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tv   Sunday Morning  CBS  October 2, 2016 5:00am-6:00am MST

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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for triple action cleanse brought to you by trusted therabotanics. for years, your body has struggled with the stress of our fast-paced lifestyle and the clogging build-up of our modern low-fiber diet full of processed food, chemicals, growth hormones, alcohol, and caffeine -- not to mention prescription drugs and toxins in right now, you could be carrying around as much as 10 pounds or more of putrid, rotting waste in your colon if you're not having two to three bowel movements each day. unfortunately, for many, irregularity is a huge problem and can have a dramatic and negative impact on your life, and may be the real reason why you suffer digestive problems like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and low energy. on this show, we're going to
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and enjoy renewed vitality. >> irregularity is a big problem. i can go a couple of days without going to the bathroom. i feel like it's really bad for my overall health. >> i am feeling bloated, and i feel like i've gained weight. >> my body just felt older, and it wasn't something i was used to feeling. >> i have a lot of bloating and gas, and i'm really ready for a change now. >> announcer: meet dr. michael ho. dr. ho is a practicing physician and educator who, after going through his own personal transformation, devotes his life to the science of natural medicine. his breakthrough formula triple action cleanse is sweeping north america, and changing the lives of countless people. >> within 10 days, i was already feeling my energy levels go up, and i just feel like i'm cleaner on the inside. >> with the triple action cleanse, i'm much more comfortable, much more at ease than i was, boy, for the last probably 20 years. >> i trust dr. ho, and i have not been disappointed with the results. >> announcer: and now, to
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your host, jeni bond. [ applause ] >> i'm jeni bond, and for the next half hour, i'm your guide through a journey where you will rediscover great health. is it possible that toxic waste building up in your system can cause bloating, stomach cramps, gas, indigestion, fatigue, weight gain, bad breath, or make your belly protrude? today, you'll discover how you can cleanse and enjoy renewed let me welcome dr. michael ho and his formula, called triple action cleanse. after going through his own personal health transformation -- from being overweight, having high cholesterol and high blood pressure to this incredible physique -- he made it his life's mission to share his secrets with you, and has helped millions worldwide live a healthy lifestyle. dr. ho, we're so excited to have you. >> hi, jeni. great to be here. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> hello, everyone.
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personal secret to health and vitality? feeling energized on the inside is as easy as 1, 2, 3. >> first, we're gonna show exactly why dr. ho's triple action cleanse, his best-selling health innovation ever, can work for even the most skeptical of people. >> now, i'm so excited, because the information i'm about to share with you is simply life-changing. many people are in need of a good digestive detox to help cleanse and revitalize their digestive system. i believe one of the most important things you can do to and to live healthier with less ailment is to take care of your digestive health. it all starts in the gut. >> now, could we talk a little bit about why our guts actually get out of balance, we get a little fatigued, and why do our bellies protrude even in the first place? >> jeni, let me show you so our audience can really understand how life-changing triple action cleanse can be. here's a food scale. now, here's some of the food that we eat every day.
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okay? pork, beef, all the different red meats? we know red meat contains antibiotics, chemicals, you know, a lot of insecticides, pesticides get in what you eat, and all the fats. well, that goes in your body. >> ugh. >> now, it doesn't always come out if you don't have a bowel movement, so you got extra weight. >> it's adding up. >> now, how many of you love a nice, hot, spicy sausage? i love that. but what goes in all those processed meats, okay? they put in everything. you probably don't want to know, jeni. >> i don't want to know. >> [ chuckles ] okay. now, sandwich meat -- again, many sandwicheyo now, think of different things in there that we don't want to keep inside. again, we'll put that in your body. and cheese. >> oh, my favorite. >> who doesn't love a cheese cracker and a nice glass of wine, okay? again, it's refined food, processed food. look at the weight just building up! >> oh, just building up. >> all right. now, packaged food. if you look in grocery carts, many people buy packaged food. why? because it's easy, it's quick, it's all ready. but packaged food is processed, so it's refined, okay?
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impacted in your intestine, clogging you up, allowing you to become irregular. that's why your belly protrudes out -- because you're putting all this in, it's got nowhere to go but out, okay? now... >> oh. >> ...lastly, sweets. okay, who doesn't love a cookie or a piece of cake, okay? too much sugar, too much refined carbohydrates. again, very refined food gets all inside. as you can see, we have all this impacted in your gut. and if you don't start removing it, guess what? you will be all blocked up. but, jeni, if you're like my granddaughter, who has a bowel movement after each meal -- after the meal, she's reducing what she is accumulating inside. now, normal physiology says this -- after we eat and drink, we're supposed to absorb the nutrients, absorb the water, and the rest is waste, and that should be going in the toilet, not staying inside. and that's why it's so important for all of us to have a clean digestive system, in order to avoid some of the digestive
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not at its optimal level. i was overweight. my blood pressure and cholesterol, they were rising. and i was not going to the bathroom every day. i knew my health was at risk, so i started to get healthier, exercise a lot more, okay? boom! >> [ gasps ] >> you know, you can do all kinds of exercise. >> what are you doing, dr. ho? >> but most importantly, i started to detox on a regular basis. since then, i've been feeling a lot more energetic. and now i have no problem going to the bathroom every day. i'm able to completely empty myself each time, and that feels waste -- it has to come out of our body if we're gonna have the energy, vitality, and we want to keep our immune systems high and our digestive issues low, and especially our tummies flat. >> within 10 days, i was already feeling my energy levels go up, and i just feel like i'm cleaner on the inside. >> with the triple action cleanse, i'm much more comfortable, much more at ease than i was, boy, for the last probably 20 years.
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bacterias. i just don't feel sluggish like i did. >> it's very important to have at least one healthy bowel movement every single day. for optimal health, two to three times a day is best. here's my rating system. you can give yourself a grade. are you a three-star daily eliminator, or a one-star daily eliminator? anything less than one time a day, doctor gives you no star for your digestive health. >> dr. ho, your triple a unique and comprehensive. do you mind showing us all about it? >> i'd love to show you. come on back here. you know, with my triple action cleanse system, you get everything you need for a complete cleanse. first, you'll get the cleanse & restore drink, a 90-day supply. you're also gonna get the 10-day detox herbal caplets, okay? now, more than that, you're gonna get 20 of the calm & cleanse tea. all three work together to give you a comprehensive cleanse to help restore your regularity.
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but extremely effective. you'll be going to the bathroom, but not running to the bathroom. >> could we start first with the cleanse & restore? >> absolutely. first, all you have to do is take a scoop. you can just mix it with your favorite juice or even put it in a smoothie. look at how well it's mixed. here, i'm gonna put this over there so i can make one for myself. this one's for you, jeni. >> i love it. now, first of all, look at this. this does not look like your regular fiber drink. now, i've been drinking this at home, and i love it. >> mm-hmm. >> see, it's -- that is "wow"! it's really refreshing, it zingy, it's lemony. i love drinking it every day. >> [ chuckles ] ahh! it's smooth and it's absolutely delicious. you know, it's 90% fiber. it's gluten-free. and, best of all, it's only 25 calories in one full serving. >> so, doctor, what makes this cleanse & restore unique from others? >> you know, my cleanse & restore contains three active components. no other cleanse that i know of contains the same. number one, it's my fibest soluble fiber.
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magnesium, an essential mineral that our body needs for many functions. you know, magnesium's very important for a digestive cleanse because it works on the cellular level to attract water in the intestine to lubricate the intestine and move waste through the bowels. number three, my cleanse contains a patented probiotic. this probiotic helps to bring balance back into your gut immediately. in summary, all three active ingredients in my cleanse & restore drink help you feel fuller, relieve regularity, and improve stool consistency. you will love it. it's a very gentle cleanse. you know, it's like scrubbing bubbles for your intestine. >> now, dr. ho, why do we need to scrub out our intestines? >> well, you know, one foot of our waste is bacteria. >> oh. >> if you suffer from constipation, you are keeping toxic bacteria inside... >> [ gasps ] >> ...two, three, four or more days until you eliminate. just think about that. can it be impacting your health
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bacteria inside? that's why it's important to cleanse. >> triple action cleanse is the fast and easy way to detox your body, reboot your elimination, and transform your health. when we come back, dr. ho has some more demonstrations for us. but first, let's hear how more people have transformed their health by using dr. ho's triple action cleanse. >> after taking the triple action cleanse, i feel like i've been cleaned out -- literally. [ chuckles ] i feel slimmer, and i feel like i have more energy. it's very effective, yet gentle. i wasn't running back and forth to the bathroom. it's been an amazing product for me. >> i can go a day, maybe two, without, you know, a bowel movement. within the first 10 days, i noticed the change in my bloatedness, that my belly went down, no stomachache, no cramps. and i feel like i actually have some regularity now. >> i feel older.
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more than i ever have before, and i don't like it. i'm extremely active. i love being active -- that's my life. and i was just feeling older. now that i'm on the triple action cleanse, i'm not feeling the bloatedness, the heavy, the gassiness -- anything that's making you feel older. i'm much more comfortable, much more at ease than i was, boy, for the last probably 20 years. >> announcer: for years, your body has struggled with the stress of our fast-paced lifestyle and the clogging build-up of our modern low-fiber diet full of processed food, chemicals, growth hormones, alcohol, and caffeine -- not to mention prescription drugs and toxins in your air and water. right now, you could be carrying around as much as 10 pounds or more of putrid, rotting waste in your colon if you're not having two to three bowel movements each day. well, it's time to stop. stop feeling weighed down, heavy and bloated, gassy, sluggish,
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dr. ho has helped tens of thousands to transform and revitalize their lives with his medical discoveries. triple action cleanse is his time-tested, natural secret to gently purify you from the inside out, restoring regularity and leaving you feeling lighter, slimmer, healthier, and more energetic. >> after two days on the triple action cleanse, i started feeling more energetic -- just more vibrant, more alive. >> i've done a cleanse in the past, and it was very harsh. th i highly recommend dr. ho's triple action cleanse. >> announcer: step one is dr. ho's amazing fast start herbal detox. six herbs cleanse the kidney, bladder, and urinary tract. six natural plant fibers scrub the gut. and four herbs promote peristalsis and push waste out of the colon. in just 10 days, you're well on the way to saying "goodbye" to toxic waste build-up and "hello" to regularity. >> the triple action cleanse herbal detox caplets really kickstarted the entire cleanse. you know, within the first 10
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feel a difference. >> announcer: step two is a full 90-day supply of dr. ho's delicious, natural cleanse & restore drink with fibest -- a patented soluble fiber that has been shown in scientific studies to improve regularity and relieve constipation. each glass of cleanse & restore contains a special form of magnesium that works on the cellular level to attract water into the colon, lubricating the intestines and moving built-up waste through the bowels. plus, patented probiotics to restore friendly intestinal bacteria vital for colon health and reducing gas and bloating. >> every time i drink the cleanse & restore fiber drink, i'm getting fiber, magnesium, probiotics. i feel like the chemicals are getting out of my body, the bacteria. it's just a wonderful way to start the day. >> announcer: cleanse & restore tastes like refreshing lemonade, so you'll love how it cleanses your system and restores gut health. it's unlike anything you've ever tried before. step three is dr. ho's calm & cleanse tea.
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elimination when you wake in the morning. >> the calm & cleanse tea, it really helped me sleep at night. waking up not being bloated at all on the triple action cleanse, it's made me [chuckles] a happier and more energetic person, that's for sure. >> announcer: so, how much is your good health worth to you? thousands of satisfied customers have paid the full retail price to follow dr. ho's original 90-day detox program. but you won't pay full price, not even close. call right now and you can save 50% when you try dr. ho's for 90 days. that's right -- risk free. you get the herbal detox caplets, the cleanse & restore drink mix, and the calm & cleanse tea to try for a full 90 days so you can see and feel the life-changing results. and that's not all. call in the next 20 minutes, and dr. ho will also include a free bottle of citratrim, a patented blend of natural citrus extracts. in a clinical study, people taking citratrim lost 10% of belly fat and 2 inches off their hips and waist.
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it's yours free just for trying triple action cleanse. so call or click now to order dr. ho's full 90-day triple action cleanse system risk free with an instant 50% discount and a free bottle of citratrim. dr. ho guarantees you'll experience improved regularity without discomfort, relief from constipation, reduced gas and bloating, better sleep, renewed energy, and mental clarity, or dr. ho will buy his triple action cleanse back no questions asked. >> please join me an of others on the road to energy, vitality, and good health with triple action cleanse. i promise you, you will love my triple action cleanse. [ applause ] one thing i've learned after working with thousands of patients over the past years is that people want to see results fast. >> yes, they do. >> [ chuckles ]
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you know, it contains a complex of 16 herbal ingredients. six of those herbs are traditionally used to cleanse the kidney, the bladder, and the urinary tract. now, four of those herbs help to promote peristalsis to gently push the waste out of the colon. and a special blend of six natural fibers to scrub the gut. you know, these incredible herbs all help to jumpstart the detox program effectively and gently. there have been autopsies performed showing there's up to 10 pounds of old fecal matter in the gut. >> ugh. >> it's unhealthy. when they're full of toxins, everything in the body slows down. the goal is to cleanse through proper elimination and restore through better gut health to help you feel better and slimmer on the inside, all with more energy and vitality. most people can start to see and feel the difference in about 10 days. >> after the first 10 days of taking triple action cleanse, i became more regular. i didn't feel as bloated and
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i was starting to remember names and addresses and phone numbers faster. my energy levels are way back up again, and i just feel like i'm cleaner on the inside. i highly recommend dr. ho's triple action cleanse. i feel fantastic. >> why don't i go ahead and demonstrate to you, okay... >> all right. >> ...why a lot of people have digestive issues. now, we have this bowl that represents our gut, okay? >> mm-hmm. >> can you hold that for me, please? >> i will hold it for you, yes. >> i have a new granddaughter. >> aww. >> okay, now, i notice with her and with other infants that after ch minutes later, they'll go to the bathroom and they'll have a very happy poop because their digestive system is very healthy. >> right. >> so, this is what happens. let's say, after breakfast... >> all right. ready to go? >> okay, 10 minutes later... >> there you go. >> and in the toilet it goes. >> there you are. >> after the next meal... >> and... >> again, 10 minutes later... >> like clockwork. there you go. >> that's normal physiology. okay, after each meal, you go to the bathroom shortly after because we stimulate the peristalsis. now, unfortunately, with most adults, that does not happen,
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>> okay. >> okay? we put food in. >> mm-hmm. >> we don't go to the bathroom. >> we live stressful lives. >> well, stressful lives, and also, the modern food we eat... >> like this. >> ...a lot of them are so well-processed that they're so refined they actually get sticky and they get stuck in your bowel. we put all that junk in our system... >> ugh. right. >> ...and we don't eliminate. this is what's happening. that's why a lot of you feel this. >> yeah. >> you feel heavy, your gut protrudes, you get gas. after a while, the food dries up. >> i did your cleanse. >> yes. >> i started to feel instantly i had more energy. >> yes. >> and the best part -- my stomach just flattened right out. >> the triple action cleanse was actually quite easy to take. i'm, you know, much more energized. no stomachache, no cramps. and i'm ready for the day. >> so many cleanses are you just running to the bathroom and back and forth. but this one, you can get on with your life, have a regular day, and have the energy that you need to get through each day.
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calm & cleanse tea? >> well, first, let me make you a nice cup of tea, here. >> i would love it. >> i love this tea. i drink it every night before i go to bed. it's very relaxing and puts me right to sleep, okay? >> smells really good. >> i love the smell, okay? now, basically, we just put some hot water in, mix it a little bit. you know, i created this calm & cleanse tea to help keep my -- you know, keep our digestive system relaxed and optimized. you simply drink a cup of this delicious tea one or two evenings a week. it's very relaxing, very in ensure easy elimination when you wake up in the morning. >> the calm & cleanse tea, it's gonna keep you relaxed. it helps the body gently move the yucky stuff out, so when you wake up, you're gonna be more productive in the bathroom, and...dr. ho, it tastes great, but you're gonna feel great all day. >> that's right. my triple action cleanse attacks the problems from all angles. >> announcer: for years, your body has struggled with the stress of our fast-paced
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diet full of processed food, chemicals, growth hormones, alcohol, and caffeine -- not to mention prescription drugs and toxins in your air and water. right now, you could be carrying around as much as 10 pounds or more of putrid, rotting waste in your colon if you're not having two to three bowel movements each day. well, it's time to stop. stop feeling weighed down, heavy and bloated, gassy, sluggish, tired and foggy headed. dr. ho has helped tens of revitalize their lives with his medical discoveries. triple action cleanse is his time-tested, natural secret to gently purify you from the inside out, restoring regularity and leaving you feeling lighter, slimmer, healthier, and more energetic. >> waking up not being bloated at all on the triple action cleanse has made me [chuckles] a happier and more energetic person, that's for sure. >> taking triple action cleanse, i've found to have a lot more
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grandson. he thinks, you know, that i'm gonna tire out, and i surprise him when i don't. >> announcer: step one is dr. ho's amazing fast start herbal detox. six herbs cleanse the kidney, bladder, and urinary tract. six natural plant fibers scrub the gut. and four herbs promote peristalsis and push waste out of the colon. in just 10 days, you're well on the way to saying "goodbye" to toxic waste build-up and "hello" to regularity. step two is a full 90-day supply of dr. ho's delicious, natural cleanse & restore drink with fibest -- a patented soluble fiber that has been shown in scientific studies to improve regularity and relieve constipation. each glass of cleanse & restore contains a special form of magnesium that works on the cellular level to attract water into the colon, lubricating the intestines and moving built-up waste through the bowels. plus, patented probiotics to restore friendly intestinal bacteria vital for colon health and reducing gas and bloating.
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calm & cleanse tea. this evening tea promotes restorative sleep and gentle elimination when you wake in the morning. so, how much is your good health worth to you? thousands of satisfied customers have paid the full retail price to follow dr. ho's original 90-day detox program. but you won't pay full price, not even close. call right now and you can save 50% when you try dr. ho's triple action cleanse risk free for 90 days. that's right -- risk free. you get the herbal detox caplets, the the calm & cleanse tea to try for a full 90 days so you can see and feel the life-changing results. and that's not all. call in the next 10 minutes, and dr. ho will also include a free bottle of citratrim, a patented blend of natural citrus extracts. in a clinical study, people taking citratrim lost 10% of belly fat and 2 inches off their hips and waist. citratrim is a $40 value, but it's yours free just for trying triple action cleanse.
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triple action cleanse system risk free with an instant 50% discount and a free bottle of citratrim. dr. ho guarantees you'll experience improved regularity without discomfort, relief from constipation, reduced gas and bloating, better sleep, renewed energy, and mental clarity, or dr. ho will buy his triple action cleanse back no questions asked. >> please join me and thousands of others on the road to energy, vitality, and good health with triple action cleanse. triple action cleanse. [ cheers and applause ] look at this, okay? look on this table. i have examples of the equivalent of what we are putting into our body each and every year. you know, from getting fast food, prepackaged food. according to the usda, we consume 150 pounds of refined
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>> oh, wow. >> i read another report that says that the average american consumes 75 pounds of oils and fats. >> oh. [ sighs ] >> you know? oil and fat's everywhere. it's in the fried food that we eat -- you know, the salad dressing, the oil and fat in prepackaged food. there's oil everywhere. you know, we consume approximately -- guess what... >> what? >> ...130 pounds of meat every year. >> 130 -- for one person? >> all of this -- the chemicals, sugars, fats, toxins -- all goes in your body. and for many people, they don' leave the body at the same rate. everything on this table is part of what is getting trapped inside your body every single day. and that's why you should do a cleanse. in fact, you need to do a cleanse a few times a year just to get all this gunk out of your body. >> it's that simple. it's just 1, 2, 3. that's it. >> now that, you know, i've been through it, i don't feel
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[ applause ] >> now, you were telling me earlier that a lot of this has to do with our busy modern lifestyle, that we're no longer -- we're not cooking our own foods anymore, we run around stressed all day, and then what do we do? we go through the drive-through and we're eating fast foods. now, we're trying to eat healthy, but a lot of us, maybe, we're not eliminating our waste, so all of this stuff gets trapped just inside. >> exactly. if this is your meal... >> ...and if you don't eliminate on a daily basis, this meal contains fat, toxins, artificial chemicals, preservatives, and all of the bad stuff just sits there. and because it sits there, it allows your intestine a lot of time to absorb it. >> ugh. >> if my napkin here represents your gut wall, watch what happens when this sits there -- ugh! [ audience groans ] look at that. this is what goes into your bloodstream, making you prone to weight gain, clogged arteries,
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look, you've got to eliminate on a daily basis, because when this sits in your gut, it starts to rot, it starts to fermentate. you get bloating, you get gas, you get toxins and fat being absorbed. you need to get yourself cleansed so you don't keep this, you put this in the toilet, where it belongs. >> we're not eliminating properly because maybe we're stressed, we're taking medication, and our lives -- they're just harried. so, all of this gets trapped right inside. >> i've done a cleanse in the past, and it was very harsh. this was very gentle. i highly recommend dr. ho's triple action cleanse. >> dr. ho, what can we tell people that may have actually had a bad experience with a detox program? some people, they've had experiences like getting headaches and cramps, and some people, maybe having to run to the bathroom unexpectedly. >> yes. you know, i designed this system for myself and for my patients. i would not want to have headaches or cramps. i don't want to be running to the bathroom throughout the day. and i wouldn't have many
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experience like that. my triple action cleanse is very gentle, will cause no change to routine, no special times, no planning ahead. every day, you just go, easy, with no straining or waiting. >> now, i feel lighter. my bloating, it's much less. and, really, i love the fact that my belly, it just feels flatter. >> please, join me and thousands of others on the road to energy, vitality, and good health with triple action cleanse. i promise you, you will love myr >> the number on the screen, it gives you access to this special, tv-only offer. it's not available in stores. so, you can try triple action cleanse for yourself. and thank you, dr. ho, so much for bringing us this incredible health breakthrough, and thank you for watching, everybody. bye-bye. >> bye-bye. thank you. >> here we go. cheers. >> cheers. >> i love it. [ applause ] >> announcer: so call or click now to order dr. ho's full 90-day triple action cleanse
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50% discount and a free bottle of citratrim. dr. ho guarantees you'll experience improved regularity without discomfort, relief from constipation, reduced gas and bloating, better sleep, renewed energy, and mental clarity, or dr. ho will buy his triple action cleanse back no questions asked. the preceding was a paid presentation for triple action cleanse brought to you by therabotanics, leaders in science-based health
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for cindy crawford's new meaningful beauty ultra, brought to you by guthy-renker, you'll discover the secrets to not only aging gracefully, but beautifully
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is really more my philosophy on living, which is just do it well, take care of yourself. it's about celebrating where you are and being the best you that you can be in that moment. then it's not aging, you're just living. (female narrator) in the next few minutes, some of the world's most inspiring women will share with you the secrets to looking as young on the outside as you feel on the inside. (valerie) i am 54 years old, and i feel like i have that little extra oomph that i need because my skin looks good. there's no question that my skin is better now than it was five years ago. (norma) at 65 years old, i feel absolutely fabulous, and when i look in the mirror, i feel beautiful. (linda) i'm 51 years old and my skin has never looked better. (soft music) hi, i'm valerie bertinelli. let's face it: we're all getting older, but does that mean we have to look older?
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just look at cindy crawford, for example. after three decades on the job, cindy crawford is quite possibly the most celebrated supermodel of all time. today, at age 48, cindy's skin looks as young and gorgeous as ever. it's as if she's made time stand still. i mean, just look at these pictures from age 28 to 48. her skin has barely changed. the new york daily news says, "cindy crawford defies the laws of aging." "cindy crawford hasn't aged a bit." what is cindy's secret? because whatever she's doing, it's obviously working. (male narrator) cindy's secret is french anti-aging specialist dr. jean-louis sebagh, known the world over as the emperor of anti-aging, a miracle worker, and the youth guru. known the world over as the emperor of anti-aging, (female narrator) his groundbreaking formulas are based on the discovery of a rare melon that seems to defy the aging process.
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and even after the first time i saw him, my skin, it was just glowing. it was like it had come alive, and it kept getting better. (dr. sebagh) when cindy came to see me, i told her, "you're gonna look amazing at 35, you're gonna look amazing at 45, and 50 and so on." that was my promise to cindy. (male narrator) the results cindy got at dr. sebagh's office were incredible. but cindy wanted to continue her treatments at home. (female narrator) so dr. sebagh created and s wasn't long before she started sharing these formulas with family and friends. (male narrator) from there, it grew to become meaningful beauty, the global skincare phenomenon that's loved by mo than two million women around the world. (cindy) it's so satisfying to kn that you created a product that people are loving and using, and it's giving them confidence about their skin. i mean, i don't know a better, more satisfying feeling than that.
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to only be available to the rich and famous and make it accessible to everyone. (lana) to be able to use the same products as one of the biggest supermodels on the planet, that's amazing. it's like getting the secret potion that everybody wants. (male narrator) and now, meaningful beauty introduces a new system, meaningful beauty ultra, the next level skincare system from cindy and dr. sebagh with new science annew ingredients for extraordinary youth enhancing results. and i also love working on what's the next thing. how can we make it even better? (dr. sebagh) today, we have created a product using new families of active ingredients. now with meaningful beauty, you can reallyccess the most sophisticated skincare product, the best that science can deliver today. (female narrator) meaningful beauty can significantly reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, improve tone, texture, and radiance,
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prove it. there's no trick photography, no makeup, and no photoshopping. (female narrator) these are real women just like you who used meaningful beauty and saw real results. (stephanie) meaningful beauty has turned back the clock. i look so much younger than i did five years ago. (antoinette) my skin looks smoother, softer, firmer. i find that i've been doing this... ? (laughs) ...because it looks so good and it feels so good. (female narrator) and it just keeps getting better. innovation from dr. sebagh, a brand new super serum with an exclusive new ingredient you can't get anywhere else. it's called the ultra lifting and filling treatment, and the results will amaze you. (cindy) what i'm so excited about is that it brings two new advanced benefits to meaningful beauty that we haven't had before: lifting and filling. it fills in the little lines, the little crevices, the little imperfections. if you try this, you are going to be thrilled.
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ey as she catches up with cindy on location around the world. (female narrator) as cindy shares how you can get access to the wonder doctor, whose amazing formulas have worked their magic on cindy for over 20 years. then, hear the story of one lucky customer who shared a meaningful moment with cindy. (kitty) at that moment, she looked at me, she said, "wow, you have amazing skin." (male narrator) then, if you think it's makeup that gives cindy's skin that flawless glow of youth, think again. when she takes the makeup off to show you her bare skin up close. (male narrator) and imagine if you could have every one of cindy's youth enhancing secrets for yourself at more than half off the regular price. just watch for the special promo code when it shows up later in the show, and get 50% instant savings thanks to cindy. (female narrator) if you'd like to look years younger with skin that appears radiant, youthful, and wrinkle free,
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the age-defying magic of new meaningful beauty ultra. ? i first met cindy crawford about four years ago. at that time, i was flying backwards and forwards to england all the time, and i went to the airport and i was sitting in the lounge and in came what can only be described as a vision, a vision of loveliness. she's glowing, she looks vibrant. she is barefaced cindy crawford, something that she was doing to make herself look the very best she can be, um, and it was only later that i discovered that her secret was meaningful beauty. anyway, a few weeks ago cindy invited me to stop by the set of her latest photo shoot to learn more, and, well, what can i say? when cindy calls, a girl can't say no. hello. thank you so much for letting me come down today.
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but i'm going to. i'm gonna put myself-- i have a feeling you know my age. (laughing) i kind of do, i've done my research. -okay, good. -it is? -forty-eight. -forty-eight. i--i'm 48. i can't believe it when i say that, 'cause actually what i was thinking in the car driving here this morning was, "i'm almost 50!" and you look incredible. i actually can't believe it. and who wouldn't want to use what you're using? what's the secret? -meaningful beauty. -meaningful beauty. -yeah, it's true. -that really is the secret. i mean, i can't believe at this point that people still ask me, "well, now, come on, you know, i have gotten such great results myself from meaningful beauty. it's what i use every day. and i want to share that. what inspired you to create meaningful beauty with dr. sebagh? well, i was first introduced to, um, dr. sebagh by a friend of mine who's a makeup artist. i was 28 years old. and i went to his office, which is on, like, a little residential street in paris. he came to the door himself. he just has this incredible smile and great energy.
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-it's like my skin woke up. . i wouldn't have known that my skin was dull until he brought it back to life, and then i was like, "wow, i don't know what you did to me, but my skin looks amazing." so then i--i would just check in with him whenever i was in paris and get a little treatment. and then i got married and i had kids, and i stopped traveling as much. so i kept calling him, like, "come on, can't you just bottle that stuff or send me some stuff?" and we were joking about it --eventually it was like, no, really, why don't we bottle this stuff? and that was the little seed that started meaningful beauty. (dr. sebagh) the idea was to create a skincare regime for cindy, definitely for her aging process, and then she wanted to share with every woman. that's the secret of cindy. she's the girl next door, and it's all about giving back. she's amazing. well, everybody wants to look like cindy. i mean, she looks more radiant now than she ever has,
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i have to have what cindy's using. ? (cat) cindy, what's so special about the meaningful beauty melon? the thing that's incredible, and you see, the melon that we use side by side with a melon, a very similar variety, and the one is rotting and decaying, and the meaningful beauty melon stays fresher and firmer longer. (cat) it's exactly what you want your skin to do. absolutely. (male narrator) the secret that makes eauty so effective is a groundbreaking discovery from the south of france, a rare melon that seems to halt the aging process. this melon produces a large quantity of an antioxidant enzyme called sod. the enzyme keeps this unique melon from decaying and helps prevent cells from aging as fast as they normally would. (dr. sebagh) what's unique with meaningful beauty is we use this very powerful super antiox
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which is exclusive to meangful beauty. ebra) there's something in those extracts that turns back time. actually, my skin just gets better and better. ? (cat) now cindy, every meaningful beauty campaign, we always do a comparison of then and now pictures. -yes. -do you want to do it? -sure. -can we do it? okay, fine. here, i've prepped this. so this is you age 28. (cindy) this is the age i was when i started with dr. sebagh, -good. -okay. -forty-one. -yes. (cat) very little difference to me. and then again, 28 and 45. i mean, to me, the don't seem to be any difference at all, and then this is the full 20 years. -this is age 28 and age 48. -yes. right, these are just from a red carpet event, so there's no special lighting, nso that is a great comparison that anybody can see. what i see when i look at those pictures
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we're all getting older every day, but you want to look good doing it. -oh, why not? -and that's what meaningful beauty is about. ? what happens when a world- renowned skin doctor from france discovers an age-defying secret and then he teams up with quite possibly the world's most beautiful supermodel? yoget a skincare system like none other. now, wouldn't you want to try it? (male narrator) call the number on your screen now and we'll rush you new meaningful beauty ultra, that contains dr. sebagh's groundbreaking melon discovery, the miracle ingredient that can give you gorgeous, youthful looking skin at any age. (female narrator) first, you get cindy's luxurious skin softening cleanser. use it with water or without to cleanse and remove makeup, even eye makeup, leaving your skin soft, dewy, and refreshed. (male narrator) next, you'll get our antioxidant day creme
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(female narrator) plus, vital spf 20, all in one light, moisturizing creme. (male narrator) you'll also receive the miracle lifting eye creme that can reduce the look of dark circles and crow's feet. (female narrator) you'll be amazed by how bright, lifted, and refreshed your eye area can look. the lifting eye creme is amazing. the lines are smoother, your eye looks brighter, and it just is magic in a tube. l-o-v-e. i love it. sets this new system apart: premium serums. serums give your skin a concentrated boost of ingredients to supercharge your results. and now with new meaningful beauty ultra, you get not one, but two luxurious anti-aging serums. (female narrator) for day, you get dr. sebagh's latest breakthrough, the all-new ultra lifting and filling treatment. it helps visibly firm, tighten, and lift skin. (male narrator) plus, it works
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of lines and wrinkles. (female narrator) in fact, it's so effective instyle magazine compares it to a photoshop blur tool for real life. i really noticed a difference. it's like firmer and lifted. it's incredible. (male narrator) and for nighttime, you'll get dr. sebagh's groundbreaking creme de serum with three powerful age-fighting formulas swirled into one. (female narrator) it nourishes and helps fight the signs of aging while you sleep so you can wake up to skin ighter, smoother, and younger looking. the creme de serum is my favorite part of the whole line. you use the rest of the products and they work and they're beautiful, and then you apply this stuff, and then you're like, "boom." (male narrator) in europe, women have lined up to buy meaningful beauty and have paid 275 euros for a kit. that's more than 300 dollars us. so meaningful beauty's regular price of only $119 is already a fantastic bargain.
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you save even more. (male narrator) call the toll-free number on your screen now, mention promo code mb15, and get 50 percent instant savings. (female narrator) that's right, all you'll pay is just $59.95 for five premium products that can deliver such dramatic visible age-defying results. (april) meaningful beauty has transformed my skin. it's a complete line, and every product works off of the last product, (male narrator) and now is the best time to buy because the first 500 callers right now who mention today's promo code, mb15, get a fantastic free gift set. cindy's irresistible glamour and glow duo worth $85. you'll get dr. sebagh's "model secret," his sensational glowing serum, a favorite of hollywood insiders.
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an instant glow to your face. (male narrator) you'll also receive the amazing skin polishing brush. this luxurious two-speed brush goes beyond basic cleansing to unclog pores and gently exfoliate, powering away dry, dead skin cells revealing smoother, more radiant looking skin. and it's yours free. it's soft, the bristles are soft, and it makes me feel like i'm taking care of myself. (male narrator) you get all this, plus the skin polishing brush. for just $59.95. (female narrator) but what if we could go even lower? (male narrator) call in the next 14 minutes, use today's special promo code, mb15, and you won't pay $59.95... (female narrator) not $49.95... (male narrator) ...but just $39.95 for everything you see here. (female narrator) but you must act quickly. maybe you're hesitant to buy something off tv, but don't be.
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just return it and get your money back. (male narrator) even if you decide to return it, you can keep the free gifts as our special thank you just for giving it a try. what have you got to lose? (antoinette) i cannot tell you how much better i feel my skin looks. with meaningful beauty, you will absolutely see results. (male narrator) call now and be sure to mention today's special promo code to unlock all your discounts and free gifts. (female narrator) hurry and we'll even fast track your order ipping. (male narrator) this special offer is not available anywhere else, and supplies are limited. (female narrator) call now and get beautiful, youthful looking skin with the new meaningful beauty ultra system. ? there is not a day that goes by that a woman doesn't approach me and say, you know, "i love meaningful beauty. i've been using it for," you know, a year or two years or three years. and that is so satisfying
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ndy at the airport, and i just walked over to her and i said, "hi cindy, my name is kitty. i've been using your product, uh, meaningful beauty for the last three years now," and i said, "i just absolutely love it." (cindy) she's like, "i'm the biggest fan of meaningful beauty. i tell all the girls here about it." and she just had beautiful skin, a beautiful smile, not a stitch of makeup. at that moment, she looked at me, she said, "wow, you have amazing skin." and i told her, "this is the first product that i've ever used that i've seen results so quickly, and that everyone else can see." the beauty of taking care of your skin and feeling good about your skin goes so far in giving you confidence and self esteem in your day, and i saw it on kitty's face that day. i mean, i don't know a better, more satisfying feeling than that. it really makes my day. it sounds cheesy, but it really does. ? bonjour! cat deeley here. now, imagine my surprise when cindy crawford called
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and we're about to find out what it is. i cannot believe i'm in paris. it's so exciting! thank you so much for inviting me. no, it's great. every time i come back... -...i just feel, like, so lucky. -yeah. this time i brought my daughter, and so we're getting to see the city in a different way. (cat) what a lovely trip. (cindy) and really this was the birthplace of meaningful beauty, so it's the perfect place for us to come and talk about what we have coming next. well, yes. i understand that you and dr. sebagh are working on a brand new special serum. th is ounew ultra lifting and filling treatment, and why i'm so excited about this is that it brings two new advanced benefits to meaningful auty, lifting and filling. (cat) so it helps visibly lift your skin, and also fills in the lines and the wrinkles. how does it do it? it has the same ingredient that doctors most commonly use in injectable fillers. this is topical, but it's able to get into the skin
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s helps give you that firm, smooth, lifted look that we all want. and you don't have any of the risks, expense, or pain of injections. ah, that's brilliant! meaningful beauty keeps revolutionizing skincare, and there's a huge buzz around the ultra lifting and filling treatment. it's like a multitasking powerhouse. it helps wrinkles and fine lines appear minimized, and it lifts your skin. i certainly have seen all the rage of botox and all the things you can do that's very invasive, and i just didn't want to do that to myself, that actually showed results. i love the way that i can look in the mirror and see that my skin is so much more smooth, and it's just gotten better as i've began using this every single day. i love it. so far i've gone 54 years without putting a needle in my face, and i don't want to. so if i can get a line filling effect without actually putting needles in my face, oh, goodness, sign me up. (male narrator) the all-new ultra lifting and filling treatment
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that's earned rave reviews from top beauty editors. (male narrator) and is transforming women's skin around the world. (cat) since i've been using meaningful beauty, i've definitely seen differences in my skin. my skin springs back, it looks more youthful, but more than that, it feels as though it's actually nourishing your skin, and changing it. my skin has been a problem my whole life. my skin is sensitive, so i have lots of patches and--and pigmentation issues. since i've started meaningful beauty, my skin is completely transformed. my pores look smaller. the little lines started to disappear. i look younger now than i did five years ago. i know that when i use meaninul beauty now, that i'm doing the best i could possibly do for my skin.
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e system, and what that means for me is that i don't have to think andabout anything else. me i know that these products are gonna give me everything i need for my skin. (male narrator) with just onphone call, cindy's complete system can be yours. (female narrator) first, you get cindy's luxurious skin softening cleanser. use it with water or without to cleanse and remove makeup, even eye makeup, leaving your skin soft, dewy, and refreshed. (male narrator) next, you'll get our antioxidant day creme for a rejuvenated look and a healthy all-day glow. (female narrator) plus, vital spf 20, all in one light, moisturizing creme. (male narrator) you'll also receive the miracle lifting eye creme that can reduce the look of dark circles and crow's feet. (female narrator) you'll be amazed by how bright, lifted, and refreshed your eye area can look. the lifting eye creme is my favorite product. i feel like my eyes are more toned, brighter, and i can feel it working.
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premium serums. serums give your skin a concentrated boost of ingredients to supercharge your results. and now with new meaningful beauty ultra, you get not one, but two luxurious anti-aging serums. (female narrator) for day, you get dr. sebagh's latest breakthrough, the all-new ultra lifting and filling treatment. it helps visibly firm, tighten, and lift skin. (male narrator) plus, it works as a non-invasive line filler to plump up the look this multitasks. it lifts, it fills. woohoo! yes. it is awesome. (male narrator) and for nighttime, you'll get dr. sebagh's groundbreaking creme de serum with three powerful age-fighting formulas swirled into one. (female narrator) it nourishes and helps fight the signs of aging while you sleep so you can wake up to skin that is visibly firmer, brighter, smoother, and younger looking.
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(male narrator) in europe, women have lined up to buy meaningful beauty and have paid 275 euros for a kit. that's more than 300 dollars us. so meaningful beauty's regular price of only $119 is already a fantastic bargain. (female narrator) but because cindy is bringing dr. sebagh's elite formulas directly to you with no retail markups, you save even more. (male narrator) call the toll-free number on your screen now, mention promo code mb15, , all you'll pay is just $59.95 for five premium products that can deliver such dramatic visible age-defying results. (april) since using meaningful beauty, my skin looks radiant, the lines have filled in, and, oh my goodness, my skin smiles every day because of meaningful beauty. (male narrator) and now is the best time to buy because the first 500 callers right now
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cindy's irresistible glamour and glow duo worth $85. you'll get dr. sebagh's "model secret," his sensational glowing serum, a favorite of hollywood insiders. (dr. sebagh) ah, this is my red carpet secret for my celebrities. it will re-firm, hydrate, and it will give you an instant glow to your face. (male narrator) you'll also receive the amazing skin polishing brush. this luxurious two-speed brush goes beyond basic cleansing powering away dry, dead skin cells revealing smoother, more radiant looking skin. and it's yours free. (beverly) when i look at the other brushes that are on the market that are a hundred plus dollars, i can't believe the incredible value. (male narrator) you get all this, six age-defying super treatments, plus the skin polishing brush, for just $59.95. (female narrator) but what if we could go
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e today's special promo code, mb15, and you won't pay $59.95... (female narrator) not $49.95... (male narrator) ...but just $39.95 for everything you see here. (female narrator) but you must act quickly. meaningful beauty really works. try it. you will love your skin. you will see results. (male narrator) in fact, your results are guaranteed or your money back. and even if you decide to return it, you can keep the free gifts as our special thank you just for giving it a try. $39.95. is there any reason not to try meaningful beauty? (male narrator) call now and be sure to mention today's special promo code to unlock all your discounts and free gifts. (female narrator) hurry and we'll even fast track your order with a free upgrade to priority shipping. (male narrator) this special offer is not available anywhere else, and supplies are limited. (female narrator) call now and get beautiful, youthful looking skin with the new meaningful beauty ultra system.
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to show you how she uses the brand new ultra lifting and lling treatment. so after my skin is clean in the morning, my next step is my favorite new product, which is the ultra lifting and filling treatment. as i get older... (grunts) ...i'm 48 now, my needs chae, and . sebagh is always looking for new breaktoughs to hp me keep ahead of my changi skin. this new super serum goes in and helps visibly lift sagging skin, making it look firmer and smoother. lines and wrinkles. your skin is gonna look so good after using the ultra lifting and filling treaent. it's really sog special, cutting edge, and i can't wait for you tory it. ? (debra) it's great to be a woman who can say i look in the mirror and i like what i see, and that's what i found with meaningful beauty. my skin pigment issues have gone away, it's much more even,
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has been put to the side, and now i can say, you know what? you really can buy something off television that is going to make your life better. try it for yourself, and i promise you you will see a difference. i promise you. i've been using meaningful beauty for seven years now, and it makes me feel more beautiful, and that's hard for me to say, 'cause that's not been the case my entire life. because your skin looks good, that's what meaningful beauty has done for me. (antoinette) cindy, thank you. (laughing) your products have totally changed my skin, and i love what i see. (female narrator) time is running out to use today's special promo code. (male narrator) you get $205 worth of premium products all for just $39.95. (female narrator) don't let this limited time offer
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autiful, youthful looking skin, here's your chance. (male narrator) call right now. (female narrator) this has been a paid presentation for meaningful beauty,
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[captioning funded by cbs sports division] [captioning performed national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy, visit] >> jim irsay says andrew luck has to protect himself. frank gore says no, feed me more! >> there's allen robinson.


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