tv The Early Show CBS July 27, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST
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officially certified but hey they gave him some fireworks. >> everyone wants to be a world recordholder. damage control. the white house tries to contain the fallout from the leaked documents on the afghanistan war. does it compromise safety of the troops on the ground? reaction from the pentagon. starting over. after months of speculation, ceo tony hayward given the boot. replaced by american bob dudley as the company reports a whopping $17 billion loss. hospital mix-up. new details of the tragic case of mistaken identity. two families, their lives turned upside down. we will speak to the aunts of one of the survivors. chelsea's big day. four days until chelsea clinton's lavish wedding that will now reportedly cost as much
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as $5 million. we are live from the spot where the wedding is set to take place "early" this tuesday morning, july 27th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs good tuesday morning to you. i'm erica hill. >> i'm harry smith. good morning, everybody. >> lot of activity. couple of hours away from us here. rhinebeck, new york, where it is all but official, i guess, chelsea clinton and mark mezvinsky will be getting married. potential cost for a media consultant, $100,000 which sinning because it is not a lot of talking going on. >> don't people have to sign confidentiality agreements? this $3 million to $5 million,
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its own stimulus pack zblaj very ni package. >> very nice. we begin with that monumental leak of classified documents on the afghanistan war. white house in damage control mode. the leaks raise more questions about the war in the u.s. david martin is at the pentagon this morning with the latest. david, good morning. >> good morning. the dust is yet to settle on that first avalanche of secrets. already the head of wikileaks is talking about releasing 15,000 more classified documents. the pentagon says it will take days if not weeks to assess the damage caused by what already is posted on the wikileaks web sigh. robert gibbs says people's lives have been put in danger. >> somebody is cooperating with the federal government and their name is listed in an action report. i don't think it is a stretch to believe that that could
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potentially put a group or individual at great personal risk. >> reporter: u.s. military officials assume the documents were leaked by 22-year-old private first class bradley manning who is already charged with illegally downloading classified video of the helicopter gun ship. the video which ended up on wikileaks. the documents cover the years 2004 to 2009 and describe in detail why the u.s. is in so much trouble in afghanistan. the u.s. has been fighting with two few troops and causing too many civilian casualties. the afghan government is corrupt and inefficient. pakistan is an uncertain ally which at times supported the same taliban that's killing american soldiers in afghanistan. the head of wikileaks calls it one dam thing after another. >> this is the story of the war since 2004. most of the deaths in this war are as a result of every day
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squalor of war. >> the white house is trying to downplay the substance of the documents as old news. but congress will have a say on that when a spending bill on the afghan war comes up for a vote before the august recess. erica, in another war development, one of the two missing sailors has now been identified. he's 30-year-old justin mcneely whose body was recovered sunday. the ol' sailor remains missing and unidentified. >> david, thanks. cbs' david martin. geoff morrell, good to have you with us this morning. do you know at this point who is responsible for the leak? >> we do not in we have a very robust investigation that's under way to try to determine who is responsible for breaking the law here and leaking the classified information that could endanger the lives of our forces and imperil our nation's
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security. at this point we are in the early stages of that. our focus really, frankly, right now is to try to determine if there is anything in these 90,000 pages of documents that could endanger our forces. we have a team doing that around the clock. this was dumped on us like it was dumped on you sunday night. it would have been nice if the organization had the decency to come to us and work with us to see if there was anything that could endanger our forces. >> there is more to come as we have been told. 15,000 additional documents. how many people have access to this type of information? >> we are no going to get into the scope of what was involved here in terms of the databases that may have been breached. >> is it a large number of people. >> involves secrets that should not be disseminated into the public domain and could endanger our operations and forces in afghanistan. >> there's understandably some concern as you have mentioned a couple of time here over the troops on the ground and how this could affect them.
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there's concern as to forward about the relationships there in the region. president karzai coming out with this response. the reese end documents leaked out to the media support and verify that terrorism does not come with the fighting in afghan villages but by targeting sanctuaries and eyideological sources across the board. it see is there any way to be sure the money being spent to pakistan is not being used to support terrorists? >> i think that this shows that this information of new and unprecedented and scope and sheer size of this leak, the information itself, substance, contact of the documents is not new or illuminating. it points to issues we identified as prob problem areas for months if not years. the president tripled the forces there and the fact that civilian casualties has been a problem. u.s. caused civilian casualties,
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down a third. the partnership so vital to our success in afghanistan is one trending in the right direction for months if not a couple of years now to the most recent of the documents, erica, at least six months old by now. that's clearly out of step with where the relationship is and has been heading for some time now. >> trending, obviously, to a better place. is there any way to know whether or not u.s. money being sent to pakistan is in fact supporting terrorists who could be endangering u.s. troops? >> we have as many controls as we can have on our aid to pakistan. the amend provides $1.5 billion a year over the next five years. remember, this is a sovereign country we are partnering with in the war on terror. we are working with them together to go after the terrorists in their mitts who no open threaten the government and forces but our well-being stateside as well as around the
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world. >> geoff morrell from the pentagon. for the big shake-up at bp. tony hayward is stepping down and for the first time an american will take the helm of the firm formerly known as british petroleum. mark phillips is in london with the latest. good morning, mark. >> reporter: good morning, harry. bp has finally confirmed what everybody expected which is that ceo tony hayward, the man that become very much the village of the gulf oil spill piece, is leaving effective october 1. bp wanted to preserve the american business, it has no choice. tony hayward is the bone being thrown to the angry dog of public opinion. the gulf oil spill happened on his watch and whatever other talents he brought to the cleanup and well capping efforts public relations touch was not one of them. one comment in particular stuck to him like an oil slick on a gulf beach.
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>> no one who wants this thing over more than i do. i would love my life back. >> reporter: tony hayward is an expensive one. the golden handshake from bp will involve a year's salary of $1.6 million, a pension of about $1 million a year, and bp's shares that can be worth millions if the stock price recovers. hayward will also sit on the board of bp's joint venture in russia. >> it is very tragic. i would like to get more people out here to see it. >> reporter: his replacement, robert dudley, will give the company an american face. >> no question we are going learn a lot from this accident in the gulf coast. it will be about equipment, people, and as a result of that we are going to learn a lot. there will be changes. i spent the last three months every day on the gulf coast. i'm going to focus for the next month and a half on what we are doing in the gulf coast. >> reporter: bp estimates that the losses and relations to the oil spill will top $30 billion.
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that's only if it isn't found guilty of gross negligence, a battle which has yet to fight. >> mark phillips in london this morning. thank you very much. joining us rebecca jarvis. i want to put pictures of hayward and of dudley. let's talk about dudley and why this guy. >> what bp faces ahead is a pr balance. the issue for bp is that americans have lost trust in the company. the company does 40% of its business here, dudley came from america and was born in new york and grew up in mississippi. he fits the right profile for regaining trust from americans and bp. >> let's talk about bp losses. this is a company, big company, used to making lots of profits. the profits from a year ago this quarter versus the losses are just -- almost breath take. >> yeah. looking at massive losses for the quarter.
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$17 billion in losses. this quarter versus us is last year this time. the company was make ring $4.4 billion. but what's most important about all of this is what share holdest lost in the bargain. shareholders lost $70 billion as a result of this. >> in the end of the day, does bp -- a question that's come up in the first weeks and after the first month and the second month, do they have the resources to back up what -- what has to be $30 billion or more in funds to pay for this ongoing. >> yes. they set aside now $32 billion. they are selling some of their assets to pay for the cleanup costs. as we know the obama administration has requested that they put aside that $20 billion fund. they are going to make the first $5 billion payment. >> rebecca jarvis, thank you very much. betty nguyen is right over there and has the rest of the morning's news. >> good morning. nice to see you. at least six homes have been burned by a wildfire in
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california this morning. that fire is in the mountain town of kernville. the flames have already burned over 2,000 eriks. some people have been forced to evacuate but no one has been injured. also in california, more highly paid officials in a los angeles suburb have vowed to demand a furious residents. the residents had succeeded in getting rid of three top officials. at a meeting yesterday they went after city council members being paid $100,000 a year for part-time work. >> you barely do your jobs! you fail to listen! you guys are not deserving to be running the city! >> the council members voted to slash their salaries by 90%. some residents say that they should just quit. overseas this morning, day three of a joint exercise by the u.s. in south korean navy. the carrier george washington is one of about 20 u.s. and south korean vessels taking part.
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the show of force is aimed at north korea which sank in march. in havana, a surprise appearance by fidel castro. yesterday he marked the anniversary of the revolution with a wreath laying ceremony. the 83-year-old castro stepped down as president four years ago. jean wyclef may be trading hip hop for politics. he's considering a run for president of haiti. as of yesterday he has not made a final decision. born in haiti, jean has been a prominent fund-raiser following the country's earthquake di
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>> carbon copy of the weather in the northeast as we head into the rest of the day today and storms brewing in the four corners area. talk about that at 7:30. erica. >> we will check in with you then. thanks. just four days left in chelsea clinton's wedding. one report says the lavish affair could cost as much as $5 million. elaine quijano is in rhinebeck, new york. plenty of buzz there, i'm sure. >> reporter: exactly right. you know, some people might be wondering what kind of person wins the heart of chelsea clinton and the aparole of her prominent parents? someone who has a lot in common with his bride-to-be.
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his name may not ring a bell but her fiance, marc mezvinsky is about to become the man of the hour. >> they have been together a long time. >> reporter: is he a cutie? >> very cute. she has very good taste. >> reporter: they first met as teenagers at a leadership retreat in 1993. they both tanded stamford university. he now work as an investment bank errata hedge fund. lives in a building in a $4 million three-bedroom apartment on new york 'fifth avenue. his family has faced adversity. his father, former iowa congressman ed mezvinsky, plead guilty to fraud and served five years in prison. observers say as children of politicians who face public turmoil, both marc and chelsea understand how harsh the negative spotlight can be. >> i think it is huge. i think both of them understand each other in a way that no one
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else can. they understand what the other one has been through. >> now though the details are shrouded in secrecy, their wedding is the talk of the town in upstate rhinebeck, new york. >> nothing is happening. >> reporter: like no official confirmation, the wedding will happen at the nearby, the board voted to approve extra funding for additional police on saturday. >> make a motion to allocate $2,500 for the possible event. >> reporter: celebrity guests are reportedly staying behind me here at the historic inn in downtown rhinebeck. the owners here have signed a confidentiality agreement. one person we know who will not be attending the white house said yesterday, president obama will not be here. >> that was one of the big questions. elaine, thanks. only $2,500 just in case.
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that doesn't seem like enough. >> it would be fun to go and stand on the corner and ogle. >> i was thinking whether we should drive up for the weekend to check things out. >> coming up, tragic case of mistaken identity. we will have that story in a moment as we talk to family member of one of the girls thought to be dead but is really aleve. >> also ahead a lost child or lost dog. which would be found first in a public place? disturbing results of an "early show" investigation. the royal family is sharing private photos of the world. e photos with the lord. show you some of the cool new and old pics coming up on "the early show." [ poof! ]
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the smell of freshly juiced wheat grass and hand pressed shirts. whatever scents fill your household, purina tidy cats scoop helps neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats scoop. keep your home smelling like home. there's oil out there we've got to capture. my job is to hunt it down. i'm fred lemond, and i'm in charge of bp's efforts to remove oil from these waters. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleanup and that includes keeping you informed. every morning, over 50 spotter planes and helicopters take off and search for the oil. we use satellite images, infrared and thermal photography to map and target the oil. then, the boats go to work. almost 6,000 vessels. these are thousands of local shrimp and fishing boats organized into task forces and strike teams. plus, specialized skimmers from around the world. we've skimmed over 27 million gallons of oil/water mixture and removed millions more with other methods.
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we've set out more than 8 million feet of boom to protect the shoreline. i grew up on the gulf coast and i love these waters. we can't keep all the oil from coming ashore, but i'm gonna do everything i can to stop it, and we'll be here as long as it takes to clean up the gulf. requires a little magic from mom. [ kids ] whoa! [ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love. but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass. new motts medleys. invisible vegetables, magical taste.
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counci ight to put good morning. it's 7:25. in the headlines, the oakland city council voted last night to put three tax proposals on the november ballot. one of them is a parcel tax designed to put laid off cops back on the streets. it would cost $360 per parcel for each of the next four years. police would also agree to pay more into their pension plans. san francisco will try putting civilians to work on some jobs now handled by police officers. it's a pilot program that begins in january. trained civilians will investigate some nonviolent crimes during a six-month trial. the idea is to free up sworn officers to deal with more serious crimes. and you could be in a movie about the 2002 oakland athletics baseball team. they are shooting a movie money ball in oakland.
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assistance from chp to clear it so, yeah, huge line of slow traffic in the westbound lanes of highway 84. and from a view of our camera, cameras approaching the toll plaza it looks a little slow. i realize it's hard to see that camera but a little sluggish heading towards the pay gates. at the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights are on. but it's not too bad of a ride. it's backed up to mid lot in all ladies and gentlemen. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. forecast this morning from mount vaca, plenty of clouds out there. we got plenty of clouds around the bay area. for the coastline today's highs in the lower 60s. here's a look at our seven-day forecast around the bay, the lower 60s, as well. and the upper 70s inland. more sunshine in the forecast, as the workweek starts to progress and something else, warmer temperatures. yeah. warmer temperatures expected over the course of the weekend. and it seems like it's going to feel pretty nice. i could use a little warmup.
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nice crowd out on the plaza today. another beautiful morning here in -- rebecca jarvis, greetings from -- >> what does that say? oh, minneapolis neighbors. that's what it is. >> welcome back to "the early show." coming up, what to do if your kids get lost. susan koeppen will tell you what your child needs to know. she's also going to tell you why parents should not assume other people are going to help you. the reason we're showing you the dog is we're going to see if people are more apt to help a little kid lost or a dog lost. >> sadly i think i know the answer. also for all you royal
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watchers, a little something special this morning. there are never before seen photos being released take. there you see a lovely family photo. they're going to give us a glimpse behind the castle walls. whose hand is that? we'll have to find out. >> royal family's opened a flicker page. >> they have. they are way more tech savvy than i thought. >> dave is at the weather board. a lot going on
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traveling through minneapolis/st. paul, watch it, you could see airport delays. erica, we'll send it over to you. we want it to turn now to the tragic case of mistaken identity. the father of one of the misidentified women says the hospital simply notified the wrong family. we'll speak with the aunts of e of the girls in a moment, but first hattie kauffman explains exactly what happened. >> reporter: hate monday, officials from st. joseph's hospital in phoenix tried to explain how they mixed up the identities of who survived a horrific car accident. they got it wrong when they originally told family members that marlena cantu lived and her best friend, abby guerra, died. >> we interviewed family members that evening and asked for any discernible visual information that could help us make that positive identification. >> reporter: the hospital claims the young women's severe injuries led to the mistake, but
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monday, frank cantu, the father of the deceased, said officials actually mixed up the taem members. >> instead of telling abby's parents, okay, your daughter is upstairs, they told me my daughter is upstairs. >> reporter: for six days, frank cantu sat praying at what he thought was his daughter's bedside. only to find out she never survived the crash. >> and they said i think there's been a tragic error. >> reporter: it was marlena's best friend, abby guerra, who had survived. though her parents were told she died. meanwhile, frank's daughter, marlena, had been tagged jane dough, unidentified because of a backlog of bodies. suddenly the cantus are making funeral plans for the daughter who was supposed to be getting back to college. >> a book had come in she ordered. >> reporter: oh, gosh. >> it's tough. >> reporter: frank cantu has a mission, to stop mistakes like this from happening again.
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>> my daughter was the most fresh issues thing i ever had. everybody loved her. >> reporter: hattie kauffman, cbs news, los angeles. >> joining us this morning there phoenix is abby's aunt. thanks for being with us. you can tell us how is abby doing this morning? >> as of when i left the hospital this morning, she's still in critical condition. >> and how is the family doing? i just can't imagine the roller coaster of emotions you all have been on. >> everybody -- her family hasn't left her side. they've stayed at the hospital. of course they're tired and exhausted, but they're not going to leave. they're going to stay there to support their daughter. >> i know that the family met with the arizona department for public safety yesterday looking for an explanation and part of that explanation was simply that the offices has been overloaded, they had a backlog of bodies.
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what's the reaction to that as an explanation? >> well, we did not actually meet with dps yesterday. they had a press release. we saw what you saw on the news. so we were told they were backlogged. we were told from the beginning that they -- well, i should say we were told on saturday when we found out that abby was alive that they had 120 bodies just in that week and that people were on vacation, they were backlogged. we were told by -- that by the chief medical examiner himself. >> and i understand in that press release it says that the department says, quote, we interviewed family members that evening, asked for any discernible visual information. you say that's not true that there was never an opportunity to identify the body? >> that is true. and that's one thing that's so
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upsetting especially when we hear it on tv just like everyone else because we found out about the accident occurred what we're told about 8:30 in the evening and we were told approximately 11:50 that evening that abby had died. we were never even given the opportunity to see any of the other people. we were never given the opportunity to look at the body. we were never asked any questions. we were just told that she had passed away at the scene. so that's very, very saddening for us because it's not true anded a and anded a had we had the opportunity to look at the bodies or the other people at that time, maybe this could have been avoided. >> has the family been this touch at all with the cantu family? >> yes. we also had a -- we have seen
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them, we also had a car wash last sunday to benefit both abby and marlena. i know abby's been described by her soccer coaches as being competent it difference, someone who never gave up, and we wish you the best of luck as abby fights for this and we know that you will be right this by her side. thanks. >> thank you. and thank you for all the support. if you'd like to learn more about the story, also information on how you can help both families, we do have that information at our website, early and coming up, the shocking results of our early show experiment. we'll show you what happens to lost children as compared to lost to dog lost dogs. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪ daisy, do a dollop
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eating healthy is important, but only vegetables can give you vegetable nutrition. one of these will get you more than half way to your five daily servings. v8. what's your number? one of any parent's many nightmares is being separated in their child in a park, in the mall, maybe on the beach. all of us know how easily that can happen. susan koeppen is here with important advice for families this morning. good morning. >> good morning. thousands of kids get lost every
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year. it can usually happy the mall, the park. you look away for a moment, and your child has wandered away. that can send any parent into panic mode. well, experts say parents need to take steps to prevent their kids from getting lost and also teach them what to do in case they get separated. brooke branch always keeps a close eye on her twins, but one day at the zoo, her son just vanished. >> i was frantic. >> reporter: millions of parents know that feeling all too well. more than 2,000 children get lost or go missing every single day. >> it's incredibly common unfortunately. >> reporter: jill is a child safety expert who says most small children don't know their parents' names, addresses or phone number, often making it difficult to reunite lost children with their families. >> if there a phone number and the parent is two aisles away, it takes minutes. but if the child child doesn't know the phone number, it can
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take much longer. rrpt parents shouldn't assume that passers by will automatically help a child find his or her way home. a lost dog will often be rescued more quickly than a lost child. we wanted to see if that was true. we took a well trained dog and a child actress to a park. we told 4 1/2-year-old olivia to pre-tent to be lost near this playground. our she willity named rascal was given a tag with our cell phone number. we let him wander around with his leash making it look like he had run away from his other than. within three minutes, rascal was rescued. >> i'm sure someone lost a dog, so i wanted to find the rightful owner. >> reporter: but watch what happens to olivia. even though she looks sad and is all alone, plenty of people just walk on by. these women notice owe live yarks but do nothing. this woman even comes up to olivia, chasing another child. but then walks away. our expert wasn't surprised. >> people are often reluctant to
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help lost children because they're afraid of being perceived as someone who is trying to hurt the child as opposed to someone trying to help the child. >> reporter: then finally, after an hour -- >> are you with somebody, sweetie, or are you lost? >> reporter: this woman notices olivia and comes to her aid. >> i walked past and realized there was nobody really with her and i thought that could be my own child. >> reporter: in the end, it took 20 times longer to rescue our child than our lost dog. >> oftentimes the dog will be running on a leash without their other than, so people can see that's a lost dog. they can go up to the dog and there's dog tags. a phone number or contact information. easy. >> reporter: experts say lost kids can be found much more quickly if they, too, carried emergency contact information. and are taught what to do if they get lost. teach them it's okay to approach a helpful stranger like a mommy with children. >> the child needs to say my mommy's telephone number is in the back of my jacket or my mommy's phone number is on my arm. that's something you need to
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teecht child if that's something you're going to it use. >> reporter: as for brooke branch, she eventually found her son at the zoo, alone and unharmed. she's made sure her twins now know her name and phone number. >> it just takes one second to look away, you look down and your child's gone. so it could happen to anyone. >> and it's always a good idea for parents to have a current photo of their kids. one easy thing to do, take a picture of your kid, put it on your cell phone, before you head out to the zoo or the amusement park that morning. so if they do get lost, you say these are my kids, this is what they look like. >> my kids are 16 and 20. i'm not sure they know their parents' names. so you have some things here to help out that could raep help in a jam if your kid went missing. >> right. if you want your kid to wear some sort of identification, a few options. we have a velcro wrist band, only $8. you slip it on the wrist, the information is inside. these are portable ones that you
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can bring on vacation with you. this one is called -- >> this seems more likely. >> the shoes id. just attach it to the sneaker. and then also something here which is the child locator. your child wanders away -- >> you would know. >> they start beeping. >> susan koeppen, thanks so much. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪ special k protein shakes --
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it is 7:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. voters in oakland will decide on three ballot measures in november put on the ballot by the city council last night. someone a $360 per year parcel tax that may restore police jobs recently cut. police unions agreed to some concessions to get the plan on the ballot. san jose police chief rob davis is retiring in october. he has been chief of the san jose police department for the past six years. he has been with the department for three decades. and preparations are under way for a location filming at the oakland coliseum for the movie version of the book "money ball" about the oakland
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good morning. you're going to find a lot of slow, slow traffic on northbound 880 heading past the coliseum. the problem is a stall by fruitvale. it was in lanes and is now gone but you can see it's backed up past the coliseum a lot of delays there. dumbarton, they cleared construction debris out of lanes on the bridge but it took chp assistance and messed things up across the span. that is a live look of 101, actually, heading into san francisco, where actually things look good through that area. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. so, our forecast this morning, here we go, looking out toward a cloudy dismal looking coit tower here. plenty of clouds in the forecast for the morning as well as for the afternoon. let's take a look at the seven- day forecast. along the coastline, 60s today. lower 60s at the bay and just near 80 degrees inland. ,,,,,,,,
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. welcome back to "the early show" on this gorgeous tuesday morning. the time is 8:00. i'm julie chen with harry smith and erica hill. coming up, if you plan to fly this summer, we've got some good news for you. airline seats are getting bigger and more comfortable. we're going to tell you which airlines are making the skies more friendly. >> that's something i never thought i'd hear. also, an unbelievable story. a little boy falls off a chair, lands on a metal rod. it's stuck in his head. not only did he survive the fall
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but look at that x-ray. look at the parents and doctors. >> reusable grocery bags, can they make you sick? the friend is a cloth bag u-hyul around all the time. you're supposed to use it to pick up all stuff. could there be germs, residual germs? >> no good deed goes unpunished. >> we'll find out from dr. jennifer ashton to help us separate fact from fiction. >> standing by at the news desk with a check of the headlines, good morning, betty. >> good morning. tony hayward is still ceo of bp this morning but not much longer. after more than three error prone months as the face of bp gulf oil disaster he's stepping down. he'll be replaced by bob dudley, the first american to head the british petroleum company. this morning the pentagon launched what it calls a robust
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investigation of the huge leak of afghanistan war document. the website, wikileaks, released more than 90,000 secret field reports. earlier a pentagon spokesman told erica the leaker hasn't been caught and criticized wikileaks for the disclosure. >> this was dumped on us as it was dumped on you sunday night. it would have been nice if the organization had come to us to find out if there's anything in here that could damage our forces but we weren't given the luxury. >> the size makes it hard to assess the threat to the troops. police appear to be close to announcing a suspect in the case of the missing oregon boy. >> reporter: dede spicher, friend and confidante and before a jury. kyron's parents accused her of
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hindering the investigation to find the 7-year-old. >> why won't you say anything, it's important, the little boy has been missing a long time. >> reporter: they have pleaded with stepmom terri. some court watchers believe she'll soon be named a suspect. former prosecutor jim mcentire cautions against a rush to judgment. >> we can't assume terri horman is responsible for this. if you charge the wrong person, the right is going through. >> in other developments, kaine filed papers to find out where she got the alleged $350,000 to pay for her high-profile defense attorney. sheriff investigators have called a press conference for this afternoon. >> do you think there's an indictment imminent with the grand jury? >> there's no way to tell that. we have yet to hear answers as to whether kyron is alive or deceased. >> investigators have received over 300 leads but so far none
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that led them to kyron. in leland, north carolina, a tiny miracle. a little boy survived an operation to remove a metal rod launched in his brain after a freak accident. cbs's whit johnson reports. >> reporter: a leisurely saturday nearly turned deadly when josiah jackson fell from a chair and landed on this rod. this, the unbelievable result, the metal rod launched three inches into his brain. his uncle was with him at the time. luckily he had training as an emt. >> i just knew to keep his head still. >> the rod came near severing blood flow between the brain and heart. >> this could not have been in a worse location. if there was any injury to that, that could have resulted in
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instant death. that could have resulted in a massive stroke. that could have resulted in a terrible outcome. >> doctors told grandfather joseph jones that little josiah's chances were grim by the time he got to the care of newer surgeons at the the north carolina hospital. >> he didn't sugarcoat anything. he said, mr. jones, more than likely we pull the screw out of his head, he's going to bleed out and bleed to death. so when he said that, man, i just lost it. >> reporter: just a day after surgery, josiah was already recovering as if nothing had ever happened. >> i think we had a lot of help from above. fortunately everything went well. i think he is a miracle baby. >> it's like god gave him a second chance. >> josiah is set to return home later today. whit johnson, cbs news, washington. >> that is one lucky little boy. katie couric now has a preview of tonight's cbs evening news. >> good morning, it's not just
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this weather report sponsored by mott's, purely delicious flavor and great nutrition. >> he's bitten by the bug, harry. this kid loves being on television. hopefully he'll do something with his life instead. >> thanks, dave. up next, you're shopping with reusable grocery bags because they are green, but are they clean? the results of a surprising new study. [ kids ] whoa! [ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love. but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass. new motts medleys. invisible vegetables, magical taste. discover customers are getting 5% cashback bonus at the pump... and at many of the places their summer plans take them. it pays to get more. it pays to discover. the book of truth.
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food myth #9. [ woman ] chopping, peeling and sauteing can be kinda relaxing at the end of the day. [ female announcer ] relaxing? for who? for fresh taste without the fuss, try new market creations from lean cuisine. the new garlic chicken is freshly steamed in this revolutionary steam pouch that unlocks the flavors of tender white meat chicken, crisp farm picked veggies and al dente pasta, for a steamed dinner like never before. now that's fresh thinking. new market creations from lean cuisine. keep life delicious. ♪ that's not really my style, honey. weird, i can't find it. ♪ [ female announcer ] new tide original with acti-lift technology helps remove many dry stains as if they were fresh. hey! you found it. yeah, it must have been hiding in my closet. [ female announcer ] new tide original with acti-lift. style is an option. clean is not. get acti-lift in these tide detergents. [ male announcer ] this, our newest son,
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was imagined, drawn, carved, stamped, hewn, and forged here in america. it is well made, and it is designed to work. ♪ this was once a country where people made things... ♪ ...beautiful things, and so it is again. ♪ the new jeep grand cherokee. ♪ [ girls ] good. ♪ ♪ thank you! ♪ phew! [ ernie ] we make our cookies the way only keebler elves can: with a little something extra. so every bite can be uncommonly good.
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in this morning's "health watch," those reusable grocery in this morning's healthwatch, reusable grocery bags. they are green. are they clean, though? recent studies found they may contain bacteria, but it was sponsored by a trade group that represents the makers of plastic bags. dr. ashton here with objective advice. good morning. >> good morning, harry.
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>> what did the study found. >> the american chemistry council is the group you're referring to. they did sponsor a study. they only looked at 84 bags. we're talking about reusable ecofriendly ones. no shock, they found bacteria. 51% had coliform, 32% of e. coli. did not find salmonella or listeria. bacteria are ubiquitous, everywhere. we don't expect them to be sterile unless you have a weakened immune system they are not going to make you sick. >> you say it isn't such a big thing to worry about but you want to make sure your family stays safe. what kind of caution should you take. >> you don't want to lick the inside of the bag. even if you do, you can probably rest assured it won't make you sick. one easy thing you can do is
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clean the bag. whether you clean it by hand, put it in the washing machine, use an ecofriendly cleaner. when you're shopping you want to get the cold food last, because bacteria loves warm environment. check the packaging. >> that's what julie said, leaky meat. >> right. you want to separate it in your cart. you want to put the produce and stuff you're going to be eating, fresh stuff separate from all of the stuff that can leak like meat. >> especially if you're out there and you have imitation crab meat salad. that could -- >> we always say we can't live our life in a plastic bubble. all kidding aside, in the summer cases of food-borne illness do spike. 76 million cases of food-borne illness every year, occasionally it can make people very sick, especially old and young. >> all right. so the danger zone, especially
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in the summertime is what? >> here is the bacteria lesson for you. as we said, bacteria loves warm environments. that's why in the operating room we keep the temperature really cold. very easy to remember. you want to keep cold foods cold, less than 40 degrees. and you want to keep hot foods or prepared foods hot, above 140 degrees. if they are out really for more than an hour, if in doubt, throw it out. >> there you go. when this is over here -- >> this is cooking right in front of our eyes under these lights. >> it is. it's almost warm enough. >> you wan to make sure these boards -- >> you can always clean these boards with bleach. throw out your sponge on a regular basis, sanitize things. common sense. >> common sense. dr. jennifer ashton. thank you very much. up next, julie finds out eating at a great restaurant is a lot different than working at one. our dream job series begins when we come back on "the early show." >> announcer: "cbs health watch"
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"the early show" anchors are all getting a chance to live out a fantasy, our dream jobs. i love great food, so what could be better than working at one of the nation's finest restaurants? once i got to the french laundry oig, i found i might have bitten off more than i could chew. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: nestled in yountville, t"the french laundr" has twice been named best restaurant in the world. >> we're fortunate to have a vegetable garden so close to our restaurant. >> reporter: they use only the
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fresher ingredients including vegetables from its own garden. >> like finding a treasure. >> reporter: that's why i've always wanted to work here alongside the restaurant's founder and master chef thomas keller. it's always been my dream job to work at your famous restaurant, the fren"the french laundry." >> i want to take you in the kitchen and give you some fundamental technique and see how good you are. >> reporter: let's go. what was your original goal when you took over this restaurant? >> be successful. >> reporter: well, it worked. >> just to be able to have a restaurant that could i work at every day and one that was going to bring me a sense of gratification, a sense of satisfaction. >> reporter: keller has a team at least a dozen chefs and assistants in the kitchen. along with a support staff of 25. all of them sticklers for excellence. the level of culinary skill at this restaurant is as good as any in the world.
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isn't that dangerous for your pointer fink sther anyone who knows me knows i can't cook, but that didn't stop thomas from trying to teach me to make his signature dish. before i got my hands dirty, thomas insisted experience the dish. i approve. along with some of the day's other menu items, to understand the importance of the job, he didn't have to twist my arm. thousand, what is this? the cornet was followed by a summer salad with vinegar sauce. then the main entrees. and a farmland rib by. topped off with a donut like only tomorrow as keller can make. talking with food in my hout, i'm sorry, mom, but trust me, you would, too if you had h. >> this looks very simple to do, there are very many steps involved.
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>> reporter: what does it take to get hired here? >> that's a good question. the thing i look for the most is a strong desire and determination. if somebody has desire and determination, they can do anything. >> reporter: i have the desire and determination, but did this they serve me creating a dish worth serving? my cornet had all the right ingredients, but be honest, could what i created go out to your patrons right now in. >> no we wouldn't serve this to our guests. >> reporter: i really don't want to leave here without being qualified for some kind of job at the french laundry. do you have any ideas? >> well, i'm sure we could think of something. >> reporter: well, at least i got to stay i worked at the french laundry and you didn't. >> now, if you want to learn how to make the cornet, you can find the recipe in tomorrows thomas
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keller's record selling cookbook. do you want it to know the truth about my dream job? i thought could i get in there and tell them to create a position for me, just picture the business card. julie chen, quality control, food taster. before anything go out, like, oh, yeah -- yeah, that's good. >> i think there and 's a bite in my cornet. >> mine didn't look pretty because theirs was very smooth, but it did taste delicious. >> as long as it tastes good. >> wasn't it voted best restaurant like twice? was it truly the best food that you've had? >> yeah, hands down. down to when you walk into the room, i have a new appreciation for the way they set the tables. i mean, everything is lined up exactly the way they fold the napkins and put that laundry clip, it's just -- and there's not a single fingerprint.
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that's why they carry all the utensils out and wine glasses on a silver tray and they set it. everything is just sparkling. >> and whenever he comes here, it's really fun. >> i love it. very exciting. >> and you consider yourself a chef. when you cook with him, do you position i'm just going back to -- >> i'm an idiot. >> and he makes it look easy. you have a deeper -- we always appreciate fine food, but you have a deeper appreciation when you see how hard it is to do that work. >> and especially not for just one person. what's amazing to me is that you're not just doing it for one table, you have so much that you have to line up timing wise to get it right for the entire restaurant. >> absolutely. >> did you -- >> i ji want to let the viewers know, all week long, you're going to see us performing our dream job, but we want to hear from you. if there's position you've always dreamed of having, tell us what it is and why via
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introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. good morning. it's 8:25. in the headlines this morning, oakland may get its laid-off police officers back. the oakland city council last night put a parcel tax on the november ballot. it would cost home owners $360 a year for four years. police would also agree to pay more into their pension plans. a sketch has been released in an attempted rape case in the santa cruz mountains. the man approached two women on thursday on a trail at castle rock state park. investigators say the women managed to run away from the suspect after he showed them a gun and demanded sex. san jose's police chief plans to retire in october. rob davis has been chief for six years. he has been on the force for 30. davis made san jose the first major city in the nation to put detailed crime data on the
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internet. traffic and weather right after this. budget disaster. california on the brink. jerry brown's plan? you run for office and the assumption is, oh, i know what to do. you don't. i didn't have a plan for california. [ female announcer ] with our state in crisis, we need a governor with a plan. you need a real plan, something i'll acknowledge i did not have. [ female announcer ] jerry brown. no plan then. no plan now. meg whitman. a plan for jobs. log on. learn more.
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but this accident westbound 92 at 880 is a motorcycle crash. traffic is backed up on 92 beyond jackson. so watch out for that continuing towards the san mateo bridge bridge. the good news is across the span everything is good in all lanes between hayward and peninsula. dumbarton bridge speeds are improving. ned to clear some construction debris -- they had to clear some construction debris near the high ride. traffic recovered but it was unusually slow on highway 84. the nimitz freeway this is 880 through oakland near the coliseum, jammed from 66 up towards downtown. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. so let's take a look at the forecast. cloudy skies, this is high atop our building. it's not that high but it's atop our building, broadway and battery, looking toward the bay here. so plenty of clouds in the san francisco area. what about the rest of the bay area? here we go. seven-day forecast:
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our real national pastime? saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm
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or go online. a lot of folks from louisiana with us here. coming up, we'll meet a courageous guy who beat two, count them, two different kinds of deadly kinds of cancer when he was just a teen and now spreads the message of hope by climbing the world's highest paekss. and he takes other cancer survivors with him. we'll speak to him live from mount kill map j mapmt. kilimanja kilimanjaro. a good sorry. also peter greenberg is here with good news for airline passengers. seats are getting bigger, better and taking comfort to a whole new level. and for couples, listen up, the
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world's first double bed in the sky. also speaking of comfy -- >> what railroad ywere you goin? >> you're creeping me out. >> wait until you get a look at these pictures. they're comfortable, trendy and, oh, so ugly. you may have seen them on perhaps an older woman somewhere. they're calling them granny sandals, but they are the summer's hottest new footwear. so if you want to be super trendy, we'll show you how to wear thes without looking like you stole them from your gra grandma. >> first dave has a final cheskt weather. >> nice to see you. thank you for your enthusiasm. except for you. you were not clapping. what's going on there? >> i'm from boston. >> oh, you don't clap in boston? come on, clap. ladies and gentlemen, dave price with the weather. keep on clapping. let's get some enthusiasm. smile, smile, smile. all right.
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that's a quick look at your national maps. hello to everyone from sharon, pennsylvania this morning. we'll send it on over to the comfy seats. with summer travel at its peak and airplanes more crowded than ever, good news is on the horizon about your overall comfort while flying. cbs news travel editor peter greenberg is here with details. what does this mean to the price of the airline tickets? >> price is going up anyway regardless of the seat, but at least we'll be more comfortable. >> let start out here. harry is sitting in a seat from american airlines? >> yes. and hair haverry is actually in. >> this is what a coach seat
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looks like. >> yes. stop it. this is one of the new seats from american airlines. and what's nice about it is it's all about the connectivity. right now you don't have to use the old cigarette lighter ports. he's on his laptop with a regular plug. which means you can charge everything. and the other thing is -- >> do you have to bring your own power strip? >> a lot of people do. >> hair drier. sorry, harry. i was thinking of myself. >> the other thing is the recline. the worst thing about coach seats is when somebody in front of you reclines, it goes in to your neck. you see how it slides out behind him? >> so it's not right in your face. >> exactly. this is on all the american airlines 737s. >> if i bring my laptop, is there a limit as to how much juice you can plug into that? i was joking about a hair drier. >> a hair drier will blow any system, but the bottom line is laps don't draw lot.dryier. >> a hair drier will blow any system, but the bottom line is
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laps don't draw lot.>> a hair d system, but the bottom line is laps don't draw will blo system, but the bottom line is laps don't draw lot.yer will bl system, but the bottom line is laps don't draw lot. >> erica is sitting in -- what airline is this? >> this is delta. >> and this is a new coach seat. when delta merge hed with northwest, they got all the 747s. those seats were terrible. these are the new seats going in. they're wider, who are comfortable, thin, lighter. they have a nice big nine inch screen which has everything about social networking. even the ipod can be punched in there. >> and when i do go to watch, you can program, you can set parental controls for your kids so they can only access certain things. >> exactly. >> but then the person next to you is watching like the r rated movie. >> the bottom line is another inch and a half of leg room here which you really, really need. especially in coach. >> let's come over here. betty looks very comfortable. >> this is continental. >> this is called heaven airline. >> this is a first class product
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at a business class price. 180 degree lie flat, go ahead, there she goes -- >> it goes slowly. >> it goes all the way down. you have a 15 inch screen which is great. but the other thing is this, it's called the tower of power. you take what harry had in american and we multiply it, it has everything plug in you could have. and here's the cool thing. could you plug in your ipod and watch your favorite movies on that screen. >> did you get a shot of that? that's amazing. you can plug in so many things at one time. >> that's right. radio shack right here. >> i heard that singapore airlines has something that put this is to shame. >> its see big, we couldn't get it here. it's not a seat. it's a suite. this is on their 8380s going between london and singapore. it has turn down service. it's actually a double bed. it is so big, literally we couldn't bring it here, it's the size of a small new york city apartment. and probably has the cost of a
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new york city apartment, too. are you centered. >> how much? >> from london to singapore, $15,000. >> woah. for how many hours are you on that flight? >> you'll be sleeping. >> for like whatever it is -- >> about 12 hours. >> oh. >> here's the fun part. >> dave has congrecked here. what airlines is this? >> keep it down. >> we'll call it kucuddle class. it was designed for families. it converts in to bedses. the foot rest comes up, so for families, they can lie down on the flight on these long haul flights, this will be on the 777s coming in to los angeles. >> this is like a flat bed. it's pretty good. >> it is. >> so the judged that -- >> and the pillows don't even fall off. >> the backs don't go down anymore? >> but look at how much space he's got. >> you can lay down.
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>> so two slim people could fit. >> or if dave meets a friend. >> just look in the row behind you and you try to meet somebody. >> peter, go lie down there. >> you're the wrong guy. let me just tell you. >> peter greenberg, thanks so much. we are about to meet a man who has beaten cancer, not once, but twice. and now uses his experience to spread a message of hope. before we speak with him exclusively, doctor bs news correspondent michelle miller has his inspiring story. >> whatever obstacle you have in life, whatever troubles are in front of you, you can't give up. you have to keep climbing and moving forward. >> reporter: 35-year-old sean swarner is no ordinary mountain climber. he also happens to be a cancer survivor. traveling the world, he speaks to cancer patients. >> nice. i had one just like that. >> reporter: spreading his message of hope and survival. >> i'm sean.
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hi. >> reporter: he was first diagnosed with stage 4 hodgkin's lymphoma at the age of 13 and was given just three months to live. >> i'm 60 pounds overweight, bald from head to toe, literally sitting on the bottom of the shower floor crying my eyeballs out. it was hell for me. >> reporter: amazingly, he beat the deadly disease. but just two years later, doctors found a rare cancerous due more attached to his right lung. this time, they gave him just 14 days. >> the chances of me getting and surviving both of these illnesses was essentially equivalent to winning the lottery four times in s is in h the same numbers. >> reporter: sean says he beat the odds for a reason and made it his mission to show other cancer patients that anything is possible. so he set his sights on conqu conquering the tallest peak in the world, mount mt. everest.
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>> i wanted to be the first cancer survivor in history to be on top of ever rest and give people hope to literally scream from the top of the people hope to literally scream from the top of the world.est a people hope to literally scream from the top of the world. >> reporter: with just one fully functioning lawn, sean set out from base camp in the spring of 2002. five weeks later, he reached the summit. he carried a little inspiration in his pocket, a small flag with the names of other cancer survivors. >> every single person on the face of the earth who has ever been touched by cancer in any way carried me to the top of ever rest. >> reporter: and he didn't stop there. he's taken the survivor flags to the tallest peaks of all seven continents. you just push through? >> you have to. >> reporter: deshawn lives in breckenridge, colorado, where he can often be found training in the mountains with 100 pounds of rocks on his back.
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he continues to be an inspiration to those who need it most. >> sharing my survivorship story with those kids, with the patients, with the parents, that tears me up because i we shall i could do more. i wish i could get in there and pull the cancer out. >> reporter: it's a constant reminder. >> and there she is. >> reporter: no matter how many peaks he scales, there will always be another mountain to climb. >> one thing that i want people to understand is that the human body can never live without hope. and i want to try to show them what's possible. how do you feel, buddy sf what do you want to do? >> wooh! >> and sean swarner joins us exclusively via satellite phone from the base camp at 10,000 feet on africa's mt.
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kilimanjaro. sean, good morning. >> hey, how are you doing over there? >> we're doing well. i know you've got several first time climbers with you, including some cancer survivors. how are they fairing so far? >> well, so far so good. we have an amputee from the knee down. we also have a colon survivor cancer. an they're both pulling through really well. >> that's really good. we just heard your story. people see it, they're going to be inspired by it. you've climbed the high he is pe est peeks in the wor e peaks in the world. why do you continue to climb? >> do i to give people hope. when i was sick, i had no hope, i had no in-spare spir race. anything you put your mind to, you can truly accomplish.
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if people see somebody out there who was given three months to live, 14 days to live, who was in a coma for a year of his life, who was red his last rites, who has one lung, anything is really possible. >>. >> of all the highest summits, do you have a favorite? >> my heart is on everyrest because you can't compare, but kilimanjaro, you go through five or six different climate tick zones and this is a beautiful and magical mountain for sure. >> and as all of these challenges that you have managed to not only experience but cop kerr conquer, what's next on your horizon? >> well, with the cancer survivor association, we're trying to raise funds to actually have a mobile camp for kids with cancer. traveling around the country and
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visiting local hospitals. >> sean, we wish you good luck today and for the next couple days as you climb mt. kilimanjaro. a lot of people very impressed with what you're doing around the world and owe and you debt of gratitude. sean, thank you so much and good luck out there. >> my pleasure. thank you guys. appreciate it. for more on sean and his cancer climber association, all you need to do is go to erica? some celebrities coming down to earth a little bit this summer. they're trading in those mile high stilettos for what some call the ugliest shoe around. for too long women have been slave to fashionable footwear from impossibly high heels to towering platforms, they've sacrificed comfort. exercise the shoe so you go gi it's become.
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celebs have been spotted out stepping in these stand dals nicknamed the granny shoe. created by a german podiatrist, the suddenly chic orthopedic sandals is meant to ease bunion pain. arches and ankles rejoice, but would a worshipper gain the mainstream appeal is this. >> i think of nursing homes, this. >> i think of nursing homes, orthopedic. unfashionable. >> looks kind of old fashioned. could i see my mother maybe wearing it. >> reporter: after test runs, did the worshipper win any new hearts? >> could i see like with the right sun dress and pair of shorts, it could work and be fashionable. >> they're actually really comfortable. who knew? >> who knew is right. joiningis this morning, ruthie friedlander, senior editor of good to have you back this morning. i get the comfort thing. but in all honesty, it's not the most attractive shoe.
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so why are celebrities flocking to them? >> i think that it's important for everyone to remember that celebrities are people, too. and they more than anyone are walking the red carpet in their heels. they need to stay comfortable. and at the end of the day, comfort is king sometimes. >> and it can save years of pain down the road. so we want to try to adopt the trend. you have great ways for to us wear the shoe. first the casual look. >> you have the amazing pop of color in the yellow. this is kind of our more casual beach look. you have the pop of yellow and a great tank top. and then she's kind of using the shoe not only as a shoe, but as an secreta accessory to spice up the outfit. we're drawn to the shoe because of the color. >> so this one works. so if you -- here's your casual look and i like the pop of color idea. what if you're trying to wear
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these with jeans? >> doild a similar thing in that use them to spice up the outfit. this is our rocker chic look. we have this amazing leather vest and she is wearing the lace-up. the color is not distracting. the lace-up makes it a little different and that's why this works is because it's adding shall umpt to her outfit. >> i have to say they're growing on me. but for work, you can wear them to work? >> not only can you wear them to work, but i think you could wear them in a pretty corporate setting. this is the look that we put together for work. you see it with a great pencil skirt. and this is probably the most c classic. the great thing about wearing these to work, if you have a job where you're on your feet all day, you don't have to worry about getting those foot cramps. basically you can have height, you're not wearing a flat, but you still have the comfort.
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>> if you work in a city, i'd wear my my flats and bring my shoes. i wouldn't have to do that. >> and it's important to note the heel is really essential here. >> but you can't wear them with a suit. >> no, no, no suits. >> here's a casual nighttime look. >> this is a casual nighttime look. in terms of formal wear, i probably wouldn't bewaring th w these to a cocktail party. these aren't a shoe to impress, but if you're going out on a night on the town with the girls and going dancing, you're not trying to impress one person, these are totally fine to way. >> this is a great if you're out on vacation or at the lake. >> absolutely. and again she's sticking to the plain black which is going to match with everything. >> are there any big no-nos besides the first date? >> no formal wear, no first date. these are not looks to impress. >> this is once you're comfortable in the relationship,
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you break out the baggy sweatpants and these. >> totally fine once you've been dating the guy long enough. >> you might be winning me over. >> definitely the those people are happy 'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on.
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and the cast has been gathered. when the lighting is perfect and the lead hits his mark. when the curtain rises and the spotlight is yours. having a strong signal at your back is like having invisible power everywhere. because in that moment, you're not there to take up space. you're there to fill the room. rule the air.
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the royal family in england releasing never before seen photos to coincide with the summer opening of buckingham palace. they're actually using flicker which is -- i don't know. a little surprising. some of these pictures date all the way back to the 1860s. >> if your flicker, then you can interface with other people around the world and trade family photos. >> but that's no it. to be honest with you, they actually gave a second set of prints for just 20 cents.t it. to be honest with you, they actually gave a second set of prints for just 20 cents.
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they're trying to actually swatch how they spend britain's money. >> they are never before seen pictures. >> so obviously a family picture there of charles, diana, harry and will. and we have more of the pictures, too. who is that one? >> i think that's charles. >> young prince charles. i think we have one of queen elizabeth age three, is that right? >> look at that. >> pretty cute. so each family member has their folder. young girl wlos was who want tot harry or will, they can go to the folder. but i had idea they were on twitter. christmas podcasts in like 2006, i think. >> i do remember that. >> i'm going tell them we're
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it is 8:55. good morning, everyone. i'm sydnie kohara with your cbs 5 news headlines. the oakland city council has put a tax measure on the november ballot that is aimed at restoring police jobs. it is a $360 a year parcel tax to be paid by home owners for four years. police union leaders agreed to concessions to get that plan on the ballot. contra costa county supervisors will consider a tougherrer antismoking ordinance for unincorporated areas. it would ban smoking on the outdoor grounds of apartments and condominiums and it would also ban smoking inside condos and apartment buildings that are built after this year. public outrage has forced city council members to take paycuts in the los angeles suburb of bell. they voted last night to reduce their annual salaries
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of stalls and accidents. this one is in san jose northbound 880 approaching first street. one lane is blocked. an area where they are doing construction in hayward, westbound 92 just past the 880 interchange. had an accident there, was actually just cleared but but they are doing a new lane configuration in the area. message signs are posted but things look different there. 880 through oakland the nimitz freeway very slow and go past the coliseum. looks like this for the last hour or so from 66 into downtown oakland. bay bridge is the bright spot, looks great. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. our camera on mount vaca, plenty of sunshine there. but we have mostly cloudy conditions for the bay area. conditions for the afternoon sunshine inland with temperatures still below average. the upper 70s. a mix of sun and clouds around the bay with the lower 60s.
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