tv CBS Overnight News CBS November 23, 2016 2:42am-4:00am MST
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>> we have an honest open deep bait between the president of the united states and the one man we believe has the insight to stand up to him. >> one of the pivotal segments on the show through bush vs. bush in 2003. he knows this way better than i do by the way. mr. president, is the idea to just build a new country that we look better? >> we will tear down the apparatus of terror and we will help-up to is prosperous and free. >> i don't think our troops ought to be used for nation building. >> people used to come up to me in the news business, how do you fine the clip of the guy contradict himself? from five years ago. tivo. rerecord it. we we go back and search for it. >> the idea of what the daily show became was not something banging around in your head when
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in my head was -- is there a better way to execute public affairs comedy that means something to me? can i express my comedy about things that i care about in a way that is entertaining enough so i won't get fired. it could get rejected. >> go down doing it my way. >> that's right. >> i am going to go down the in the way that i think is the best iteration of my abilities and itch if that goes down, i can bartend. >> yes, you could. >> what they found early on -- >> every reporter's dream. >> found a tone in a piece, steve carell did john mccain. >> the best way to get to a presidential candidate's bus is
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vie improv. >> you have world class improvisers working with civilians who don't know they're in an improv. >> senator, how do you reconcile the fact that you were one of the most vocal critics of pork barrel politics yet while you were chairman of the kmer committee, the committee set a record for unauthorized appropriations. >> mccain freezes. a dear in the headlights moment. then what do we let you go. it's catch and release. >> i was just kidding. >> we have to undercut it with a laugh. i don't even know what that means. >> the world is worse than when i started. have i caused this! >> one of the difficulties of this is this has been given a greater place in the discussion
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discourse than is warranted. and once that started to happen. i think -- you began to question if it is a good thing or a bad thing. >> the thanksgiving meal is not only about the turkey. there its also the fixings, and the dessert. and for most people, dessert usually means, apple pie, and pumpkin pie. maybe even sweet potato pie if you get adventurous. well in maryland, dessert is all about the cake. rita braver climbed on board to got a taste. >> reporter: smith island reachable only by boat is less than ten miles off the coast of maryland. but a world apart. british settlers first came here in the 17th century. and today, it its a tranquil place. unless you happen on to the kitchen of the smith island cake
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>> no more than 10. >> no more than 10. 10 cakes a day. >> like to keep it at six, seven. i don't know who is going to wear out first me or the oven. awe maury she ships to the mainland. but she has no website. >> how do they find out about you? >> neighbor tells the neighbor and the son tells the daughter or whatever. i have no idea. >> reporter: a labor intensive process. eight to ten thin layers. each baked in its own pan. >> okay. almost. almost. >> reporter: then carefully iced. dollop of frosting in the middle. >> reporter: marshal's island roots go back countless generations. like most women here she learned to bake smith island cake as a child. no one really knows how it all began. >> i think it became a competition between the women of
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layers. >> does it taste as the good as it looks? >> i hope it will. >> reporter: it does. and when she started taking them up to the state legislature, they voted smith island cake the official maryland state dessert in 2008. >> well, we were hollering look we won the super bowl. >> reporter: but the island has also suffered significant set backs. coastline loss to erosion and rising sea waters. a once thriving seafood industry, now struggling. and a population that has dwindled to around 200. but cakes are on the rise. ever since a young wharton business school grad happened to taste one. when did you go from saying this is really good cake, to let me see if maybe there is a business here? >> almost immediately. >> reporter: and so brian murphy founded the smith island baking
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he started by visiting the island. and talking to mary ada marshal. she says brian i love this idea. can i pray for you? i said you pray? she said honey you can't live in the chesapeake bay and not pray. in fact, murphy first opened the baekery on the island with an all local staff. but after seven years, he moved across the water to christfield maryland, vexed by the isnd idiosyncracies. >> roof leaks. power doesn't work. internet doesn't work. the bay freezes over. >> reporter: you regret you had to move? >> terrible. these are real people. >> reporter: the backery still employs any original smith islanders who want to stay on. >> how do you know if a smith island cake tastes good or not? >> when there is none left. >> reporter: but though she wishes the baekbakery well.
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facebook promising changes to fight the spread of misinformation and fake news on the social network. founder and ceo mark zuckerberg is devising a plan to keep phone yo news stories off face book feeds. after the presidential election, critics say the plan is too little, too late. decisions facebook made months ago might have made the problem worse. the facebook ceo told global leaders in peru he wants to connect the world. >> you can take any system in the word and make it much, much better than it is today. >> reporter: as he demonstrated virtual reality to peru's president he was forced to deal with the more trubing reality back at home. the seemingly unchecked
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a facebook representative addressed the controversy monday. >> the amount of news that is on the site as you would call it fake news is very small. we are not satisfied with that. >> reporter: zuckerberg outlined seven ways the social media giant hopes to detection measures, third party verification by fact checking organizations and possibly adding warnings, flagging false stories by third parties or the but critics say, zuckerberg's proposed fixes are too little too late. >> i think as a diplomatic answer it was great. but, you know i think what people really want are specifics. he failed to deliver that. >> adam was contracted to work for facebook's trending topics division in may. he said he was laid off four months later and the division was eliminated. >> reporter: in your opinion should mark zblekerberg have
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>> maybe not mark zuckerberg, but leaders within the company should have been paying more attention to what was, you know, showing up in people's news feeds for sure. >> his job was to make sure that inaccurate news didn't trend on facebook. he says his devision was eliminated weeks after criticism earlier this year that facebook's information gate keepers were suppressing conservative view points. helped minimize the amount of fake news. >> by stopping fake news from trending you are likely to stop fake news from spreading further. >> he thinks it is unrealistic for users to fact check the stories in their news feed and says the responsibility is on facebook. well that's the "overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you, the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news. and cbs this morning.
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york city, i'm jericka duncan. now his positions are in transition. the president-elect says he won't prosecute hillary clinton. and denying climate change, well that's changing too. also tonight, the driver who wrapped a school bus around a tree killing at least five children is charged with vehicular homicide. >> and my daughter said, right before the bus flipped, he asked them, are you all ready to die? >> the billionaire who is bringing jobs to america. >> mr. chou, are you making america great again? and the president honors some of america's greatest stars. >> you talking to me? >> he was.
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>> announcer: this is the cbs "overnight news." reporting tonight from los angeles. few people expect politicians to keep all of their campaign promises, but in a matter of hours, donald trump reversed himself on three controversial positions that were important to conservative republicans. positions that helped him defeat hillary clinton. including that vow to put her in prison or at lest prosecute her. climate change and torture. with 59 days now before mr. trump becomes the 45th president, here is chip reid. >> reporter: at trump rallies, lock her up was almost a campaign mantra. candidate trump called her crooked hillary and threatened to put her in jail. >> special prosecutor, here we come, right? if i win we will appoint a
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in a meeting at "the new times" where reporters were live tweeting the conversation mr. trump said this when asked about prosecuting her. i don't want to hurt the clintons, he said i really don't. she went through a lot and suffered greatly in many ways. later he added, i think it would be very, very divisive for the country. he also changed his tune on the issue of climate change. an whether it is caused by human activity. during the campaign, mr. trump left no doubt. >> a lot of it is a hoax. he said he wanted to cancel the paris accords, an international agreement negotiated by the obama administration to reduce fossil fuel emissions. today, mr. trump told the times i think there is some connectivity between humans and climate changed. asked if he wants to withdraw from climate change accord, i'm looking at it very closely. i have an open mind to it. >> i would bring back
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hell of a lot worse than water boarding. >> mr. trump during the campaign on issue of torture, today he told the times he changed his mind after talking with the general who is a strong candidate for secretary of defense and who opposes waterboarding. mattis told mr. trump give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple beers and i'll do better. mr. trump said today i was very impressed by that answer. the president elect also made news when asked if it is a conflict of interest how to be actively involved in his businesses, while also serving as president. the law is totally on my side, he said s the president can't have a conflict of interest. he did add he is phasing out his business activity and giving it to his kids. before becoming chairman of the trump campaign, steve bannon was ceo of breitbart. the conservative website. in an interview with "mother jones" last summer, bannon said we are the platform for the alt right, a conservative movement that's become popular with white
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trump told the times i don't want to energize the group and i disavow the group. twitter is mr. trump's primary means of communicating directly with supporters the he has more than 15 million twitter followers. he used to lash out at cast of the musical "hamilton" and "saturday night live" but silent on his twitter feed about the alt right and also been silent to the general public. he held no public events since his election night speech and his last full press conference was in july. chip reid for us tonight. chip, thank you. well during the campaign, mr. trump said that the clinton charitable foundation was a criminal enterprise. yesterday, as required, the trump foundation released its 2015 tax form, and julianna goldman found the president-elect's charity is admitting to a violation of its own. in its most recent tax filing, the donald j. trump foundation said in 2015 it transferred
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disqualified person. and that it also did so in previous years. translation, the foundation gave money to someone it shouldn't have. >> i give a lot of money to people, charities and everything. i love people. the form posted to charity database, guidestar doesn't detail violations. but during the campaign, "the washington post" first reported and cbs verified, that mr. trump violated an irs rule by using his foundation for his own benefit. in one example, a man was denied prize money after scoring a hole in one at mr. trump's westchester golf course. he sued. the foundation ultimately gave $158,000 to his charity. to help settle another lawsuit, the foundation contributed $100,000 in 2007 to a military charity after the city of palm beach sued mr. trump's club for putting up a large flagpole. new york attorney general eric
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foundations that report these so-called self-dealing violations typically pay a penalty tax and repay the money. several tax attorneys told us it is common for private foundations to report that they unintentionally violated self-dealing rules. in this case the president-elect is admitting to wrong-doing after a series of news reports. trump representatives did not respond for requests for comment. the post-election rally has propelled wall street to a h the dow gained 67 points to close above 19,000 for the first time since the election, the blue chip index is up nearly 4%. well, as much as 40 inches of snow fell in upstate new york. the snow was whipped up by icy wind off lake ontario near rochester cars were buried. snow and rain are expected tomorrow in the upper midwest.
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today in tennessee, parents told us that they were worried about their school bus driver long before he wrapped his bus around a tree. that driver has now been chargei five young students were killed yesterday. 12 others are in the hospital. six of them in intensive care. mark strassmann is in chattanooga. >> neighbors recalled hearing an explosion. and then, the sound of children
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they struck a tree so hard the bus almost split in two. investigators say, 24-year-old johnthony walker was driving recklessly well above the posted speed limit of 30 miles an hour. >> you want to make sure the brakes were working. the steering was working. want to find anything that wasn't working. >> reporter: hours after the crash, parents searched for missing kids. we spotted kadeer mateen, three daughters were on the bus. two were hurt. missing. >> she was strapped between the seat. but that's it. that's all she said. >> an hour later we saw mateen at the hospital looking devastated. he had just learned that zaira was among the children killed. jazmine mateen is their mother. >> angry. hurt. she wanted to be a doctor. and now my baby can't be that doctor that she wanted to be. >> reporter: mateen told us for
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walker's driving. walker has no criminal record, but his driving record shows his license was suspended in 2014 for lack of insurance. and two months ago his bus swiped a car causing minor damage to both vehicles. mateen made serious allegations concerning walker and yesterday's crash. >> my daughter said right before the bus flipped that he was speeding around a curve and asked them "are y'all ready to >> reporter: he asked the kids what? >> are they ready to die? >> reporter: we have not been able to verify those allegations, but mateen one of three parents we tacked to who complained about walker's past driving. scott, we also spoke on the phone with walker's mother. she called her son, a good kid, and called the crash a terrible accident. >> mark strassmann covering this tragedy tonight. mark, thank you. here in los angeles, more
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homelessness is dropping in much of the country, but not in california. we asked ben tracy to find out more. >> reporter: in santa ana, california this tent city is home to 500 people living in the shadow of city hall. >> they want to pretend we don't exist. >> nick blinderman is 26 and uses heroin. >> i never in my life have seen anything like the drug use around here. it'ss rising in california in part because housing costs and rent have skyrocketed. 120,000 people are homeless here. 66% of them live on the street. the highest rate of people without shelter, in the country. >> you cannot convince me on any day of the week, that this is the way that people should have to live. >> mark ridley thomas, los angeles city supervisor. tents line streets all over los
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jerry brown to declare state of emergency. using fund for natural disasters to address homelessness. you believe this is a disaster just like a wildfire or an earthquake? >> well, it's pretty obvious. this is simply an intolerable set of circumstances. >> reporter: on election day, los angeles voters approved a $1.2 billion plan to build 10,000 units of affordable it's not enough but a start. >> so this is pretty typical of the first step up off the street. phillip man gano is an expert on homelessness and says programs often focus on hunger or drug use not permanent housing. services without housing leaves people still on the street in shelters. >> tanisha lives at the tent city in santa ana.
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teach. there is plumbers. there is roofers. there is construction workers. there is everything here. but nobody is willing to give them that chance because they have hit rock bottom. >> and the view from the bottom its not pretty. so, we ask governor brown's office if he plans to declare that state of emergency. scott, he said that would not be appropriate. he says that chronic homelessness, like the kind you see back here, is better dealt
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donald trump was elected in part by promising to stop the flow of american jobs to china. but it turns out, that's a two-way street. as jim axelrod found. >> reporter: the factory floor is bustling at this manufacturing plant in ohio. a billionaire has indeed brought jobs back to this part of the rust belt. >> we'll stop the jobs from leaving ohio and from leaving america. >> reporter: not that billionaire. this one. mr. chou, how many jobs do you expect to create in ohio? 3,000. not hundreds. thousands?
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former gm plant which shut its doors in 2008, costing the area 1,000 jobs, and turned it into a state of the art auto glass factory. today, the ohio plant is part of chou's global glass empire. helping to produce 23% of the world's car windows. >> when i walked into it two years ago it was dark, dirty, and had been uninhabited for quite a few years. jim reid, a supervisor, voted for donald trump, who made the campaign. >> we can't continue to allow china to rape our country. that's what they're doing. >> reporter: what do you make of the idea that e guy bringing hundreds, thousands of jobs to this part of ohio its chinese? >> i'll be honest.
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>> reporter: why? >> just because of what i have been kind of led to believe. >> it is the greatest theflt in the history of the world. >> reporter: but mr. chou seems untroubled by the criticism. he told us, "that was just campaign talk." now that trump its the president elect, things will be different. >> reporter: are you making america great again? what would your message be to donald trump about chinese businessmen in the united states? >> give them a try. >> reporter: 10% of the jobs at the plant are held by chinese employees. as the for wages, jobs average $21 an hour. compare that to the old gm jobs there that paid $30 an hour. but scott, mr. chou told us he is looking to raise the pay scale considerably. jim axelrod for us tonight. jim, thank you. coming up next -- an extraordinary gathering of talent at the white house. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man.
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this was a banner day at the white house. star spangled. the president awarded to a constellation of those synonymous with talent. ellen and de niro. cicily, scully, two michaels, redford, hanks, diana, 21 in all received the nation's highest civilian honor. here's jan crawford. >> i am the president. he is the boss.
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>> reporter: in music they reign supreme. ? that your love ? on the silver screen, they are legends. >> you talking to me? >> there is no crying in baseball. >> reporter: the dean of baseball announcers, vince scully. >> when the crowd is roaring -- >> reporter: two of the greatest basketball players to play the game. michael jordan. >> michael jordan is the jordan of greatness. >> reporter: one of a kind >> all of these people affected our lives. >> the president is saying you are a person who is more than
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>> absolutely. but i have always believed that i can do more than stuff a ball through a hoop. my greatest asset is my mind. and i try, try to use it for good. >> reporter: most of the honorees are long accustomed to picking up awards. >> the name de niro is synonymous with tough guy. >> reporter: as robert de niro told us this means something more. >> who would have thought i would, i would be getting this? i think that anybody, who wants to do things in the arts, whatever it is, politics, that they should follow through on it and always try to do the right thing. >> reporter: not all honorees were household names, scientists, educators and architects. the designer of the vietnam veterans memorial as a college student. >> we are all coming from different places. we have all really followed our passions.
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? ? >> reporter: at mildred e e.strang middle school in new york, students are singing about math. you don't have to know algebra to understand the equation being taught here. kindness equals tolerance. 13-year-old asha is in the #th grade. >> one of our main focuses is to accept people's differences to know that we are never all going to be the say and to be proud of our differences. >> reporter: how does that square with what you have been hearing during this past election? >> okay, i feel look many people, they didn't respect each other's different views and different opinions during this election. >> reporter: what do your teachers tell you about communicating with each other? >> you have to be sure you don't offend them. you try your best not to offend them. but still to got your point across. isabelle armstrong is 11 in sixth grade. >> if one person believes one thing. and you believe the other. be kind of like, okay, we have
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? >> reporter: at international night, students learn to walk in other people any shoes. ? and appreciate customs and foods from around the world. >> can i try one of these? >> 13-year-old 8th grader helped mc the event. in a few days across the country. millions of people will be having thanksgiving dinner. what is your advice for this thanksgiving? >> i feel like, families should just stay true to what really matters. is family and friends. and you should always be kind to each other. >> reporter: over time, stress can lead to serious health challenges. from anxiety and depression to heart attack and stroke. so, scott, this thanksgiving, treating each other with a dose of kindness, tolerance, and common courtesy may be just what the doctor orders. >> dr. jon lapook for us. doctor, thank you. that's the "overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you, the news continues. for others check back with us a little bit later for the morning
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this morning." from the city of angels, los angeles, california, i'm scott pelley. welcome to the "overnight news." i'm jericka duncan. the trump transition continues to move slowly. the president elect said he wanted to name some top cabinet picks before heading to florida for thanksgiving. that didn't and a couple of mr. trump's campaign promises may not come to pass either. the president elect now says he will not try to jail hillary clinton. and he adds, that climate change may not be a hoax. chip reid has the latest. >> reporter: at trump rallies, lock her up was almost a campaign mantra. candidate trump called hillary clinton crooked hillary and
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special prosecutor here we come. right? in a meeting today at "the new times" where reporters were live tweeting the conversation, mr. trump said this, when asked about prosecuting her. i don't want to hurt the clintons he said. i really don't. she went through a lot. and suffered greatly in many ways. later, he added, i think it would be very, very divisive for the country. he also, changed his tune on the issue of climate change. and whether it is caused by human activity. during the campaign, mr. trump left no doubt. >> a lot of it is a hoch. a he said he wanted to cancel the paris accord, an international agreement negotiated by the obama administration to reduce fossil fuel emissions. but today, mr. trump told the times, i think there is some connectivity between humans and climate changed. asked if he wants to withdraw from climate change accord. he replied the i am looking at
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boarding and a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding. >> reporter: mr. trump during the campaign on issue of torture. today he told the times he changed his mind after talking with general james mattis strong candidate for secretary of defense, and who opposes waterboarding. mattis told mr. trump give me a pack of sec rets and a couple of beers and i will do better. mr. trump said today, i was very impressed by that answer. the president elect also made flkt of interest to be actively involved in his businesses, while also serving as president. the laws totally on my side, he said. the president can't have a conflict of interest. he did add though that he is phasing out his business activity and giving it to his kids. before becoming chairman of the trump campaign, steve bannon was ceo of the conservative website breitbart in an interview with "mother jones magazine" last summer. bannon said we are platform for
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movement popular with white nationalists. asked about the alt-right today. mr. trump told the times, i don't want to energize the group. i disavow the group. >> there is shock and outrage in chattanooga, ten see where five young children were killed and many others hospitalized in a tragic school bus crash. police say the bus driver was speeding down a winding road when he wrapped his bus around a tree. mark strassmann reports. >> reporter: neighbors recalled hearing an explosion and then the sounds of children screaming. they struck a tree so hard the bus almost split in two. investigators say, 24-year-old, johnthony walker driving recklessly well above the posted
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hours after the crash, parents searched for their kids. >> he was trapped between the seat. but -- that's it. that's all she said. >> reporter: an hour later we saw mateen at the hospital he had just learned that zahra was among the children killed. jazmine mateen is their mother. angry. hurt. mateen told us for three months she complained about walker's driving. walker has no criminal record. his driving record shows his license was suspended in 2014 for lack of insurance. two months ago his bus swiped a
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concerning walker and yesterday's crash. >> my daughter said right before the bus flipped that he was speeding around a curve and asked them "are y'all ready to die?" >> reporter: he asked the kids what? >> are they ready to die? the deadly crash in about putting seatbelts on school buses. the top government safety regulator called school buses the safest way for students to get to and from class. but would seatbelts make them safer? kris van cleave is in washington with the latest on this decade's old debate. >> reporter: ntsb agrees with that. when you look at the numbers it is very rare for there to be a fatal school bus crash.
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the crashes. still top safety regulators say, seatbelts should be on school buss only a few states require that. crash experts say in many cases those restraints could be improved. >> we know seatbelts will save lives if we put one for every kid. >> reporter: head of ntsb says three point seatbelts like the ones in your car that go across the shoulder and waist should be on every school bus. six states require seatbelts on school buses only california meets the ntsb recommendation. his agency has been weighing whether to mandate belts on school buses for four decades. >> we are not denying this is going to be a challenge. looking at research, funding to figure how to help everybody nationwide get their kids even safer. estimates four children die every year in large school bus crashes. it believes seatbelts would reduce the deaths by half. this seatbelt manufacture ear
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crash on unbuckled children. >> the belts are good. and they certainly are very good in a rollover where you might be ejected if you didn't have that belt. >> reporter: independent crash investigator, ken sakalsky says two point seatbelts over a student's lap and used in several states may not protect as well in a side impact crash like this one in florida, where the seat pivots over. this belt, ramps up over the crest and into the abdominal region. >> reporter: so this seatbelt becomes a weapon when that seat starts to move. >> exactly. yeah. >> reporter: last year, predicted it would cost between $7,300 and $10,000 to retrofit each school bus with seatbelts. with an estimated half million school buses in service the cost would be in the billions. administrator rosekind suggested new buses could come off the assembly line standard with seatbelts.
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i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is
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it was 53 years ago yesterday that president john f. kennedy was assassinated while traveling in a motorcade through dallas. the fatal moments, 26 1/2 second in all, were captured on 8 millimeter film by a dressmaker named abraham zapruder. now his granddaughter is sharing the story behind the lens ins a new book. jan crawford reports. >> president kennedy at dallas airport, was cheerful, waving, had been quite a triumphant tour. >> reporter: in an instant you see the entire course of history changed. >> three shots were fired at president kennedy's motorcade. >> reporter: 486 frames. a home movie showed the shooting of a president from beginning to end.
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1:00 p.m. central standard time. >> the film was the first of its kind. it broke every barrier. alexander zupruda grew up with it. her grandfather, abraham, dressmaker and immigrant wanted to record the president's visit for his wife and children. with an 8 mill meter camera he stood on his concrete ledge on the grassy knoll. >> when he saw the limousines, he began filming. on to that horrible day? >> that's right. i think the film in many ways, the film is really america's memory of this event. >> reporter: the story of the film is far more than those 26 seconds of video. as alexander zapruda recounts. >> you have the film?
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camera into a media storm. >> i saw his head, practically open up, all blood and everything. i kept on shooting. >> reporter: the government took copies of the film but left zapruda with the original. he wanted the film to be protected out of respect for the kennedys. he protected it to "life" magazine. >> their interest was actually in protecting the american people. and, protecting the kennedys. which in today's world, seems completely unfatma nobody protects any body. the whole concept of privacy is practically obsolete. >> reporter: for the next 12 years, life kept the original under wraps. >> if you are at all queasy, don't watch this film. >> reporter: in 1975, geraldo, aired a bootleg copy. >> the most horrifying thing i have ever seen. keeping it from the public, fueled conspiracy theories the government had something to hide. >> the film wasn't shown as a film to the american people for 12 years.
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before up on youtube. the other part of the story that is fascinating. the story of technology. changing technology. >> reporter: we talked to zapruder in a gallery where you can see technology evolved and affected journalism. >> your grandfather. he was kind of the first citizen journalist in a way. >> he was. think a lot about black lives matter movement and use of the cell phone to record something. a form of resistance. become something more powerable. >> reporter: the zapruder film carries its owpo by accident or fate it changed how we saw the world. >> it is the story of how life turns in an instant. here is this beautiful couple riding down the street. gah! look at us. we're rapidly losing credibility as handymen. mom washed our clothes. one wash with tide pods and we're right back where we started. we look like catalogue models! who trusts a clean handyman anyway?
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that's gross! they had built up a respectable, dingy character over the past couple washes. we earned that dinge! look how good we look! we can't look this good! dinge is the dirt the bargain detergent can't get to. tide pods can. it's got to be tide. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. nly from tums rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control, the air wick? scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down to fill massive minimalist rooms.
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rs? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. when jon stewart ending his 16 year run on the daily show he ended up missing the entire 2016 presidential campaign. if stewart has any regrets about the timing of his departure, he is not admitting it. especially not in his new book. stewart sat down with charlie rose to discuss it all. >> reporter: over the 16 years, how did the show evolve? what did it become it was not at the beginning? >> in truth, i think the
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>> this is the daily show with jon stewart. >> what we tried to develop was an internal barometer of what worked for the show and how we could execute it. >> bush by 225 votes. so as you can see. it's never going to end. i'm going to work on my obama, are you ready, here we go. >> yes, we can. >> what an entrance. an escalator down. majestic since my friend met be at the gap after grabbing an >> one simple goal. >> yeah. >> i want you to admit there is a thing such as white privilege. all i want. >> easy to forget in 2016, what the media world looked like in 1996, 1997, 1999. where comedy central was still kind of a sketchy proposition. >> we have an honest open deep
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the united states and the one man we believe has the insight to stand up to him. >> one of the pivotal segments on the show through bush vs. bush in 2003. he knows this way better than i do by the way. mr. president, is the idea to just build a new country that we look better? >> we will tear down the apparatus of terror and we will help-up to build a new iraq that is prosperous and free. >> i don't think our troops ought to be used for nation building. >> people used to come up to me in the news business, how do you fine the clip of the guy contradict himself? from five years ago. tivo. rerecord it. we we go back and search for it. >> the idea of what the daily show became was not something banging around in your head when you took the job or was it?
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in my head was -- is there a better way to execute public affairs comedy that means something to me? can i express my comedy about things that i care about in a way that is entertaining enough so i won't get fired. it could get rejected. >> go down doing it my way. >> that's right. >> i am going to go down the way i feel like i am going to do it in t t best iteration of my abilities and itch if that goes down, i can bartend. >> yes, you could. >> what they found early on -- >> every reporter's dream. >> found a tone in a piece, steve carell did john mccain. >> the best way to get to a presidential candidate's bus is through his wife. >> carell is a world class
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>> you have world class improvisers working with civilians who don't know they're in an improv. >> senator, how do you reconcile the fact that you were one of the most vocal critics of pork barrel politics yet while you were chairman of the kmer committee, the committee set a record for unauthorized appropriations. >> mccain freezes. a dear in the headlights moment. then what do we have to do at that point? >> i was just kidding. >> we have to undercut it with a laugh. i don't even know what that means. >> the world is worse than when i started. have i caused this! >> one of the difficulties of this is this has been given a greater place in the discussion and a larger role in the, the discourse than is warranted. and once that started to happen. i think -- you began to question if it is a good thing or a bad
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>> the thanksgiving meal is not only about the turkey. there its also the fixings, and the dessert. and for most people, dessert usually means, apple pie, and pumpkin pie. maybe even sweet potato pie if you get adventurous. well in maryland, dessert is all namely, the smith island cake. rita braver climbed on board to got a taste. >> reporter: smith island reachable only by boat is less than ten miles off the coast of maryland. but a world apart. british settlers first came here in the 17th century. and today, it its a tranquil place. unless you happen on to the kitchen of the smith island cake lady.
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>> no more than 10. >> no more than 10. 10 cakes a day. >> like to keep it at six, seven. i don't know who is going to wear out first me or the oven. she ships to the mainland. but she has no website. >> how do they find out about you? >> neighbor tells the neighbor and the son tells the daughter or whatever. i have no idea. >> reporter: a labor intensive process. eight to ten thin layers. each baked in its own pan. >> okay. almost. almost. >> reporter: then carefully iced. dollop of frosting in the middle. >> reporter: marshal's island roots go back countless generations. like most women here she learned to bake smith island cake as a child. no one really knows how it all began. >> i think it became a competition between the women of who could get the most little
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>> does it taste as the good as it looks? >> i hope it will. >> reporter: it does. and when she started taking them up to the state legislature, they voted smith island cake the official maryland state dessert in 2008. >> well, we were hollering look we won the super bowl. >> reporter: but the island has also suffered significant set backs. coastline loss to erosion and rising sea waters. a once thriving seafood industry, now struggling. and a population that has dwindled to around 200. but cakes are on the rise. ever since a young wharton business school grad happened to taste one. when did you go from saying this
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here? >> almost immediately. >> reporter: and so brian murphy founded the smith island baking company in 2009. he started by visiting the island. and talking to mary ada marshal. she says brian i love this idea. can i pray for you? i said you pray? she said honey you can't live in the chesapeake bay and not pray. in fact, murphy first opened the baekery on the island with an all local staff. but after seven years, he moved across the water to christfield maryland, vexed by the island's idiosyncracies. >> roof leaks. power doesn't work. internet doesn't work. the bay freezes over. >> reporter: you regret you had to move? >> terrible. these are real people. >> reporter: the backery still employs any original smith islanders who want to stay on. >> how do you know if a smith island cake tastes good or not? >> when there is none left. >> reporter: but though she wishes the bakery well. mrs. marshal wonders if it is still a smith island cake if it isn't baked on smith island.
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facebook promising changes to fight the spread of misinformation and fake news on the social network. founder and ceo mark zuckerberg is devising a plan to keep phone yo news stories off face book feeds. after the presidential election, critics say the plan is too little, too late. they also say, questionable decisions fa m ago might have made the problem worse. the facebook ceo told global leaders in peru he wants to connect the world. >> you can take any system in the word and make it much, much better than it is today. >> reporter: as he demonstrated virtual reality to peru's president he was forced to deal with the more trubing reality back at home. the seemingly unchecked proliferation of fake news on the site. a facebook representative
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monday. >> the amount of news that is on the site as you would call it fake news is very small. we are not satisfied with that. >> reporter: zuckerberg outlined seven ways the social media giant hopes to detection measures, third party verification by fact checking organizations and possibly adding warnings, flagging false stories by third parties or the facebook community. but critics say, zuckerberg's proposed fixes are too little too late. >> i think as a diplomatic answer it was great. but, you know i think what people really want are specifics. he failed to deliver that. >> adam was contracted to work for facebook's trending topics division in may. he said he was laid off four months later and the division was eliminated. >> reporter: in your opinion seen this coming?
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should have been paying more attention to what was, you know, showing up in people's news feeds for sure. >> his job was to make sure that inaccurate news didn't trend on facebook. he says his devision was eliminated weeks after criticism earlier this year that facebook's information gate keepers were suppressing conservative view points. helped minimize the amount of fake news. >> by stopping fake news from trending you are likely to stop fake news from spreading further. >> he thinks it is unrealistic for users to fact check the stories in their news feed and
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captioning funded by cbs it's wednesday, november 23rd, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." a blast of cold, snowy, and wet weather will hit parts of the u.s. today, just as millions of people hit the roads for thanksgiving. so love and comfort to these families. help and hold them in their weakest hours. >> a community is mourning the loss of five children killed in a school bus crash and heartbroken parents are speaking out. and shifting positions. president-elect donald trump may not follow through with some of his campaign promises, including
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