tv CBS Overnight News CBS September 12, 2016 2:35am-4:00am MST
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addressed the test from geneva. >> try still to monitor to fiend to find out precisely what took place. >> reporter: earlier this week, pyongyang caused concern when they launched three missiles while china was hosting world leaders at the g-20 summit. pyongyang's nuclear program is a source of national pride. when we visited in may, the nation showcased a parade float celebrating their january 6 nuclear test. that month in a three-hour speech, leader kim jung-unpledged to use nuclear weapons in only self defense. china had harsh word for pyongyang condemninghe nuclear test. china said it would lodge a formal complaint with north korea's ambassador here. stop using galaxy 7 smart phone immediately because some phones have been catching fire.
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note 7 phone, 35 reports around the world of the lithium ion batteries exploding. >> very surprising to me how quick the dash caught on fire. >> reporter: nathan's jeep caught fire after he left his phone inside to charge. >> the last thought in my head is that a brand new device, something, simple as a phone is going to burn down my car. >> reporter: earlier this week, some airlines urged passengers to avoid charging the galaxy 7 phones while on board. last friday, samsung issued a voluntary recall for all 2.5 million phones. lithium ion batteries touted as the future but plagued with overheating and fires and in everything from hoverboard toys to e-cigarettes. in 2013. boeing was forced to ground all 50, 787 dream liners for three months because of problem th lithium batteries.
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the terror attacks of september 11th are burned into the memory of most americans. 2,606 people were killed at the world trade center alone. among the dead, 343 firefighters. 60 police officers. and eight paramedics. now, 15 years later, there has been a rebirth in lower manhattan. martha tischner takes us there. >> reporter: are they the tears of a nation weeping? or a soothing rain forever trying to wash away the horror of what happened here? this is where the twin towers stood.
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and you cannot come here and forget for a moment that achingly perfect blue sky morning september 11th, 2001. >> another one. another plane just hit. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: when the planes hit. when the towers fell. when nearly 3,000 people died on this spot. it is hallowed gd. but 15 years later, life co-exists with death. >> some people see a cleansing, a catharsis when they see the water. others see tears, what do you see? >> i see tears, but i also see diamond. >> judith dupris spent 20 years, documenting the world trade center site and has written a book about its transformation
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part of 9/11 as the falling towers wee. it is all on a continuum. life is for the living. people need to live. it is a way of honoring the dead. since this memorial opened in 2011, nor than 28 million people have gazed at the names of the 9/11 dead. those killed at the world trade center, also, the 40 who died the shanksville, pennsylvania. and 184 others at the pentagon. a rose means it is someone's birthday. >> having your son's name on this panel, what does that mean to you? >> hopefully they will not forget him. >> reporter: his son jonathan was 29. a fire fighter killed in south tower. >> i brought the first lady of
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water is very special. >> look holy water. >> yeah. it's natural. >> one of the so-called band of dads. retired firefighters who raced to the trade center site to help. and then, spent months digging bodies of their sons. of them all, only his son was found. >> we found jonathan on the 11th of december. >> reporter: 15 years on, he is still here. an advocate for september 11th families. and co-founder of the 9/11 tribute center. >> when i had the coat, i could hug it. where his son's coat and helmet
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jonathan and my buddies are doing what they love to do. difficult. >> reporter: 9 months after the world trade center attacks the site had been cleared. except for one nearly 60-ton beam. by then, covered with the names and photos and drawings of the people who had done the clearing. and just as it had each time human remains were found. activity at ground zero stopped when that last column was removed. and reverently borne away. but when the 9/11 memorial museum opened in 2014, 12 years later, there it was -- the building built around it.
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back. the feeling you had that day. if you lived in new york city. a sickness almost. >> john was a music and dance king. >> reporter: you're haunted again by the faces of the lost. all of the smiling people whose stories have to be told for them here. called impact steel. this is where 9/11 begins. >> reporter: on friday mornings, greg carefelo is a volunteer dose end. >> survivor of two world trades. i owned a business in the tower. >> owner of a digital printing business in the south tower he nearly died on 9/11. his office was destroyed. >> the stairs are also known as the pathway to freedom. yet here he is, week after week,
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of it? >> i get a freedom from the -- from that day. >> reporter: what do you mean? >> there is a certain luggage that you carry since that day. for me it is a freedom to speak to the people and to share the experience but also it is cathartic. it lets me feel better in sharing my story with them. >> reporter: he is with another printing company now and could work anywhere. but his office is on the 85th floor of the new one world trade center. greg carafelo is the only twin towers businessman willing to take a chance on the site again. >> it is an act of pride. come back to one of the greatest in, looking at the way it is built, and the beauty of it. i think it is a salute to what we do in america. >> reporter: it is 1776 feet high, counting its spire. and like practically everything else on the 16-acre site it didn't happen without fights. over its design. over its name. one world trade center. instead of the original, freedom tower. over what if god forbid, there were another attack? one world trade center is built around a concrete core.
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strongest concrete every used anywhere in a skyscraper. and so, should anything happen, all of the occupants as well as all of the communication system thousands, everything you might need, it is all protected inside of the core. there are ghostly nods to the twin towers. but what's new here and what used to be called ground zero
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the oculus is a train station and shopping mall. >> when i came in here the first time. there was almost heavenly in a way. sunday morning commissioned photographer daniel jones to take these pictures. 15 years after 9/11, the world trade center is still a work in og not yet even begun. the cost -- $15 billion and counting. too much? a necessary downpayment on healing? 26,000 people worked on this site. they gave it their all. and in the process, of giving it their all, are doing back breaking work, they also were the beneficiaries of the redemption that comes with that. they were at the completion, they were at the wholeness, and there isn't a single person that did not say, they worked on this
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those who died. it is a place to look down and weep. weep. but it is also a place to look marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally ere's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover.
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max cover is another great way to lysol that. we brought our freshly made bed to the streets to find out how much people love clean sheets. take one of those pillows and take a big smell. they smell really fresh. oooh, this is hot! ts 7 days ago. really? no way are you serious? oh! no way! downy? uh. gimme! downy fabric conditioner. give us a week, and we'll change your bed forever. want more freshness? add new downy fresh protect. it's like deodorant for your clothes. downy, wash in the wow oh, dishwasher, why don't you dry my dishes? oh, he doesn't know any better. you just need to add finish? jet-dry? in the rinse aid compartment.
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than detergent alone. sorry dishwasher. finish? jet-dry?. for drier, shinier dishes. this pimple's gonna last forever. aw com'on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast. nine chimpanzees who spent their lives as laboratory experiments will soon be free. the group has been transported to a wildlife refuge in northern georgia where they will live out their days in the wild.
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from morganton, georgia. >> reporter: standing in the main cage of the chimp sanctuary and in the space because these chimps are in quarantine. last year all chimps were declared an endangered species. so for the girls no more testing. just a retire. that they deserve. one cage at a time. workers for the nonprofit group project chimp. for the last decade or so, each of them was prodded and poked and used in experiments. this sanctuary is their new home. and jessica hartell a prime toll gist is their director. >> 16 hours with nine chimps sound like the road trip from hell. how was it? >> kidding we didn't sleep. it wasn't super easy. we were excited. our adrenaline on high.
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the first time really. >> reporter: chimps are kidded the smartest primate, the closest relatives to humans which is why the new iberia research center in louisiana used 220 for medical testing. in 2009 undercover video shot by humane society showed terrified animals yanked from cages and strapped down for experiments. no more. on wednesday night, the first truck load of chimps left louisiana, bound for georgia. and the sprawling walled 236-acre preserve where all of the chimps eventually will room free. >> sarah beckler davis lead project chimp. >> this marks the end of privately funded research on chimpanzees in the u.s. a huge deal. end of an era for the guys. >> reporter: are you worried about ptsd. >> there are studies that show chimps out of research show signs of ptsd. we will look for the signs. >> nine new arrival will be quarantined and observed before the next month. hartell calls their release long overdue. >> there is a personality there.
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should be ashamed of ourselves for letting this happen to beings. real beings. >> reporter: all these chimps are between 10 and 13 years old have never touched grass or un chimps can live to be 50. once they're set loose into the sanctuary, these girls can look forward to a habitat that feels much more like home.
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more than 2 million men and women have served in our military since 9/11. i was privileged to serve with hundreds of thousands of them and now many are returning to civilian live. they are evaluating career options. beginning new jobs. and starting businesses. acp advisor net can help them. acp advisor net is a nonprofit online community where americans can provide advice to those who have served. now we can serve those who served us
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(franklin d. roosevelt) the inherent right to work is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources... ...and inspired as it should be to make those resources and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all... ...we approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now.
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it was 25 years ago this weekend that a little known garage band from seattle turned nirvana's megahit smsmsmsmsmsms and dorm rooms to this day. anthony mason has a look at the song and ? ? >> reporter: 25 years ago today, nirvana released their iconic hit "smells like teen spirit." and changed the music landscape forever.
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it a hard to sum up what was ground breaking abut teen spirit. it was that ground breaking. you hear all the time about music that changed the world. yet this actually did. teen spirit opened the door for grunge. changed what people wanted out of popular music. opened the door for punk rock and all of the anarchy and anger to enter the american popular mainstream. amazing. that'shy first single released off the band's second album, never mind was the only track in which all three members of nirvana, lead singer, kurt cobain, and the bassist and drummer, received the writing credit. ? ? surprisingly the song which many consider an anthem of generation x was not a hit at first. >> it certainly was not a hit. nobody really expected this song
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they didn't expect the record, never mind to be a hit. the label would have been happy if it sold 50,000 copies of this album. it ended up selling 10 million copies. the song's music individually had a lot to do with its success. it's hard to remember a time when mtv showed music videos they did. it was this one. it was a big deal. this video was different. it was dark. it was moody. it was angry. it was funny. but it was -- different. >> reporter: the song climbed to number 6 on the billboard chart. and smells like teen spirit has gone on to be considered one of the most influential songs of all
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[ bell tolls ] >> a bell rings at 8:46 a.m. the time that the first hijacked plane struck the world trade center on september nation, we remembers attacks that shook the nation. >> this is the cbs overnight news. welcome to the overnight news. it has been 15 years since the deadliest terror attack in the history of the u.s. 2,996 people were killed when terrorists hijacked four planes, crashed them into the world trade center, the pentagon and a field in shanksville, pennsylvania. the images are unforgettable. for many the 15 years feel like
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we will get to today's remembrances in a moment. we begin with new health concerns for democratic presidential nominee, hillary clinton. this morning, secretary clinton was at a memorial service at new york's ground zero. republican presidential nominee donald trump was also there. about 90 minutes in, mrs. clinton left saying sheelt overheated. before she was taken to her daughter a apartment. a camera captured mrs. clinton appearing woozie and losing balance as she was escorted into her suv. a short time l from her daughter's apartment. >> how are you feeling? >> i am feeling great. feeling great. >> dr. jon lapook, chief medical correspondent. would a diagnosis of pneumonia help explain why mrs. clinton looked wobbly. >> first to point out i am not mrs. clinton's physician and trying to put things in perspective based on limited information. pneumonia does help explain today's events. pneumonia can make you weak, dehydrated.
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dehydration, like he possibility for unsteadiness is relatively innocent, a vaso-vagal reflex. when a person's blood pressure and pulse drop, causing dizziness or fainting. today, she was apparently standing for more than an hour in hot humid weather. it was 80 degrees with over 50% humidity, wearing pants and long sleeves. total setup for a vaso-vagal. >> what is usual course of pneumonia? >> all depend on how severe. on underlying hea o patient. mrs. clinton's physicians have placed her on antibiotics implying they think bacteria are involved. still, we don't have much information including what tests have been done for example, what her chest x-ray shows. her physician advised her to rest. a tough prescription in the heat of a presidential campaign. >> dr. jon lapook. thank you. clinton's doctor released a statement saying mrs. clinton previously had been diagnosed
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rest. as the we mentioned there were memorial services across the nation sunday. in remembrance of the september 11th attacks, 15 years ago. here is jamie yuckas. >> at ground zero, 1,000 people, victims' families, dignitaries and politicians marked 15 years since 9/11. >> this is a country, we were never more reunited. >> readings and singers added for the milestone year. ? may you always do for others ? ? and let others do for you ? [ bell tolls ] >> the day started with the traditional moment of silence. a bagpipe procession played under overcast skies. tolling bells filled the air. my dad vincent worked in the north tower. >> relatives red the names of those killed in the terror
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it's been 15 years since i have seen that beautiful face and that funny smile. >> in washington, d.c., the american flag was unfurled over the side of the pentagon in the exact spot where the plane hit. killing 125 people. president obama thanked the men and women who have served the country since the attacks. >> thanks to their extraordinary service we have dealt devastating blows to al qaeda. we have delivered justice to osama bin laden. we have strengthened our holand security prevented attacks. in shanksville, the town held a lantern lighting saturday night. today, hundreds gathered to remember the 40 people killed on flight 93. >> tell stories of september 11th that encourage a new generation to learn about that day. be better. be braver. >> there are now more visitors
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than before 9/11 with a museum. transportation hub, shopping center and 60,000 new residents surrounding it. >> thank you, jamie. our justice reporter paula reid sat down with loretta lynch. they talked about the september 11th attacks and the new terror threats facing the u.s. >> on 9/11 i was actually in my apartment preparing to go to the world trade center. i had lunch with two friend, federal law enforcement agents who worked 15 years later, attorney general loretta lynch is responsible for preventing the next 9/11. >> the mandate now is to prevent terror attacks. obviously we still have significant issues, certainly globally. we have seen the rise of isil and affiliated groups. >> today, lynch says the greater threat to the u.s. is not well-organized teams of foreigners, but young loners with u.s. passports. >> the threat is primarily from those individuals who are
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extremists. in the cases we have charged we have seen them younger and younger. not only about half of our cases under 26, i think actually maybe a third of them are under 21. >> skillful use of social media helped isis inspire the deadliest terror attacks on u.s. soil since 9/11. first in san bernardino, and then orlando. this is a generation that is able to meet and develop relationships entirely online. >> very virtually. virtually. i think you have put your finger on one of t have the seen in the development of the threat. and we do see younger people, millenials as you indicated they live online anyway. and certainly, isil has taken advantage of that using the internet and the online virtual world to not only recruit but pass instructions through. >> i think -- >> lynch says her successor must prioritize law enforcement cooperation at home and abroad. >> that's something that i think lives on regardless of what
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that's in issue transcends politics or position. really goes to the heart of protecting who and what we are as a country. >> paula reid, cbs news, washington. ? >> attorney general loretta lynch among our guests as cbs this morning becomes the first program to broadcast live from the new smithsonian national museum of african-american history and culture in washington, d.c. that's first thing on cbs.
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cbs news poll out today find a tighter race in the key battleground state of florida. hillary clinton is now up just two points in the sunshine state. in ohio, another crucial battleground, clinton maintains a lead of 7 points. for more on this here is errol director, anthony salvanto in washington. >> on this 15th anniversary of 9/11. your battle line tracker looks into how best to combat terrorism, big differences between donald trump and hillary clinton supporters in answering the question, right? >> right. while most americans agree that the terrorist threat is still real and serious, the differences are that donald trump supporters are much more in favor of using military force to go against the terrorists, wherever possible.
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that's part of it. but not as large a part of the solution. >> let's just listen to how donald trump links terrorism to immigration. >> but we are allowing people to come here and we don't know do they turn on us? are a small percentage of them bad? if a small percentage is bad, that's not acceptable. >> donald trump is seen as being less prepare to be commander-in-chief based on your numbers is that changing? >> it is changing. he has made progress on that so. we asked people, what is it you want to see in a commander-in-chief? and, even though folks often talk about how much a potential president knows, and how much information they have, not everyone is looking for a lot of details. what they're looking for is a president who sets the big picture. whose values take the country in the right direction. especially, donald trump's voters. hillary clinton voters by contrast are looking for a
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>> hillary clinton made waves this weekend with something she said at a fund raiser friday. >> to just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the racists, sexists, homophobic, xenaphobic, islamaphobic, you name it. >> clinton regrets saying half but stands bite sentiment. she has been trying to woo donald trump supporters as well. any proof that that is working? >> some of his supporters are what we call reluctant republicans who have not yet been sold on donald trump. he its not doing as well with republicans as she has been doing with democrats. but we do not see a wholesale movement of republicans over to clinton. nor of democrats over to trump. >> thank you for walking us through all the new information.
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anthony salvanto. >> in syria, cease-fire expected to begin monday. part of an agreement between the u.s. and rush y wsia fighting o opposite side of the long, brutal war. >> reporter: today, new round of air strikes pounded aleppo. already ravaged by the five-year civil war. more than 100 people were killed across syria in a series of weekend attacks. tomorrow's cease-fire can't soon enough. under the agreement, the u.s., russia, and the russia-backed assad regime will stop air strikes so humanitarian aid can be delivered to civilians. u.s. backed rebel forces have also agreed to pull back from a key supply route to aleppo. and create a demilitaryized zone. if the partial cease-fire hold for one week, the u.s. and russia will then carry out joint
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enemy. the islamic state, and other militant groups. secretary of state john kerry forged the deal with his russian counterpart in geneva friday. and acknowledged success won't come easy. a similar deal was reached in february of this year. it fell apart when russia moved heavy artillery into aleppo to help assad forces. >> a lot of people watching this one, jonathan. thank you. for nearly two weeks, dozens of cargo sheets belonging to a shipping company have been stuck at sea. after the south korean company filed for bankruptcy. a judge cleared the way for some of the ships to unload. here is mireya villarreal. >> reporter: docking at port of long bills were guaranteed to pay its employees. patrick kelly represents impacted workers. >> another ship that is out on
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we don't know what the conditions are. of those workers on those ships. handles 8% of transatlantic shipping. the south korean based company had dozens of cargo ships floating at sea filled with $14 billion in product from companies, samsung, nike and forever 21. friday, a u.s. bankruptcy judge allowed four ships to dock. so far only one has. a director for retail association says the delay could impact one of the biggest shopping days of the year. it is september. can this really affect the holiday season? >> the long supply chains, this is, the beginning of peak season. this is when a lot of the shipping is happening. so, this does have the potential effect on the holiday shopping season. certainly more items as well. black friday. hopefully won't get to a pin the where that becomes a concern.
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delay in some cases. they're enlisting the help of shipping companies and deploying up to 20 replacement vessels to minimize the delays. >> mireya villarreal, thank you. coming up next, september 11th, tributes across the nfl on the first football sunday of the new season. red 97! set! red 97! did you say 97? yes.
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97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh... oh yeah, baby. geico's as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. alright kiddos! man. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that.
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by their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely to choose luvs than first time moms. new luvs with nightlock plus absorbs wetness faster than huggies snug & dry, to help stop leaks - even overnight. and you can save up to $150 per year by choosing luvs over huggies. live, learn, and get luvs. ? music ? extraordinary starts here.
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? ? in the early autumn of 2001, sports played a big role in the healing of america. today on the first football sunday of the new season, the nfl paid tribute t and heroes of 9/11. >> reporter: football used to be an escape from the real world. on the 15th anniversary of september 11th, it's a part of it. >> it is sunday. here in america, that means it is time for football. >> president obama kicked off the season. >> on this day, 15 years ago the world was shaken.
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players, coaches and politicians put on a display of red white and blue. vice president joe biden helped unfurl a giant flag in philadelphia. former new york city mayor, rudy giuliani, co-captained the jets. former president george w. bush tossed a coin and addressed the fans. >> we remember a lesson of 9/11 that evil is real and so is courage. >> in seattle, a reminder of larger divides. players linked arms to honor 9/11 and call attention to inequality as colin kaepernick has been doing. no, football isn't as carefree as it was 15 years ago. but neither is america. still ahead, like thousand
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enjoy the go with charmin. it is estimated 3,000 children lost a parent in the september 11th attacks. for many the trauma has followed them well into adulthood. 15 years later, brook silverbranga caught up. >> reporter: before he moved from new jersey he long did what he avoided visited his father's name at the memorial. >> i just stood there for a while and let it come out.
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now i can leave. >> reporter: the visit that finally helped him make peace with his father's death was 12 years after 9/11. we first talked to matt as the first anniversary approached. he was a rebellious 15-year-old with big plans. >> i had my dream of being a doctor the i know my dad wanted me to succeed. would be happy to see me grow up and go through medical school and pass all my classes and whatnot and make a lot of money and be happy. >> reporter: how did that dream turn? >> it turned out. >> reporter: today dr. van auken in his final year of medical residency. but his reasons for practicing medicine have changed. instead of a lucrative specialty he decided to become a family doctor. >> the moments of healing after my father's passing were in the people who approached me and said, man this sucks. and sat with me. >> reporter: you want to be that for someone else? >> yeah. >> reporter: matt says he found
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and annual letters to his dad. then i lit the letter on fire and let it -- i offered it away. >> reporter: last september he wrote about his marriage to jamie. this year he will share the news they're expecting a baby. >> i am going to be proud to tell them what kind of a person their grandfather was. tell them about what he taught me. that's -- to me the foundation for this family that jamie and i are building together now. up next, an iconic flag from new york's ground zero comes
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finally, you may remember the photograph, three new york city firefighters raising a flag at ground zero after the twin towers fell. the flag disappeared a short time later. now, 15 years later it has apparently been recovered. >> reporter: it was late in the afternoon of september 11th, 2001. the towers were down. the death toll was rising. that's when it happened. three firefighters on a smoldering pile of rubble hoisted a pristine american flag taken from a yacht nearby. tom van nessen was new york city's fire commissioner at the time. >> the guys were going through a terrible pain and suffering trying to rescue their brothers and civilians who we hoped were
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rescue. any kind of symbol like that flag or anything else that made the troops think there was, there was hope, there was something bigger than just us, was helpful. >> reporter: photographer thomas franklin snapped a picture of the moment. it made so many photos of the rubble, this image stood out of symbol of unbroken will, a defiant roar that echoed from coast to coast. the flag itself became famous. flying over yankee stadium, the uss roosevelt, and new yor hall. but, there was a problem. >> when they brought it back to city hall, and the three firefighters in the audience they said that's not the flag. >> how did they know? >> these guys are sharp guys. they knew it was so big it was definitely not the flag they had that day. >> reporter: november of 2014, 13 years and 3,000 miles away, the missing flag resurfaced just as mysteriously as it once
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everitt washington police department which investigated the case. >> the flag had been turned into the fire department in a joanne fabrics bag. kind of wadded up thrown in the bag. we looked at the flag. we had photos we had taken of it. it looked very similar to what we were seeing in the photographs and in the video. so, we thought, well, it is either an elaborate hoax or the real thing. >> after months of careful analysis, authorities are 99% certain it is indeed the real same size. same rigging. coated in the same dust that once choked ground zero. how was it lost in the first place? and who is the mystery man seen here in a police sketch, who returned it? >> we want to know all the details. try to actually trace it back throughout the years. so that's something we will be working on, right now just so thrilled that this is the actual flag that it is going to be here forever for people to see. that's the "overnight news" for this monday.
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continues. for others check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york. i'm reasena ninan. welcome to the "overnight news." i'm reena nina. bells tolled and tears fell as america paid tribute to those lost 15 years ago on 9/11. 2,996 people were killed when terrorists hijacked four airplanes and crashed them the world trade center. the pentagon and a field in shanksville, pennsylvania. all these years later the number of victims continue to rise. 5,000 cases of cancer linked to toxic dust workers encountered in lower manhattan. jim axelrod introduces us to one of the heroes fighting for his life. >> reporter: as an emt, sal spent months after the attacks working at ground zero during recovery effort. every september 11 since he
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now, in a cruel twist, sal is no longer the one providing the prayers, he is the one who need them. this is what really changed your life? >> yes. >> this is it. >> reporter: the diagnosis came last october. the sudden pain in sal tortaricci's stomach, cancer the doctors said. attacking several organs at once. >> they said the cancer was in him for approximately seven year i can't believe it. >> seven years it has been in him. not a pain. >> i didn't have any. >> blood. >> any kind of sign or symptom. >> after multiple surgeries doctors are telling the father of three there is little they can do. >> i want to be there for them. i want to walk my daughter down the aisle. i want to see my boys graduate college. i want to see this all happen. and i'm not sure i am going to got there. >> reporter: the federal government's world trade center health program has linked his
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at ground zero and he joins a growing list of responders who have fallen ill long after the attacks. as you began to see people get sick, were you worried about yourself? >> no. >> why not? >> i just didn't have any idea, didn't think about it. didn't think about it. >> dr. michael crane has given it plenty of thought. he runs the 9/11 health program clinic at mount sinai hospital in new york. >> sal's story, to being told more and more and more in the upcoming years? >> i want to say no. the answer is yes. >> reporter: among the nearly 75,000 responders and survivors, health officials are monitoring, they have certified more than 5,400 patients with 9/11 related cancers. and dr. crane says the numbers continue to rise. here at sinai.
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our population every week. >> 10 to 15 cases of first responders? >> per week. >> each week? >> each week. >> i have been in medicine for, 40-odd years. it's remarkable. >> responders who died from illnesses after the attacks are not among those listed at the national september 11 memorial. but a former ground zero construction worker is keeping track at his own memorial. 45 miles away. >> we're 15 years removed from 9/11. >> john feal adds new names every year to this wall on long island. >> sal, like the others was a warrior and still is. he is fighting the good fight. listen we are hoping for a miracle. reality dictates that sal goes on this wall. >> come do your tomatoes with dad. >> reality singing in on staten island where these parents say they'rdoing what they can while they can.
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children. >> don't forget about us. don't forget about the families that are -- >> you have got to remember. you have got to remember. >> remember what, sal? >> remember this is what happened. this is the history. this is our legacy. they died and are dying and hopefully that, you know, that you think about us and remember us and keep us in your prayers. >> reporter: early studi found 9/11 responders may have about a 10% to 30% higher risk of cancer than the general population. but doctors say there is still a lot of research that need to be done to understand exactly why this is happening. late last year, lawmakers passed a measure to spend more than $8 billion to extend health and compensation benefits to 9/11 survivors and responders. north korea continues to rattle its nuclear saber just
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largest nuclear test. the north called threats of new international sanctions laughable. north korea news agency claims the country has mastered the ability to mount a warhead on a ballistic missile. adriana diaz reports. >> reporter: this is north korea's second nuclear test this year alone and larst yet. this comes after the u.s. and south korea held joint military exercises last month. and amid planning for a u.s. missile defense shield on the korean peninsula. that's angered the nor further complicated an already tense situation. north korea said overnight the test was performed on a newly developed nuclear warhead at a remote site used for previous nuclear tests. south korean officials scrambled together an emergency meeting. on the way back from asia, president obama had separate phone calls with south korean president and japanese prime minister. the test violates five u.n. security council resolutions and
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secretary of state john kerry addressed the test from geneva. >> try still to monitor to fiend to to find out precisely what took place. >> reporter: earlier this week, pyongyang caused concern when they launched three missiles while china was hosting world leaders at the g-20 summit. pyongyang's nuclear program is a source of national pride. when we visited in may, the nation showcased a parade float celebrating their january 6 nuclear test. that month in a three-hour speech, leader kim jung-unpledged to use nuclear weapons in only self defense. china had harsh word for pyongyang condemning the nuclear test. china said it would lorj a for mall complaint with north korea's ambassador here. samsung warning consumers to stop using galaxy 7 smart phone because some phones have been catching fire.
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since samsung released galaxy note 7 phone, 35 reports around the world of the lithium ion batteries exploding. >> very surprising to me how quick the dash caught on fire. >> reporter: nathan's jeep caught fire after he left his phone inside to charge. >> the last thought in my head is that a brand new device, something, simple as a phone is going to burn down my car. >> reporter: earlier this week, some airlines urged passengers to avoid charging the phones while on board. last friday, samsung issued a voluntary recall for all 2.5 million phones. lithium ion batteries touted as the future but plagued with overheating and fires and in everything from hoverboard toys to e-cigarettes. in 2013. boeing was forced to ground all 50787 dream liners for three months because of problem with lithium batteries. samsung estimates one in every
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battery but is not taking any chances. samsung released a statement introducing new k-y touch gel cr?me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover.
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the terror attacks of september 11th are burned into the memory of most americans. 2,606 people were killed at the world trade center alone. among the dead, 343 firefighters. 60 police officers. and eight paramedics. now, 15 years later, there has manhattan. martha tischner takes us there. >> reporter: are they the tears of a nation weeping? or a soothing rain forever trying to wash away the horror of what happened here? this is where the twin towers
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bottom. and you cannot come here and forget for a moment that achingly perfect blue sky morning september 11th, 2001. >> another one. another plane just hit. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: when the planes hit. when the towers fell. when nearly 3,000 people died on this spot. but 15 years later, life co-exists with death. >> some people see a cleansing, a catharsis when they see the water. others see tears, what do you see? >> i see tears, but i also see diamond. >> judith dupris spent 20 years, documenting the world trade center site and has written a
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>> this project is as much a part of 9/11 as the falling towers were. it is all on a continuum. life is for the living. people need to live. it is a way of honoring the dead. since this memorial opened in 2011, nor than 28 million people have gazed at the names of the 9/11 dead. those killed at the world trade center, also, the 40 who died the shanksville, pennsylvania. and 184 others at the pentagon. a rose means it is someone's birthday. >> having your son's name on this panel, what does that mean to you? >> hopefully they will not forget him. >> reporter: his son jonathan was 29.
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tower. >> i brought the first lady of japan here, she immediately did this. water is very special. >> look holy water. >> yeah. it's natural. >> one of the so-called band of dads. retired firefighters who raced to the trade center site to help. and then, spent months digging through the rubble for the bodies of their sons. found. >> we found jonathan on the 11th of december. >> reporter: 15 years on, he is still here. an advocate for september 11th families. and co-founder of the 9/11 tribute center. >> when i had the coat, i could hug it. where his son's coat and helmet are now on display. jonathan and my buddies are
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difficult. >> reporter: 9 months after the world trade center attacks the site had been cleared. except for one nearly 60-ton beam. by then, covered with the names and photos and drawings of the people who had done the clearing. and just as it had each time human remains were found. activity at ground zero stopped when that last column was removed. and reverently borne away. but when the 9/11 memorial museum opened in 2014, 12 years later, there it was -- the building built around it. when you go there, it all comes
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if you lived in new york city. a sickness almost. >> john was a music and dance king. >> reporter: you're haunted again by the faces of the lost. all of the smiling people whose stories have to be told for them here. what you are looking at here is called impact steel. this is where 9/11 greg carefelo is a volunteer dose end. >> survivor of two world trades. i owned a business in the tower. >> owner of a digital printing business in the south tower he nearly died on 9/11. his office was destroyed. >> the stairs are also known as the pathw to freedom. yet here he is, week after week, right where it happened. >> reporter: what do you get out
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from that day. >> reporter: what do you mean? >> there is a certain luggage that you carry since that day. for me it is a freedom to speak to the people and to share the experience but also it is cathartic. it lets me feel better in sharing story with them. >> reporter: he is with another printing company now and could work anywhere. but his office is on the 85th floor of the center. greg carafelo is the only twin towers businessman willing to take a chance on the site again. >> it is an act of pride. come back to one of the greatest buildings i have been involved in, looking at the way it is built, and the beauty of it. i think it is a salute to what we do in america. >> reporter: it is 1776 feet high, counting its spire.
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else on the 16-acre site it didn't happen without fights. over its design. over its name. one world trade center. instead of the original, freedom tower. over what if god forbid, there were another attack? one world trade center is built around a concrete core. that core is made of the strongest concrete every used anywhere in a skyscraper. and so, should anything happen, all of the communication system thousands, everything you might need, it is all protected inside of the core. there are ghostly nods to the twin towers. but what's new here and what used to be called ground zero has been built to be beautiful. the oculus is a train station and shopping mall. >> when i came in here the first
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photographer daniel jones to take these pictures. 15 years after 9/11, the world trade center is still a work in progress. with as many as three buildings, not yet even begun. the cost -- $15 billion and counting. too much? or a necessary downpayment on healing? 26,000 people worked on this site. they gave it their all. and in the process, of giving it their all, are doing back breaking work, they also were the beneficiaries of the redemption that comes with that. they were at the completion, they were at the wholeness, and there isn't a single person that did not say, they worked on this
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weep. but it is also a place if you're taking prescription medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. and it keeps your mouth refreshed too. remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene,
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>> reporter: standing in the main cage of the chimp sanctuary and in the space because these chimps are in quarantine. last year all chimps were declared an endangered species. so for the girls no more testing. just a retire. that they deserve. one cage at a time. workers for the nonprofit group project chimp. unloaded all nine animals. for the last decade or of them was prodded and poked and used in experiments. this sanctuary is their new home. and jess sica hartell a prime tl gist is their director. >> 16 hours with nine chimps sound like the road trip from hell. how was it? >> kidding we didn't sleep. it wasn't super easy. we were excited. our adrenaline on high.
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>> reporter: chimps are kidded the smartest primate, the closest relatives to humans which is why the new iberia research center in louisiana used 220 for medical testing. in 2009 undercover video shot by humane society showed terrified animals yanked from cages and strapped down for experiments. no more. on wednesday night, the first truck load of chimps left louisiana, bound for geora. and the 236-acre preserve where all of the chimps eventually will room free. >> these cages are used. >> sarah beckler davis lead project chimp. >> this marks the end of privately funded research on chimpanzees in the u.s. a huge deal. end of an era for the guys. >> reporter: are you worried about ptsd. >> there are studies that show chimps out of research show signs of ptsd. we will look for the signs.
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quarantined and observed before the next month. hartell calls their release long overdue. >> there is a personality there. they're individuals. been used as a tool t and we should be ashamed of ourselves for letting this happen to beings. real beings. >> reporter: all these chimps are between 10 and 13 years old have never touched grass or swung from a tree. chimps can live to be 50. once they're set loose into the sanctuary, these girls can look forward to a habitat that feels much more like home.
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it was 25 years ago this weekend that a little known garage band from seattle turned the music world on its head. nirvana's megahit smells like teen spirit dropped like a bomb and became a song to rock bars and dorm rooms to this day. anthony mays on has a look at the song and the it spawned. 25 years ago today nirvana released "smells like teen spirit." ? ? and changed the music landscape
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it's hard to sum up what was ground breaking abut teen spirit. it was the ground breaking. you hear about music that changed the world and this actually did. teen spirit opened the door for grunge. changed what people wanted out of popular music. opened the door for punk rock and all of the anarchy and anger to enter the american popular mainstream. amazing. that's why it placed high. >> reporter: teen spirit the first single released o band's second album, never mind was the only track in which all three members of nirvana, lead singer, kurt cobain, and the bassist and drummer, received the writing credit. ? ? surprisingly the song which many consider an anthem of generation x was not a hit at first. >> it certainly was not a hit. nobody really expected this song to be a hit.
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never mind to be a hit. the label would have been happy if it sold 50,000 copies of this album. it ended up selling 10 million copies. the song's music individually had a lot to do with its success. it's hard to remember a time when mtv showed music videos they did. it was this one. this video was different. it was dark. it was moody. it was angry. it was funny. but it was -- different. >> reporter: the song climbed to number 6 on the billboard chart. and smells like teen spirit has gone on to be kidded one of the most influential songs of all time. >> that's the yo"overnight news for this monday. for some the news continues. for others check back later for
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morning. from the broadcast center in new from the broadcast center in new york, i'm reena ninan. captioning funded by cbs it's monday, september 12th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." surrounding her health, hillary clinton stumbles through a real health scare, dehydrated and dealing with pneumonia. how sunday's episode buried clinton's controversial quip about trump's voters. are from a field in shanksville, pennsylvania, and to ground zero. the nation remembers on the 15th anniversary of the september
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