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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  November 16, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm MST

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captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: the word comes down from the tower. the president-elect tweets the transition is organized and smooth. even his opponents say so. >> i'm confident on day one everything will be in good hands. >> pelley: jon stewart weighs in in his first interview since >> i don't believe we are a fundamentally different country today than we were two weeks ago. >> pelley: government safety experts give pilots a visual lesson in midair collisions. and the library of congress honors the motown sound of smokey robinson, calling his
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? ? this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. reporting tonight from washington. >> pelley: donald trump will be sworn in back there at the u.s. capitol in just 65 days. workers today raced to build the inaugural platform, while the president-elect was doing the same, racing to build a cabinet. new york that the transition is going well despite what you've heard. the head of the transition was sent packing along with several advisers, but today the new head of the transition, mike pence, met with the man he will be succeeding as vice president. here's major garrett. >> reporter: vice president-elect mike pence and his wife visited their future home and ate lunch with its current residents. then the sitting vice president
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day one. we weren't ready on day one. i've never met one that's ever been ready on day one. >> reporter: at the u.s. chamber of commerce this morning, pence in a closed-door session reassured business leaders at the president-elect's economic plans. responding to reports that his transition is in disarray, mr. trump tweeted, "the process is going so smoothly," and "i am the only one who knows who the finalists are for key positions." the president-elect spent more than an hour at reviewing potential supreme court nominees, campaign manager andrea constand. -- kellyanne conway. >> roughly one-fifth of the voters said the supreme court was the most important or one of the most important issues. >> you don't form a federal government overnight. these are very serious issues, very serious appointment, very serious considerations. >> reporter: president-elect has made no cabinet announcement, but he's not
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president-elect obama's first appointments came three weeks after the election. choices for other top departments came a week later. in 2000, george w. bush did not begin his formal transition until mid-december, after a protracted recount in florida. under tight deadline, bush announced top positions within two weeks. in 1992, bill clinton waited seven weeks before announcing cabinet nominees. former house speaker and trump confidante newt gingrich. >> the beginning of any because it's the nature of the process, and i think that trump is very decisive. >> reporter: pence has signed a key legal document placing him in charge of mr. trump's transition, but other paperwork, according to the white house, remains incomplete. scott, the pentagon, state and justice department all report no outreach yet from trump transition staff. >> pelley: major garrett, thanks. the first billionaire president has business interests
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decisions in the white house. financial conflicts are banned for all federal employees except two -- the president and the vice president. so we asked rudy julianna goldmo tell us more about mr. trump's financial ties with china. >> reporter: product trump has threatened a trade war with china. >> we can't continue to allow china to rape our country, and that's what they're doing. >> reporter: yet he's bragged about his great relationship with the chinese. >> the thing they most want, you know what one of the top ten things, anything trump. you believe it? my apartment, my ties, my... they love me. >> reporter: mr. trump's web of financial interests in china only add to the unprecedented conflicts posed by his global business, which will be run by his children, who are also his key advisers. >> for us there is a great future in china.
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potential projects in beijing and shenzhen. trump china development llc is a listed company, but requests for more information about these entities went unanswered. in 2012 ivanka trump said they had a team based in shanghai. >> there are such interests in the brand being here. we're really ramping up our commitment to meeting the right partners and finding the right opportunities. >> reporter: but taking those steps is all but impossible without also doing business with the chinese government, according to scott kennedy of the cent international studies. >> the line between state and business is a lot fuzzier, and much more complex. they can open and close doors to individual deals in the way that you can't elsewhere in the world. >> reporter: china also owes the president-elect money. the state-run industrial and commercial bank of china is a tenant in trump tower new york. one potential check on these conflicts is a clause in the constitution that says a government official can't
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governments or companies owned by foreign governments, but, scott, it would be up to the republican congress to enforce that. >> pelley: julianna goldman in the washington newsroom tonight. julianna, thank you. well, three manhattan high-rises divested themselves of the trump name today. the gold letters were taken down from apartment buildings that he built but sold a few years ago. hundreds of teed off ten nantzs signed a petition to remove trump's name, but the current "neutral building identity." democrats identified their new leadership in the senate today. the new minority leader is chuck schumer of new york. the team ranges from the progressive bernie sanders of vermont to the moderate joe manchin of west virginia. dick durbin of illinois remains minority whip, the number-two job. patty murray of washington moves into the third position. some of america's european
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trump victory. president obama spoke to them today in the city where democracy was invented around 500 b.c. margaret brennan is traveling with the president. >> reporter: on his last foreign trip, president obama walked through the ancient ruins of the acropolis, once the strongest democracy in the world. and he warned of the consequences of the pop list anger that powered donald trump's campaign to victory. >> faced with where cultures clash, it's inevitable that some will seek a comfort in nationalism. >> reporter: but he said those crude forces could be avoided by restoring a sense of justice. >> they are less likely to turn on each other and they're less likely to appeal to some of the darker forces that exist in all of our societies. >> reporter: that's exactly what european allies fear, that
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his america-first campaign rhetoric. >> great again. >> reporter: "we are in unchartered waters," one key u.s. ally told us. "god help us all." president obama tried to reassure his audience, saying progress follows a winding path. >> the next american president, and i could not be more different. [applause] we are... we have very different points of view, but american democracy is bigger than any person. >> reporter: scott, president obama's likely to hear more concerns tomorrow in germany, a key u.s. ally whose chief diplomat called donald trump a preacher of hate. >> pelley: margaret brennan with the president. margaret, thank you. in two months mr. trump will be commanding troops in combat for the first time. with u.s. forces fighting and advising in syria and iraq, we asked war correspondent holly williams to compare the campaign rhetoric with the campaign
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>> reporter: this new isis propaganda video shows the treacherous urban battlefield in the fight for mosul. narrow streets that isis car bombs can slip down unnoticed, surprising the iraqi army with deadly blasts. [explosion] president-elect trump has threatened to "bomb the hell out of isis." but with around a million civilians in mosul, indiscriminate air strikes are >> i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. >> reporter: during his campaign, mr. trump said he'd send in up to 30,000 u.s. troops to take on isis before backtracking and saying he'd pressure other countries to fight instead. >> i would hit them is hard your head would spin. there's nobody bigger or better at the military than i am. >> reporter: but on the ground in iraq, the u.s. has spent two
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building a fragile coalition to fight isis. which the trump administration will now inheart. across the border in syria, aleppo is again being bombarded by air strikes on rebel-held areas, killing civilians and damaging hospitals. russia says it's now launching strikes from its aircraft r aircraft carrier in the mediterranean sea, but despite international condemnation of russia's actions, the president-elect has sugst he'll work together with moscow and would end american support for syrian rebels. in syria's multi-sided conflict, scott, that could ultimately benefit russia's ally, the syrian regime, which has been bombing its own people for more than four years. >> pelley: holly williams reporting from istanbul tonight. holly, thank you. in another important story, a st. anthony, minnesota, police officer, was charged with
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traffic stop. the girlfriend of the victim, philando castile, live streamed the aftermath on facebook. jamie yuccas is in st. paul. >> the use of deadly force by officer yanez was not justified. >> reporter: prosecutor john choi today said that philando castile was shot seven times by officer jeronimo yanez less than a minute after being pulled over. castile's girlfriend was in the car wi h daughter. >> oh, my god. please don't tell me he's dead. >> castile then calmly and in a non-threatening manner informed officer yanez, "sir, i have to tell you that i do have a firearm on me." >> reporter: according to the criminal complaint, officer yanez responded, "okay," but then pulled his gun and reached into castile's vehicle. he told castile, don't pull it
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pulling it out." moments later, officer yanez started firing. >> i told him to get his hand out. >> reporter: castile's girlfriend diamond reynolds tells us he's glad officer yanez was charged. do you think you can ever forgive the office center >> god wants us all to forgive. i can forgive anyone. but will i forget? will i not be hurting? absolutely not. >> reporter: the police union says it's disappointed with the judicial system. scott, officer yanez will be in court on friday, but he likely won't go to trial for a month. >> pelley: jamie yuccas in st. paul. jamie, thank you. federal investigators are blaming air traffic controllers for two midair collisions last year that killed seven people. kris van cleve has been looking into technologies designed to prevent these collisions that happen in the blink of an eye.
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fast. did you see it? this is an n.t.s.b. animation simulating a deadly midair collision and the limits of see and avoid, a method of flying that teaches pilots how the avoid midair collisions. by the time the pilot of this cessna was able to spot an f-16 fighter -- >> altitude zero miles. >> reporter: -- he had only seconds to respond. the planes collided over south carolina in 2015. the two people on board the cessna died. weeks later another midair five. in both cases the n.t.s.b. believes available collision avoidance systems could have prevented the crash. >> traffic. >> reporter: by giving warnings like these. they are not required in general aviation aircraft, but similar systems are required for commercial airliners. rusty aimer is a retired airline captain. >> i must have had in my career at least five or six of those warnings that saved us.
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in the u.s., killing 46. mark rosenker is the former head of the n.t.s.b. >> these are very deadly accidents. that's why when you can use this kind of technology to prevent them from happening, it is a simple decision to go out and install it. >> reporter: starting in 2020, all general aviation aircraft will have to have new technology to better communicate with air traffic controllers, but, scott, those systems stop short avoidance. >> pelley: kris van cleve for us tonight. kris, thank you. coming up next on the "cbs evening news," jon stewart's first interview since the election. plan insured through unitedhealthcare. it features $0 co-pays, low monthly premiums,
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t under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. >> pelley: jon stewart left "the daily show" almost a year before the election, so he's been on the sideline for most of this time, but today stewart gave his first post-election
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"cbs this morning." >> reporter: your reaction to this election? >> uh... >> reporter: surprise? >> surprise. it all ties together. >> reporter: fear? >> well, fear... here's what i would honestly say: i don't believe we are a fundamentally different country today than we were two weeks ago or than we the same country with all its grace and flaws and volatility and insecurity and strength and resilience exists today as existed two weeks ago. the same country that elected donald trump elected barack obama. and those contradictions are... this election to me is just another extension of the long
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founding, which is what are we? so on a philosophical and theoretical level, i feel badly for the people for whom this election will mean more uncertainty and insecurity, but i also feel like this fight has never been easy. >> pelley: you can hear much more from jon stewart on the election and his new book "the daily show." that's tomorrow on "cbs this morning."
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i wanted to know who i am and where i came from. i did my ancestrydna and i couldn't wait to get my pie chart. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. just to know this is what i'm made of, this is where my ancestors came from. and i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. it's opened up a whole new world for me.
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>> pelley: the truth became first casualty in the war for the white house, and today the oxford injury chose post-truth as the word of the year. post-truth describes those times when public opinion is influenced more by emotion than the facts. use of the word is up 2,000%
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we're in washington tonight because we're covering the transition, but not the one you're thinking of. >> bill plante? no? bill's not here? that's shocking. >> pelley: it certainly is, but after 52 years at cbs news, senior white house correspondent bill plante is calling it a career, and what a career, covering every major story of the past half century, from the civil rights past weeks in selma come to fruition now? >> pelley: to the election of america's first black president -- >> tomorrow they'll go into training. >> pelley: bill did four tours in vietnam. >> did you make a mistake in sending arms to tehran, sir? >> no, and i'm not taking any more questions. >> pelley: and covered the administrations of four presidents. >> it was very impressive. >> politics, general assignment,
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work, you name it,'d like to do it. >> pelley: bill plante came to cbs in 1964, and like a fine wine, he just seemed to get better with time. >> great color, lovely light fruit taste. >> pelley: so tonight we will toast our friend and colleague. you will be missed, bill, missed by millions. as soon as i left the al after a dvt blood clot, i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i asked my doctor. and he recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding
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? i don't like you but i love you ? >> reporter: smokey robinson's lyrics are as smooth as his voice. ? i try to keep smile in the summer night ? but in the lonely room i cry tears ? >> reporter: creating the motown sound along with co-founder barry gordy, the detroit native's words became the soundtrack for generations. ? i'm going to fly away you'll go my way ? i love it when we're cruising together ? >> reporter: in an interview with cbs sunday morning, gordy explained how it all started. >> he was a wonderful poet, but he didn't know how to write songs, they would go on and on and on and on, so i really taught him how to write a simple
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>> reporter: for the next three decades, robinson wrote top of the chart hits for everyone from the temptations... ? my girl, my girl, my girl ? the jackson five ? and i wonder ? he told "cbs this morning" it came naturally. >> there's no art to it. it's a gift. i think god gives everyone a gift. >> reporter: the ira gershwin prize is named for george a ira gershwin. >> for me to be mentioned in the same breath with the gershwins as a songwriter is just incredible. ? if you got the notion ? >> reporter: his fans second that emotion. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. with thanks to the jones day law firm for this view of the capitol and for all of us at cbs
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perhaps the biggest name in this election was sheriff arpaio but he was not the only longstanding maricopa county official voted out. >> howard purcell has been our county recorder since 1988. she lost to her democratic challenger. >> and dennis sat down with him for an exclusive one-on-one. he isn't known for a lot of people
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purcell. >> he is a local attorney but he's got no experience running elections. he was a sharp critic of purcell during the campaign. now the pressure is on him to fix our election problems in the county. so we sit down with him over coffee this afternoon to talk about his plans to run federal elections here. >> can you guarantee there will not be any lines? >> i'd like to make that guarantee. there's a lot of factors in play. we're gonna need the resources that we can't just automatically generate. we've gotta make sure that our equipment is top-notch and it performs very well. we've got to increase the level of training. we've got to have the resources.


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