tv Sunday Morning CBS November 6, 2016 7:00am-8:30am MST
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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> pauley: good morning. i am jane pauley and this is sunday morning. the battle for the whit white he is going down to the wire. and if you are thinking it has been a particularly long campaign, you're right. november 8th is the latest date an election can be held. zoo where are we with just two days to go? martha teichner has the big
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cover story. >> reporter: just think, on wednesday, the election will be over, i will keep you in suspense. >> or will it? >> at each other's throat and i don't see this getting healed very quickly. >> reporter: it has been ugly. >> it has been divisive. >> nasty women vote. >> but that is nothing new. >> you can't vote for thomas jefferson because she dead. >> trump vli context ahead this sunday morning. there's a question on tuesday's abouballot that is all the buzzn several states, including our most populous, barry petersen will tell us all about it. prop 64 -- >> recreational marijuana is on the ballot in five states this tuesday. and that has some people worried. >> why in the world would we
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drugs. >> but all eyes are on california where it may pass. >> i think ten or 20 years from now we will look back and say i am so glad we ended prohibition. >> can the rest of america be far behind? >> that story later on sunday morning. >> of the 43 men that served as president so far, which one stands out it is a worst ever? mo rocca tells us there is a leading contender for the historians, james buchanan topped the list it is a worst president ever, but not everyone agrees. >> i really think he is in the basement but he is not at the rock bottom. >> like maybe second to worst? >> yeah, i mean, he could be the second to worst, yes. >> he could billions the worst? >> could be. >> the portrait of james buchanan -- >> at homes with james buchanan later on sunday morning.
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to a legend among singer songwriters, paul simon, at an age where some people are slowing down, he is tuning up, as lee cowan will show us. >> if only we could all be as cool as paul simon as 75. >> as you get older we say, wow, so my whole life, really, i spent writing songs? i mn, what i did. >> and you are okay with that? >> yeah, i am okay with that. the i am okay with that, you know,. >> and so are millions of his fans. paul simon's next chapter, ahead on sunday morning. and erin moriarty introduces us to an artist who is colorful yet conservative. seth doane in rome tells us why the world is watching our
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divided. and more. first, the headlines for this sunday morning, the 6th of november, 2016. a disturbance at a donald trump rally in reno, nevada last night. trump was rushed off stage by secret service agents and a protester was tackled. turns out someone had shouted gun. trump later returned to the stage to finish his speech. the protesters was identified as a republican unhappy with his party's in washington a man armed with a firearm was confronted by a uniformed secret service agent near the white house. he was arrested after a brief struggle. president obama was not there. in south carolina, a body found on property where a woman was discovered chained in a metal container for weeks has been identified as that of charles carver, her boyfriend. police now believe her captor
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hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of
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>> the time has come this campaign season to take a look at the big picture. how did we get to where we are? and where does the country go once the dust has settled, if ever? our cover story is reported by martha teichner. >> looking back, this should have told us what we were in the art of the deal. >> no one has ever entered a presidential race quite the way donald trump did in june, 2015. you couldn't look away. >> they are bringing drugs, they are bringing crime, they are rapists. and some, i assume, are good people. trmp billionaire turned reality tv show celebrity. >> you are fired. >> was just about the last person hillary clinton expected
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stop for a minute and reflect on the absurdity of donald trump finding fault with miss universe? >> and in what has become a campaign so ugly. >> i will tell you at the time. i will keep you in suspense. >> you can't polish this turd. >> americans just want it to be over. >> i will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election. >> so with the end in sight, maybe -- >> what better time too step back and consider what exactly it is we have been witnessing. >> lock her up. lock her up! >> for the last year and a half -- >> i will be the youngest woman president in the history of the united states. >> this country is in turmoil. it's a battle between outsiders and insiders, between elites and the people in the heartland. >> douglas brinkley, is a noted
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mob anger going on out there. >> like the battle of the titans. >> i will fight harder for you. >> donald trump. >> than anyone has before. >> i will do everything -- >> and hillary clinton. >> i will do everything to get incomes rising for hardworking people. >> have gone at each other across an ideological chasm. >> i want to build a wall. >> i don't want to rip families apar. >> we have some bad whom braze there and we are going to get them out. >> i don't want to s deportation force that donald has talked about in action. >> muslims have to report the problems when they see them. >> it is also very shortsighted and even dangerous to be engaging in the kind of democrat goj genetic rhetoric that donald has about muslims. >> when you look at issues versus personalities, ultimately what is this election about. >> 2016 is about which is the worst of two evils. the lack of enthusiasm for
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is profound. >> polls show that trump and clinton are the most unpopular presidential candidates in polling history. >> in a campaign about negatives, clinton versus trump comes down to trust versus temperament. >> i will release my tax returns against my lawyers' wishes when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted. >> nobody really knows what all these e-mails add up to in end, except that whenever it's raise hillary clinton gets deeply defensive, and it gave a taint on her that she is a candidate that is running with the fbi in pursuit of her. people hate donald trump because he's prejudiced. he says bigoted remarks. he often speaks from a bully pulpit of ignorance. he degrades women. >> nobody has more respect for women than i do. nobody. >> he called hermes piggy.
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latina. >> >> reporter: how many times have you heard there has never been a campaign like this one? well -- >> when you have an unprecedented situation where you have one candidate claiming that other candidate should be in jail, that is actually one part of this election we haven't seen before. joseph cummins has written a history of dirty tricks and cheap shots in u.s. elections. >> a dirty election runs in our blood. this is part of being american. i like to say about this century election that is occurring in the 21st century. >> reporter: consider the election of aifght teen hundred, when thomas jefferson ran against john adams. >> thomas jefferson a hired a scurrilous scottish writer names james callender to accuse john adams of being a hideous memory afro indict which has neither the force nor firmness of a man,
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sensitivity of a woman. john adams and his people for their part were already spreading rumors that thomas jefferson was sleeping with slaves at monticello, which in fact he was. they also used one of my favorite all-time slurs in american campaigns by simply saying, well you can't vote for thomas jefferson because he is dead. and how can you vote for a dead man. >> i am afraid the election is going to be rigged. i have to be honest. that is something we haven't seen before in american elections. >> there was even a time when he didn't get an emmy for program three years naah row and he started tweeted that a the emmys were rigged. >> i should have gotten it. >> i would say the only truly rigged election in american history was 1876 which is the dirtiest election of all-time. where you had rutherford b hayes the republican running against samuel tilden the democrat. >> tilden was ahead, this was the post civil war reconstruction period. the republicans controlled the south. so what did they do? >> they basically telegraphed
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electorial votes in florida, in louisiana, and south carolina and they said change those votes. make those republican votes and not democratic votes. >> reporter: so one. >> literally, yes. >> necessaried with the vote. >> they messed with the vote. this was the one election in american history that was, that can be proven was stolen. >> so republican rutherford b hayes became our 19 president. >> you think it is terrible. well as a matter of fact, they do like dirty elections pay attention to dirty elections. >> proof? the first clinton-trump debate was the most watched in tv history with 84 million viewers. >> donald supported the invasion of iraq. >> wrong. >> that is absolutely proved over and over again. >> wrong. >> >> reporter: but donald trump never miss as chance to launch a full throated attack on the media. >> they are not reporting it. katie, you are not reporting it,
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has been a frequent punching bag, even requiring secret service protection. >> has trump actually been treated unfairly? >> the media is simply an extension of hillary clinton's campaign. >> the most distinctive thing about trump's coverage is how much there is of it. >> george mason university professor, robert lichter. his studies of media bias are often cited by conservatives. >> trump is outrageous. he is >> stay on point, donald. stay on point. >> all the definitions of what makes someone newsworthy. >> no sidetracks, donald. nice and easy. nice and easy. >> analysis of nearly 20,000 articles on the websites of major media outlets show stories about trump vastly out numbering the stories about clinton. >> a harvard university survey pound that both candidates are getting mostly bad press, but
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which trump actually turns to his advantage. >> donald trump isn't just complaining about media bias because he believes it is happening. he is complaining about it because it revs up his troops. >> has donald trump dope a better job of using the media than hillary clinton in this campaign? >> donald trump has clearly managed to use the media better than hillary clinton. >> reporter: except. >> hey, when you are a star they let you do it. you can do anything. >> the access hollywood bus video didn't roll right off donald trump. neither did this. >> such a nasty woman. >> for outraged voters, these were defining moments in his race against hillary clinton. >> and nasty women vote. >> among clinton supporters, it seems sexism is the elephant in the room. >> i have been called a lot of things. >> the constant in the decades of attacks against someone who, in two days, could be elected the first woman president of the united states. >> we are going to drain the swamp --
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be donald trump, the unlikely populist, speaking for voters losing their trip on the american dream. whoever wins, especially if it's close, a lot of people will go away mad. >> i don't see this getting healed very quickly. the battle wounds of 2016 are going to be deep. and it's going to take a while for people to decompress. and we can put this national nightmare of 2016 behind >> pauley: coming up. >> what does buchanan get right? >> not much, to tell you the truth. >> worst ever? >>
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he ran that company. i get it. but you know i think you own too much. gotta manage your risk. an honest opinion is how edward jones makes sense of investing. ? before it became a medicine, it was an idea. an inspiration. a wild "what-if." they examined 87 different protein structures. had 12 years of setbacks and breakthroughs, 4,423 sleepless nights, and countless trips back to the drawing board. at first they were told no, well... maybe, and finally: yes. then it was 36 clinical trials,
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someone who couldn't be cured, could be. me. ? >> pauley: who among our presidents deserves the dubious distinction of being called worst ever? mo rocca tells us that, of all the possibilities, there is one o >> james buchanan was in this house when he was notified he won the election to the presidency. >> bet any nauman has been giving tours of wheat land, the lancaster, pennsylvania estate of president james buchanan, foreclose to 30 years. >> the portrait of james buchanan was done early in his campaign. >> it's a gorgeous home. with one very special amenity. >> it has two adult seats, probably a seat for a teenager
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>> that wheat land's director patrick clarke showed us. >> an outhouse for five? you can have a whole cabinet meeting in there. >> the family that goes together. >> but it is in the proverbial toilet where historians rank our 15th president. >> she definitely the boston. >> the worst ever. >> the worst president ever. >> robert strauss wrote a book about buchanan. >> ah, here is buchanan. >> he also has got a cigar box filled with p remember when they talked to each other? >> but jackson hated buchanan. >> hated. >> of course, not everyone hated buchanan. after all, he was elected president in 1856. but this northern democrats' sympathies with the slave holding south exacerbated long simmering tensions, setting the stage for the civil war. >> yet at wheat land, they are not quite so hard on the guy.
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43 men who have occupied the oval office? >> probably 42nd. >> he had opportunity to write a book. don't they all write a book. >> if buchanan is remembered at all, it's for being the bachelor president. the only one never to marry. >> let's just get this out of the way right now. >> okay. >> what was the deal with james buchanan? >> he did have a bad relationship early on. his fiance probably committed >> well, maybe so. >> there is no evidence to say he was gay. but there is no evidence to prove that he was a heterosexual either. >> but there is plenty of evidence he knew how to throw a great party. >> he threw the best party of the middle part of the 19th century, the inaugural ball. 6,000 people show up. >> and buchanan seemed worth celebrating. >> buchanan had quite a resume.
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he served in both houses of the pennsylvania state legislature. served in both houses of the u.s. congress. he was ambassador to russia, ambassador to great britain. he was also secretary of state. >> there were high hopes at the beginning of his administration? >> i think so. but they were dashed pretty quickly. >> only two days after his inauguration, the supreme court handed down the infamous dred scott decision, allowing that escaped slaves be forcibly returned to their decision. slavery would be the country's and his undoing. >> he feared that if you handled the issue of slavery too robustly that it would create what he believed would be the end of the union, secession. >> and that is exactly what happened. after lincoln's election, but before his inauguration, seven
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politically paralyzed buchanan presided. >> when all of these states start seceding, when the country is falling apart, what is his reaction? >> his biggest reaction is his friends are leaving him. because many of his cabinet are southerners and many of his friends are southerners. >> so his biggest reaction is personal one like, guys i thought we were all friends. >> yeah, i thought we were all friends. >> the ensuing civil war would become known as buchanan's war. >> what does buchanan get right? >> w not much, to tell you the truth. >> upon his, upon leaving washington, it is said that buchanan told incoming president abraham lincoln, sir if you are as happy in entering the white house as i shall feel on returning to wheat land, you are a happy man indeed. >> he said to friend and family alike, i could well be the last president of these united
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doesn't plan on abandoning buchanan or his home any time soon. >> i think this house keeps me young. >> i am glad the candidate did something right. >> i am glad buchanan did something right. >> >> pauley: color him red, next. >> no two whale flukes are the same. because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and life insurance solutions for more than 145 years. ask a financial advisor how you can tailor solutions from pacific life to help
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a reminder that america returned to standard time during the night. clocks should be turned back one hour. which of course gives the candidates one more hour to campaign. because strong is beautiful. fact. people spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. gentle, non-habit forming advil pm.
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behold the stamp of liberty by steve penley, an artist proud to wave the red, white and blue, particularly the red. here is erin moriarty of "48 hours". >> >> it's probably fair to say that these days, there may not be a lot of people who share stephenly's enthusiasm for politicians. >> oh, i love these guys. >> these guys are, i mean, on both sides, a lot of the guys i get to be friends with are great guys. >> he doesn't just paint them, politicians are also among his best customers. he estimates that his work hangs
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offices, primarily on one side of the aisle. three-pieces hang in the office of house majority leader kevin mccarthy, a republican from california. >> how do you feel about being called the republican's party's favorite artist? >> it's flattering. i mean, it's really flattering. even in a magazine article they write about me where they are kind of slamming me a little bit, i have to admit, i was kind of flattered tto >> she a 52-year-old georgia artist who makes a living painting iconic american images, both statesmen and symbols, his statue of liberty is his best seller, along with george washington, ronald reagan, and bottles of coca-cola. >> that's america. we built this nation on trade, you know? this is great.
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partisan about penley's work. >> either trump or clinton. >> when political pollster franks luntz interviews voters of all stripes for cbc news that is penley's work hanging the background, and yet it seeps the people that who consider themselves conservatives see something more. >> when i see that statue of liberty, i see freedom in that picture. >> republican congressman lynn westmoreland of georgia says that this george washington is speaking directly to his conservative constituency. the we believe in personal freedom. that's a big thing for us. we don't think the governments needs to be involved in our business. >> and you see that in his artwork? >> absolutely. i mean the statue of liberty? that just shouts freedom. >> steve is here this morning to talk about it. nice to see you. >> and it doesn't hurt that steve penley himself frequently expresses his own conservative
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fox news. >> i think people feel so, you know, nateed about their country a, alienated about their country and feel like they are alone in feeling patriotic. >> he has once hoped to make his mark in the new york art world but after two years at the school of visual arts, he left disappointed and disillusioned. >> i walked into a gallery one day and there is this giant pile of dirt, i said what is this? she said it's an installation piece. you know, in that real snob by and that made me think there is no place for me in the art world, i am never going to make it. so i said, let's get out of here. >> he finally found a niche by combining art with his love of history. his harm paintings now sell for just under $20,000. >> this sounds really bad. it is true. i will paint the ones that sell. because i can't be waste ago lot of time painting pictures of benjamin harrison, who knows who
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his work, even if his recognition as an artist never goes beyond the hasselhoff capitol hill. >> do you hope some day that you will have a piece in moma or te whitney museum in new york? >> i would rather be rich. i am serious. i would rather have the money, but yes, i would like it, of course i would like it. but i don't think they are going to give me >> pauley: still to come, on the lighter side. >> number 3. >> pauley: and later -- ? >> pauley: music legend paul
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>> paul babeu is abusive. physical and sexual abuse at a boarding school. woman: a school that used to be run by pinal county sheriff paul babeu. disturbing. man: babeu's school was unlicensed, abusive, and dangerous. woman: paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. man: congressional candidate not only ran a boarding school rife with abuse, he supported the abusive practices and even bragged about them. paul babeu is unfit to represent us. house majority pac is responsible
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its final pokes in campaign 2016 last night. a campaign lee cowan reminds us that has given humorists and voters plenty of comic relief. >> it has been such a head scratcher of an election. >> the late show's stephen colbert thought he better protect himself. >> got to say i have to wear this until the election is over, so i don't claw my eyes out. >> bingo, how many of us feel >> trump sues so many people he's probably got platinum medallion status at the courthouse. >> instead of being the nation's night-lights, late night comedy shows have become more like release valves. >> hillary needs to own all the nasty things the hater says and run it is a notorious hrc. >> if we weren't laughing we might be crying. >> we never had a major party female candidate before, which
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swamped under the pile of, you know, orange shag carpeting that is donald trump. >> colbert doesn't see his humor as piling on donald trump. he sees it as truth telling. >> he sounds on the campaign trail as much like he's like a mobster and, you know? i am in shipping. it's a nice democracy you got here. i hate to see something happen to it. okay. maybe i will concede 0 on okay? >> even jon stewart couldn't resist coming out of retirement to sit in for colbert one night. >> i thought donald trump was going to speak. ivanka said he was going to come out. she said he was really compassionate and generous and then this angry groundhog came out. >> reporter: stewart led the fake news movement that blended laugh out loud one liners with news analysis. >> warning you are getting to here the p word and trust me
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>> samantha bee and john oliver, both daily show alums, continue that tradition although she is more righteously furious. >> donald trump screws the truth this way this lemur views the supreme court. vacancy, i don't care about that in any way. please (bleep) off. i have a banana. to diffuse it all, the candidates themselves have tried getting in on the jokes. >> what's the best way to get in touch with you? e-mail? >> hillary clinton appeared with zach on funny or die between two ferns. >> what is going to happen if you become pregnant? there are some pamphlets i can send you that might help you understand. >> donald trump made fun of himself too on the tonight show with jim might have fallon. >> me interviewing me, that is what i call a great idea. >> of course it's a great idea. we nought of it. >> i am winning in every single poll, taken outside of the
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trump on saturday night live. >> i turn on the news and all of the newscasters are making me look so bad. and how are we doing that? >> by taking all of the things i said and all of the things i do and putting them on tv. >> that sent the donald straight to his twitter account. >> alec baldwin portrayal stinks, he wrote. media rigging election. >> he may actually have a bit of a point. there is a humor bias, it turns out. studies have proven it. >> among a survey of four late night shows, george mason university found donald trump was the subject of 79 percent of the jabs, compared to just 21 percent for hillary clinton. >> but that 21 percent can still stick. if only there was some way we could get into the private side of hillary clinton. i don't know.
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something. >> >> it starts off on a napkin, on a cocktail napkin. >> just the idea. >> just the idea. >> but not everyone with a political funny bone is a hard-core liberal. >> i am a member of the smallest minority in america, a conservative journalist. we are outnumbered about 100 to one and i think i just have to be that much more obnoxious to make up for it. >> reporter: michael ramirez is a two-time pulitzer prize in the renewed e-mail investigation you would think this would be a dlielgt. >> as soon as anthony weiner approached on the landscape, believe me, 50 ideas that i cannot draw immediately came to mind. >> it is all so absurd, some humorists aren't quite sure what to make of it. >> it's a role reversal where the politicians is being the clown and we are the ones folding our hands and saying
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>> andy borowitz writes "the new yorker"'s borowitz report, a parody of daily news that boasts headlines like these. >> people are so distraught and so upset about where our country is, that i have never seen this kind of visceral reaction where people will actually come up to me and say thank god for comedy right now because it's the only thing that is getting me through. >> it's okay to still be chuckling as you head to the polls on tuesday, just don't be laughing >> with once-weekly trulicity.
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common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. with trulicity, i click to activate what's within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option click to activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. ordinary tissues left dakota's nose sore and red. with lotion to soothe and softness to please. a nose in need deserves puffs, indeed. >> pauley: the world is
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holding its breath. seth doane has been watching the watchers. >> it may be america's election, but the world is watching. >> dispot close in the polls. >> the presidential campaign is headline news in neighboring mexico where that wall and who pa of the discourse. >> russia has figured prominently with allegations of hacking and trying to influence the election. some lead versus started to publicly court candidates, israel's prime minister has kept his options open, meeting with both. while north korea's state media indicated that country would lean trump. >> are people here paying more attention to this election than in years past? >> yes, i think so.
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at italy's sky tg 24. >> i think in this case, with donald trump, it's a huge story. >> >> she says that they are dedicating more and more airtime for the campaign. it's good tv. >> we can't imagine that two candidates that are so different, more opposed, and also because of this campaign, it's dominated by >> >> and it's not just the personalities but the political issues that are relevant. in particular, she says, the rise of populism, and not just in the united states. >> get out and vote. thank you. >> i think there is a part of society in the u.s., but also here in europe, that is not voting for something or somebody, for a political platform, but they are simply
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establishment. >> take brexit, for example, the, uk's vote to leave the european union. or iceland's anti-establishment pirate party, which tripled its parliamentary seats in recent elections. and britain's sky news is promoting its coverage with a spoof. that pits the candidates against each other in a boxing >> >> appropriate, since in real life, this match has gotten ugly. >> secretary of state john kerry acknowledged it's made it tricky to push world leaders to promote democracy. >> there are moments when it is down right embarrassing. >> at the rally in iran president hasan rouhani asked iranians is this the kind of democracy you want? >> in china, where the ruling
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commentary noted the election revealed quote the defects of democracy, adding the selection of the u.s. leader has become a shouting match of insults. >> still cbs news found chinese watching the presidential debate the in a beijing coffee shop live at 9:00 a.m., the debates aired at 3:00 a.m. local time in italy. sarah varetto told us i italians tuned in any way. >> the of the night a. >> and people are tuning into those debates. >> yes. >> people in each country of course are paying attention to issues that will affect them most n iran it may be the future of the nuclear deal. in mexico, issues of immigration and trade. here in been drawn between donald trump, and the scandal plagued billionaire businessman and former prime minister silvio berlusconi. >> the world is watching and
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for november 9th. >> >> pauley: ahead,. >> people have strong feelings about candidates. >> pauley: a real grass roots campaign. >> i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them
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blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!? i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this messsage. paul babeu oversaw a place of horrors as headmaster of a school for at-risk youth. students were denied basic human rights and were subject to sexual abuse. arizona's largest newspapers endorse tom o'halleran for congress. "the republic" says, "elect tom o'halleran. his words match his work." and "the daily star" said, "o'halleran puts the common good above party politics.
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>> pauley: it's all the buzz in five states, ballot measures that would legalize recreational marijuan there is strong support, but barry petersen has found resistance as well. >> welcome. >> in is an upscale boutique in portland, oregon, it is not selling high end perfume, but products that will get you high. and high end accessories to match. >> we have a lot of people --
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business is brisk, still, she says it was hard to tell her grandma that she was selling drugs. >> and she goes, ah, do you think there is something that can help me sleep? >> it turns out that grandma is a pretty good care of america's changing attitudes about marijuana use. in 1969 a gallup poll showed 12 percent favored legalization. today it's 60 percent. medical marijuana is now available in 25 states, and four columbia now allow sales of recreational pot. >> business soon may be booming in california -- >> the first state in the nation to approve medical marijuana was california in 1996. tuesday, california is one of five states voting to legalize it for recreation. >> why do you think attitudes are changing about marijuana? >> well, i think people have come into dispensaries like this for the last 20 years in
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experiences. >> andrew deangelo is director of operations at harborside health center in oakland, one of the largest cannabis dispensaries in the nation. >> cannabis culture has shown that we can cultivate, transport and distribute cannabis in a responsible way. and that really changed the at dude of soccer moms and mainstream people who perhaps are not connected to cannabis. >> a poll released in california on friday shows 57 percent in favor of legalization, a similar measure was voted down. >> how do you educate an intoxicated mind? >> still, across town there is impassioned opposition from religious leaders of oakland's african-american community. >> to say, what, no. no. >> on 64. >> bishop ron allen serves churches across the state. >> we are out spent by millions. legalized drug dealers that are
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off of this. >> and there is a lot of money in marijuana. growing marijuana legally and illegally is a multibillion-dollar business, by some estimates pot is one of california's top cash crops. >> but a majority of small growers actually opposes the legalization, afraid big business coming into the state will put them out of business. >> they even have their own lobbyist, >> we are hardworking small business owners, we want the same things for our families and communities that every other resident of this state does. >> he was raised on his family's illegal pot farm. today he works the hasselhoff the state capitol. >> how does it feel to be out in the open? >> oh it feels great. it feels so good to be honest about who you are. some marijuana advocates compare their battle to the gay rights movement as proof of how fast
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legalized by one supreme court ruling. >> now, they believe, it's their time. >> when such a large diverse community that has such economic power decides that cannabis should be legal for adults over the age of 21, that sends a powerful message. not just to washington, but to the entire world. >> pauley: next, politics -- >> and i am your mother. >> pauley: gets personal.
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state. >> the serrated edge of our election divide runs right through a town house in raleigh, north carolina. >> right through the family of joyce wood house. >> this is. >> joyce two sons, brad and dallas grew up side by side. >> mom is on medicare. >> but they are on opposite sides of a split screen. >> dallas is executive direc of the north carolina republican party while brad runs a pro clinton super pac. >> perhaps you have seen them before, biting each other's heads off on cable news channels or taking phone calls on c-span. >> one from a very familiar voice. >> well you are right i am from down south. >> oh god mom. >> and i disagree that all families are like ours. >> you must have raised them differently. >> i rocked them in the same rocking chair. >> maybe you rocked one on your
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>> must have been. >> their relationship is such a circus someone once did a whole documentary about it. >> at least in the film you could tell much of the banter was good-natured. >> but this was all shot before trump versus clinton. >> you know,, it is a girl, right? >> yeah, whatever. >> i am used to them getting angry and debating, but this has been the most difficult election. it was the first time that i just got very sad about it. >> reporter: this past summer, as the election boiled, joyce says her sons stopped talking to each other altogether. >> i cried a lot. >> and for too many americans -- >> i did. >> -- this is what our election has come to. it has driven up apart and muddled our minds.
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more often than not, we actually love a lot of those people. in some cases, with all our hearts. but here is the good news. the brothers are talking again. >> i am i think that all families can come together and love each other and realize that family is the most important. >> i think we can all vote for that. i am just sort of dragging along this bag of sounds i have been collecting. >> paul simon is just ahead. and then we are on the trail. >> a lot of people have no idea
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so dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. puffs have pillowy softness for dakota's tender nose. with lotion to comfort and soothe when she blows. don't get burned by ordinary tissues. a nose in need deserves puffs, indeed. now get puffs plus lotion in the squeezable softpack. ? ? simon and garfunkel singing america in new york central park in the summer of 1981.
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summer, when paul simon released a new album to wide acclaim. he is a music legend, but hardly a complacent one. here again is lee cowan. >> to watch paul simon is to watch a big band leader in action. >> he has some of the best musicians in the world at his fingertips. . >> and when it is time -- they create a sound that is uniquely his. >> in my music is containing more and more elements from i am just sort of dragging along this big bag of sounds that i have been collecting.
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spoken to paul simon. >> these are it have naahize. they go -- >> he has shelves full of exotic instruments at his studio, at his home in the connection country side. >> i use it like this. like a schisch sound. >> each one of them, an auditory muse. >> i always called it a twanger but it turns out it's from, i think, india and it is called a gopichand. >> you will hear it very clearly on the first song off simon's 13th solo studio album. >> he calls it the werewolf. >> and when i heard it, it sounded like the werewolf is coming. the werewolf.
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from. >> milwaukee, man, lead a fairly decent life, made a fairly decent living, had a fairly decent wife. she killed him, sushi knife. now they are shopping for a fairly decent afterlife. >> at 75 his voice is as strong as ever, and with it comes lyrics only rhyming simon could deliver. >> the winners, the grinners, with money colored eyes, they eat all theug order extra fries. >> the world is coming. >> at a time when you could be playing your greatest hits, you could be not worried about sort of exploring new things, and yet you are still kind of trying to push the envelope. >> i am not trying to push an envelope. i have no agenda other than to follow what my ear tells me is interesting. >> a lot of trial and error.
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error, and i have learned to have a lot of patience with the errors. and a lotta errors. >> ? ? hello darkness, my old friend. i have come to tal talk with you again. >> even in this, you have been at this song writing business a long time, since he was 13, teaming up with his childhood friend, art >> because a vision ever strengthens in my brain. still remains. the sound of silence. as a team they wrote anthems for a generation, with lyrics that seemed wise beyond their years. >> for a while there, i had my finger out and the pulse of popular music ran under my
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>> i am just a poor boy, though my story easel dom told, i have squandered my resistance for a pocket full of mumbles such are promises. >> sometimes you get into that flow where you feel like you're plugged in and stuff is just coming through you. >> does one ever arrive in a flash for you? >> occasionally. occasionally. >.>> like withha remember ever writing that had any legs to it was slip sliding away. >> ? ? slid sliding, slip sliding away. slip sliding away. >> you know the myriad destinations, just slip, sliding away. >> which i wrote in about 20 minutes or half an hour. >> and the same is true with bridge over troubled water.
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>> ? ? like a bridge over troubled water." >> and when i finished it, i thought, where did that come from? that is better than i usually write. >> bridge over troubled water was simon and garfunkel's last album together. >> their often rocky collaboration ended in 1970. >> i don't spend a lot of time thinking garfunkel. but given the span of years of my career, it's only a relatively small proportion so -- >> does it feel like ancient history, sort of? >> you know, nothing feels like ancient history. it's one of the cliches of getting older, it's like you remember everything as if it just happened. >> at the end of this field way back there is another path and beyond that is another field
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>> how could he forget their massive reunion in central park back in 1981. >> ladies and gentlemen, simon and garfunkel! half a million people crammed on to the lawn that night to see the duo to -- the duo together again. ? and here's to you, mrs. robinson, jesus loves you more than you will know, whoa, whoa, whoa. >> it was a totally peaceful scene and it sortf through the city like that. there was something quite extraordinary about it. >> art garfunkel, however, wasn't so sure. >> when we came off stage and i said to artie, well, how do you think we did? and he said disaster. >> really? >> yeah. >> it was like a giant hit. >> they were a hit.
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he had plenty after the breakup, enough to bring an even bigger crowd back to central park in 1991. >> so momma don't take my kodachrome away. >> but nothing was quite as popular or quite as different as his south african influenced graceland. >> i can call you betty, and betty when you call me, you can >> i never really heard boundaries between music. to me, it really didn't matter where the stuff came from. it all sounded to me like something that i liked and therefore was popular music. >> people say she's crazy. she got diamonds on the soles of her shoes. >> it was the biggest learning experience of my musical life. no question about it. >> being a father has been his
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married a musician. edie brickell who has a successful career of her own. >> he continues his musical exploration pushing himself and his band to play each song, old or new, as if for the first time. >> if you are bored, you are probably not playing it well. you could be playing it perfect, but that doesn't mean you are playing it well. >> hisat stranger debuted at number 1 on the billboard charts this summer, that is historic even for him. >> i stepped outside my backstage door to breathe some nicotine. >> it's proof perhaps that any talk of his retirement is just that, talk. >> that's not to say, though, he is not thinking about the future, and for paul simon, those thoughts it probably won't
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end things well, not just a career but the whole thing, the whole life. you know? and if i could do it gracefully or beautifully, well, i would be very grateful. >> but it doesn't sound like you are dwelling on it. >> it's not my favorite go to subject, you know, when i want to tear myself up. buhe least somewhat prepared for how to end well, how to end the song well, how to end a career well, how to end everything well. >> there is the goody. >> pauley: ahead, as american as apple pie.
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>> pauley: on the trail is sponsored by subaru. working together with the national parks to help them reach zero landfill. from domestic politics to a pacific outpost, colin knighton covers a lot of ground this morning. >> hello world, hello, america. >> of all of the delegations of the republican national convention, introduced itself to the rest of america. >> american samoa, and yes that is the correct pronunciation is an often overlooked collection of islands in the south pacific that has been a united states territory since 1900 and yet -- >> a lot of people there have no idea where this place is. >> pua tuana is a ranger 0 at the national park a of american samoa, located over 7,000 miles
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of the equator, moment to drop, tropical fruit bats and colorful crabs. the pristine coral reeves here are some of the best in the world. >> the island a's remoteness has also helped preserve its way of life. >> the most important thing is our culture, we want to preserve our culture here. >> samoan culture combines ancient traditions like coming in an umu or earth oven with more recent ones. >> the islands have been arrival of missionaries in the 1800s. >> in the capital city of pago pago you pay for the fresh coconuts in dollars. the american flag is everywhere, it is the preferred decoration on family run shuttle buses. in fact, the close to 55,000 people who live here may be the most patriotic in the entire country. >> american samoa, where per capita, more of our sons and daughters proudly wear the
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than any other state or territory! >> the military has a big presence here. but despite participating in the primary process, american samoa won't be choosing the next commander in chief. >> just like the people of puerto rico and guam, residents of american samoa don't get any electorial votes. >> all we do now is just to pray for a good leader to rise up and to make a difference. >> peter talivaa was the small village of anuu where in still lives today and like most ever else here, not only has he never voted for president, he is also not a u.s. citizen. the people of american is a no a are considered u.s. nationals. >> you are born owing allegiance to the united states, but you are not a citizen. america doesn't owe its allegiance back. >> while the other major territories have achieved citizen ship by birth through acts of congress, it never happened in american samoa.
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alailima and his colleagues filed a lawsuit arguing that the fourteenth amendment which guarantees citizenship to those born on u s soil should apply to the territories. >> they have been raised in an american system, and they have served the american government. there is no reason why they should not be citizens because they are on sovereign u.s. soil. >> just let us be united states >> the plaintiffs in the case, is a decorated vietnam veteran. >> i am being discriminated against. i cannot be a united states citizen. if nationals move off island, to say, california, they still can't vote or hold certain jobs unless they pay a fee and apply for citizenship. >> if you were a citizen by birth, you could go to any state and establish residency there and immediately be a u.s. citizen for voting purposes in that state.
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american samoa. >> for him, it is also a matter of personal pride. >> i feel i don't belong. >> really? >> in june, the supreme court declined to hear mamea's case. he is currently exploring other options but it's worth noting that not everyone here wants to be a u.s. citizen. >> i would say i am pretty much good the way i am. >> you are fine with being a national? >> i am fine being a national. >> the laid-back simplicity of hive here stands in contrast to the extremely complicated syste govern a place like this, a system that is on the brink of change. >> the federal government doesn't even own this park land. it is leased from the local villages. which means that when the lease runs out in 22 years, the future of this pocket of green in the distant pacific is as uncertain
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people. >> if you have a typical airline credit card, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. this where you typically shop? you should be getting double miles on every purchase! the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. not just ...(dismissively) airline purchases. seriously... double miles... everywhere.
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i've been taking probiotics gx from nature's bounty to maintain healthy digestion and help with the occasional so wherever i get stuck today, my "future self" will thank me. thank you. thank you. thank you. hang on, go go go back. thank you. do i get stuck in an air duct? it's a funny story really... (laughing) nearly 50 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy.
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>> in this year's presidential campaign, the worst ever? the polling says yes. and our bob schieffer agrees. >> my mother always said go vote, it makes you feel big and strong, but when i cast my absentee ballot this year, i didn't feel big or strong. i felt anxious and worried. it's not enough to say this was the worst campaign of my lifetime. this will be one of examples we will use to rate future campaigns, the way we judge disasters and scandals, as in the worst scandal since watergate or the worst hurricane since katrina. >> shocking, isn't it? >> our campaigns are more than just the process where we select candidates. they should also enlighten us, help us to understand problems and debate solutions. this time there was none of that. you could put half of trump's
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this campaign left an unsavory stain on everyone and everything it touched, including the process itself. >> folks, it's a rig system and it's a rigged election, believe me .. political discourse ranged from allegations of old-fashioned understandings and character -- >> we have learned that thousands of additional e-mails have been discovered on another electronic device. >> to vulgar and rude discussions of subjects seldom mentioned in public. >> he referred to my hands, if they are small, something else must be small. i guarantee you there is no problem. i guarantee it. >> the recurring question was could it get worse? and it always did. >> and when you are a star they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the (bleep). >> our amendments have become a
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professional class that has grown up around them, yet the system coughed up two candidates this year that most americans neither like nor trust. >> which raises the question, has the whole process become so money driven, so odious that the most qualified people want no part of it? >> after what we have been through this time isn't that something we need to talk about before next time? >> shuts down your stomach's active acid pumps... to stop the burn of frequent heartburn... all day and night. have we seen them before? banish the burn with nexium 24hr. ordinary tissues left dakota's nose sore and red. so dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. with lotion to soothe and softness to please. a nose in need deserves puffs, indeed. ?
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>> welcome to hooray for politics at the smithsonian national museum of american history in washington. where we learn that ballot comes from the word ballota, italian for little ball. colored balls being an earlier and simpler way of voting, as harry rubenstein, head of the museum a's division of political history explains. >> and the way it works is you put the ball in the different people come and do it, open it up, and you get your count. >> now you know where the expression blackballed comes from. it's the ultimate no vote. >> on to the paper ballot. this maryland ballot for the electorial college is believed to be from our first election in 1789. by the mid 1,800s, voters were given more blatantly partisan
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such as this one featuring ulysses s grant from 1868. >> come the 1900s states were using large ballots, including all the candidates, so big they were called blanket ballots. at the same time, in big cities, technology was taking over, though paper ballots can still be found in some places even today. and then there is the 202000, 2000 presidential election in florida, rememth chads? >> so which artifact from this year's campaign will rate a spot in a future exhibit? like the election itself, stay tuned. >> pauley: and that brings up to john dickerson in washington for a look at what is ahead on "face the nation". how is it looking to you this morning, john? >> well, jane, the polls have been take at that taping this year it is fast and furious,
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battleground states we have been talking about and now late activity in the traditionally democratic state of michigan. so we will be watching to see whether hillary clinton can turn out the democratic coalition and if that silent majority that donald trump has been talking about will emerge on tuesday. >> >> pauley: all right that is ahead, face the nation. thank you, john. don't forget, cbs news election coverage tuesday night, and next week. here on sunday morning. >> never trust anybody. >> after warren back. >> we asked people to write down the things they love to do ? now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love.
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captioning sponsored by cbs dickerson: today on "face the nation" it's down to the wire as campaign 2016 finally comes to a close. >> on this last weekend before election day the end can't come soon enough. the tension stays with us until the end. >> by the way,?r folks, while we're at >> dickerson: donald trump was rushed off the stage by the civil service in reno. >> nobody said it would be easy for us. but we will never be stopped. >> dickerson: and last minute dashes across the?i country to sewer up support in a flurry of final photo ops. last pleas for votes. >> i want to be the president for everybody.
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