of the pen, remains the same. >> this isn't an epipen issue, this a health care issue.
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debate on cnbc. in her first public comments since "cbs this morning" on how the price rose to more than $600 today. >> look, no one is more frustrated than me. >> but you are the one who is raising the price. how can you be frustrated. >> there is a list price of 608. there are four or five hands that the product touches, and companies that it goes through before it ever gets to that patient at the counter. >> manyie less under mylon's new plan. coupons that were previously worth of $100 will now cover up to $300. but for some, that still leaves $300 in out of pocket cost, triple for what it sold for in 2009. >> i think mylon has a real problem here. >> chuck grassley is one of several lawmakers demanding more information about the price
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offer the market. >> just lower the price to a reasonable level. >> even the father of mylon ceo, joe manchin, has expressed concern. in a statement, he says he looks forward to reviewing mylon's response in detail. >> i don't know if mylon understands this anxiety is real for patienrents, and it causes t of problems. >> bigger than the epipen. he looked into the pricing for its other prescription drugs. >> there are a lot of products that they raised prices on triple di triple digits, it was surprising. >> we found a couple of dozen, and i've heard there are even more. >> the company meanwhile has lost a celebrity sarah jessica parker.
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relationship with mylon and deeply concerned by the price increases. >> anita, thanks. new developments in the clinton foundation, asking for state department records with dealing with foundation employees and donors. house oversight chairman says reports raise questions about the treatment by hillary clinton state department. there is no evidence any special favors were granted. ties to the foundation may create future conflicts of interest. >> good morning. over the last 15 years, the clinton foundation has raised money for economic development. they need to curb their development, and they announced it last week there are still questions about potential conflicts of interest for a
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business to profit from public office. access and favors were sold for cash. look, this is a crime. this a criminal act. >> donald trump has seized on the clinton foundation, raising questions about whether hillary clinton and her aides gave mega donors special access while she was secretary of state. >> there is nothing wrong with creating jobs and saving lives. i don't know wha bill clinton defending the charity's work, but even he admitted, there are legitimate concerns about poe it en shall conflicts of interest if his wife becomes president. foreign donors and corporations could no longer contribute, but u.s. citizens, u.s. foundations and permanent residents could still give unlimited sums. >> i'm proud of the foundation. i am proud of the work it has done. >> the new rules don't necessarily solve all the potential conflicts of interest,
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clinton's political donors and the foundation. this summer, a third of her fund-raisers have been helped by foundation donors, including harvey wine steen, tim cooke, as well as haim saban. >> the issue for me here is the intermingling of politics or government and the nonprofit world. >> doug white advises nonprofits on >> the fact that she could creates a potential conflict of interest. >> i know with all my heart that my mother will make us proud as our next president. >> another potential issue is that chelsea clinton will remain on the foundation's board. >> keeping her in that position, only keeps alive the potential criticism that the family would have and it would dog her presidency. >> there are two other lingering
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are still giving money this year, before the new rules would go into effect, if she is elected. and two, kevin, the foundation's largest enterprise, the clinton health access, which gets a lot of money from overseas and has a separate board, hasn't decided what it would do. >> juliana, thanks. the and if you're heading out the door, you canch cbs app through your digital device. you don't want to miss a preview of anthony's sunday morning interview with barbara streisand. we'll be right back. the more you pour the more scent you'll savor. toss into your wash before your clothes for luxurious scent for up to 12 weeks. and introducing unstopables fabric conditioner by downy
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we have breaking news from france, where a court throughout
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beaches, the outfit have become tension over the state of islam. debora patta is on the french rivera with the highly charged debate with women not showing skin. debora, good morning. >> reporter: the ban has become a highly charged issue in france, very much on edge after a state of terror attacks over the past year. this summer, the fashion police along the french rivera have a new argument, muslim women wearing burkinis. this woman purchased one for her vacation, but is too scared to even go to the beach. instead, she was reduced to taking holiday snapshots of her family from the promenade. i can't go to the beach with my children, she told us. i am here by the sea, but can't go in it. nice banned it after last
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won for wearing them or forcing them to dis robe, as seen earlier this week, after police surrounded a woman here, and ordered her to remove her tunic. the deputy mayor said wearing a burkini is a provocation. >> how is banning the burkini going to make nice more secure and safe? >> the feeling of the people is very important. when you go to a place, if you see like that, it is something looking like islam on the beach on the don't feel safe. >> he claimed the ban has overwhelming support, but many beach goers cannot understand what the fuss is all about. >> would you feel scared if someone sat next to you wearing a burkini. >> no. >> her muslim friend who chooses not to cover up, says she feels targeted by the ban. i think people should be free to do what they want, she said.
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anyone. there is a lot of despite the ban, when these women arrived dressed in the police did nothing. some of the people we spoke to pointed out there is very little difference between a burkini and a wet suit. but french officials believe the burkini ban liberates women whom they say modesty. norah. >> debora, thank you. nasa's next generation,
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? nasa completed a new splash down test with orion spacecraft. test dummies were on board for the simulation of its return to earth with a parachute failure. scientists are studying the effects. it is designed for deep space travel, including a mars. it is not expected to carry astronauts until 2023. the most adorable weapon in the health care industry sup super bug. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." clean food. words you don't often hear. words we at panera live by.
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good morning- it's 7:56, i'm yetta gibson. we're getting new information about a shooting investigation... in phoenix right now.police say someone in a car... pulled up to a man standing in front of a home near 24th street and broadway... and started shooting.the man... was hit by one of the bullets.he was driven to the hospital to be treated.officers didn't say b now... they're trying to figure out who pulled the trigger. check this out--'prescott valley'... got hail!special thanks to 'penny rasmussen'... one of our viewers who sent us this video.we love to see your weather pictures and video. send them our way ... by uploading them to our free
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3 3 thank you for choosing cbs 5, we'll see you back here in 25
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there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it.
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a whooping cough vaccination today.
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good morning to our viewers in the west. it's august 26, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including the four-legged fight against the hospital menace. can sniff out an infection that kills about 15,000 in the nation a year. first, today's eye opener at 8:00. >> clinton said trump was building a campaign haste in conspiracy theories with dog whistles to white supremacist. >> donald trump is not backing off his charge that the democratic presidential nominee is a bigot. >> how unique is it to hear this level of a personal attack? >> it's remarkable. and it's not even labor day. >> people here have had to
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continued to rock this region. around 1,000 so far. >> the hurricane center lowered the potential for low chance over the next two days and over the next five days a medium chance this could become a tropical storm. >> this time it was air traffic control in miami prompting this jarring warning to planes waiting to take off and land. >> the company announced it is increasing the value of the coupons it's given patients. news that will benefit many who rely on the epipen to stop severe allergic reactions. >> onat will receive her first official intelligence briefing. as a candidate. yeah. officials plan to tell hillary about threats to u.s. cyber security such as russia, china and her. that's the big three. [ cheers and applause ] i'm norah o'donnell with anthony mason and kevin frazier from partners at "entertainment
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hillary clinton and donald trump are bombarding each other with charges of racism. trump repeated his claim yesterday saying trump is a big g ot saying she's selling hispanics and african-americans down the tubes. clinton says trump has bui campaign on hate and paranoia. >> in just this past week under the guise of outreach to african-americans, trump has stood up in front of largely white audiences and described black c insulting and ignorant terms, poverty, rejection, horrible education, no housing, no homes, no ownership. trump misses so much. he doesn't see the success of black leaders in every field, the businesses.
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for colors of every american. >> last night on cnn trump addressed the charge that his outreach is insulting. >> one of the things you've been saying recently in talking to african-americans, addressing them in large rallies, is saying what have you got to lose. what the hell have you got to lose? >> absolutely. that's the way i look at it. >> the way you're categorizing some of the african-american voters, some of them are insulted. >> i don't think they are. i think if they actually heard me they wouldn't be insulted at >> well, that's the fact. look at chicago. >> but the vast majority of african-americans, vast majority -- >> 40% are living in poverty. would you say -- >> 26. >> well, i have 40%. whether it's 26 or 40. look, you can look at it anyway and i know you want to protect her as much as you can -- >> no, i don't. >> anderson, she's done a horrible job. her policies don't work. >> three separate studies in
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>> hillary clinton also said yesterday donald trump is stoking racial resentment and his views align with the so-c so-called alternative right movement. describing the alt-right as far right groups individuals ideologies with a core belief that white identity is under attack. its believers reject establishment conservatism. trump says calling his supporters racist is a tired, disgusting argument. >> his bannon was the chairman of breitbart news. call denying the movement is racist. bloomberg called bannon, quote, the most dangerous political operative in america. the author, joshua green, is with us from washington. good morning, josh. >> good morning. >> what did you learn about him? >> well, bannon is a curious and colorful figure. he's an ex-goldman sachs banker
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he made one about sarah palin which brought him into the tea party movement. that led him to breitbart news, which he took over when the site's founder died a few years ago. >> so does clinton have a case here when she connects the dots between this movement and the trump campaign? >> yeah, she really does. bannon has described breitbart news as a platform for the alt-right, if you look at the members of the alt-right they've been behind trump's candidacy from the very outset. and even t electoral novice, it's not entirely surprising that he would wind up as part of the trump campaign. >> joshua, alt-right is a new term to an awful lot of people. there's a pretty big umbrella here. how would you describe exactly what it is? >> well, the alt-right is a group of loosely aligned confederates, i'd call them, who share certain things in common. there's no one-fix definition, but it can include everything
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or anti-semitic on twitter in order to get a rise out of people to actual white supremacists and neonazis. but what unites them is sort of a shared hostility to immigration, to multiculturalism, to women. and over the last year or so support for donald trump as a presidential candidate. >> at one point in her speech hillary clinton actually read a few of the headlines from breitbart. and let me read them back to you, like this one, birth control makes women and crazy and hoisted high and proud the confederate flag proclaims glorious heritage from your reporting on him, does he associate with this kind of ideology? >> i don't know that he associates with it. he certainly publishes it. but what bannon does and what a lot of the alt-right people do is intentionally offend in order to get a rise out of people. so you see these screaming headlines. you see bullying attacks often on social media, the alt-right
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"ghostbuster" actress, drove her off of twitter. so part of the alt-right ethos is a belief that the republican party has been too weak, has been taken over by globalists. and it's really a sort of a revolution from underneath that's seeking to change american politics and to change the republican party. >> i think one of the most fascinating parts of your article, too, which was a year ago before he joined the trump campaign, was how steve bannon gets damaging stories about the clintons mainstream media. how does that work? >> well, what led me to bannon originally is he had an interesting critique of why conservatives failed to stop the clintons in the 199 0s and his argument was essentially conservatives went off the deep end chasing rumor and innuendo and turned off mainstream voters and the mainstream media. so bannon's approach now was to essentially look at facts that
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those included donors to the clinton foundation, included secret-paid speeches that clinton gave to goldman sachs and other banks. and he helped fund and run a think tank that produced the book "clinton cash" last year, the surprise best seller that i think helped drive up clinton's negative numbers. part of what bannon is trying to do in the trump campaign is to get trump to focus on these attacks on clinton, which he believes rightly, i think, or probably the best way to her candidacy. >> so then isn't calling her a bigot then a distraction from what may be real questions about the clinton foundation, the e-mails, other issues? >> yeah, i think it is. and one of the problems, i think, trump has had as a candidate is he's very easily distracted by whatever issue floats into the news. he tends to be unable to stop himself from responding to attacks. so he hasn't really been able to focus on this narrow
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of his campaign staffers would like him to. >> joshua green, thanks for being with us this morning. hillary clinton's running mate, tim kaine, appeared on "the late show" last night. stephen colbert asked him about donald trump's immigration policy. >> what do you make of, you know, trump's softening his stance on immigration? what do you have to say about that? >> i don't buy it [ speaking spanish ] >> i don't speak spanish. what is the spanish word for pander? >> i don't think that word exists in the spanish language. it's unique to the american ppolitical tradition. >> damn it. >> roughly translated he says he doesn't buy it because trump always fights against the community with words and actions of, quote, an idiot. >> i think even if you don't speak spanish you know what the
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a ground breaking approach to fighting superbugs doesn't come from a lab, but from a spaniel. ahead, the dog that could be
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why does barbra streisand say she is done performing live? why does barbra streisand say she's done performing live? the incomparable singer gives us a glimpse of her future as she rolls out her 35th studio album. ahead, a morning conversation. you're watching "cbs this morning." rewritten every line ? i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe...
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i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! ?"all you need is love" plays? my friends know me so well. they can tell what i'm thinking, just by looking in my eyes. but what they didn't know l tears from the moment i woke up... the moment i went to bed. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love,... ...some eyelove. eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if you're using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye.
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want great whitening without the mess? think outside the box colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen for 5 shades whiter teeth. brush, whiten, go! no mess, no waiting, no rinsing. colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. [cell phone ringing] hello hey tommy! what did you say to me when i said i was going to invent the telephone? hmmm and what did you say to me this morning when i said i wanted chicken for breakfast? i said you were crazy. 0 for 2 pal. this new egg white grill from chick-fil-a is aces. chicken for breakfast. it's not as crazy as you think.
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? in our "morning rounds," the fight to stop patients from getting sick in hospitals from drug resistant bacteria. according to the cdc, even many of the nation's leading medical institutions are losing the battle against the super bug. now the most common hospital bacteria known as c-dip is considered hazard level urgent
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year. industry about $5 billion a year. but one helicopter in vancouver, canada, came up to a canine approach to the crisis. john blackstone tells us why hospitals are turning to human instinct. >> angus, over here. go in there. their sense of smell is above and beyond anything we can even comprehend. >> reporter: with that remarkable sense of smell, angus, the springer spaniel, was on a mission to track down the most common kind of hospital it's known as c-dipd and it's on the rise. >> it's a bacteria. it forms sports so it can exist in our environment for a long time. >> reporter: it is caused by antibiotic use or contact with contaminated surfaces and highly contagious and killing 15,000 people. we can't see it with the naked eye.
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>> it will always be present in your hospital so what you're trying to do is control it. that is where angus comes into play. >> angus. ready to work? >> he is trained to detect the bacteria in the environment. >> alert. >> the advantage for us is if he alerts on something, then what we can do is additional targeted cleaning and we are going to couple it with our ultraviolet disinfection machines. >> reporter: three years ago teresa was training bomb c-dip and nearly died. her husband from vancouver general hospital suggested she tried to train a dog to detect the superbug. >> yes. good boy. i said if it's got an odor, i can train a dog to find it. good job, buddy. >> reporter: so she did and the hospital initiated a first of its kind pilot program. >> alert. good man. they definitely thought it was
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cute. >> oh, he is very loveable. i brought him home at ten weeks. even on the way home, i started training him by throwing kibble in the grass and giving him a search command. he started using his nose paired with rewards. we then paired the odor with it so he learned to associate the c-dip odor with his toy. >> in this room, we are going to hide a positive. >> he correctly identified all of the c-dip positive odors that we had. his success rate was between 95% and 100%. alert. good boy! yes! >> reporter: angus passed all of his exams and will soon be working full-time at vancouver general. >> in the medical field, we could go to so many other things we probably haven't thought of yet. >> there is an analogy, we can perhaps smell the teaspoon of sugar in our coffee or tea and
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olympic-sized swimming pool. that's how exquisitely sensitive they are. >> hold your nose. >> reporter: angus is believed to be the one of his kind. but not for long. >> his brother dodger will be next. >> reporter: she has been getting inquiries from hospitals around the world. >> we are happy to help anybody try and get their own c-dip dog. what we can use them for is only limited by our imagination. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," john blackstone. >> angus is awesome. >> great name. >> i wanted to name my son angus, but it was rejected in the family. he is jake, instead. >> it's national dog day. >> it is! what a perfect story on dog day. james corden plays a part for the newest carpool karaoke. ahead, why he dressed down for a special performance with britney spears. you're watching "cbs this morning." g "cbs this morning." ? baby baby you keep
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"cbs morning rounds" sponsored by pronamel toothpa toothpaste. aste. to me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. pronamel is all about your enamel. helping to protect your enamel. we offered women a mystery beauty treatment. what made their skin more radiant? what?! wait! only dove has 1/4 moisturizing cream. smooth dewy skin. dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. an unprecedented natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. everything's all right in there? security.
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i went down and got it. >> oh, no, you shouldn't have. ? oops i did it again ? >> you want to have more kids? >> yes. >> how many more? >> like three more.
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first! and then, you know -- >> tell him he is about to become the father of three children? ? ? oh, baby baby ? >> james corden and last night in carpoo karaoke. >> notice his shirt! his belly is hanging out! >> their outfits of her hits. >> ahead, barbra streisand six decades of being a superstar and
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>> i can't believe it. >> hard to believe. good morning- it's 8:25, i'm yetta gibson. breaking news... at least a dozen chandler police officers are in the neighborhood... near ray and mcqueen... after someone was shot and killed. chandler police say a 44-year- old man was shot at his home. the person who shot him police say is a 40-year-old man. police believe they knew each other...but its still parents of kids at a west phoenix high school... are worried about student safety. this comes after dozens of letters were sent to parents at 'sierra linda high school'... regarding a series of threats made to the school. if caught..the prankster could be suspended... expelled or
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3 3 thank you for choosing cbs 5, we'll see you back here in 25
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? don't tell me not to live, just sit and shut up ? ? like candy i'm a ball of butter ? ? don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade ? welcome back to "cbs this morning." that is the i streisand in "funny girl." coming up this half hour, anthony mason talked with the actress for this weekend's sunday morning. she conquered broadway, music and movies. even though she's not a fan of stardom. we'll preview their wide ranging conversation. plus, instagram photographer of the year for his rare look inside north korea, now he's home photographing our national parks. ahead, jeff glor sees yosemite national park through the eyes
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guttenfelder. this morning's headlines, bloomberg says uber lost more than $1 billion in the first half of this year. that includes a shortfall of about $100 million in the u.s. in the second quarter. subsidies for its drivers reportedly blamed for most of the worldwide losses. and uber spokesman declined to comment. the honolulu star advertiser reports that president obama will create the world's largest marine reserve. he will quadruple the size of a protected area surrounding the hawaiian islands. the president will travel to the area next week. he will address the world conservation congress and highlight the threat of climate change. the san francisco chronicle reports on privacy concerns for users of whatsapp. thein crypti incrypting company share users phone numbers with parent company facebook. whatsapp is giving users a
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domino's pizza launching the world's first commercial drone delivery in new zealand. the company showed off a pizza carrying drone this week in new zealand approved drone deliveries last year. they are not allowed yet in the u.s. some of the world's biggest companies including amazon and google are also working on drone delivery. we'll see what happens to your pepperoni. >> yeah, whether the pizza is hot. time reports new research showing dna may hold the key to why some people drink more researchers singled out a gene called pdss2. people of greater express of that gene reported drinking less coffee. the authors think that gene regulates how the body metabolizes caffeine. so people with more of that gene process caffeine slower and feel the need for less coffee. >> interesting. new york daily news shows us pictures of a dressed up napping
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sensation. the instagram photo show the 4-month-old as an apple geek and pop culture icons like her mom is a professional photographer with more than 160,000 instagram followers. >> that's forever. those pictures are forever. >> and adorable. i'm sorry, adorable. all right. barbra streisand, the only artist with the number one record in each of the last six decades releases her 35th studio album today. it's called "encore." she goes back to broadway recording show tunes with movie stars like jamie foxx. ? >> two great voices there. this weekend on "sunday
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with the 74-year-old singer and actress. that's where it all started for streisand. we spoke with her before the brief tour she wrapped up just this week. >> it's a funny thing to say, but i knew what i wanted to do since i was very young, i'd say 7 years old. >> and what was that specifically? >> i was not seen as a child. >> uh-huh. >> it was like i could talk and nobody would listen. >> uh-huh. >> and i think that's ay motivating factor in a child's life. >> yeah. >> if you're not seen, then it's something that says i have to be seen. i think that's because my father died at 35 years old. >> when you ended up on the big screen, did you feel seen? >> yeah. >> you did? >> i did feel seen, but what i discovered was i don't like stardom. i don't like what goes along with it.
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>> yeah. >> i don't like to be photogphed. i don't like to have to do publicity. i don't like any of it. >> so you're having a really good time right now. >> i'm enjoying you because we met before and you're asking me interesting questions. but i really don't. >> you like making it, but you don't like anything else around it? >> right. that's why i love movies. i mean, this is hard for me now. i realize i will never do this again. you know, perform live. >> uh-huh. never? >> no. >> you're done? >> i'm done. >> this is the last tour? >> this is -- yeah. >> why? >> i want to go sit by my pool and look at the ocean and read a book. >> wow. >> did you believe her that this will be the last time? >> well, she's sort of said that before. i hope it's not true. let's put it that way. such an extraordinary voice. she's got amazing reviews on this story. >> i love barbra streisand. listen to her growing up. >> been hearing you sing --
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best frentd friend and i used to always sing barbra streisand songs. did you get into the mike wallace interview? >> she hates looking back, but she's been writing a book so she's been doing a lot of that. so i asked her about the famous 1991 mike wallace interview which was hard on her, she did not like it and she'll tell you kbaktly why. >> that's in the piece on sunday? >> you can watch our full interview with barbra streisand this weekend on "sunday morning." the screen legend opens u self-doubts. that's sunday right here on cbs. ansel adams captured yosemite's beauty in the 20th century, now one of the world's great modern photographers is bringing his own unique eye to this american treasure. >> i feel a little bit like rediscovering my own place, my own home. >> it's so beautiful. up next, the photo journalist
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more than a thousand people gathered on the national mall in washington yesterday to celebrate the 100th anniversary more than 1,000 people gathered on the national mall yesterday to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the national park service. volunteers held umbrellas to celebrate the emblems. last year alone more than 300 million people streamed through
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of our great country. they're all offering free admission now through sunday. jeff glor shows us how a summer tour of the national parks holds special meaning for one photographer. jeff, i'm so excited about this piece. good morning. >> yeah, we were too. good morning, norah. he became a star on instagram thanks to photos of the country that doesn't even allow instagram. david guttenfelder's unforgettable images of north korea gained him followers around the world. but after two decades overseas, he returned home trying to tell america's story for at geographic." we saw him at one of our national treasurers, yosemite. >> i think we all have the compulsion to interact with the world in some way, to do something with our experience. whether it's to write in your journal or paint something -- >> reporter: for david guttenfelder, that interaction has been through a camera lens. and for the past 20 years he's been making up for lost time. >> i grew up in iowa. i'd never been anywhere. i didn't have a passport. never seen the ocean.
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to go and see something for myself. >> reporter: in his 20s guttenfelder went to tanzania to study. he was planning to be there for a matter of months. he stayed for seven years. covering the rwandan genocide and nearly every other conflict that came up for "associated press." after that a decade in the middle east, including war zones in iraq and afghanistan. where guttenfelder adopted the then-crazy concept of professional photos on amateur devices. >> and i'd publish them. and people said is he crazy. >> this is five, six years ago. >> this was 2011 in afghanistan. how could -- why would this guy take a phone to the front lines of the war in afghanistan? fast forward to now, the argument seems absurd. there's a half a billion people using instagram. everyone's a photographer now.
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literate than ever before. >> reporter: but it wasn't until guttenfelder helped open the a.p.'s bureau in pyongyang, north korea, that his photography made him famous. >> no one ever really worked there or seen it. >> people here have their own ideas about what north korea is. how is the north korea you saw different than what the perception of north korea is? >> it's a rough, tough, isolated, controlled place. but so all of that is true, all the t same time because of that we think in america there's no life there at all. it's like a facade. that there's nothing. it's the truman show and behind it there's absolutely nothing there. through photography i realized it wasn't. there were people with real lives. real people trying to live like everybody else in the world. i feel a little bit like rediscovering my own place, my own home. >> reporter: in the summer of 2014, after two decades of constant travel around the
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new assignment with "national geographic," to photograph yellowstone. >> this is my entire reason for coming home, 20 years after left, wawawawawawawawawawawawaw photograph the national park. i'd never photographed in america. i'd never been to yellowstone. never seen a bison, never seen a bear. >> if you're coming up with a reason to come home after 20 years, the national parks is a pretty good reason. >> yeah. it really felt like the perfect homecoming. try and do some good for the world, i guess. i went pretty far away. to try and find purpose for myself as a photographer. and so that's been, i think, the thing i've been thinking about the most. which is photographing my own country and the things that are wrong and right about my own country. >> since then he's photographed his family's fourth of july party in iowa, covered the trump
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yosemite for the 100th anniversary of the national park service. >> this is something that america can be very, very proud of, and this is something that i'm proud of. i wanted to celebrate this and to try and explain what's important about it and to try and convince others how important it is to have this ki >> and david will have a feature on cuba in the november issue of "national geographic." it is so interesting watching him watch other people. he's constantly looking for those moments. and there's a determination to it, but there's also this smile. you know, you see him smiling as he's -- because he knows he's getting these good photos. >> they're not all with his iphone. >> i think for his instagram account they are exclusively his
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cameras. >> but still allowing you to take a great picture. as great as his photographs are and he can take a great picture in pyongyang and take a great picture in national park. >> he has an eye. >> he sees it. >> yep. >> jeff, thanks. next, we'll look at all that mattered this week. you're watching "cbs this
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well, that does it for us. it's been a good week. >> a great week. >> great being here. thanks for having us. >> of course. kevin frazier of "entertainment tonight" we have loved having you. >> thanks for having me hang out. >> thanks for bringing coffee for everybody too. good guy. anthony, he will be here tomorrow with "cbs this morning: saturday." tune into the "cbs evening news"
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have a great weekend. >> we are told a life saving operation here is currently under way. >> a powerful earthquake rocked central italy. frantic searches are under way right now for trapped survivors. video shows a young girl being carried to safety after she was pulled from the rubble. >> clinton aides say they don't know what is in these 15,000 e-mails or how her lawyers missed them. >> lie after lie after lie. >> it has been nearly nine held a press conference. she chose late night tv to address these new questions. >> i would love her to do a press conference like everyone else would. >> president obama wants victims of the louisiana flooding to know they are not alone. >> the taliban is suspected on a deadly attack on the american university of afghanistan in kabul. >> oh, my god. starbucks just got blown over. there are people in there.
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tornado practically flattened this starbucks. >> is that two? >> holy cow. >> just came up so fast. >> i looked outside and complete chaos. >> i was just so scared! >> students are starting to arrive here at miami beach senior high. from what we can tell most of them are wearing long pants and exactly what the health officials suggested. >> this is the third young white shark we have seen brought on this ship. the goal is have the shark on and off inside 15 minutes. >> the u.s. brought hom medal and 37 silver and four idiots! ? i'm so into you i can barely breathe ? >> charlie and gayle are off. together? who knows. i hope you guys are having fun. mike pence stopped by a philadelphia barber. >> what is your name again? >> mike pence.
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in taiwan. >> i hope somebody got it. ? >> world's highest and longest glass bottomed bridge has opened in china. >> i ain't walking across that! >> crazy, right! >> let's hope are no cracks in that bridge. >> experts say it's time to go and many men say keep your hand off my shorts. >> cargo disgrace of fashion. >> he jumped on a whale watching boat to escape some orcsa. >> smart steel. >> he is the fst to have a double hand transplant. >> where do you get your wisdom from? >> my mom and my grandma. don't start tearing up! >> i mean, come on! >> this morning was the first to report this huge increase in the
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>> you don't need to do it. i'll do it for you! ?
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give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. it's 8:54, i'm yetta gibson. police remain on the scene this morning of a shooting... in phoenix ...near 28th street and roeser.officers just told our crew on t people have died. three people were initially shot and rushed to the hospital... and again, we now know two of those peeople have died. no word on the condition of the third victim. we're getting new information about a shooting investigation... in phoenix right now.police say someone in a car... pulled up to a man standing in front of a home near 24th street and broadway... and started shooting.the man... was hit by one of the bullets.he was driven to the hospital to be treated.officers didn't say how badly he was hurt.right
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trigger. breaking news... at least a dozen chandler police officers are in the neighborhood... near ray and mcqueen... after someone was shot and killed. chandler police say a 44-year- old man was shot at his home. the person who shot him police say is a 40-year-old man. police believe they knew each other...but its still not clear what led to the shooting. parents of kids at a west phoenix high school... are worried about student safety. this comes after dozens of letters were sent to parents at 'sierra lia school'... regarding a series of threats made to the school. if caught..the prankster could be suspended... expelled or even face criminal charges. right now... glendale police need your help tracking down a missing father and son. officers tell us... they have no leads... or signs of a father and infant son... who just vanished.ramon salas... was last seen leaving his parents house on wednesday... to pick up his girlfriend and mother of their little boy ... but he never showed up..if you have seen these two please call police.
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thanks to 'penny rasmussen'... one of our viewers who sent us this video.we love to see your weather pictures and video. send them our way ... by uploading them to our free
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thank you for choosing cbs 5, we'll see you back here at noon.the price is right is
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( "the price is right" theme playing ) >> george: here it comes, from the bob barker studio at cbs in hollywood, it's "the price is right!" jessica rosholm, come on down. ( chee a shalyn hall, come on down. ( cheers and applause ) danielle zelada, come on down. ( cheers and applause ) and alexandra deleon, come on


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