tv The Early Show CBS July 21, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST
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[ laughter ] >> you didn't comb your hair, did you. >> see you tomorrow. violence, turbulence on a united flight. 30 people injured. at least one in critical condition. after people are tossed from their seats and slammed against the ceiling of a plane. zero tolerance. the head of the department of agriculture now reconsidering his disition to fire shirley sherrod. >> a white person say iing -- i didn't give him the full force of what i could do. >> we will bring you the latest. financial reform. president obama set to sign a bill that will radically alter the way wall street does business. does it go far enough? behind bars. lindsay lohan turns in her
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designer jeans for a prison jumpsuit. we will tell you how long she will spend in jail and an exclusive live interview with her father. "early" this wednesday morning, july 21st, 2010. captioning funded by cbs good wednesday morning. nice crowd developing out there in the plaza. i'm erica hill. >> i'm harry smith. good morning. >> lot happen thing morning. including breaking news with more information. a night forced to land in denver. 30 people injured. one of them critically after the plane hit severe turbulence and forced to land in denver. one passenger described it as a huge up and down. the woman next to her basically rose up, hit the side of the cabin, left a crack above the window from the force of being thrown. >> a live report on that in a
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couple of seconds. late developments in that story of an agriculture department employee who was forced to resign over what were thought to be racially charged remarks. cbs news chief legal correspondent jan crawford is in washington with the latest on that. jan, good morning. >> good morning. the announcement from agriculture secretary vilsack came early this morning and it was a complete reversal from his position a few hours earlier. vilsack says he will reconsider the decision to fire an african-american employee over videotaped remarks that sparked a firestorm on the internet. it started with a speech by usda official shirley sherrod describing her attitude 24 years ago towards a white farmer. >> saving their land. so i didn't give him the full force of what i could do. >> that part of the speech ended up on the internet. then lit up the blogs and cable
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outlets. yesterday agriculture secretary tom vilsack fired her for the comment saying the usda had zero tolerance for discrimination. this morning, vilsack changed his tune. saying in a statement i am, of course, willing and will conduct a thorough review and consider additional facts. now we know that the tape was heavily edited by the conservative website that posted it. the naacp which initially condemned her remarks now says it was snookered by the initial report saying that the speech was deliberately edited to create a false impression of racial bias. that's because other comments made in the same speech didn't make it on the internet like when she said she learned from that incident and ultimately helped the farmer. that farmer, rodger spooner, was shocked that the woman that helped him nearly 25 years ago just lost her job. >> she saved our farm, almost 500 acres. she saved our farm.
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>> the naacp released sherrod's entire 43-minimum speech last night and says she's not a racist. she says the obama administration just caved to political pressure. harry? >> you can really tell from this just how sensitive this subject is and what a hair-trigger finger from the agriculture department without even looking into it took -- to pull the trigger on her. >> that's exactly right. you know, vilsack's comments overnight showing that he recognized they have a real problem here. it is going to keep the story going throughout the day. you know, i suspect at some point they will bring her back on because of the tapes being so heavily edited. hyper-charged atmosphere where you have 24/7, cable, internet, you need to take a breath before you act. >> perhaps so. jan crawford, thanks so much for your help this morning. here's erica. it is another huge milestone for president obama. the first was when he signed the health care bill in march.
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today he's set to sign a bill aimed at completely overhauling wall street. chip reid joins us this morning with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. it is being hailed as the biggs shake-up of wall street since the great depression and while the bill does have teeth, critics say it doesn't have a big enough bite. the bill's centerpiece is the bureau of consumer financial protection that will be housed within the federal reserve. it is charged with regulating financial products including mortgages, credit cards, and student loans. the legislation also gives powers to the federal government allowing it to take control of and shut down large financial institutions like lehman brothers which went bankrupt in 2008. president obama hailed its passage. >> because of this reform, the american people will never again be asked to foot the bill for wall street's mistakes. there will be no more taxpayer funded bailouts, period. >> reporter: critics say the bill fails to reform mortgage
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giants fannie mae ask freddie mac and gives too much power to federal regulators to create new rules. republicans who almost universally opposed this legislation argue it will curve growth and kill jobs at a time the nation can least afford it. >> i think it ought to be repealed. >> reporter: former investment banker douglas elliott believes the bill is better than doing nothing. >> the bill addresses most of the problems and makes a good start. it is not perfection but in the real world we don't get perfection. >> reporter: adding to his accomplishments later this week, the president is expected to sign a bill sending unemployment benefits to millions of americans. erica? >> chip reid this morning. thanks. joining us now is cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis with a closer look at how the changes could affect you and me, average consumer, everybody at home. first up, we know this law establishing the bureau of financial protection that will regulate mortgages, credit
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cards, student loans. what's it really mean? have all the things, erica, we deal with on a daily basis of consumers are going to fall under the jurisdiction of the consumer protection bureau and there are a lot of things we will see as changes in our lives as a result. for example, mortgages. a big problem with the crisis we face have been housing prices as well as mortgage crises. we will see as consumers big relief for mortgages. for example, if you got an adjustable rate mortgage, it used to be you couldn't pay it back without paying a big penalty. you will see the relief you can save those thousands of dollars in penalties because you can pay it back without early -- paying the penal toy top of that. banks now are forbidden from giving out bonuses for particular types of mortgages. in some cases back in the cri s crisis, they would give a mortgage bad for us but good for them. they can't do it anymore.
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i know credit scores will be affected. >> our credit score is the same that gives us every opportunity. the way it will be impacted we will be able to learn our credit score. if you apply for a loan, you apply for an apartment and you get turned down for that, you have every right to ask for a free credit score and understand the reason the vendor turned you down. >> what a novel concept. you can actually see your own information. i love that. there's also a change about how you pay for things at the register. >> yes. there will be some big changes at the register. first of all, you probably are going to have to care carry a little more cash on hand if you want to get a cup of java. merchants under the new regulations are allowed to set a limit on the am that you can spend with a credit card. so for example, walk up to the register and say no purchases with a credit card under $10. they are allowed to do that. >> which you see a lot of now or ask you not to do. it is legal. >> the i have noticed in some
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stores they charge you less if you pay with conservative or debit card. that's going to be more permissible as well. >> that's permissible. what's not permissible is if they try to say you get a deal for you using one credit card over another. you can't have one credit card be -- for example, amex better than visa. >> erica, thanks. a united airlines flight hit a patch of violent turbulence last night. it lasted only seconds. so many passengers who were hurt the pilot was forced to change his flight plan. >> reporter: it was about to be a smooth flight to california. whennings in got more than bumpy landing on the west coast was no longer an option. parts of denver international airport were transformed into medical triage areas to assist dozens of injured. shaken and shocked passengers after their flight landed last
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night. >> that was by far the most intense. >> reporter: the united airlines flight 967 departed from washington, d.c., at 5:27 p.m., bound for los angeles. a couple of hours into the flight, 34,000 feet over kansas bumps turned into a bang. >> two hours into the flight, hit a little bit of turbulence, you know, couple little bumps. all of a sudden, the plane dropped probably 20, 30 feet. >> reporter: many of the 255 passengers who weren't buckled when flying inside the boeing 777, one passer general snapped this photo where she says the woman sitting next to her slammed her head into the plane's window and leaving a crack. >> i saw at least two people hit the ceiling. the girl in front of me two rows, saw her hit the ceiling and slam back down. >> reporter: the flight was diverted to denver international
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airport where emergency medical personnel were treating mostly walking wounded. the injured includes four flight attendants, 26 passengers, one critical. officials say they found nothing wrong during the first look at the plane's interior but the faa and the ntsb will be looking more closely this morning. and for the passengers who were not injured on that diverted plane, united airlines has set up another trip to complete that trip to los angeles. it is a special flight for those stranded travelers. >> michelle, thank you very much. i am one of those people creature of habit, on the plane i always stay buckled. >> it only takes one incident of severe turbulence. more than enough. betty nguyen standing by at the news december week a look at the other headlines. good morning. plans to permanently plug the
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oil spill in the gulf are moving forward. but that may stop because forecasters warn a storm could be headed their way. cbs news correspondent kelly cobiella is in grand isle, louisiana, with the latest this morning and joins us. good morning, kelly. >> reporter: good morning. right now that storm is near puerto rico and it is expected to become a tropical storm in the next day or so and could be in the gulf by the weekend. in the meantime, bp continues to finalize the new plan to plug the well. kill it from above and below. the test on the runaway well is now into its sixth day with rising pressure readings and no sign it is unstable. bp wants to push ahead with the new plan to plug it from above. just like the top kill bp fried in may, the static kill would force mud down a hose and into the blowout prevent eer stop th flow. it may work bet they are time because the cap is containing the oil. bp would use it with the relief well pumping in mud from the
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low. like earlier attempts to plug the well, there's always room for error. >> some reason we had a drop in pressure. the mud is going out through, you know, some kind of a breach in the well. >> reporter: if all goes well bp could seal the well faster without any more oil gushing into the gulf as early as the beginning of august. along the gulf oil's marshes are showing signs of life. today it looks like this. if it grew back it would take six months, something along those lines. it is growing back within a month. >> reporter: while pictures like these may help the troubled oil company's image, bp's own photos are drawing fire. on tuesday, the company acknowledged that this photo posted on its website was altered from the original to exaggerate activity in bp's houston command center. bp says the photographer was just trying to show off his photo shop skills and there is no ill intent. also today, there's yet another
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report that bp's ceo tony hayward will resign in another month or so. bp denies that. >> kelly cobiella. kelly, thank you. this morning, secretary of state hillary clinton announced new u.s. sanctions against north korea. clinton and defense secretary gates visited the zone dividing north and south korea today. the sanctions are aimed at stemming the north's nuclear ambitions. president obama and british prime minister cameron both condemned the decision last year to release the lockerbie bomber but calls continue for an investigation into whether bp was involved in that release. bill plante has the latest. good morning, bill. >> reporter: good morning. it was the one question that dominated the news conference after the meeting of the two men, the president and the prime minister. did bp have a role in pushing for the release of the lockerbie bomber?
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>> i haven't seen anything to suggest that the scottish government were in any way swayed by bp. a matter for bp to answer what actives they undertook. >> reporter: scotland released al megrahi who was serving a life sentence for the bombing of flight pan am flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland, because doctors said he had only three months to live. he remains alive and well in labia. an investigation is demanded into whether there was a zeal with bp to release al megrahi in exchange for a huge oil lease in libya. secretary of state clinton has also called for an investigation. the prime minister wouldn't commit. >> i didn't need an inquiry to tell me what was a bad decision. it was a bad decision. >> reporter: scotland's justice minister that denied the first request for al memegrahi's
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release. >> the british government should come clean as to what was or not done for bp in libya. >> reporter: despite this it is not going away. senate foreign relations committee will hold hearings next week to demand bp explain exactly what its dealings with the british government were prior to the release of al megrahi. >> bill plant joining us live p. let's get a check of the weather and dave price standing by with that.
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we will talk to her father who was there when she was led away in handcuff. >> they are creepy, nasty, and could be in your house. how to get rid of the nasty bed bugs. >> the teenager that knows the art of bartering. move over, mr. ice cream man. mr. rollback is here. summer ain't summer without popsicle pops. ben & jerry: my two best friends. what would i do for a klondike bar? you don't wanna know. i am so happy right now. ♪ just so happy.
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nobody sells more real estate than re/max. michael lohan was in the courtroom yesterday in beverly hills as his daughter was led into the courtroom. he shouted out to her, i love you lindsay. we'll talk to him about that experience. >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by walmart. save money, live better. walmart. without popsicle pops. ben & jerry: my two best friends. what would i do for a klondike bar? you don't wanna know. i am so happy right now. ♪ just so happy.
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♪ i'm from the gulf coast. my family spends a lot of time here. i have a personal interest in ensuring that we get this job done right. i'm keith seilhan. i'm in charge of bp's clean up on the gulf coast. bp's taken full responsibility for the clean up, and that includes keeping you informed. over 25,000 people are included in the clean up operation. our crews are cleaning the gulf beaches 24/7. we're going to be here as long as it takes to make this right. [ male announcer ] take an italian masterpiece home. excuse me. buitoni? [ male announcer ] buitoni wild mushroom agnolotti. simple ingredients, artfully prepared. buitoni. create an italian masterpiece. in the refrigerated section.
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♪ [ male announcer ] he's sweet, even with 1/3 less sugar than soda. kool-aid delivering more smiles per gallon. and get this year's colors up on the wall...this year. let's get better prices... and better paint. let's break out the drop cloths, rollers, brushes, and tape. let's start small. then go big. no matter what the budget. and when we're done, let's take a bow. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr premium plus ultra. the only interior paint and primer in one that's rated number one.
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good morning. it's 7:25. in the headlines, the oakland city council voted last night to allow large marijuana-growing operations. the plan is to license four pot production facilities. it has a final vote next week. the man arrested after a shootout with chp officers in oakland due in court this morning. investigators say the 45-year- old suspect was on his way to open fire at liberal organizations in san francisco when he was stopped for speeding sunday morning. a.c. transit says more bus drivers called in sick today. drivers are protesting a contract that was imposed on sunday. a court hearing to consider revoking that contract is scheduled for july 30. traffic and weather right after this. ,,
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'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ]
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we have a couple of hot spots northbound 880 at whipple. traffic is slow in both directions in this area. a car overturned went into a ditch. then the driver of that car actually ran across the freeway ran through the southbound side of the nimitz freeway and is now in chp custody. so you can see from our sensors that traffic is slow on northbound and southbound 880. southbound traffic is jammed from a street and northbound traffic is really backed up
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from at least alvarado niles. the traffic is still slow on westbound 580 through livermore, as well. we had an earlier motorcycle wreck that for a while had all lanes blocked. even though this accident is clear, it's going to take a while for things to recover through this area. in fact, your travel times still 33 minutes from westbound 580 from the altamont pass to the dublin interchange. one bright spot this morning is the bay bridge. hardly any delay as you approach the pay gates. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. so here we are at san jose with a whole lot of clouds this morning down in the south bay. that will be the condition for the morning. cloudy conditions expected. but as we move through the mid- morning, late morning and eventually early afternoon, we'll see those clouds clearing back to the coastline and we'll see plenty of sunshine inland. today's temperatures in the mid-80s. that is below average. mid-60s around the bay with a mix of sun and clouds. upper 50s along the coast. similar conditions expected thursday through tuesday.
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nice crowd out there. even this early on a wednesday morning. >> it's dedication right there. i like it. welcome back to "the early show," everybody. >> good morning. good to have you with us. >> i'm harry smith. that's erica hill. >> hello there. we have other friends we'll tell you about you may not like. they're kind of creepy, rather disgusting and a national epidemic. say hello to the bed bug. you feel like you've been hearing about them over the last couple years? they're not going anywhere. get this. there are actually dogs now trained to sniff the little guys out, help you get rid of them. it's a great story. most important part, we'll help you get rid of them. new york institution is in, the so-called soup nazi, the
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soup man from the upper west side. do you really call the upper west side as almost midtown. you remember him from "seinfeld." his store has been closed for a long time. they stood in line yesterday because the guy is back in business. we'll take a look at that in just a couple of minutes. first, though, it had all the chaos and cameras of a red carpet event and then some. that is what it was like yesterday when lindsay lohan turned herself in. she is now in the same lockup center that housed other notorious celebrity like paris hilton and nicole richie. we'll speak exclusively with lohan's father michael but first cbs news correspondent ben tracy takes a look at yesterday's wild scene. >> reporter: lindsay lohan with her final few moments of freedom. the media crammed the entrance to the courthouse while helicopters tracked her arrival from the air.
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when the actress finally walked in. >> what insanity rsht she was given a confetti shower by someone in the crowd. after months of drama, the scene inside the courtroom was subdued and lasted only five minutes as lohan officially surrendered, the judge ordered the cameras off, leaving a sketch artist with the moment she was handcuffed and left away. >> no image, no photo of her being handcuffed because that would follow her the rest of the life. i thought that was gracious of the judge. >> reporter: her mother was there as well as her estranged father michael who said lohan handled herself strong as she was led away. the carnival atmosphere continued outside. >> she's accepted responsibility and that's really all i are to say. >> she went to jail? >> yes, she did. >> reporter: lindsay lohan's ride to jail was its own televised event. the actress faced up to 90 days behind bars but the sheriff's
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department says she'll likely be released on august 2nd, spending 13 night in jail. the question is, what will life be like when she gets out? >> how much does hollywood love a comeback? they like to bring somebody up, pull them down, pull them down and bring them back up. >> reporter: hollywood ending which right now is more of a nightmare for the troubled actress. ben tracy, cbs news. >> joining us exclusively is lindsay's father michael who was in the courtroom yesterday and his attorney cbs news legal contributor, lisa bloom. good morning mo you both. >> good morning. >> good morning, erica. good morning, harry. >> michael, talk to me about being in the courtroom yesterday. why did you feel it was so important for you to be there to see this happen? >> well, i didn't want to be there to see it happen. i wanted lindsay to know that i was there for her no matter what. i didn't know if there would be any last-minute motions by lindsay's defense team, which amounted to shawn chapman holley. evidently and obviously there
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weren't. i hope there still are. lease aand i are going to hopefully talk to shawn about doing that. >> your daughter still doesn't want anything to do with you. on tuesday she apparently tweeted, i don't want michael anywhere near me no matter where i am. i'm in a great place and he only brings negativity into my world. when you hear that or when you see that, what do you think? >> well, first of all, it hurts. but at the same time, i realize this isn't coming from the girl that i love and that loves me. she's saying she's in a great place. and i bring negativity into her world. she certainly wasn't if a great place when she tweeted that. as far as bringing negativity into the world, if anything, we're trying to be positive and bring positive things into her worlgd a world and her life. unfortunately, it's the negative things in her life and people that have brought her to this place. >> in our conversations before, you have expressed quite clearly that her sobriety is your most important ncconcern.
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do you feel like -- apparently, she's been allowed to bring her prescription drugs with her into prison. how much does that concern you? >> oh, it's very concerning, harry. i mean, that's the biggest concern that lisa and i have, as lisa will discuss. we've been fighting to ge get her off the prescription drugs. i think that's the reasoning behind her tweets. it's like taking a -- taking candy from a baby. when you take the candy away, they start crying, wailing and identify you as the person that's taking something they like away. lindsay lives on prescription drugs that these doctors and addiction specialists have prescribed her. i give jerry brown and other law enforcement agencies a lot of credit for cracking down on them now that we've spoken out so openly about the problem. there's a lot going on now with federal agencies and local as well to crack down on things because of the issues with lindsay. she deserves -- maybe this is something that was supposed to
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happen to lindsay and what she's gone through can change a lot of lives if a positive way. >> lisa, you've been in a lot of courtrooms. talk to me about what it was like in there yesterday. >> it was very sad, harry, because i'm there as michael lohan's attorney. he's a father and loves his daughter. yes, there's a lot of drama and people outside the courtroom throwing confetti and all the paparazzi are there but this is about a troubled young woman. after the cameras were turned off, she was cuffed. i thought she was resolute. she didn't cry. she didn't say anything. she walked off as if to accept her fate. we're hoping lindsay behind bars will come to terms with what's happened and make use of this time to really dig deep and improve herself and become the person we all hope she'll be. >> you know, it's funny. i have to add that looking over at my daughter ali in such distress, i mean, the poor kid was a mess in the courtroom. i'm sure this is going to deter ali from getting involved or being around some of the people
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lindsay was around. it's a wake-up call not only for lindsay but ali as well. hopefully a lot of people will see where lindsay was, where she is now and what the prescription drugs have done. >> the prescription drugs is a giant legal loophole. why is it someone's problem is prescription drugs, they can take their problem with them, even into jail? they can continue to self-medicate even in jail. that's a enormous problem that needs to be addressed. >> lisa, thank you very much. pikal, do appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you, harry. have a great day. >> dave's at the weather board with bad weather in the middle the country yesterday that affected that united airlines flight. weather board is active place these days. >> it's
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>> thanks, dave. just ahead, those creepy bed bugs now reaching epidemic proportion. the house guest you never want and the one that refuses to leave. we'll help you get rid of them and protect your family. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪ [ female announcer ] start your morning... hey. what are you doing up? i thought i'd take a drive before work. want to come? [ female announcer ] or make his day. yeah. [ female announcer ] maxwell house gives you a rich, full-flavored cup of coffee, so you can be good to the last drop. [ female announcer ] maxwell house gives you a rich, full-flavored cup of coffee, crafted to be exceptionally smooth...
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it's being called a nationwide epidemic. the infiltration of bed bugs. they seem to be everywhere from homes to fancy hotels. consumer correspondent susan koeppen is here with more. good morning. i bet you loved investigating this piece. >> i feel very itchy and i highly recommend if you're eating breakfast right now, you put that on hold for a few minutes. pest control companies used to get one or two calls for bed bugs a year. now the industry is seeing one or two calls a week. and as we found out, no one is immune to getting these little bugs with a big bite. >> reporter: if you thought cockroaches were bad, meet the bed bug. a hearty little creature that likes to suck blood. >> i woke up and found i had a couple bite on me. >> reporter: at first amber and
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ryan dpint think much of their bite until those bites started to multiply. >> that's what i was like, i'm pretty sure this is leading to bed bugs. >> reporter: they live in new york city where even some retailers have had to shut down their doors to clean out bed bug. but there's a critter crisis all across the country. in seattle, exterminators report a 70% increase in bed bug related calls. 20 0 people in ft. worth, texas, were forced to move out of their building because of bed bugs. and manchester, new hampshire, has even started a bed bug action committee. >> bed bug problem is pretty extensive in america. >> reporter: louis sorkin is an entomologist and leading expert on bed bug. he says these little suckers are hitching a ride on our clothes and in our suitcases. they can live just about anywhere and survive a year without feeding. >> one reason for having so many
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bed bugs is is people don't understand what to look for when searching. >> reporter: it's dogs like roscoe to the rescue. man's best friend is now being trained to sniff out these little bugs, which are no bigger than an apple seed. >> motte people don't see them. roscoe can defect them when nobody can find them. >> reporter: sure enough in the krause's apartment, roscoe tracks down the bugs. >> there it is right there. >> reporter: getting rid of bed bugs isn't easy or keep. it can cost you hundreds of dollars for a treatment like this, co2 spray which freezes the bugs to kill them off. the krauses are ank husband to get rid of these house guests. >> it will be a couple week before we can rest and be areassured they're taken care of. >> the first sign of bed bugs, small brown or red dots on your sheets. if you think you have bed bugs, check your mattress.
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they can live just about anywhere if your home but most hang out in the bedroom and they like to hide in the seams of the mattress. bed bugs have nothing to do with cleanliness. even world class hotels have reported having bed bugs. >> the reason they can be anywhere is because they travel very easily and happily with you. >> they love to hitch hike. even if you're staying at a hotel, you can be on vacation and bring them back with you. so, if you're worried about it, if you're paranoid about bed bugs, you may want to check out your hotel room. pull back the sheets, look under the mattress, behind the headboard and definitely check your suitcase and clothes before you start unpacking everything when you get home. >> makes you really want to go on vacation. thanks, susan. >> you're welcome. >> thanks. we'll be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. >> announcer: "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by nicorette. quicking sucks. nicorette makes it suck less, doubling your chances of success. sometimes getting our kids to eat the way they should
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requires a little magic from mom. [ kids ] whoa! [ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love. but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass. new motts medleys. invisible vegetables, magical taste. ♪ [ female announcer ] you choose the cutest outfits.
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which free detergent are you washing them in? switch to tide free & gentle. no other free detergent is milder on skin. and unlike the leading free detergent, tide free & gentle removes more residue from dirt, food, and stains. so you can be confident about every outfit you put her in, even the ones she chooses. tide free & gentle. style is an option. clean is not. tide free for coldwater also available. there's oil out there we've got to capture. my job is to hunt it down. i'm fred lemond, and i'm in charge of bp's efforts to remove oil from these waters. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleanup and that includes keeping you informed. every morning, over 50 spotter planes and helicopters take off and search for the oil. we use satellite images, infrared and thermal photography to map and target the oil. then, the boats go to work. almost 6,000 vessels. these are thousands of local shrimp and fishing boats organized into task forces and strike teams.
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plus, specialized skimmers from around the world. we've skimmed over 27 million gallons of oil/water mixture and removed millions more with other methods. we've set out more than 8 million feet of boom to protect the shoreline. i grew up on the gulf coast and i love these waters. we can't keep all the oil from coming ashore, but i'm gonna do everything i can to stop it, and we'll be here as long as it takes to clean up the gulf.
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so, the kid is 17 years old and he has a porsche. he probably has seriously rich parents. >> one would think. >> but, we're going to show you a kid who has a porsche, he's 17 years old. he did it the old fashioned way. >> sort of the old fashioned way. >> he traded up over a two-year period from a cell phone to that car right there. we'll tell you how he did it. special k protein shakes -- ♪ a truly great-tasting breakfast shake. with 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, it's the creamy, delicious way to satisfy... your hunger to help you lose weight. ♪ so you can kick the tin can habit. try special k protein shakes today. and get this year's colors up on the wall...this year.
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let's get better prices... and better paint. let's break out the drop cloths, rollers, brushes, and tape. let's start small. then go big. no matter what the budget. and when we're done, let's take a bow. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr premium plus ultra. the only interior paint and primer in one that's rated number one. the only interior paint and primer in one
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all it takes is a few ingredients and delicious mission flour tortillas. for budget-friendly recipes go to mission. tasty tortillas. fresh ideas. i had my first heart attack when i was 35 years old. - we have asthma. - when i found out i had cancer, i was so scared. announcer: at sutter health we share our expertise and invest in new technologies. because everyone has a story. and our story is you. - we can be boys... - cowboys. i can run again. they gave me a new heart. i am so happy to be alive.
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♪ gonna meet me at the lunchtime bell ♪ ♪ long division can't split us in two ♪ ♪ we'll share the day, i'll share it with you ♪ ♪ share it with me, i'll share it with you ♪ [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] only kleenex brand has sneeze shield in all of their tissues, to help catch a sneeze in its tracks, so kids can continue to pass on the fun of learning. kleenex. sneeze shield your classroom. 4 varieties like meatball italiano made with delicious meats and melted cheeses on bakery fresh tasting bread that crisps in the microwave in minutes. the taste of your favorite sub shop without leaving home. new stouffer's toasted subs. until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh, now that's the best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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it is 7:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. the suspect in a shootout with california highway patrol officers on interstate 580 in oakland is expected to enter a plea this morning. investigators say 45-year-old byron williams of tuolumne county has a disdain for left- leaning politics. they say on saturday he was on his way to open fire at liberal organizations in san francisco. williams is a parolee with two previous bank robbery convictions. lifeguards will be on the job at the state beaches in santa cruz county. the state budget cuts had forced the parks department to close 10 towers and lay off lifeguards throughout the county. well, the group "friends of santa cruz state parks" stepped in and raised $60,000 to cover the last two months of the lifeguard budget. lifeguards made six rescues at
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were completely blocked. traffic was only getting by on the shoulder approaching airway boulevard. well, everything is clear now and even though it's slow, we're seeing a real improvement in our travel times. 25 minutes now on westbound 580 from the altamont pass to the dublin interchange. we'll go out to 880 in oakland, where it actually looks great near the coliseum. but if you are commuting down toward hayward, northbound and southbound still a mess near whipple. an overturned car and a man in custody, so traffic is jammed in both directions. 280 out of downtown san jose actually looks okay. there is a bit of a backup approaching the 880 interchange but no huge delays heading towards cupertino. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. well, we have plenty of clouds out there. here's a shot from our ocean beach camera and cloudy conditions along the coastline, even a little drizzle. during the day, temperatures will range from the upper 50s to the mid-80s. ,,,,,,,,
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♪ >> how about that? our crowd on the plaza this morning is so big. i don't know if you can see it. if you're looking down from space, it's sort of wrapping around the entire plaza. >> huge crowd this morning. >> huge. some saints fans in the crowd as well. people from all 50 states represented. >> really? >> that's what i'm told. >> one of the other things you can tell also is there are a lot of teachers and students are here. the quality of the signage is quite high. >> that's an excellent point. excellent point. >> there will be grading on these. >> you learn something new about the crowd every day. welcome back to "the early
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show." i'm erica hill with harry smith. an incredible story about how a resourceful teenager used websites to swap your stuff. he started with his cell phone. it didn't happen overnight, but he ended up with that car. >> not bad. he's how old now? >> he's 17. >> seventeen driving a porsche. not too bad. >> not too shabby. i may learn some things today. they are fiery, passionate, turns out they are all the rage this summer, red heads. eva longoria parker going for a red head look as well. there was the russian spy. what is it about the red head revolution. we'll get to the bottom of it. not really. >> is there some? >> may be a subtle hint of something in there but it's natural, harry. he believes me, too. i can tell. >> you can feel the fiery passion right through the tv this morning. betty nguyen at the news desk with a look at our headlines. >> i think you'd look good as a head head, harry.
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thanks, guys. good morning to you at home. this morning the government said it's reconsidering its decision to fire an employee for racially charged comments that were splashed across the internet. cbs news chief legal correspondent in washington with details. good morning, jan. >> good morning, betty. this entire controversy started with a speech last spring by usda official shirley sherrod. she was talking to naacp and she reflected on an incident from 24 years ago. she was asked then to help this white farmer. so in a speech, she said when the farmer came in for help, she, quote, didn't give him the full force of what i could do. that part of the speech ended up on a conservative website this week and lit up the blogosphere and cable outlets. yesterday she was fired. there is a lot more to the story. this morning vilsack changed his tune. he said, "i am, of course,
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willing and will conduct a thorough review." the facts came after sherrod angrily defended herself. she said the speech was heavily edited. no one reported she also said in that same speech she had learned from that incident and ultimately helped the man. and the white farmer, he came to her defense. he said she saved the family farm. the naacp released sherrod's entire 40-minute speech last night. and the organization, which had initially condemned her remarks is now saying it was snookered by the initial reports. betty. >> all right. cbs's jan crawford. thank you. thirty people were injured when a united airline jet was rocked by severe turbulence. flight 97 en route from washington to l.a. but was diverted to denver. the 777 landed safely last night. passengers said the violent turbulence struck quickly about two hours into the flight. >> the person behind me, he actually flew up, and then he landed across the aisle onto
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somebody else's head. so he got a bump and a bruise on the chin. >> it was pretty bad. laptops was everywhere. it looked like there was a huge party on the plane but there wasn't. >> one of the passengers was critically injured. there were 255 passengers and 10 crew members on board. stormy weather threatens to set back possible plans to plug the oil well in the gulf with a static kill. this is a live picture of the containment cap on the leaking well. so far holding tight. several leaks have been discovered but are described as very small. a storm in the caribbean could develop into a tropical storm and hit the gulf over the weekend. and that could delay potential plans for a static kill, which involves pumping mud and cement into the well. we'll stay on top of that story. also, the police are investigating a cruel stunt targeting a donkey. it happened on a beach in southern russia. cell phone video shows the donkey being attached to a parasail and then sent flying hundreds of feet into the air.
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police say the animal was extremely flightened. the stunt was apparently to promote parasailing rides. katie couric has a preview of tonight's cbs evening news. good morning. a small town where people are making big bucks. we'll take you inside the sky high salaries tonight only on the cbs evening news. now back to "the early show." here is dave with another check of the weather outside. good morning, dave. >> thank you, betty. great crowd out here. i love this sign. i love that sign. al, cbs is the place to be. good morning to you, al. good morning, everyone. nice to see you out on the plaza. a great bunch of teachers here. when the teacher puts his hand over his mouth, it means what? shhh! a big shout out to all of these teachers and a thank you from all of us who have been educated by you over the years.
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this weather report sponsored by mercedes benz, experience truly great engineering today at your authorized dealer. >> that's a quick look at your weather picture. now, i did shout out to my trig teacher in high school who i love and professional blumenthal at cornell who flunked me in statistics my freshman year. i don't give you a shout out this morning. i didn't like you at all. >> that's a shout down, i think. >> shout down. >> very good. up next, the incredible power of bartering. how one teenager traded up and up and up, from a cell phone to a porsche. no kidding. when we come back. ur beach. ♪
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this is our pool. ♪ our fireworks. ♪ and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered e-class for 1.9 percent apr or lease one for $689 a month. for 1.9 percent apr we've done a good job caring for our mouths. that's why there's a rinse like crest pro-health multi-protection. it helps you get a better dental check-up. so be ready for your next dental check-up. crest pro-health multi-protection rinse.
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long summer days, and not enough sleep. what i wouldn't do for a do-over. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare. exclusive ion2 complex combined with activating cream helps restore collagen depleted skin. neutrogena clinical skincare is clinically tested to undo the look of a year's worth of skin aging in just 4 weeks. do-overs do exist. [ female announcer ] new clinical skincare. neutrogena. #1 dermatologist recommended brand. ♪ [ male announcer ] he's sweet, even with 1/3 less sugar than soda. kool-aid delivering more smiles per gallon. even with 1/3 less sugar than soda. i'm chef michael, and i love to delight bailey's senses.too.
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don't i? [ barks ] because i think food speaks a language of love. that's what inspired me to rethink dry dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. [ chef michael ] mmm. tender shredded pieces made with real meat... and crunchy garnishes to enhance the mealtime experience. yes, bailey-- just for you. [ barks ] [ female announcer ] chef inspired, dog desired. chef michael's canine creations. ♪ pop-tarts®! i'll have a frosted strawberry... as an ice cream sandwich. ♪ chocolate fudge... on a stick please! ( crunch ) with the endless possibilities of kellogg's® pop-tarts, it's sure to be a picture perfect summer. pop-tarts®. made for fun.
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bartering has been around for just about ever, forever. but now it's gone high-tech with people trading anything and everything on the internet. we even met one teenager who managed to trade his way up to a porsche. cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis has the remarkable story. good morning. >> good morning, harry. most teenagers hope to use the family car after getting their license, but stephen ortiz is not like most kids. this kid really knows how to drive a hard bargain. at just 17 years old, stephen ortiz already has his own porsche but he never paid a penny for it and neither did his parents. >> i feel power and luxury. not too many 17 years old can sit behind a wheel of a porsche and say it's their. >> he said it all started with a simple cell phone and website. after searching online website on craigslist he found someone who was willing to trade for his
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phone. >> i seen people that had a need for certain stuff, certain things that i had. >> he dealt that cell phone for another model and upgraded to an ipod, which he bartered for a bike, then another bike, that he then swapped for a laptop. >> testing my luck to see where i can go with it. >> two motorcycles and four cars later, a total of 14 trades over two years, and ortiz got his porsche. >> never in a million years did i ever think i would have a porsche from a cell phone. >> trading online has picked up momentum as the economy has sputtered. >> it's a combination of people trying to make the most out of what they have and be creative about things they want and how to get them. >> ortiz says he hopes to upgrade soon. in his mind it's an open road in both the real and virtual worlds. >> makes me wonder what else i can do, if i can do this. there's endless possibilities out there right now. >> and craigslist says bartering posts are up 180% on their site
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over the last three years. most people aren't lucky enough to swap for a porsche but it's pretty incredible to see what a little ingenuity can accomplish. >> can anyone learn how to swap like steven. >> the secrets of steven. basically you need a lot of time. when we visited him with our cameras he was checking throughout the day on iphone bargains on craigslist. he spends about five to six hours a day. you have to put in a lot of time and do a lot of research to do it like he does. >> that was very impressive. a lot of patience but what a phenomenal payoff. >> we talked before but there's some really good bartering websites, walk us through some. >> craigslist is what he used. we've talked about swaptree before. that's a site you can do books, dvds, video games. on top of that for bigger ticket items. things like vacations you can trade for services. for example, i can teach you how
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to play violin, you can give me a vacation to disney land. that's the kind of thing there. >> is that an offer. >> i don't have a vacation to disney land nor can i play violin, so we're messed up on that one. let's you take that and exchange it for a gift card. >> some of these sites, you could end up in trouble. what wisdom do you want to give to folks who want to embark on this adventure. >> details. that's what steven does. he contacts people bartering with him and asks for as much information from the make, the model, the size, how old something is, how many years they have owned it for, how much the price is. you want to know that information. on top of that, you want to set a contract in place. these sites, what they do is create a marketplace for people to connect but they don't guarantee that you're going to make the trade. you want to make that a number one thing on your list to do
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before you make the exchange. also come to an agreement on the price. even though you're not trading in value, you want to know what the price is and the value of the items you're exchanging. lastly you've got to report it on your taxes. don't forget to do that. >> oh, that. >> oh, that. >> rebecca jarvis, as always, thank you so much. do appreciate it. up next from kristen stewart to eva longoria, why red is the new blond. this is "the early show" on cbs. starting at just $5.99. , like the rojo burger. for a little more, enjoy the new avocado burger. the perfect burger with fries, starting at just $5.99. and now get chili's to-go with new online ordering. ♪ everyone wants in on the petperks super summer sale & sweepstakes. use your petperks card and save up to 20% on hundreds of items... you'll be automatically entered in our sweepstakes which will award hundreds of prizes. petsmart. we love to see healthy, happy pets. [ female announcer ] kids who don't eat breakfast may not be getting the nutrition they need
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to keep their bodies strong. a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. ♪ carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start.
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carnation instant breakfast essentials. red is extra hot these days. especially with you're talking about hair color. contributing correspondent taryn winter brill has more. >> reporter: redheading, they're strong, sexy, unique and this summer they're everywhere. rihanna rocked her new red hot hair in concert. both kristin stewart and eva
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longoria parker ditched their dark locks for fiery new dos. adding to the allure, a sultry red russian spy. while only 2% of the population are natural redheads, red is all the rage in hollywood. at oscar blondie salon in new york city, they're seeing a 20% increase in requests for red. >> red is sexy. it's hot. it's fashionable. >> reporter: college student elizabeth has never colored her hair before but inspired by the latest celebrity trend. why red? >> it's summertime. i feel it's a fun time to do it. rihanna just went red and she's someone i've admired for her strides in fashion. >> reporter: natural redheads wonder what took so long for it to catch on? >> just a lot of compliment on your hair and a lot more fun. >> for a while i thought i got more attention to blond and then i went back to red and realize you get way more attention as red. something the newest member of
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the club is counting on. cannot wait to see this. oe liz beth, you're gorgeous. red hot. how do you feel? >> i love it. i'm excited. i can't wait for people to see it. i look amazing. >> high five. krbdz, new york. joining us is ruthie friedlander, chief contributing editor to why is red so hot and right now? >> first, you have to think about the historical context of being red. you say red and you think fire, red, blood, super intense adjectives. people say blonds have more fun and browns are the expensible ones. so, we're the spart, intelligent one. when you see redhead you think mystery, intrigue. rehan fa is trying to stay powerful and strong in the
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scandal that surrounded her last year. kristin stewart, perceived as this awkward, unsure person on the red carpet. then all of a sudden maybe she as more confidence. >> does it make her feel comfortable? >> it's not an easy decision. it's easy to have brown hair. red hair is a show stoster, a eye-grabber. >> only 2% of the population is a natural redhead. obviously there's an attraction there. you mentioned sultry. does any are to do with anna chapman, the sultry redheaded spy? >> do you know about any other russian spy in the most written about is anna chap minimum. one of the first things she did was get her hair colored. why was that important? it definitely makes you stand out. it's sexy, sultry, makes you intrigue dwro it there 'a reason
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red hair seems to be on hot? anything happening in the world or coming around again. >> i think more and more women in hollywood and women in the news are gaining power and being able to be more independent. they don't have to i say, i just have to be blond. tear able to stand out on their own. >> how much do you think just in what you hear from your readers, too, any reaction you get, is wanting to have go that's a little more bit individual and a little also air of mystery. >> i think a lot has to do with that. if you look at the high fashion model, now a lot have red hair because in fashion it's pore interesting than to go along with the one color alone. coco, beautiful polgd with red hair. that is is something you pay not seen in the early 1990s. tough. >> tougher to be a redhead. is that because of your skin tone or what color you want?
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>> first of all, whatever red you have in your hair, it's more difficult to come out. it's a big decision. skin tone is differently. the clothes you wear have to be somewhat matched with your hair color. >> boy, it can be be fun as a red het. >> there you go go start your summer off as we kickstart it with a little red share. with we appreciate it. join us from it changed the world one wall at a time. facebook now reaching a remarkable milestone of its own. we'll have the status update for you. ,,,,,,,,,,
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try special k protein shakes today. rested after a shoot good morning. it's 8:25. in the headlines this morning, the man arrested after a shootout with chp officers in oakland is due in court in about a half hour. investigators say the 45-year- old suspect was on his way to open fire at liberal organizations in san francisco when he was stopped for speeding sunday morning. a funeral singer today for walter hawkins. these are the lines of people already camping outside the paramount theater in oakland this morning. hawkins died last week of pancreatic cancer. he was 61. the service there will start at 11 a.m. traffic and weather right after this. -- san francisco supervisors voted 10-1 for a new budget plan after a day of negotiations with the mayor's office. the budget would restore funding for health and human services programs. it comes up for a final vote next week.
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traffic and weather right after this. "meg whitman says she'll run california like her company..." seen this attack on meg whitman? who are these people? they're the unions and special interests behind jerry brown. they want jerry brown because, he won't "rock the boat," in sacramento. he'll be the same as he ever was. high taxes. lost jobs. big pensions for state employees. the special interests have chosen their governor. how about you?
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and the cast has been gathered. when the lighting is perfect and the lead hits his mark. when the curtain rises and the spotlight is yours. having a strong signal at your back is like having invisible power everywhere. because in that moment, you're not there to take up space. you're there to fill the room. rule the air. verizon. danville, northbound 680 approaching six more valley a crash blocking a lane and northbound traffic really backed up to at least bollinger canyon according to pam with the kcbs phone force.
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so thank you, pam, for that information. there was actually another accident in danville southbound 680 approaching he will pin tad doe that's cleared to the shoulder but southbound 680 traffic is still pretty slow coming out of walnut creek. those are taillights there heading towards danville. also traffic remains backed up on the nimitz freeway through hayward, really in both directions. there was an earlier accident near whipple and traffic remains particularly slow in those northbound lanes from about dakota road. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. well, our forecast here we go this morning, looking out from mount vaca and i see sunshine! i love sunshine. the close your er you get to the bay area, though -- the closer you get to the bay area, though, you don't see much sunshine. at the coast fog, 50s, plenty of clouds expected around the bay with highs in the mid-60s. father inland more sunshine even though temperatures are still technically below average. today's highs in the mid-80s. similar conditions well through the weekend. ,,,,,,,,
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a most excellent crowd on our plaza this morning. a lot of folks from all over the place. >> there are so many people here. >> friends from iowa. >> look way over there, look at that sign. how about that? >> which one. >> iowa. iowa. shout out for central college, my alma mater. >> very nice. very nice. >> one of the best teaching programs if all of america. >> and some of the folks from iowa this morning are teachers. >> isn't that amazing? welcome back to "the early show," everybody. coming up, here's a fun fact. ready for this? >> i'm ready. >> combine the populations of the united states, mexico and canada and what do you have? >> a lot of people. >> a lot of people. >> millions and millions? >> there still may be 50 million
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people short of the number of people who are on facebook. >> really? >> yeah. >> i that is hard to believe. >> they guess that maybe like 1 in 14 people on the planet are now on facebook. >> well, i'm on facebook. you on facebook? >> i didn't know 1 in 14 people were online, in all seriousness. that's an incredible number. >> but us three, are you on facebook? >> no way. >> are you on facebook? >> maybe, maybe not. >> i'm on facebook. this little poll right here, there's a few of us who are. >> we'll talk about facebook and people who are still gradually getting to that point in their life, they have to decide -- simproo you'll get there, harry. >> -- decide on what is the shortfalls and the future for this social networking site. also, hoed has a hot new look, maxi dress. the only problem is you mayan feel it's right for your body type. our style guru is here.
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four basic rule to max pies your maxi. she has one for everyone, no matter how big, how tiny you are. >> i love them. they're comfortable. katie lee will take us on another spice-filled adventure. she's going to bring the food of morocco here for another staycation meal. >> dave with a final look at the wednesday weather. davey! >> you know, you get these teachers out of the classroom, all hell breaks loose. it really does. >> it's getting nutty. >> nice to see you. they have mardi gras beads. you came from pittsburgh? >> arkansas. my children are in pittsburgh. >> you have a 14-year-old daughter celebrating a birthday so you could be here. happy birthday, emily. nice to sigh you. let's say hello to everybody over here, including some
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so, kids, the moral of the story is, if you study hard, do your math and science work, if you have a great teacher and people like the exxon academy behind you, you can do anything, including wearing a nifty white coat like this. harry, pretty impressive, huh? >> i'm impressed. facebook is heading toward a huge milestone today. a milestone that should solidify it as the mother of all social networks. >> reporter: if facebook had its own status update, this week it might read, facebook is 500 million strong. the social networking site created by harvard undergrad mark zuckerburg in 2004 has doubled in size in the last year alone. >> we've never seen anything on this scale before. the number that facebook represents are enormous. >> reporter: to put it in perspective, that equals the population of the united states, japan and germany combined. or how about this? 1 out of every 14 people on the
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planet uses facebook. >> facebook allows me to get in touch with thousands of people with the click of a mouse. >> independent filmmaker nick wagner is shooting on location in argentina. he uses this site to publicize his movies to more than 2300 friends. to done straight facebook's grassroots effort, if they post it for ten friends and they post it to five more, 100,000 facebook users would get the original message. >> without facebook it would be tough to get the word out that quick. influence doesn't stop there. >> reporter: and expanded soeshlg circles, may have even changed the very definition of the woshd friend. >> a lot of writers have famously said there is no such thing as a friend or a friend of anybody, which is true. >> the site is not without controversy.
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social network, whose average users spend more than an hour idea. >> it's impossible to have a discussion with anybody about the internet without bringing up facebook, good, bad or indifferent. simpr >> joining us now is katie lineline linendoll. >> sheer volume, this is remarkable, over 500 million members. we have kid on it, we have moms on it, grandmas on it, people have their dogs on it. like it or not, it's integrated into people's daily lives. >> it is pervasive.
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>> for 500 million users there has to be a good number of pros and cons. the let's start with the good ones. it's keep people reconnected. >> it's nice to keep in touch with people over long years. >> over distances, high school friend -- >> a lot of feel-good stories. let's talk about staying up to date. facebook keeps you in the know with friend and view. we're getting reefls to great fuse site. yesterday i learned there was a few progress discovered if panama. had a really bycy day. awesome way to stay in touch over a friend's profile. >> do you share that frog fact with your friend? >> it was on pie friend's feed. i wouldn't have found out it was a busy day if it weren't wrernt for face bok. what are some downsides here? >> face bok is sfon mouse with
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was in. this is big in the digital able. you know, in -- in terms of extreme safety, kids cyber harassed and leading to suicides. the uk has recently add aid panic button on your facebook page because a girl of the killed. do we have to be a little more careful, es spshl bely in terms of loekdz if it's hot and trendy to saying what you can do all the time but that can also lead to crazy people. >> tmi. >> that's right. >> facebook really comes under heat about how it uses the people who are enrolled in it and advertising and all this other sort of stuff. i spoef if you don't want to get what they have to give you, you shouldn't be on facebook. >> a lot of people forget facebook is a business. they have to monday ties. so much in fact their ceo estimate $1.1 billion in revenue. what does that mean?
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it is sheerly remarkable in terms of data collection. advertising, they know a lot about us and they can directly target us. >> sure. legal implications? >> and a lot of people don't realize, this is probably in the positive category. a lot of cases criminally are solved using face bok. looking up people's feeds, status update. divorce attorneys, they love facebook up. wouldn't believe it. they love digging any piece of dirt possible from the site. >> i'll bet. i'll bet. how do you think in the end of the day using facebook has impacted the way we communicate with one another. >> we're living in a digital world. in term of the face-to-face ber action and picking up the phone, we're losing that. often we forget things online can be misfood. you translate them differently. how facebook is another example of how we're doing that. >> hard to read body language right now.
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>> as i'm on facebook during the break. >> katie, thanks much. now here's harry. hollywood is all about the maxi dress this summer. ♪ nicole richie, paris hilton, sarah jessica parker can't seem to get enough of this look. the cotton creations offer the glamour of a red karment dress but typically a lot more casual, light, a little girty, so you know you want one, right? how do you wear it? "early show" contributor is here to make the trend work for you. i want a maxi dress but i can't find one that fits. tomorrow we'll tackle world peace, today the paxi address. you are four rules before you start out. there are certain tingz because a maxi can lose its pox judgment if you do it the wrong way. a pchl axi should make you look
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long and lean and toes horizontal tries can have the opposite effect. >> make sure the maxi dress is supportive. a lot of people forget about the bra and it get saggy. get something with a built-in bra. also, don't go too long. there's nothing that kills an elegant look faster than a dirty hemline or tripping over your own dress. not a good thing. finally, don't wear heels. a lot of women love to wear a little spike, striky sajd. this -- >> what about a wedge heel? >> sulgt wedge, that's okay because it's casual. rules down. we'll look at five of the main body types for women. the first being more athletic or boyish figure. i love this address. it's beautiful. >> this is from arden b and $79.
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she has your waistline. ruffles are your friend. we added volume at the top. the ruched waistline gives her kufbz. the pattern, flowy volume adds more and gives her an hourglass illusion. >> and pockets, which we love. >> look for a dress with pockets. >> great dress and great colors. there we go, a great option for creating curves if. if you're pore pear-shaped, you want to look for balance. >> this dress from $60 da. it exposes the zipper and draws the attention up. the skirt is not tight or too voluminous. it just skims her hips. that's very important to look for. don't go bif big on the bottom. don't go clingy. >> not big, not clingy. a curvy body shape can be tough to do, but sara has on this
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gorgeous dress. it has the halter neckline so it has extra support. this dre has the built-in armor. >> it's nice if you're a little curvy because obviously the lined of this fabric -- >> it has vertical patterns. of course the black pallet add a slimming rook. >> if you've peng aid couple times how important the to have support of cops. >> again, maxi dresses don't are to be sleeveless. the post inspired is the kaf tan address. this is only $32. you can wear a tank top, wear a tank top under it but still not koch pieing the he's iscy, broezy details. $34, sound like a grafk option.
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run, don't walk. >> for anyone is tiny or petite, there's to way you can get drowned if a mctiony dress. that is not the case length. we hose a a little bit of shape because she is very petit. the length just skims her feet. you don't want this to be on the ground because it will draw your eye further down and you look sorter. you can find some maybe meant to go to ankle length on other people but they will then hit you at the maxi length if you're petite. >> you're right. >> katrina, great stuff. >> i want to see what you come back with after going shopping peer. >> i may raid the closet with what you brought. morocco has wonderful food filled with exotic spaces.
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long way to go for dinner so katie lee is here with another staycation menu that will have you dreaming of -- look at you in your maxi dress. >> i almost ambushed katrina's segment. >> very chick. >> it's my kaf tan look for morocco. i have the address -- >> that is it. >> right in here. you can do this at home with a blend of spices that are kind of reminiscent of moroccan food like couplen, coranter, cinnamon, gloves, all those good things. a really popular ingredient if pore rock can sdooking are these lemons. you would have to go to a middle eastern grocery store or make them yourself. tear so easy to make and they dp go with vb. rub it klein because you'll eat the lem mond broind but not if
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all the way. it's still connected. you're going to use a lot of salt on this. close it up. put it in a sterilize the jar like that. we're going to take this little malet or use your fist and shove it in there. i'm going to cover it with more lemon juice. this is is going to help preserve it. i'm going to put more salt in it. >> wow. >> we're just going to close that jar, let it sit for three days at room temperature. >> and then you're going to shake it up and put it in the fridge for about three weeks. >> three weeks? >> it takes three weeks to preserve. >> then have you these things. they're great on grilled fish, begin gar et vinaigrette. i happen to love them. they're very, very salty. oh, harry, that's a big bite. >> wow. >> really flavorful. this has saffron in it, too.
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i love these things. if you want to cook this dinner tonight and you don't have preserved lemons, throw in lemon juice and we won't tell anybody. >> what are we making? >> first thing is eggplant and tomatoes with chick peas. that's the finished product. i cooked the eggplant in a dutch oven and it comes out looking like this. we'll add that to our ovens and garlic. help me with toe made toes, harry. everything goes in. our preserved lemon, paprika, throw in the chick peas. there's lemon juice. and you let this stew for about 15 minutes. you want to seven it at room temperature. with some pete that dread, cilantro, parsley. if you like it spicy throw in the chile fakes. >> i definitely do. >> then it comes out like this. let me let you try a bite, harry. tut it on pete that bread. it's delicious.
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so good. what do you think? thumbs up? i love it when i mrak yake you . >> and this is vegetarian? >> this is vegetarian. serve it with couscous addition. >>ist great. >> there is a little. the thing with moroccan cooking you don't are toous a lot of paths. the next thing is the chicken with olives and apricots. that's the name of the dish but also the vessel it cooks in. wait for my finished review, harry. we have in our clay pot a cooked set of these onions. i'm going to add a chicken i marinated if all these great prices. harry, if you want to put the presevens pair nad, that goes in this, too, along with our ail lives, more presefbed lemons. >> boy, this really smells good. >> more chicken.
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how good do those look? the smell -- of course, if you don't have a tajean, you can use a dutch oven. that works just as as well. >> and i like the way it works. it's a great presentation. >> ouk get one, chicken stock, the family kos moment and they'll going to think it's been afforded to the magical place. the lid goes on. you let it as i remember for 40 minute. the chicken it falling apart easily. comes out great. for dessert we do sliced frult and poe rock can ice the tea cause we don't typically eat this in pore rocco. >> katie lee, thank you very much. for more of her staycation w websi website. ,,,,,,,, our real national pastime?
8:51 am
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8:52 am
as promised, we have checked out the chicken. i've been eating the chicken. it's rocking. >> you like it? all that spice and tender. >> rocking from morocco. >> you're tired, harry. >> no, it's good. >> it's fun exploring new flavors. >> something like this, you said you can whip it up. it's a lot of stuff you probably have in your kitchen cabinets. you probably have chick peas and a can of tomatoes, which makes it easy to -- >> but if you like these lemons, you have to start now. three weeks from now. >> harry's making them now. >> great crowd today.
8:55 am
arrested after a shootout with c- h-p officers in oakland is due in court. investigators say the 45-year-old suspect was on his way to open fire at gorge, it's 8:55. in about 5 minutes, a man arrested is due in court. the 45 year old suspect was on his way to open fire in san francisco when he was stopped for speeding sunday morning. a funeral service today for gospel singer and pastor walter hopkins, these are people in line for his service. he died last week of pancreatic cancer. service starts at 11. large marijuana-growing operations, the plan is to license four pot production facilities, it has a final vote next week. traffic and weather after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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8:58 am
definitely a lot of slow traffic here, as well as approaching the bridge. we are getting reaction there, so watch out for a few slow sensors there. once you get past the bridge, then things move well through berkeley. on the bay bridge, not much of a backup here. these bridges, despite the fog, everything is moving well. that is your traffic. so we're starting to see some clearing, as far as your daytime highs, a little cooler, some low clouds along the bay with sunshine, lots of clouds and in the upper 50s. mostly sunny thursday, friday,
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and saturday, and cooler sunday- tuesday. ,, "meg whitman says she'll run california like her company..." seen this attack on meg whitman? who are these people? they're the unions and special interests behind jerry brown. they want jerry brown because, he won't "rock the boat," in sacramento. he'll be the same as he ever was. high taxes. lost jobs. big pensions for state employees. the special interests have chosen their governor. how about you?
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