tv CBS Overnight News CBS November 3, 2016 2:42am-4:00am MST
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feel the difference with k-y ultragel. tommy hilfiger one of the biggest nations in american fashion. no formal atraining in clothing design or business. but now runs a company worth billions. how he did it the subject of his new memoir "american dreamer." gail king paid him a visit. tommy, you dreamed of living in a house like this? >> yes. >> when you were little? >> i did.
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i have been able to realize many of my dreams. >> reporter: his dreams began in the small new york town of elmyra, he grew up the second of nine children in a working class family. >> i had a dream to build a brand. build my own brand. >> what does building a brand even mean, tommy? >> it meant to build a product and an image that would be lasting. products behind the name that were credible, authentic, accessible, affordable, and cool. >> and wholesome. americana. red, white, blue. how did you come up with red, white and blue? >> i knew i needed a logo. so i looked at nike's swoosh. when phil night took the name nike off the swoosh. i thought this is what i want to do some day.
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my name off it. people would recognize it. >> reporter: long before tommy hilfiger was a brand. a store owner. began people's place, bringing hippy fashions to upstate new york where he learned very important lessons in commerce. >> had an early bankruptcy with the business before i was 25. that gave me my mba, taught me how to focus on the business part of the business. >> when you first started you weren't necessarily embraced and ai >> we ran an ad campaign devised by a genius, george lois. it compared me to the great american designers. i was completely unknown. when the ad ran, people looked and said who does he think he is? >> comparing yourself to ralph lauren, calvin klein? >> george lois had the idea that -- he would make the name
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to look to see to shop and buy. and it worked. >> that iconic shot of snoop dogg on "saturday night live" wearing tommy hilfiger clothes what did that do for your brand? >> lit the whole street fashion on fire. >> immediately. >> immediately. >> snoop was performing on snl. monday morning in bloomingdales they were selling out. >> hilfiger hottest in hip-hop. until rumors circulating, saying that he said he did not like minorities buying his clothes. >> it turned out to be a vicious rumor. you wrote it hurt your heart and integrity? >> it really did. end of the day your integrity is all you have. and i didn't want the public to think that i was that type of person. oprah was kind enough to call me up and say, you have got to come on the show. let's squash the rumor. >> the truth is if tommy, it is
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today i could never have possibly asked him to leave the set. >> let's say to the world that that rumor is a bfl. >> called it a big fat lie. >> that is a big fat lie. >> i want to move on. i want to focus on, you know doing the best i can do with my philanthropy, with our brand, with, you know being a great family man. >> hilfiger has seven children one. a role especially important to him after difficult relationship with his own father. >> you talk about because of the relationship with your dad, at the time, was very tough. it really influenced the type of father that you are today? >> i have to look back and thank my dad for -- raising the bar. >> uh-huh.
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something to you. >> he wanted me to be the best. and at the time, i didn't real i it. >> yeah. yeah. >> excuse me. >> that's all right. >> you know i thought he was -- being too tough on me. but -- maybe the reason i'm successful today is because i wanted to prove to him that could be -- all that he wanted me to be. >> yeah. in fact, tommy you say that when you filed for bankruptcy one of the hardest things was telling your dad that it didn't work out.
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if you want to get out into the country and watch the leaves turn colors, it's not too late. the foliage is vibrant now in the great smoky mountain national park. straddling tennessee and north carolina. jeff glore stopped in. >> as morning arrives in great smoky mountains, the trees light e impossible to look away from oranges, yellows, and reds. >> a whole different scene. i think people come to the smokies all year round. there is something special about the fall where the leaves change, the smells are different. sights are different. and you really can see a different life of a trail. >> the colors of autumn slide their way down the mountains from colder peaks to warmer valleys for up to six weeks. the smokies are home to 130
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>> we're fortunate. fall starts in september through november. so you have a time frame where people lot of people get a chance to see the fall foliage. >> cascius cash is the superintendent. he was raised a city kid in downtown memphis. >> where you grew up did you >> any of this?- natural world. >> what is it about this trail? after forest service and park service jobs across the country, cash is the first african-american superintendent at great smoky mountains. and his focus is on the next generation. a program called hike 100 was his brain child. a plan to get everyone, but kids especially, to hike 100 miles in this centennial year for the national park service. he is taking groups of kids up
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>> when the park service was created in 1916, 50% of our country was urban. now, 80% of our country is now urbanized. so the likelihood or the relationship that kids, kids engaging with the natural world is shrinking. on that, and so in order to be relevant for the next 100 years. we have to, as i share with folks, participate in our rescue. feels like a rain forest. >> it is, it is, tell rat rain forest. the am o equivalent to having a rain forest type of eco system. >> reporter: as we talk, leaves. >> right on cue. thank you. >> reporter: how tremendous is that? look at this. >> can't make this up, man? >> reporter: this is fall foliage in the smoky mountains. >> doesn't get any better than this. that's the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some the news will continue. for others we hope you will check back a bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center here in new york city, i'm michelle
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in cold blood. >> these officers were ambushed. >> two iowa cops are shot to death as they sat in patrol cars. a suspect is in custody. two police forces are grief stricken. clinton make their closing arguments, we hear the concerns of millenial voters. >> neither party deserves the black vote. >> i think we need law and order in this country. >> i have never been more afraid in my life than i have been throughout this election. >> hard times in the oil patch. schools go to a four-day week. let's go! >> and we double-team our world
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>> as the front page of "the chicago tribune" says bring on game seven. >> the headline on the cleveland plain dealer says it all -- buckle up. ? ? >> announcer: this is the cbs "overnight news." shameful acts of violence. that's what president obama called the ambush murders of two iowa police officers. sergeant anthony beminio, and officer justin urbandale pd were assassinated without provocation in separate shootings. a suspect is under arrest. david begnaud is in iowa. >> several shots heard at 70th and aurora. possible officer down. >> reporter: just after 1:00 a.m., they found justin martin shot dead in his patrol car. authorities say more than 15 round were fired at him as he was driving. about three minutes later in less than two miles away, des
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beminio was shot at a stop sign and died at a local hospital. >> they were ambushed. it's nothing less than a slaughter. these officers had no idea what was about to come. >> reporter: by 9:25 a.m., police had scott michael green in custody. green flagged down a state employee, showed him his id and asked him to call 911. he was arrested without incident and taken to a hospital after saying he felt sick. police believe green use aid >> i think he had full awareness of what he was doing when he killed the officers. the way that this happened isn't -- isn't something that seems spur of the moment. >> reporter: green has a history of harassment. two weeks ago waved a confederate flag at a high school football game. this video shot by green, shows police asking him to leave. >> have i committed a crime? >> you are on private, school property. asking you to leave at this time. >> justin martin was 24 years old. he had been on the urbandale
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39-year-old anthony beminio, father of three promoted to sergeant after more than ten years at the des moines police department. >> we don't think these officers were targeted because they were justin martin and tony beminio. >> this is the only thing i know huh to help. >> at the crime scene in urbandale this morning, a moment of gratitude for the police. >> i want you to go home to your family because i want my dad to come home to me and my friend to come home to me. >> reporter: the suspect has not criminally. a motive is unknown. authorities say the is entirely possible the gunman didn't really know the two officers he ambushed but he was well known to law enforcement in the area through previous run-ins. scott once officer told us a short time ago this guy has been a thorn in our side for a long time. >> david begnaud in iowa, david, thank you. hillary clinton tweeted she is heartbroken for the families of the officers. and donald trump tweeted to day that they were in his prayers.
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campaign is finally down to six days. we have two reports on the strategies for the homestretch. and first we'll go off to nancy cordes covering clinton. to win in florida, clinton needs to generate obama-level enthusiasm. especially from african-americans who made up a quarter of the state's early voting electorate when he was on the ballot in 2012. so, far this year, that rate is off by 7 points. right now is not as solid as it need to be. >> reporter: today the president and clinton made the round again on predominantly black radio stations. >> why you, why now? >> i believe in what i am doing. >> reporter: in battleground north carolina, african-american early voting rates are bouncing back from a slow start after republicans there imposed strict limits on the number of urban polling places during the first week of early voting.
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register voters. >> in chapel hill, mr. obama issued this dire new warnin iin about a trump presidency. >> the fate of the republic rests on your shoulders. >> the latino vote will be key for clinton there the numbers are far better. in florida, hispanic early voting is up 139% from this point in 2012. driven in part by trump's comments about mexicans. >> i mean he starts out by insulting im he moves on to insault all latinos. insults african-americans. insults muslims. insults people with disabilities. >> reporter: president obama came to clinton's aid on another front today. criticizing the fbi director for alerting congress about new e-mails in the clinton case that may or may not be significant. the president said the fbi should not be spreading what he
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information, scott. >> nancy cordes on the campaign tonight. now let's go to major garrett covering the trump campaign. >> get out there and vote. pretend we are slightly behind. you got to got out. we don't want to blow this. >> reporter: donald trump its running like an underdog even as new polls show the race in florida is essentially tied. for a second day he warned that a hillary clinton presidency could be mired in congressional and possibly criminal investigations. >> if hillary clinton were to elected, it would create an unprecedented, and protracted constitutional crisis. haven't we just been through a lot with the clintons? right? >> despite the public polling, trump's team believes it surge add head here. it also believes it has drauchb even in michigan and wisconsin. in au claire trump made a play for voters who cast early
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buyers' remorse. >> a lot of stuff has come out sense you voted. >> four states allow early vote tires withdraw ballots and revote. state officials say the practice is rarely used. still, trump's pitch speaks to the campaign's buoyancy in the final week. it was also visible in a roughly 600,000 dollar investment in three trump commercials slated to air nationally during tonight's game seven of the world series. >> everyday people stand united ready to replace decades of leader who's not part of the system. >> reporter: trump continues to raise money, $2 million this morning in miami from wealthy republican donors. a whopping $100 million through small dollar donations. scott, told the republican national committee and trump campaign fully funded their field operations in every remaining dollar from now until election day will be plowed into trump tv commercials. >> major garrett. thank you.
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tonight we are listening to millenial voters, many of them voting for the first time. clinton has a 28-point lead among them. in a poll by mar vardharvard's e of politics. more than half say they're fearful about the future. ai 18 to 34 from 12 states. they met at the youtube space in new york city for the campaign 2016 series, closing arguments. >> i am a very proud conservative, i don't think donald trump represents the republican party. >> i'm 20 years old. unapologetic, deplorable trump supporter. >> i'm be voting gary johnson. >> i'm 27, i'm with her. >> honestly all i know i'm not with her, i don't support
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>> i'm a trump supporter they think i'm a racist, we jump to conclusions a trump supporter is a bad uneducated person. >> he is bombastic and says stuff i 100% do not agree with. at the same time i don't want to support a liar. >> how many of you here have had college debt or you will soon have college debt student debt? >> by the time i am finished with my education i am going to have over in order to get a better career, you're forced into higher education, forced into this debt. i don't think really either candidate has posed a good enough stance. >> all right. i want to turn to another topic here, the issue of civil rights. recent poll found that 85% of young african-americans and 72% of hispanics, believe their race is under attack in the u.s.
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is? >> this particular topic is something that is really dear to my heart. because i was robbed and shot in my head. and if that wasn't enough, i look up and i was staring down the barrel of another gun. and this time it wasn't the barrel of a gun from someone that was trying to rob me. this time looking down the barrel of the police. >> ryan quatrimani, you are the son of a former police officer is that right? >> actually recently retired. officers. you know there is plenty of corrupt police officers. but i think, obama hasn't done a decent job at helping the african-american communities. i think hillary clinton is part of that. but i do support our police. >> earlier comment about police officers, you know versus the black lives matter, african-american community. one is a choice, you have a choice to be a cop. you sign that. you go through training for that. ain't no choice being black.
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and put a lot of lives in tan je danger. >> to say trump tore our country apart at the scenes and created this racial division. no way. president obama was the one in the white house for eight years, race relations have been worse than ever in this country. let's look at who is in office, an african-american man who has torn apart this country. we need to look at that. >> to say that race relations have gotten as bad as they have ever been under president obama shows a lack of historical depth. america is built on racial division. and donald trump's rhetoric, this otherism. builds into that narrative that has long been the narrative of american society. while there were passionate disagreements, one issue united this group. debt. many told me that they can't repay their student loans which means they're putting off decisions like buying a house or starting a family. scott they're looking for answers from these candidates.
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the voters tonight. elaine, thank you. more of elaine's fascinating conversation with millenial voters on line on our cbsnews youtube channel and on our sfre streaming news service. cbsn. police are investigating a fire last night at a predominantly african-american church in greenville, mississippi. some one spray painted vote trump on the hopewell baptist church. there are no suspects. the mayor is calling it a hate federal election commission. alleging that a boston law firm broke campaign finance laws with fraudulent donations to politicians. mostly democrats. the case was turned up in a joint investigation by the "boston globe." and the center for responsive polit politics. tony dokoupil has the details. >> reporter: the thornton law firm has ten partners but dollar for dollar one of the nation's biggest political donors. according to the firm's
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blower days or hours after making donations partners receives money matching the amount they gave. >> once the law firm knew we had the record they didn't deny that this was the case. scott allen the globe spotlight editor. >> hundreds and hundreds of a times a lawyer would dough that money to a candidate or political party and almost immediately be given back the same sum. >> that is correct. if you give a donation and somebody else reimburses you for the donation that is a clear violation of the spirit and the letter of the law at the f >> federal law limits partnerships like the thornton law firm to maximum donation of $2700 per candidate. alleged to have made donations above the limit using a straw donor system using the firm's own money but making it appear it was from individual partners. vivica novak with the center for responsive. >> straw donor reimbursement systems are something both the fec and department of justice take very seriously.
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this. >> reporter: the spotlight team looked at donations from three of the firm's partners from 2010 to 214. donating $1.6 million mostly to democrats. over the same period they received back $1.4 million in bonuses. a spokesperson said donations were legal they came out of each partner's ownership stake in the firm. a voluntary program involving the partner's own personal after-tax money. thornton donated to dozens of demoat most hotly contested senate races. some of the democrats including hillary clinton said they would be returning donations, but scott thornton told us it hired an outside firm to review its political donations and has complied with election law. >> tony dokoupil tonight. tony, thank you. coming up next. tumbling oil prices mean less
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sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. did you say 97? yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh... oh yeah, baby. geico's as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more.
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i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
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>> this is the high school. this is the high school on mondays. no school here due to budget cuts. kent holbrook is the superintendent. >> not in my worst dream did i ever figure that i would be taking my district to a four-day school beweek. >> he says his district lost $400,000 in state funding over the last year. the choice was cut teachers or switch to four days with an extra hour. >> when i start weighing out what's going to do more damage to these students. is it going to first graders in a class, or change the hours in the week, the decision was actually pretty easy. >> almost the lesser of two evils. >> that's where we're at. >> lawmakers blame a 70% drop in oil and gas prices since 2014. this year, the state faced a $1.3 billion deficit and cut $34 million in education funding. but critics say that's in part due to years of giving tax
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boom. while the going rate in north dakota was 11.5. nearly a third of oklahoma's school districts, in mostly poor rural areas have had to shorten the school week. >> knowing that we don't have enough money to keep the lights on and the buses running, it's just an jut rage. >> she has two children in the schools. and also a teacher here. >> their whole future depend on i deon't see them being ready i the way that we have been able to prepare them before. >> on their very first day of school. >> she opened this learning center where for $20 parents can send their children on mondays. not sure when that will be a school day again. manuel bojorquez, cbs news. good. coming up in just a moment. what is he doing on the women of
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you bought a wig, a jersey, and overpriced nachos... ...don't let sinus symptoms bring you down now. get fast sinus relief with vicks sinex and get back in the game. ...medicine. (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there.
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blindness defense. the comedian is charged with sexually assaulting a former temple university employee. his lawyers told the judge, cosby's eyesight is so bad he can't help with his defense. they asked the case be thrown out. the judge has not ruled. there is a first on glamour's list of women of the year. it's a man. bono, lead singer of u-2 honored for his work helping poverty. black lives matter movement. >> two teams, two cities, too bad there can only be one
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the race could not be tighter. the nation more divided. from sea to sea. chicago and cleveland. before the night is over, one will be celebrating victory in the world series. so here are don dahler and dean reynolds. scott, there is an unusual feeling in the air here in chicago. a feeling foreign to generations of cub fans. but, as the front page of "the chicago tribune" said today,
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don, what's it like in cleveland? >> clenched teeth, elevated heart rates. the headline on the cleveland plane dealer says it all. buckle up. after the lost last night we heard from plenty of fans who believe their indians will come through. >> being a clevelander, i'm looking for the indians to pull it out. >> sure, don, momentum appears to be with the cubs now. >> well at least there are still cleveland fans who were around when the indians won in 1948. 4-3. >> i was 10, maybe close to 11. >> like gino. >> did you think it was going to take this long? >> with our teams in cleveland, yes. >> dean, do you have your newspaper clippings from 1908. >> very, funny, don. the cubs have worked hard to become lovable losers. succumbing to jinxes, curses and lousy luck. but they're actually trying to
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most recent championships are not confined to the myths of history. >> history is one thing. popular culture its another. the best movie about chicago baseball was all about a bunch of cheaters. >> say it ain't so, joe. >> into the wind. >> at least major league was funny. >> just a bit outside. >> here it comes. >> the indians haven't been lovable losers. >> the marlins in the win column. >> their history is shakespearean tragedy. they w the 90s with great teams. and suffered crushing losses. >> you know, don, i seldom think of cleveland when i am reading shakespeare. >> okay. well, one of these teams is going to lose. and for that team and its hometown, scott, that will truly a a tragedy. that's the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news. and be sure not to miss -- cbs
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york city, i'm scott pelley. >> announcer: this is the cbs "overnight news." welcome to the "overnight news," i'm michelle miller. it's five days and counting to election day. presidential candidates are making their closing arguments to voters. hillary clinton focus hispanic voters after seeing a softening of support among african-americans. nancy cordes begins our coverage. >> reporter: to win in florida, clinton needs to generate obama-level enthusiasm. especially from african-americans, who made up a quarter of the state's early voting electorate when he was on the ballot in 2012. so far this year, that rate is off. by about 7 points. >> the african-american vote
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>> today the president and clinton made the round on predominantly black radio stations. >> tell my folks why you and why now? >> well, you know i believe in what i'm doing. >> reporter: in battleground, north carolina, african-american army voting rates are bouncing back from a slow start. after republicans there imposed strict limits on the number of urban polling places during the first week of early voting. >> it wasn't that long ago when folks were beaten. trying to register voters. >> in chapel hill, mr. obama issued this dire new warning about a trump presidency. >> hate to put a little pressure on you. but the fate of the republic rests on your shoulders. >> the latino vote will be key for clinton. and there the numbers are far better. in florida, hispanic early voting is up 139% from this point in 2012. driven in part by trump's comments about mexicans. >> i mean he starts out by insulting immigrants.
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insults muslims. insults people with disabilities. >> the final week on the campaign trail sees donald trump climbing in the national polls. with millions of votes already been cast in early voting or absentee ballots. trump is telling people they can change their volts. -- votes. can they? major garrett reports. >> get out there and vote. pretend we are slightly behind. you got to get out. >> reporter: donald trump its running like an underdog even as new polls show the race in florida is essentially tied. for a second day he warned that a hillary clinton presidency could be mired in congressional and possibly criminal investigations. >> if hillary clinton were to be elected, it would create an unprecedented and protracted constitutional crisis. haven't we just been through a
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>> reporter: despite the public polling, trump's team believes it surge add head here and believes it has drawn even in upper midwest states like michigan and wisconsin. in au claire last night. trump made a play for voters who cast early ballots for hillary clinton and now suffering what he called buyers' remorse. >> a lot of stuff has come out since you voted. >> reporter: at least four states allow early vote tires withdraw their ballots and revote. state officials say the practice is rarely used. still, trump's pitch tometo the buoyancy. and roughly $600,000 investment in three trump commercials late slated to air nationally in game seven of the world series. >> every day people stand united ready to replace decades of broken politics with a new leader who is not a part of the system. hillary clinton's campaign along with democrats from across the country are returning tnz of thousand of dollars in questionable donations from a boston law firm.
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of the largest straw donor schemes uncovered. the thornton law firm insists it has the done nothing illegal. the federal elections commission is on the case. tony dokoupil reports. >> ten partners, dollar for dollar one of the nation's biggest political donors. according to the firm's documents. leaked, days or hours after making donations partners received money matching the amount they gave. >> once the law firm knew we had the case. >> scott allen the globe spotlight editor. >> hundreds of times a lawyer would donate money to a candidate or political party, and then, almost immediately be given back that very same sum. >> that is correct. if you give a donation and then somebody else reimburses you for the donation that its a clear violation of the spirit and letter of the law at federal and state levels. >> federal law limits partnerships like the thornton
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thornton alleged to have made donations above the limit using a straw donor system using the firm's own money making it appear it was from individual partners. vivica novak with center for responsive politics. >> straw donor reimbursement systems are something that both the fec and the department of justice take very seriously. and people who have gone to jail for this. >> reporter: the spotlight team looked at donations from three of the firms partners, 2010 to 2014. the most leap to democrats. over the same period they received back $1.4 million in bonuses. thornton spokesperson said the donations were legal because they came out of each partner's ownership stake in the firm. a voluntary program, thornton stated involving the partner's own personal after tax money. thornton donated to dozens of democrats including hotly contested senate races. some of the democrats including hillary clinton said they would
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outside foreign ministirm to res and it complied with election law. >> arc sohaeologists in jerusal believe they found the burial slab where the body of jeep sus laid. the first time, the holy rock has been seen in hundreds of years. charlie d'agata reports. even getting access to such a sacred location is something of a miracle, "national geographic" was doing a documentary about the restoration of the s archaeologists were stunned at what they discovered. for believers, the holiest site in christianity. deep inside jerusalem's old city the church of the holy sepliker, the very tomb where jesus christ is believed to be buried. >> see the pilgrims in ecstasy as they go in. they're seeing something that they have believeden all their life. >> reporter: footage from the documentary shows how archaeologists sorted through
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debris, centuries of destruction and reconstruction like peeling back layers of an onion. when they finally discovered this. a marble slab with a cross carved into its surface thought to date back to the crusade of the 1500s and the original limestone burial bed revealed to be intact. >> amazing to see a cross right on the spot. where we were looking. nation"national geographic," sas revelation. >> it is considered this shrine is considered, the burial place of jesus. based on the fourth century ad records from the first roman embore roar of the roman empire. con stan teen. i feel like we are as close as possible to saying, that is exactly the spot that he said here is the burial of jesus
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perhaps never to be reopened again. the cbs "overnight news" will be ri ugh, it's only lunchtime and my cold medicines' wearing off. i'm dragging. yeah, that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. no thank you very much, she's gonna stick with the short-term stuff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex ditch the misery.
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a mysterious illness that looks like polio is striking children in washington state. so far two of nine suspected cases have been confirmed as a rare condition known as afm, one child has died. mireya villarreal reports from seattle children's hl >> reporter: the affected children range in ages from 3 to 14 years old. all of them all of a sudden had a disabling pain in their arms and legs. while afm is not contagious, the cdc says there is no cause or cure. the mother of the one boy who died tells me, it all came without warning. >> i was really scared, i was like, what is going on?
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6-year-old son daniel was happy and healthy. daniel died over the weekend, one of nine children in washington state recently exhibiting symptoms consist with afm. he is not one of the two confirmed afm cases a condition that affects the nervous system. characterized by a sudden weakness in one or more arms or legs and sometimes causes facial weakness and difficulty swallowing. >> he woke up and looked at me. and he but his tear ducts he couldn't cry because of his tear ducts, his brain wasn't letting him cry. >> for us to have a cluster of nine potentially afm, it's very concerning to me. >> reporter: the centers for disease control and prevention says of september, 89 people in 33 states were confirmed to have afm this year. that's up from 21 cases last year. and the exact cause is unclear. >> but other common infections
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associated with polio like enterovirus, the big concern. >> gracie fisher now paralyzed from the neck down was diagnosed with afm in 2014 when cases spiked even hyperthan this year. >> i began to feel a tingling in my hands and pain in my neck. and within five minutes i couldn't walk. >> daniel's mother still doesn't know why her son died. >> why share a moment so raw for you and your family? >> we thought -- you know, if, we shared this with people that somebody that can give us an answer. >> reporter: once doctors get a clear picture of whether or not these cases are afm, then they will start to investigate whether there is a link between these cases. they will start to ask parents, what these children have eaten, where they have been, and
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that may have led to this condition. >> the latest generation of underwater drones is opening up a new frontier of exploration. drones are small, relatively cheap and they're exposing the watery depths to a new wave of amateur scientists. ben tracy reports. >> reporter: it cuts through the water like a fish. and this remote controlled underwater drone can also turn on a dime. trident is the newest model to come outf campaign launched by david lang and eric stackpole. >> designed it to be excellent going in long straight lines. >> while technology is complex, the idea is simple. let anyone become an explorer, a so-called citizen scientist. >> what are you hoping to accomplish? >> my hope is we can get 10,000 more eyes in the water looking at parts of the world no one has seen before. in the past exploration has been
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do their expedition and come back and show you what they found. >> reporter: under sea exploration began with jacques cousteau in the 1940s. in 2013, oscar winning director james cameron designed and built a one man sub, to explore the deepest part of the pacific, nearly 7 miles down. trident can dive the length of a football field. but that's deep enough to explore countless ship wrecks. give that to everyone. they have been used to find ancient mayan pottery in mexico. used to explore under the ice, some people took them to mt. everest explored a lake one of the highest altitude lakes. >> last summer he sent his drone into lake tahoe where they found the remains of a steamer ship "the queen of the lake." >> we actually were able to land on the sink in the bathroom
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shipwreck not seen for 70 years. that was just awesome. >> reporter: we joined his team on a test run of the new model in monterey bay on california's central coast. >> what are we going to look for out here? >> right now over a place called the metridium fields. >> the water was murky after hot weather caused explosion of the population. back at their lab hoping their partup, open rov will also explode in popularity. remotely operated vehicle, rov, the software is owe sewn users can modify it to fit specific need. they sold more than 3,000 of their first model they've cost about $900. >> we are building the largest global ocean observation network in the world, and it's powered by people. >> reporter: in september, david lang spoke at secretary of state
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washington, d.c. he talked how open rov citizen scientists are making waves. while using her drone in 2014, laura james noticed sick and dying sea stars near her home in seattle. she began documenting the devastation and stharg whharing scientist thousands. they believe it is tied to climate change. >> if you are inviting everyone to get involved. science becomes more than a headline. something that people are engaged in. >> they have created an global community where a boy scout troop exploring a reef and an activist in puget sound can share. trident creators hope this is just the beginning of many underwater adventures. when i look at the water, i see not just the surface but murky deep below. and i want to know more about
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tommy hilfiger one of the biggest nations in american fashion. no formal atraining in clothing design or business. but now runs a company worth billions. how he did it the subject of his new memoir "american dreamer." gail king paid him a visit. tommy, you dreamed of living in a house like this? >> yes.
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>> i did. >> what is great about my life. i have been able to realize many of my dreams. >> reporter: his dreams began in the small new york town of elmyra, he grew up the second of nine children in a working class family. >> i had a dream to build a brand. build my own brand. >> what does building a brand even mean, tommy? >> it meant to build a product and an image that would be lasting. it would mean that there were products behind the name that were credible, authentic, accessible, affordable, and cool. >> and wholesome. americana. red, white, blue. how did you come up with red, white and blue? >> i knew i needed a logo. so i looked at nike's swoosh. when phil night took the name nike off the swoosh. i thought this is what i want to do some day. i want my flag to be so known that's eventually i could take my name off it.
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>> reporter: long before tommy hilfiger was a brand. a store owner. began people's place, bringing hippy fashions to upstate new york where he learned very important lessons in commerce. >> had an early bankruptcy with the business before i was 25. that gave me my mba, taught me how to focus on the business part of the business. >> when you first started you weren't necessarily embraced and praised in the fashion industry. >> by a genius, george lois. it compared me to the great american designers. i was completely unknown. when the ad ran, people looked and said who does he think he is? >> comparing yourself to ralph lauren, calvin klein? >> george lois had the idea that -- he would make the name famous overnight. and then the audience would come
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and it worked. >> that iconic shot of snoop dogg on "saturday night live" wearing tommy hilfiger clothes what did that do for your brand? >> lit the whole street fashion on fire. >> immediately. >> immediately. >> snoop was performing on snl. monday morning in bloomingdales they were selling out. >> hilfiger hottest in hip-hop. until rumors circulating, sayin minorities buying his clothes. >> it turned out to be a vicious rumor. you wrote it hurt your heart and integrity? >> it really did. end of the day your integrity is all you have. and i didn't want the public to think that i was that type of person. oprah was kind enough to call me up and say, you have got to come on the show. let's squash the rumor.
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true, has never been here before today i could never have possibly asked him to leave the set. >> let's say to the world that that rumor is a bfl. >> called it a big fat lie. >> that is a big fat lie. >> i want to move on. i want to focus on, you know doing the best i can do with my philanthropy, with our brand, with, you know being a great family man. >> and says being dad is job number one. a role especially important to him after difficult relationship with his own father. >> you talk about because of the relationship with your dad, at the time, was very tough. it really influenced the type of father that you are today? >> i have to look back and thank my dad for -- raising the bar. >> uh-huh. >> why?
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>> it clearly is, means something to you. >> he wanted me to be the best. and at the time, i didn't real i it. >> yeah. yeah. >> excuse me. >> that's all right. >> you know i thought he was -- being too tough on me. but -- maybe the reason i'm successful today is because i prove to him that could be -- all that he wanted me to be. >> yeah. in fact, tommy you say that when you filed for bankruptcy one of the hardest things was telling your dad that it dent work oidn out. >> tough day. >> that bothered you. >> but as a positive thinker, i pulled up my bootstraps and i said i am going to start over.
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if you want to get out into the country and watch the leaves turn colors, it's not too late. the foliage is vibrant now in the great smoky mountain national park. straddling tennessee and north carolina. jeff glore stopped in. >> as morning arrives in great smoky mountains, the trees light up like the colors of the sun. impossible to look away from oranges, yellows, and reds. >> a whole different scene. i think people come to the smokies all year round. there is something special about the fall where the leaves change, the smells are different. sights are different. and you really can see a different life of a trail. >> the colors of autumn slide their way down the mountains from colder peaks to warmer valleys for up to six weeks.
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kinds of trees. >> we're fortunate. fall starts in september through november. so you have a time frame where people lot of people get a chance to see the fall foliage. >> cascius cash is the superintendent. he was raised a city kid in downtown memphis. >> where you grew up did you ever see any of this? >> no. i had no natural world. >> what is it about this trail? after forest service and park service jobs across the country, cash is the first african-american superintendent at great smoky mountains. and his focus is on the next generation. a program called hike 100 was his brain child. a plan to get everyone, but kids especially, to hike 100 miles in this centennial year for the national park service. he is taking groups of kids up and down the trails since spring.
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created in 1916, 50% of our country was urban. now, 80% of our country is now urbanized. so the likelihood or the relationship that kids, kids engaging with the natural world is shrinking. on that, and so in order to be relevant for the next 100 years. we have to, as i share with folks, participate in our rescue. >> feels like a rain for ers? >> it is, it is, tell rat rain forest. the amount of rainfall, the amount of biodiversity are equivalent to having a rain >> reporter: as we talk, leaves. >> right on cue. thank you. >> reporter: how tremendous is that? look at this. >> can't make this up, man? >> reporter: this is fall foliage in the smoky mountains. >> doesn't get any better than this. that's the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some the news will continue. for others we hope you will check back a bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center here in new york city, i'm michelle
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captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, november 3rd, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." heree this is going to be a tough play. the cubs win the world series! >> decade of despair erased. the chicago cubs finally fly the "w," after winning the world series in extra innings, ending 108-year drought! with five days until the presidential election, the candidates are calling on their surrogates in battleground states. >> i hate to put a little
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