tv The Early Show CBS August 17, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST
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caption colorado, l.l.c. in-fighting. senate majority leader harry reid breaks with president obama over the proposed ground zero mosque. >> i think that it is very obvious that the mosque should be built someplace else. >> the controversy and plunging poll number has not stopped the president from raking in millions in fund-raising across the country. we will have a live report. two little boys are dead after their mother drives the car into a river in south carolina. was it an accident or murder? we will speak live with the sheriff in charge of the investigation. island miracle. 130 people survive a horrible plane crash on an exotic island off of colombia. one person is killed. a survivor will tell us how he and his fellow passengers got
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out alive. cancer scare. doctors say legendary actor michael douglas had a tumor in his throat. now he will undergo eight weeks of radiation and chemo. captioning funded by cbs good tuesday morning to you. thanks for being with us. i'm erica hill. >> i'm chris wragge in for harry smith. we want to get to breaking news out of iraq this morning. suicide bomber blew himself up outside of a recruitment center in baghdad. 60 recruits and soldiers reported dead at this time. another 125 reported wounded. it was the worst such attack in weeks. casualties rushed to four hospitals around the city. officials say that al qaeda is testing iraq's military now that u.s. combat operations are ending. the blast happened just two weeks before u.s. troops and their combat mission in iraq. we will con to follow the
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breaking news here this morning. now here is erica. >> we want to take a look at politics. day two of president obama's cross-country campaign-style fund-raisers. today he will be in seattle for the first time since he was a candidate. cbs news chief white house correspondent chip reid is traveling with the president and joins us this morning from los angeles before heading north. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. the president's approval rating is only 44%. but he's still quite popular for the pear's base. using that clout to raise millions of dollars for fellow democrats but at the same time, he's now dealing with a split in the pear over the issue of religious freedom. the president's support the right to build islamic community center and mosque near ground zero is causing a rift within the party. the latest with the top democrat, majority leader harry reid. breaking ranks with the president. >> constitution gives us the freedom of religion.
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the mosque should be built someplace else. >> reporter: reid's comments come after the president's speech friday night. >> let me be clear. as a citizen and as president, i believe muslims have the right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. >> reporter: some in the party fear the controversy will carry over into the midterm campaigns. so far president obama and the democratic party are managing to raise big bucks in the hope of retaining control of congress. the democratic national committee is committing $50 million to help candidates in 2010. $20 million in cash and $30 million to get out the vote. >> we do not fear the feature. we shape the future. that's part of what this election is about. the other side wants you to be afraid of the future. >> reporter: the president obama is doing six fund-raisers over three days and five states. by week's end he will have raised over $66 million this campaign season. >> people want access to the president. they are excited to be in the
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room with the president. if they can get a couple of minutes to whisper in his ear they will pay a lot of money for it. >> reporter: republicans are raking in the cash. the governor's association, for example, brought in $58 million since president obama came into office. >> chuck, thanks. chip reid in los angeles this morning. also joining from us los angeles this morning, democratic strategist tanya acker. in washington, republican strategist bay buchanan. good to have both of you with us this morning. tanya, forget the should he, shouldn't he have said it. it has been established president obama made the remarks and that is forcing a lot of democrats to choose sides. so moving forward, what's the best message for democratic candidates as they tackle this -- what's mao become a national issue? >> i think it is very important for democrats, frankly. look, i was expected -- i don't think this should simply be a partisan issue. i think this is an issue about religious people and constitution. i think that whether or not the president should have stepped
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into the fray i think he should have. democrats and, frankly, americans generally need to understand what this issue is about. if democrats lose steam because they took a stance for religious freedom we have far bigger problems than winning election. >> how much of an issue should republicans make this since at the end of the day for most voters that the real issue is the economy? >> well, it is going to be hard to beat the economy when it comes to the election. i have to tell you this is an important issue because it shows a complete lack of understanding of what is happening. this is nothing to do with the religious freedom. will is 100 mosques in new york city. no one suggesting we tear them all down. we are saying americans respect hollowed ground. this is hollowed ground. we don't want mont-- between wa
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the hallowed ground to be respected. it does not respect those that died to build a mosque the very kind of statement to those that died, it is an insult to them. >> how -- >> go ahead. >> i was going to say i'm pleased to know that bay is not in support of tearing down mosques in the united states of america. i'm glad that issue is off the table. talking about what this issue really means, of course it is hallowed ground. to suggest islam, a faith that billions of people around the world adhere to is that somehow compare to terrorism is just wrong. as americans we should not be -- we should not be giving that message. it is wrong. >> the debate will continue. we have to move on. we have seen so much this primary season, so much talk about the fact what americans really want is a change. the incumbents will be on their way out. can either party or any one candidate really change the way things are done in washington? >> one person can change a lot by just speaking out, being bold. and in representing the millions of americans that are expecting
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that. but what we are going to find in november is it is not just going to be one. we are going to have dozens upon dozens of new fresh faces coming to washington with one intent. that's to represent the will of the american people to be there to fight to them and stop this outrageous spending and try to turn the country back to a safe and sound course. that's where you will find real change. >> we are going to have to leave it there. always good to have your perspective. i promise you will be back. >> thank you. >> chris, over to you. >> thank you. to the tragedy in south carolina. the mother of two little boys could be charged with murder after they were found dead when their car was pulled from a river. cbs news correspondentcorrespon cobiella. >> reporter: investigators say the mother's story of how they got there simply does not add
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up. divers found the bodies of the two boys under water still in their mother's car early monday morning. their mother says she was in an accident and somehow the car ended up 20 yards from the main road in the edisto river. the toddlers, ja'van duley, and his 2-year-old brother devean, were strapped into their car seats when the divers found them. their mother, 29-year-old shaquan duley has only been charged with leaving the scene of an accident she walked away from the vehicle. maybe three-quarters of a mile away. the course where she had contacted someone to call law enforce many to report that she had been involved in an accident. >> reporter: that person, a driver, passing by, called the highway patrol. so far investigators have found no skid marks or other physical evidence of a car accident. they also say that some of shaquan duley's statements do
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not seem believable. it is reminiscent of another south carolina case 16 years ago. >> i don't think any parent could love their children more than i do. i would never even think about ever doing anything that would harm them. >> reporter: in 1994, susan smith made a national plea for the return of her two young sons. she claims she was carjacked by a black man that had driven off with her children. she eventually confessed to killing her boys. rolling her car into a lake with them buckled into their car seats. susan smith is now serving a life sentence. as for this case, the duley boys, there will be an autopsy on these two young boys performed today. chris? >> cbs's kelly cobiella. thank you. in orangeburg is the share of orangeburg county, larry williams, who you saw in the piece a second ago. mr. williams, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you said that you don't think this was an accident from what you have seen and heard so far.
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what can you tell us about your feelings at this point? >> from person responding from the location where the alleged accident occurred, i found no physical evidence there to support what she had reported, leaving the road and going into a boat ramp where the children was found. so causes a lack of evidence and the -- in her statement. and in her verbal and written statement initially. i found there were issues that need to be unravelled and we began an in-depth investigation into what really happened with these two minor children. >> what were some of the issues, though, from what you heard from her verbally during the interview? you said she lacked emotion and said some of the stories didn't quite add up. what are some of the stories that didn't add up, in your estimation? >> well, she didn't have -- for someone that's just plunged into the river here, of course, and had two children in the car, her
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clothing wasn't damaged. she walked some distance away from the location where the car was to allegedly call someone to assist when she could have gone to a closer residence there near the river. and as we interviewed the mother into the evening, we found to discover other issues that we have great concern, of course. we worked throughout the evening trying to disprove some of the things that she was alleging. >> do you have enough to charge her today? is that the plan? if you plan on charging her, what will the charges be? >> well, as i stated through the night, my investigators worked, i believe -- we are prepared this morning to prepare for a summary magistrate here, summary judge here in my county to present the facts we have. and hopefully upon that
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presentation of our facts of the probable cause that we present to the county this morning, they will issue a warn for murder. >> similarities to the susan smith case of 1994 are sobering, are they not? >> yes, they are. yes. and initially when may officers received a call and my officers began to inform us what happened, it had so many similarities. the only difference was susan smith case made allegation of a suspect taken her children. but the other issues was there. i thought that -- i fell we had a deceptive mother or complainant. that deception to me and may investigators gave us a gut feeling there was something that's being covered here. >> sheriff williams, thank you for taking the time in speaking with us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. want to get you to the other headlines. jeff glor is standing by at the
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news desk this morning. >> good morning, everyone. it is being called a miracle on a resort island off colombia. monday's crash of a passenger jet with 131 people onboard and only one person was killed. the boeing 737 broke into pieces when it crashed on that runway. donald henderson of lagrange, georgia, was the plane. just moments ago he told us i landed in a fierce thunderstorm and broke up in seconds. >> looked around. the back of the plane, i felt fire. on the tarmac. i told my wife, this is our way out. follow me. we have to get out of here. we picked our way across the rubb rubble, metal, the runway. got away from the plane as quickly as we could. >> mr. henderson said he suffered cuts and bruises but they are okay. in afghanistan, three american service members and two afghan civilians were killed in
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two bomb attacks this morning. nato says the attacks were in eastern and western afghanistan well away from the ongoing u.s. line offensive against the taliban in the south. israel and palestinian government are both angry this morning over two photos posted on facebook. they show a smiling female israeli soldier with bound and blindfolded palestinians. israeli military spokesman calls them disgraceful. a palestinian official says that it shows israeli troops are, quote, proud of humiliating palestinians. in california, same-sex couples who have been waiting for a chance to be married will have to wait more. a three-judge federal appeals panel blocked such weddings yesterday and pending a final ruling on the state's ban on same-sex marriage and appeals process will likely go to the u.s. supreme court. philip markoff, accused craigslist killer, apparently left a chilling final message to his former fiancee. "the boston globe" reports that markoff scrolled the world megan
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in blood in his jail cell. reports say that markoff also in his jail cell cut himself multiple times and use ad plastic bag to suffocate himself. the authorities completed the autopsy yesterday but awaiting the results of more specialized tests before releasing a cause of death. the fbi is asked to investigate a police beating in denver. the video of the april 2009 incident shows two officers arresting two men outside of a nightclub. one of the men talking on a cell phone is eventually slammed to the ground. the victim said he blacked out. yesterday an independent watchdog group accused the officers of a coverup and says that they should be fired. >> words used specifically was the complainant spun to his left, atelting to strike me in the face with a closed right fist. that didn't happen. >> the city's safety manager maintains the beating was not excessive and the video does not show the men striking the officers prior to the beating. the two beating victims have settled with the city.
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hey, thank you, lonnie. well, good morning. we have more clouds to contend with for this monday, tuesday -- look at me, already going back a day! what's going on, coit tower. speaking of monday, we did have cool temperatures across much of the bay area monday. today, temperatures -- mmm, not so much. today's temperatures cool to mild. conditions ranging from the lower 60s for the coast to the mid-60s around the bay and the mid- to upper 80s inland. that's your latest weather. my first year in college, we didn't even have microwave. >> when you got good grades, you were rewarded with fire, right? >> coming up, we will speak exclusively with an offroad racer that got to the deadly crash seconds after it happened.
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>> michael douglas diagnosed with throat cancer. dr. jennifer ashton is here with the details on his treatment. details on his treatment. this is "the early show" on cbs. [ woman ] i don't want to feel depressed. [ woman #2 ] i'd like to enjoy things again. [ woman #3 ] i feel these aches and pains. [ woman #4 ] the guilt. [ man ] my sleep just isn't right. [ woman #5 ] i'm so anxious. [ man #2 ] i need to focus. [ female announcer ] depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta.
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taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines, including those for migraine, or if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles, to address a possible life-threatening condition. tell your doctor about alcohol use, liver disease, and before you reduce or stop taking cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. talk to your doctor and go to to learn about an offer to help you get started. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. 0 to 60? or 60 to 0? [ tires screech ] the quarter mile, or a quarter century? is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving. to us, performance is not about doing one thing well. it is about doing everything well. because in the end... everything matters.
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when we come back, we found out yesterday that actor michael douglas is fighting throat cancer, so dr. jen ashton is here and we'll talk about some of the symptom, the road to recovery that's ahead. the prognosis is good. he feels optimistic. >> also ahead, we'll speak with one of the drivers who was involved in that tragic fatal off-road race over the weekend. does he think changes need to be made for safety? this is "the early show." nshz this portion of "the early show" sponsored by chase freedom. get bonus cash back in popular categories with chase freedom. sign up now at thanks. please remove all metal objects out of your pockets. with chase freedom you can get a total of 5% cash back.
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good morning. it's 7:25. in the headlines, police are investigating an officer involved shooting. officers shot and killed a 20- year-old man on myrtle road last night. they say the man was armed with a knife and advanced on the officers before he was shot. california students are doing better in english and math. new standardized test results show 52% scored above the proficiency level in english and 48% were above proficiency in math. scores have risen in california for the past eight years. san francisco takes control of treasure island today. the secretary of the navy will join local officials to announce the deal. san francisco will pay the navy $55 million over 10 years for the island. the city is planning thousands of homes there as well as businesses and open space. traffic and weather right after this.
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right the big rig so it will take a while to clear this. again, they issued a traffic alert so in the meantime they are having to detour traffic on westbound summit road. it's also foggy in the area. a big backup at the bay bridge. a stall on the upper deck didn't help matters but it's backed up almost to the maze. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. forecast for this tuesday morning, well, we still have clouds along the coastline. drizzle, as well. conditions for the afternoon lower 60s along the coast, plenty of clouds and fog. mid-60s around the bay with a mix of sun and clouds. mid-80s inland with cool to mild temperatures. today wednesday and thursday. ,,,,
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good morning it to our friends out there on the plaza. well love to have you come down some our friends out there on the plaza. well love to have you come down some day.o our friends out there on the plaza. well love to have you come down some our friends out there on the plaza. well love to have you come down some day. >> michael douglas has throat cancer and will reportedly undergo radiation and chemotherapy. we'll have details. also, when you rent a car, do you get the insurance? it's that moment at the counter. maybe the extended warranty when you buy the new tcht v or tew t computer. this morning finally the answer you've been waiting for, whether or not should you speyou should spend the money. first we want to get to you this
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death of eight spectators at an off-road race over the weekend. could mean the cancellation of some of those races. the federal bureau of land management is now investigating saturday's accident and also reviewing all off-road events in california to see if organizers can keep crowds safe. cbs news correspondent bill whitaker has the latest. >> reporter: this deadly crash in the mojave desert has prompted calls for stricter safety measures like barriers and crowd control at off-road races. >> the only way it could have been prevented is if people knew the risks better and stayed farther away because people were right up close to them coming 70 miles an hour. >> reporter: when this truck flipped out of control, it injured 12 people and took the lives of eight others. still, with her husband and daughter recovering from serious injuries, jenny bonner says don't blame the sport. >> people stand where they choose to stand. that's their choice, to stand there. they know the risks of doing
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that. >> reporter: this is just the latest in a string of fatalities at racing events in recent years. in 2007, the driver of a monster truck in illinois flew into a crowd of spectators injuring 10. this year an arizona woman was killed when a tire flew off a dragster. but off-road fans say getting up close adds to the thrill. >> they allow us to stand wherever we want on the tracks. >> but just because people want to get as close as they can doesn't mean they should be allowed to do that because there are very real dangers to everybody involved. >> reporter: in the wake of this crash, off-road enthusiasts are wondering if these dangerous thrills are worth the risk. bill whitaker, cbs news, los angeles. one of the drivers was chris freas, who arrived just moments after it happened. he joins us exclusively this morning from los angeles. chris, thanks for being with us. i know you've been racing these trucks for over four years. was there something that seemed particularly more dangerous
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about this h race to you? >> not necessarily. the race was fairly crowded, but it's pretty typical with this night race. we tend to have the larger crowd because it's not during the day and the cooler weather allows more people to come out and watch these races. >> well, the permit was for 300 people. there were over 1,000 or around 1,000 there. as you were comi through this course, i know this only happened about five miles in, but did you notice anything the fans, did you feel that they were too close in any area? >> i did feel that they were a little too close to the track. mojave desert racing has on their website that fans watching are supposed to be 100 feet from the track. and at this race, they were much closer than that. >> i know there were signs, but does anybody actually regulate that and move people back to a safer distance? >> at this location, there was nobody there telling the fans to
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today's stunning announcement that 65-year-old michael douglas has a throat tumor comes just weeks before the premiere of his highly anticipated film wall street, money never sleeps. >> why don't you start calling me gordon. >> that diagnosis often associated with heavy drinking and smoking has douglas facing a difficult treatment regimen. eight week of radiation, given five days a week, and chemotherapy usually given every one to three weeks. in a brief statement, douglas said only i am very optimistic. it's another personal setback for the highly successful actor. just this past april, douglas' son cameron was sentenced to five years in prison for possessing and does his tributing heroin and cocaine. it was his third arrest on drug charges. douglas blamed himself for, quote, being a bad father and said he was thrilled his son was going to prison because without it, he was going to be dead or somebody was going to kill him. father kirk douglas has had his own health struggles in recent years. he survived a helicopter crash
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in 1991 and a troek in '96, but he's still going strong blogging regularly on myspace. those good genes should an comfort to his son who is expected to make a full recovery. joining us now dr. jennifer ashton. good to see you. let's talk about throat cancer. how common a form of cancer is it? >> it's not common number wise. it tends to affect men about five times as often as it effects women and we're talking here about cancer that's located in the larynx or voice box or upper palette or the upper esolve gus. and no one likes to hear a dying know sus of cancer. this isn't one of the top cancer, but it's definitely seen. >> so you are saying men mostly at risk? >> five times more than women. >> let's talk about the risk factors. >> this is actually one that we tend to think of environmental risk factors as really up there in terms of what can affect you. and specifically we're talking here about smoking, heavy alcohol use, exposure to certain
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environmental chemicals. everyone the human papillomavirus has been linked to oral cancers. so these are things that your lifestyle really can have a huge impact on your risk. p. >> how about symptoms? >> well, now, symptoms when you're talking about cancer of the throat and upper esophagus, really the most common one is trouble or difficulty swallowing. that's oftentimes what patients complain about first. you can have a lump in the neck that you can actually feel. even ear pain. and that's because sometimes this tumor can refer pain to the ear or a persist taent cough or persistent bad breath. any of those things can be symptoms. >> if you are diagnosed with throat cancer, what are some of the treatment options available? >> the same things that we hear about for most types of cancers. surgery, chemotherapy, radiation. and it can be difficult. usually very effective, about 50% to 80% of these types of cancers can be cured. however, radiation does damage cells, it can make swallowing
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very dekt, it can give you sores in your mouth. >> let's talk about the prognosis here. in this case in particular, could he lose the ability to speak? >> that's always a risk when you talk again about any type of cancer, the big things that we take into account with the prognosis of a patient. the stage of the cancer at the time of diagnosises, the location and size of the tumor, and probably most importantly the age of the patient and their general state of if it health and their attitude, very important. >> he said he does feel optimistic. >> positive attitude is key. >> doctor, thank you very much. up next, do you think you're protecting your money by buying certain financial services? you're really just throwing it away. we'll tell you what to skip inned to save. this is "the early show" on cbs. >> announcer: "health watch" sponsored by air optix brand contact lenses. the lens you can survive a long day in. ? air optix® contact lenses have superior deposit resistance for cleaner lenses. air optix®, the lens you can survive a long day in. go to for a free one month trial offer.
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financial products and services. the folks at consumer reports have outlined some of the offers you should definitely skip in order to save. rebecca jarvis has gone through them and will walk us through some of the most important ones. these are things offered to you as this could be a big money safer for you in the end, but they cost you who are. >> and the companies put the hard sell on you, but in many cases we've done the cost benefit analysis and they don't really pay off. for example, car rental insurance. a lot of times you walk up to the counter, they'll say if you want to rent this car, should you really get the insurance with it. well, guess what, your car insurance, insurance that you pay on the car you own, usually will cover the rental insurance, as well. and on top of that, a number of credit cards, if you spend for your car insurance with them, the car rental will be covered. >> so even if you don't have car insurance, you don't have to worry about it. the extended warranty. this is a battle every time between me and my husband. >> it really is a battle and i don't know which side you're on, but if you're on the side of let's skip it, and you are on the side here that wins out as
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far as the cost savings. $30 to $1,000 and higher is what you'll oftentimes be paying for an extended warranty. it doesn't really make sense because a lot of the time there it's a lot of, you know, fine details in the fine print and a lot of the time you won't actually be covered with the extended warranty anyway. so go to the products you know and also again credit cards, depending on what you buy a purchase with, oftentimes will extend the warranty, as well. >> the insurance for a specific disease like cancer, that sounds like a scam. >> it does sound like a scam and you have good instincts. i won't outrate ca ratrat ratra scam, but if you go spesk disease specific from cancer to stroke to heart attack, specifically insurance coverage, you're not really getting anything for it. what you want to do is make sure that your own medical plan, that you have full medical coverage and that that plan could cover you in the event of these diseases. again, there's a lot of
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loopholes in these insurance coverage. >> i would imagine. identity theft. this is such an important one to take a look at because it's scary. >> it is very cascary and there a number of companies that capitalize on that fear. you can spend up to $120 a year to protect yourself from identity theft, but you can do it basically for free by going to the credit bureaus, putting fraud alerts on the accounts. and on top of that, instead of just putting the fraud alerts on the accounts, you can also tell them to hold off on giving your credit report out. which means that no one can apply for a credit card under your name. >> i had no idea i could do that. >> you can go to the credit bureaus from experian, trans union, let them know that you think your information's been compromised, they'll keep it for you. >> always good advice. thanks for being here. for more ways to save money, just logon to cbs money stay with us, we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ts burger predecessor, its payload is still substantial. angus beef bundled with fresh tomato and crinkle-cut pickles in a sleek, snack-sized wrap.
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so it is imperative to keep the nose of the snack wrap elevated to ens-- pull up! pull up! to ensure the contents do not shift in transit. angus axiom number 81. please remain seated for the duration of the feast. mcdonald's new angus snack wraps. the simple joy of angus. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we've got stains, down to a science. new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science.
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it's always great when we can bring you the story of a little kid who went missing and was found. that's the story of 4-year-old travis. wandered off. there you see him with wyman kendall who rescued him. his first ride on a horse. he's going to talk to us later. there's travis right now with his mom. a very relieved mom. we'll speak with both of them. >> when the rescuers came up on him, and they said travis, he said, hey, how did you know my name. >> hi, everybody. >> gone 18 hours and he had about a pound of mud on him, too. >> he went through thunderstorms overnight. just dressed in summer clothes. but he's doing great and you'll meet him in just a little bit. that's coming up. for many of you, your local news is next. ♪
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[ female announcer ] kids who don't eat breakfast may not be getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. ♪ a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start.
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it is 7:58. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm julie watts. investigators right now are looking into an officer- involved shooting in burlingame. police fatally shot a man on myrtle road last night. they say the man was armed with a knife and advanced on officers before they opened fire. pw markets now down to six stores after the san jose- based grocery chain permanently closed a store on foxworthy in meridien last night. there are concerns about the future of the remaining stores. lately, competition has been tough from big box stores, ethnic markets and national chains with big marketing budgets. vandals have defaced a palo alto landmark and police are trying to find the culprits. someone painted the giant redwood known as el palo alto,
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cruz mountains to los gatos. avoid highway 17. overturned big rig near big moody curve for the last hours both northbound lanes blocked. they have shut down a stretch of highway 17 between summit road and idlewild so cars are detoured off the freeway. if you know the area, highway 9 might be a good alternate but long delays. traffic is jammed from backed over the summit, southbound traffic slow, as well. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. looking out toward the bay bridge this morning, cloudy skies out there, clouds across the bay area during the day and temperatures today let take a look. seven-day forecast, lower 60s expected at the coast, mid-60s at the bay and mid-80s inland. cool to mild temperatures expected today wednesday and thursday. friday we'll begin to cool down. and the weekend will also be cooler. ,,,,,,,,
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the kids from sunrise day camp here with us this morning on the plaza. i love camp. >> who doesn't love camp? i'd love to go back to camp but got to work. just like summer camp. >> very good point. welcome back. i'm chris wragge with erika hill, lonnie quinn is with us. harry smith is off today, as well as dave price off. here we are, beautiful tuesday morning in manhattan. >> just ahead this hour, too often when we talk about missing kids, they have a tragic ending, but not this morning. talk about a wonderful way to start this day.
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look at that face. a 4-year-old survived 18 hours by himself in a steep arizona canyon. you'll meet little travis, his mom, and the man who helped rescue him this hour. >> camera savvy. love that ride on the copter too. how much money husband and wives make. are men more likely to cheat if they are economically dependent on their spouses? turns out they are. mystery solved. hollywood buzzing about who will be the female lead in the american version of "the girl with the dragon tattoo" film. it promises to be a blockbuster. we're learning who has been cast as the lead. we'll find out how she beat other celebrities. natalie portman. >> if you don't know much about the name, rooney and mara, she
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comes from powerhouse families. first a check of the headlines this morning. good morning, jeff. >> good morning. in baghdad, a horrible suicide bombing attack. the target was iraqi police recruits. this morning 60 reported dead, 125 wounded. officials say al qaeda is testing iraq's military as u.s. forces prepare to end combat operations in two weeks. american forces are pulling back in iraq, u.s. casualties mounting in afghanistan. three more u.s. service members were killed in bombings in eastern and western afghan provinces. the wait continues for same-sex couples hoping to get married in california. yesterday an appeals panel ruled wedding should not be allowed as it considers legality of proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage. the same will likely end up before the u.s. supreme court. a mother in south carolina has been charged with murdering her two young sons. their bodies were found by divers in a submerged car yesterday. the toddlers still strapped into their car seats.
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the 29-year-old mother was arrested monday and initially charged with leaving the scene of an accident. >> the statement was made by the mother that she had suffocated the children. of course, the children were dead when they were placed into the water. >> autopsies to determine exactly how the boys died are planned for today. the governor of an island off the coast of colombia says it's a miracle only one person was killed when a passenger jet crashed on monday. that plane on a flight from bogota, a broke into three pieces. donald henderson of lagrange, georgia was on board. he told me this morning that the pilot was trying to land in a thunderstorm. >> it started raining really, really hard. there was lightning. i made the comment to her, it's really raining outside. when we touched down, it was a matter of three or four seconds
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that the plane broke apart. >> five people were badly hurt but mr. henderson said he and his wife only have cuts and bruises. a massive explosion in a fireworks factory in northeast china this morning. people were rushed from that scene. at least 19 were killed and 150 injured. five are missing. as we mentioned earlier, the annual mind-set list is out this morning. it checks out the minds of college freshmen as they enter school. in the class of 2014, incoming students, few can write cursive. russians and americans have always been living in space. caramel macchiato and venti half caff lati have always been around. good morning. >> i'm thinking about the
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what's your name. >> steven. >> become a movie star, say erika over to you. >> erika, over to you. >> good work, steven. just ahead, a missing boy and a very happy ending. you'll meet a 4-year-old who had hundreds of people worried. it was a very busy night overnight sunday. but the news this morning is all good. stay with us. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's a universal gesture... ♪ a way of telling the world "you did it!"... without saying a word. introducing the mercedes-benz sls...amg. [ engine revs ] ♪ the best or nothing... that is what drives us.
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the best or nothing... so whiten your teeth. no coffee. ♪ removes up to 80% of surface stains in just two weeks... hi. [ female announcer ] for a noticeably whiter smile. crest 3d white toothpaste. thais...peggy. whatng usa pris problem, please? peggy? sure...well...suddenly it looks like i'm being charged a $35 annual fee. yes? tell me it's a mistake. yes? are you saying yes or are you asking yes? yes? peggy? peggy? anncr: want better customer service? switch to discover. ranked #1 in customer loyalty. it pays to discover. ♪ and i feel like... [ female announcer ] kellogg's® wants to make kids happy one tummy at a time.
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because 9 out of 10 kids don't get the fiber they need, that's why froot loops® and apple jacks® have 3 grams of fiber in every yummy bowl. they're the cereals your kids love and the fiber their tummies love... which makes for a whole lotta happy. froot loops® and apple jacks, an oh-so-good source of fiber. kellogg's® makes fiber fun. ♪ [ female announcer ] we've got stains, down to a science. new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science.
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a collective sigh of relief in central arizona after a widespread search for a missing boy had a happy ending. after 18 hours alone in the rough arizona terrain, travis mitchell, just 4 years old was found alive and seemingly well, managing a wave that melted hearts. >> good news today. we found him. >> travis described as an overall cautious young boy wandered after sunday night after playing with his younger
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brother in a tree house in central arizona. >> he spent all night out there in that dark by himself. they figure he walked at least three miles. >> hundreds of officials and volunteers searched nearby roads and trails until finally they volunteers on horse back located the 4-year-old in the canyon. >> he was in good spirits. he had about a half a pound of mud on him. >> rescuers called his name over and over again until he responded asking how they knew his name. >> my legs went to jello, thank god. >> while recovering from the ordeal in a nearby hospital, family members said he couldn't stop talking about not only his first horse back ride but his first trip in a helicopter as well. joining us this morning from phoenix children's hospital are travis, his mom ginger, and the volunteer searcher who found him. it's great to have all of you with us.
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travis, you've had a busy couple of days, buddy. are you feeling okay this morning? >> yeah. >> yeah. what did you think when all of a sudden you heard people, including mr. kendall, calling your name? >> i saw a lady. >> you saw a lady? >> yup. >> and did you know she was there to help you get back to your mom? >> had white spots on the bag. >> on her bag. ginger -- >> on her back. >> ginger, we heard you say your legs turned to jello when you heard the news. i can only imagine how good it feels to be holding your son on your lap. >> it was awesome. i was standing up and fell right back in the spot i was in when they told me. it's awesome. >> travis isn't the kind of kid who would wander off. in fact, you said he was overall
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cautious. initially, what did you think happened? >> he's fallen asleep hide and go seek in the house before. so the first thing i did was check underneath the tv, because that's where he likes to watch tv and fall asleep. given it was a friend's house, i checked the drier, all the nooks and crannies. when i didn't hear him in the backyard or front yard, i panicked and called 911. i'm sorry, what? >> go ahead. >> the kids were all playing probably, i don't know, less than 200 feet from the house. and he got turned around somehow. >> it can happen, especially if you're -- you may not be at your own house. wyman kendall, you were part of the searchers who were on this right away and so helpful. you saw him and when you first
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realized it was travis, what's going through your mind? >> just couldn't believe i actually came across him. the search is kind of like a needle in a haystack with the amount of country that was open and available to him. but just became overjoyed. i couldn't believe i heard a little voice call back to me. >> saying, how do you know my name? >> yeah, that was quite comical. >> he did great. i understand he was a little nervous about getting on the horse but out him up on that horse. >> yeah. >> what was it like -- were you able to see the reunion with his mom? >> no, we weren't -- we took him horse back to the top of the hill. at that point, the rescue -- the state rescue helicopter was up there, and then they transported
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him from that point. >> well, it is great news how everybody came together to find travis and everybody is doing well this morning. thank you all for being with us this morning. ginger mitchell, travis and wyman kendall. hey, travis, good luck. be careful next time out there. okay, bud? >> no next time. >> no next time. >> somehow, mom, i'm not surprised you said that. good to have all of you with us this morning. thanks again. >> thank you. >> up next, does more money mean more marriage problems? the surprising results of a new study on income and infidelity. this is "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] you choose the cutest outfits. which free detergent are you washing them in? tide free & gentle removes more residue from dirt, food, and stains. so you can be confident about every outfit you put her in. tide free & gentle. style is an option. clean is not.
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we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. to get more of the fiber you need every day, try fiberchoice. with the natural fiber found in fruits and vegetables and 33% more fiber per serving than benefiber. go to to get savings and rewards.
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baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. in 1970, 4% of wives made more than their husbands. now women are the breadwinners in over a third of married couple households. but new research suggests financial success for women at work could be a disaster at
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home. the study found that more dependent a man is on his partner's income, the more likely he is to cheat on her. and a man who makes no income is five times more likely to cheat than if he earned equal incomes. now for women, the opposite is true. the more a woman depends on her partner's income, the less likely she is to cheat. here to discuss the study are matt titus and dr. robi ludwig. good morniing to the both of yo. i'm confused already. your thoughts. >> it's a recipe for disaster. monogamy in marriage is tough enough for man and then you change the dynamic of him being the breadwinner, forget it. >> for some men they have a hard time finding their identity and a lot has to do with did they go into the relationship thinking they would be the breadwinner. and if they're not, who are they. and in some cases the wives secretly feel really angry about it. >> but on the surface, they're okay with it.
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>> some like being inle control, but this are a lot more wives who tend to be unhappy if they feel like they can't rely on their partner financially. >> and let me ask you about the husbands. is this more of a peer thing or the perception that the wife has of him? >> i think it's a combination. it could be internal if they don't feel successful, if they don't feel like a man, they can project that on to other people, feel angry, feel bitter. or in some cases they're responding to how their wife experiences them. in a way we're kind of newly pioneering into this because all of these people come from probably more traditional economic backgrounds, so they e are pioneers and you don't know how to act. >> you've been in a situation like this before -- >> i don't want to talk about it. >> a woman made more you. >> she was my in-ve tore and made more than me and made a horrible miss take, and became boyfriend and girlfriend. and we talked about it, are you okay writing me a check every
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week. and she was fine it, but i felt completely emasculated. i felt the pain in her eyes when she was paying me at her person. and i was taking her out with her own money every weekend. i wanted to throw up in my mouth. it was horrible. >> so you were like a paid boy toy. >> and that's a whole other issue. i was okay with that. >> but i've spoken to women who say that it's very hard to feel feminine when they are the bread winner the family. because then they come home and they also want to feel like a traditional mother/partner. and they clean the sink and they're cleaning why is this f? >> why blow a good thing. >> women are forward thinkers. they don't want to mess up something that is good. the man is acting as a provider and a role in a hey with a strange guy isn't worth the repercussions of losing that. >> and they feel emotionally
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taken care of. if somebody is providing for you and your needs are being met, a lot of cheating is based on are your needs being met, are rour expect stations being met. >> but women also thnk towards the future. a guy wouldn't think that way. he'd want instant gratification. >> but why is that, why is it instant gratification with male? i know this is the big question. >> because men are different than women. there are a lot of similarity, but think about where their genitals are. they think visually and they can have sex just for the sake of sex. women less likely. males. they are exposed to women throwing themselves at them. >> they're insulated, they think they can't be touched. like tiger woods. look at what happened to him. >> and there are other men, too, who are doing it.
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so it seems less odd, like part of the culture. >> have you ever period of this perfect percentage thing where men are least likely to cheat when their partners make 75% of their income? >> that's the perfect number because the man feels the woman is pulling her share of the weight, she's contributing, but she's just not as between as i am. >> she's contributing in the right way. >> so are we to sit here and believe that 75% is a good benchmark, that if you're sitting at home and you can equate these numbers-h- >> it depends who you can. i know a lot of men who are really liking the idea of wives earning more, so i think it depends. >> i don't know those guys. >> i'll point them out to you. >> so is this really a money thing or is there a deeper issue? >> it's an ego thing. >> it symbolizes how you feel about yourself. >> men are defined buyer their careers and their performance this bed. >> and on that note we'll say good-bye. >> food for thought. >> the entire room just went silent.
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good to see you. now here's erica. here with debbye turner bell and a little friend from lions to ,,,,,, jack, the chicken sandwich team is really excited to show you the new combo. i don't wanna jinx it but, i think we totally nailed it. we call it the "big chicken sandwich combo." what do you think?
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good morning. it's 8:25. in the headlines this morning, a 20-year-old man is dead after charging at police officers with a knife in burlingame. it happened on myrtle road near washington park at about 9:00 last night. an officer used a taser first, but the suspect, they say, continued to advance and then was shot at least once. he later died at the hospital. same-sex couples hoping to get married this week will have to wait. the federal appeals court in san francisco put the weddings on hold and scheduled a hearing on the constitutionality of proposition 8 for early december. an arson suspect has committed suicide in solano county jail. authorities say 40-year-old octavia walton from vallejo used bandages to hang herself in her cell. she was one of two suspects in the solano county courthouse fire in june. traffic and weather right
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still there, they haven't uprighted it. highway 9 is a good alternate. both northbound lanes have been shut down for an hour. westbound 237 silicon valley commute just starting to slow here in the last 10 minutes. this is westbound 237 coming off 880. it remains sluggish like that through zanker road. and at the bay bridge toll plaza, backed up to the maze. so we have had two busy commutes now at the bay bridge toll plaza. they had to cycle through the metering lights slowly because of a stall on the upper deck. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. forecast this morning, we got more clouds expected for the first half of the day down in the south bay. this is a look out at san jose. seven-day forecast, sunshine expected in the south bay today with temperatures in the 70s. mid-80s, that will be well inland in the east bay. and 60s around the bay and the lower 60s for the coast. plenty of clouds along the coastline, mix of sun and clouds around the rest of the bay. cool to mild temperatures through thursday. ,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "the early show," what's shaping up to be a beautiful tuesday. we're announcing new initiative between survivor and the stand up to cancer organization. we have details of this important new effort coming up. also you might not think of a porcupine as cute, but that is about to change. we have some of the most adorable little animals on the plaza with us this morning. dr. debbye turner bell is here with these cute little critters. >> chris loves exotic wild
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animal segments. >> i do. i can see putting a leash on that one and walking it down fifth avenue. >> give it a shot. so this this has been a big discussion in hollywood for a while now. who is going to be the girl with the dragon tattoo. who will play the famous character. we know this morning run runie mar after the. it didn't go to natalie portman, it went to her. we'll talk more about her this morning. she says football is the glue that holds her family together. can that be a bad thing? >> she is a little bit of football reallity. first we want to check in with our weather royalty. lonnie quinn standing by with a final check of the weather. >> i have the royal family here
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up high, my friend. i hope you're having a great day wherever you are. a new report from the american cancer society finds cancer costs more in lost lives and productivity than aids and other deadly diseases. one group trying to do something about that is stand up to cancer. and among those raising funds and awareness include ethan zohn, the winner of "survivor: africa." he recently battled hodgkin's lymphoma. also with us this morning marge lees who says stand up to cancer saved her life. and this is the first time we've seen you with hair in a while p.
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>> feels good to be back in action. >> for people who may not know your story, tell us how you got to this point. >> this past year, i've been battling a rare form of hodgkin's lymphoma and when i was here, i was going through radiation and on my way to get a stem cell transplant. >> and that was ultimately incredibly rewarding obviously because you're sitting here today. but that was a really tough road for you and you had to be almost in solitary confinement for while. >> exactly. it's like pushing the reset on your body. you're in isolation for close to a month, but it's -- science is amazing. cancer research is unbelievable. and i'm here because of it. >> what kept you going? >> i have a really great family. my girlfriend, jenna, and just keeping a positive attitude and never say die attitude. >> and you've helped to inspire a lot of people through your story. also of course now through stand up to cancer.
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and some of the people who have beenen entired actually, you were watching the stand up for cancer broadcast in 2008, you saw katie couric talking about the importance of getting screened. and you actually went in and got a screening. tell us what happened? >> i went and i had a first colonoscopy, i was 51 years old, and i had no symptoms whatsoever. and i was diagnosed with colon cancer. >> and you credit stand up to cancer with saving you essentially. >> yeah. >> so now you're also in this fight. you're both in this fight. what are you hoping to tell people about, what are you hoping to educate them about? >> definitely routine screening is really very important. you don't always show symptoms. so it's really important to go to your doctor and listen when they tell you to go for routine screening, checkup, everything they say is really important. >> and a lot of people rallying behind you. a lot of folks from "survivor" are now part of this and there is a new alliance. tell us about that. >> yeah, "survivor" has joined
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forces with stand up to cancer to create this new initiative. and it's really to raise awareness about cancer and to raise money for cancer research through stand it up to cancer. >> and all of the funds raised go directly to this organization, to this alliance. >> exactly. "survivor," we're a huge family, whether you're a contestant or on the crew or cbs. so this is a really important initiative for a reality television show. >> and you have a number of people from past seasons, personalities, that people have come to know well. who are some of the people involved? >> we shot a psa which will start airing soon, but jenna, rob, russell, rupert, colby. some of the main faces have all come together to really jump-start this initiative. >> i'm guessing that the answer to this is no, but was it it tough to convince people to jump on board for this? >> no. as i said, we are a family and everyone has been touched by cancer. and we lost a dear friend this past year to breast cancer.
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and so there's really -- it was easy to get everyone to jump on board. >> and you found the same thing that it's easy to get people to rally? . >> absolutely. yes. i'm part of david archuleta's team and there's over 1,000 members and they raised $50,000 for stand up to cancer. so it was a great accomplishment. >> it is so wonderful to hear the positives because i think it's one in two men, one in three women will have some sort of a cancer diagnosis in their life time. it has touched pretty much everyone i know, as well. so great to see that the fight continues and there's good news coming out of it. thank you both for being here and good to see you with the hair back again. >> of course. for more on how you can stand up to cancer, logon to >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by purina. your pet, our passion. well, now we are in for a real treat.
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dr. debbye turner bell, our resident veterinarian, is here with some of the rarest baby animals in the world. look at this little guy. >> i know. and of course we've asked the audience not clap because sometimes they get a little skittish, but everybody can go aaahh. >> how old is this little guy? >> he's five weeks old. this is a male white lion. most of us are used to seeing white tigers. but white lions are even more extraordinarily rare. >> his dad is a big guy, too. >> he is also a white lion. his sdad 500 pounds. so he's going to get really, really big. but his mom is a regular lion like we're normally seeing. the white lion is not an albino. they have blue eyes. and you can see the pig aboutment on the tip of their nose. they have a little bit of pigment back on the backs of their ears. so the white color is a recess sif gene just like your blue
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eyes. >> would you look at the paws? you are going to be a big, big -- >> these are only documented in the wild and one particular region in south africa. and they haven't been seen in a while in over ten years. since 1994. they were only first documented by european discoverers back in 1938. so really the only ones that exist that we know of are in captivity. >> and when's the prince's name? >> this is prince niamacolon. five weeks old, stoil a bottle. bottle fed two to three others just like a baby. in a few weeks he'll begin to eat food and of course will h eat pounds and pounds of meat. >> let's bring in the next. >> i'll hand prince to mandy. so we go there one big cat to another. this is a leopard. and he's about 12 weeks old. you can see the difference in the activity level.
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>> the teeth alone. >> he's got teeth. >> does it hurt at all? >> well, they're very sharp. i'm not going to leave them in there forever. >> and look at the claws. >> even though this is bigger than our baby white lion, leopards are one of the smaller -- you might want to let me handle this one. >> you're quick, but i'm faster. >> i don't know if you are faster because they are one of the most superior athletes and one of the best hunters out there in the jungle. >> they can grab some pretty big animals and scale trees with them in their mouths. >> that's right. they can kill prey that is much larger than them even though they are relatively small. these are solitary animals and they hunt alone. and because they're small cats, lions might try to steal their prey. >> they can move between 50 and 60 miles an hour? >> you're thinking of cheeta cheetahses, but all cats are fast really. and if you look, these spots, they're not really spots. they're called rosettes.
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>> somebody wants to play. >> isn't he gorgeous? look at that face. let me hand him to jamie. now we'll turn the species corner all together. >> a porcupine. >> it this is an african crested porcupine.t this is an african porcupine. this is an african c porcupine.this is an african cr porcupine. i notice you stepped back. >> i don't want him to launch any of the quills. >> and you can see she's racing them just a little bit? this is modified hair. and of course the quill is a part of their defense system. contrary to popular belief, porcupineses do not shoot their quills. if they feel aggressive, they will raise their quills and they will charge backwards into their attacker and then the quill will stick in. i'm not going to ask you to hold izzie, but this is a quill. >> sharp. >> see how long that is and how
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big that is? imagine getting stuck with that. it has a barb on so when it goes in to someone, it can really an infection. and for any person that has a dog that's ever been in a tussle with a porcupine, they can tell you they really do? damage. >> who else have we got? this is an interesting little reptile. not a big snake fan. >> i'm going to carefully -- he likes to roll. carefully hold him behind his head. you know this is not a snake, although it looks like a snake. this is called a european legless lizard. >> if i saw it i would think snake. >> you would think snake because it looks like a snake, but these are the reasons we know that it's a lizard. first of all, he has movable eyes and he's kind of rolling. so i'm not sure what kind of close shot we can get. we have eyelids and snakes do not. they have strong jaws and big teeth. you can touch the tail, but be careful. they're also called a glass
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lizard because this is another reason that makes them a z liza, if they're attacked, he can detach his tail and regrow another one. >> how interesting. okay. let's get the next one out here. not so cute on the cute scale. >> i know, but they're very important to nature. >> adorable. >> they eat insects, so that's a good function for us. >> on a scale of one to ten, this is a 9.5 on the cute scale. >> this is stitch, a marmoset. i am going to keep a little bit of a distance. >> because he'll jump. >> he is the third smallest of the primeate family and the smallest true monkey in the world. stitch was born probably half an ounce, weighs two ounces now. ed a will only get to be about seven ounces. marmosets mate for life.d a wil seven ounces. marmosets mate for life. a will seven ounces. marmosets mate for life.will on ounces. marmosets mate for life. >> thanks so much.
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good luck getting a shot of this guy. he moves quick. dr. debbye turner bell, thank you as always. now let go back inside to erica who has my favorite segment of the week right now. i got the cookie, you got the animals. and you did a great job.s, you the animals. and you did a great job. richard ruskell is executive pastry chef, but you may know him as the most winning chef on the food network challenge. five times so far. most recently with his hot out of the oven molten chocolate chip cookies. he's they're share some of his secrets with husbaus this morni. you've done the food network challenge 11 times. you've won five. you most recently made a cookie with rather uncookie-like ingredients. >> we were given a mystery basket and in this cookie i have
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fenil, green tea adds smockiness, and card ift mon. i'll stir with in with extra chocolate chips. >> you can never have too many. >> and if you would garnish those cookies. these are the other ingredients that i put in. diced carrot and pink pepper corn. >> what's difference from a regular black pepper corn? >> they're a little sweeter, they're not quite as acerbic as black pepper. and it's a shaved sea salt and that brings up the flavor of the chocolate really nicely. >> i love salt and chocolate. >> very popular now. we all thought it was going to be bacon when we heard about the mystery ingredient. >> i think that was a good call. >> so you make your chocolate batter and you're puttingut it and what do we do?
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>> make it at 350 and it's a nice soft cookie. it's more cakeky than crispy. you can taste the other ingredients maybe a little bit? >> i taste a little bit. i taste a little bit of the cardimon. and a little of the green tea. >> and the salt on top. >> i love the salt. could i g i could get used to this. this is tasty. i love how you come up with these things. you're really well-known at the hotel for, though, your hot out of the oven chocolate chip cookie. you're sharing that special recipe with us. >> yes. and it's a pretty standard chocolate chip cookie. i think that most people's recipes are good. they just don't follow the recipe like they should. so the number one tip that i would give to people is to read the recipe before you make the cookie. >> kind of like reading the owner's manual before you drive the car. >> exactly. >> a novel idea.
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>> so i have my butter and my two sugars in here and they're already creamed. >> and it's important that all the ingredients be at room temperature. why is that? >> because the eggs are always the coldest and i always put the eggs in hot water and then gather all my other ingredients and that brings them up to room temperature. >> obviously in their shell. just checking. >> yeah. >> you never know. >> i have them at room temperature because it doesn't harden up the butter. >> while you're mixing the eggs and butter, you have here the flower, the baking soda, salt. i have to mix mine with a whisk. >> that's a great idea. >> i want to make sure we get to sample your cookies. we slowly put in the dry. how important are the chips? do difference to have a specific kind of chocolate chip? >> i say it's the chocolate that you like to eat. that's the most important thing. >> so if you like it darker, go with more of a semisweet?
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>> and i'm a dark chocolate person, so i will always do that. >> i'm going to sample this. these are part of your -- how do you keep them so soft? >> that's the nature of this cookie. it has a lot of brown sugar in it and that moistens from the brown sugar keeps them nice and soft. >> i may have to adapt my recipe. this is just good b. as good at my grandmother's. great to have you with us. thanks for bringing in so much treats. for this recipe, logon to our website and you won't be disappointed. ,,,,,,
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play the lead in the girl with the dragon tattoo, could be on her way to becoming hollywood royalty. >> they wanted to go with someone who was not so well-known and she's got a limited resume from an acting standpoint like we talked about. her sister is an actress. >> you said the producers wanted to go with an unknown and yet every big time actress wanted this role. i just read yesterday scarlett johansson wanted it. >> but it's always a question when these big questions go up. da vinci code went with tom hankss. in this case, i guess she's been around a little bit. >> had some guest spots on e.r. >> the actress has to be around enough that they're confident she can handle the workload here, she'll be able to do the whole thing. she's done a few movies. >> who people might recognize more is her sister, kate, who was this "iron man 2," entourage last season. >> what's interesting, the
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hollywood reporter was saying to even do the test for this, you had to basically agree that your salary would be between $150,000, $200,000. which is not a bad day at the office, but when you're expecting about a major movie expected to be a huge hit that's a pretty low pay scale and they had to agree to i think two and three. >> they essential dloi that with every actress. the first year of friends, they signed up for about $15,000 and episode. and basically that's your -- >> but at that point you don't know how big it's going to be. >> and you renegotiate. >> her first name is actually patricia. she doesn't feel like a patricia. >> she feels like a rooney. >> daniel craig is in it this and also robin wright. >> we'll all be watching for it. have a great day, everybody. we'll see you tomorrow. your local news is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it is 8:55. good morning, everyone. i'm julie watts with your cbs 5 headlines. police officers in burlingame shot and killed a 20-year-old man last night on myrtle road near burlingame high. police say the suspect charged toward them with a knife. they tried a taser but he kept advancing, so one officer opened fire. after years of negotiations, san francisco's finally taking control of treasure island. the city will pay the navy $55 million over 10 years plus interest. a redevelopment plan includes 6,000 residential units, as well as retail and entertainment venues. mcdonald's restaurants in northern california are getting ready to hire about 1,000 part-time workers. they are inviting people to apply for the jobs today either with restaurant managers or at the company's website. traffic and weather right after this.
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they haven't been able to upright it just near big moody curve so emergency crews are on scene now but traffic is diverted at summit road. it is backed up for miles along that stretch of northbound 17. in the meantime, we have a busy commute at the bay bridge toll plaza still backed up to the maze since 7:00 a.m. and 880 kind of slow and go. this is one of our slower spots near the coliseum. 10-minute delays as you head towards downtown oakland. that is your traffic. for your forecast, here's tracy. >> hey, thanks, elizabeth. well, a check of our forecast for now. here's a look from mount vaca. we got some clouds out there well in the distance. speaking of clouds, we have a fay amount of clouds along the coast as well as around the bay. conditions for the afternoon cloudy conditions expected all day long for the coast. that's why temperatures won't really move much. lower 60s as highs. mid-60s around the bay with a mix of sun and clouds. the mid-80s inland with plenty of sunshine. cool to mild temperatures today through thursday and a cooler weekend on the way.
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