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tv   The Early Show  CBS  July 24, 2010 4:00am-6:00am PST

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bonnie sits over the ocean. the tropical storm downgraded to a depression but its path brings efforts to permanently plug the bp oil well to a halt. we have the latest from the gulf. pentagon porn, a shocking report finds dozens of military officials were surfing the web and downloading child pornography while they were supposed to be defending the nation. how did it happen? we'll take a look. plus a look how national security was put at risk. that sinking feeling, a milwaukee man driving his suv plunges into a sinkhole filled with electrical wires and rising water. he is rescued with just seconds to spare. we'll speak with the driver and his saferior in an "early show"
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exclusive. and ride it like rio, ever have a tough time commuting in rough weather? this brazilian figured a way out, his story flying "under the radar" this morning july 24th, out, his story flying "under the radar" this morning july 24th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs and welcome to "the early show" on a saturday morning. >> seems like every time we sit together we talk about the heat outside. once again triple digits here on the east coast. >> non stop. >> our top story this morning, good news on the storm known as bonnie, downgraded to a tropical depression but a chance it could pick up steam heading over the gulf. right now on a course straight for the now nearly abandoned bp oil site. >> of course, what everybody is watching, a weak tropical storm hitting miami and broke up
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crossing florida moving into the gulf area. where does it stand? the latest with lonnie quinn with a look at that. >> erica, like you hinted at, good news/bad news situation. the good news, take a look at the satellite and radar picture, bonnie not very impressive. national hurricane center has reported 35-mile-per-hour winds around the center of circulation, the 5:00 a.m. update moving west-northwest at 15 putting that center of circulation, if you find one, about 185 miles south of ach pa la cha cola, florida. the bad news, it is moving directly over the oil slick, occur tailing efforts there. the national hurricane center says it could restrengthen to a low-grade tropical storm with winds around 45 miles an hour. that's what we think will happen, probably later today, making landfall somewhere around the louisiana coast, best bet would be late tonight and early tomorrow morning looks about 2:00 a.m. sunday morning, that's
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the very latest on what is now tropical depression bonnie. we'll continue to follow everything and be back to a bit. chris, back to you. thank you. most of the ships working on the gulf oil spill have moved to safer waters ahead of the system but the main concern is onshore. later today the stormy seas could trigger a surge of oil into sensitive areas along the coast. our correspondent in grand isle, louisiana with the latest on that situation. kel dee, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. this marina is usually buzzing with crews getting ready to go out for the day. this morning it is just spot fisherman because the clean-up operations nearly all across the gulf have been put on hold 48 hours until monday morning as the storm moves through. the well is still shut in. but, there's a lot of oil on the water. the small army spread across the gulf coast to stop the oil cleared out in a day. nearly all the work on the water is on hold and at bp's well a mile undersea, some cameras have
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gone to black. >> the intention right now is to put the vessels in a safe place to return as quickly as possible to resume their operations. >> reporter: no new oil has spilled in more than a week but millions of gallons are still in the water. late friday, a patch loomed five miles from louisiana's coast with larger slicks farther out and nothing to stop it. even more is hidden beneath the sur vase. government sciences say it is diluted. the oil from that undersea cloud is 3300 feet below the surface, within 12 miles of the well. florida researchers found two more clouds in may, one 45 miles from the well, another 24 miles away. and they say tests confirm the oil is from bp's spill. the water in this bay off grand isle, louisiana, looks clean now. so do the blue crabs charter fishing captain bikowitz caught for dinner. but like so many here, he is
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worried the storm could spread oil beyond the bays and marshes are you concerned about that? >> most definitely, i don't want it on my property. >> reporter: his concerns shared by a lot of people here and they hope this storm stays weak and, if anything, the waves help break up some of that oil on the surface. chris? >> kelly, thank you. erica? joining us from houston from the university of houston. good to have you with us this morning. as we look at bonnie we know it is not a severe hurricane but even still with a storm of this size and power, moving into the area of the oil spill, what will this do to not only the size of the spill but, also, to cleanup efforts there? >> what this strong storm will do, again, it's not as strong as they were thinking it might be, but still there will be some wave energy and wind energy that
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will push the oil around and on a large scale, the action of this will actually help disperse the oil and, as it's dispersing the oil, it will actually help the bacteria degrade it even better so in a large scale it's a good thing. in it a more local scale, it could actually push a lot of oil pockets onto shore, which could cause problems. some pockets could be pushed into the heads of estuaries and over top some of the barriers in place to try to hold the oil back. >> some of the boom barriers you're talking about. >> right, exactly. >> what are areas you're most concerned about, then, on that local level? >> it would be things like the small bays you have there like mobile bay and areas like that behind the barrier islands and along the mississippi delta, you don't want to get that oil pushed too far up into the marsh because, again, that's a d
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delicate environment. but there are bacteria in all these that will biodegrade this oil but you don't want large volumes because it makes it hard. >> vessels will need to be moved out of the area. how will that effect, though, efforts moving forward? what's the time frame impact? >> well, based on the size of this tropical storm, it's actually still a tropical depression, it's probably not going to be more than 48 hours. it could be even less. many of the vessels can withstand the winds, the sustained winds they have there at this point in time. the biggest danger is when you have a lot of vessels anchored or moored near one another and the wind can change direction and cause problems with collisions and that sort of thing. so, basically, in this case, they probably just need to stay away from each other more than anything. but, most of the vessels can withstand 35 knots wind and, again, it always depends on the sea conditions. sometimes with these storms, we
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get gentle as well as and those aren't too much of a problem but if you get as well as with choppy water, it can be more difficult. >> thanks. >> thank you. chris? >> a major pentagon investigation found dozens of military physicians shals and contractors some with top-secret clearance allegedly bought and downloaded child pornography on private and government computers. joining us is former internet child crimes prosecutor -- good morning. you would think those employees would be a bit smarter about this. >> you're right. what's amazing 5,000 individuals were being investigated and turns out dozens were top-secret clearance holding using government computers on government time. >> how vulnerable is does this make our country when guys in
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the department of defense are up to no good like this? >> what it does is puts our country's security at risk and at risk for the people watching at home. i say that because now you are vulnerable to bribery. you may have downloaded a virus that puts a back door into a government system that can be used on a cyber terrorist attack by an enemy foreign state. >> some em plploees are downloag child pornography using their e-mail addresses. did they not think somebody would trace this. >> i think you have to be an idiot to be doing it on government time. >> why did it take so long for the government to find out about this? >> it has been going on for some time and two things come out of it. one is, is the government using the proper monitoring, filtering, blocking systems on the government computers? and second, it takes a while to prosecute. you have to put the forensic evidence together. there were people across the
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country from dayton, california, oklahoma, new york, virginia, all over the country who were government contractors or top-secret-cleared employees. >> so, will there now be more prosecution ahead or what happens now? >> from the report that came out that was redacted, a lot of areas were treated as top secret, it's hard to tell you about there's no question it takes a while and 5,000 individuals to go after, you will continue to see more prosecutions. >> one of the most egregious abuses of office equipment you've seen in your time prosecuting cases like this? >> it's one of the worst. >> thank you very much. sobering thoughts. hard to believe something like this is actually going on in the government. >> yes. >> thanks. we appreciate it. betty? >> good morning, chris and to you at home. shirley sherrod is home in georgia quietly pondering her next career move. but the ousted official says she would like president obama to as she put it promote togetherness
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in america. our correspondent joel brown is at the white house with more on this. good morning, joel. >> reporter: betty, gorng to odg to you. the dust finally starting to settle here at the white house after a week that turned shirley sherrod to a household name. after a rapid-fire week of interviews -- >> i made the statements. i told the story. >> it was just unbelievable to me. >> this has been a whirlwind, you know, so much has happened. >> reporter: and apologies. >> without a doubt, ms. sherrod is owed an apology. i would do so certainly on behalf of this administration. >> i started off by extending to her my personal and profound apologies. >> reporter: shirley sherrod returned home to georgia and went silent as the u.s. department of agriculture waits to hear what's next in her career. sherrod became the center of attention when conservative blogger andrew breitbart posted
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an edited portion of the speech she gave. she was forced to resign her position at the usda, but when the full tape emerged, the apologies mounted culminating with a call from the president. >> i've been dealing with some of the same issues he's had to deal with. >> reporter: now the administration and nation wait to see whether this formerly obscure government worker will return to a job with the department that once let her go. the sherrod affair overshadowed much of the white house agenda last week. look for the president to try and turn the page next week with a major speech on education reform and a trip to detroit to talk about jobs. betty? >> thank you, joel. four american service men bers were killed this morning in a bombing in southern afghanistan where the forces lead a major offensive against the taliban. today's deaths bring the number of americans killed in afghanistan this month to 52. the former commander of u.s. forces in afghanistan
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retired. general stanley mcchris extol given a hero's send-off friday in washington. his career spanned 34 years. president obama relieved him of the afghan command last month after mcchrystal was quoted in "rolling stone" magazine criticizing administration officials. we at cbs news want to note the passing of a former colleague, legendary newsman daniel schorr died after a brief illness. he was 93. jim axelrod has his story. >> reporter: he was an old-school broadcast journalist, in fact the last working reporter one of edward r. morrow's boys. >> my territory is central europe. >> reporter: he joined cbs in 1953 opening the moscow bureau in '55 and left in 1957 after his application for a new visa was denied by the soviets. following his interview with --.
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he ended up on nixon's enemies list during watergate he always called his greatest achievement. >> at one point he got so mad at me -- he had hoover launch an investigating on me trying to get dirt on me. >> reporter: born in the bronx, son of russian immigrants he clashed not only with officials but news management and left cbs in 1976 after an uproar over his reports. the first reporter turner hired when he started cnn in 1979 and joined npr in 1985 as a senior news analyst. he never stopped working there. his last "week in review" was just two weeks ago. scott simon host of the program where he delivered his analysis said dan schorr was around from the russian revolution to the digital revolution and could have added and we were all better informed for it.
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and he will be missed. let's shift gears now. lonnie quinn with a first check of the weather this saturday morning. good morning, lonnie. >> you heard chris and erica talk about it earlier it is going to get really hot out there, part of the story but the headlines out there, bonnie in the gulf of mexico. a tropical depression right now, all right, forecast to strengthen later today pushing over the area of the oil slick. heating in the east, monsoonal rains in the southwest. you can see that moisture in the southwest i'm referring to but around the great lakes we see heaviest rain. you want to talk the eastern half of the country, where we see the big-time heat, i'm talking new york city, over to pittsburgh, nashville, charleston. we are talking about feels-like temperatures there between 100 and 110 degrees, this entire area shaded in red is under a heat warning with the exception of the very spine of the blue ridge mountains elevational cooling keeping it a bit below the warning level. high humidity the cause, temperatures soaring on your thermometers. a quick look at a portion of the
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country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. make it a great day wherever you are. we'll say where we are got dicey last night, happens rarely but new york city had a tornado warning. tough to get rotation because of the big buildings in the city. we had a tornado warning in effect until 1:00 in the morning. >> wow! incredible thunderstorm, too. great to watch. >> what a light show, unbelievable looking, yeah. >> sheets of water. >> hot today, though. >> if only it cooled it off, lonnie. >> the beach! >> staying inside today. >> still ahead this morning, an exclusive interview with the man who survived this sinkhole in milwaukee. had just filled up the car. he sees a streetlight sinking into the ground and before he
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knows it, he and the cadillac, down they go. how degette out? he's here with his rescuer to tell us. >> which way did he go? we also know the president of the united states, how about the receptionist of the united states? the gatekeeper to the west wing ava brown is with us this morning with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at this position. >> talk about a position of power. >> you know what, where are you sheltering your money these days? >> under my mattress. >> we'll give you spots where to put it to make it grow. >> stay with us. is is "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] ,, this is a strawberry pop tart.
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but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. ♪ whoa! do you know what our favorite part of shooting hoops is? 3...2...1... overtime! ♪ ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh
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you can connect to the internet at blazing fast speeds. wow, look at that! so you can go online and check out the news, or you can just catch up with old friends -- hey buddy. you can download videos and -- wow, that was fast. you can do it all from the comfort of home. so, as you can see, it's a -- whoa. i'm gonna just go grab a sandwich. [ male announcer ] introducing our fastest internet with speeds up to twenty four megabits per second. switch to high speed internet from at&t and get one-hundred dollars back via promotion card. let's talk money right now, a bumpy ride on wall street this week with the dow dropping over 100 points tuesday but surging thursday. ending on the up side. as always in volatile times people look for safe havens for their money. rebecca jarvis has suggestions
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for you. how do you protect your principal in volatile times like this? >> first off, chris, you really have to be selective and give yourself a broad basket of things. don't put all your eggs in one basket and know when you give that money up beyond the bank and under the mattress, principal protection is not always easy to do and not 100% guaranteed. >> you have no control over your money when you relinquish it. we have five safe havens starting with blue chip stocks. >> blue chip dividend-paying stocks are some of the more conservative stocks out there companies like johnson & johnson companies that have withstood the test of time. they also tend not to give major downside, what you are looking for in a market and economy like this. if you have a struggle in terms of picking out the dividend play you are looking for you can find a fund or etf with access to all the dividend stocks out there, which is good.
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>> dividends for folks at home may be unfamiliar with -- >> a little kick-back. >> you have to be patient, as well. >> do you. >> corporate bonds now, position 2. >> corporate bonds are ious from companies saying we'll pay you back your principal over a period of time with a particular rate of return on that period of time. and what you want to think about when you're looking at corporate bonds on the conservative side is look for companies with a rating of a or higher. this is their rating from the financial overseers in the markets and they're telling you these are companies that are healthier than some of the companies out there. >> if you go to a restaurant in new york or los angeles. look for that. >> exactly. >> floating rate funds. what are these? >> floating rate funds are funds that are going to pay you more as interest rates go higher. right now they are at all-time lows. what you can basically safely bet out in the future, rates are going to be going higher and you will make money on these funds over the course of time. >> stable value funds? >> these are something you are
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going to find in your 401(k). if you are invested in a 401(k) at your company look for a stable value fund. they are one step above your cash savings or money market savings and tend to return a bit more. last quarter did about 3% in terms of returns and are stable. >> this is good, too, high-yield savings. i know my man lonnie quinn got himself a high-yield savings at a local bank and you think that is kind of the way to goimplts we eat locally and can bank locally, too. that's really good thing in terms of keeping your money and growing it a bit faster. high-yield savings accounts can be found at check it out, about double what you would normally get. >> wasn't there a fear about a year and a half ago some of these banks would go under and everyone went with the more popular banks? >> yes. there was. under the new financial regulatory reforms we have a guaranteed protection on $250,000 in any bank in the united states fdic insured. >> thanks very much. up next from a putrid plant to a
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south american street surfer, we are taking you "under the radar." you talk about a safe place for your money, "under the radar" is where it's at. that's next here on cbs. did you know saving money on gas can be as easy as changing the way you drive. driving the speed limit and i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals for my bird friends. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i have to take care of myself. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. [ bob ] makes you feel ageless. brrrbb! [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it.
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as we get our papers ready, are you ready to go? we need to be buckled in. >> a lot of prep kwags for this segment. >> what we feel, i know many out there feel one of the most famous segments in all of morning television. >> one of the most anticipated. >> we are the gatekeepers for it. we call it "under the radar."
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we begin with japanese beat boxer. listen to some of thiessensational sounds thiesse sensational sounds in a moment: a little confused. i apologize for that. so far, three million views on youtube for this. >> just beginning, i think. professional kite surfer ranked sixth in the world. this will give you an idea why rita romeo didn't let rain dampen your spirits. what do you do when it rains like that? take to the streets. here he is in his native rio de janeiro doing wave boarding. is he wearing a seat belt? >> do they have traffic laws in brazil? >> did you investigate that?
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>> we may have to look into that. >> i think we ought to go to investigate. >> he's got it going on, not bad. >> not bad. >> in tokyo, a story that really, really thinks thousands line up this weekend to see and smell a rare giant flower blooming for the very first time in 20 years. when we say smell, we mean smell because the plant's pungent odor has been described a cross between raw cabbage and rotting meat. >> lovely. >> i can't think of any worse. don't think of getting this for a special occasion. i have not smelled something that bad since we got a whiff of lonnie's new cologne this morning probably as putrid as they get when it comes to cologne. i don't know if it is an official one. >> pepe le pieux. >> that's this week's "under the radar." hope you enjoyed it.
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>> good stuff as always. >> when we come back, this sinkhole story. incredible pictures. we'll talk exclusively in just a couple of minutes. of we have friends joining us on the table this morning. >> yeah. some of them taped up because we can't show exactly how they were to be presented to the world. >> in case you can't recognize this is supposed to be anna chapman, of course the sultry russian spy who was great fodder for a number of the newspapers in new york city while all this was unfolding with that red hair and those vixen looks they described. >> look at that. >> this is the predator, right, that's what it is called. this right here which we taped because it actually comes topless, correct? >> with just a skirt and gun. that's all she needs. >> apparently the top seller. >> it is called the spy i love. >> 29.95 for those of you actually thinking about making a purchase. >> this company makes action
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frp figures ripped from the headlines. they have a bernie madeoff diol. >> rob blagojevich. >> had a couple of bank robberies this weekend, this one which was great. this is darth vader who robbed a chase bank in long island and we also had a bouquet bandit who had no mask who basically robbed them with a bouquet of flowers. on the romance scale i think he gets a 10. >> yeah. >> but on a pun scale, all articles written about darth vader between references to jedis and luke skywalker. >> but he comes in with the huge bouquet and only got 4 hundred
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bucks. they probably cost more. bucks. they probably cost more. >> [ female announcer ] jobs leaving. a budget disaster. california on the brink. jerry brown's plan? you run for office and the assumption is, oh, i know what to do. you don't. i didn't have a plan for california. [ female announcer ] with our state in crisis, we need a governor with a plan. you need a real plan, something i'll acknowledge i did not have. [ female announcer ] jerry brown. no plan then. no plan now. meg whitman. a plan for jobs. log on. learn more. [ female announcer ] kids who don't eat breakfast may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. ♪ carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start.
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a beautiful hot day here in new york city. >> emphasis on "hot". >> but we're ready inside in the air conditioning. welcome again to "the early show." >> a lot to get to this morning. >> the zisinkhole that swallowe milwaukee. this picture we saw yesterday, incredible. we'll talk exclusively to the lucky man who narrowly survived when his suv fell in and a hero who thought quickly enough to help him quickly. >> with electrical wires everywhere. we'll talk to them in a moment. also with us our special
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contributor is here taking us on a private tour of the west wing of the white house to meet a special young woman, the gatekeeper to the president. a lot of attention. she does not have time for a lot of interviews but did for ava. looking forward to that. >> working 16-hour days. insane. kids, are you ready to wiggle. crew? let's see some reaction. are you guys ready to wiggle? yes, they are because the wiggles, they're here, oh, yeah, excitement that saturday morning excitement on "the early show" on the plaza and a preview of their tour. >> a lot of kids very excited. before that, we'll check with betty at the newsdesk. good morning. >> good morning. the search continues in lake michigan for four people missing since the crash of a medical plane. debris was found several miles away from where the plane went down friday. only the pilot was rescued.
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searchers say the lake water is warm enough for the four to have survived for a while. a school chancellor giving 241 teachers failing grades and sent them packing, most fired for poor performance in the classroom and more than 700 d.c. school employees were warned they could get pink slips if they don't improve. the washington teachers union says it will challenge the firings. parts of the midwest are cleaning up today from flooding and tornadoes. a tornado damaged several homes and other buildings friday near indianola, iowa. another struck southern michigan cutting power to thousands. and milwaukee international airport was closed for several hours when heavy rains flooded the runways. more rain is expected today. those are the headlines. now time to check with lonnie quinn, who joins us outside with a look at the latest. good morning, lonnie. >> look at the latest good looking faces out here, look at all you guys, here for wiggle action, is that's what's going
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on? wiggles? >> i think that would be a yes in kidsspeak. i want to talk about the we had situation because you heard about the flooding in the midwest. there will be more than rain, a slow-moving system places like milwaukee have picked up like seven inches of rain the past two days and the possibility for localized flooding in the area, maybe see another one inch or more. the reason it's not moving so fast because of the high pressure system in the eastern half of the country bringing in big-time heat but also blocking that precipitation to our west and could well be changing -- there goes a fire engine, because it will be fire-like hot in new york city today. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend.
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>> look at those faces. look at those faces. i got to tell you, you know, they were so animated and excited when the wiggles were out here and the weatherman comes and it's a blase moment. i've got to tell you this isn't -- hello sweetheart. one of my favorite moments is my shout out hello to all our friends in roanoke, virginia, located in the beautiful blue ridge mountains originally called, get this, big lick in the 1800s all due to a large outcropping of salt, downtown now features the virginia museum of transportation. we thank everybody for watching on wbg 7. we'll be back with more but back inside to you. >> we'll speak exclusively to the man whose car you see right there plunged into this massive hole and also joined by the man who rescued him and "early show"
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exclusive coming up next on cbs. for those of us who have lactose intolerance,
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let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk. and vitamin d of regular milk. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. i'm chef michael, and i love to delight bailey's senses.too. don't i? [ barks ] because i think food speaks a language of love. that's what inspired me to rethink dry dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. [ chef michael ] mmm. tender shredded pieces made with real meat...
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and crunchy garnishes to enhance the mealtime experience. yes, bailey-- just for you. [ barks ] [ female announcer ] chef inspired, dog desired. chef michael's canine creations. ♪ now i know ♪ freedom is all that i need [ female announcer ] ladies, raise your spoons. now there's nothing left standing between you and a satisfying breakfast. introducing special k low-fat granola. with 50% less fat than the leading granola and 5 grams of fiber per serving, it's a satisfying way to help you manage your weight. special k low-fat granola -- a taste of freedom.
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kwoo -- the ground suddenly opened up and he and the suv plunged 20 feet into a sinkhole. a passer-by pulled him out. they both join us exclusively from milwaukee. good to have both of you with us. >> hello. >> morning. >> lance, set the scene for me. driving along with terrible storms and as i understand you notice a streetlight kind of sinking into the ground and before you know it, you're zipg i you'resinking. >> i looked to my right and saw a guy taking a picture of a streetlight but the streetlight was parallel to the ground and as i comprehended it basically looked like the streetlight just sunk into the ground.
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and as i did that, that's when basically the road just collapsed under me and my truck just fell 20 feet into the hole. >> and you passed out so when you wake up and all of a sudden realize where you are and what's happening and you're trying to figure out how to get out, what's your first thought how you are going to survive this? >> um, yeah. like everything went dark for about five seconds. when i looked up, there was a huge sewage pole with water gushing out of it and i basically looked up and looked around me and i was just looking for a way to get out and there really didn't look like any way to get out, at least for myself. i was going to need someone else. but, i figured i needed to get on top of something, otherwise, i was going to get washed away by the water. so, i climbed through my window and jumped on the roof. was trying to find a way to get out. i jumped on my roof. >> luckily, mark is coming by.
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mark, did you actually see lance's car plunge into the sinkhole? did you realize it was there. >> yeah. i actually was about two to four feet away, i witnessed the same he did. i was on my cell phone walking up to the intersection and i noticed a traffic light at ground level and i'm like, you know, this looks so bizarre and i told my buddy i was talking to i got to take a picture of this, you wouldn't believe it. like a second later, his struck just disappeared and -- >> so, at that point, you realize you need to help. you are not getting through to 911. mark, how were you able to get him out? because the distance between the sides of that hole and we are was are pretty big. >> well, actually, i ran to where i could see the safest ground was because some of it was eroded underneath the road and i started yelling to see who was in the car. i didn't know if it was a family or who was in there and he stuck his head out and i said, you know, get over here by me. i'll get you out of the hole and i just laid on the road and
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somehow we ended up getting hands together and i just pulled him up and out of the hole. >> and grabbed a beltloop, too, as i understand. lance, as you look at these pictures -- when you look at your car laying in there, have you started to process this at all yet or is it still kind of surreal? >> yeah, it's been surreal. i was in shock after i really i just like was just questioning the entire situation, i just thought i was in a dream. i mean, it all happened so fast and when i was down there, my reaction time, i just knew i needed to make decisions as quickly as possible because with the water filling up the hole so quickly, i thought i was going to drown or there was -- so many electrical lines and everything down there, just i knew i had somehow -- i needed to get out of there as quickly as possible otherwise it would get really bad. >> luckily you did quick thinking. great to have you both with us
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this morning and the great part it has such a wonderful outcome. thanks for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> good stuff over there. coming up meet a young woman with the power to get you to the oval office, the gatepeeper to the president of the united states and it really pays to be on her good side. we'll go to the west wing when we come back. you are watching "the early show" here on cbs. [ female announcer ] elasticity. firmness. imagine that kind of vitality... -- in your skin.
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[ female announcer ] new from aveeno: ageless vitality. bio-minerals and active naturals formulas for improved firmness, texture, wrinkles and spots. new ageless vitality. save $20 at new ageless vitality. waking up with morning pain can drain the energy right out of you. fight it with new... it combines extra strength bayer aspirin to treat pain plus an alertness aid to help you get off to a running start. try bayer am the morning pain reliever. you'll never go back to your old duster. [ funny voice ] hey, duster! wanna attract dust like swiffer 360 duster? then try the magnet hat! ♪ whoa! wow! [ female announcer ] sorry, duster, but swiffer 360 dusters attract dust with over 500,000 fibers and lock it away to clean better than a feather duster. swiffer's built smarter to clean better. ♪ she blinded me with science and get this year's colors up on the wall...this year.
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the only interior paint and primer in one this morning taking you on a private tour of the west wing of the white house to meet a special young woman with unique access. our special contributor was there and has the story with us this morning. good to see you. >> good morning. we had rare access to this exclusive part of the white house with someone who may know it best. this is the west wing of the white house. here, 28-year-old darian page works as the receptionist. you work at the white house.
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what does that feel going to work every day? >> do you know, there isn't one day i come in here i'm not still in awe. >> known by insiders as the face of the west wing it's her job to greet every visitor who comes through. >> it could be bruce spinning seen it in here or bon jovi. >> u2's bono visited so, did brad pitt. it began in november 2008. the director of management soon asked her to set up a travel office then quickly to gatekeeper of the west wing. >> about a week later he came to me and said, can you do this? i thought, sure, of course i can do this. >> it meant a permanent move to washington to become the receptionist to the united states, known as rodis, for short. she gave me a tour of her
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fabulous new life in the west wing starting with her desk. >> one of the best thing about my desk are the flowers. >> the white house florist delivers fresh flowers every three days. as far as my boyfriend goes it makes his life every hard, because how do you compete. there is a bowl of starlight mints on every desk and a treasure kept under lock and key. official presidential m & ms. among the perks of her job, visits from the obama girls, sasha and malia. >> they are really the sweetest girls, they are very, very well behaved and well-rounded girls. what who is people don't know about the desk there, are two computers under here. >> they are embedded under her desk and protected by security glass. can anyone just get through? >> no. oh, no. >> before guarding the white house she was an army sergeant guarding baghdad in "praigs
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iraqi freedom." >> would you say there's more pressure doing what do you in the white house every day or being in a war zone? >> being in a war zone, for sure. i've been to iraq. i've been in the war zone. if i can do that, then getting some conference rooms moved around shouldn't be that stressful for me. >> we have some good news to share with you since our visit she has been promoted. now, she'll be assistant director in the office of public engagement working with veterans, military families, and wounded warriors. she starts monday. so, congratulations! and chris, you are very lucky because i brought -- >> a gift? >> -- a big gift for you. i brought you some presidential m & ms. >> you're kidding. >> now, i want you to know these are nonrefundable so don't try to give them back. >> the seal and everything. this is good, my first official white house gift. i thought it would be an
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ashtray. this is great, red, white & bluf. >> can't go wrong. >> love these. >> was she on call to the president like 24/7, one of those jobs where tireless hours? >> you know, it is but it's not. she has a normal life. she has a boyfriend and goes to taco night with her mom every wednesday, which she did invite me to so darrien, i remembered that. she's a very nice woman and has a nice time. >> stay right there. you'll want to see this next segment. up next called the band that rocks the kralgdcradle, the bann as the wiggles. during our second section at the plaza, we'll hear from them when we come back. this is "the early show" on cbs. is it a place for everything ? is it enough space for a banquet ?
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is it everyone's favorite restaurant ? it's the lg french door refrigerator. with slim spaceplus ice system for maximum shelf space. so is it a refrigerator ? or something better ? 4 varieties like meatball italiano made with delicious meats and melted cheeses on bakery fresh tasting bread that crisps in the microwave in minutes. the taste of your favorite sub shop without leaving home. new stouffer's toasted subs. swipe your card please. excuse me...? this belongs to you... you. excuse me... this is yours... thank you! you're welcome. with chase freedom you can get a total of 5% cash back in your pocket. fun money from freedom. this is yours! thank you! what? that's 5% cash back in quarterly bonus categories all year long. does your card do this? sign up for this quarter's bonus today. chase what matters. go to
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♪ welcome to our tv show ♪ lights, camera, action ♪ everybody let's go! ♪ >> can you feel it? >> i can feel thewiggles, red, and purple force entertaining and educating kids since 1991 with their widely popular singing and dances. >> they about to embark on the summer leg of their tour. >> before they do that they are here with friends so welcome sam, murray, jeff and anthony performing their mega hit "fruit salad." ♪ fruit salad ♪ yummy, yummy ♪ fruit salad ♪ yummy, yummy
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♪ let's make some fruit salad today ♪ ♪ it's fun to do, it's the healthy way ♪ ♪ take all the fruit that you want to eat ♪ ♪ it's going to be a fruit salad treat ♪ ♪ the first step ♪ peel the banana ♪ the second step ♪ toss in in grapes ♪ top off the apple ♪ chop up the melon and put it on your plate ♪ ♪ now we've made it, time to eat it. ♪ ♪ it tastes so good you can't beat it ♪ ♪ give everyone a plate and a spoon ♪ ♪ we'll all be eating it very soon ♪ ♪ eat up the banana ♪ the second step ♪ eat up some grapes ♪ the third step ♪ eat up some apple
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♪ eat the melon now there's nothing on your plate ♪ ♪ now we've had our fruit salad today ♪ ♪ time to put the scraps away ♪ wash the bowls and wash the spoons ♪ ♪ let's do it all again real soon ♪ ♪ fruit salad ♪ yummy, yummy ♪ ♪ fruit salad ♪ yummy, yummy ♪ yummy, yummy, fruit salad ♪ fruit salad ♪ yummy, yummy ♪ fruit salad, ♪ yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy fruit salad ♪ ♪ fruit salad
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♪ yummy, yummy ♪ yummy, yummy fruit salad ♪ >> nice! >> now this is making my hungry. such a treat to have you with us, you have a little fan who wants to chant this morning. this is so exciting for all of us here. you have been going strong for 20 years but as i understand you started this, you met in college. >> that's right we were at college together about 20 years ago and started just the wiggles with an album we thought and it built and built and here we are. >> you have a music park, opening a water park and world tour. the millions and millions of dvds. how do you keep it interesting and keep going? >> the inspiration from the children. we spend a lot of time touring
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and doing concerts. just seeing the children -- >> we cannot wait to hear more from the wiggles. stay with us. we'll be right back. for some of you, your local news is next. for others, you are coming right back onty t t"the early show." >> so what is the deal, how come he is always falling asleep like that? >> you'll have to talk to him. i'm not sure. >> all the way from australia, i can see why that would happen. is it sam just became a new dad? >> i did. i have a six-month-old new baby. >> does that change anything? you have a great job for any dad. >> now i appreciate the parents even before than i did. >> does your child make you walk around in the fruit suit. >> not yet but i'm sure for many years to kuchl. >> dad doesn't have the watermelon on. >> i have the opposite with teenagers, so they aren't -- >> you wear that banana again --
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>> we're dead, we're dead. this is so much fun. the "new york times" called you the band that rocks the cradle. that's a high endorsement, i must say. what's it like when you hear stuff like that. >> always fun. that's what we we hope we are doing helping parents rock the cradle and soothe it, too. sometimes the wiggles have put on softer songs, songs for all occasions. >> i've noticed that in the shows you have that time where you wind down a bit and bring everybody down, the mother of a preschooler, i have to appreciate because you need help winding them down sometimes. do parents come to you say could you focus on this or that? >> they do. we get a lot of parents asking to do songs about toilet training, about clean teeth, which we've done. drinking more water. we've done that one. and lately asked to do songs which we haven't done yet about food allergies and how important for everyone to know -- >> so we can look forward to that coming up and we look forward to more wiggles coming up. >> how about it, kids, the ,,,,,
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waiting out bonnie. the tropical storm losing power barrelling into the gulf of mexico but where is it heading? can the cap on the bp well hold up under bonnie's high winds? hell to pay in bell, a small town erupts in outrage, revealed the city manager makes twils the salary of the president and the police chief makes more than l.a.'s top cop. these men are now paying a toll in bell and may just be the beginning. more mad mel, new revelations of his anger and viciousness checking whether her sister leaked the audio tapes. if true, could that kill her case? and a spoonful of julie, legendary actress julie andrews sits down talking about singing
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in the alps, flying with her umbrella and turning to the dark side in "depickable me." this "the early show" this saturday morning, july 24, 2010. welcome back to what's a very quiet early show here on this saturday morning because the wiggles have dominated our crowd here this morning so the kids are paying attention to them, not us right now. >> all in awe looking at their favorite people to watch on tv. great to have the wiggles and their fans this morning on the plaza. welcome back. i'm erica hill. >> along with yours truly, chris wragge. guess who is with us? >> julie andrews, dame julie andrews. really looking forward to sitting down and chatting with her. also a lot of people excited about "mad men" their fourth season coming up. they inspire sod much not just
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cocktails which i think we've talked about on the show before but fashion really taking a cue from the sort of mod -- >> the fedora -- >> coming up for the ladies. >> sort of a fashion show. >> we'll make you "mad men" fabulous this morning. >> we have all that coming up but first back inside to betty for another check of the weather. >> formerly tropical storm bonnie expected to strengthen again today in the gulf of mexico, forcing many of the ships working at the bp spill side to move to safer waters. our correspondent is in grand isle, louisiana with the latest and joins us live. one of the big concerns today is whether the cap will hold as the storm blows through. >> reporter: that's right, betty. but, in fact, because this well is so far below the surface, 5,000 feet, about a mile, the storm really won't have any
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effect on it. the winds won't touch it. the waves won't touch it. that's not a concern really for the cap itself. the waves could be a problem for the ships on the surface. we'll have to see how strong this storm is once it gets closer. some of these ships, which use those unmanned submarines, which monitor the well on the seafloor are the last to leave, a couple are still there. you can still see the live cameras. but if the waves get high enough they, too, will have to reel up the rovs and move off to safer waters. that hasn't happened as yet and the fact the storm is weaker is really a good sign. some of the other ships, for example, the ones drilling the relief wells had to pull out early. they have a lot of equipment to get back up on the ship and move fairly slowly. so, they are out of the way. bes best-case scenario in the storm remains weak the ships could be back on site by monday, some of them anyway and we may, may see
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an attempt at killing the well by wednesday, from up top, the static kill. >> all right. kelly, thank you for that. los angeles fire officials say several brushfires that broke out friday are contained one within site of dodger stadium. it took firefighters an hour to contain the three-acre blaze. the fire briefly closed two lanes on a nearby freeway. a larger fire east of l.a. threatened about 30 homes. the ongoing search for the 7-year-old missing more than six weeks in portland, oregon. this morning investigators say they are making significant progress but make no details. his step-mother was the last to see him when he was dropped off at school in early june but has not been named as a suspect in his disappearance. the los angeles suburb of bell, california, a week-long uproar over city officials' eye-popping salaries continues
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this morning. our correspondent john blackstone has the latest. >> reporter: determined to prove they can fight city hall, the angry citizens of belle, california turned city council meetings to shouting sessions especially with the latest revelation, that four council members have been collected $100,000 a year for the part-time job. >> we don't make money like you guys. i'm not up there. and if i was up there, i wouldn't be cheating the people. >> reporter: bell is a blue-collar city of about 37,000, hit hard by the recession, it has a 16% unemployment rate. so, you might think if any city could afford to richly reward its council members it would be this one. but the council members in beverly hills are paid less than $800 a month while those in much less prosperous bell can make $8,000 a month. beverly hills just hired a new city manager, annual salary,
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$275,000. high compared to other cities around the country. a mere pittance compared to bell's city manager, who makes $787,000 a year. >> we want to find out how in the world could any public servant do this? >> reporter: bell's mayor defended the high paychecks saying the city was well run and a model of financial prudence. john black stone, cbs news los angeles. the latest with lonnie joining us outside with a check of the weather. good morning, lonnie. >> good morning, betty. a hot one out here. you know, of course we have the wiggles on the show so i've got -- the parents and little ones, not only them falcons baseball. your name, sir? >> bill conroy. >> what is falcons baseball? >> that's high school in virginia beach, virginia. >> and you are coach. >> head coach, yeah. >> how was the season this year. >> pretty good, made it to regionals. >> who took you out? >> gloucester.
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>> darn. congratulations, you have to say, though. >> yeah. >> show good sportsmanship all around. weather-wise, the deal looks like this, the weather headlines show bonnie rolls over the oil slick right now a tropical depression could restrengthen to a tropical storm and would be a weak one. southwestern soaker because of monsoon season, one to three inches of rain. localized flooding from flagstaff to albuquerque. looks like a wet day. let's get her down. you don't have to stay up there, honey. a quick look at the national picture. get me down! here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. looks like she's doing a lot better now. >> she's better. >> all righty, sweetie.
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>> lonnie, i'll take it. by now about everybody has heard the recordings of mel gibson ranting at his ex-girl ex-girlf. friday, grigorieva to reporters. joining us to help sort out what all this means in the ugly battle between gibson and his former girlfriend. good to see you. >> good morning. >> assuming these reports are accurate is it even legal for her to record mel's voice mails like that and provide them to radaronline and all these places. >> if she's truly the victim of domestic violence claiming a legitimate fear for her well-being, her recordings of him and attempt to sell them if,
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in fact it's her or somebody connected to her is going to undermine her cause. it's going to undermine her argument before a judge because she's going to be a lot less likely to be believed. >> we've had experts the last couple of weeks who said she needed to do something like this because no one would have believed her otherwise. >> that's a very good point and it's true. look, i've made arguments as a domestic violence prosecutor and i make them as a criminal defense attorney, it's very hard to prove the fact of domestic violence. so, maybe she did use these or make these to prove that. however, one, these tapes don't prove mel hit her and, number two, why the delay? this alleged incident happened in january of 2010. they broke up this april. why was it june her lawyers rushed to the courthouse? if these reports about a negotiated settlement are true, it's a lot less likely that a judge will believe her claims of a legitimate fear. >> let's talk about extortion,
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that was brought up this week a potential $15 million price tag out there for an agreement here. does that also undermine her case? >> absolutely. look, the fact that she considered reaching a financial settlement with her doesn't mean she's not the victim of domestic violence but it, also, reflects something other than her genuine concern for her safety and the well-being of her child. if, in fact, she was leveraging these tapes to get more money from mel, it's going to be a very difficult case for her to prove domestic violence. >> three sides to every story. his side, her side and, of course, the truth. what's the next play here for both sides? we haven't even heard really from mel's side. >> i think his lawyers are very smart not to come out at this point. i think we'll see a big long very complicated fight from him and that is the way people have to defend against false accusations of domestic violence if, in fact, they're false in this case. >> what's her next play. >> she is going to have to, i would suggest, if she's
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connected to any of these tapes being released, she should be retreating and working were her lawyers to discuss how to pursue her custody battle but shouldn't be out in the press. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. good to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> up next, she's created memorable characters -- dame julie andrews' latest career move is quite a departure. she join us next to tack abolk her legendary career. you're watching "the early show" here on cbs. do your contact lenses feel as good at the end of the day
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purina fit & trim. whether you remember her best for -- we have a soft spot in our heart for julie andrews and the joy she has brought us on stage and
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screen. >> for more than a decade she and her daughter have created a series of children's books. the latest hit shelves in may and immediately became a best seller. julie andrews joins us this morning. so great to have you with us. >> congratulations on the book, too. >> thank you. we're so thrilled it's doing so well and it's a charming little story so we're very happy about it. >> it is. if you are not familiar it talks about the sparkle inside. >> really about individuality and finding your own inner sparkle. >> and now on the "new york times" best seller list. you've done a number of books with your daughter. >> we have. i think we've published together about 20. i think altogether we have about 25 on the list and it's such a joy. we've been going for about 11 years now. and it's such a pleasure to work with your daughter. >> what sparked that initially? i know books obviously were pont to you as a child and to your children. >> i've actually been writing, i
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think i must have been the first celebrity author that ever started the whole idea of celebrity authors because about 40 years ago i wrote m my first children's book but emma and i began writing, as i say, about 11 years ago. >> for a lot of people when they look at you don't necessarily sea you see you as one of those iconic characters we measured. you are known as a sweet motherly character typically but a departure in your latest film "despicable me". >> i play the most despicable lady, i do, actually have grown fond of her. she's a terrible mother and thank god the only thing she's completely out to lunch with it and has no idea how terrible she is, very self-involved, funny but she's a monster. >> at first you thought maybe this would not be the best role to take on. >> yeah. >> what made you change your
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mind? >> mostly i realize she wasn't mean despicable just, as i say, completely involved with herself. and so, they showed me the picture of her before i started recording in the booth and she's this try angular shaped lady with enormous beehive and nose and spectacles but such fun. >> when you look at your body of work over the years do you have one movie or one character that stands out more than any other? i know everyone at home probably has theirs. but what about you? >> well, it's difficult because i love each movie for a different movie but people tell the character i'm most like is probably maria in "the sound of music." i don't know. you'd probably have to ask my kids. >> did you have you had this kind of iconic film in the making? >> i don't think so.
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i think we hoped it was the mountains of austria and beautiful music and the story that we'd have a nice family movie but, my god, we had no idea, i don't think. but it's a brute fullieautifull film. every single thing about it was immac immaculately done. >> the beautiful voice and the singing. you have surgery a few years bag. >> actually about 14 years back. >> which changed things for you. >> it d. that's one of the reasons i've concentrated more on the publishing and children's book and my emma with whom i write said a lovely thing. i was kind of moaning about i just wish i could sing again and she said, well, mum, you've just found a different way of using your vis and i thought that was -- it suddenly put everything into perspective for me. >> are you singing again a little bit? >> i have about five or six base
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notes and, as i say, when i do go on stage, i can sing the hell out of "old man river" but that's about it. i do the best i can with what i still have. >> before we let you go, we have one final question for you, if you had an opportunity to sit here and have early coffee with someone, who would it be. >> anyone? >> anyone. >> living or dead? >> yes. >> oh, my god. just so many people. oh, my lord. um, who would it be? well, i always wished i could have met winston churchill. that would have been very nice. we could have a nice cup of tea together, i think. high go my god, some of the great, great singers of our day. i did happily know pavarotti and admire him tremendously. he would have been nice. but i'm very happy with you guys. >> we are very happy with you, as well. that's fine by us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> dame julie andrews, truly a pleasure to have you with us.
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>> thank you. thighs to ha nice to have you, too. i probably should have said somebody like jesus or gandh or something like that. >> stay with us. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm. [ spray bottle ] what does she see in him? [ liquid cleaner ] well, he cleans three times more soap scum per swipe than you. [ spray bottle ] and i bring out the shine, too! ding! what was that? that was the noise a shine makes... [ male announcer ] remove three times more soap scum per swipe with the new mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber. that can take so much out of you. i feel like i have to wind myself up just to get out of bed. then...well, i have to keep winding myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the trouble concentrating, the lack of energy. [ male announcer ] if depression is taking
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the kids love "mad men." the fourth season kicks off tomorrow night and we can expect more retrostril setting of course the hit show sparked a back to the '60s fashion trend. >> absolutely. >> whether a betty, joan or dodger our contributor is here with something for everyone, supporting a little yourself. >> just a bit, yes. >> good to have you this morning. >> i love this, such a fun, i mean watching the show is fantastic but i love watching to see what they are wearing. >> so of fun, tuning in for the drama or the style you won't be disappointed and the new season -- >> a lot of fashion designers watch it and are inspired by this, return to the '60s, starting with the ladies. >> go ahead, i'll wait. >> with femininity, too. >> absolutely. in the early '60s thinking
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jackie kennedy, the ultimate in ladylike femininity talking body-hugging shapes, hourglass figures. >> curves. >> absolutely. we are seeing a lot of designers do the same thing on the runway which is great. >> picking up things like what you are wearing and what we have here called an hourglass dress. >> exactly. what we are really looking for we want to see the classic hourglass shape of a woman not trying to hide anything here. i love this dress by a label called stopstaring, which is fun. >> good luck with. >> that called the "mad men" dress from a site where they sell a lot of vintage-inspired places but all brand new. >> red lipstick is huge for. a lot of women it is very intimidating and can be tough to wear. >> it is. one of those things you have to embrace it and go with it, one of those things, you know a saturday night i think i'll apply the lipstick. what i love about this one from nars, actually the lead makeup artist for the show says that's
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what she uses on set because the matte finish really reflects the period. >> of course you have to have the cheshoes, actually more comfortable. >> we've seen the crazy platforms, i'm fan of but going to the kitten heel shoe and a poi pointier toe. you can get these online and it is not difficult to invest in the trend. >> even better, of course, your man. >> very important. >> let's go with the three-piece suit, please. >> please. from this great warren three-piece suit. what you want to look for when shopping for one, something a little smirm slimmer, really tailored. if it doesn't quite fit you, take it to a taylor. it will make or break this look. >> they wear them shorter at the bottom, too, which i'm not a frfan of. >> how about the skinny ties?
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this has taken off. i have a hard time warming up to it but they make it look good. >> what it is important to remember, keep it in proportion. don't tie a huge knot with that skinny tie or wear a shirt with big lapels. everything should be in proportion. >> the one thing they have done, they have the skinny lapel on the jacket and collar on the shirt -- >> it all works. >> finally, the fedora, they brought these back. >> think about this as the ultimate gentleman's hat and i think you would look fantastic, chr chris. >> i love it, the feather in your cap, there you go. >> there you go, that's 7 3/4 head in 7 1/8. >> especially the straw ones we see this summer. >> all summer and will see them in the fall. >> let me try that one. >> that one was a little small. >> there's your "madmen" fashion for you. >> the profile is a little bit. >> fantastic. >> for more on the must-haves log on to our website.
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>> for some of you, your local news is next. for others, we're back with fedoras right after this. >> is there any one particular trend you find people are requesting, they come and say this is what i want to look like? what do i need for it? >> i think a lot of people really are saying, you know, i want to capture this but don't want to look to retro. >> or like i'm trying too hard. >> exactly. keep the hair and the makeup not too costumy because then you are going to look like you are doing "mad men" for halloween. you don't want to do that. >> you've got to light everywhere else. >> with the red lips and the dress and kitten heel shoe you -- >> i've been comfortable doing what i'm doing. to make that change seems i have to jump in and just not used to it like the skinny tie thing, i'm not there yet. >> you need to try something. his wardrobe is very 1994.
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>> 1994. >> '64 is okay. '94 is not apparently. >> i will say this because i didn't really notice until she brought it up you have the retro thing going on but it wasn't so obvious, whoa, wait a second -- >> she's in costume, exactly. >> a flip of the hair, right. >> and i exaggerated a bit today, of course. >> the ties are skinny but not like beatles skinny tie. >> some are approaching that but for "mad men" keep it more gentlemenly. >> who wears these to work. >> justin timberlake. >> there you go. >> i couldn't pull this off. >> you can. >> not at work. i mean, these are business atear outfits, you know. so, who could do this? >> of course you can do this. does this go down in front or up. >> more of a weekend look. >> down, up. >> stay us with. much more to come onty early shoef. >> >> thank you so much.
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>> down, down. we asked real people to film themselves taking the activia 14-day challenge. i'm mary ellen smith. day one of the activia 14-day challenge. my digestive problems are irregularity. so i'm really excited to see if this really works. my husband tried this last night. he loved it. he said it's the best yogurt i've ever brought home, so...mmm. have just started to notice a slight difference in my digestion. help regulate your digestive system. take the activia challenge.
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we teased them before. >> somebody, cue the crowd. >> welcome back, everyone to "the early show." i'm erica hill. >> i'm chris wragge. ahead the bark stops here. expert advice how to get your dog to stop barking. >> a sweet looking pooch. also ahead our "chefs on a shoestring" "we have childhood friends turned friends both named frank, fresh modern italian cooking on our shoestring budget, of course on $40. when you have two people doing it it is harder to stick to?
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we'll find out. >> yes, we will. and our second performance from the wiggles. >> but first betty nguyen with a final look atted he the headlins morning. >> north korea at it again threatening what it calls a nuclear response. they often make threats as tensions are high as since march when a warship was sunk with the loss of 46 sailors. the south blames the north. the north denies it. zaza gabor's daughter says she is adjusting to medications after surgery. the 93-year-old underwent hip replacement surgery in los angeles earlier this week. she broke her hip last weekend when she fell trying to get out of her wheelchair. in new york, darth vader wanted for bank robbery? yep. a man dressed as the "star wars"
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villain head up a bank in new york city, actually a suburb wednesday. at least one bank customer thought it was a joke until he realized he was armed with a handgun instead of a light saver, getting away with an undisclosed amount of money and still on the run. those are the headlines. over to lonnie quinn now to see if the force is with him. we need cooler weather, lonnie. >> look at this. 8:32 in the morning and it's already hot and muggy, right? where are you guys from? >> harrisburg, pennsylvania. >> used to humidity, right? >> oh, yeah. >> of course, the wigglings are in town. is your kid here to check the wiggles? >> too old. >> massive appeal. >> this is my kid. >> >> there you go, enjoy the wiggle show in a second but first i'll check the weather. the national picture shows it's around the midwestern section of the country from the great lakes to the sfrl placentral plains w
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greatest rains. bonnie, the latest information, at of about 30 minutes away the winds have dropped and 250 miles east-southeast of the mouth of the mississippi and will push onshore we think anytime from 8:00 tonight to midnight or 1:00 in the morning. that's a quick look at the national picture. here now is a closer look at the weather for your weekend. i tell you, this crowd you walk the whole crowd, erica, my dogs are barking over here. help me out. >> it ain't easy being lonnie quinn. up next, their bark may be worries than their bite because the barking never ends.
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we'll tell you thousand control your pooch because the bark does, in fact, stop here. you are watching "the early show" on cbs. [ school bell rings ] [ female announcer ] kids who don't eat breakfast may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. ♪ carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. carnation instant breakfast essentials. copd doesn't just make it hard to breathe... it makes it hard to do a lot of things. and i'm a guy who likes to go exploring ... get my hands dirty... and try new things. so i asked my doctor if spiriva could help me breathe better. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment
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wouldn't softer feel better? ultra downy softens fibers better than detergent alone... ♪ ...for a deep-down softness. get more. feel more. on the inside. my inner-workings a work of art. a digestive tract that should be bronzed. and an immune system so stunning... my vet thinks i'm the eighth wonder of the world. [ female announcer ] iams with prebiotics. prebiotics work inside, clinically proven to promote strong defenses. healthy inside... healthy outside. [ dog ] oh, hi, girls. nice day, huh? [ dogs whine ] i am an iams dog. [ female announcer ] learn more about prebiotics at we
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does it really, commercials like that, on tv products in stores claim to control your dog's barking. do any of them really work? we're about to find out getting to the cause and cures for excessive barking. director of andrea arden dog training. your dog is going to bark because it's a dog. that's how they communicate. you can't debark your dog. >> you can but it is becoming illegal in certain states. >> when you are looking, all kinds of products claim to do it. there are collars that spray a citronella spray, i've never heard of that before. >> they can be effective and
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proven in studies than other types of electronic collars but the thing to consider there is really no quick fix. if you put this on your dog without behavior modification, you could scare your dog and create more problems. >> these are all maybes. >> this san example is an examp the sonic collars to use a high-pitch sound t. can be effective for some people. i will say for my experience they are not effective. dogs are stimulated to the point they are excessivel barking this probably won't do much. >> it all comes back to training. >> training. >> the first thing you need to do is identify the cause of it. >> absolutely. a number of reasons dogs bark, a normal and tharl behavior for them. the most common reason, aletter barking, the reason we developed them to guard. >> someone's at the door. >> exactly. but sometimes becomes excessive where they here every sound in the hallway and woof and bark to
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alert us. >> there are things you can do, i know you have things for us, exercise we know is important. not just physical but mental exercise, as well. >> absolutely, they need to be balanced. just running your dog every day is not enough. they need things to do to keep mentally active and burn off steam. these are food stuffable toys, if you put toys in there your dog will push them around like mine, nora, is doing. it is wonderful. when she pushes it, it goes back and forth and the toy comes out. another example these cute examples, a puzzle. >> a puzzle. >> she starts pushing them around to get the food out. >> that's cool. i never knew something like that existed. what is this here? >> this is really simple, the way i suggest people field their dogs. you can open this up and put the dog's foot in here and reclose it. >> a full serving of food. >> yes. when you put it on the ground your dog will push this around to get the food out. >> even for mire y 80-pound dog?
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>> there a different sizes. if you have a dog with an excessive guarding problem, guarding or boredom or attention seeking the best way to get your dog to respond to you is by training them, if your dog is barking, you can say to your dog, we'll step over here, can you come over here, called hand targeting or sit or wave, sit up, lay down. the more behaviors you teach your dog the more responsive they become to you. >> also don't yell at your dog. they think that is encouraging the barking, is that true. >> i absolutely think so. if i was a dog and you were my family and i heard you yelling at me, i would probably think thee are alerting me to something. >> we are all yelling now, i'll keep going. great. some great tips. great to have you with us. nora, thanks for being so good. she's not made a peep. >> she doesn't have excessive barking problem. >> very well trained.
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chris over you to. >> thanks so much. >> up next two chefs for the price of one both named frank. can you guess which is which? frank and frank and we'll learn how to make fantastic pasta. you are watching "the early show" here on cbs. ♪ [ instrumental: upbeat ] hey, max. [ announcer ] your dog's one of a kind. and now, you have the power... [ giggling ] to help significantly extend his healthy years. a groundbreaking 14-year study by purina... proves that puppy chow, then dog chow nutrition, fed properly over a lifetime, can help extend his lovable antics... up to 1.8 healthy years. [ barks ] long live your buddy. oh, max! long live your dog. purina puppy chow and purina dog chow.
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why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice but to eat on the run and to eat whatever happens to be around. heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis, helps regulate your digestive system in two weeks. mmmm. activia light is not light on taste! and with only 70 calories activia light helps make it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia
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. welcome back. let's be frank here, we've got two great guys for "chef on a shoestring" life-long friends who co-on brooklyn's popular frankies spuntino restaurant. this needs to be on everyone's kitchen cabinet on the shelf right there. we'll make cooking easy this morning. to cook up a superb meal on our
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budget of $40. good to have you both with us. >> thanks for having us. >> what's on the menu. >> three things, the celery, fennel root and -- >> parsley. >> parsley sal lad and home made cavatelli. >> do you finish each other's sentences? >> yeah. >> fantastic. >> very good. >> the old married couple. >> start with the salad. >> it is a really fresh salad with ingredients in everybody's green grocery in the supermarket simply italian parsley leaves, fresh cut fennel, which is really refreshing, celery root we've cut, you can cut to jul yen or slices. lemon -- >> for folks not familiar with celery root. >> it is the bottom of the celery. so, here it would just grow up to be celery. this is the celery root right
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here. >> okay. all right. >> it is the kind of salad preparing a meal for the family at home during the summer is a perfect healthy salad. >> the one thing you do is healthy and fresh vegetables, things of that nature. >> it's also a winter salad and works really well in the winter mostly root vegetables you can get all year around. so it a year-around salad but works great in the winter, as well. >> what's on top. >> lemon juice. i put a bit of the -- >> olive oil. >> we need a little olive oil. >> do we have any around here. >> we have a little olive oil. >> this is how we -- >> you guys travel with this? is this your carry-on luggage? >> i usually have it on my back. >> and you dress the salad, just like so. and then it's ready to go. >> looks a bit like. >> that it has a lot of parsley in it, mostly parsley, right with a bit of a crunch from the
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celery root and fenl. >> all right. moving to the pasta, very nice. >> our cavatelli with brown b butter. >> why isn't more popular? i love it. >> we have a little salt in the water, make sure it has the flavor of the sea, the most important thing, your cavatellis in the water and usually take two and a half to three minutes to boil and they come to the top, they're ready. while that's doing that and getting ready to boil and come to the top, we -- >> sage over here? >> take our brown sausage and brown them in the pan, add butter. we add -- >> normal butter or -- >> no, we just use unsalted butter because you are getting enough salt from the cheese and -- >> brown the butter. >> -- and everything else. and when the butter's brown and sausage are brown you add the fresh sage leafs, a really nice
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herb that goes well with pasta. >> yeah. >> brown it up and this is our finished product. >> brown it up, scoop it out, add that to the -- add that to the sausage and the butter, just like that. add a little bit of water it emulsifys and makes the sauce. emulsifys with the butter. hit it with parsley. >> sprinkle of this and sprinkle of that. >> parmesan cheese, bam. >> a little or a lot? >> a lot of actually piccorino romano, i'm sorry. >> and louhow long will we let s blend together. >> once it comes together it is pretty much ready probably our most popular dish at the restaurant. >> like i told you, i want to jump into that. i love that so much. let's go to dessert. i'll grab a fork and -- oh, here we go. >> we have the olive oil cake because we are using so much --
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so much butter in our pasta, we decided to put the olive oil into the dessert instead of the butter, which most everybody else sdinchts really, really good. what do we have. >> simple ingredients. mix it up in the bowl. we put it in a bunt pan, bake it off at 350. and we serve it with a bit of fresh fruit compote and powdered sugar. >> i'll polish that off. this is unbelievable. the price, you had $40, as we bring betty, lonnie and erica in. you had 40 and came in at 38.42. but the big question do they make it on our how low you can go. guys, you just missed out but fantastic under $40 but that's how low can you go. you see the book on the front of the tables, if you have an opportunity to get it, it is great. check out the restaurant.
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frank, and frank, thank you very much. that sausage is dynamite. if you haven't had it, you don't know what you're missing. >> and dessert. >> people generally eat that -- >> surprising olive oil. >> -- endorsement -- >> if you'd like to make this at home, go online and you can make the recipes right there at home, fresh and easy from the comfort of your own home. coming bam ck, we'll have an encore from the wiggles. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. we'll be right back. as i get older, i'm making changes to support my metabolism. i'm more active, i eat right, and i switched to one a day women's active metabolism. a complete women's multivitamin plus more for metabolism support. and that's a change i feel good about. from one a day.
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only $100. but am i wearing them now? hello. i'm wearing my older sister's jeans that she ruined with bbq sauce... or so i thought. see, my mom washed them with this tide stain release in-wash booster stuff. she's all, "you use it with your detergent to help get stains out the first time." are you kidding me? so now the stains are magically gone. and my sister passes on her jeans to me. what a life. [ female announcer ] get your three dollar coupon at today. crafted to be exceptionally smooth... decadently rich... delightful... chocolate... bliss. hershey's bliss chocolate. crafted for bliss. ever seen anything likeme neither. it's new beneful incredibites. uh-huh! it's just the way you like it-- made with wholesome grains, real beef, even carrots and peas. you love the smaller-size, easy-to-chew kibbles,
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and i love the carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscles. whoa! wait for me! ha-ha. you only think you're getting spoiled. [ woman announcing ] new beneful incredibites. another healthful, flavorful beneful. the kids are waiting on the wiggles but first business to take care of. we have our famous for "under
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the radar." something may have slipped under for some this week but not for us. i want to you to hear this quickly. this is for you. >> happy birthday, mama, i love yo >> you did not! those are my boys. >> guess what, it was someone's birthday this week. >> oh, look at. >> that we didn't want you to think we forgot. >> you guys are so sweet. thank you. i have to tell you my best present my son westin made me a beautiful bracelet. >> i got you a big pot of greens. >> this is great, lonnie. i love parsley in the summer. >> westin and sauwyer, great jo. >> that is a tough act to follow, they are cute kids and they're mine. this week we are taking a look at our dream jobs, of course we have ours on our show but trying new ones so julie, harry, dave and i getting the chance of a lifetime to experience our ultimate dream job. my pick, i wanted to race an
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indy car. can i show you this helmet? this is mine sign by all the drivers last weekend in toronto where i got to drive like a big girl around the street course of toronto. it was amazing. >> how fast did you go? >> you'll have to tune in to find out. >> the kids are in the 98 percentile. >> i didn't crash it. that's coming up next week. >> next saturday reinvent yourself we'll help you reinvent your career and your look, everything for you. if you are not happy with the way things are now. >> tune in, you'll be fine. >> we'll leave you with an encore performance from the wiggles singing "follow the leader" thank you, everyone, for being with us. ♪ when i had my turn of being leader ♪ ♪ follow the leader
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♪ do as you do ♪ when i turn again, lead it over to you ♪ >> can you put your hands like this? can you do the rolly-pol rolly-polly rolly? everybody touch your head? ♪ i know a leader ♪ do as you do ♪ do as you do ♪ when i've had my turn of being leader, it's over to you ♪ ♪ follow the leader ♪ ♪ do as you do ♪ when i've had my turn at being leader, it's over to you ♪ ♪ try that >> you're doin' it, yeah. >> try this. >> try that! ♪ follow the leader ♪ do as we do
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♪ after my turn of being leader, it's over to you ♪ ♪ follow the leader ♪ do as you do ♪ la-la-la-la-la-la ♪ do as you do ♪ la-la-la-la-la-la ♪ la-la-la-la-la-la- -- captions by vitac --
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here it comes, it's monkey time. >> some of their favorite animals and we'll move like them. here we go. ♪ do the monkey ♪ come on and do the monkey ♪ the monkey, monkey >> everybody doin' it, we love that. ♪ do the elephant ♪ come on and do the elephant ♪ do the elephant ♪ that's all right >> get ready to jump. >> here we go. we're going to jump, everybody, come on. >> ♪ jump to the bunny ♪ come on and jump to the front and back ♪ ♪ jump to the front and back [ crowd cheering ] ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] 2-scoop sundae, water and a free mlb® mini helmet compliments of aquafina. baskin-robbins. more flavors. more fun. i'm more brash, more confident and i love this. can i use my hands? is that alright? i take good care of my body and i do it so i can do this. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. i, i want to be doing roller derby until i break a hip. and then i'll do it for a little bit longer. hahaha. [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it. all it takes is a few ingredients and delicious mission flour tortillas. for budget-friendly recipes go to mission. tasty tortillas. fresh ideas.


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